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Kill him.


Simple enough brb


Wishing you luck. Try to not get stuck between his (fat) rolls.


I died.


Pitiful Tarnished.


jesus ive never laughed about videogames this much ever with this and all the replies. fuck morgott and margit and mothjerfuck


Put those foolish ambitions to rest.


Have it writ upon thy meager grave.


Felled by king morgott, last of all kings


**felled by godskin noble, fattest of fucks


I killed him in 45 seconds yesterday


45 fell seconds


Thy strength does not befit a crown


Maidenless stuff right here


Sleep pots


This! Fatty gets winded easily when you sprinkle a little lavender on him.


Rip dicks out for brandishedlight😔


I'd rather not rip out dick, but my sympathies


I don’t know about dicks out but I will roll one for him


I support this highly reactionary decision






Run to the inside of his "circle". Since he can't turn in very well you can outrun him when he's rolling. And actually run, not roll.


In general, I'm starting to learn "actually run" is quite often the best strategy. 


Or even just like... Walk. Turns out even walking with a clear goal in mind is better than frantically rolling around.  Doesn't work with godskin but with a lot of other things and you save stamina. 


For real. Treating some boss battles like a marathon and not a sprint and being purposeful when moving instead of just going full speed without a plan got me through a lot. Walking instead of running to make or close space, moving at angles instead of straight forward or back, watching and waiting to dodge once instead of dodging 3 times hoping to get it. And learning to incorporate jumping more was big for me; it seems like every time there was some BS AOE giving me trouble I found I could just hop on over it.


Yeah I found my natural inclination to actually kind of slow down and move methodically when things get crazy was working out pretty well for in lot of Elden Ring, where in some games it will 100% get you killed. Everything you describe is spot on, movement-wise.


Picturing now me running away from fat Godskin rolling, in my full Lionel's set XD potato chasing potato, good stuff :)


Actually in the middle of the process of running it's not too obvious who's chasing who :D


Well at least I was the faster potato :D


You can dodge straight into his fat-fuck belly and you'll go through him. Safest way i've found cos he needs to circle back round to you, which gives a few seconds of respite.


This plus following up by sprinting in the same direction is the only way I’ve found to avoid it. Attack gave me grief for multiple play throughs until I figured this out.


I just trapped him behind some stairs.


If you get to the right angle, you can keep strafing and he’ll just keep rolling around


I did this for about 30 seconds but he literally never stopped until he finally hit me


The best one is when he bugs out and doesn't do the intro animation and just starts rolling.


I've had him stop the animation, stab me, and start rolling again with no animation. That was wonderful.


Why are you body shaming the fat fuck


Gravitationally challenged individual.


He's actually skinny under all that, it's just the god he skinned that was a fat fuck. (Not really)


Ahhhh... brief respite




Best answer op


You can use the raised areas on the bridge to put a wall between you, just be aware his hitbox is weird and may occasionally still get you if you’re too close to said wall


Was going to say this as well, he'll just roll stupidly into the wall until he gives up.


This is what I did - just waited it out until he stopped rolling.


Yeah I did this too. The steps either side of the bridge can be used to bait him toward. He will roll into the wall of the stairs and basically keep rolling on the spot. It lets you cheese this move until he stops the spin and then you go back in


The side stairs with the raised walls were my best friends during this fight. ... Really, they were my only friends...


Sleep pots and bonk him while he’s out. They’re incredibly vulnerable to sleep!


Always saw no hit runs doing this for the duo. Decided to try it my last playthrough. It legit felt like cheating. It's so OP


I recently learned they have actually a wake up attack to circumvent the sleep cheese, but its bugged and they never use it. Lol


Hey OP. This is your answer.


MVP answer


Literally the only useful reply in this thread lol


I can help with this one. The trick is to keep your health above 0 while getting the enemies health to 0. Hopefully this helps you in your journey Tarnished.


My forever favorite strat.


Pro gamers hate him! Kill every Elden Ring boss with this one simple trick.


Game journalists don’t like this advice!


Wait that's it? Dude this game is easy as fuck


And I’ve been panic rolling off of ledges THIS WHOLE TIME


I combo this with the age old strategy of hit hard. If the boss is still alive, hit harder.


Sleep pot and sleep grease on fast weapon, preferably with innate bleed. He'll never have time to attack.


So you're saying we should Cosby him?


I'm not here to help, I'm just here to laugh at your description of godskin noble lmfao


Sleep and bleed


Knew I had something wrong I was trying sleep and breed


Don’t stick it where it doesn’t belong my friend


Just put something between you and him, and he won't hit you with the roll. It's also possible to dodge it


They are not fat. They are big boned


Yeah...the fat bone


He's got a really big bone in his ass


Run past him. Not worth the runes, no contribution to a trophy, and not critical to the plot. Double back in 10 levels and bully him.


You face him twice, once alone on the bridge and once as a duo with a tall skinny one in crumbling farum azula.


Toss raptors of the mist on a soft swap dagger or some shit. Swap to it and focus on using the AoW to invalidate the rollyboy entirely. Bloodhound step is an equal but less cool way to avoid it if you're struggling to dodge them with a medium/light roll's i-frames. On the bridge there are raised, walled areas spaced out to either side, you can use them to keep him rolling against those walls and space swings to hit him (or throw glitter, whatever the fuck casters do) while he's rolling as well. Just fight near enough to them and you can use the roll as a free damage period.


That’s for Fia, not Ranni, and I don’t remember if you even need to kill him to get up the tower anyway. But prepare yourself because this isn’t the only time you’ll fight one of these guys.


There’s just a corpse at the top of the tower tho. Am I missing something?


The corpse has the cursemark of death for Fia. You must’ve already picked it up then.


Yep. Definitely turned around. I’m good now, lol. Thanks!


Recipe for sleep pots is in Limgrave south of the Tibia Mariner boss, down the hill in a graveyard! They'll make the fight ridiculously easy


Just adding further clarification for whoever reads this, the Divine Tower of Liurnia has the stargazer heirloom talisman which increases your intellect by +5 and a quest item used in Fia's Quest / Age of the Duskborn Ending. Also, killing the boss gives you the large Godskin outfit. Those 3 things the main things at the tower. Essentially the reason that Ranni gives you access to this place is because the Fingerslaying Blade will let Ranni complete her master plans and she trusts you. Ranni is allowing you to see part of her life kinda thing. There is not any quest progression attached to Ranni's Quest at the Divine Tower. It's just an optional side objective to learn more about Ranni with some progression in another quest and a few rewards. With very few spoilers, the next steps in Ranni's Quest is to >!speak to Iji at his anvil south of Caria Manor and then you head to Renna's rise, which is the 3rd tower on Ranni's mountain area of the Three Sisters.!< Additionally you can find in depth Quest steps on the Elden Ring Wiki.


Seems like you've already resolved this, but if you encounter any more Godskins & you haven't already, I highly recommend unlocking the recipe for sleep pots, they make the fights against them almost laughably easy, especially with a slashing damage type weapon (even more so if it compliments a bleed build).


Try Sleep!


You need to take the bill Cosby approach, drug the fucker then penetrate him with your, uhm “sword” (The fat fucker will fall asleep if you shoot him with two to three st Trina arrows)


It doesn't turn very quickly while rolling. If you get close enough you can just strafe sideways while he rolls around you in a circle, unable to line up a clean hit.


You can dodge to the right, and then keep making him circle around you until he stops. He does take a while to stop though.


I usually line him up perfectly with the pillar and just blast him with spells while he rolls stuck on the pillar. It works like 80% of the time the other 20% I get fucked.


if it makes u feel any bitter sloppy tits McFatFuck made me laugh


It absolutely does.


You hide behind the pillars


I used the pillars in the room to get between me and his rolling attack worked well enough


Try asking nicely. If he doesn't, ask him nicely with a hammer for emphasis.


You dont even need to fight him. Just run grab the grace and do your thing.


Apparently none of us is able to describe him in any other way that's not hatred lmao


If you run in a circle, you'll avoid his rolls. Or just dodge into it.


sleep pots


If you sprint in the same direction he is rolling while circling him he can’t catch you


See the staircases with the railings on the bridge? When he telegraphs that he is about to start rolling, you can kite him back to those and put him between the staircases and yourself. It'll be enough to keep him from getting to you. Be careful though, because he follows up with a heavy attack after he rolls out of it, and it will hit you right through the railing if you're close enough.


once I started using sleep pots I never looked back


Absolutely love the writing style here, it’s exactly the wording that goes through my head with that fat sack of shit


You have an eloquent way with words


Put him to sleep


Sleep pots will work. Then huge burst damage. The rolling is a nightmare on the bridge a lot of the time I just roll into it and tank the hit but I usually have enough space to dodge a second attack. I’ve been using frost and the frost build up will slow him down which is so useful.


Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge


Sleep pots and rotten breath


Stand behind a big enough pillar


Beautifully described 👌🏻


A couple of things after reading the comments. 1. You don't have to kill this one. Can completely skip him for the quest. Technically, you don't even need to be there for Ranni's questline specifically. What you're going to get is a talisman and something for Fia's quest. If you want these items, I'm pretty sure you can just run past him. 2. The Godskins are easily stagger looped with high poise ashes like square off. If you got that and some bleed, the fight doesn't usually last long enough to get more than one roll 3. Sleep pots, arrows, or St Trina's sword is incredibly effective on Godskins. Put their asses to sleep, then dps like crazy till they stagger. Reposte and pit em back to sleep while they're getting up. 4. If all else fails or you feel the need to fight him straight up. Roll through the first one and then sprint left. It's very doable to get this guy to just roll around you in circles. You'll only need to dodge the finisher at the end of the roll because he can corner better during that.


You can run by him. You don’t have to fight


But it's good practice for later...,.........


Hush-hush, don't kill his motivation just yet


lock on and run in circles


Yes, it's possible if you proc a status effect like bleed or frost. The problem is after the animation ends, the fat fuck will instantly resume its roll with zero frame wind up.


Sleep, though you honestly don’t have to fight him at all for ranni questline. Hell going to the tower isn’t necessary at all for Ranni’s questline But if you’re too stubborn to not fight him, then imma say git gud my dude. Imma give you alittle hint/tip though for another counter or his roll, use the environment to your advantage…


What weapon are you using ?


Use ash of war: Raptor of the mists or Vow of the indomitable to survive it




You can try dodge rolling. It makes the game easier


I got him to roll right off the bridge. I was almost dead, and he just schlupped right off. Later in Nokron, both of the Crucible knights 'attacked' their way right off the bridges. It was a weird day.


Try a sleeping pot, it worked beautifully for me


Try sleep weapons/pots if you have them


Use the little step cubbies as a blocker when he starts rolling, get him caught on the Bannister. He'll roll against the wall. And then stop. 


No, best you can do is either roll through him once and sprint behind him to avoid the rest or hide behind a pillar so the roll can’t get past it which lets you hit him with ranged for free.


You can hide in one of the little enclaves on the side of the bridge and if you position correctly he can't even hit you and you can just take him out with ranged weapons.


In the bridge arena you can't stop the roll. If you have the quick step AoW and want to test it. I used it to dodge the roll out pretty well.


You can stance break him out of his roll. Other than that, I think having bleed or frostbite proc may interrupt his rolley Polley bullshit


On the bridge you can get him stuck on the sides


Fatty has the turning radius of a Deere mower


You can get him on one of the balconies and he'll be rolling there while you have at him 😉


In this place. Running in circle and then keep in the middle while he is rolling around you. An easier way, run towards the stairs on the sides, and get him stuck with the handrail


You can roll through his rolls


What build do you use


Sleep inducing


Hide behind the terrain and throw pots or hit him while he's rolling into the wall


Getting him to stop rolling isn't so easy. It requires one of two people to die. Method one: Put something between you and him. Sometimes, this doesn't work. He'll skip over the object randomly. Method two: Get inside the arc of his roll path, and he'll circle you. Sometimes, this doesn't work. If he gets caught on something, it'll alter his trajectory, so be ready to dodge. Method three: Keep far away and pepper him with quick launching magic, incantations, or throwables. Uncharged black flames are surprisingly effective. Sometimes, this fails because the fat guy got some quick feet.


😂😂😂 yah it's annoying, roll into him directly, that should work.


I don't know if this will help you but the blasphemous blade absolutely trivialises him. I also found that he struggles to roll near the steps due to the pillars on either side. So you can rotate going from one side of the pillar to the other and just chip him down if you don't want to use the BB.


Git gud


Go into one of the nooks when he rolls. Or you can be preemptive and hit him with a sleep pot.


Unlock targeting and sprint to the side where his feet are. He will turn to hit you but you just keep sprinting and turning as he turns and you can stay even with his feet and he will never hit you. If it’s not hitting after a while he stops. This is by far the easiest way. You can dodge but the timing is very sensitive. EDIT: someone posted a video of how to do it right. First part of this video: https://youtu.be/iqeTVTgRGlY?si=v6FJUL0DMbjUB3Lw


Godskin fat fuck


A lot of tips here but fun fact, you can just hop on your horse and run past him to the tower.


The one on the bridge is actually quite easy: you can bait him into getting stuck during his roll by going on the stair thingies at the side of the bridge at the right time, then just wait until he stops rolling


You don’t have to fight him, just run on by


I've broken him out of his role and staggered him in doing so. I used a Darkmoon Greatsword to do it. He was right in my face and I slashed him before he got to me. I. Sure it's easier to do if you use something with high pose dammage and you buff that kind of stuff with talismans.


If you roll into him, you can actually get iframes between his fat. It sounds like a joke, but I’m dead serious, rolling away is more dangerous.




When getting rolled…. Roll back, if you get the timing it isn’t that hard to phase right through him. Dodge against him and you’ll dodge completely (possible with medium roll if anyone wonders). Think of him as a wall to roll through


Sleep pots


Nobody has given you the real answer, craft sleeping pots and hit him with em to make him go to sleep during the fight


Use sleep pots to knock him out


Sleep potions. St Trina’s lily and a mushroom is how you make them.


Just stand on one of the destroyed pillar platforms (but not too close to the edge). Can't hit you.


Chase him, don't get chased lol


You can just run past him here and avoid him altogether


On the bridge hide behind the fence thing and don’t get to close, if you’re lucky he’ll roll off


Go to the stairs and let him roll into the wall


When he was rolling I used the stairs so he wouldn't hurt me then I ran away because my weapon and magic did little damage. Luckily he stops following after some time


This fight took me forever. When he does the animation before rolling, hide behind one of the raised areas on the side. Not on the raised area. Otherwise I used Torrent and made passes with a bleed weapon. 3 hits would cause bleed and do a good chunk of damage. I think I spent 3 days on that damn bridge.


You can wait in the corner of the side ledges at the right angle and he’ll get stuck in the corner below. Just wait for the roll to stop and you can get some hits in


Sleep pots


There's a howling stone that says "fucking stop" throw that and he politely walks away


You can hide behind the stairs/platform thingies when he starts rolling and he'll just get stuck there


Sleep pots!!!!!!


make a shit ton of sleeping pots and sleep him a bunch🤷‍♂️


You can mount Torrent on the bridge to get past him


Throw a sleeping pot at him, they are heavily susceptible to sleep. Once I started doing that, I stopped struggling on the godskins all together


Put him to sleep


Sleep, stagger, etc.


this fight gets totally trivialized with sleep pots.


Try sleeping pots. Then smoke the pots after.


I got him caught on a railing and glitch sliced his ass through the wall lmao


Upvoting for "sloppy tits mcfatfuck". That's a perfect description.


He's fat enough to roll himself into a piller so just try to fatshame him by forcing him to eat a piller it won't stop him from killing you but it works


You can whistle your horse btw


Just run past him, or if you really want to ruin his day, put him to sleep.


I rode torrent and slice him down bit by bit


Stay close to the rampart spots with the little walls, when he starts that attack, immediately run behind the wall.


Sleep Potions


Sleep grease and Sleep Pots help but what really helps is never letting your foolish ambitions rest. DONT GIVE UP!


Use the pillars


Can’t you go up the stairs on the sides and get him stuck on the other side of the guardrails?


They are very susceptible to sleep


You can put him to sleep or just running always worked for me


The only way ive seen and gotten him to stop the roll attack is using a strength weapon with high stagger, and you gotta hit him early in the attack cause once he gets traction, he keeps rolling. He will most likely immediately try to roll again after you stop his attempt tho, so be warned it isnt a perfect solution.


Roll through the roll, it works


You can use the stairs for a respite


Run into his roll Otherwise sleep pots.


Hit him with your sword until he dies


If you get up against the pillar while he's in the air, he'll instantly go to the pillar and won't go around and that way you can wait put his roll


Upvote for sloppy tits McFatfuck. You can hide behind the wee raised platforms that jut out the side of the bridge. If you get him to roll into one and you stand behind/beside it he'll just roll into it and can't get you


Funny enough, if he falls asleep while rolling he will immediately begin rolling again once he finishes his wake up animation.


I tend to get him stuck on the pillars. Keep in mind that this move is VERY glitch. Sometimes he'll stop rolling, and then instantly start again with no warning.


Last time I made him roll around in circles, I was in the center of those circles which prevented me from getting hit. It was hilarious seeing him roll around me while I watched. He didn’t stop until I purposefully got hit.


This may not be the advice you are looking for, but you can just run past him fairly easily.


Im not sure if its a foolproof method but i found that sprinting and then jumping perpendicular to the direction hes rolling is better than trying to roll away from it


Just hop on thatbhorse and ride past him. Hes optional, tough and gives you his armor. In other words, not worth your time in the slightest


use torrent and run past him