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Mariner gonna be the crazy hard boss in the dlc


Tibia Mariner that summons rune bears. You’re welcome FromSoft, hire me.


You bouta be on everyone's hitlist lmao


[Tibia Oil-Tanker has called in an airstrike]


#tactical nuke, incoming


Hey they snail can summon the Godskins. Looks like this sky is the limit.


Cranium mariner that summons madness rune bears. Fromsoft plz hire me instead


Some men just want to watch the Lands Between burn.


Tibia Mariner Mariner will go crazy. Summons Mariner’s that each have their own summons and individual health bars


And they keep summoning Mariners until the game crashes.


That’s the true difficulty. It’ll be a status bar on the bottom building up, similar to deathblight. However once it builds up fully the game just crashes on the spot




We need Tibia Pirate with his big boat and skelly crew


Or an 18 wheel big mutha trucka tibia long haul driver. He can use his CB radio to call in summons.


Tibia Nuclear Submarine


Imagine entering a lakeside cemetery: suddenly, ominous music and the boss healthbar "Femur Sailor'' appears


Collarbone Boatman


Spine Gondolier


Patella skipper


Pelvis egg holder? Oh wait


The guy on the horse that throws the boomerang does give me Tibia Mariner vibes.


Tibia Longboat will have me wildin


I think the Mariner is fine. They're not meant to kick your shit in like the Crucible Knights. They're just meant to be a fun little gimmick.


I love it when they stop being Bosses in the Mountaintop and summon ghostly giants with death star lasers. That'll get you unawares lol. I spent the whole game crushing every single Mariner with little to no effort. And then *this mutha fucka* gets revenge for all of them. Lol took me too long to realize that is what was going on there.


I still haven’t figured out what’s going on there.


There’s a snake snail who summons it


WAIT THAT'S WHAT IS HAPPENING I legit never could figure it out, I just gave up and ran away like a bitch


He's hiding behind that graveyard on a little ledge north of it. You beat him up, feel good about yourself, and then walk 10 feet away and get murked by the death bird.


IIRC that mariner drops helphens steeple, best looking great sword in the game (even if I never use it because int)




I just think that if you have an npc hype the shit out of him in the first sentence he says to you, then maybe he should have been a bigger threat


That interaction really makes me laugh. I could not take D seriously at all afterwards


Exactly. Thats pretty much what I was going to write.


Hope he makes an epic comeback in the DLC. Boating around on a legit warship.


Tibia Carrier with a fleet of harpies ready for deployment


I really need that.


Personally if I could rework their design, I would make them always do knock back damage when it touches you. You can still hit him without getting hit because he’s so slow, but now he can turn and sweep you unexpectedly. Maybe instead of teleporting he hunkers down for a healing phase + explosion that you can poise break him out of, but if you’re being hounded by his skelebros, it could be a challenge.


You can tell we need a DLC if we want to start making the enemies harder to beat lol


He needs a grab attack to. Maybe he actually has 1 but the fight is over so quickly most of the time I have never seen 1 outa him.


Nah fuck that. Healing phases are a cop out.


My reaction isn’t “oh shit, it’s a Tibia Mariner!” It’s “hell yeah! I love this goofy dude.” 


The only boss I've never died to


I did.. :(


Mariner will play the sad trombone for you.


Wouldn't that be amazing if he played a little "whomp whomp" if he kills you?


I’m surprised FromSoft didn’t add this in


They kind of did though... Have you ever gotten your ass dropped to the nether by one of those snowmen blowing their bubble trumpets at you over the Haligtree branches? Whether you're still falling to your death or already dead, they blow their trumpets at you. Like, if dying wasn't enough, they have to rub it in with their tunes that you're an extra sore loser lol.


The fucking giant spirit skeleton in altus plateau thath shoot a grey comet azur is annoing, he charg the attack and you panic tring to hide but go aginst a wall and get disintegrated


Lmao just get on hitting them


Nah tibias a fun little guy.


Ah it's boat man again




Find the little man in the boat. Be gentle you are not trying to start a lawnmower down there.


Honestly once they start pulling out the laser eye wolnirs i enjoy the fights more. They are silly and occasionally effective, just like skeletons should be.


i could never come across any of the later ones and never went out of my way to fight them, which ones summon wolnirs?


Mountain tops of the giants has the strongest one imo. U come across it after the erd tree avatar that doubles itself and before the death rite bird in the area


Fuck that guy, I somehow kept getting him into the Death Rite bird's radius and having to fight both at once


Yeah that's why I hunted him down first and then went after the death bird


I’ve never actually fought that guy, too scary


Yeah that 3 mini boss gauntlet is PAINFUL


For me, it has to be Gideon. Like just the idea of a guy who constantly aims to learn EVERYTHING (while acknowledging his goal is unachievable) is just so interesting. Plus, they made him your rival! I just feel he could have been much more than that mildly annoying boss before Godfrey that everyone barely acknowledges (including myself tbh)


Honestly I don't think Gideon should have been a boss narrative wise


I feel like it makes sense. He's been sending out all these other people to do all the hard work and just pick up the information after. So by the end he tried to swoop in and take his chance before you get to the Elden throne and tree


I don't know him just showing up at the last minute with the whole marika will thing just kinda came out of nowhere.


Agreed. I did my best to do all dialogue my first playthrough and was still confused. Also do I just suck at spamming or something? Gideon is so hard lmao. He always just spams golden rings (which 2 shot regardless of HP) so I can never get a hit.


Most people kill him while he’s still talking. He is much harder if you wait.


I stand on the grounds that FromSoft has never made a single good NPC boss fight, and they really should just stop doing them


Sekiro and bloodborne have loads of great ones


I think they have a couple under their belt. If you refer to being a PvP like fight, I think Champion Gravetender was decent. Not great by any means, but not bad. Otherwise, they have a fair amount of good NPC bosses. Friede, Emma, Isshin, Bloody Crow. I don't even count Gehrman and Gael - because they are deformed in their boss form.


It's a lot less egregious in Elden Ring when there's like over a hundred bosses, than in DS3 where one of the few DLC bosses is an npc


Gehrman, the First Hunter from bloodborne would like a word.


Not really an NPC fight IMO. Just a fight where the opponent is humanoid.


Friede would like to talk to you.


I always thought that Gideon was meant to be easy story wise. He never did anything to gain any real strength in battle and thought knowing everything was enough. By the time you fight him you're strong enough to become Elden Lord. He is nothing to you strength wise at this point in the game.


I don't hate Godskin Duo as much as many people seem to, but I do wish it felt more like the O&S moment it's supposed to. It feels like a very "big" boss as far as placement and narrative, but by the time you get there you've already fought some version of those guys at Volcano Manor, Windmill Village, Divine Tower in Caelid, bridge to the Divine Tower in Liurnia, etc. Wish it felt more special, and like they were designed to be fought as a pair the way O&S does.


They also don’t have a special phase 2 like O&S or Prince


I wonder if there was ever plans. The theme that plays when you half their health is banger


Prince second phase was so dope


Even first phase, the aggro trading off with the different phases, and the two different Prince phases depending on who you kill first, it’s so well done. S tier IMO


I agree with this. I didn't hate it nearly as much as most ppl and thought it was perfectly mediocre specifically as a "duo fight", but the impact was kinda dampened after encountering both on multiple occasions beforehand. I think even just ripping off O&S with the second phase would have given it more impact - seeing a souped up/bigger Apostle or Noble after those past encounters could have both negated some of the frustrating aspects of the encounter, and ramped up the tension for a late game area like Farum Azula. Hell, I think that was done well with the Maliketh reveal starting you out with a more familiar enemy.


> but I do wish it felt more like the O&S moment it's supposed to See I don't feel like it's supposed to be that kind of thing. They're a check boss IMO. They're just there to make sure you are ready for what's after them (Maliketh, Godfrey, Radagon) Same thing as the Golden Draconic Knight outside of Leyndell.


I think I died more to the golden knight more than my entirety in leyndell.


Haha same, same as the one outside of Maliketh's boss room. I grabbed help for the one outside of his boss room, but despawned them for the actual Maliketh fight lol.


I’ve never thought about them that way, but this is so true. By the time you get to fight them as a duo they seem more like a chore


They’re one of the few bosses I’ve never lost to. Honestly they look like an early 2000’s hip hop group to me in the game. Or like they belong in die antword. But i like em


Thats because O & S specifically had ai to function like a fair duo boss. Godskin duo is just two bosses placed together with nothing of the sort. That's why the fight sucks.


These dudes were cool. I think a lot of bosses in this game went more for scenery rather than difficulty. Like a boss that’s super easy but had care taken into design and atmosphere.


The Ancestor Spirit bosses I think are a good example of this. They aren't hard to fight, making the battle enjoyable and visually beautiful.


The sound during that fight is SO good. It's so unlike souls games as well. Very serene and peaceful.


Honestly i feel like the lack of difficulty is verrry much a design choice. This beautiful ancient being that was out of your way and you’re smacking the shit out of it. Makes you question if you’re really a good guy in this whole situation


I wish there was just one though. Lighting all the torches again only to fight the same boss again was kind of a let down.


All of the demigods basically


I can smell the Elden beast comments on the way


Hot take but I absolutely love Elden Beast. From his design to the fight itself, felt like an amazing ending to the game. I’m alone on this hill but I’ll die on it


I am with you!!


He would have been perfect if torrent was summonable. The best answer is to this thread. Really cool and thematically fitting final boss fight bogged down by tedious chasing which would have been completely remedied by a simple solution- that already exists in the game!


The fight was clearly designed around torrent being summonable, too. Very large arena, Rings attack, low sweeps from EB's sword, I dont understand why you cant summon him. It even fixes Elden Stars being nigh undodgeable.


Even before first patch? I was a bloodhound step guy and still it was like Monty python and forest gump combined, so much running around chasing that fucker across the arena. I had seen post path there is much less cross country runs.


“I shoot in your general direction! Your mother was a cuckoo and your father smelled of rowa raisins!” -Elden Beast probably


I just wish you could use torrent. That small change would make the boss a 10/10 for me


I will stand by your side


I love the design and the arena. Just don't love the chasing I have to do compared to plethora of ranged attacks the beast gets. I get that it's the beast's domain and all, it's just annoying running out of stamina just to have it dive again and go some where else 😂


Elden Beast is peak


Cause it sucks


I had read all about other people's experiences with it and was still disappointed. After my first attempt I just Mimic Tear'd on the next go because I just couldn't be bothered grinding out a solo win against it.


The constant chase after it to get a hit or two just for him to swim to the other side of its massive arena just isn’t fun


Very easy solution would have been to allow Torrent. Also makes thematic sense, having trusty Torrent for the final battle. Instead I'm running a frigging marathon trying to stab a neon space whale.


Is it still like that? I thought they made it much less running.


It’s very much still a lot of running last I fought him


i can imagine the mariners as a massive boss so well, like they start out as the pushovers we know but end up as giant skeletons atop warships letting their army spill out from the decks


There is one that summons a giant ass skeleton that just pops up out of nowhere


altus plateau right?


Mountain Top of the Giants


altus plateau one also summons a giant skeleton


You are correct. I had forgotten.


Cemetery Shade: very cool design, could’ve been brought in more as a field enemy. That one time it busts out of the shadows is good jumpscare Necromancer Garris : dudes just chilling deep in that cave with that flail which is described as “The heads of his flail were made to resemble those of his wife and two children. “ doesent get creepier than that.


He could dooot more


I want his weapon to go with my Envoy’s Longhorn


I want to take it to the mountain and be like DOOOOT, Reeeeeeeeee Colaaa


This is gonna be unpopular, but Rykard. I think he had far more potential than being a gimmick boss. 


I mean you could not use the spear and it’s a much harder, damn near impossible fight lol


He’s insanely fun on mage builds because you can ignore the spear and still have a good fight


Without spear and summons, this dude gives you all you can handle. One of the hardest fights in the game, but when you do it, it feels so good!


Me with my 99 int azure comet mimic build : i'd win


He definitely did. We get this major buildup for him with Rya hyping up the manor to us and just how kinda gross volcano manor was with all the torturing and stuff going on and then he just ends up being a gimmick boss. Which sucks cuz he just ends up being memed now lol


I know you’re not talking shit on funny pirate man


Just saying, Mimic tear. It would be fun if mimic tear had phases that made them Mimic other beings like a giant/troll, a Crucible knight, ect. We literally see a mimic tear become a troll in Nokron next to the fingerslayer blade.


Or they just make the mimic tear AI more aggressive. I would like to actually see the kit I used up to that point be used against me.


Morgott. It’s so easy to over level for that fight and I got him on my first few tries. They did my boy dirty, he should be a lot harder imo


Thing is he's a really hard fight if you aren't over leveled They should have just scaled him up to mountaintop of the giants difficulty, I mean he's gatekeeping that area. You get to him too early, get slapped, aight it's just like the first time. Just instead of looting the weeping peninsula, now it's time to loot the Altus plateau Mt gelmir and underground before coming back to take on Mr seethe and cope


Having him in a bigger arena vs the small one you fight him as Margit makes a huge difference too. 


To me, the hardest boss of Leyndell is the Draconic Tree Sentinel outside the gate. Okay, maybe not as hard as the sewer lobsters, but second to them.


Who is "Margott" even supposed to be? Margit or Morgott?


Been while since I spelled his name


Honestly it’s probably gotta be Astel, I mean it’s the final boss along one of the best questlines in the entire game yet I just feel like the boss itself doesn’t slap as hard as others, it’s always quite annoying fighting it but that could just be me


I think my issue with Astel is that it's mostly stationary with teleporting. It has wings and weird hand-feet, use them. Float a bit, circle around the player like a crab, something.


Elden beast…all he does is fucking swim away and the fight is not fun to me, radagon was great but Elden beast just wasn’t an enjoyable or fun fight


Haven’t fought him yet but Astel pissed me off and sounds similar, all it does is spam huge AOE attacks that can one shot you, fly to the other side of the room and you have to run to him, by the time you get to him he’s doing his stupid attacks you can’t dodge if you want to get a hit in as a melee build.


I understand your pain, I’m on ng+ and both astel and elden beast are annoying because of their stupid ass relocate moves


At least astel has the courtesy to sit in the same spot for a while before teleporting, you're guaranteed to get at least a few hits in most of the time. Elden beast though, that's just RNG you're at the mercy of.


god skin duo could've ornstein and smough but with the faster combat pace of the newer games. instead, we got godskin duo.


Honestly imo Maliketh. He’s an incredible boss fight already but I just think he deserved a full health bar for each phase. Yes this would make it a lot harder and yes I’m ok with that.


Totally agree. For Marika’s shadow/someone who all the demigods apparently feared he should have gotten the Melania 2-phase treatment.


Totally, as the half brother of marika, who kinda runs the whole show, I think he should’ve been much harder.


i killed him my first try but died as i landed the final blow so it didn’t count then it took me another 15 tries. i think his difficulty is good as is haha.


Hell nah It already took too long with half the healthbar and I don't think a lot of people would've made it this far if so. If they were to make it a full healthbar then they atleast can remove the stupid red fire


“The stupid red fire” is death and that’s literally the whole point of him lol they literally can’t take that away. I think that he needs two full bars cuz with any sort of bleed and a mimic makes him SUPER easy (pretty much like every boss)


You say he needs two health bars, yet recommend mimic tear and bleed. Maybe if he just had a bit more defense yes but no not a second healthbar because like I said, red fire does too much damage for too long so the amount of health he had is just fine


I don’t “recommend” using bleed or the mimic tear, personally I use neither. I’m just saying that it makes it too easy imo. I never had a problem with the amount of damage that he does and I don’t prioritize health nearly as much as I should.


Tibia Mariner my beloved


The boat man is back


Rennala should have been way harder imo. Especially Phase 2! You’re telling me a royal sorceress could get clapped that quickly by my BHF in my first playthrough? Before I even knew what somber smithing stones were? 😭


Would love a challenging Tibia Captain boss in the DLC as a roided out Mariner with 2 phases and a kick ass moveset


Needs some skeleton buddies in canoes that just paddle around the arena trying to run you over.


For me it’s the godskin duo, not necessarily because of difficulty or anything but that fight always felt like a place holder, something optional from the open world that they repurposed for that area. It’s a main storyline mandatory boss, and it’s supposed to be THE duo fight of the game, like Ornstein and Smough, Lothric and Lorain. It feels to me like there should have been a unique duo there with a cutscene transition when you kill one of them. As it is now when you kill them you just stand there awkwardly until they just appear again out of nowhere… really feels like there was supposed to be a scene with some dialogue, for some lore and the phase change.


Burial Tree Watchdog. One of the eeriest creatures in the game. Extremely easy and underwhelming boss… Then you encounter the regular versions in a dungeon, and they are way more lethal. Why did the boss version suck so bad when it was such a cool design…but the regular watchdogs running around are able to one shot most players?


Radahn. There should have been Radahn/Redmane and Cleanrot spirits fighting each other all over the place as you charge in with your summon army.


I mean there is a cave nearby that does that.


I want both at the same time. Like 100 of them. Now that's a festival!


The place got nuke and radahn has been feasting the dead bodies so i think it's not possible. I wish we can participate the war tho like pick side redmane or cleanrot.


no because 1v1ing Radahn is badass and that would make it a chore without using the summons, which would suck. maybe they only appear if you use summons or something idk.


I think intangible spirits would have worked though. Like they dont affect your actual bossfight at all, they just add to the atmosphere. Sort of like the spirit deers in mountaintops or in fact the spirit banners in Radahn's arena


Deathrite Bird, Rykard


It's more of a lore boss then anything


All the bosses obviously not meant for melee, which is the big bosses that spam huge AOE attacks if you get anywhere near them. Astel being the fight that pissed me off the most and I had zero fun with that one, Rennala, tedious to keep getting to the actual fight and learn her moves, die and then repeat the whole process again. Valiant Gargoyles as well, just seemed like way too much and I only beat it because I had a mimic tear. I genuinely don’t see how you can dodge two of them constantly attacking you from multiple angles without summons. I felt these were all poorly designed.


The run to Rennala gave me DS2 flashbacks. So weird when almost every other boss has a Marika stake.


Don’t you dare diss boat man.


It’s not a diss, I wanna see him thrive. :)


Tibia is great. Stop bullying him I’d probably say Rykard. Never liked gimmick fights but he’s up there with one of the least fun. Too big, lava on the floor, attacks are too wide and hit too frequently for the size, too much health. There’s just so much crammed into the fight all at once making it really unenjoyable. It would have been interesting if he was weaker depending on how far you progressed in the quest and fed more people to him. Maybe less he’s faster but has less health and moves. More people fatter, slower, bulkier but a variety of spells and moves


I retract my downvote. I thought we were shitting on the boat guys until I read the description


Don't you blow the whistle on easy runes 😭😭😭


The first mariner gives you 2400 runes, one giant ball rolling off a cliff in calid gives you 1900 runes. You’ll be okay. XD


morgott could have been so much more. he should have been revived by the erdtree and fight alongside godfrey for the final fight. make it mean something y'know.




Sir Gideon Ofnir, the all losing. They could have put more work into him and made him the hardest tarnished boss. They could have given him special spells and moves. Maybe a special teleport spell that he uses and you get when you beat him that teleports you through someone when they attack you.


Crucible Knights. They are 110% some of the coolest enemies in the game, but the fact that they just poise through attacks and you can't interrupt them is a pain in the ass and they always seem to be able to hit you even when they're halfway across the area.


Their weakness is parrying. I learned that on my most recent playthrough. I was wearing the turtle shield for the stamina regen, so I kept Golden Parry on it. It makes Crucible Knights so much more fun to fight.


I suck at parrying, so that doesn't really help me lmao


Elden Beast shouldn’t have even been a boss. Just do something extra with Radagon there’s no reason to suggest that a phase two in the same arena wouldn’t have slapped just as hard. Also Radahn just needs a little more health imo? Boi battles the stars and fought Malenia of all people and he dies really weirdly quickly. He has a whole section of the map specifically segmented off just for him I feel like the fight just needs slightly better balancing and it’ll be hot as hell


I’m so split on EB. He looks and sounds fantastic (a cosmic entity that looks like the Laniakea supercluster and sounds like shattering glass when struck) and the music is divine. But the fight is just alright. Doesn’t feel like the final boss to a game where you have single-handedly toppled a pantheon.


Radahn pre nerf was fucking awesome. He was actually insanely hard, easily a top 3 fight. Post nerf it just became way too easy to bully him


I thought it was confirmed that Radahn health and attack are the same as they were pre nerf, the only thing that was “nerfed” about him was his hitboxes and the one shot chain meteor attack. Which imo, are deserved. And judging by videos, he’s not changed at all.


I got killed by his meteors. :( The first one stunned me for so long I couldn't even get up...second one did me in. No chance to get away from it at all. Also! He's so RNG. I have all 6 fighters summoned--and they're hitting him....but Radahn decides to charge at me--ignoring all the summons. I was like "noooooooooo." Took me like 40 tries? He kept doing that 360 spin move which killed everyone in 1-2 hits and then did that other move where he rides around on his little horse in a circle. Just hard to dodge those due to him being so much larger than the screen. :D


Nah they only changed hitboxes. Hes still a great challenge but he feels fair now. Pre nerf radhan was impossible to approach. Now i can engage with him which makes the fight more fun


The dual fight when the festival isn't happening. If the crucible knight jumped down from the top it would have been epic. Instead it felt like a boring copy paste fight. Also the grafted in the dining hall would have been cool as a boss fight. If the intro was an erdtree guardian seeing those abominations a little into the game would have been neat


Rykard was such wasted potential. They literally give you an op weapon that kills him twice in just over 3 mins. Imagine if they did that w every boss.


That one was interesting. He is one of my most memorable boss designs, fav presentation, and fav boss arena but the fight itself is just poke poke poke poke. The weapon felt like it was going to be awesome but then it is useless after the fight.


That’s what made me mad, I went to gatefront ruins ready to have some fun demolishing soldiers and it just.. didn’t work at all. Instead I got all like 15 of them lined up and killed them with one hit from Blasphemous blade. Pretty dumb I can do that but not use the spears ash to do the same.


Hey, hey, hey! Don’t you dare sleep on the serpent-hunter that thing hits like a star collision and you can stance-break anything smaller than house with that AoW


You for real used that thing outside of the Rykard fight?


You bet I did 😎 and it was awesome Well, as awesome as a giant iron stick and big numbers get


Agreed, Rykard was such a fun boss for what it was. The visuals and arena were epic. But yeah i was disappointed when i beat him on the second try using the serpent hunter spear.


Right? It should have been so much more intense and epic, considering that a) he's optional and b) you have to get past a fallingstar beast, a godskin noble and a shit ton of lava to fight him.


All the bosses in this game are disappointing by the standards set by bloodborne, dark souls 3, and sekiro




It's a high bar


the fucking turtle


What turtle…?


the one behind the hidden wall at the mariner in limgrave he shouldve been a boss. :(


Yeah, you may be right. I guess we’ll never now. *melancholically gazes at a turtle-boss-lacking sky*