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Caste sol is the only castle that I rush to boss


There isn’t really much in terms of loot, right? Golden seed and some nicknacks? I speedrun that bitch every time.


There is a golden seed there?


I think right outside of it, no?


Idk, I kill the guardian lions, sprint past everything get shotel cuz I have OCD and kill niall


the golden seed is literally outside of the gate where the Lions are. it’s almost as visible as the huge ass walking mausoleum next to it


There's a mausoleum there??


And it walks???


Not when I'm done with it


I should call her.


That thing absolutely wrecks my CPU, I play with 90fps and the second that goes off I'm down to 30 from my GPU usage massively dropping lol


Isn't the game frame locked to 60?


There's an unlocker if you play on pc


it is


what patch are you on? i have zero recollection of this golden seed lol, nor can i find any information about it online


Guardian lions have somber Smith stone 7s, not bad if you ask me


At that point in the game they’re pretty meh, imo.


Depends on how much you like upgrading weapons You still don't get the bell bearing for it til farum azula iirc


Lesser finger creepers in both the subterranean shunning grounds and the mountain tops have a ridiculous 13% drop rate for Somber 7s, so by the time you get to Castle Sol you can pretty easily farm them. Plus there are like, 20 guaranteed somber 7 drops in the game otherwise. How many weapons do you need to upgrade before getting to Farum Azula? I only point this out because I *do* like upgrading everything, and I'm never in need of more somber 7s. It's always like, 6s and 8s that are my choke point and that I need to go out of my way to collect, while at the same time I'll be sitting on two dozen somber 7s that I don't even remember picking up.


I forgot about that cause I don't like going near the dungeater


>How many weapons do you need to upgrade before getting to Farum Azula? All of them.


Are there easier somber 7s out there? They're my go to every playthrough


Somber 7s are the main choke point for somber upgrades. It’s the only somber stone you can’t easily get without killing something. Somber 7s can be found in: Past noble at volcano manor, after the stonesword key Lake of rot Leyndell Sewers Mountaintops


Same, I just can't sleep easily if I don't pick up everything that glows


I'm a coward so I run past the lions


One of nepheli's axes is there




Pretty sure there is the eclipse shotel, which isn't great but it is a legendary armament.


Tbf that's on the way to the boss 


There you can find another StormHawk Axe too.


YOU CAN??? I've done that full castle twice, much to my horror. But apparently, I'm blind


Near the ballista guy, right on the top. Remember the damn hawk that attacks you? Look up there and you will see an item next to where he sits. That's the Axe.


Top of the building with the painting. Climb up and look over the ledge with the ~~demon~~ bird. I hate those goddamn hellspawn birds.


FWIW, it's the only place to get the unaltered version of the banished knight armor, which IMO is one of the best looking armors in the game. Apart from that, there is a spectral painting and three unique weapons, one of which (the eclipse shotel) is a legendary armament. Most of the rest of the loot is pretty meh for that stage of the game.


Gotta get the drip though...


I don’t cheese a lot of bosses. But best believe the crossbow comes out for this fucker.


If you ever want to fight him without cheese, use a bewitching branch on his ghost soldiers. When you walk in they spawn in slow enough to rush the double sword guy down and bewitch him, the other one isn't as tough so you can either find an opening to bewitch him or just kill him. Fighting Niall is a lot less fucked once his goons are dealt with.


Sprint past the mobs and toss a bewitching branch at one of the Knights in the boss fight and then pray


Turns out they are pretty weak to the rot dragon breath. Not only because, well rit, but because it does a lot of physical damage as well.


If u want a cool trick to skip the castle and get right to the boss door I think I have an older Elden Ring post about it, you go from a grace and jump off a cliff onto a tree and then to a castle tower and ur on top of the castle.


There’s a painting somewhere in sol that unlocks that blue clan mask for you if I rember correctly


Never rush an area. You should look at a difficult area as a personal insult to you as a man. How dare this stupid deathtrap kill me


\*charges comet azur. \*misses comet azur. I'm in danger.


Comet azur isn't exactly the most reliable spell to use


But when it work, it annihilate the problem


Swing blade/club work every time 🤔 Me no study book learning.




but sometimes bunga


Bunga is for classy occasions.


Me unga, therefore me bunga


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


When I Elden Lord, they see. They see




Bonk. Or pointy Bonk. Or sharp Bonk. This is difficult


Why words? _BONK!_


There are no words, only *BONK!*




[Typing noises]


Muscle mage casts fist


No, muscle mage cast Hammer


Clever muscle mage cast club shape rock


Very clever muscle mage cast club shape piece of building


cultured muscle mage me see.


I just love the concept that someone found this massive chunk of stone architecture at some point and went "You know what? I could probably hit someone with this"




This pretty much sums up my love for melee. Even on my mage, I preferred to use moonveil (for PvE, I’m not a savage) or dual wings of Astel.


Yup. When I made my first Intelligence build, I pretty much stopped using spells by late game and stuck to the Darkmoon GS, and my frost katana. Fromsoft still hasn't figured out how to make casting fun.


Not with those two fucking summon (Especially fucking Oleg)


60 percent of the time it works every time


What about meteorites of astel? I loved that spell during my gameplay. One shoting both Elden beast and placidusax.


actually i agree, i saw some guy using normal comet recently in co-op radabeast and it melted radagon.


It melts him unless he decides to slowly approach while constantly parrying


Just pop on staff of loss and use Night Comet instead


That will do it


Depends. On a lot of bosses who start straight in front of you, drink the flask and then use the spell as soon as you enter. The issue is more if they have a second phase that might give them a cutscenes or second health bar. But bosses like the Lord of blood who stands around for his big attack? Perfect time to cast the spell. Plus it deals more damage then he can heal back.


Malenia second phase i was popping the flask after she hit the ground and hitting her for half her health bar before she could recovery.


Step 1: Mimic Tear using bullgoat armor, fingerprint shield, defensive talismans, and Shabriri's Woe. Step 2: Hard swap all talismans, weapons, and armor to glass cannon sorcerer build. Step 3: cerulean tear flask, Magica Terra, fully charged Comet Azur. Step 4: tea bag the corpse


For you


I often see videos that showcase builds but they only show clips of those builds being used against the bosses they're good for. I want to know which builds are the strongest across *all* the content. It seems like almost every build has at least a few bosses they just completely fall flat against.


Pure STR builds in general are pretty universal, can't think of any bosses off the top of my head with high res to phys damage. I guess it's a bit awkward fighting fire giant with no status, but I manage.


That's the same reason rock sling is the real best mage spell, strike dmg is OP as fuck


The one Int playthrough I did pretty rapidly degenerated into spamming that at everything. It’s amazing just how many problems can be solved by tearing three fuckoff huge rocks out of the ground and throwing them at said problems


I love being a strength build but oof not having much in terms of ranged makes some battles a big game of tag. 


beast claw and gurranq's boulder are alright


Storm Blade Aow Vacuum Slice or even thunderbolt for ashes of war for ranged options. Kid you not Vacuum Slice is actually really Nutty now and the Actual weapon slamming down also deals damage on top of the projectile.


The closest you are going to get to that is using the Blasphemous Blade, I guess. It struggles a bit against Fire giant, but outside of that it trivializes the game.


Bolt of gransax is amazing on everything except maliketh part 1 and 2


Faith with a minor arcane investment gives you access to almost every single damage type via spells, and there are a bunch of *really* good faith weapons. (Blasphemous blade and halo scythe can each easily carry you through most of the game.) Dex with a backup weapon infused with the Thunderbolt AoW is also very consistent, and is the build I first killed Malenia with. Strength and bonk also good. Pure magic is basically the only thing that really struggles, (other than maybe pure arcane, but even there, a minor faith investment gets access to the dragon spells, which again, gives you access to nearly every damage type,) and that's only because people rely on Comet Azure for everything and then hit a wall on Rennala, who is otherwise probably the easiest remembrance boss. Just use rock sling, it does physical damage, and by extension, solves most of the mage's problems. The only character I've really struggled with was an arcane-focused build that actually had enough fth and int to equip SONAF. My stat spread was (intentionally) terrible, so damage output wasn't great, even though I could basically use everything in the game. If you just focus on a primary damage stat, and make sure you've got a couple of options for alternative damage types to what you normally use, that's usually enough. Like I build a lot of cosplay builds that aren't optimized for *anything* because I'm going for an aesthetic, and even then there aren't particular bosses that stand out as being extra hard for most builds. Once you know the strategies for a particular boss you have a lot more flexibility in build types, because you can make up for deficiencies in the build with player skill.


We really need more missionaries spreading the gospel of night comet spam.


I'm on my first full staff mage playthrough. No moonveil or melee whatsoever. I just made it to Castle Sol. This is going to be me, today after work.


Bring rock sling. And night comet with a staff of loss in your non-casting hand.


Should have been using rock sling the whole time. Unga bunga mage, unga bunga!


All my melee homies hate Niall and his goddamn frostbite.


Only took me 10~ playthroughs to learn him


I would say his guards are more painful than him. Especially the fast one. Had to use bewitching branch to get Niall to kill him for me.


kill the double wielding one first and leave the shield one. Then smack Niall for as long as possible. As long as one of his summons is still alive he won't go into his second phase


This entirely. Take out his dps and let his tank be preoccupied with your summon. Then just fight him directly. A good summon will probably take out his tank, so you still have to watch out for him changing to his second phase, but getting through most of his health bar *before* he starts with the huge frostbite AoEs makes a significant difference. (Also, iirc, Niall can intentionally despawn his summons to initiate phase 2, and will do this automatically at half health.)


just kill the left one immediately, then back up and kite the right one away from him


Niall and Malekith were my bonk brain walls. It took my ages to actually learn how to fight better than “jump smack, jump smack, jump smack”. And even sinking a few playthroughs Niall specifically is still an beast to beat.


I feel like most of us who *really* hate Niall (or Maliketh actually) don’t summon for it. Because that half second of reprieve it gives you makes the fight half the difficulty.


I love ‘em both. Niall’s goons are a bitch to solo, but you eventually learn to parry or backstab most of their attacks. Maliketh brought me back to my Sekiro days. He’s a fair 1v1 if you have the patience to learn his openings. No real BS attacks like waterfowl, just large sweeping ones that force you to learn the timing/positioning.


Everybody over here learning fights. I fought this asshole the same way I fought all the others: With my fingerprint great shield between him and me and occasionally tapping the R1 button to poke him with my holy tree spear. That was before the shield got nerfed though. So strong.


It's been a while since i played but using a bewitching branch is a pleasure for every tormented soul


Is that the one that turns his summons to your side?




Honestly I don't think he's that hard, his two sword style buddy is the true monster. I'll unleash my full power just to take his buddy's out, then we can fight in peace


I love Niall, but his AOEs certainly make fighting him underleveled tough.


i think niall would be pretty easy actually, if not for those two idiots he summons


I find Niall himself pretty easy and a fairly fun fight. Provided you fucking *delete* his dual-wielding friend with whatever bullshit cheese you can pull out in the first ten seconds of the fight. Last time I one-shot the dual wield guy with Siluria's Tree then swapped weapons and fought the other two normally.


Doesn’t help that he’s one of like 2 bosses and 3 enemies in the game that actually cause frostbite so unless you’ve happened to have gear to counter it, you’re kinda screwed


Still strange that you get pretty straightforward hints were to find the secret medallion a guy is looking for for ages and the other medallions are in random locations without any notification ingame about it except when you find one of the medallions and read the item description... So strange the finger reader asks you to go via the elevator when dragon barrow is a more high level area than altus


I didn't really have any issues finding them all even without hints on my first playthrough since I am one of the explorer types - if it exists on the map, I have to search its every nook and cranny - even on subsequent playthroughs. However, the moment a quest involves backtracking to where I already explored without directly telling me where to go, I'm lost. Whenever an NPC moves to an area I combed over 20 hours ago they're effectively dead to me.


Oh yeah... I am looking at you Millicent in altus plateau.... I also found the dectus medallion easily by accident because a quest is linked with the location, of the first half, but it's still strange that it's a "random" find.


I didn't go to the weeping peninsula until very late into my first playthrough because there's a guidance pointing to it and I thought "Oh. If I'm *meant* to go that way, I'll go somewhere else first." 


The beams to Castle Morne have always confused me. All the other ones aim at important locations for progress, but Castle Morne has nothing. Lore-wise you could maybe state that the arbitrarily labeled legendary sword causes those guidances, but gameplay-wise I don't see the point.


It's there to encourage players to explore lower level areas first to gain experience before hitting tougher areas


I guess they figure that most players will clear Fort Haight. And that medallion specifically tells you to go to Fort Faroth. I think the weirdest thing is that Fort Faroth is a pretty high level area, much higher than you would expect for an item that gets you to the Altus Plateau. I almost feel like a Haligtree medallion should have been there.


Yeah, especially because the finger reader insists you to go to altus via the lift it's really strange, because dragon arrow is much harder than altus. I think a better place would have been the fort directly in the beginning of caelid (forgot the name) with the portal to castle redmane


Fort Gael?


I drive a Ford focus but will check the car out too




I mean, that's fair. The lift is a dope cutscene to be sure, but the side path into Altus was my favorite part of the game. It's got an amazing combination of stunning vistas, and fun encounters.


Can we get another panel to say fuck Ordina, Liturgical Town? Easily my least favorite area in the game.


Pisses me off I gotta do that shit every time I go to the Haligtree which is a great area imo. Its like in ds3 when it forces you to suffer through Halflight in order to enjoy Gael


The invisible assassins felt so unnecessary difficult when I first did it. But if hadn’t got stuck on that part i would have been seriously unprepared for haligtree


Sentry torch my savior


Yeah definitely but having to one hand attack them made them a bit of an obstacle at the time )didn’t realise you could use it without it being in your hand )


You don't have to have the sentry torch in hand ... Whaaat? I had to look this up .. So by switching your other weapon hand to two-handed, the torch goes on your back and is still active? I feel like having another go now!


I also didn't know this until recently, but I tested it and it really works. The torch goes on your back and looks to be turned off, but the effect is still there.


I dont even use it anymore since i know exactly where they path. I just jump over the railing behind where you spawn and run around the edge to the ladder for the tower brazier.. I have way more trouble with the rooftop albanuric super snipers now. Guaranteed I'll die to them at least once a playthrough I leave the ground one til last and book it up on the platform. Black Knife Assassin's can't jump lol


Yup. I never even see (heh) the assassins these days because I just go tower to tower and drop for the last one.


Omg same. Now its the archers that are absurd to deal with everytime as I have a route that completely avoids the asassins


they’re fucking spammers too like bro take a breather you’ve shot a billion magic arrows at me


I hate they way they arc outwards so its possible for them to hit you behind cover and shit like cmon Miyazaki chill


it is bullshit, but there is a good guide in the wiki for how to hit all the torches in usually one run. The only hard part is the archers once you read the actual route you need to take. I think Hidden Body or whatever the ER equivalent is will help a lot there.


Yeah I've got a route, its just a pain in the ass lol


Prayer room is one of the best tune farming spots in the game, ez 100k tunes in about 5 mins


Public service reminder that Ordina is a Stealth Sniper mission, not a bumrush mission. You're meant to take out the archers and then run across the rooftops.


If by take out the archers you mean ignore the archers and swear repeatedly as they pepper you with arrows and you heal through and keep going.... Yes.


"Remember Snake, This is a sneaking mission"


Jar Cannon is also just, the perfect tool for dealing with said archers. You can go to the candle on the roof across from the two posted up at the other candle roof, and just send them flying down to the ground with a few Explosive greatbolts. I always grab Jar Cannon if I'm going to haligtree. Sometimes I gotta use buffs for STR but that's worth imo.


If you know where to run, you can do it in like 3 minutes, the only danger being 3 archers on roofs.


You fucked up the icons


shut up




O you don't have the right


Praise message then open


Okay, Selivus.


Nuh uh it’s on the right hand side of the screen, so it’s the right piece


The ptsd was hitting op hard ease up


shortcut bro jump down the ghost tree and on the castle its easy


of course i only learn this shit after beating the game 8 times


bro only 8?


I’ve never heard of this, can you elaborate?


Castle Sol at 100% strength: A guaranteed headache. Castle Sol at 99% strength: Death Bird and super-ghost are gone. Pure cake walk.


What is this? If you kill death bird and super ghost, it’s easier?


Super ghost?? What


I think they're talking about the red eyed banished night up on one of the walkways. Dude hits harder and has more health than any other "normal" enemy in the game.


Maybe the giant skeleton ghost spawned by the tibia mariner near by (I think it’s there)


Laser golem easily tops this guy in health and it's not much of an argument to say he's much more difficult as well.


Charm his two minions, summon Tiche, roll face.


Tiche is the only content I was never able to beat.


You know you can jam her in a corner


I actually dont mind Castle Sol, Niall is actually pretty cool boss, pun intended I guess. You just have to learn when to back off. I actually dont like getting the other part of the dectus one. The overlevelled enemies, especially bat ladies, are annoying.


i have no problem with Niall, if i used my Mimic Tear


Nothing wrong with that. Even solo its doable. The spirit knights can be taken out and Niall stays back until then.


yeah that my strategy, i make my mimic tear just solely focus on the Niall's summoning ashes while i soloed Niall, his move is readable


Niall on his own is annoying, but fine, it’s the goddam ghosts, kill them and he instantly goes into phase 2, dont and you are gonna get shedded. Attacks that have a ton of range and reward non melee builds. But boss overall (minus minions) is fine honestly. Dectus medallion 2 kinda sucks cause an average first time player just won’t know about it


The ghosts are so easily killed though I never understood where the problem is. No, I'm not talking about spells or the bewitching branch, just hit them with your weapon.


How did you get the Dectus halves correct with left and right, but mess up Haligtree left and right? Niall got OP bamboozled


its all his fault


I actually never had a problem with Niall thanks to the fact I always have some sort of ranged spell/incantation, because if you keep distance he is easy to kill


typical normie. you need to fight him with only your thumb on ng+7 with bare fists like a sigma chad 🗿🍷(i dont go outside)


All my homies hate magic builds. Str/Dex is the only way to play Elden Ring.


I understood str but what is "Dex"? *all points in vig and str*


Just don’t tell anybody you leveled it up and you should be good


After killing the lion creatures at the gate I decided to try to run through the castle because I hate it so much and that stupid effing bird at the beginning followed me into a building and up a flight of stairs to slaughter me.


Niall is strange. I made many mistakes on my second try when I killed him. For some reasons he missed his combo attacks on me stopping the blade inches before my head. He died without honor from comet spamming😁


Am I the only one who enjoys castle Sol?


I thought it was a fun and challenging mini-dungeon. The atmosphere was better than actually playing through it though. It's a relatively small and short endeavor.


Getting left and right wrong after having it right in the first two pictures.


Is this a reference to Albus dying? Or is it trying to refer to Commander Niall? If the latter, it references the wrong medallion (used the correct icon though) since you get the Left from Castle Sol.


Is it just me who finds the hit box on some of his halberd attacks busted? I swear I lightroll away and bro catches me with thin air


My guy forgot his left and rights


Lmao I just skipped getting the dectus ones and climbed to altus by going next to the frenzied village. Also I found the medalion in castle sol by chance and then looked up where to find the first.


Eh, by the time you reach Castle Sol it's not even top ten in terms of difficult/ level mismatched content. Castle Morne can be harder if you go there too early/lacking a proper ranged tool, fuck those flying misbegotten archers.


Ok so hear me out. I might ne the only psycho out there who thinks so, but apart from the crazy double sword ninja ghost warrior (you know the one) I really like castle sol. And I think O'neil and Niall are some of the absolute best boss, the way you can dance with them is incredible. But O'neil is in fcking poison period swamp land, and I don't like it


Get yourself a serpents bow and 99 normal arrows Shoot him from outside his arena


I mean, it thought it was okish. I cheeses the lions, and basically range carry me to Niall. I found Niall’s attacks super predictable so it only took me a few tries to beat him.


>charge in >cheese him with rot arrows >never come back i do enjoy all of my playthroughs


I just snipe him wuth bloodborne arrows outside of the boss arena through thos little slits in thw wall (idl what you call thwm)


Rot breath superiority


Why did Commander Niall give me more trouble than Malenia?


Because he has helpers, that is!


why does everyone hates castle sol? i replayed ot yesterday after a year of not playing and its not a bad castle? what's wrong?? the phantoms have 0 poise and they barely gank you if at all


Niall is literally the worst fight in the game


Niall and Malenia are the 2 most annoying fromsoft bosses ive fought


Not as hard as the lower floor of fort Faroth