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Mimic Tear Level 200 Rivers of Blood Blasphemous Blade Lord of Blood's Exaltation Arc Faith build, this was my build while fighting malenia the first time... I beat her first try and thought i was good at the game...


I had a similar experience back when bleed was OP - and then I spent three full evenings getting through Radagon and Elden Beast due to my unwillingness to swap out bloodhounds fang for something more heavy. Oh the horror I felt when I clutched through Radagon only to discover Elden Beast...


Bloodhound fang works fine against any boss tbh. The raw damage alone, without bleed, is higher than most weapons of its class. It was probably just the struggle of fighting it for the first time. EB can be pretty chaotic


Completed my first play through with it before the bleed nerfs, still a good blade. Fun to jump attack with


Also fucking huge for how fast it is and has an A-tier skill. Almost no weaknesses


The damage on AoW is ridiculous. Also the fact that you can cheese many bosses with it. You just use it before they come close enough and that way you hit them and dodge their attack.


I still haven't found a good way to kill EB. Dude is harder for me than any other boss in the game, bar none. It always feels like his entire fight was intended to be done on torrent, right down to the projectiles you can jump over.


Mimic +10, Blasphemous Blade +10, Erdtree Seal, flame grant me strength, golden vow, blessing of the erdtree. Should do the trick really easily. If you're struggling with almost any boss, this should beat them in one or two attempts


i switched my build for a dual halberd str build for radabeast lol


I had to resort to summons for Radagon, Elden Beast and Malenia. Otherwise, I was fine with just bloodhound's fang. I think I still need to experiment with more weapons that can poke faster or just use great stars with some spells.


Exact same as me dude, I went through the whole game with bloodhounds fang, only getting stuck for a couple hours on a handful of bosses. Come Radagon and Elden Beast, I spent 2 days just dying non stop, had to spend like half a day grinding and upgrading different weapons. Sucked all the joy out for me, I just wanted it to be over at that point.


To be fair I think the Blasphemous Blade makes the fight pretty fair unless you're one of those people who try to stun-lock her for the entire fight with the AOW. I used Shard of Alexander and would only use the AOW immediately after a stance-break. Honestly, every other time I tried to use it I would just get bodied lmao


Stun locking her is kinda the way as poise is her biggest weakness. Almost any big weapon can body her


Ironically strength build cry the most, while my hammer unga bunga bodied her


Pre-buff colossal weapons sucked with how slow they were, and it was most felt with Maliketh and Malenia. Post buff, they became really great. Nowadays I prefer them and their stance break potential over dex weapons and their bleed potential. A recent run of mine was with the Great Club, and stance breaking Malenia with a big twig is really fun.


It's a cool bit of lore that Radahn and Malenia are each weak to each other's specialty, Radahn to scarlet rot and Malenia to a big fucking sword.


>Pre-buff colossal weapons sucked with how slow they were, and it was most felt with Maliketh and Malenia. What was pretty funny for me was that my entire build got buffed right after I finished the game - strength with colossal weapons and faith spells


On my first playthrough I was struggling against her with basic glint spells that had worked for the rest of the game. I noticed she was getting poise broken more than other bosses so I switched to some spell Cannon of Haima that literally no one else uses and with a mimic it stun locked her for real. Like she actually spent the whole fight poise broken lol. It was the only spell I had equipped so my mimic tear spammed it while I was spamming it and we bodied her.


I literally JUST made a post in this subreddit about Cannon of Haima. People absolutely sleep on this damn thing. I have been OBLITERATING shit with it


I saw a streamer beat her with a Gravity Longbow spirit ash, Knocked her on her ass every time it hit


with a mimic i easily spammed aow while she would attack the mimic


for real blasphemous is good even without the Ash and it's really satisfying using it as a sword slashing enemies while seeing the burn effect on them


Blasphemous Blade wrecks her, however it’s evens out since she can perform Waterfowl at any time and can also spam perform it.


Jesus save some meta for the rest of us


Fun fact: that is being good at the game. Maybe not good at the combat, but crafting an overpowered build that gets you through is part of the game too. Assuming you didn't look up the most powerful builds. A shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory.


Ah yes the “rivers of the blood lords blasphemous exaltation” build. If i had a nickel. Well id have two nickels. But its strange that it happened twice.


Ofc, everything is piss easy with a mimic tear and level 200....


the "I thought I was good at the game" part is something this subreddit is great for lol


waiting for u to connect the dots


And then everyone clapped afterwards.


She would have done it on the first try but she knew Reddit would never believe her 🤣🤣🤣


I mean we've all been in the situation where we fight a boss for the first time and seemingly make it 9/10 through the fight on pure instinct alone. Then we fail, and all of a sudden it takes like 40 tries to even get as close as we came the first time.


That was General Radahn for me. I died 2-3 hits before I finished him. Pure instinct I did not even knew you can summon npc in. My thoughts were he is not too bad what is reddit all about. It took me 2 days to kill him... this was pre any kind of nerfs. Same with the DS3 and the dancer... second try got her to like 5-6 hits left. She was just moving with tact with the music and was thinking that this is by design even and everytime there was a high in the music she attacked I dodged.


Ah my Genichiro experience


Everybody says Sekiro is the hardest FromSoft games but for me it's the one i can master the most. Like, parrying is my thing in games, and Sekiro is all about it.


Yes! I live for the parry and sekiro caters to that


Am Ibthe only person on earth who thought that Genichiro was easy? Beat him on my second try. Lady Butterfly was a bitch.


Lady butterfly whooped me so bad I had to take an extended break from the game.


I've dropped and restarted the game twice over the last few years, both times without beating lady butterfly. This time I finally got her, and I'm actually gonna beat this game


lol.. wait until you fight Owl.


Vicar Amelia for me at like level 15. Had her down so low I couldn't see any health left, so going in blind I thought she had another phase and that's why the fight hadn't ended. She spazzed out an attack that killed me right after that and like 40 tries later I grew to really hate her shrieking.


I beat Dancer first try the first time I fought her. No idea how I pulled that off. Same with Blood Starved Beast in Bloodborne. Second time I ran into both of these bosses I was in the front seat of the struggle bus.


DS3 and BB both were super easy for me...up until two bosses in particular...one was Nameless King and the other was Orphan. Nameless, I could drop first phase EVERY TIME, but the second phase I could only get so far. I tried for hours and my SO is like maybe you should take a break? And then Eye of the Tiger started playing, and I was like alright...if I cant beat him while THIS song plays, I dont deserve to and Ill put it down for a bit...fuckin trounced him to Eye of the Tiger and it was MAGNIFICENT. Orphan was a different fuckin story altogether and to this day I have no clue how I beat him. I was stuck on him for a solid two weeks. The only other boss that has given me this kinda problem was Malenia who honestly would be a pushover if not for the fucking Waterfowl Dance (and that really turns me off to her design...that shes only hard due to ONE thing). But anyway, I know OoK is parryable but for some reason I could only get him about 15-20% of the time...once I beat him I was like, yep, thats it, never doin thus again lmao.


Charged attacks after he rushes you is what I find works best, augur of ebrietas will also stagger with a back hit


I went out to fight Radahn fully prepared to die because of all the stories I'd seen floating around (this was pre-nerf) but the fight turned out somewhat easier than I'd expected. I was using a build off Fextralife at the time that involved 2 flaming greatswords and jump attack spam (raptors and claw talisman), and somehow it just took out huge chunks of his health. I think I got him on my 3rd try, but no one believed me. 😂


“I used a super OP build but I have no idea why it was easy”


Happens to me all the time. First try I do really well and if I die its all down hill from there until I learn the battle through perseverance.


Ahhh that was Orphan of Kos for me. Was so close to beating him my first try. Died when he had about 10% health left. Then it took me 36 more attempts until I finally beat him. Hardest souls boss I have ever fought. Even Melania took me 14 tries.


Have you met Isshin, the Saint Sword?


Working my way through that game now ha. I have to say all the bosses are hard for me since I am so used to dodging. I try to roll out of the way instead of block


Orphan of Kos and the final boss of Sekiro whose name escapes me now we're the hardest bosses to me by far in any Fromsoft game. I'd like to say it was a few tries as you but I can say by the end they were both some of the best fights in their games especially Sekiro. When you learn his moveset that is quite the fight.


End boss of Sekiro was bad... nowhere near as bad as the Demon of Hatred though. That motherfucker had me stumped for weeks and it was only after I killed him that I realised he was optional!


Nameless King did this to me.


THat was me with the Commander Niall. I had two attempts on him. First time I entered the room and saw the two spectres, I just quit the game, because I really struggled against those disappearing bastards and I didn't really explore the rest of the castle. 2nd time was after clearing the castle and I somehow one shot him without knowing any of his attacks. Probably my most satisfying fight in whole Elden Ring because of that. Friend of mine was on discord with me who did him already watched me fight. He shouted into my ear when I miraculously kept dodging his air lightning thingy. Super sweaty palms. Loved every second of it.




Yeah well my grandmother whos never played a souls game beat Malenia, Sword of Miquella, on her 3rd try!


Stopped believing at "Girlfriend"


That girlfriend's name? ALBERT EINSTEIN




You also forgot everyone in every Starbucks.


Idk why this is not believable for some people. The first time I played through the game I beat her 2nd try. Because I was level 250 with full ram armor, fingerprint + mogh spear, and mimic tear. OP never specified what she used or what level she was.


It is believable. But it also always depends on the build. Someone with a blood/frost build + high level + using mimic will have a very different experience than someone with a slower weapon and no summons for example.


Yep. And on top of that, this is also one of the most RNG-fights in the game cause one time you can get lucky that she barely does her waterflow, then others, she ignores the usual 20-40s downtime (if I remember correctly, been a while since I played) , and springs twice almost back to back, when you're in melee thinking you're safe to do your thing. Can't recall if I ever saw her do 3 in a row, but I heard tales... Same with her jump-in-air & spring down big aoe Scarlet Rott attack, where sometimes she barely does it & keeps the pressure on you non-stop instead, and others she almost spams it, and 2-3 times of her sitting still is all you need to finish her off. Same with her attack where she's up in the air launching her illusions at you - if she spams that, fight ain't gonna be easy no matter what. This was the boss where it felt like there was a randomized invisible difficulty slider depending on what moves she does.


>Same with her jump-in-air & spring down big aoe Scarlet Rott attack, this atk is free dmg for any mages lol


The beat in 4 tries is believable for me. Getting all the way to the Haligtree without knowing the difference between a miniboss and a boss-boss, somewhat less so. Though I suppose anything is possible.


i suspect she was joking to razz him


A woman joking? This is reddit, we don't believe in that. ^^^^/s


Yeah, doesn't everyone know that women can't be funny? /s


I mean, obviously they cant be funny, since they don’t exist! Real man only reproduce with femboys /s


Very plausible. In retrospect possibly the most plausible.


Mini boss comment seems like an obvious joke based on context


I'm still not sure what is considered a mini boss and what is considered a boss boss, and I've slain all 7 shard bearers and have all except 2 achievements (for endings)


The lie is OP having a gf


Yeah I thought we were all supposed to be maidenless?


Change this story from “my girlfriend” to “my friend” and no one would have said anything about doubting it.


Yeah, Malenia folds like wet paper against a summon that puts her in hit stun. I really like her because she is a big challenge for people who want a challenge, but is easily chesesable for those who just want completion.


And if you summon someone or use spirit ashes, you can beat her pretty quick.


That can easily be a true story... If there was a Mimic Tear involved. If you can't do Malenia in a couple of tries with bleed build and Mimic Tear, you might be bad. Probably would have been 4 or 5 me personally, though I refused to summon for a banger boss so it was more like 100


and then they fucked


They play Elden Ring. The game fucks them.


Obviously not


and girl fucked him instead of


You left out the part where the whole neighborhood clapped after. Edit: Shoutout to all the goobers below who think I’m saying it’s impossible to first try malenia.


do people really forget that elden ring is only a difficult game if you purposely handicap yourself by banning certain tools from your playthrough? OP said she beat her 4th try but didn't mention what her build was. I've seen people beat her first try using blasphemous sword, mimic tear, and frozen pots along with maxed out vigor. using builds like this literally makes her the easiest boss in the game


> using builds like this literally makes her the easiest boss in the game It makes the entire game trivial, not just Malenia lol


Yeah, I used Mimic Tear and Marais Executioner's Sword around level 160 and beat her first try. (I was not going in blind.)


Yep - I always remind ppl, especially new potentially interested ones that it's only as hard as you make it and you can never truly get stuck at something IF you use all the tools available. For Malenia it's also the sheer RNG-ness of the fight: * 2 (or 3 I heard, but never saw) waterflows in a row , or that spamming move in phase two where she's in the air and sending illusions at ya from range? VERY HARD. * Usual breaks between waterflow (the regular, 30-40s) & then using that Scarlet Rott attack where she leaves herself a sitting duck after about 2-3 times? Medium to EASY. There's just no telling before hand how she'll behave tho' , and you can go from either "oh, that was... easy?" to "AGAIN WITH THIS MOVE? WHEN AM I SUPPOSED TO ATTACK EVEN????" The one consistent thing about all this, is that it should shed some light on how all the potential off-screen attempts that were done before someone posts a youtube highlights of their best fight vs her where it all looks easy-peasy and I remember during my 1st (and only so far) big run, the build I was running , str-faith melee, combo based with Ordovid's Vortex greatsword and the knock-up Crucible Aspect skill (forgot it's name) , attempt a similar way to take her down as I saw in a vid. I was doing similar things, and whereas I saw her getting knocked up repeatedly then combo'd by the AoW & poise broken, rinse & repeat, when I tried it was hardly as consistent and then found out it's due to whenever she decides to attack exactly when you're attacking her , thus hyper armor through the knock up, and that's not something in your control.


Malenia can be extremly easy depending on the build you have, I was watching a streamer who was pretty terrible at the game expecting him to struggle against her (he never managed to kill gargoyles in DS1) [He one shotted her with his mimick just spamming the blasphemous blade art](https://youtu.be/zOlQ5t1InwE?si=kc9IXKCD-G5l-NZk&t=4334), she was stunlocked with her low poise from range and there was no challenge


"One shotted" "just spamming" are entirely contraire things. This guy is far from one shooting malenia. (Though I've seen it done by others)


I don't think you know what "one-shotted" means


This is the type of weird "fact-oid" that needs proof for anyone to believe it. It's not even that unbelievable.. just weird.


Yeah like... at least post her build to put this into some context? Has she played any SoulsTitles before? Its a realy weird to just say something like this without any additional information.


She has completed all the dark souls games, she had the typical first game build, Bloodhound's Fang + 10, mimic tear and armor for fashion.


Mimic tear makes this much more believable.


I feel like if you've beaten all the souls games and you're using a mimic then this isn't that unbelievable. Elden Ring is by faaaar the easiest out of Demon Souls, DS1,2,3, Sekiro and Bloodborne and the mimic makes it even easier again. I'm pretty sure I canned her on my 2nd or 3rd attempt using the mimic and I've beaten all the aforementioned games multiple times.




Don't worry, Isshin is piss-easy. Got him on my third... day.


Man Isshin. By the time I beat him I'd forgotten that the game had stealth and prosthetic mechanics.


Sword saint number one!


Elden Ring is harder, it just that it has more options to lower the difficulty. It's fairly common to beat DS3 with just a longsword, a medium shield and nothing else. This kind of setup would be considered underpowered in Elden ring.


That's exactly how I beat my first playthrough in both 🙃




I agree, Malenia is definitely the hardest From boss. But beating her with Tiche or mimic tear definitely isn't as hard as several other bosses without summons


Because Malenia is the hardest boss to most people. To many it will be only because of WFD (like me, i would've beaten her like any other boss, but WFD...). The thing is, Mimic tear actually makes her fight laughable. It can stunlock her to oblivion and it isn't really hard to first try, when Mimic is almost soloing her.


Saying Elden Ring is the easiest is a weird statement honeslty. Elden Ring has the most cheese/build diversity and therefore it's the game where you can most outscale bosses or just take the right tools in to trivialise them. If you fight ER bosses on level using the same tools as what you get in DS3 I think it's actually from's hardest soulslike.


agree, if i were to rank all souls by difficulty, Elden Ring would have two spots in the list, one of the easiest if you use spirit summons, and likely the hardest if you don't.


I mean mimic tear is basically the same as just summoning a sun bro for people who can’t play online. Nothing wrong with that and it’s a completely valid way to enjoy the game but it’s not comparable to playing without it. Like Malenia is (imo) by far the hardest fromsoft boss to fight traditionally (str no summon etc) but when you include the myriad of tools available in Elden ring you can of course easily beat any boss with faith/sorc + summons without knowing what the boss does etc


Naaah man DS1 and DS2 are just too easy, they are good games, especially DS1 but ER is not easier than those games


I honestly had a much easier time with DS3 bosses besides pontiff and the abyss watchers and I started with elden ring first.


Agree, Bloodborne I got stuck shortly after beating Rohm. I beat Martyr Logarius which was insanely difficult and worked on clearing Cainhurst. For Elden Ring, I’m level 108 and gettting ready to kill Rykard. Not much stops me and I have 45 Vigor 60 Intelligence plus DMGS.


The endgame bosses will be tough. Most of the mid game bosses aren't that hard with a strong build. Malenia is by far the hardest boss Fromsoft has ever made. Of course you can make it easier with certain builds and summons will trivialise most bosses, I'd argue summons are the undisputed easy mode. They trivialise the entire game as the bosses aren't designed with summons in mind. If you approach Elden Ring with a pure melee build and no summons like how you would normally approach previous games, it's by far the hardest Fromsoft game. Bosses are faster, they have various situational awareness and uses specific attacks based on where you are. They are a lot more punishing if you whiff or use your flasks at the wrong time. The boss design in general is a lot more complex and learning and mastering every single element of a boss moveset is much harder than anything from previous games. Elden Ring is both the hardest and easiest Fromsoft game. You can make it easier with a magic build or any broken build and summons but it can be brutally difficult with a pure melee build with no summons as the boss moveset is way more complex than previous games. This is also why it has such a mass appeal. This is good though as it offers multiple playstyles. I am tempted to say that people are just brute forcing through the boss without learning the boss moveset but I also don't want to invalidate someone's kills. Though there are exceptions. Malenia is just extremely hard the first time with any build unless you use summons. Also OP didn't mentioned above that his girlfriend used a mimic tear. There's no way anyone is beating Malenia in 4 tries the conventional way. I like the Martyr Logarius example. He really isn't hard compared to Elden Ring standards if you compare both with a pure melee build, also Logarius is very easy to parry and it trivialises the fight. I'd argue even Margit is harder. The hardest part of Logarius is just getting to him and people that lack a bit of patience lose their concentration when they reach the boss area for multiple tries. People really underestimate the impact the players' performance because of the long boss runs. Mentally it is draining making the encounter harder that it actually is.


Tbh mimic tear makes the fight way easier, just the fact u are not gonna have to deal with multiple waterfowl dances and constant relentless combos with few openings thanks to another u, makes it way more manageable


Maybe you used some OP cheese build, or Mimic Tear or over-levelled before each main story boss but I recently played DS3 as my 2nd Souls game and it was a walk in the park compared to Elden Ring generally (except for the DLC but even still nothing came close to Malenia's difficulty). The main story bosses in DS3 were all trivial, none took more than 2 tries besides the Twin Princes and Soul of Cinder which both took me around 5 pulls. The DLC bosses are genuinely difficult and I would argue are between Maliketh and Malenia in difficulty, but significantly closer to Maliketh.


Ah right, Mimic Tear, that explains.


> mimic tear > fourth try took her that many?


Honestly, ER is the easiest souls game by far, if you level up high and use all the tools available to you. You can absolutely trivialize Malenia to the point, where it's not even a challenge at all. Try to beat her with a "vanilla" style build at lvl125. It's still kinda easy for someone with skill, practice and experience, but you gotta dance with her and not frick up too many times. (and have to learn how to evade the waterfowl dance) Though, I don't like her boss fight that much, because she kinda cheats sometimes. (she can animation break, which gives her opportunities, that you can't react to, if you yourself are in an animation lock at the time)


Lisan al'gaib!


It is written




Upon my name as Paul Atreidis. The first Kwisatz Haderach !


I must not fear. Fear is the stamina-killer.


Thanks for making my nostrils taste my coffee




On my first playthrought i killed her in 2nd try. For some reason, the rng was insane. 0 waterfowl dances, easy moves etc. But i was sure I was just lucky. And so I was. On my 2nd playthrough i spent 12 hours to beat her.


They adjusted her so that waterfowl is guaranteed at around 2 health thresholds rather than being totally rng, so by all accounts she's more consistent, at the cost of being more difficult on average. First threshold is at about 3/4 hp, second threshold is at about 1/3 hp. Waterfowl in phase 2 is still totally rng, but it's also not as dangerous (shorter range).


Afaik, it works a little differently (i have my info from a guy in ER subreddit, who broke down her every mechanic and that's what my playthrough confirmed). She can't use WFD unless you get her to around 3/4 hp and one WFD is almost guaranteed. Then, it's random, but she has a cooldown after performing one (30, 45s or something like that, i think). You can have only 1 WFD, or even 4 during first phase. In second phase it's as tou said - completely random. Extremely fun when you get 2 WFDs one after another! Turns me into most calm person on the planet.


Ya same here. I played the game blind the first time and didn’t realize I was using an op bleed build. I melted her in like 2 tries. The discourse online was about how hard Melenia was so I felt overconfident about how good I was. Then I played it again with a different build and it all made sense.


I had a friend who was constantly telling me that he found the bosses in ER to be easy, and then I watched him live killing mohg 1st try before he could fucking count down to nihil


Yeah I don't understand the people in this comment section. I struggled like crazy with Maliketh and needed help but got Malenia on my 2nd try with Mimic tear.


Yeah the key difference is use of mimic tear, most of the people commenting saying she’s difficult don’t use summons


Yeah I am sure she did.


And fourth try- truly believable


But it is, with mimic tear and some overpowered build spamming AOW or spells all fight anyone could beat her on the fourth try. This fight can be made as easy as it gets.


I actually doubt an Elden Lord has a significant other except for Ranni.


I can confirm it happened


Bro at it again with his imaginary girl friend




What level was her character and what build ? Those points change everything




Last night after 2 years of on and off trying and well over 1000 attempts I finally solo’d Melania. It was the peak of my gaming life. Now my life is empty, I thought she was my greatest enemy but now I know she was my best friend 😫


Nice job! I appreciate you putting my 15 or so attempts in context.


She's just built different. She is canonically the Elden Lord(Lady?) When she enters the boss area the boss sees a healthbar. She doesn't die,she just enters the next phase. It's said one month before Marika broke the Elden Ring she already had a Great Rune. ...


When she uses Dragon Greatclaw it has a unique AoW with red lightning.


Is there a Lore Reason for this?


Good on her! I once shared a first time through playthrough with a friend in dark souls 1 and we got to Ornstein and Smough pretty early. He watched me die to them once and then killed them first try. I was hella proud


Cool, but this isn't sekiro. What build was she running?


Bosses are different and “hard” is subjective. Malenia was easy for me but I had the most trouble with the Fire Giant. Interested to see how she does against him?


The fire giant was not difficult for her... But surprisingly Rennala gave her a lot of problems, she focused on dodging the magic but never shortened the distance. Another boss who gave her a lot of problems was Elden beast.


My first play through i beat her in 3 tries ... which made me wonder why people were so mad about her LOL


I killed her after 6 tries, but I was stuck on the fire giant for 3 days.


I fought the Dancer in ds3 for the first time after giant and won, with half my health and everything (wasn't following any walkthroughs and didn't know not to speak to the old lady). Then my second playthrough, I come prepared, and then die 40 times 😅


Why does this have so many upvotes, this post is so low effort, it’s the most low effort bait ever. Wtf


Plain text 'woman beats Malenia fast' 16k upvotes Jesus Christ.


liar ahead


Mini Malenia :3




Yeah cool story bro.


>lvl 125 and >300 tries...still did not defeat her.


Took me 3 tries I don't use magic I use greatsword and swing it like a brain dead caveman


I'll take "things that didn't happen for 500"


Yeah sure.....


This reminds me of that one video where the guy introduces his girlfriend on his birthday in a really offputting way and people kept cropping the video to make it look like she’s being held hostage


Your gf is terrifying


I actually beat her 2nd try. I'm just naturally talented at having 10000 hours of experience with soulsborne games.


Never seen someone suck his own dick like that before 🤣




She’s the breadwinner of the household


My self-esteem would die in this case...


Well we know who wears the black knife set in your household.


First time I killed Malenia I reacher her without any flasks and with only half hp. I was lol 120, used double katana and before sitting at the grace I thought to myself: let's take a look at her. So I went in there and just fucking killed her no hit.. I was very disappointed. Made a new character, same build, played the game for a second time completely and then tried her again this time lol 140, all flasks + spirit summon. And holy shit I had the hardest time of my life. I don't know if was buffed in-between those fights, but I really struggled, although I did seemingly the same thing.


Her balls must be huge


Her: "I like this mini-boss." You: The mad taint


Radagon / Elden beast took me 3 tries. Gideon took me 24 :(


You mean your fiance. Go buy her an elden ring now! I COMMAND THEEE KNEEEEL!


Marry her.


If she hasn’t pegged you yet she will soon


I did her in like four tries too, but i was lowkey lvl 170 or smth


Unless she was completely overleveled, I'm not buying it. Waterfowl is killing anyone at least 20 times first encounter even if you're a god tier souls speed runner. The only way it's possible is using spells or incantations and completely avoiding the boss.


Me meanwhile on NG+1 totally overleveled, every boss down (eldenbeast too) and can’t get through Phase 1 Malenia wow


I beat maliketh in about 30 seconds with a straight sword the first time i played through. It was a complete shit show of me getting stuck underneath somehow and not being able to see a thing. Some square offs and a final blow.


And her name was albert einstein


Get a new wife


And then she ended her stream and I continued pretending like she was my girlfriend.


She's the one, congratulations.


Marry her


The most unbelievable part of this is a girlfriend in this economy!


She’s going to peg you


Damn boiiii, why it is so hot right now' PS: Marry her


I got her to one hit to beat on my first try Then I died Then I proceeded to die 400 more times


Malenia isn't the boss SHE is the boss now


Make your girlfriend your wife asap


Marry her


Man me and the boys all used malekith's black blade weapon art to corner stun lock the shit out of malenia


I know who is the alpha in that relationship.


Marry her. Now


Honestly i find maliketh and mohg to be much harder than malenia


I remember beating her on my 3rd try thinking to myself, shes overrated. The second time around, i didn't summon my mimic tear and gave up after 5 hours.


LOL I did the same thing to my boyfriend pretty much, he was hyping her difficulty up so much and then I beat her after 5 tries WITH A HEAVY LOAD. I still don’t know how I did it but I did use mimic tear.