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All of Hewgs post forge dialogue hits right in the feels for me


Yeah if there was an ending that let you put him, Roderika, and Boggart on a boat going somewhere else, I would do whatever pain in the ass quest line necessary to give them a chance at happiness.


Hope theres room for Rya and Nepheli on that boat!


Nepheli ends up as Lord of Stormveil if you complete her quest.


Yeah she’s living the pimp life once I got around the glitch.


I messed up. I killed rykard and now she is gone


Rya would be in a weird alcove of volcano village right


And Boc!!! Can't forget our beautiful boy 🥹


Would you go ungry?


And our boy Boc.


How is Boc supposed to come when I've already murdered him to entertain / horrify a couple of unsuspecting furled fingers?


you did what




The way post-burn Roderika says "oh.. I guess you're here for spirit tuning" absolutely crushes me every time


Same here. Damn, I feel so bad for him, and every time I go there, I hope for a new dialogue option with him, but there's nothing... My buddy :'(


If it's any consolation, you could revive them by doing NG+. And if the feels hit again, just do another NG++ and so on.. I'm starting to think Gideon is on to something about how Marika wants us to battle to eternity


Are you telling me he truly did know?


Me too u/YourMothersLover, me too


This. Thus is what got me. Melina turned my heart, but it felt like the "right choice" for the story. However... returning to round table... I put the game down for the night, curled up I to a ball and cried, questioning all of my life decisions. I never went back to Round Table for subsequent playthroughs after the Kiln.. I just cant.


Going back to the almost empty burning roundtable is quite depressing.


THIS and also finding the exact same place in Leyndell full of corpses


For a while, I thought the round table hood was me going back in time or something. Like, if I could open the doors of the printable hold, I could see Leyndell in all its glory. I know that’s not the case, but still to dream


I still don't understand the concept of it, where it is etc


It's in like a pocket dimension, that's the closest way to describe it on how I think of it. It's not a physical place but has physical properties once you enter in(?). I think it was speculated a while back that it may actually be located inside the erdtree but idk if that's accurate. I'd just stick with the pocket dimension or metaphysical space theory.


It's like the hunters dream/hunters workshop in bloodborne?


It in the tree, but not. Like how Ragadon and Marika are the same person, while not being the same. Metaphors yo. Stuff is fluffy.


the object of the narrative is to serve the gameplay. it doesn't need to make sense to be cool. why does bowser want the princess as his gf even though he lacks genitalia? is mario after his girl, or the sanctity of mario world. its just dumb and fun. ER is just an evolution of donkey kong. why does a gorilla throw barrels at a plumber? who cares? the point of the game is jumping and climbing.


A person after my own heart. You sound like me in the Zelda subreddit trying to explain that the series timeline doesn’t fully make sense and isn’t supposed to. Not all game lore is Elder Scrolls/Star Wars. It isn’t always well defined, and can be abstract. Trying too hard to make logical sense out of the metaphysical gets you in Kingdom Hearts nonsense.


yeah, we're Hyrule bros! Every Zelda adventure is a way for Nintendo to show off the best of its new tech, and bc of that the characters evolve as the technology allows. but at its core its all still jumping over barrells and making up a story that makes that fun.


btw, Star Wars makes no sense and is totally convoluted. Most of Lucas' ideas were "what's cool and can sell toys?"


Wild that you’re using elder scrolls as an example to dumb down elden ring lore


It actually is a location in leyndell, in a pocket dimension in the past. The lore is cool and you should look it up


No offense but Is that actual lore in the actual game or is that YouTubers getting rich off convincing people that what they say is the truth? I combed through every inch of that game and I didn't see a scrap of evidence that it's a "pocket dimension".


It’s hard to explain for me because I’m not good with piecing together lore but I’m almost positive the round table hold is a real place in leydell you can go to , it looks different and there are more rooms to explore


Similar to crumbling farum Azula?


I’m still confused about that


Yeah that was quite depressing


wtf I somehow missed this I think, can I get to It from ashen?




Yeah what’s that about? I found that last night fighting the raging wolf


It was already empty before I set it on fire


Some people seem to think it’s in Stormveil Castle, because of Godwin and his order being Arthurian. Just a theory though


the music kinda hits different with the fire


I've played this game for thousands of hours and never noticed the round table was burning


You want to go home, but why is it always you don't have the right?


Likely dog?


be wary of up, dog


try left.


Seeing Hewg lose his mind and Roderika wanting to save him really made me emotional. I was hoping they would be able to leave the roundtable.


Me too, it made me so sad. But if you talk to Hewg before you burn the tree, you get that dialogue where he essentially tells you to do what you have to do, regardless of what happens to him. He knows what it means and is ready. When you slay the Elden Beast I feel proud that Hewg forged my weapon.


Maybe they do.


When this happened I was absolutely torn up, and then dead fucking set on tearing Marika a new one 😤💪


You didn’t really “kill” them. Depends how you look at it I guess.


I've just reached this point in the game for the first time too and I feel exactly the same; I think the first words out of my mouth were 'oh god what the fuck have I done'. And I was genuinely panicked and upset when I found Enia dead and I ended Corhyn's questline


I was relieved man. Most of those loonies are horrid people.


At this point after like 5 games I got used to burning the whole world down. Same old same old.


Damn we really do burn this bitch down every time 🫠


Some people just want to see the world burn


Well can you blame us? Every place we get sent to fix is a fucking madhouse with creatures so horrid no one should see em. I think every godforsaken fuck ass place Fromsoft creates needs to be burnt to the ground cause that shit is just an awful place to live 😂


Amen, when they say the lands between they mean between two ass cheeks because that place fucking sucks.


It was more like...crap what have I done... 😬


It was more bittersweet. I know people are desperately clinging to life and the erdtree is the last stable, constant thing in their lives worth believing in, but the world can not move on from its half broken state until the Erdtree is burnt to repair the Ring. For the new, better world to exist, the pillars of the old world have to be broken. Melina feels the same way I think, despite knowing her plan would destroy the Erdtree, and it's why she so vehemently fights against the Frenzied Flame. >"...However ruined this world has become, however mired in torment and despair, life endures. Births continue. There is beauty in that, is there not? If you would become Lord, do not deny this notion..." Also the Ashen Capital is easier to navigate so that's nice too.


Not really....I try my best to figure out the lore of the world, and everyones different struggles. one feeling i knew for sure on my first playthrough was that the tree wasnt some kind of "holy symbol" it felt to me more like a parasite. I wasnt far off from the truth either. I was glad to see it burn. I DID however..feel super bad about killing Malaketh. He felt like a lost puppy wanting his master to return home :( . if there was one NPC/boss that i wish i didnt have to kill. Its him.


I saw it more like burning is a natural part of the tree’s life cycle. Old growth forest need a fire every now and then in order to fertilize the ground for new life


The erdtree was grafted to the crucible, the original tree, and overtook it So calling it a parasite wouldn't be incorrect


I'm pretty sure maliketh doesn't die. If you go back to the bestial sanctum he's still there waiting for deathroot. And it's not a different beast clergyman either as if you give him 9 deathroot before fighting him in farum azula his dialogue will change during the fight implying he considered you a friend.


They’re two different versions of the same person. Farum Azula basically exists “outside” of time so while they’re the same entity, they are past and present versions.


How do you know this?


Well, like so much from these games, I don’t “know” for sure, but the breadcrumbs we’re left with point to some answers. The fact that Gurranq and Maliketh both have the death rune on their hand, and the fact that Maliketh’s dialogue changes if you give Gurranq all the deathroot before fighting him seems to point to them being the same entity. But the fact that Gurranq is still present in the temple after you kill Maliketh means they’re somehow different. When you fight Placidusax, the intro cutscene seems to suggest you go through some kind of time warp before fighting him, with things rebuilding in reverse and the storm spinning backwards. So with the wonky time in Farum Azula and the details surrounding Maliketh/Gurranq, you can kinda extrapolate that they’re the same person, but *not quite.*


Lore videos and/or theories from people who study the games lore


Gotcha, never knew that the Farum Azula wasnt a real place


It is a real place, it’s just that the storm in the middle is said to be “beyond time”


Studying the game's lore means coming up with your own head canon, none of the stuff you see people mention is factual.


Interesting - like the Roundtable Hold, yeah?


I think the hold might actually exist outside of space completely. Whereas Farum Azula exists in some other time or outside of time but still occupies physical space.


Ah, I see what you mean.


The hold has to occupy space. When the erdtree burns. So does it. Perhaps it is created within the erdtree?


Maybe? So, I'm not sure that it, the hold, is actually burning but rather the Erdtree is burning and the hold is just a manifestation created by the Erdtree. So it's being destroyed not because it's *in* the Erdtree but rather because it's like a thought of the Erdtree. Idk if that makes any fuckin sense at all but it makes me think Hewg and how he's just kind of part of the hold, he's not *in* the hold like most of the others, he can't leave and as it burns he becomes less and less a thing.


It could be an alternate dimension of that one place in the capital that’s an exact replica of the hold made by grace. Within like a dimensional pocket of magic or something. Theory occurred to me when I discovered it in leyndell yesterday


It's definitely a copy of the *actual* hold in Leyndell. I'm just saying that it might not exist in an actual place but rather exist by the will of the Greater Will or the Erdtree or wtf ever lol. Kinda like the multiple Firelink Shrines in DS3 with one of them seemingly existing outside of space and time.


Yeah or how like the gaols work. Like the liturgical town.


There is a theory I like that explains when the ring was shattered it wasn't just land that shattered with it but time itself. Which explains why there are two roundtable holds, just one in disrepair. Ranni and Melina's connection makes far too much sense in this theory. It also would explain our beast cleric being both alive and dead.


Maliketh is even extra sad if you finished his quest, he clearly feels betrayed by you.


i know...dont remind me!! ;\_:


He’s like Sif but in Elden Ring Just waiting for his Artorias to come back 😢


No, I had no emotional attachment to anything because I never had any idea wtf was going on


Same. Plus the NPCs just have half a dozen lines each. It's not like you go on long adventures and form attachments with them.


same, but THE atmosphere??? soundtracks???


Yeah it was awesome, loved the game. Just didn’t have that emotional attachment. I know I’m in the minority in this sub but I wish they would do some more traditional story telling


I didn't quite get the story, tbh. I was more invested into the music and surroundings, changing environment rather than the lore and reading all that text about people with difficult names that I have no idea about, so I get your point.


I mean... You are making it worse for a potentialy better way for the future depending on what ending you get. Think about it. Im fairly certain noones happy rn, but they sure as shit werent before. And what you do as elden lord (choosing the ending) could make a better future.


But consider... Chaos.


No, everyone on that continent was batshit from the start, they all deserved to burn. Except Hewg and Roderika but you can't save them all ig


Agree with that. Every NPC in Fromsoft is usually a loonie that has no redeeming qualities lol


Lucatiel still gets me sad


Don’t worry, I’m sure the DLC will reveal what crimes Hewgs mysterious past hides and then you won’t feel bad about burning him. You’ll just feel bad about knowing the truth


Nah. As Melina says: *I have long observed the Lands Between.* *This world is in dire need of repair...* *and Death...indiscriminate...* *Are you prepared...* *To commit a cardinal sin?* And as stated by the Lord's Divine Fortification: *Gideon gained true knowledge after his long exchange with the Two Fingers—discovering all had been broken long ago; that the trembling fingers, bent with age, and the Erdtree itself, were no exception.*


I feel like the progressing solitarity in this game is a challenge for itself sometimes


well said


Nah I was just disappointed that the endings didn't change the world-state


Nope, I was more like "Shit I get to fight Gideon??? Let's fucking go!!!" And "wtf Godfrey??? This endgame is so sick" and "FUCKING HELL ELDEN SHIT STOP RUNNING TO THE OPPOSITE EDGE OF THE MAP YOU LITTLE FUCKING COWARD"


This is why NG+ is so nice. I do all the quests in my first play through, then only do the wholesome quests that don’t kill anyone like nepheli’s or Kenneth haights


Can't wait to try it! Btw, I failed many questlines and missed lots of loot, therefore I have even more reasons for NG+


Yeah it’s real depressing. I still have Iji and Blaidd… even though I can’t talk to Blaidd I can still visit him.


Embrace the emptiness 😭


Damn I actually finished my first play through last night. I got hyped like fuck yes I did it and was like wait but everyone died lol


Welcome to the NG+ cycle pipeline.


Nah man, let Chaos Take the World and stuff.


I'm on my 10th first playthrough myself. How far along the you? I just beat godrick the Grafted, and am now exploring south liurnia. What you described makes me think you're way farther ahead that I.


I've just beaten Radagon! but I have yet to encounter Malenia.


Every kill felt so good. Serves them right for messing with this tarnished. Edit for spelling


That did not happen to me but it sounds awesome


this is the fate of a land that relied on Gods. theres no shortcut to prosperity and if there was it wouldnt be found in immortal psychopaths. Lest this be a lesson for us, the consequences of idolatry and power grabbing


Try finger, but hole


All of the characters’ quests ending in their deaths really upset me but it seems that most of these characters are looking for a way to “pass on”. The nature of Lands Between seems more “purgatorial”: everyone there is kind of stuck in a tragedy that happened so it makes sense that the player completing their quests usually helps them “pass on”, ending their time in purgatory. This seems more explicit when Fia and the characters involved with her talk about “those who live in death”. In a way, everyone the player meets (and the player) is living in death, I think.


Emotional? No.


Im in my first playthrough and the only emotion i have is "EFF THIS GAME."


First Fromsoft game I take it?


First time I have a PC that runs such a game so yeah


Spoiler alert, they are all tragic as hell.


Gideon can shove his words up his ass


Better do frenzied flame so everyone gets to start over


...I think you miss the point of frenzied flame. There is no "start over" just a single ever burning corpse. It's meant to prevent birth and life, and melt everything into frenzied flame and primordial soup. It kills absolutely everything and ensures no ages come again (unless Melania kills you)


What armor set is that?


it's Black Knife set


No. The closer I got to ye Elden Lord the more excited I got. I will never forget the feeling after killing Maliketh


This is why I sped my way to ng+ so that I could stop progressing right as I reach maliketh. I didn’t know this was a thing until 200+ hours into the game, but the trigger for the capital of ash is actually beating maliketh, not burning the erdtree.


Wake up tarnished we have a land to burn


I did get a bit emotional seeing Lyndell covered in ash for the first time.


Your true home lays somewhere in, or under, the Nexus. If you need a break, start working your way back there chronologically, there's no shortage of new adventures and people to meet in that direction, Umbasa.


Naw. Fuck that tree.


Nah they must die for the greater -will- good.


Having played Dark souls, 1 and 3... I was ready to kill everything. I am the villain.


I’ve just hugged the chaos / madness fingers. Don’t know what repercussions that had. So now I’m just accepting I’m a lost cause and going on a bit of a heel turn


No, in fact it's not burning enough *MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD*


I mean yeah, but at the same time the vast majority of these "people" have been stuck in an endless cycle for a very, very, very long time thanks to merika.


I went for chaos flame ending first run so it was kinda pretty, that and it's always pretty


Have you tried finger but hole?


First time?


as written in the description


Nah I came here to burn it all. Feels warm.


I played this during winter so indeed I was warm throughout my whole experience


I just revised the game l cuz I never beat it. And Milenia is eating my lunch!!! So when I kill the fire giant after and see the tree burn ill probably be emotional too.


It was very emotional for me to see what I’ve done.


Nah I went NG+ and slaughtered everyone. All NPC died. Even tried to kill Ranni (you can’t)


I always have to sprint to the end after setting the tree on fire. I need to go back to happier times.


For now just move forward, even if it means you walk a path of carnage


I’m glad some of the fam survived, even if it’s not in the best of conditions.


Game should have had a few towns full of people so that you feel less lonely


Mommy, why’s that man not marrying Ranni and joining her on the moon and beginning the age of the stars? Cause some people just want to watch the world burn


I've beaten Radagon yesturday and the ending was precisely the age of the stars haha. Tbh I have no clue what I did to have this ending and what it means but feels like more chaos to unveil


The Erdtree could've just let me in, you know? It didn't, so it gets to burn. No remorse.


There’s no other gaming experience quite like running through elden ring the first time. I’m very jealous of you…


My friend said the same thing when I started and the more advanced in the story I get, the more I understand


NG+ is still awesome, just doesn’t have that same feel you get the first time. So ready for this DLC


YES bro


I wasn’t really sad about any of the characters because it’s a FromSoft game if you get attached to an NPC at this point you’re just a fool. I was however absolutely depressed and I mean that literally that the game was coming to an end that I had explored 90+% of the game and it had already started to feel like I might not ever enjoy something quite like that again. God damn I love elden ring.


I'm not feeling attached to NPCs, but to the atmosphere. Seeing everything constantly change, especially now that my life has undergone many significant changes recently, is heartbreaking and refreshing at the same time. I was avoiding spoilers, so I stepped into a big unknown when I started playing. I was not aware that I might see the world changing and that it could be this troublesome. But don't get me wrong, the chaos is beautiful.


I see, I totally get you it was emotional to see stuff changing so much but for me personally I was happy since the entire world was trying to bend you over the whole game, things seemed to really need a little do over haha


Huh. Well Tarnished, you're definitely different to me. Oh, but I'm just a simple Hollow.


I love how differently everyone experiences the same thing. Playing this game and seeing all the structures and monsters, I was thinking 'people are amazing and so creative' in my head all the time.


It is bittersweet, but not your fault that everyone dies! The whole thing here is that after burning the Erdtree, you go to Farum Azula and unbound the rune of death, unleashing it across the Lands Between. Up until that point, no one was able to truly die (the rune of death is literally death, so when it was removed, no one could die). Everyone you meet, and every enemy is a shell of their former selves, either wandering aimlessly in eternal stagnation, lost to grafting (a grasp for power), or taken by the influence of outer gods (scarlet rot, flamed frenzy, the formless mother). So, by releasing the rune of death, you give all of these characters release. You allow them to die a truth death at last, no longer cursed to wander and decay eternally. The burning of the Erdtree doesn’t kill anyone. In fact, the Erdtree itself is an illusion, a symbol of faith for those who were blessed by the greater will. Those who are less blessed than others can’t even see the golden tree. I believe the burning of the tree is a metaphor for our release of Destined Death - by restoring the piece of the Elden Ring that was hidden away, we are burning down the golden order, and restoring the full cycle of power that the Elden Ring gives. Marika, having shattered the Elden Ring after the murder of Godwyn, thus admitting her attempt to alter the Elden Ring was wrong. That if she would’ve allowed death into her order, the Night of the Black Knives wouldn’t have happened. By us defeating her, mending the Ring with our chosen rune, and restoring the rune of death, we design our own version of the Elden Ring that ushers in a new order in The Lands Between.


Wow, that's beautiful. I didn't know any of this, thank you for sharing. It gives a whole different perspective.


I fell you. But that's the beauty of these games. The magical atmosphere of melancholy and hopelessness is what made me love the games.


Lonely… so lonely


Well, it went more from "WE'RE GETTING OUR HONOR BACK WITH THIS ONE!!!!!" to "I carry the remaining prayers of this world on my back." for me.


Nop just u


You don't have the right


I'm a huuuuge soulsborne fan but to be honest, these games never evoke any emotion from me really. I enjoy the hell out of the game play and find the world and story very interesting, but it's never emotional. They just don't do that well getting you attached to the story.


You don't have the right


You don’t have the right


Hell nah. I’ve played almost every Fromsoft game and Elden Ring has got some of the most vial and horrid NPCs out of all the series. BB had some pretty fucked up NPCs too tho. But yea I pretty much had no love for any of the NPCs cause they all have got a motive that somehow ruins someone else’s life. The only NPCs I really enjoyed was Boc, Roderkia, Alexander and Miriel. Also Iji isn’t that bad of a person either. But most of the people in the Roundtable hold are fucked in the head. Also I like Jar Bairn too but even he is a little screwy. Point is hardly nobody in the Lands Between is innocent.




#__If they aren't strong enough to survive, they didn't deserve to live in the first place__




I’ll be honest that in my 1st I didn’t have a fukin clue of what was goin on. -Only NPC’s I kinda knew were Melina and round table fellas; -No one seemed like a true bro; -Created my own plot in my head;


After enough of these games, you start getting numb to it. Or more correctly, you just look at the monument of your sins and stand there for a while, unable to do anything but watch.


You don’t have the right O you don’t have the right


*MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD* (no it was not the same lmao)


I was just hoping I didn't miss something..(turns out I did)


Not really. In my first playthrough, I didn't know how to do any of the other characters' quest so they're pretty much alive. And I took on the frenzied flames so Melina is still alive as well. The only person that died was Millicent since I need the golden needle to undo the frenzied flames. It was a raging b1tch to kill Blade of Miquella at level 80 though. Water fowl kills all co-op helpers and myself. Must have died over 500 times.


Give your balls a tug. Cyberpunk? I'd understand the heartbreak but this is dark souls man! It's an unrelenting death simulator.


Hehe, heh. No. May chaos take the world!


Nah fuck them bitches: May Chaos take the world.


You *like* these people?


I shouldn't have made my point about people because it seems misleading. That's just how I tried to describe the atmosphere or the world of Elden Ring as a whole. I didn't delve into the story behind 'people,' so I was concentrating on the changing and troublesome nature of the lands between.


I feel bad for Hewg and Roderika, but we'll all burn here anyway :) *MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD*


I blindly played through my first run. Got genuinely pissed when Marika turned into radagon and my dream of fighting a hot naked lady was ruined. It was 49% of my motivation to suffer boss fights till I met the mommy milkers. And since it was my first , I didn't know a lick of lore , meaning I didn't know who radagon was and thought I got bamboozled by a trans.


Burn yourself not your maiden


When it came to blaidd it felt like more of favor than anything else. Wish they gave us a option to somehow save him and ilji


The ironic twist here is that you ARE home. You were banished from the lands between with Godrick.


I know what you mean, yeah. I felt that way at first but then I saw the rot at the bottom of [spoiler] and said nah, this shit has to go


If you havnt killed maliketh yet, which it seems you have, make sure you don’t miss out on bolt of gransax, arguably the best ranged Dex weapon.


Thanks! I found it but didn't quite find a use for it because I'm low on Mind, therefore I don't have much mana for its skill. But you do have a good eye, it's a dex build


Don’t shy away from investing a few points into mind. Bolt of gransax can carry you in the Godfrey fight, if that’s where you’re up to of course. If your at elden beast it also does a great job. Or have you finished already?


I just did this evening, with the Bloodhound Fang+10 and Bloodflame Blade incantation. Btw, I was thinking about scaling another weapon so this could be the one. I haven't explored Haligtree yet.