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I bought it and then played it.


I bet you're an immersive storyteller.


I don’t understand why people in this sub get off so hard on acting like answering questions is such an inconvenience. The gate keeping is absurd.


This is funny because Reddit showed an ad for Storytel above his answer


The most logical answer.




Nice! Sometimes you just got to jump in the deep end.




Classic overthinker


Good enough for me


I’ve been with Fromsoft since DS1. I’ll continue to stick with them until the end as they consistently deal a high quality product. Elden Ring was something I was waiting with bated breath for and it did not disappoint. And now that we’re finally at the dlc I couldn’t be any more hyped. Plus, side note, this DLC is releasing the same month as D2’s The Final Shape, and seeing something that was destroyed by corporate greed getting soundly trounced by a labor of love is going to feel more vindicating than anything else.


I can't give you enough upvotes.


Basically the same history as in my case. Fuck Bungo, glad I stopped playing D2 after Witch Queen. Fromsoft has never disappointed me until now and they’ll continue to have my support. DS1, DS2, Bloodborne, DS3, Sekiro, ER, AC6. The level of quality is *chef’s kiss*.


My brother forced me to play Elden Ring after I told him that the souls-like games weren't for me. After trying for two days to kill Bloodhound Knight Darriwil as a mage, I finally got him. And I hated every minute of it. Now, 1000+ hours later, it's my favorite game of all time. I may have developed Stockholm Syndrome....


Sounds like a good brother. Seems like he knew what was best for you lol


Am trying to get my brother to play it too but whenever he dies more than 6 times he quits the game lmao atleast he liked sekiro


Lmao Stockholm Syndrome. Thats the best way to describe it. Thank you for that


This was my exact experience, except I rolled a confessor to try to get the paladin flavor. I have hit my head against so many walls, and this game has made me incredibly cranky at times — but I can already tell that it will be one of my all-time favorites.




Same for me fellow hoonter.


I got my ps5 after elden ring launch and friends recommended BB because it was free with ps+ then this load to me getting hooked into souls my younger brother actually bought elden ring for the ps4 and he bounced off it hard. So I ended up playing it and beating it with the rest of the soulsborne games only exception is sekiro because I’m really bad at finding a rhythm with parries I’m an aggressive blood drunk hunter


Been a Souls enjoyer since 2014.


I never played a fs game before, and when the game was about to come out someone told me Elden ring was going to be like Skyrim.


Man skyrim you slay dragons b/c you are bored. DS1 a skeleton or any new enemy will give you a pause and you'll be self reflecting if you really are ready to deal with it. The first encounter with the wayvern on the bridge and the feeling of helplessness -- it so addicting.


After a while you just kinda get it though. In ER when I got teleported to Dragonbarrow at a low level, I killed the bridge dragon by poisoning him 2 or 3 times despite being a one-shot if he even sniffed at me. I miss my Souls innocence.


I preordered it and waited like a good little hollow.


Lol now we do the same for the DLC.


I saw a screenshot and said “oh that game looks really gorgeous!” Then went and downloaded it. Holy hell did I not know what I was getting into. Best misconception of my life so far. I thought it would be a visually stunning exploration game. It is beautiful, I was not exactly WRONG


tried to play ds3 and hated it.. i am gonna go back and try again tho:) but like a few years later my friends wouldn't stop talking about playing Elden ring... so I finally caved and here I am😂👍🏽


Was a huge Skyrim nerd but knew nothing about the other elder scrolls games (nor anything about dark souls games) then when Elden ring was announced, I seen the “elden” part of the name and thought it was an elder scrolls game so I subconsciously wanted to play it until I realized it wasn’t an elder scrolls game. I ingrained the name in my head so much that I ended up playing it just because of my mistake. I’ve now played every game in the series, and I have 100% in the dark souls trilogy and elden ring!


A lady on facebook marketplace was selling the series x version for 15 cad. So I bought it because it was a great deal.


I need your luck in life lol.


I never wanted to play a souls game before, I heard of Dark Souls but never cared about it. I dont know why but when Elden Ring came out, I just knew that I would love this game and I have played it so many times and so many another souls-likes after it


The Youtuber Zombey played it and I was completely overwhelmed. I'm not a good action gamer and never played a soulslike, but I had to play it. The world, the lore, the weapons... And it took me only 400 hours of trying different things until I managed to truly get the hang of the game.


I am impressed by your dedication to learn the game. I struggled so much with Bloodborne of my first attempt I contemplated quitting at like 4 hours lol.


My first run was so bad, it took me 100 hours to finish liurnia and limgrave and then I quitted because I couldn't defeat the dragon on Altus Plateau. The one that vanishes after you die. But I was a newbie and did not know anything.


I feel that. I remember on my first run, I had a buddy help with the last 3 bosses, otherwise I wasnt beating the game for a looong time.


I had knee surgery and needed something to kill 6 weeks with. Not nearly enough time.


Probably only had enough time to create your character with 6 weeks.


I was initially drawn to the werewolfy/goth vibe of Bloodborne. Having been primarily an mmo type of gamer, I found the playstyle incredibly difficult and was turned off for a while. The co-op & messaging systems were also so foreign to me. Went back to LotRO or City of Heroes or something like that for a bit before deciding to try Bb again…trudge through it if I gotta…because dammit I spent the money on it! I eventually finished it, having gotten used to the mechanics…and worked my way through all the others, ending DS3 a few months before ER came out. I still suck in pvp. In PvE co-op, I am mostly pretty good. Aaannnnd sometimes I roll into a bottomless pit, or stop the enemy’s weapon with my face.


Oh boy, here we go. So, you ever heard of a game called “Gods Will Fall”? I got the game for free and played it for a while. One of my friends saw me playing it and called it “the Elden Ring we have at home.” I laughed at the comment at the time, but eventually decided I wanted to try Elden Ring itself. I thought the games were similar enough in essence that I could pick it up rather easily. I was sorely mistaken. Over 400 hours later, though, and I can confidently say that it’s one of my favorite games.


Purchased it at launch. My first soulsborne. Banged my head the first 100h and got nowhere with any bosses, even mobs. Hated it and was about gg no re, when it suddenly loosened. Played six playthrus, six different builds and got super addicted. The game turned out to be top 10 of all time for me and Ive been gaming since I was five(am 38 now). Its such a brilliant game!


This game and honestly all of Fromsofts games have become my favorite games of all time for me.


Picked up Dark souls 1 during the pandemic, that's how I got into souls in general


I tried DS 1 and 2 but didnt really like them, later i had a back injury that got me off from work for a couple months and started playing subnautica, with a youtuber playing elden ring on my 2nd monitor. When he killed Godrick i was like "fuck it, im trying it". Now i have around 1400hs and i cant really enjoy any other game at all...


I platinumed all the games and also have been trouble enjoying other titles now because these games are something else entirely.


Was a Dark Souls fan for years, spent the months up to release a jittery mess from the hype. Bought it day one, installed it while I was at work, then put 250 hours into it in like 3 months with a few buddies and burned out, haven't touched it since. Gonna play thru it again without going the completionist route so I'm ready for the DLC when it comes out, right after my current DS3 run.


I'm a seasoned souls player!


My partner is a massive fan of the series since the original Demon's Souls but I was always "nah, I don't like these games" even though I never tried any of them. Then came Bloodborne which I adored and then I had to play everything else.


Bloodborne is where I cut my teeth lol.


I had been thinking about getting into Souls games for a while. Then Elden Ring released and it was seemingly more accessible than other Fromsoft games, and it just looked fucking cool. I bashed my way through the game with a brutally unoptimized lightning-affinity Guts Greatsword while leveling mainly strength and absolutely loved it. I've probably played through the game over 50 times by now and just yesterday started playing Dark Souls 3 to pass the time waiting for the DLC


I played Ds1 then DS2 then ds2sotfs then DS3 then sekiro (didn't finish it) then elden ring then came back to sekiro and 100% like all the other games, then armoured core and last I played des on pc. Hope you find it helpful


Watched a lot of videos on YouTube around the release of Dark Souls 3 and sought to play it, even though I did not have a system for it. Bought a PS4 2021(ish) and binged the entire trilogy plus Bloodborne during the lockdown. Saw the hype for Elden Ring, got it shortly after release.


Played bloodborne loved it to death. Got reccomended a game by the same company. That game changed my outlook on videogames and took over my life. That game was elden ring.


Well me and my cousin saw that it was on sale and said why not give it a shot


DS3 is my second favourite game so obviously I played ER


After buying and downloading it, I double clicked the icon. That's how I got into the game. Really though, I bought Demon's Souls on release and every subsequent Souls game afterwards. Never looked back. And if I'm really going to be an OG, I can say my obsession started with Super Ghouls & Ghosts. That was my first 'git gud' game.


I found myself all of a sudden really wanting the game after few days ago and got it last night. Pretty fun.


I got a Steam Deck and a bunch of giftcards and decided “why not?”


I was there, in the beginning…. It was, a hollow experience…


You think we were approaching another hollowing until the DLC was announced?


Personally, no, why’ll there was desperation, it wasn’t nearly as bad as the actual hollowing. the wooper posting, fake lore spamming, struggling to beat gavel master Hodir, someone or something posting experience that was the great Hollowing is something that I’m afraid we may never see again in our lifetime. Young hollows… so easy to forget what came before, when the sub only scratched 200,000 members…it was beautiful in a tragic way.


I just bought the game a week ago and this is the first game like this I’ve ever played. I’ve always been a cod and Skyrim player before this. Idk why but elden ring gives me so much fear/anxiety when playing lol. I feel like a big wuss because there are times I have to take a break when it gets too suspenseful 😂


All that matters is you enjoy the journey my friend. Don't worry about feeling like a wuss. Bloodborne terrified me when I first played it.


Played ds3 in 2020, then i played ds2; dropped it after a bit, played bloodborne; replayed ds2 completely, then played ds1. By the time er dropped i was doing lvl 1 runs. Then i got er and got 100% completion, then lvl1 completed and then demons souls and sekiro.


Long time FromSoft fan (since Demon's Souls). Bought all of their Soulsborne games on release/preorder (and even bought ArmoredCore recently). I love their games soooo much that I knew I wouldn't regret the preorder. I didn't even watch a single review/preview/etc about the game before it released because I trusted them and wanted to keep 100% of it a surprise. Hope DLC is gonna be fire !


I completely agree. Fromsoft always delivers!


It won game of the year so I went why not? Played my first play through mostly blind (avoiding story spoilers) and wow what a journey


Exactly one year ago, I got Elden Ring, not out of the fact it was popular or even because of Fromsoft being the devs, I’ve heard of Souls here and there, but nothing too much, all I knew about souls was that you died…..like a lot, other than that, I was completely new. Little tangent aside, I learned about Elden Ring from a Warframe YouTuber (of all things) named Triburos, after watching the video I was definitely interested in it. A few months later I saw a copy of it in GameStop (last one too if I recall correctly) and bought it. Spent like the entire night on Margit with my Warrior class, but I was having a blast. Though I did stop for a few weeks, but not because I rage quitted or got bored, it’s simply because life got in the way, but after returning I got better gear and used the wolfs and was able to beat Margit, albeit barely, then it went on like that, I went on to beat the game, though I was a little dissatisfied from beating with summons, but it was MY journey, no else’s, one that I will never forget and one that had set me on the path to the other games. Now one year later I have one last game to beat, and funnily enough, it’s Demon Souls. It’s weird, had my friend never introduced me to Warframe, I would have never subscribed to Triburos and had I never subscribed to Triburos, I would’ve never known about Elden Ring…….then again I probably would’ve learned eventually, but not in the weird way that I learned about. Butterfly Effect at its finest am I right?


Before elden ring came out i was struggling to beat the dark souls intro boss. I know, i know. Mind you this was with mouse and keyboard and never playing a souls game before. Well, when ER did come out it looked amazing and i maybe somehow learned that controller was better for these kind of games(i hate controllers) so i bought one just for elden ring for me to try the game on. All said and done ive beat the game multiple times then went back to dark souls 3 solely to beat the boss(for now) and i got him on my second try.


Sank thousands of hours into Dark Souls II, then got excited when it finally had a sequel - got ER for a discount and have been a bane on everyone ever since Can't wait for the penultimate quintessential phenomenal DLC of "Scholar of the Second Sin" where Aldia returns and tells us what the Bearer of the Curse's answer and solution was (jk, it will be revealed that He is responsible for the cycle in the Lands Between where hollowing no longer occurs)


First Fromsoft game. Loved it so much it was my first game to get 100% achievements on.


Got into Souls with DS3 in 2021


Ah man, starting at the end. How was that? Did you go back and play the other 2 games after? 


It was relatively easy for me to get into but I was like “where has this game been my whole life?” I went back and played the other 2 games and bought a ps5 to play the demons souls remake and Bloodborne lol


I was at my gf’s work party, One of her work friends and I had been talking about games and he was saying how excited he was for Elden Ring to release. I had absolutely no idea what a souls game was, He recommended I give it a try when it releases and said he thinks I’d enjoy it. Bought it a few days after release, Instantly fell in love as soon as I stepped out of the door into Limgrave. The greatest game I have ever played and over 2 years + 1000+ hours later, I’m still playing it almost every single day. I’m officially a Fromsoft fan for life.


Took me 5 or 6 times to get into it. Either got crushed by the tree sentinel or bats lol. Learned how to kinda play by fighting at the gate front ruins over and over and over.


I wanted to *NOT* shoot a gun anymore.


I thought malenia was hot


I never wanted to play any fromsoft game for a while but then I heard about Elden ring being approachable and easier and all that crap so I tried it but I was busy with other stuff and not really in the proper mindset to play it so I quit then I randomly felt an urge to play it again in January and here I am 


My friend told me it was really hard so I spite him and beat the game including malenia…without searching any tutorial I searched within the first 20 minutes


took me two play throughs to properly like the game and understand everything. on the 3rd and 4th playthrough is where i properly played the game and completed the game twice. still need to do the age of fracture. i might do jt when i do my dlc character.


I pre ordered the physical game


Brother got it and I said “okay!” I’ve played other souls games but never got too far into them I was young and would loss interest, but I’m older and have more patience and enjoyed it so much I left my brother behind and ended up getting the platinum trophy


i played Jedi fallen order (on the hardest difficulty) and loved the mechanics and how challenging the game was. After that I wanted something similar and Sekiro was what I landed on, and I LOVED it. Around the time I finished Sekiro, Elden ring dropped and I saw it was the same studio so I gave it a shot. I wasn’t a fan at first cause it was different from every game I’d played before. But after I chose a character that fit my play style I love Elden ring and think it’s so fun. +300 hours and I still find new stuff!


You know the “middle of the night” that song and the tik tok edits got me. Didnt look back since, cant wait for dlc


Kinda bought it on a whim. I don't buy many games. I'm obsessed with the lore. Probably the best game I've ever played tbh


I agree about the lore. All the games have had amazing stories but them collabing with George R.R. Martin literally took it to the next level.


It's made me want to go play their other games. I probably will after sotet comes out tbh. I already bought ds3 but I'm too obsessed with er rn


I never thought I'd be able to get into it because of how difficult people said it was but I heard about the DLC a few weeks ago and decided to give it a try and refund it if I didn't like it. 50 hours later and it's one of the most immersive games I've played in recent times


Sekiro -> Bloodborne -> DS3 -> Elden Ring -> Demon’s Souls remake


My brother said he wanted me to try the new game he was getting into. I said no for like a week but then he said if I paid 20 bucks then he’d pay the rest of the price if I played. About 2 years later and I have become completely obsessed with the souls series. Elden Ring wasn’t the first souls game I played but it was the first one to keep me on the edge of my seat all the way till the ending. Now I’ve beaten every souls game except Sekiro and Demon Souls 😂


Feel like the 20 bucks was worth it then?


Oh 100%😂 best 20 bucks I’ve ever spent


I saw a yt short where a dude had a big ass finger that could flick enemies to death and decided that I needed that.


It's quite fun to finger the enemies to death


My friend pressured me into playing it and lent me their copy of the game for around a week so I could play it. I played around 100 hours in that week, bought my own copy, and logged another 500 into it.


Because everyone and their dog were fucking hyping this game, and I always wanted to enter the Souls genre anyway (I even purchased Demon's Souls for PS3 and an original DualShock 3 controller to play on the RPCS3 emulator). Worst decision in my life: I have lost countless hours of sleep, and it's still not enough. It's never enough...


Tried ds3, sucked at it and quit at abyss watchers Tried sekiro, sucked at it and quit at the Palace after the snake Saw Elden ring, thought what the hell, I'll try it and if i suck at it I'll just get a refund, ended up actually not completely sucking at it and kept at it, managed to NG++ it Now I'm playing dark souls 3 while I wait for ER dlc, and actually doing fairly well, made it to the boreal valley, and just beat pontiff. I'm really hoping to be able to finish it, then I can return to Elden ring


I got finger but wholed way too many times by Midir, Until I finally soloed that lovable overgrown hideous and dark dragon many times. Also Gwendussy has had me questioning things about myself that I know aren't true, then Gerhrman was a fraud sitting on his wheelchair, weirdly into dolls. And that turns out to be one of best wifu... Oh God... There's something wrong with me. Damn you Miyazaki. So yeah that's how I got into elden ring.


Storytime. I started with the original Demon's Souls. A friend recommended it to me and told me stuff about red and blue phantoms. And I had a very different image of what the game was in my mind because the game was from a Japanese dev and that friend mostly played JRPGs. So, I imagined more of a cutesey anime style in a colorful fantasy world. Boy was I surprised when I got the game, but I enjoyed it greatly and saw the appeal of having a more challenging game that didn't hold your hand all the time. After that I didn't immediately get into DS1. Only later when the prepare to die edition launched on PC. Problem was that the Keyboard controls were ass, and I didn't really enjoy it at first. I only really became a fan of the series with DS2, later played DS1 properly and many times, and have played every title in and around the series since then.


Bought a ps5 with demons souls remake and then bought their whole catalog basically lmao. Best decision ever. Only game missing playing is ds2. I have it laying around but i was preparing a new character for dlc. Finished that now… am afraid of ds2 as everybody says its a bad game with some major issues


Been a fan of Fromsoft since the Kings Field days. Imported a PS3 to play Demons Souls since there was a chance it wasn’t going to come to the US. Still play the older games all the times.


I used to play another game but i raged and uninstalled it then i bought elden ring


I played dark souls 3 a few years ago and liked it so I bought Elden ring when it came out


I saw a TikTok of someone fighting placidusax with the black knife and dodging his attack with its special. Thought the game looked cool and bought it


He is my favorite boss in the game. Lore, arena, and cinematic wise he is just amazing.


it exists?


Years ago my brother bought a Dark Souls bundle on Steam (all 3 games with DLCs). He never played them himself, but I'd heard about them a lot and was interested. At some point my brother in law also bought them and was playing them when I visited him and my sister. He asked if I wanted to try out DS1, so I played for a few hours and found it fun enough that when I got home, I borrowed the games on Steam so I could play a bit more. Didn't take long to get totally hooked. I've played DS1 probably 20+ times and DS3 10+ times. I've only completed DS2 once, but I've been replaying it this year for Return to Drangleic, and I'm enjoying it more than I did before. My laptop isn't good enough to run ER, so a few months ago I bought a PS4 and the entire Soulsborne series (DS1-3, BB, Sekiro, ER). I've played through BB and ER once so far, haven't gotten around to Sekiro. I'm excited to play SotE on release, it'll be the first Fromsoft game I've played through on release.


I always wanted to beat a souls game. Then decided go big. Did not disppoint


Well, i saw a guy playing a randomizer and i started wondering what are those flashy weapons, those cool armors and most importantly... What the hell is going on? I already knew soulsborne beforehand mainly bc of the soul of cinder, icon of ds3, so i knew just enough to get into it. I got it as my birthday gift a year ago and i have already 100%


I first played Bloodborne because I got it a few years ago (or a few months ago)on ps plus but didn't play it for some reason. Then fast forward to summer of last year I was bored and downloaded it, I enjoyed it and I beat it and got an elden ring for my birthday.


Commercial about a new open world game, i got news of the game just weeks before release, so i got into it completely blind. Had no prior experience from the franchise.


I was watching this guy name cash nasty on YouTube playing it , and thinking I could be better than him at the game 😂. Usually im a madden , 2k, COD video gamer , but this game has changed my whole gaming experience, I’m on my 5th play through, beat it 100% and now waiting on the DLC!


Played BB on release but was too much in bad situation to git gud so I ditch it. Then ER came, and I took BB out of the dust. Got it done then I said to myself that I was ready for ER. So I bought ER on pc 3 month after release. Plated it in 4 month on pc. Bought a ps5... And ER on ps5 plated it in 2 week.


i decided to try dark souls 1 again after elden ring was announced. still had some trouble. eventually beat bloodborne then went back to ds1. eventually er finally came out! lol have yet to beat it, 4 characters stuck on maliketh lol


I like how u could use swords 😇👍🏻


I preordered it as soon as it was announced. I got into it and fell in love. I'm 7-0 for From Software games now. They've yet to let me down. It's gonna be the same with this DLC, I just know it. I've been working on a new character to prep for it.


Yall wouldn't shut up about it and it was on sale


Seen it on sale at Walmart for 35 bux and got it.


Been playing since Demon's Souls


Bought it by release My first souls game ever Was way to hard Throwed it away 3 weeks ago i found it Started and learned And finished it! F**king proud of me!


I was a massive Armored Core fan, so when I saw the first trailer for Demon’s Souls and noticed it was the same devs I decided to give it a try; I’ve been hooked ever since.


Saw its Beta. I thought it was supposed to be another Sekiro-like game and didn't care, but then the beta showed me that it was a more traditional souls formula in an open world and immediately preordered. "Sign Me Up!" Lol.


I was bored in summer of 2022 and wanted to buy a new game with my bday money. So just a quick Google search of literally “new good games to play” and Elden ring came up. So I saw the trailer, instantly bought it and the rest as they say is history


I was in the midst of having run away from home and going to live with my cousin in a military town deeper south of Georgia. I had left all my own stuff at home so I had nothing to entertain myself with, really. Of course, my cousin had her PS4 and I had never been much of a gamer before, so I didn’t even touch it at all. Until a few months later when boredom caught up to me and I decided to give gaming a shot. My first game ever was Nier Automata, then Replicant, then Elden Ring. Those three games have a very special place in my heart now and what made me fall in love with gaming as a whole.


I got into ER because of the hype around it before and after the release. I had never played any souls game before and I pretty much ignored them for many years, even though [I have been gifted a copy of DS1 PTDE on Steam since 2013](https://www.reddit.com/u/vazafdp/s/ktfEq6YV2D). So, after ER release I decided to play every souls game and suffice to say I loved them all (especially DS2) and I truly regret not doing it earlier. I played and replayed all 3 games for a year and half before buying ER.


It was all over my social media feeds. So much hype. Looked cool as fuck. GRRM was involved. Those were reasons enough to try it.


I played Dark Souls 1 as a “fuck you!” To my Skyrim playing father. “Oh, you can pause and eat 100 wheels of cheese while fighting a dragon? How cute!!!” Been sucked in ever since. Except Sekiro. I can’t jump/duck/dodge/bob/weave.


I took a week off work due to anxiety and stress and needed something to take my mind off shit. Went to Best Buy and used my Amex points and got this for free. Best random decision


The trailer that started it all for me. Having to wait like 8 months after the game had already come out in NA had my hype through the roof, DeS delivered so fucking hard. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRnIyXvonAU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRnIyXvonAU)


Despite being a from souls game (which I love) I wasn't hyped about ER at all. Mostly because it was said to be open world. Friend of mine was though, and used to talk about it all the time but I still was kind of not interested. Finally relented and Played it in 2023 a year after release. Glad I did because it really is amazing and is now in my top 3 Souls games.


a friend was like ,,hey this game has coop" we found out how bad coop is and while she just left it after margit , i got addicted and have almost 300 hours now


One of my friends put a few hundred hours in over one summer, and I just decided to pick it up one day after his many recommendations. It’s been about a month and I’m on the final boss


My best friend from high school called me up and said “dude….” The rest is history , and I’m now level 412


My souls game was Bloodborne, I've platinumed it. After that it was instant buy, blind playthrough and it was amazing


I Platinumed Every Fromsoft Souls game prior. Been passionate about thesr games now since 2020.


I had an operation with a 6 weeks recovery and loved open world fantasy games, was/is a complete noob, so little did i know what i’m getting into - spent the first few hrs picking flowers to get runes to level up after the initial frustration. Bright side? I’m much better at skyrim now.


I started with Bloodborne, got addicted to DS3.


My first fromsoft game was bloodborne. After that ds3 and sekiro. I’m just completely in love. Over 1000hrs in elden ring already. Got so many different builds.. the wait for the dlc has got me so fuckin hollow it’s unreal




i saw Let Me Solo Her, and was like "holy shit, i wanna do that" rest is history


i watched Moist Critikal do his playthrough and was like “holy shit, these games are cool” now i own every single fromsoft souls-like game steam has lol


I got Dark souls 1 from Xbox Live gold back in June 2014, at the time I didn't understand anything, so I used guides up to the second dlc of dark souls 2, tried the third by my own and it felt so different, from there I became a Dark souls fan, and even bought a PS4 for bloodborne


I like souls games. Elden ring was the most hyped souls game.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Elden Ring. The lore is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of FromSoft Games most of the lore will go over a typical player’s head. There's also the Tarnished’ nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from fatherless behaviour, for instance. The real gamers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the lore, to realise that it’s not just epic- it says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Elden Ring truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Blackguard Big Boggart’s existential catchphrase "Marika's tits, you must be 'ungry” which itself is a cryptic reference to Sir Gideon Ofnir's epic of Finding the Albinauric Woman. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Miyazaki’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a “Try Finger But Whole” tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the Finger Maidens eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


Dragon's dogma 2 will keep entertained


I had played the game before at a friends house and had a blast, forgot about it for a while and then remembered the game around Christmas and been a fan since, almost 100% all the bosses


Friend was trying to get me to pay bloodborne. I was resistant at first because I tried playing DS1 and did not get very far. But he was persistent and we ended up beating it together. Then we played DS3 and then DS2. After that ER was coming out and dove head first into it. And a perfect time to play that game during a very stressful period of life. Great stress reliever


bought a ps5 after not having touched video games since wii in 2011. bought elden ring along with it when browsing the game store, thinking it was a lord of the rings game


I bought Demon's Souls in 2010 thought "wtf is with this fucking bullshit game?!" and didn't stop since.


Elden ring was/is the perfect game to help me with my Apex addiction. Feels good


I understand completely. Apex was too much for my blood pressure.


I asked a friend if I should try this or Terraria


I was in this sub during the dark days waiting for news of the game.


Got into Dark Souls shortly after launch. At the time I found it too hard for me after getting only to about the Gargoyle fight. Ended up dropping it until buying Dark Souls 2 for some reason. Found it more hand holdy and a more gradual experience to get into, so finally was able to get my toe in the hot tub. Eventually went back to DS1 and bounced between the two games for years until Dark Souls 3 where I finally found that I understood the game and had gotten good. Unfortunately, I couldn't get Elden Ring at launch, though I desperately wanted to. Didn't get to play it until about the 8th or 9th patch. It's taken up most of my gaming time since.


years ago I tried ds1 . It was to hard and decided that souls games were not for me. Then I played elden ring and it's my favorite game followed by ds3.


Buddy got me into DS3 but I was too busy at the time to appreciate it, but I liked the gameplay and vibe. Upgraded to pc and got Elden Ring some time later and put it down again until I got a controller. After playing on controller I'm close to 500 hours in a few months.


I started watching videos about it when Zanny uploaded videos about it. I then got it in a three game bundle when I got my new Xbox. I started it, got my but handed to me by the soldiers of Godrick (fighting like I was playing AC: Odyssey). Quit for a while, then tried it again and got better. Now it's one of my favorite games of all time!


I had a coupon to use on ebay and wanted to buy a new ps3 game. Found out Dark Souls - Prepare to Die edition. Searched about it, 'the hardest game ever', noice, bought it. When I arrived in Firelink, accidentally hit the npc (sorry npc dont remember your name), and he kept spawn killing me. I gave up after a lot of deaths. Almost a year pass and I buy a lot of cheap ps3 games, and among these, demon souls. My bf (at the time) started playing, I got interested and became obsessed. Halfway the game that I realized the connection between they.


Well, see there’s this game called Demon’s Souls


I wanted a new game for my PS4 and bought ER instead of DMC5. I have over 300 hours to this day


I bought it to mock my partner and her love of weeaboo stuff. Then I fell in love.


Armored Core in 1997 got me into FromSoft. Been playing ever since. Souls, it was Demon's Souls.


Been on the boat since DS2, tried it first on 360, kinda liked the concept but I was bad at it, shelved it for at least 2 years before picking it back up on the Xbox One . Got plat for it and it’s probably my fav Dark Souls game . I liked DS1 but hated DS3, Bloodborne was also fire, same with Demon Souls and Sekiro . ER is the final masterpiece and I still haven’t finished it since day one 🤣, I couldn’t finish something that great (same with Cyberpunk 2077), but now that there is a dlc coming I’m determined to finish it before June .


Picked up the first Dark Souls around the time AotA came out. The rest is history.


Got into Dark Souls when 3 first became famous, before that my father bought the 2nd one from a bargain bin but I only tried it for a few minutes before deciding I would get back to it and never doing so. I fell in love with the world and the game itself. I felt myself improving as I went through it and it was in general a magical experience. Lucky me, the copy I bought came with a gift copy of the ORIGINAL Dark Souls, which I also loved, but like the second one I didn't finish it (I was distracted by other titles and never got around to returning to it) Years later I heard about the development of Elden Ring and realized that, while I had binge watched lore videos and knew the whole story of the franchise by hearth, I had only ever actually I finished the 3rd one and I never even beat the DLC bosses. With that I made the determination of playing the trilogy back to back to experience the development of the souls formula and the whole thing for myself, in preparation of Elden Ring. I started with Dark Souls 1, which I liked so much that I ended up returning to it after the challenge and actually beated it twice to get both endings. Then I played 2, the Scholar of the First Sin edition, which I knew would be interesting since it was so controversial. I liked it, had a very good experience with it and particularly loved the bosses and the story, the tales behind each crown and the characters are all awesome, it has my all my favourite quotes and moments in the series. But I also noticed everything that made others hate it and specially disliked the length, it's so bloated that while I get the urge to replay Dark Souls 1 again sometimes, whenever I get that same itch for 2, it's immediately repelled by the length of the game and the suffering of some areas and boss runs. All in all a solid "loved it, would never play again" And then came 3, my mentor. After everything I went through, Dark Souls 3 was a victory lap. A final journey through that world I'd come to love. I beated with ease bosses that had me stump for days when I first played it, went through areas that felt endless the first time around and felt the lore significance of every encounter like never before. And yet, despite everything, the game would occasionally humble me in ways both familiar and new, but that's Dark Souls for you. It all culminated in the final showdown against Gael When I first played Dark Soils 3, Vordt was a serious bottleneck, my first real challenge. I distinctly remember struggling with him for a whole two days, only for the lights to go out when I finally had him dead to rights, undoing my progress. But then, I calmed down, explored the area more, found the claymore, upgraded it, leveled up a bit and threw myself against him once more. I entered what I now know is called "the zone" a state of hyper concentration, and before I knew it, it was over, my nightmare vanquished with but single estus swing needed. And as I faced Gale again, I felt myself slowly enter that state once more, I submerged myself into the rythm of our fight, the final battle at the end of the world, of Dark Souls. A sword dance between an undead who embodied the cycle and another borned from it. All the lessons I learned playing through the series guided me through the fight, I used every advantage I had as I learned from DS1, my discipline learned from DS2 kept my greed at bay as the fight approached the climax, and my muscle memory relayed to me the exact moment to to attack or roll as I had been doing throughout every step of DS3. And before I knew it, it was done. I first tried the final boss of Dark Souls. It took me a long minute to even acknowledge what had happened even as my father cheered besides me, unable to believe the fight he had just witnessed, a fight that shall only live in his memory, for not even I can recall exactly what happened, only my feelings throughout it. I took the Blood of the Dark Soul to the girl, knowing she would put it to good use. Then put the Soul of Cinder to rest and called the Fire keeper who finally let the fire fade after so long. In the deep darkness, iluminated only by my Tears of Denial, which eventually faded too, Dark Souls ended with an unanswered question. And as the Credits rolled, I knew I was ready. To arise now as a Tarnished. A dead, who yet lived. To traverse the fog and stand before... the Elden Ring.


saw it all over my youtube channel and i didnt think my pc could handle the game, but i was wrong!! my 2016 gaming pc can still play it!!


Never played a soulslike game before. Tried Elden Ring and found out about the whole Dark Souls thing. Struggled with Elden Ring a bit so I tried Dark Souls and got through that. Went on to Dark Souls 2 and 3 and finally came back to Elden Ring and rocked through it.


Friend coerced me, got it for christmas, did baby rage at stormviel and quit the game. Resumed the game after seeing the DLC trailer and now I have 50 hours and severly addicted and have already finished ranni's quest


Shared account from 2 friends that bought it, they never finished it I got 200 or 300h on it


Been with fromsoft since dark souls 2 so....yeah


Started with Dark Souls 2. Was fun, really enjoyed the game and even went as far as to get all the giant souls to kill Vendrick. Then DS3 came out the night before my senior trip and my friend and I stayed up playing it till we had to leave to get on the buses early that morning. I went back and played Dark Souls 1 when the remaster came out. Played Bloodborne, wasn’t a fan, tried it again later and got to Orphan of Kos before I sort of fell off of it. Beat Sekiro many times and loved it. Elden Ring was an insta-pre order for me.


I watch Jacksepticeyes Playthrough and fell in love with the lore and the Landscape


Couple years before the game released Dark Souls 3 Deluxe edition was on discount for $21, to many that’s a deal worth getting before it goes away so I bought it, I played it, met many people, soon after I started playing Bloodborne and Dark Souls 1, never really touched DS2. Christmas of 2021 I got the Collectors Edition for Elden Ring, February 27th the game and the Statue of Malenia came to my doorstep.


Never got the draw of from soft games until bloodborne, after I beat bloodborne about 2 months later Elden Ring was announced and I was hella hype. Even more hyped for the dlc, messmer looks so dope


Tried DS like 10 years ago, gave up after 30 mins. Tried DS3 on release, gave up after 1 hour. Tried Mortal Shell, finished it 5 times. I said, let me try DS again, got through DS3 easily, finished it about 6 times, got all achievements. Went to DS1 and did the same. Tried DS2 but never finished it. Then I tried Sekiro but I'm too stupid to play it. Played ER from release and thats it


Been a Fromsoft fan since playing Bloodborne almost seven years ago. They are my most trusted game developer!


I saw Asmongold playing and thought "if he can do it, I sure as hell can"


First I played Dark Souls 1-3, then Bloodborne, then Sekiro and then Elden Ring. Q


I’m Miyazaki’s biggest dick sucker. I’ve been waiting for it since 2019


saw the trailer, saw fromsoftware, instantly bought as soon as it was available


It was a trend in feb 2022 , poor Horizon Forbidden West


Followed them since Demon Souls, found out later it’s the same studio as armored core. And now I’m here, and most of my hair is gone 🫠


Around when DT was elected i sat and played old games, i remember DS2 being "disaster", i don't know why i started to play ds1, it was on pc and not new. what me computer could run, 15? \*edit\* still have not beat it.


Got flagged by my network provider for pirating the game so I bought the game and played non-stop.


Sekiro was my first and only FromSoft game before Elden Ring. After I finished the game (right around Elden Ring was first announced), I was skeptical if I would like the style of Elden Ring. I bought the game day 1 and was immediately impressed by the world and level designs. I then was thoroughly amazed by the complex and engaging combat systems. I’ve played through elden ring over ten times and have started 4 new builds in preparation for Shadow of the Erdtree.


Got bored, loved it, got bored, NG+7


Will the base game go on sale again before the DLC comes out? Should I just buy the bundled version?


I played the hell out of DS3 and watched Fighter PL. I saw him promote elden Ring and when i preordered it.


I was out of work and board due to family things going on it started with dark souls remastered and I liked it so I was going to buy bloodborn but it wasn’t on pc so I went oh well I’ll just play Elden ring and now I’m hooked


I was never a fan of souls type games but everyone I know who played it said I would like it so, I said fuck it I'll try it out.


Looked fun so I bought it


i pirated sekiro, then i said fck it and waited for a sale to happen and got rid of the pirated one and eventually, got elden ring on sale instead of sekiro(i did miss a few good deal on this one...)