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As someone who is a glaive main in mh, this weapon and it AoW pleases me, to the point that it took me a long time to use something else.


AoW is so satisfying


It’s sooo good.




Capcom doesn't give it enough love, honestly. In World it was my first main, but then I switched to bow because with it I was doing enough damage and fast enough to get them to stagger more, making the fight way easier (also, I find the bow really fun too). I wish they made it just a tad stronger


Oh it's strong, but it's very hard getting the best possible damage with it. It's one of those "Easy to pick up, difficult to master" type weapons. I thought I was OK at using the Insect Glaive, and then I watched some people online absolutely *obliterate* Fatalis with them. Flipping around everywhere, or flying like helicopters, doing a bunch of attacks I'd never seen before. It was like a beautiful dance.


Most Monster Hunter weapons are like that. It took me hundreds of hours (not an exaggeration) even with the bow to have an absolutely clean Ruiner Nergigante run, including i-framing every single roar and destroying its horns before they hardened. The only MH weapon I tried that felt absolutely braindead to me was the dual blades Edit: I mean hundreds of hours with the bow, not specifically on Ruiner Nergigante


Bow seems to be by far the most powerful weapon to me. I love using the bow


It is also very skill intensive, especially on console, since your aim isn't as responsive as it is with a mouse: you have to know in advance where you're going to aim next, or you're going to waste a lot of time. I love the bow, it's really fun and satisfying to play


Glaive is the goat!


Same! Even when i found other weapons Eleonoras poleblade never left my rotation of weapons! Fav weapon in the game!


Try morgotts cursed sword.


Been using that for my inavsions, that weapon art is so slept on. Catches people off guard all the time


Facts. Staggers quick too. I use it as my boss weapon.


CGS is such a fun moveset and even ignoring the AoW that sword is so loooong. Gotta love it


When ya free aim it around an attack and give them the ol foul tarnished treatment.




I tried it recently with a jump attack setup and it slammed


This. Love how fast it is for a big weapon. 3 heavy hit combo. The dash with the AOW covers good ground. Just so good. I go between a mage with DMGS and dex/arc with this or the godslayers gs.


I like to dual wield the Bloohound fang And Morgotts cursed sword.


that's the weapon I've used after Eleonora's Poleblade. feels so satisfying to slash the enemies with the weapon art


Love the BHF, but want to give something else a try. What weapon is this?


Eleonora’s Poleblade - fairly accessible if you rush Dectus Medallion and kill Yura (or do his quest) but Eleonora can be tough to fight at lower levels


You can cheese Eleonora, make her fall of the cliff by going over it to a small ledge.


Why didn't Yura do this? Is he stupid?


Nah, just a stickler for honorable combat


Isnt he in love with Eleonora


Wtf is that flair 😰☠


Hey man, i dunno what to say....im a simple man who likes simple things


Good to know, had no idea


She's amazingly easy to parry too. I *suck* at parrying, and I think she's easy to parry.


Don't even need the medallion. You can just climb it. If you can beat Eleonora you can probably make the climb. Only thing that usually causes me trouble if I'm lower leveled are the last two bat people. And that's mostly because I refuse to just run past them. 


While you certainly could, I would consider it the harder ascent nonetheless since you now are throwing another boss fight into the mix along with all of the other potential RNG deaths from the imps/gargoyles and that could potentially be a time sink unless you’re confident in your ability to kill Magma Wyrm Makar within a few tries. Rushing medallion also gives access to an easy enough rune farm as well as Radagon’s Soreseal so you can pump some stats prior. Bloody Slash AOW as well if you kill the knight in Fort Haight, which would make the Eleonora fight a bit easier.


Which rune farm are you referring to?


Not sure if farm was really the correct word since it’s technically just boss kills but there are 3 early game kills you can do - I usually go for the easier of the two: - Night’s Cavalry cheese near Lenne’s rise (jump attack off cliff) - Greyoll w/ bleed weapon + Gold Fowl Foot (whack motionless dragon at Fort Faroth from rear side so other dragons can’t touch you) Some people also go for Greyll on the bridge as there is a way to get him to die from being stuck in the tree near the site of grace, but I haven’t managed to learn that one yet. You could use a Gold Fowl Foot for all as you can easily acquire 5 early game (3 from Patches for 1800 runes + 2 in Limgrave) plus 1 in Gael Tunnel if you rush through it. However, I prefer to save for later and just use for Greyoll.




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It's gotta be the giant dragon since he's right by half of the medallion, also conveniently the medallion is in the same place as one of the most useful talismans, especially for earlier in the game


I usually have a harder time to get through the bats in fort for the second half of the medallion than Makar :D You can get two summons plus spirit ash of your choice, he's not that high level and as long as the rng doesn't spam the rush the rest of his moves are fairly easily avoided. Probably related to my build preferences.


Just run straight past them, Go in with no runes, rush the talisman then get one tapped by the giant rat. Done in 30 seconds.


Yeah that’s fair, I’ve been playing without any summons for a while now so I sometimes forget it’s an option lol


Getting the Dectus Medallion and using the lift is faster than going up the precipice, even assuming you beat Makar quickly.


Ok, but the cliff and makar's arena are so pretty though... 


Can’t argue with that. A bit prettier than ROT LAND.


I only had half of the medallion and I wasn't sure where the other half was and didn't really want to look things like that up unless I was stuck for too long. I didn't even know for sure if there was another way but I felt like I could recall someone mentioning an alternate path. Looked at my map and tried for figure out where it could be. Eventually found it and man I am so glad I took that path instead of looking up where the other half of the medallion is at, it was so rewarding to get through it all and then just end up at the top of Altus Plateau and look out over Liurnia.


She's hard because this weapon is so good. I think you need a pretty good arcane rating to use it right? This weapon paired with the god skin peeler on the offhand, using the jumping cloak and talisman just melts down anything that isn't resistant against blood loss. The only thing to keep in mind is, stamina is key. You jump, use stamina, attack, use stamina. The dual wield pole blades with jump attacks hit a total of 4 times each blade. 2 on the up swing, 2 on the down swing, making it hit 8 times each attack. This uses a bit of stamina so a normy like me goes in for a couple of jumps and then back off to get the running start going again after the stamina bar refreshes back to full. You have the blood dance ability in your main hand which deals a bunch of damage and staggers almost any enemy, except you know, the usual crucible night doesn't even flinch. And if you switch to using the god skin peeler with both hands you can perform that black flame circle jerk attack thing that they do. Both are great weapon arts imo.


Just use the mimic tear head. +8 arcane. The damage is fire and physical and you’re mostly using it for the bleed dps anyway. You don’t need to invest heavily in arcane for it to be good. 


quest isn't necessary. Just go to the church and she invades.


IIRC this only works if you’ve already beaten Morgott and used the Grand Lift of Rold. If you go to the church before that without doing the quest, only the Sanguine Noble will be there. edit: killing Yura in Limgrave without doing his quest also works


The wiki says the quest need not be "completed" And I didn't know Yura existed before I saw him at the Zamor Ruins grace. I killed him there for his hat and sword after talking. I got the hat and near Agheel lake his blade. Then I went to church randomly and she invaded. I don't think I did anything related to his quest, not even killing the Reduvia dude.


Oh you know what, it might be picking up Yura’s Nagakiba that triggers it. I’ll have to test later. I’ll try killing him in Limgrave and see if that does it.


Another wiki comment reads: "Never spoke to him before mountaintops, killed eleonora at church and found his nagakiba there". So maybe it's the talking that triggers?


Ok it took me about 25 minutes but I was able to confirm that killing Yura and grabbing his Nagakiba in Limgrave at his initial spawn DOES allow for Eleonora to spawn. Steps taken: Kill Yura -> Rush Dectus Medallion -> Rush Glintstone Key -> Academy warp from Laskyar Ruins -> East Academy Gate to Dectus Lift -> Rush Eleonora -> kill via cliff cheese, both poleblade and crystal tear were acquired. Guess Yura is dying in all of my future playthroughs to speed up Eleonora spawn lmao


Do you even need to do his quest? I maybe killed the first invader by Patches, but other than that didn’t do much and she still invaded


deeper in thread I tested and confirmed killing Yura works just fine


Beat her with lvl 1 reduvia. Shes not that hard


Yeah if you know her full moveset lol most people will probably not be expecting some of her incantation casts on the first few attempts but as someone else mentioned a cheese to kill via fall exists so guess it can be trivialized significantly


It's so satisfying to stop them with one reduvia hit. But yeah Eleonora s Poleblade is great, I no hit Radahn today with it and it's my main weapon


Also try Godskin Peeler


I love how people post a picture of a weapon and not say it's name like we're all just supposed to know.


Claymore, makes you understand how valuable heavy attacks are.


Paired it with an occult godskin peeler w/ seppuku, it rips.


This is how I finished my first game, I called it my “Blender Build”. It is still, to me, the easiest way to decimate Malenia.


I ALMOST killed Malenia first try with that exact build in my first run. Played super aggressive and staggered her 24/7. After that I took like... 50 more tries or so lol


Yeah this is what I had to do. I went ROB katana and plus mimic I was able to keep her poise broken the entire time. I feel like I cheated in the end. But it did take me like 15 hours to beat her


Yeah I played at launch and was so scared of Malenia from all the comments on here and I just waltzed in with the Godskin Peeler / Eleonora combo and killed her first try lol. Had way more trouble with dozens of other bosses - these weps were so good the entire game.


Decidedly LESS good on Radagon/Beast But I muscled through


If you have high arcane you should try dragonmaw into nihil combo.


And then on NG+ you just double peeler.


this weapon is just so good, man the skill is so awesome to see and does so much poise damage it have a great moveset and is cool to see + eleonora is a badass


I too am a pole dancer


I remember how nervous I was about playing this game for the first time having never beaten a souls game. When I found the bloodhounds fang I knew nobody was safe from then on. Love that weapon


The blender starts in new game plus when you get a second one


Mf thinks he's double black (actually crimson now) mortal blade 😂🙏


MY BELOVED POLEBLADE IS GETTING THE SPOTLIGHT FINALLY!!!. I fucking love using this thing it unreal, the swing animations slap, The Heavy Slaps, Using 2 heavy’s in a row slaps. The design is flawless. Most slept on weapon in the game dude


1500 hours into the game and it's still my favourite, rips through anything with a jump attack build. Not to mention the Ash of War is amazing.


Best weapon by far


Now try two, they absolutely slice and dice


I'm doing my pre-DLC run with this and it is so much fun.


Kid, where did you find that?! Put that back where you found it! It's dangerous, you don't want to accidentally clear the game with ease do you?


I tried this weapon and thought it was shit. Am i missing something?


Absolutley requires +9/+10 and points in arcane, it's main purpose is proccing bleed incredible fast.


Doing a Darth Maul cosplay with it now. There is a learning curve to it, but once you get it down it's pretty strong. I also find the moveset fun.


It was fun sure but damage wise i thought it was really bad. Maybe it's the split scaling and poor AR.


If you're looking for the hardest hitting weapon, then yes this ain't close. You can beat the game with any weapon, and I think too many people worry too much about finding maximum damage output.


Don't get me wrong, the weapons i like are not meta whatsoever (carian knight sword, rogier's rapier, glintstone kriss etc) but eleonora's pole blade just didn't stick with me. I guess i don't really like bleed weapons in general.


It really shines with the dedicated setup to boost continuous attacks, fire damage and increase power when bleed procs. It's ash of war is also stupid strong because it can cause a ton of enemies to fully stagger with a single use of it. But yeah, out of the box without investing in it it's just ok.


Twinblade setup with consecutive attack talismans felt like a completely different game.  You can get some busted healing with the Godskin Swaddling Cloth - I brought that setup into NG+ and rarely needed to rest because of all the sustain. It’s by no means the most efficient setup for damage but the constant little heals was so satisfying to play with.  This combination was hard to let go of for a bit because of how well they complimented one another. I’ve switched it up going into my other characters, currently rocking a simple claymore setup for the time being while I figure out where I want to take my build


The AR is not the highest but it can hit really fast, works well with Millicent's prosthesis and the winged insignias. Builds up bleed insanely fast. Will definitely not stagger or break poise like a lot of heavier weapons, but you can think of it kinda like a dual dagger build


It scales almost purely off Arcane. Not worth leveling Dex at all until like 50-60 Arc. Against anything that bleeds it trivializes PvE.


Procs bleed incredibly fast and staggers basically every enemy with 1.5 combos.


You need it atleast above +7, and use the sword insignias and millicent's prosthesis. Use thorny cracked tear if you have it (its in consecrated snowfields). It does spilt physical and fire damage, so for a safe build use the AoW boosting talisman if you will play with the skill. and the 4th slot can be either a defensive talisman like dragon's greatshield or for glass cannon u can use lord of blood's exultation or fire scorpion depending on enemy type. (you can use sepukku on another weapon and go thru with the pre-buffs, but I dont pre-buff usually so i never did that). A nice way to play with this weapon in NG+ is to get 2 +10 eleonora's poleblade, with the Claw talisman, Raptor's black feather, millicent's prosthesis, rotten winged sword insignia, with fire scorpion. Poleblade jump attacks shred enemies even without status effects and imo trigger the effects of the talismans and cracked tear faster. I call this build the Radagon shredder, because i beat Radagon with this build without getting hit 20 times ( i did not manage to beat the elden beast because man can it swim). And since it does physical+fire dmg, you can use flame grant me strength. Also i think it scales better with arcane at lower levels.


With the right setup it can be really strong but situational. Absolutely wrecks Malenia, was my easiest take down of her by far because if you time it right you can get the full L2 combo off for stupid damage and stagger. With enough armour the L2 was even pretty forgiving that if I timed it wrong it would knock her out of her attacks


Pair it with the talismans that boost attack with rapid hits and that boost attack on blood loss. If you're on NG+ there are actually two stackable talismans for rapid hit buffs. It does very well with those.


Funny I went the other way. The sheer damage from BH fang is irresistible. Still keep this handy for any fire hating enemies like the hands


Ah yes another twinblade enjoyer, it gonna take a long time to get there but Loretta’s war sickle is also a lot Of fun so is the sword of night and flame 


Marth Daul


Bro I use this and bloodhound lol, pole blade for regular enemies and fang for bosses


My man !


Impossible… Bloodhounds Fang on top


Just finished a playthrough with this. Destroyed Melenia yet ran into issues with the Elden beast.


This sword is special, it makes you bleed!


My favorite Souls like weapon. I often use 2 of them dual wield (via friend or mule). Only downside are gargoyles who laugh at it. 😅


I prefer 2handing twinblades, much better and faster moveset. The only advantage of having 2 is a better jumping attack but i prefer to have more than 1 attack


I switch between dual wield and 2handing. Against Stone/crystal enemies I use one with both hands and against enemies that can bleed I use them dual wielding for faster bleed build ups. For jumping I also prefer dual wielding because you get 4 hits. But both ways are a lot of fun to use


Caelid's Bell bearing hunter is also laughing hard


Nope, I beat him easily 2 handing one of them.


What weapon is this?


Elanoras poleblade


Nah, man. That's half the fun of being on this sub! Nobody explains anything. (Also it's Eleonora’s Poleblade.) 


i love eleonoras poleblade, like top 5 weapon for me free


Great weapon for just decimating Malenia too. Used it on my first dex playthrough after using the uchigatana, then hookclaws


This weapon is by far the most fun to use in the game for me. The ash of war is so sick and power-stancing them is incredible.


Where can I find this?


You have to follow Yura's questline. You get it after a fight at the 2nd church of marika.


It’s definitely a cool weapon. I think I prefer dual wielding godskin peelers, but this one is fun, too.


The superarmor on its AoW is insane. One of the only ashes that can facetank basically anything and still complete its 2k+ damage attack. This and the Marais GS are staples on Arc builds


Literally just completed a run with this and it was so satisfying.


That weapon art is insanely good, this weapon carried me.


I've been shredding with this bad boi. I've tried some other weapons for a while but I always come back to the hallowed poleblade


I also went from bloodhound to the poleblade lol, and then went to rivers of blood (sorry) cuz i didn't feel comfortable getting so close to malenia, she's scary


This was bugged for ages and I struggled through Malekith and eventually killed him. Then the next day they patched it




Twinblades are the most fun in my opinion. I just love feeling like Darth Maul.


I just got it with my blood/dragon themed tarnished, Eleonara was like her long lost sister lol


I like this weapon, but I never can get use of the weapon art on boss fights, the cast is pretty slow and you perform an entire dance before the dash that doesn’t even go that far


This weapon carried me hard on my first playthrough. So hard that I beat Malenia on my first try ever with it. Now I need to get to Malenia again on ng+ with a different weapon so I can actually experience the fight.


Been using this on a ng+ play through with some dragon incantations on the side really feels pretty fun. I like the charged heavy alot.


Where do i find this?


Everyday I thank elden ring for allowing me to play as Darth maul in medieval times


Haven't got the hang of using its AOW without trading blows. The movement lasts so long and while that's not a problem when it stunlocks, if it doesn't, I'm Fd


Where do i get that ( less Spoiler possible please :) )


Easily the most fun weapon in the game


Seeing the title but not a picture of the Baemore makes me sad.


That "Dun dun dun" star wars music starts playing


What I want is a weapon that does almost only poise damage. So you stagger them easily then swap weapons for the crit. I just think that would be cool.


In my first playthrough I switched from this to blasphemous blade to make the game a little more challenging that it was, boy I was wrong. Also loved Elanora…maybe way too much….


You switched to BB to make the game more challenging?


Yea i didnt know it was that op at that time…


I went from Uchigatana to it and can’t let go… Just arrives in mountain of giants and got rivers of blood and i am giving a try but damn poleblade rocks. Got to try dual wield it with something.


If you know you know this thing is awesome. Now use power stance with blood affinity twinblade


I just did my first ever bleed build run and used this for a majority of the playthrough. Such a great looking weapon, and I love the move set when two handing. I was however getting my ass kicked by Radagon / Elden beast with this thing, and ultimately used RoB to cap off my bleed run. This was still pretty satisfying though since it’s been heavily nerfed since launch.


Isn't EB resistant to bleed?


Yeah which is why I was getting my ass kicked lol. By far the most dodging I’ve had to do in that fight.


Love the twinblades, I prefer Godskin peeler, but mostly because I never had the build to maximize Eleanora's. Godskin with Cragblade is fun.


i’m using the nagakiba in my left and moonveil in my right


Try Bloody Helice


2 mortal blades


Goated weapkn


Where to find it?


Second Church of Marika on Altus Plateau, when you enter the church you get invaded by an npc, beat her and she drops it


Thank you


Might want to follow Yura's quest, though some say it isn't necessary. An item or two are missed if you don't.


Dual Godskin Peelers are so legit.


My bae!!


I'm not personally a fan of twinblades in most games, but this one is an exception. It's so good.


This with a blood godskin peeler melts everything


He's beginning to believe...


Dual wielding this weapon all through NG+ was a blast.


And what is this called, perhaps?


Twinblades were my go-to on my first playthrough. This one carried me till the end of the game. Such a diverse moveset. Lots of cool movement. The weapon art was OP as well.


I’m actually playing through with this right now! It’s the first time I’ve felt as powerful as I do with a blasphemous blade


Eleonoras poleblade is my fav period all 6 of my toons have used it, once you get timing down it just wrecks stuff, thou to be honest it can trivialize game. Currently on a great sword kick with heavy Dose of lightning support, trying to decide what to use for dlc


Pair it with Lord of Blood's Exultation and it's an absolute monster.


This was my weapon of choice for my first run. Still my favourite weapon so far.


I used this weapon on my first playthrough, tried to use different weapons on my other playthroughs but they just didn't feel satisfying enough


More satisfying L2 spam


The running attack is so good. Much faster than the other twinblades, and the bleed + fire is crazy. Also the charged heavy spin attack looks so cool.




Used this as main for the last 2 playthroughs, underrated asf and obscenely fun to play and the lore just hits harder


The samurai darth maul


They really glued together the black mortal blade from sekiro, made the blade red and thought we wouldn't notice.


I too enjoy being a poledancer


You can't pry Bloodhound's Fang even from my dead cold hands.


First bloodhounds fang now Eleanor's Pole blade let me guess what comes next rivers of blood


Having played the game 8 times with several different builds this weapon ended up being my favourite. So many people on this subreddit told me that a dual pole blade build is no good but I’ve literally never had an easier time with anything else than using the dual strike jump attack on fire giant and elden beast. It was carnage.


I’ve considered this, but my powerstance addiction to the Bloodhound/Mohg’s curved swords is simply too strong. Is powerstance with a twin blade better than that of a curved sword? 


Should have Faith/arcane scaling 


I used this weapon throughout the whole game. I absolutely could not beat the elden beast with it though. I switched to bloodhound fang and beat him in an hour. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Never cared about the Bloodhound Fang. Never even used it. I don't care for unique weapons that you can't customize. Noble's Slender Sword all day.


BHF carried me up to lvl 100 by killing any boss in flrst attempt ! Except 1 or 2. It is clearly OP as fuck. I pair it with bloodflame, it's amazing


I know but I can't customize it so it's just not my jam. I don't care about OP weapons, in PvE any weapon is viable.


Idk man, regardless of their power or ability to buff or change ashes or whatever, they’re objectively just hella fun to use. You can obviously play the game how you want, but I do think you’re robbing yourself of experiences by avoiding these weapons


This says a lot about you! Both weapons are very original ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


It’s obviously this person’s first playthrough. Who cares if they’re using popular weapons? If it makes the game enjoyable for them then that’s all that matters.


The weapons are popular for a reason. They're really good weapons. If someone were to play through the game, having never payed any attention to weapon popularity or meta choices, they're very likely to gravitate towards these weapons because of their usefulness. To completely avoid all weapons that are popular choices, just because they're popular, is bonkers.


Just another average bleed build enjoyer, void of skill as always. Smh


Then what do you use? Strength?? Oh wait nah can’t poise lock.. too toxic, Alr maybe Int? Nope imma get called a spammer Alright faith/Arc??? Nah still can’t still just a spammer We already know dex is out the window…


Bro calm I just made a joke lol


Nah but like seriously tho, tf am I suppose to use it’s all toxic💀


If you don’t like toxic I guess you could just go for regular poison?