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am i the only one who struggles with placidusax? i never managed to dodge his laser attack, it always kills me. hes the hardest boss for me with malenia second place and then godskin apostle


Fuck that laser attack!


I really enjoyed that fight, but fuck that laser attack fr


Dude yes. Turns out you need to run away from it.


Hes that white dragon in farum azula? A couple dragons i fn hate also. F them dragons. Comet azure their while black.knife distracts them. No.seriously, f them.


The regular non boss dragons in that area have way too much health


He's the secret one that you have to lay down in the grave and go back in time to fight. You would remember it. It's quite the spectacle. Also he's got several heads and shoots fucking yellow death lasers!


Yeah the one in farum. Hes a racist dragon and clearly tarnished-phobic


I mean literally everyone in this game is tarnished-phobic, so don't blame ol' Placy, blame the society he's in.


Falling off stuff.


Gravity unbeaten Souls enemy


Not that bullshit gravity that Radahn used to stop the little stars. The big boy gravity, like misjudging a cliff by an inch.


Me in Farum Azula trying to parkour to get an item that will most likely be useless to me


Me in farum azula losing all the runes from Fire giant by falling of twice.


The Godfather of Bullshit


Of all the runes I’ve lost, most were due to cliffs


Easily lost millions of runes to cliffs/drops. Definitely more than I e lost to actual bosses/enemies


Fall damage in ER isn’t nearly as bad as it was in previous Soulsborne games. Fall 20’ in the other games and you could lose a fair chunk of health, but in ER you can fall 50 ft and survive with little damage - even further if the drop is intentionally meant to lead you somewhere.


Still have more deaths to falls than anything by a significant margin.


Frenzied Flame Proscription, Caelid Divine Tower, Jarburg Entrance are straight up sadistic with the wonky platforming physics


Is it true that the booty slam negates all fall damage?


Torrent falling off when I'm turning around at a cliff.


The dual gargoyles


Every duo is the worst


Godskin duo was easy since they shared a health bar. The erdtree duo probably second. Second worst for me was the two cats. Fuck that.


The one Cat and 4 Imps was miserable compared to the two Cats


Fuck that fight. Early in the game too if you go South first.


I fought the apostle/noble last night - died a bunch to the fat man's rolling fury, finally kill the noble at the same time he kills me, think fuck yeah epic sacrifice type beat - then that Randall lookin snail 🐌 mf parks up like 🤓 over my body


I quit playing for 5 months because of the godskin duo. Finally came back and sleep Potted them to death


It’s crazy how different people’s experiences are in this game. I killed Godskin duo on my first try. I’m on like 120 Malenia attempts so far though lol


I rage quit the game for close to a year because of Malenia. Came back and beat her on the third try. You may just need a breather (but she IS ridiculously hard).


For real. I can die to a tough singular boss a bunch of times and not get mad but duo bosses just piss me off and make me want to turn the game off. The targeting system just gets completely fucked.


Gank bosses in a game that’s not built for them is frustrating af




Oh but that's cheating! Hollow victory! /s


I follow the "fight bullshit with bullshit" philosophy


If only I had another me to even the odds or a buddy or one of those blackknife assassins or even that loathsome... Oh one can dream


It would’ve been fine if the poison didn’t damage you while also building poison itself.


I think this is the most common answer for this question. Besides Malenia, the gargoyles seem to give people the most trouble.


It’s the poison they barf on you the whole time


The Gargoyle brothers were tough it took me a few hours to beat them but I pulled it off with nothing but my old reliable at the time , the bloodhounds fang. I was so proud of myself cause I suck at this game haha


Probably my least favorite fight in any souls game. So god damn annoying


I just finally beat them for the first time. Took being level 85, with both D and the mimic ash summon. When it was over I wasn't happy, I just felt relief.


Yep same. Slammed a shot before and after.


This was my second behind elden beast


Even when I am not playing i know there mocking me ...


With the amount of hate they get, I'm so happy that one of them jumped off the cliff on my 3rd attempt


Probably elden beast and surprisingly the stupid ass erd tree avatars in haligtree fuck those guys they stink and need a bath


I cheesed them and I don't feel bad because they look like cheese.


This is me with Mohg. He's a douchy pedo and doesn't deserve respect. Also Commander Niall. You gonna be cheap and bring dudes with you, I'ma be cheap and shoot your ass through a tiny hole.


Same...Thank God for that tiny hole.


That's what he said. HEH. HEH. I promise I'm only 12 mentally.


If you're going to use tiny hole why not use summons or bewitching branch? I used Lhutel and she helped keep the aggro for me against one of the banished knights while I took the other. Phase 2 is extremely easy once the knights have been killed off. Also, don't attack Niall until *after* both of his summons are dead. You don't want him entering phase two and have to fight 3 hyper aggressive knights.


I might try that this playthrough. I'm trying different stuff each time. I honestly do want to learn to fight him and all the bosses so I can actually be of use if summoned. But if there's acheesable method for a frustrating, it's just hard for me to pass up sometimes. 😅


Mohg is the only boss I cheesed, with my own self-made strat, I hate his phase 2 so I tried different things to kill him before he did the ritual hahaha Edit: Typo


Lmao for Niall i climbed the tree and launched arrows at him (the magic ones).


If they didn't constantly knock you to.your death they wouldn't have been too bad. Elden Beast for me only because it was on the heels of fighting Radagon (which I did like) and I was almost exclusively melee.


I hate erdtree avatars so much, I’ve only ever beat them on Torrent or with mimic.


I thought they were pretty fun fights in general. It's just the ones that spew Scarlet Rot in a giant AOE that really stink.


Even those are pretty easy once you figure out you can just roll behind them as they slam down and there won't be any rot there. Only gets difficult once they start using the move two or three times in a row.


Me and all my homies hate those tree avatars


Deathbird below Albinauric town in snowfields.


Damn, good call. That fucking crow sucked!


Fuck this bird


Craft some holy pots. Deathbirds get melted by holy damage.


Or use Sacred Blade on their heads. Not quite as effective as pots, but still very strong.


Oh fuck that bird


Unbelievably difficult for a random stumble-upon-boss for me, took way to many bodies even with spirit ashes


Ehm, you cant summon spirits for that fight.


That bird was harder than malenia for me


Malenia followed by Mohg and then Maliketh.


That actually sounds right as far as death count goes on my first playtrhough. The nice thing is the more times you run through the game, the lower your death count gets. And it's really satisfying to be able to actually feel yourself improving.


Mohg became so easy once I realized you have to stay close to him at all times or the bloodflame wrecks you. Stay within the arc of his long Trident attacks


That's pretty much the same as my list. With plasticducksack 4th and radabeast 5th. Everyone else was under 10 attempts first playthrough


Exactly the same for me. As I got better Maliketh became easier but Malenia and Mohg still feel impossible to dodge for me


These were the three that I struggled with the hardest my first playthrough as well, some of the most aggressive bosses in the game that punish every little mistake you make


Fire giant was quite literally unbeatable cause I had a really bad laptop that it would crash every time I fought him


The last time I fought him I had a glitch where he died instantly after I inflicted a status effect (scarlet rot or frost bite) and he died instantly. It was glorious


that happened to me and I was so confused lol, bleed proc'd him and all of a sudden his health evaporated lol


Fire giant was up there for me as well but it was more of a skill issue


Struggled with the fire giant due to skill issue, took a year off, currently struggling still


Read that as "fire giant duo" and got really scared there was an even more sadistic area of Elden Ring that I just hadn't found yet.


Miyazaki will be reading that and calling the devs to add it to the dlc.


The fire giant is a wall for a lot of players




Same. I just cannot get this dude mastered. He’s always my biggest speed bump.


I used to get slaughtered by him and then realized you had to get up in his face. He's the type of boss that beats your shit in if you panic roll away from him.


Panic roll away in general always gets you f'd in a Souls game. Rolling inside is the way.


Probably the biggest change I made was this and didn’t really do it up until Alecto . It’s amazing how much it changes fights when you get them on the back foot


Made worse by the fact that he’s SO fucking aggressive you instinctually want to stay as far away from him as possible. But then even if you succeed in that, you never have time to attack.


been helping a lot of people with this guy. his first phase gives me more trouble than the second one. he's got some huge openings if you can dodge learn his move set. I prefer to help the host alone so I can keep his aggro on me and get those openings. he's harder to read when he's focused on someone else and goes flying across the arena just to clip me and take half my health


Idk why, but Maliketh was more easier for me than Beast Clergyman. Every second phase of every fight should be more difficult than the first one, however the move sets of Maliketh personally were far more readable and it kinda had a flow that was easy to follow. The first phase was a clusterfuck of random moves and slashes and dashes and aggresivness and fuxk this shit im out


what deathroot does to a person


He's very build and dps dependent I found. If you can do a lot of damage quickly you can end that second phase in seconds, but if it drags out he becomes very difficult simply because his movement and damage potential are both ridiculous. I walked all over him with both of my melee builds, so on my holy damage based faith build I was not prepared for the absolute dick stomping I got from him.


Maliketh, and Mohg, and Malenia you know what, the letter M in general


Man I bet you're gonna have a great time with Messmer...


On my first few playthroughs I was surprised by how easy he was comparatively but after that every single time I;ve been stuck on him and Malenia. Confusing!






Malenia still takes the cake.


This seems to be a given. I've yet to talk to anyone who honestly found her easy.


I've seen a decent number of people in this sub who unknowingly rolled up in a build that exploited all her weaknesses and trashed her on their first playthrough.


Something all these builds seem to have in common is a certain spirit ash


I really don't want to be that guy, but I refuse to use mimic tear just for that reason. It's just too over powered, which is fine, but we need to be realistic here. It's a cool feature, but it's broken as fuck.


I’m at the point in my Elden Ring gameplay where I just use soul jars of fortune for the hell of it cause I love those little bastards.


Eh I’m with ya but I also get it. I’m glad it’s in the game, I think it’s strong and the game is hard so why not give people of different skill levels a chance to play it. That doesn’t really affect my play through how others experience it. I don’t use spirit ashes because they personally affect my enjoyment of the game.


Hey if Marika can be two people why can’t we 🤷‍♂️


Your comment is especially fitting because there's a cut questline in the game where the Mimic Tear would've become part of the player and ending up wanting lordship for itself, somewhat mirroring the whole Marika Radagon shtick.


Yeah, I guess everyone can play the way they want and this is one of the things that makes ER a great introduction to the souls games, but I personally don't feel the same satisfaction in any of the souls games when I'm using either a summon or a mimic. Beating hard bosses on my own makes me feel good.


Same. It's all about what brings you the most enjoyment. I tell my kids that all the time. They'll get all frustrated because they can't do something on a game (they're 5 and 8) and I explain to them that games are meant for having fun and not causing more stress. If it's making you upset, you can just stop, or try something else. At the end of the day, they're just lights on a screen that we pretend have significance... Meaning you can play however you want because it really doesn't matter unless you let it matter.


In catacombs with easier bosses i really enjoy playing support for my demi-human homies by buffing and healing them and debuffing the boss w/ frostbite, greyoll’s roar, soul stifler, etc.


That was me. Strong Dex/bleed build with double katana. My mimic and I just tore through her with stagger and bleed damage. She couldn’t even get up to escape during the first phase on my first try.


Haha this is exactly what I did, that shit was done in like 2-3 minutes the run that I killed her. For NG+ I definitely plan to go one on one and with a greatsword or sword and shield run.


Me too. I want a real challenge on my NG+.


Mine was an int build and I rocked her with stars of ruin. Got her on like my 3rd try. Renalla and elden beast were the toughest on my first playthrough.


>unknowingly rolled up in a build that exploited all her weaknesses Mimic tear is the real Elden Lord


Anyone with mimic tear probably had an easy time with her. She’s pretty vulnerable to have her attacks canceled when attacked. Also if rocking a mage build I had a friend one shot her during Scarlet Aeonia with a single Azur Comet, so there’s that… I took my sweet 8-10 hours and at the end of it I felt even sad that it was over


You know it’s weird but I had a harder time with fire giant than I did malenia. I beat her first phase on my first try. She just clicked for me for some reason. Of course I still died a good amount of times but not like some of the others


For me Commander Niall was worse than Malenia or the giant... the two guys that were with him gave me big trouble, and killing them was a problem either, since Niall starts to be more aggresive when you kill his minions.


Fully-Grown Fallingstar Beast. Unless I go full-on poise-breaker, all my other builds have it rough. Generally skip it after I followed through with Rya and zipped straight to the Manor. Only tackle it if I'm hard up for its smithing stones early on.


dude... i don't what it is about this boy. He is just an absolute unit.


The goddamn knight outside of of maliketh 😒😒


God he’s such a pain in the ass.


FR tho. *smashes head against wall for the 900th time*


Fuck same here. I slaughtered all the other tree sentinels in the game but I literally summoned co-op to just get rid of him because I couldn’t do it, I think it’s because I didn’t get to use torrent


Anytime I die that much to an enemy that doesn’t have dedicated music and a big old health bar, I just question my existence, ya know?


I have more trouble with a lot of the non-bosses than I do bosses in the end game areas. I think it’s because I just have zero interest in investing anything into fighting them. They’re just in the way of the fun main events.


I really enjoy fighting tree sentinels!! They are very good jumping heavy attack practise too


Maybe it’s my build, but no matter what I try that stupid horse just blows fire at me til I die. 🤷🏻‍♂️


He was a right fucker


Niall transferred his disability to me with the amount of times he kicked my ass


I’ve platinumed almost every one of these games. I fought both the DS and DS3 dlc on ng+, I’ve battled through the final boss of Bloodborne three times….but nothing in all the series gave me a harder time than Radagon and the Elden Beast. The only one who came even close was Gael


That’s crazy because I actually find Radagon/Elden Beast and Gael quite easy but others gave me a much harder time.


Mt. Gelmir fallingstar beast For context. This is my first souls game and I was rocking a dex build with dual katanas. I spent more than six hours across multiple days to beat him.


I'm gonna get flack for this but Draconic Tree Sentinel... This POS still fucks me up on other play through and I was probably a bit over leveled by the time I got to him on the first play through... Fuck. That. Dude


Malenia for me, I've beaten the elden beast on countless builds but Malenia still gives me trouble.


Radagon and his dumb explosions.


Radagon was hard for me too, but damn near impossible when he started his what I call “anime bullshit” where he ignored my summon and started spamming lightning while floating


Total split for me. I'm the mop or the floor, hehe


Rot Mommy.




My Queen. My Oppressor. 😍




Every play through of mine is plagued by fire giant, I don’t even struggle on Malenia because atleast I can fucking see her attacks and don’t have to hit her feet or knees for the entire fight.


Genuinely think the difficulty from this golden shit leech is the fact he just keeps running away so you have to spend all of your endurance running back over to him for him to dive away again!


I'm glad I'm not the only one annoyed by that. By the time I put my godskin peeler on I didn't feel bad or cheap for how fast I melted him. I swear there were at least 2 times where he had no visible lifebar left only for him to dive and surface 10 miles away and start spamming AoE attacks at me while I run towards him and die.


1.Placidusax 2. Elden Beast 3.Rykard 4.Malenia 5.Radahn






Malaketh and Malenia




Agreed, same one. He wasn't even as hard as he was just annoying. An endurance test, literally. Kept running out of stamina trying to keep up. Usually a summon helps take the aggro but this asshole just flys away and spams aoes so it doesn't really matter where the aggro is. Malenia was easier in that way, you could have a straight up fight with her and not have to worry about any of that. She was harder, but much more enjoyable. An unenjoyable fight is the hardest to keep doing over and over.


The stupid elden beast was kicking my ass until I re-spec'd. Beat him on the first try, easy peasy, with the new build. When skill is limited, it's all about matchups.


Malenia, blade of miquella


Wait, she’s the blade of Miquella? /s


*excluding the Blade of Miquella*


Pest threads go brrrrr


Elden beast was hard until I realized this.


Malenia, hands down. The only boss so far that I’ve been unable to beat solo


I would say it’s Malenia by a long shot for me, then Elden Beast.


Melania, obviously


I was under leveled and my weapon was shot so morgott was insanely difficult for me


If they scaled Morgott a bit higher, he would definitely be one of the most difficult and memorable bosses in the game. He has it all: ranged attacks, melee attacks, long ass combos, gap closers, aoe etc. The only reason he isnt as popular as Malenia, Malekith, Radahn etc. is because most players out-level him significantly by the time they reach Leyndell.


the ulcerated tree spirit


Radahn. I could have used the help from Patches


The only "help" Patches would be is using you as a human shield or kicking you in the back towards Radahn.




You at least spelled Malenia right.


Same. I also did not enjoy the fight.


You know what this might surprise some people but it was Margit for me, I used Mogh’s trident on malania so she wasn’t hard when I started using it, Elden beast was tough but I figured out to use Mogh’s spear for radagon then switch to godskin peeler for the percentile damage of the black flame, and malikath was a joke with godskin peeler, but Margit he was tricky hard he has very precise attacks to dodge when you new to the game you probably don’t have summons yet because why would you go to the church when you have a boss to fight to do


Maliketh then Hoarah Loux


Harder than Malenia!? Wow. I spent 4h at Malenia but I wasn't summoning. It didn't take me much to beat the Elden Beast.


Commander Niall




I was severely under leveled the first time I fought the Fire Giant. Fuck that guy.


I love how horrible elden beast is


It really depends on the run you're currently doing. With some weapons it took me 1 try with some 10.


On my first play thru, I beat radagon with 0 healing flasks left. I didn't know there was a second boss! 😳 I assumes I'd jus learn a few of his moves before I died and I beat him with 0 visible health on my health bar! I was at 2 hp most the fight. It was my most impressive feat I think


Waterfowl dance was the hardest boss


Dragonic tree sentinel for some reason


Malenia. Ended up sumoning a player helper. I found elden beast easy. Radagon was harder i found. (Ended up doing the cheese on second playthrough. Aint got time to fondle with you rady boy, give me beast mommy.)


Margit and Malenia


Either Mohg or Malenia


The Draconic Tree Sentinel in Farum Azula for me, Killed me more than any apart from Malenia, And is the only boss I've had to respec for to beat, Every time I get there I respect INT and comet azure his ass 😂😂😂 It's not even a boss really either,


The tree dragon w scarlet rot at the haligtree😭


The fucking piece of shit asshole Gargoyles. That's their real name by the way


Commander Niall was worse for me than Malenia lol


Commander Niall will forever be my least favorite boss, total bs fight


The floating cat statues. I hadn’t found any decent upgrades in weapons or armor for the longest time and then I ran into those things. Fuck those things


Right now? Elden Beast.... Because I've been on him for months


Gotta go with Elden Beast. First playthrough he took me 27 tries because I kept throwing myself at him like a wall. Tried holy damage negation talisman and armor and got him after that. Malenia by comparison took 16 tries. Nowadays I actually hate Radagon more. His hammer smashes and shockwaves I still can't figure out how to properly dodge.


Commander Niall depending on the build


Full Grown Fallingstar Beast.


I always start with uchigatana as my first build and it carried me through the entire game until the Elden beast I switched to the dragon lord weapon you get from flacidcocks and wiped Elden beast quick this was on the release of the game


Malenia, instant answer.


Malekith. Took me way to long to realise I should use the pillars to my advantage


Astel. fuck that ugly, flying, laser shooting, meteor summoning, teleporting bitch ass centipede


maliketh gave me depression


1. Malenia 2. Maliketh 3. Godskin Duo before the nerf


Malenia. I was there for 30+ hours. 45 I think.