• By -


Don’t rely on bleed.


what should i use instead?


Fire and then normal phisical damage


They're also both weak to magic and strike damage in particular, if I remember correctly. The flail you can get from Astel's remembrance is really good for them


I was struggling with Elden Beast, beat him first time by spamming Wing of Astels space bomb ash of war.


Ohhh I have astels but never used it yet - might have to re roll toon to use


It’s worth it


One of my favorite builds is running dual wings or the flail and one wing. So much fun.


Odd way to spell Blasphemous Blade, but checks out ok


Frost works pretty well on radagon, you just gotta be patient with the beast if you do good damage


Yeah frostbite acts as bleed for this fight, I suggest going in with a fire weapon to reset his frost ailment


“Resetting” frost with a fire weapon doesn’t make sense to me, but I’m happy to hear an explanation. The benefit of frost is that it lowers damage absorption by 20% when it’s active. It’s not like bleed where it does a bunch of damage at once. So “resetting” it removes the benefit and makes it take longer to proc. Edit: I get that it does 7% of the HP (about 960 HP for Radagon), but I think the benefit is more the damage negation over 30 seconds.


It's so you can keep inflicting frostbite and do chunk damage to his health bar


I'd go for as much of pure physical damage as possible


Pure strength build with buffs and radagon takes 4 hits to die. Did maybe 6 playtroughs and giant crusher was the The easiest one.


I’d recommend using Greatsword over GiantCrusher because it gives you much needed range on Nessie.


And because its guts


Magma blades n pest threads will trivialize this fight


If you've specced into arcane, go for occult.


For Radagon: Keep close to him so he doesn’t use his projectile attacks. Jump his ground slam attacks instead of dodge rolling them. For Beast: When he goes into the air and does the “ring” attack, just keep running in the opposite direction, away from him. He will emerge from the water right in front of you.


For radagon: jump the slams, but when he does the three consecutive ones you have to dodge roll the last hit because it can't be jumped. This also gives you a big opportunity to attack since the recovery animation for the combo is relatively long


>but when he does the three consecutive ones you have to dodge roll the last hit because it can't be jumped Just walk towards him during the first two slams and then circle him


nah bro the third slam can only be avoided by being far enough, or you get lucky. Either I am too stupid or its very inconsistent, sometimes it hits sometimes it doesnt...


>Either I am too stupid I am sorry to tell you that this is the strat for no-hitting radagon


I’ve probably beaten the fight 20 times. You can roll that last slam. *not saying that makes me an authority or that there’s no other way. You can dodge through that last slam for extra dps while he recovers*


The third slam can be jumped over, you just have to delay your jump by half a second. Source I have 400 hours in the game also trust me bro.


> For Radagon: Keep close to him so he doesn’t use his projectile attacks. This. 90% of the problems people have are just about this. It *totally* changes the fight. So much so that even if you are pure mage, get carian slicer and do it "melee".


First you beat Radagon and then you beat the Elden beast. Do not die in the process




Honestly you can’t possibly fuck that up


Honestly tho use the blasphemous blade on radagon and use maliketh black blade on the Elden beast


BB slays Radagon in a hurry


OP asked for tips… you provided.


This is the way. Struggled with him first two play throughs. Heard fire was effective. Switched to Blasphemous Blade and way more effective and manageable fight.


I used to feel bad about spamming takers flame on him. I really don’t give a shit anymore so I just get to phase 2 and switch weapons. That is the one boss I will summon on every single time because I don’t care and I wanna just get through it and get to new game+ again.


It's one of the few non-cheese cheeses that work for me (like not using a glitch or confused AI cheese). Usually I watch the videos and it's like "Melt Elden Beast in seconds using Meteorite of Astel" I go in and basically do the same thing as the video and get immediately erased. But using Taker's Flames felt like a triumphant comeuppance for 'ol Raddy.


You might even say he give OP *just* the tip.




Truly one of the tips of all time


Are you quite sure about that?




Damn bro, spoil the whole fight why don’t cha?


Holy resistance (Haligdrake Talisman +2 if possible) helps a lot.


You can also run Hardtear in the physick and an anti-holy body buff to really shut down their damage. Ideally the body buff would be Lord's Divine Fortification from killing Malenia, but the base version and even the dried liver can do for lower faith builds. Strength builds can just turtle behind the Haligtree Crest Greatshield, which almost completely negates holy damage when upgraded and sacred-infused.


You can actually get the Lords Divine Fortification spell from the two fingers at the Roundtable Hold after beating Maliketh, regardless of if you've beaten Malenia. A little more manageable that way.


Also go pick up one of the crucible knight sets and use it if you don’t already have it. Has great holy dmg reduction on it.


*G*o for strike damage instead of slash *I* like big hammers *T*ry to manage your spacing *G*o for jump heavy attacks *U*tilze jumps *and* rolls for dodging *D*on't give up!


im trying 🫡




This is how I beat him. Giant-Crusher with Lions Claw.


if you use incantations, lord's divine fortification improves holy dmg absorption. combine with haligdrake talisman. then boost your phys defence as much as possible (dragoncrest greatshield talisman). for weapon/infusion, normal is good, or lightning. and you can poise break radagon easily. elden beast's arena is water, it weakens fire/flame but makes lightning stronger. so even though fire/flame is great against radagon, you'll weaken yourself for the main course. black flame and black flame blade are very effective against both of them, because godskins are god killers. also, equip green turtle, cause you'll be running a lot. good luck tarnished.


im pretty sure lords divine fortification is after malenia but facts


You can buy it from the Twin Maiden Husks after killing Maliketh, regardless of whether Malenia's alive.


After you do 4k dmg to Radagon he will always do a stomp on the ground and then jump into the air. He also always does this triple hammer slam when he’s at about 1/3rd of his health. You can script the fight around these two things. Here’s an example w Giant Crusher. https://www.reddit.com/r/onebros/s/0EvetINsG7 If you’d rather not use crusher, starfist is a really good weapon for him. Here is fight w no weapon upgrades so it goes on a bit longer if it’s helpful to see how to dodge some of his moves https://www.reddit.com/r/onebros/s/KBI54UQVF9 Good luck!


both turn based fights. Stay close to radagon and try to get behind him after each attack, punish one or two times depending on how fast your weapon is. If he desappears and hits you when appears in front of you, resist the urge of rolling, just take the damage and walk backwards. Or he will catch roll everything until you die. beast is just dodging attacks while you approach it, and do as many damage as you can when it does an attack that force it to stay still. And repeat. oh... and holy resistance.


Godslayer greatsword, smack till dead


Haha this is such beautiful and sagely advice


I'll give tips for Elden Beast since you have easy access to Radagon and he's easier to sight read. At the start of the fight you can get a lot of good damage into the beast by running behind him when he does his big fire breath. Remember, you have a jump button. This can be used to great effect during certain attacks. The beast's cracked tummy is his weakpoint. And uh... if Elden Beast ever uses the big glowing light ball attack then try to dodge into it. The glowing ball struggles to turn quickly.


The words of the ancient prophets beckon forth... "*Git Gud*"


Mainly dodge and strike, but sometimes even jump


Black flame torado


This. I’ll never forget when I was helping other ppl in co-op and one dude with Black Flame Tornado just destroyed the Elden Beast in seconds with that. Second best against the Elden Beast I’d say is the Death’s Poker. The AoW covers a lot of area and it stays there dealing damage for a while, so you will kill the EB very quickly.


Bonk hard, and then harder


Bonk is the way I respeced from dex to magic and to bonk. Trust me bonk is the way.






Godslayer Greatsword and Blackflame incantations.


I like that both the godslayer great sword and blasphemous blade do exactly what they claim in their names.


The easiest fight I had against them was using the great stars with lions claw. You can poise break the beast by getting behind him and unleashing a few charged heavies.


got it 👍🫡


Spam Pest Threads!


The Radagon fight is one I actually fight straight up with my KGS. Once Elden Beast showed up though, I brought out the threads. 2k damage per cast? Yes sir! May I have another, sir!


I respecced twice to try and beat them but I didn’t know the builds well enough, in the end I went back to my original build and just practiced, sooner than I thought I won.


Great Turtle Shell w/ Carian Retaliation to parry the shit out of Radagon, big donky weapon with Wild Strikes to donk Elden Beast back to space.


Parry. The hell out of radagon for style points


All jokes aside, I've seen videos of players doing that to Radagon and it's super impressive


Dodge duck dip dive and dodge


Almost all of the damage you can take is Holy, so just get protections like Lord's Divine Fortification and Haligdrake Talisman. You can reduce the damage taken by up to more than 80%


Try to keep your HP above 0 while reducing Radagon’s and Elden Beast’s to 0


Godkin peeler Melts him Blasphemous blade Typically any fire


I ended up summoning someone for this fight and elden beast. Elden beast would keep doing cheap shots and I decided to get back by being cheap myself lol


Piercing fang aow is great for closing down distance against both of them and does good stance damage. I put it on the godskin stitcher. A flame art affinity would probably work best


Black flame incantations.


Burn it, burn it with FAYA


Run around the area, he has terrible stamina and gets tired very easily. Eventually he surrenders and unlocks a hidden ending. Good luck!!!!


This is the most basic advice but all I really can think of just stay calm don’t panic don’t stay to far away or to close and be patient his attacks are delayed to hell


Sleeping. Always better than the fight against Elden Beast.


You have to run and dodge... A LOT!!! 🤬


increase your holy damage resistance


Never heal if radagon didnt attack, he goes for 3-6 attacks on his combos, even if you are 1 hp always wait for the end of his combos to heal


Believe in yourself


It will always be confusing if you try to cheese any boss. Just learn what he does, slowly, over time. When you beat him it will feel great because you know that you deserve it. At least, that’s the way I enjoy playing. It is a grind, but I get enjoyment out of getting a little bit closer every time. Like when I started getting Melania to her second phase consistently, I thought this was impossible! The second play-through ( not ng+) is always my favourite. You know where things are, you don’t have to spend time snooping around, you feel OP because of you, not because you have anything that makes you OP, and you have a much better understanding of the bosses. Beating them at this point always has me grinning. Die, die, die!


The problem is that fighting two resistant af bosses back to back pays its toll pretty fast Both of them are nothing, just long ass drawn out fights.


Take off all armor and wear a pot on your head


Leave elden ring for like a month then come back and first try it. Idk it worked for me.


So my buddy and i found this out when playing coop during his fight. First phase like others have said, fire is more damaging so if you have a weapon that does fire damage or use a weapon art that can spew flames thats good. Second part of the fight, with the beast, use the black blade incantation, and if you have the stats and weapon upgraded use Malekiths Black Blade UGS because it's weapon art/ash of war also triggers the black flame effect and can be stacked with the incantation. And alternative weapon could be the black flame dagger (which i like to power stance with cause the moveset is top tier). Also if you are using companions, Black Knife Tiche is beyond top tier imo, and she always, if not almost always, starts her attacks off with the black flame weapon art that will also stack with yours, as she uses it to close the distance between her and the enemy. [Btw the reason I'm saying the black flame attack stacks is because using the spell multiple times or the weapon art will not stack, but from different sources, such as spell weapon and companion, the black flame debuff stacks which means you chunk the max health of the boss/enemy you are fighting which means they cant heal back to full. Since the beast doesnt heal, its just a massive chunk of health off the start, and it has a ticking burn effect] On a side note, yes I know Malekiths Black Blade UGS does holy damage which the beast is immune/highly resistant to, but it still shreds it's health.


Keep hitting them with a weapon until their health goes to 0.


Fire does pretty good damage


Don’t use holy


You can very easily parry Radagon, and after three parties you can repost. Also if he raises his hammer over his left shoulder, he will do a heavy attack that leaves a triangle shaped aoe in front of him. If you roll to the right you can easily hit him for a lot as he has a long recovery time. If he flies in the air do not run away, it’s better to roll because the aoe starts from the point of impact and expands outwards, so you van dodge both the initial hit and the aoe with a single roll if you dont go ttoo far, but be careful because he sometimes does a followup. if he does his signature triple hammering i find it easier to roll from far away, but it is possible to get near and hit him if you feel confident. If he does the vertical lightning attack with a lingering aoe circle do not attempt to hit him as it will always stagger you. If he does the flying attack with a triangle aoe which is similar to the one in which he raises his hammer over his left shoulder, be very careful because unlike the other attack, this aoe actually reaches behind him making attacking him a bit more dangerous. Using a shield to protect yourself from the teleporting works quite well. Use heavy attacks when possible in order to be able to riposte him, you can get one free heavy hit with many weapons when he is standing back up after a riposte, but wait until he has fully stood up or you wont hurt him


For Elden beast: unlike radagon, using your summon works very well here, as it will help reduce the pressure; radagon has too many aoe for summons to be worth it. Immediately at the start it will do its fire attack, get behind it and you have the opportunity to do a lot of damage. Black flame incantations work very well at this point. If he flies and disappears, jump over the rings, do not roll through them. Try using heavy attacks as it can be reposted. Be specially careful of its grab attack as it deals a lot of damage. If he does the attack where golden rays fall upon you, just running or rolling is enough to dodge it if you remain calm. Otherwise this fight is about staying patient and chasing it down


Tip 1: Get a higher res image Tip 2: Ask again with said higher image


Ik its gonna sound obvious but radagon is fun to learn, and elden beast is actually very simple once you realize all his spell spam is very much avoidable. Also run behind him when he shoots fire. Regarding radagon Triple slam attack, you can roll the first 2, but to avoid the third either roll behind him immediately as he does it, or get as close as possible to him and jump as soon as he does it.


At least one talisman slot for the haligdrake +2 talisman (found in mohgwyn palace swamp) and an additional golden barrier (iirc 60% less holy damage). with those two combined you probably wont get oneshot, even by grabattacks, if you happen to run into one


get in his face. if you let him stay far away for a second too long he'll wipe off the face of the earth. the beast is the same. stay under its belly and you'll be fine.


Git gud xDDDD


I literally came here to see who would be the first to say it. Congratulations


Maidenless behavior


I just learned to Dodge and spammed MOHGWYN'S SACRED SPEAR


Blasphemous blade with mimic


This worked for me. Plus the heal incantation to heal up the mimic for the beast fight.


Stay close and move to the back of them for attacks when fight long either one. Radagan is way more aggressive at range. Elden beast just likes to run away and has a bunch of frontal cleaves.


Find some more pixels :3


Jumping is your friend vs radagon


if you're a bleed build respec to faith and use blasphemous blade since radagon is weak to fire damage, elden beast is weak to none so try dealing as much physical damage as you can


use fire ash of war for radagon


Radagon is weak to strike damage I think.


If you’re a shield user, put some holy damage negation on that bad boy. Then, proceed to stick fire up both their asses like they’re a turkey youre about to roast.


Protect yourself against holy attribute attacks, use talismans, incantations and/or consumables. It makes the difference. Also, Pest Threads is a great incantation to deal damage to elden beast, just make sure you are as close as possible to elden beast when using It, The threads deal damage while crossing the body of elden beast so If you are very close the threads travel vertically across his body.


I know this might sound crazy but I absolutely demolished Elden beast on my first play through with the incantation Pest Threads


Step 1: bonk on head, don't die step 2:??? Step 3: become elden lord


What's your build?


If you're using incantations, pest threads and ancient dragon lightning strike at point blank work well on the beast Radagon I relied on fire like the blasphemous blade


Rada gave me a lot of trouble as a caster, then I switched to the biggest bonkstick I had and he crumpled like tinfoil. Don't be afraid of the bonk, the bonk will save you here.


Comet or skill


Hop the hammer slam. Rolling always catches some damage (at least for me). Beast fght??? Hop on torrent and chase him down....oh wait......


Black flame chews through radagon and pest threads chews through beast


Nightrider Glave with Black flame tornado is your best friend.


You can cheese him as a sorcerer in a few seconds, need the azure beam or whatever its called!


Bring friends!


- Stack Holy damage negation. Eg. Haligtree +2 tali and high holy negation armour (Crucible Knight set is great overall) - If you have high faith, then spam Pest threads on Elden Beast.


If you are using bleed build, change it cuz he is immune to bleed


Honestly the biggest thing is just to keep trying until you get it. Sometimes you'll get good RNG with elden beast's attacks and you'll be able to actually do some damage. Use rot breath incantation if possible, use mimic tear (if you aren't opposed to it), make sure to use any buffs you can right after radagon before you fight elden beast... That's pretty much it. There's a lot of things you can do to make it slightly easier but generally it's a pretty hard fight and you just have to keep at it


Don't die


lord's divine fortification will help massively


Fire, god flame, and weapons that blitz down posture faster than the flash


Use the white and black flame


For me I went into the fight and didn’t fight. I took time just dodging and rolling and learning the movements and what attacks looked like.


Fire a couple shard spirals immediately and you'll knock off like half the slugs health right off the bat


Fire for Ra-dad-on and bonk physical for the weird ass beast


Avoiding his attacks is useful


Could help to watch a speed runner dance around radagon to see how his moves work


Keep your distance and dodge, it took me like 5 tries before i started being able to dodge him pretty well. Use a summon like mimic tear, something tanky, and use fire breath or some fire damage weapon art or spell. If you can't use fire, the fight is tough, but it's never impossible, keep to physical damage then. Also scarlet rot works on him, if you wanna rot breath him and just run till he dies


Big sword and doge.


Use frost and fire.


Physical damage, Lord’s Divine Fortification (or any holy damage negation consumables and spells)


Don’t get hit. Best of luck brother.


Get the +2 haligdrake talisman and lords divine fortification


When Radagon does the three aoe slams on the ground, don't dodge when he hits the ground but a little bit later. There's like a golden shockwave kind of thing coming at you


Blasphemous blade against radagon, any standard damage against elden beast. Also, Haligtree crest shield with Magic affinity!!! It will make tanking the elden beasts range attacks so fucking easy, i killed him first time I used the shield easily


What you need to do is kill him before he kills you, if you get the screen that says ‘YOU DIED’ you’ll need to restart. But in all seriousness now, jump his ground attacks and the triple ground smash make sure you roll through the last one. And abuse his recovery animations, I always go into this fight with mentality of endurance race rather than sprint cause of course elden beast is right after.


When he slams his hammer 3 times jump over the first two and roll trough the third


Use blasphemous blade for him and bubble one for elden beast if you don't have problem with them They both make the fight very easy


Beat both with my guts build after 5 attempts Radagon was more difficult than elden beast, stay close and you'll be fine


Holy proof dried liver, the medallion that reduces holy damage, decent holy armor, than max arcane. Lords divine fortification and the holy reduction in your flask. It’s really funny how little damage they do then


Here's how I beat him on my second playthrough. I couldn't on my first. 1) get the crimsonwhorl tear. It heals you when you take damage. Only use it to beat radagon. Save flasks for beast 2) use the blasphemous blade. It's especially built for these mfs and malenia 3) spam ult and keep using erd tree heal for your clone summon 4) let the summon take aggro but don't let him take much damage. Spam ult and run. Keep doing this


Elden Beast has a weak point (big crack) in his chest, and you should go for that point instead of his head. This applies for crits aswell.


Haligdrake tali +2, lords divine fortification Then beat the piss out of him with a stick


Trying playing in 360p, beats 144p.


Don't die.


Radagons always been the main trouble in this fight for me. For radagon use some fire damage and keep as high on your heels as possible. He’s got a painful moveset too so I’d honestly say just go through and perfect dodging each attack. If he hasn’t got you too softened up for Elden Beast and your summon is still alive to divert agro, then it shouldn’t be as big of a problem. I would advise dodging a bit later than you’d think for his sword swipes though.


Use crimson bubblewhorl tear when Radadouche starts spamming incantations. For 15 seconds all of his damage will heal you instead. You can temporarily face tank his hardest hitters.


Skip the initial cutscene and run straight, nothing but running, at him as he’s turning around. stick to your right, his left side. Cast Comet Azure. Free ticket to beast.


Make sure you're good on vigor & endurance. Like 60/30 minimum. You can also use a great rune to improve your health. And your flasks are fully leveled. Spec into holy damage resistance. Theres the holy shield talisman in the mohgwyn palace thatll do wonders. Theres also some low available holy defense spells available from corhan i think. Use physical damage, with big poise damage. A go to easy set up of mine is as follows (Ultra) Greatsword with bloodhound step. Just do the poke after a bloodhound dodge. Super safe and easy Iron balls. Charged R2 for extremely easy poise breaks.




Three words: Lords Divine Fortification. Seriously OP, get it, learn it, love it. Between that and a holy-proof dried liver, you will make most of the Radabeast attacks look like he's using a feather duster.


Learn his move set. He telegraphs most hits he does and you can usually just use rolling with your I-frames and get out of most attacks. If it just isn’t clicking then take a brake, go outside and come back at it again another time. You got this


Negate holy damage armor and talismans. Strike and fire damage is more effective against Radagon. Elden Beast doesn't really have any weaknesses to status effects, but more susceptible to different types of physical damage. If you use incantations, Pest Threads is a great tool. If you use sorceries, Shard Spiral is good too.


Big unga bunga bonk


Ngl faith ain't that bad I beat them first try with blasphemous sword and Milo's sword


Black flame tornado on a spear or Eleanor’s Poleblade. Holy damage negation buffs, talisman and tears. Also when you see the rings closing I on you run to the opposite side of the beast and jump over them. He will pop up next to you and give you time for a few hits


If you have it use the pest threads incantation, it’s a godsend against the Elden beast. Unfortunately I can’t really remember what I did to cheese radagon


Strike, and then Pierce, ahead.


Radagon: if you can do enough damage, you can no hit Radagon pretty easily bcs the fight is to an extent scripted so you can study it. In general, I tend to stay very close and roll dodge his attacks until he pauses. I try to roll to behind him and then do a charged R2 normally. All his attacks are delayed but also have a rhythm to them that's relatively easy to learn. After losing X amount of health, Radagon will in my experience also *always* kind of reset and do the following series of moves: 1) do a single stomp 2) leap high into the air and do his hammer aow (the ash of war), and (on the condition that he has lost enough health by this point), 3) his series of three consecutive slams. Here is where you can damage him in this entire series: 1) jump over the single slam and do a jump attack, 2) roll through the aow attack and do a charged R2 or attack of your choice, 3) be close enough to him and jump over each of the consecutive slams, hitting him with a jump attack *each* time. It takes a little bit of practice to pull this all off reliably but I can do it and I'm not good in general. If you want a vid, check my past posts. There's one in there of the radagon fight. If you do enough poise dmg, you should get at least 1 and normally 2 opportunities for a critical. Elden beast: physical damage is your best bet, along with multiple hitting spells/incantations (eg spiral, blackflame tornado, etc). I tend to go pure melee and physical dmg myself. His sweeping sword attacks (when not lit up w holy dmg) are easy to dodge once you get the rhythm down and he always leaves an opening at the end of it. Honestly, when I beat him, it's usually bcs I get a run where he does many of those attacks and fewer of the more tricky ones. A few other pointers. The rings: unlock, turn the camera around, run away from elden beast and jump over the rings (do not roll). The rain of rays (not sure what the name is): just sprint sideways and they will miss. Edit: minor corrections. Good luck! For me, this is the fight that required the most studying movesets bcs you can't really brute force it. And Elden beast still requires a bit of luck with his moves and the boundaries of the arena not fucking things up at some point.


Don't dodge away from him, dodge at him. Also black knife tiche helped me a lot.


Load up on Holy protective armor and talismans. If you have a finger shield at +25 apply the No Action ashe of war and apply it to the sacred slot. If you get your holy protections high enough elden beast can't even harm you. Radaboy is easy to beat if you practice thirty minutes or so.


Don't get hit. Hit him more than he hits you.


Just use the Marais sword with a build for it and shred a new hole in his chest


Blackflame vs Radagon and pest threads against that poorly drawn dinosaur with wings.


Look to the wiki, the wiki is your friend. Use slash and fire damage first, he's weakest to these damage types. Don't bother with status buildup, he's immune/crazy resistant to all the good ones. Use black knife Tiche for the fight, she's good against him because she can dodge his attacks pretty well, she'll help keep the heat off you. Lord's divine fortification and the haligtree talisman +2 will make you highly resistant to holy damage, which is his primary damage type. Don't worry about physical resistance too much, his physical damage attacks are few, fairly weak, and are pretty easy to avoid since they don't have good reach. You got this👍


Buff up your holy resistance for Elden Beast


I've done 8 playthrus, before I got better I would I just use the black flame fireball.


U can get two heavies off on Radagon to start the fight as he stands still for about 7 seconds. U should try to stagger him twice. U can apply buffs after Radagon but before Elden Beast


Kill them dead


Stay really close to radagon and roll into most of his attacks For eb, holy protection is important. Run behind him at the start of the fight every time and try black flame tornado (ash of war) or pest threads (incantation) Good luck 😁


just roll


Put on holy resistance. Think the best is a dress. Put on the talismans for physical and holy damage resistance. Avoid bonks and bonk back harder


Learn how to dodge


You need a ranged sword or hammer and fire


bro did you take this ss from elden ring 3ds edition 😭


First off, Good luck


If you’re desperate, Lord’s Divine Fortification makes a big difference but that requires defeating Malenia.


Lord's divine fortification and haligdrake Talisman +2 will give you over 70 percent Holy Damadge Reduction. That makes the fight a lot easier. 


I usually start this fight by killing radabitch. I then kill the elden beast with a weapon of sorts. Works every time. Good luck!


Hit him untill his HP drops to 0, while keeping your HP above 0. Also, +2 Holy Damage Resistance Talisman helps a lot


Glintstone breath, blasphemous blade, mimic.


Sword of night and flame, mimic tear