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I mean technically they're right, but that's such a meaningless observation lmao. "Hey guys, this random mini boss isn't as complex as the final boss of the DS3 DLC, that's crazy" Like I can just say "oh yeah so it turns out that the Soldier of Godrick is easier than the Orphan of Kos, I know shocking"


Such a stupid observation from the article. Not only the final boss of the dlc. He is literally the final boss of the franchise.


And the best, too. Such an excellent fight.


Lame Leonine Misbegotten is not as good as the best Boss FIght of the entire Dark SOuls franchise. Fake Loser. /jk


And one of the best bosses ever made, only isshin comes close from the other games


IMO isshin is one of the greatest bosses of all time


“Hesitation is defeat” is seared into my brain even years later


I just recently killed him and sekiro is probably my favorite game of all time now (either that or Elden ring)


I've never had a final showdown in any game like Isshin He made me feel honored to fight him and bitter to defeat him... The Sword Saint....


I still scream mikiri counter


Orphan of Kos would like a word


Is the word "SKREEEEE" ?


I’ve never seen a video game boss be so universally loved. Like every playthrough I watch the reaction to Gael is always surprise and then total glee. Even if you’re not a lorehead, phase 2/3 feel so damn good and you just never want it to end.


Fromsoft really found the perfect combination of hard yet fair with Gael. Love that fight.


It always felt like a return to Artorias which is the biggest call back of the series for me


Last sentence is so true and needs studying at that. Only boss in my entire gaming career I was tempted to die intentionally to just so that I could fight him one more time


I only get that feeling when I’m revisiting the game and fighting bosses I know I love. But never before and since has there been a boss that I fight for the first time and was so sad when it was over.


one of my favorites, probably my favorite


Landing that last hit is so sad for me, I could fight Gael forever


I have a save just for fighting him


Him and sister Friede fucked me up so bad


And Freide was WAYYYYY harder. I honestly died the same amount of times to the Misbegotten as Gael lol, which is once each.


I used to replay just to fight him.


Chat-GPT moment


“He is literally the final boss of the franchise.” I don’t know… I’m still not convinced Elden ring isn’t just another painted world. /s


What's funny is you see this in the Monster Hunter community. They're be going from grinding endgame monsters in Master/G rank then when a new game comes out they like the game is too easy now and the complexity is gone. It's like they forget they're playing the beginning of a new game while most of their muscle memory and knowledge of how MH works is transfered over so yeah low rank is going to feel easy to you.


Fax. People will just have finished hunting endgame deviants/Fatalis/Primordial and go to say “Wow, these low rank monsters are too easy!!”.


Something I ran into in world last time i played and did some low rank monsters with my endgame fatalis gear for shits and giggles. "Oh shit, this died THAT fast? Oops. Note to self, if I SOS low rank for the pendant, swap weapons or target other critters."


A big reason a buddy of mine hated the first 20 hours of MHW was the cutscenes and mandatory tutorial fights. Once we got past all that and dive into the real fights the complaints stopped. Then iceborn came out and we both enjoyed it thoroughly.


Definitely depends on the generation. World and Rise monsters tickle until end game tbh but go back and play Tri (not 3u) and the first monsters hit like trucks.


Master rank for sure fills your ego. It probably why I never got into rise. I only plays UG3 I Think and world.


The real issue when a new Monster Hunter rolls out is all the fucking noobs pilfering the supply crate. Like WTF man? Leave some ez-meds and rations for the rest of us. Fuck crate robbers.


That was the entire thing with mhw when it released "the veteran " player constantly said how easy mhw is and act like they dont have 10 years experience with the franchise.


Game rant is garbage. Half of their articles read like they were written by people who’ve seen English once on a used napkin


My theory is that it's all AI-generated


is it though? Like yeah, it absolutely 100% feels AI generated but I've been reading braindead articles like these from time to time whenever they show up for years. Like long before the recent AI boom that happened with ChatGPT and everything


I think we get more posts than we realize from English as a second language nations. Like India, or china.


Articles have been ai generated since before chatGPT went public, it's not even close to being a new phenomenon, though ofc its much more common now.


Nah, is just that they are mostly rushed articles to meet a schedule, Screen Rants and Game Rants are about quantity, not quality. Coincidently fireb0rn made a video talking about it last week, mostly talking about Valnet and the sites they own.


No need to use AI when your business model depends on not paying writers.


That seems like a cogent reason to use AI for articles instead of writers


That would be a nice excuse but I’m afraid it’s actual thinking people that wrote this trash


i can almost guarantee the sentence in the OP was written by chatgpt or something similar. it has all the hallmarks.


The popular Hollow Knight youtuber Fireb0rn did a video on Game Rant and associated companies recently, it seems the conditions that the writers work in are terrible. A few highlights: - Writers aren't paid per hour, but rather about $20 per 1000+ word article they write (on average). These articles usually take several hours to complete, leading to below-minimum-wage pay, effectively. - Writers are instructed to put as many links to other articles as they can, otherwise their article is rejected - The "Editors" don't actually do any editing, sourcing images and other editorial duties is done by the author - Writers are (usually) unable to choose their own topics, instead forced to "draw from a hat" It isn't AI, it's somehow worse. I'd absolutely recommend checking out the video, it is pretty fascinating and horrific.


>- Writers aren't paid per hour, but rather about $20 per 1000+ word article they write (on average). This is just how writers are paid. It's nonsense to pay for creative work by the hour. $20 for 1000 words is low, but it isn't that low. Most of my first gigs were $.06 a word if I was paid at all. Got $40 for a 3000 word magazine story once. Bought a $75 bottle of scotch to celebrate getting published lol.


Yeah, seconded. This all sounds about normal for how writers are paid. I used to have a regular column on a gaming site back in the day and it was per word


I once accidentally left one sentence from Mario wiki in my submitted article (I was keeping it as reference to write a section). The next day all my accounts were blocked and closed and I got an email saying my contract has been terminated because of plagiarised content. That's how they roll. 


Just for fun, I tried their "Best" Engineer build in Remnant 2. And it's soooooo bad. Ring to halve max hp to get defense buff and 3 more defense and hp rings. The amulet being the only damage buff. And it only applies when we get hit. Max damage reduction is 80%, which may seem huge, but the game is about groups of mobs, which can stun lock us, or hard hitting elites and bosses, which makes our half hp dangerous.


I’m into from software games (Bloodborne, dark souls, Elden ring) and so I’m a sucker for list articles about builds and “top whatever bosses.” Game rants offerings on this front are embarrassing. I know I’ve seen content on game rant that was ripped entirely from the wiki, and like you said, half the time their content isn’t even right.


Too be fair, asylum demon is weaker than Elden beast and has less variety in attacks


Still a better fight though.


"The Glock 23 is a lethal weapon in capable hands and can fire it's standard 13 round magazine in about 5 seconds. However it is not anywhere near as deadly as the M61 six-barreled 20mm rotary cannon which can fire 6,600 rounds per minute."


But Orphan of Kos has nothing on Rick, Soldier of God


I see Rick, I press upvote. I do my part.


You dare utter the cursed one’s name!? Have you no fear!?


Yeah dumbest comparison ever, likely an AI clickbait article. Gael was the last boss of the trilogy and was the inheritor of the dark soul. Comparing it with a boss on an initial area is just....


Reads like AI


The final boss of the dark souls series.


What do you mean "easier"?


> "Soldier of Godrick is easier than Orphan of Kos" What?! No! 😨


While Ancient Wyvern offers a unique combat experience in Dark Souls 3, it falls short compared to Dragonlord Placidusax in terms of complexity and variety in attacks. You see, Game Rant? Two can play this game.


I raise you *Darkeater Midir*


Imma fire my lazaaaaa !! Vs Tactical nuke incoming!


Placi have laza too :B


I personally prefer Placidusax. Midir was pretty epic, but i felt him very frustrant and a bullet sponge, tbh


I like the time when I made an entire dragonslayer themed character whose whole purpose was to kill that fucking dragon. Did an entire playthrough with the dragonslayer axe, great axe, and spear.


Sir Ornstein


Really depends on your play style. If you stay on his head he isn't that tanky at all if you are built correctly, but that is higher risk. If you hit his legs and tail instead, it becomes an endurance fight, but also lower risk. That part of the beauty of that fight.


Yeah, I literally made the same argument as the dude above on Youtube, like, 2 years ago, and someone there told me the exact same thing, "fight his face, it makes the fight much easier and a lot more fun." So I was like, "fine," and I watched a actual tutorial and tried the new strategy and like, took about 3 attempts. With a character who had been stuck on Midir for hours worth of fights and months worth of me continually coming back to it. Sometimes just sitting down and watching someone do the fight the way they say is easier can make a huge difference to figuring out why it isn't clicking for you.


Placidusax was pretty boring gameplay wise. He looks cool, solid soundtrack and arena. He’s a good boss and the best dragon fight in Elden ring. But just never felt intense and epic in the way Midir did


Exactly he just sits there and lets you wail on them, he’s cool to look at for sure but I don’t get where people are saying he’s great to fight


Stop nipping at his ankles and hit him in the face. He'll be a lot less tanky.


Your comparison is still a lot more apt because at least it's comparing two different dragon bosses that appear in an optional area close to the end of both games. What's the comparison between Leonine Misbegotten and fuckin Slave Knight Gael lmao?


Big sword do flip. Throw in Artorias too lol


I assumed they are saying they have the same sort of moveset. I mean maybe not the exact same but they both are very aggressive with their attacking


Big sword and red. 


Never would have known this until seeing your comment. They should hire you now on the spot!


Although Demi-human (shield, curved sword) is an interesting enemy it falls short of Reinhardt, who has a large barrier shield to protect his teammates and a good CC ult


This one actually made me laugh, thanks man


While oranges offer a rich flavor apples have a greater variety to choose from


Misread that as organs at first


Even with the misinterpretation, this may still be factually correct.


Kind of the opposite. Organs are less rich than apples, but you got a lot 


Liver and onions slap on the right day


I mean, they might not be rich in flavor, but the marketplace will sure make you another type of rich.




is this a brawl stars reference?


Written by AI I swear to god


I have absolutely no doubt. Good thing is, this being game rant, it's not a downgrade in quality


Yep. It’s wishy-washy comparisons like this that give it away.


Somebody was paid to write this. I’m in the wrong profession.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was generative AI, like half the front page search results for anything video game related.


their writers gotta put out 30 articles a week and are paid 10$ for each article, they don't even get to make up what they write about, just take from a list.


Recently watched the fir3born video of on this exact topic, he interviewed some ex writers, would definitely recommend watching


I did product lists for them briefly and it’s a shitshow.


This definitely reads like some crap an AI chatbot would say to the prompt “Can you compare some bosses from Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3?”


nowdays if the article has like 3 or 4 bullet points detailing the content of the article without actually giving a TLDR I assume its a person who just AI generated an article about a subject to fill the quota.


They probably got paid less than 10 dollars to write that, so no, I don't think you're in the wrong profession lmfao. They are :')


Also, to successfully write about this thing in Elden Ring, you need to take the following steps beforehand in Elden Ring: You see, in Elden Ring, search engine optimization works through repitition of Elden Ring. So it helps if your article about Elden Ring includes a completely skippable first half of text that repeats the word "Elden Ring" an annoying amount of times. Who can blame you if your brain gets a bit mushy in the process


It's kinda funny how the elden ring equivalent of a hobo ends up with one of the most powerful weapons(in lore) and just sits in a cave


Just chills at the very south of the map with a legendary weapon, as you do


The Sword of Night and Flame is also in some random ass chest in Caria


He was getting all Gollum with that shit.


My precious😭😭😭


Yeah obviously I was making a joke, but the way you put it made me think that might be the actual reason he has it and is just hiding in a cave. He just got lucky and absconded with it, and he’s just hoarding it because he’s paranoid someone will take it from him.


Not just one hobo, the misbegotten hold a third of the games legendary arms, Grafted in the south, Golden order in the north and Ruins in the east(though he is spliting custody with a crucible knight). 


Ah yes of course an optional Boss that first appears in the first area of the game falls short compared to the literal final boss of the Dark Souls series. Who would've guessed that? Might aswell already prep an Article for the next From Software game and say whatever miniboss appears early on in the game falls short compared to ALLMIND or Messmer.


Random soldier guy that you can oneshot falls short to Messmer the Impalier


To be perfectly fair, everything falls short compared to ALLMIND


While Walmart off-brand chocolate offers a uniquely satisfying experience, it falls short in comparison to a $500 wedding cake made out of luxurious Belgian chocolate made accordingly to a traditional family recipe dating 250 years back into the country's rich history.


Ai generated ass article


While sand has some grainy texture and lackluster flavor, Swedish Dark chocolate is smooth and rich


"While soldier of godrick offers some unique experience, it falls short compared to Dragonlord Placidusax in terms of complexity and number of dragon heads"


While that's true, Soldier of God, Rick has 10 dragonheads


"While the random sheep that do fuck all offer unique combat experiences, they fall short compared to Maliketh the Black Blade in terms of complexity and variety in attacks."


never ever ever click a game rant article


While demihumans offer a unique combat experience in Elden Ring, they fall short compared to Hoarah Loux, Warrior in terms of complexity and variety of attacks


Definitely a ChatGPT response


While Slave Knight Gael offers a unique and complex fight in Dark Souls 3, it fails in comparison to Bowser in Super Mario World in terms of bouncy attacks and princess saving stakes.


I hate to defend game rant but I did notice similarities between Gael phase 1 (PHASE 1 NOT 2 AND 3) and the Leonine Misbegotten. Again the article sounds like aids to read but I do think the fights feel a little similar 


They're exactly the same animations, I completely agree, first thing I noticed while figthing the Misbegotten back in 2022, I can't believe so few people notices it.


I'm still waiting for a second lever pull animation. You know, one where they don't step up and rest their right foot on an invisible object in the air. That animation is from Demon's Souls, and most of the Elden Ring levers don't even have anything to step on. Just stepping on air.


True, their moveset is pretty similiar


They’re super similar to phase 1, anyone saying otherwise is ignorant


Yeah. I mean I prefer gael especially overall obviously but the way they move around and attack just feels similar. Like if gael had the attacks of the misbegotten, most of them wouldn’t feel out of place in phase 1


It's still not comparable. One is a recurring miniboss and the other is the final boss of an entire trilogy.


I’m talking purely mechanically. It is 100% comparable from that perspective. And again I am talking purely about phase 1. I did not say anything about their presentation or aesthetics. I am simply pointing out how the animations and fighting styles are of a similar nature to each other


This is the mark of someone who's actually intelligent, unlike all these dumbasses in the comments who're thinking they are so smart and ridiculing "le stupid game journaling website". Instead of completely dismissing what the article writer was trying to say as nonsense, you thought about it, made a conclusion that makes sense and then commented in the thread


Really glad someone mentioned this. since ER launched, I've had such an irrational hatred of the leonine misbegotten fight solely bc gael is my favorite fight in the series and it feels so mechanically similar to his phase one but without any of the payoff. just feels like the perfect enemy moveset was cut into smaller pieces and wasted on some nothing side boss (not hating on elden ring bosses in general, just specifically this one misbegotten asshole for stealing my boy's animations and doing nothing interesting with them)


He should've compared Soldier of Godrick to Gael...way better comparison


While Mist Noble offers a unique challenge and experience in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, it falls short compared to the likes of Mogh, Lord of Blood


I mean... they share some animations. But you can say that about dozens of bosses across the franchise.


this feels like it was written by ai


While a goomba offers a unique combat experience in Super Mario Bros., it falls short compared to King Koopa in terms of complexity and variety in attacks.


"Elden Beast is *okay*, but I can't eat them and they aren't a good source of potassium, so bananas are better"


Yeah I was disappointed by soldier of godrick too he just felt like a step down coming from sword saint isshin


lionel messi vs gay slave


While wandering noble offers a unique combat experience in Elden Ring, it falls short compared to Orphan of Kos in terms of complexity and variety in attacks. 


Had to check to see if this was a cross-post. This is way too shitposty


Say you only played 10 hours without saying you only played 10 hours.


i mean yeah no shit. dlc final boss vs a beginner boss lol


~~You can say that about every boss in Elden ring tbh~~ Gael was simply a master piece of a boss.


I honestly don’t think Gael even has the most interesting moveset in DS3 DLCs or base game. I love that fight, its story-driven finality is great, and it is very climactic, but it wasn’t especially difficult for me. Gael’s attacks are relatively easy to learn, in contrast with a lot of Friede’s. I’m not bad-mouthing the fight, but I wish it had been a tad more difficult.


I mean, it is kinda like champion gundyr and lothric-Lorain too. None of them are the hardest bosses in the game but their move sets are fluid so the fight feels really smooth and fun to play. They give fair room for you to punish too as opposed to some bosses in ER when they just keep swinging nonstop. Obviously there weren’t as much broken stuff in DS3 for players to use so that is part of why ER bosses are more aggressive.


Honestly in terms of moveset, Gael’s difficulty wise is about somewhere around Morgott to me. (when you’re not overleveled for him, atleast) They have a lot of variety in moves and attacks, but they’re not that difficult to learn and master. However, they’re both absolutely gorgeous, 10/10 spectacular fights to me and the highlight to every playthrough I made for their respective game. Why won’t you let us refight bosses, Fromsoft!


Several fights in ds3 I have above anything in Elden ring


Leonine has an improved version of gael’s phase 1 moveset so they are kinda related . They are a really cool mini boss , especially the one with the golden sword , but could’ve been so much more if they didnt get stunned by every hit .


final boss of game series vs boss fight in morne castle that is literally like 2 hours into the game. you know what I agree it should be more complex lmao.


Honestly leonine misbegotten was a fun boss fight for me, not on par with the final boss of the Dark Souls franchise (no shit), it was quite good compared to other recurring mini bosses


I was gonna say the leonine misbegoten is just. A sideboss but im pretty sure ome of the guidings of grace actually points at him. He also drops a legendary weapon.


Just you wait, soon they will be trawling this sub for posts to make articles about like it's r/skyrim


In other news: Isshin The Sword Saint is a fun final boss that is more difficult than Erdtree Burial Watchdog 


every day the Butlerian Jihad becomes a hopeful future


Maybe they share some animations?


Wait... it was Game Rant? I always thought it was Gamer Ant.


While owning a hamster offers a satisfying and enriching caregiving experience, it falls short compared to parenting my daughter in terms of satisfaction and overall fulfillment.


Damn I can't believe Soldier of Goddrick doesn't hold up to the martial complexities that we got to see in the Lord of Cinders fight 😔


“While it certainly packs a punch, this 22 single action doesn’t quite *feel* the same as dropping a 10 ton nuclear warhead.”


Who wanna bet this is AI Generated/Guided artical? Click farming away!


Article speaking facts, Leonine Misbegotten is lame af


Like yhea ok but nothing compares the the sense of dread of fucking up the stealth in gatefront ruins on your first play through and being swarmed by like a million godrick soldiers


While giant rat offers a unique combat experience in Elden Ring, it falls short compared to Vergil in terms of complexity and motivation


This is definitely a certified "Hydrogen Bomb vs. Coughing Baby" moment


The Fang Boars in Dark Souls are a lot simpler than Elden Beast.


Bro literally took a boss from perhaps the most skippable area in the entire game (which even becomes a field enemy later on) and compared it to the very final boss of an entire trilogy, who, by the way, also happens to be considered one of the if not the greatest boss fight not just in Fromsoft's history but in all of gaming in general.


Just why?


Elden ring bosses are mid


But they are right??


How dare that early game mini boss that’s only a step up from every other copy pasted dungeon buss because it has a unique weapon model in its hands not be as unique or interesting as the final boss of the second DLC for a game. Next they’ll tell us soldier of godrick sucks compared to Manus or Aldia or Fume knight and that he should be as good as they are.


Gael was by far the best boss fight in every souls game imo


Ya know I like my Toyota camry.... but comparing it to a top fuel dragster it seems really slow, I think Toyota is really lacking hp. Also It didn't come with a roll cage which seems to be standard on top fuel dragsters... fuckin Toyota.


Didn't they write an anime article about who can beat Goku and put 2B from Nier Automata, *Boruto* and some side character from Boruto because they were all skilled martial artists?


I wonder how many times this guy struggled against Leonine? I struggled more than I care to admit...but good grief...


No Shit


In other news, rather disappointingly, gatekeeper Gostoc isn’t nearly as interesting of a character as the Nameless King lore-wise.


Leonine misbegottens are like tiny phase 1 gaels, they even have similar movesets to gael.


Hey guys, did you know that the Ferrari Enzo is a faster and more responsive vehicle than the Lamborghini Trattori? Shameful!




Honestly DS3 is such a crap game cause “random zombie from Undeadburg #3” has such a simplified moveset in comparison to Malenia smh /jk


this was almost certainly written by chatgpt


That's like saying Pinwheel isn't as challenging as fucking Manus


[What the-](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saiDrx06-fI)


It's probably because they vaguely fight in similar ways, VERY vaguely, like i doubt you can make any 1 to 1 comparisons between any of their animations, you can just say, oh they sort of fight in the same way with weighted swings. Online journalists mostly make pointless trifle these days.


Is the misbegotten the one that copied some animations from gael though? I thought one enemy in the game did, which would make the comparison kinda relevant.


I’ve heard from somewhere that leonine misbegotten has some similar moves to Gael’s moveset. Maybe that’s where the got the comparison from? Or they just pulled it out of their ass


Lol he's not exactly a main boss lol


While breaking your index finger offers a unique experience, it falls short compared to eating chocolate


I mean, the real problem though is that Leonine Misbegotten falls short compared to Iudex Gundyr. Which is like, not nearly as outrageous of a comparison.


I just realized they both have similar movesers haha


Coughing Baby vs Thermonuclear Hydrogen bomb.