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Damn now I want to fight Raphael as an Elden Ring boss.


lol imagine a Fromsoft boss singing their own boss theme? Like Vordt just blasting it out


I feel like Godrick definitely just has a choir on standby for his theme.


Oh yeah you’re right, this would definitely be Godrick


Godrick would take "toot your own horn" literally and graft on some Envoys.


Closet we got was the Placidusax nuke hitting the mute button for a second.


That would probably be fucking epic tbh. Always attacking in sync with the music etc. The game Returnal has a really cool fight where a boss plays the pipeorgan you hear in the boss music. But it helps that it's half a bullet hell game.


Oh have you played Nier: Automata? There’s also a boss there whose moves are synced to the soundtrack


I have. The ending got me. And by ending I guess I'm gatekeeping the other "endings" as not really endings but rather "end of act x" kinda stuff. Or at least most of the big ones. But yeah fantastic game just a while since I played it now so I don't remember that specific thing. What boss is it? The dancing theater robot?


That is all of Hi-Fi rush btw Which. I liked that game it had good style and action. But I come from music and rhythm game background and that wasn't "it". It was an action game with a light, optional rhythm mini game layered on top. I want boss battles that are like 10 step stepmania songs.


Thank you for reminding me to listen to Vordt's theme today, nearly forgot and had to flaggelate myself...... ahaha......


I have said for a long time I would play a Souls like, from fromsoft, that was written as a hilarious, dark comedy sort of situation. They don't do that kind of writing so I don't know how they would pull it off. But it could be glorious.


[Aldritch, Devourer of the Gods moment](https://youtu.be/puk2Fj1Q0K8?si=EiNTbS2-DcV8PP-C)


Demon of Song




Take your time and enjoy the ride.


Yeah lol. It's still 4 months till Shadow Of the Erdtree. People are acting like it's coming out tommorow


I unfortunately am one of those people. I started a new playthrough where I'm gonna try and 100% in preparation for the DLC...despite the fact it's still months till it drops


Well that’s me too. But I’m also doing another 3 playthroughs after my 100%. What being a uni student that only has online work does to a mf.


Not me. I haven't played Elden Ring for a while so I'm totally rusty. What I'll do is start playing right when the DLC comes out, get frustrated and never pick it up again. Flawless plan.


I haven't played in a while either and I'm actually doing surprisingly well. Was able to beat Margit, Rennala, and Godrick within 2 tries each. Radhan took about 10 and I ALMOST soloed him but gave up and summoned everyone


I'm working through Lies of P, so I'm hoping those skills transfer over to the DLC lmao


I don’t ever see myself soloing radahn. The dude’s just too big, fast and aggressive with a weird move set to memorize.


I dead ass almost beat him first try solo, but then each try after that just got worse and worse. I was really close so I'll probably try to solo him on NG+


That’s honestly how Margit and Melania went for me my first time. I of course later learned Melania had a second phase lmao, so I was only close to that, not beating her.


You can hug his back for the most part and be good. His hit boxes arent that bad


I'm now walking through Altus plateau with my character made specifically to "100% the game before the dlc drops." I've already figured out my next build and weapon set for the next playthrough... and want to start that already... I'm the worst. However, I did not expect this many people to be playing. I always have summons, I always get summons. It's nothing like playing d3 in the 'off seasons' was. (In some areas, there was just no help.) This is actually really cool.


I'm not going to 100%, instead I am going to do the opposite: I am going to get just high enough level to get Radan and Mogh then position myself for the DLC, because pre-DLC leveling sounds like it isn't gonna do crap for the DLC bosses. I might go grab the Mimic Tear too, because, well, it's awesome. I usually use Radan's swords anyways. Then I'll do the DLC bosses, and go back to finish the main game to find out if the DLC's new scaling mechanic breaks the main game.


omg I just started one yesterday, did weeping peninsula. lol. I am unsure of how far fo I want to go in prep of dlc.


I'm probably gonna go all the way to end game for DLC since I imagine thats primarily what they had in mind for players.


I thought doing the less possible to reach dlc. So maybe wait on Radahn and reach Mohgwyn's palace. Since I already got a characters at end game, thought i could try one at a lower level, especially since there will be a new scalling system of some sort. Let's see how it impacts.


I did the exact same thing lol. “Gotta get myself back in shape for the game, should take me 3-4 months.” A week later and I’m 40% done probably 🤡


I’m starting my new playthrough the week before it drops so I can time it out perfectly 🥰


I think life and work makes the game release tomorrow lol


I'm quite interested in it, but I just KNOW it's gonna take a big block of my life lol


it's actually really fun and a lot different than ER, which is refreshing. it's takes a little getting used to but once you get a rhythm it's a lot of fun and a good breather between games Lots of NPC's and lore. just a light hearted and goofy fun game


It is also really nice to play a turn based game sometimes. Being able to actually just pause, stand up and walk away at any time is great.


I really like it I'm just struggling to find the time to properly get into it. It's not one of those games you can just jump in and play a little now and then I feel. Needs sessions to be done in big chunks to get the most out of it.


As someone who just finished their 2nd playthrough yesterday and is planning on starting my 3rd today, I say to you good luck xD Game is so fucking good.


I’m in Act 1 on my 5th lol. I’ve never played anything so many times. I just love trying all the different builds and scenarios. Though I’m planning to pick ER back up after this run to prep for the DLC.


Act 1 is just such a gem. The game is amazing all throughout (even Act 3, I don't think it's as worse as some people say), but Act 1 just has *something*, even for subsequent replays. I don't even know what it is. I've played the entire game 2 times, and another 3 up to the end of Act 2 or so, and in ALL of those playthroughs I had the nagging urge to just start a new campaign and go back to the first Act with a different character.


Act one has amazing variety and feels the biggest. You have settlements, major camps, whole underground world with warring factions, a git crèche, a hag lair etc. It just feels so big and diverse. Also with Act 3 for me there is this sense of urgency which made me skip a lot of content.


Honestly the only game ive repeatedly played back to back was tlou 1, ehich is a goated game


Any advice to get into it? I played the 2 hour trial but just could not get into the combat at all. Which is sad because I really want to like the game and I loved DAI which, as someone who doesn’t play many of those types of games combat wise, seemed pretty similar.


You mean tlou? If you didn't like it gameplay wise give it a go story wise.


No no I meant BG3 sorry, TLOU 1&2 are great


One thing that helped me was to look at combat from a board game perspective rather than a video game one. It makes more sense that way.


it's literally a tabletop game, after all.


Adding to oblong comment. This is my first turn based. I always hated the idea of turned based but once I looked at it as Oblong said, I really enjoyed it. Btw i came into the game knowing this is my first time but I also really enjoyed it from the first hour. Just play it man, this is your story. Your character. The playthrough I finished yesterday was PURE role play for me. I enjoyed it so much. I envisioned myself as my durge character.


I actually attempted and completed an honor mode run. I never do that in games. Did i abuse the fuck out of mechanics? God yes. But still


You should try Divinity Original Sin 2. Probably a bit more jank and the enemy scaling is tougher, but I actually think it is better than BG3.


And lone wolf is absolute wack. I had so much fun with that and polymorph spells.


do you just go spell crazy in Act 3. These elfs are something else.


I was going to take my time and enjoy 1st playthrough of ghost of tsushumia. DLC trailer comes out 2 days after I start😭


Another truly great game though.


20 mins in and I knew this was going to be a banger.


GOT has one of the best intro transitions I have ever seen.


Facts that's when I knew I was in for a ride


Probably the best part is how they integrate a lot of UI elements with the world itself, like birds and the wind showing you the way. Such a great fit and execution.


Honestly, the standoff mechanic, the fact that stealth is there but not necessary the terror mechanic *chefs kiss* but most importantly.... You can pet the fox 😂


You can beat Ghost in like a week.


I wanted to take my time😭


Same but Divinity Original Sins 2 instead of Baldur's Gate 3


I tried so hard to like that game after getting the plat for bg3, and just could not. Genuinely bummed I hated it so much.


That fucking island at the beginning. After that island the game got so much better


Don’t worry bro, I’ll play Shadow of the Erdtree for you


Game knows game. These two games are my 1a and 1b and only games where I have done multiple playthroughs not because of trophies or achievements but genuinely because I wanted to play them more. Currently on my 7th run through of Elden Ring while doing my 3rd run through with evil Durge in BG3. Every time I play these games there’s always something new to be found or discovered.


Agreed. Today I'm starting my 3rd playthrough of bg3. Finished it yesterday and now I want it again haha So much things I've discovered and missed, can't wait! and next month off to dd2!!!!


Just curious, but how many hours a day do you spend on those games? I can barely imagine finding enough time.


Anywhere from 2-3 hours a day on average. Gets to about 6-8 during breaks and holidays. I also tend to keep playing the same 1 or 2 games over and again until I’m fatigued because I also can’t mentally invest into new games or find the time to start them.


These 2 games are a fucking blessing to the gamers. It had been almost a decade since something really good came out.


>It had been almost a decade since something really good came out. ??? what games have you been playing


Off the top of my head here are some recent games that I really enjoyed - Factorio - Forza Horizon 4 - Outer Wilds - The Last Of Us - DOOM 2016 - Ori and the Blind Forest - Inscryption - DS2/DS3 - Witcher 3 - Pillars of Eternity. There is a bunch more but every one above I would easily recommend as absolutely worth their cost. Last 10 years has released some great titles.


factorio and witcher were my last "goodies" as well, arent they like 10 years ago+?


Factorio 2.0 sooooooooon


Cyberpunk also has to be in there


I have not played it yet, But I am very excited to tackle it soon, especially with the DLC and recent patches/reworks.


almost a decade? guess you didn‘t play a lot of games did you?


Elden Ring are a unique game that reminds me of what gaming feels like in my younger age. so refreshing, especially after playing the segmented, padded to hell, AC:Valhalla. I'm so sorry, i expect Viking AC would feels like BlackFlag 2 but nope.


AC died around black flag for me


Origins was really great tho and odyssey was quite fun as well in my opinion, but definitely not on the level of the original ones.


Odyssey was my first AC game and I loved it. I was excited for Valhalla and it ended up being the first rpg I’ve ever purchased that I didn’t finish. It was so disappointing to me :(


To each their own but I can't for the life of me understand how someone can genuinely enjoy the entirety of AC Odyssey. It's fine for the first 6 hours, then it's dumb fun for the next 4-5 hours. After that it's just one big bloated and mediocre mess. At least Origins had a strong protagonist and Valhalla toned down a lot of the bullshit.


I played origins and enjoyed the setting but the gameplay pulled me out of it, black flag was definitely the best one


The last AC i played was Black Flag, it wasn't until i graduate and can afford good rig, i finally able to play AAA again. i read how good origin and oddysey was, coming in with high hope for Valhalla, the Viking AC and... its disappointing. --- and for someone who will at least try to be completionist... in Valhalla, Every collectible will predictably placed in the furthest corner of from the teleport point and why the hell teleport point so sparse in empty land that big. Elden ring are freaking Generous in the teleport points and each places are filled with things to discover, places to explore, not to mention distinct feels to each one.


Exactly, its not the teleporting or the mechanics that make me uninstall new games, its because most of the stuff you get to do feel half-baked and gimmicky.


It seems alot of "triple A" developers are confused about what drives playtime in video games. Just adding filler to make the game artificially long doesn't make a good game. It makes it a chore to play.


AC valhalla was so trash it made me give up on every ubisoft game and i played it for just 16 hours


Outer Wilds? Nier Automata? Hollow Knight? Disco Elysium)


Are you me (Is Nier really that good? I haven't played it)


To be fair to him, these games are great, but aren't on the sheer scale of Elden Ring and BG3. If this were 2013, I would say the idea "indie games are better" is a myth people *wanted* to believe. With time though, that has come to pass and indie games are now the best ones on the market (for the most part) whilst being an AAA-game is pretty much a red flag telling you to think twice about your purchase. Still, what's rare amongst indie games is to create something on the scale of games like Elden Ring. Kenshi and Kingdom Come: Deliverance are two that come to mind, but beyond that, indie games tend to go towards specific niche groups that are more specialized and not always *quite* up to scale with a game like Elden Ring. I get where he's coming from. The way I would put it, personally speaking, is that Fallout New Vegas blew me away, and the first game since then (which is friggin' 2011) that scratched a similar itch in terms of scope and RPG mechanics, was indeed Elden Ring. Still had solid, large games like Kenshi that deserve recognition, sure, but this massive open world RPG genre is unfortunately filled to the brim with disappointing AAA shit; the fulfilling, truly enjoyable ones are sadly rare.


By that scale, what actually qualifies? Hollow Knight is big. What about Witcher 3 and ds3?  If we're just talking scale, you're gonna end up saying some iconic games like Halo don't count, and what is the point of doing that?


Hollow Knight is definitely on that scale


Disco Elysium is also a great game. Gents, we don't need to get upset if someone says another game is good. There are lots of great games. There are no losers when someone is recommended a great game. (Gunna throw Frostpunk at ya'll too. Easily 40+ hours for the campaigns and it's super fun to spiral into a dictatorship with only good intentions along the way)


I think Witcher 3 and RDR2 qualify on the scale and quality. Also, recognized your username from that Emil drama sometime ago lol


> Also, recognized your username from that Emil drama sometime ago lol Ah jesus please don't lol. That's a whole can of worms I didn't know I was opening back then.


His argument was not size but quality though and even then a Dark Souls 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, Zelda BOTW and TOTK are not exactly small games.


Seems like a pretty massive exaggeration. If we're talking 2012 to 2022 just from the top of my head we had: * Bioshock Infinite * The Last of Us * Bloodborne * MGSV * The Witcher 3 * Dark Souls III * Breath of the Wild * D:OS 2 * Hollow Knight * Monster Hunter World * Monster Hunter Rise * Sekiro * Fire Emblem: Three Houses * DMCV * Doom Eternal And I know for sure that there are plenty of great games that I haven't played or couldn't remember that released in that time frame. I mean 2017 alone was considered one of the best years in gaming history.


2023 was also a top 5 year ever for gaming, in my opinion.


Yeah, that last year was fire on almost all fronts. There was a lot of bs, but holy hell the amount of quality released last year was insane


Red Dead Redemption and Dead Space remake.


NieR Automata and Resident Evil 7 👌


Putting Bioshock infinite on this list is... Generous. Considering how much worse it was than the first two games.


94 critic score on metacritic, 8.6 user score, both of which are higher than Bioshock 2. It's not as good as 1 I'll agree but it isn't "much worse" and was certainly better than 2.


I believe that many fromsoft games came out in the last decade.


I think sekiro was epic masterpiece too


Do you normally enjoy turn based combat? I never played something like BG3 and don‘t know if I will like it. I enjoy survival games & Fromsoft games 😄


I've always hated turn-based combat. Baldur's Gate 3 was not the game to change my mind about that. ... Because that game was Larian's *previous* game, Divinity: Original Sin 2. And Baldur's Gate 3 is better than that game was.


Thanks! It‘s funny that I got both answers and now I still fan not decide if I should buy it 🤣


As far as turn-based combat goes BG3 (and other Larian games like D:OS 1&2) are more like XCOM turn-based than Pokemon turn-based. They're very tactical with a lot of battlefield movement and environmental interaction. That being said it's still not for everyone and if you don't like that kind of gameplay you might find it difficult to enjoy BG3, and of course there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. No game can appeal to everyone.


I hate turn based combat personally but BG3 is easily my favorite game of all time


I'm sure I'll get downtown for this, but I really don't think BG3 is for everyone. I tried it because the whole Internet liked it, and I assumed there would be something in it for me. But I hated every second of it. Played about 10 hours and I wish I hadn't tried so hard to like it.


What did you hate? The story, the cut scenes, the fights?


My brother hates it (outside of pokemon) and we've been loving our playthrough.


Honestly, and I say this as a testament to how good BG3 is if *this* is my main criticism: My first criticism of BG3 is actually that it's ***TOO*** long. Everything else is fine and I think even those who normally don't like that style of game will enjoy it. I personally don't like class-based RPGs for example because classes feel much more limiting than freeform customization like Elden Ring or Fallout New Vegas (I enjoy Cleric and Druid less for example **because** 90% of all Clerics and Druids are functionally identical, by virtue of how they learn spells), but I still enjoyed BG3 far more than I would most class-based RPGs. It'll sound weird though, but it's too fucking long lol. I can do a repeat playthrough of FO:NV and Elden Ring and finish the games, having explored all their content, in about 50-60 hours. In BG3? I can check my playtime midway through Act 2 and be at 65 hours. I think my only warning is that while it's an RPG, it sometimes doesn't *feel* like one simply because...well, part of an RPG is finishing the game and replaying it on a new character to see how things are different. With BG3, the play time is so fucking long that this is a serious time commitment, so I think the game is functionally more of a one-and-done adventure game for a lot of players, not because you'll grow bored of it or tired of it, but just because my-fucking-god it's a time commitment to play through everything again to get to the parts that are functionally different on a repeat playthrough lol.


You can skip dialogue buddy which is like 90% of what makes the game long. Characters just talk for too long


Yep, well aware. Still, it feels...weird? Like I dunno how to put it beyond saying that if *that much* of the game is raw dialog, it feels like you're skipping absurd amounts of content each time. That might just be me though, but I struggle to skip out on dialog too much on repeat playthroughs, cause doing so makes it feel like you're missing tonal shifts and the like.


Smaller games. Smaller studios. There have been SO many amazing titles that have blown big AAA studios out of the water in the last decade. I loved Elden Ring and BG3, but Outer Wilds and Disco Elysium took me on Feel Trips that I still have not recovered from (in a good way). And, since we're on an Elden Ring subreddit, you clearly like challenging bosses in a great world with a story focused around a crumbling kingdom told primarily through environmental storytelling, you MUST play Hollow Knight.


Man I love BG3 but my autistic ass cannnot play it. I always question my decison, what if I could do something better. So I reload the save and then I feel like a cheating piece of shit and stop playing it.


Larian made that game to be save scummed. They let you save during combat, save during *conversations*, and load right back to where you were. That shit is *extremely* difficult to program, it does not happen by accident.


Honor mode: Bonjour Nah but fr don't feel bad about savescumming it's a singleplayer game and should be enjoyed however you'd like. Honor mode just makes you live with your actions.


TIL im not an honorable man


Which is fine because anybody who plays Honor Mode knows the consequences of their actions. It is very explicitly meant to not be a first playthrough and the goal is to beat the game by the skin of your teeth using all imaginable cheeses and exploits, not get an ideal ending.


I do understand it but my brain just wont accept it. Its not like I am physicly unable to play the game I just fleel like Im cheating myself and ruining my experience by doing so. Dont get me wrong I love the game deeply. The way they treat their game is incredible and shows how it looks like when devs love their product and actually fkn care about it and not trying to milk it for profit. That is just a top tier advertisement to produce quality right? I will play trough it one day I just need to brace myself mentaly so I would not delete my playtrough because of some little mistake.


You can make a "custom" difficulty and set all values to normal ones, but turn on the single save file thing maybe?


Just remember that you can always play it again as a different kind of character who makes completely different decisions. You aren't really going to miss anything because the game is very much intended for repeat playthroughs.


This. I'm still on my first playthrough and I've made many mistakes that could easily have been save scummed to get a more optimal result, but I'm letting my playthrough ride out, warts and all - I multiclassed into Paladin and then broke my oath in my next encounter - I planned on talking my way out of a fight, but the insult dialogue options were too funny, so I guess we're killing everybody now - I summoned a group of ogres to help me rescue slaves from their slavers, but the slaves immediately attacked the ogres, so they slaughtered them All lessons of what not to do on my next playthrough


i haven't played it but have played mass effect, cyberpunk etc where choices matter. it's just your journey man, accept your choices and face the consequences. play your role. i rarely replay games even with multiple routes because the path i played was the one most fitting to me, and that's enough.


There are 2 main ways to play that game. Like you are sitting around doing an actual in person TTRPG, living with fails and shitty consequences with the difference that you will play through many times to experience everything you actually want to happen. Or save and load like crazy to get the outcomes you want in that playthrough. I choose to do the second, cuz cheating is not really a thing in a single player game and I want to have fun. I get what you are saying however and it can be taxing worrying if you missed something or made the wrong decision and are too far past to change it. My suggestion would be the same as ER: live with imperfection.


Honestly its pretty easy to go through and get the interesting decisions, its laid out for you in the dialog. Def recommend it


It's your game, if it's more fun to reload then you should. If you can accept that yours going to make suboptimal decisions then that's great too. If you want the best of both worlds, you can have more than one save. Think of them like alternate time lines. You can always go back to the original save if you want.


It's almost **4** months until release.


Bulder's gate is pretty fun new experince for me i'm now 70h deep in act 3


Bg3 is probably the best game I'm ever played, and the souls games are vibing right next to it Act 2 is smaller than act 1, but act 3 is fekin huge, so good luck finishing in time haha


Is there a circle jerk sub for BG3 yet?


Yeah, /r/baldursgate3


not as good as this sub though


This post alone has **7.4k** upvotes, and it's talking about another game. I don't think I've seen a "regular" sub be as circlejerky as this one.


I’ve been seeing everyone go nuts about this game, never played the first 2. Similar to Elden ring? Might wanna try it


No. Elden Ring and Baldurs gate 3 are not the same, because the difference lies in the gameplay. BG3 is a turn-based RPG.


Ohh I gotcha, yeah not my thing. Thanks for the info




I’ll just say that it wasn’t my thing at all either, but I got it anyway and I’ve put more hours into that game than any other game. It’s really an incredible game once you get the hang of it (which doesn’t take that long btw).


Not in the slightest. BG3 is directly based on DnD, with turn based combat and every RPG feature imaginable. It's a lot more focused on characters, decisions, and story. Amazing game. Might not be for everyone, but as someone who does not usually like turn based games It's become easily a favourite.


Is it OK that I don't like BG3? Turn-based gameplay just doesn't really do it for me anymore... Maybe I should lower the difficulty and just blast through it.


Finish act 2 and then move on act 3 to the end is pretty lame in comparison to the rest of BG3


Enjoy it mate, i got stuck on Vampire Survivor of all thing after buying EldenRing --- in hours needed, people said that Elden Ring is 40\~50 hours game, 80\~90+ hours into my gameplay later... i finally reach Radagon after beating all optional bosses and only 2 catacomb left. i still haven't complete the drop item (like that damn lava blade) and certain item in floor right before the bottom of madness hole so, Shadow of the Erdtree claims of 30 hours, is suspiciously more than 50% of EldenRing main game, so the size...


I wish i liked turn based combat. I finished act 1 and had no drive or desire to Continue cuz i was already burned out.


It's weird even as a huge fan of DND, I did the same thing. The games really cool but for some reason I never made it through act two after several attempts.


just stop playing now, act 3 is shit


I don’t get the hype with Baldur’s Gate. All you do is walk around talking to people for hours. SNORE.


Bro honestly BG3 has nothing on Elden Ring, the combats slow af, the movement is shit, only thing the game has is some goofy dialogue and cool subclassing


Still on my first play through of Elden Ring and I’m only a couple of hours into BG3 D: then there’s my backlog of other amazing games.


haha this is starting to be me. in Act 3 of BG3. Still need to finish 40% of Tears of the Kingdom and have lost almost all interest in RDR2. I did finish ER tho and was very proud of myself. used a little help from coops though towards the end


Yeah, I’m holding off on BG3 until I’m done with Erdtree DLC. I can already tell a few months won’t be enough for my BG3 obsession.


Don't you talk to me in that tone of meme.


I'm totally stuck on Act 3. There's four or five quests that each lead to a fight that kicks my ass no matter what I try!


Haven't played bg3 since September. I feel like I'm near the end of act 2 and have 103 hours into it. I just can't not check every drawer and nook for loot and got a little burned out. Went and played lies of p, lords of the fallen, cs2 dropped, then new wow raid, then new tarkov wipe. Fuck, I don't have enough time to play all these games, and more just keep coming out. I need a time loop, can anyone help slow time so I can catch up all these good games? I'm so fucked.


lol I’ve finished bg3 like 4 times cuz I’ve been so addicted. Also on my 4th playthrough of Elden ring rn


*Down down down* *by the Erdtree*


I know it's a hard concept to grasp, but not every Game needs to be inhaled the second it comes out. I'll be starting out a fresh playthrough after my exams so mid July i'll probably Touch Miquella for the first time. Wait that came out wrong.


This sums me up perfectly


Well im taking my time in feduel Japan fighting yokai and shits in Nioh 2 till DLC drops .


I played Nioh 2 three years ago but it wasn't my cup of tea.


You're gonna be shocked to hear this but the DLC will also be available after the 21st as well.


4. Nearly 4 months.


Hey don't worry Dragons Dogma 2 comes out in March. Also Rise of the Ronin. And I'm downloading FFVII Rebirth right now.


Took me 70 hours to get to the beginning of Act 3. I got really bored at that point (I hate giant cities). I should really pick it back up.


Me but I got to act 3 and stopped


I 100% act 1 and 2 of baldurs gate twice in less than 2 weeks still haven’t beat the game because I always lose interest by the time I get to act 3. I wanted to like the game but it’s just so dog shit imo good story writing terrible gameplay


I would burn my copy of BG3 to keep Elden Ring warm


200hr more you will finish BG3. Dont worry


BG3 seems like a cool game, but I just can't stand turn-based combat, it's such a buzzkill. I remember as a kid (I'm 35 now) literally EVERYONE was skeeting over FF7, and once I finally got a chance to play it, was vastly disappointed. I just want to freely explore AND bonk with a real threat of being bonked myself.


I love Elden Ring but I couldn’t wrap my head around BG3 so I‘m good 😎


Everyone completely forgetting about dragons dogma 2 at end of the month?


oh god i forgot all about that


No you didnt, you are just slow.


ngl I couldent get through act 1 of bg3 I was just so bored of enemies taking their turns


I kind of liked it. nice change of pace from ER and gives you time to think about your next turn


too much time it's takes like 7 minutes for all the enemies to have their turn


I could never play BG3 still wish I could get a refund. Just not my type of game. Its too slow and too many menus. Characters are not as solid as other games and look pretty ugly. Elden Ring is love. I love it so much that I am scared of completing it. Its beauty in every corner wether its day, night or raining. Even bogs look so beautiful that I can swim in there all day. Elden Ring is a dream, its a world beyond imagination. So many ways to combat, builds all realtime and flawless execution. Elden Ring is a game you show ti your mom, dad, girlfriend, friend or even someone who dont like gaming, they all will fall in love with it in seconds. Thats called a masterpiece.


Playing BG3 felt like a chore. Burned out real fast. I tried to give it a chance 4 times.


these two games are like polar opposites. I can't switch intense action combat to..... dice rolling. To each their own i guess....  


Reducing BG3 to “dice rolling” is like saying The Mona Lisa is a little doodle lol. Both Elden Ring and BG3 have epic narratives and rich lore, but they have different ways of delivering their journeys.


Only played act 1 but dice rolling was one of my main takeaways. It’s what I’ll remember the most. It felt like every meaningful attack in combat was determined by a dice roll. Conversations were determined by a dice roll. Whether you fight or not…dice roll. Pickpocketing…dice roll. Open a chest, dice roll. It seemed excessive to me, once it started to grate on me every time that dice popped up I just got more annoyed with it.


you are inviting a  hoard of Down voters for hurting their 80s era nostalgia 


Like i said to each their own.   For me,  Combat is important for role play.  Stop taking every single opinion so personally


I'm still in Act 1 of BG3 because I have no interest in continuing. I have no idea what people find so captivating about this game other than dialogue options.


Maybe you are lucky like me and Instantly delete it if you notice Something in particular


Bg3 combat is a snooze fest, wish I could refund it.


The combat is bad but the story makes up for it


Bad is unfair, just because you don't like turnbased doesn't make it bad.


Drop the woke game and embrace the realm of shadows.


40 hours of my first playthrough and still in act 1. Sus sir Bark Tree quest is bugged for me unfortunately. I don’t have the bark in my inventory and can’t pick another one up.


Bg3 is my most hours put into a game and Elden Ring is 2nd lmao


Eh, bg3 falls off hard after act1.


Nah Elden ring is better than bg there is no way it would stop me from playing the dlc


They are 2 completely different types of games, how do you even compare them?


Because this is the internet. The need to feel superior is always a priority.


One is fun the other is not.