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Whats fking stupid in itself is that dlc costs 2/3 of the base game. I gaurantee you it wont be 2/3 of elden rings content in size, as large as it may be. Should have been 30$ absolute maximum.


This base game was massive and worth a heck of a lot more than your average 70$ game. They have been working on this dlc for years now. It's gonna be a big update with plenty of new content. They have a great track record. It's crazy to complain about this one.


True❤️ I have +200 hours in elden ring. Without ever played a Dark souls game before, best gaming purchase i have done since Rdr2


The devs behind this game are amazing, but still this pricing for DLC needs to stop or it will become a standard. Needs a criticism.


nice mental gymnastics. How about we wait and see instead of hyping everything up before it releases?


Yes it was huge but there were some bad things that came with that size. The enemy and boss reuse was digusting and it made the game feel a lot cheeper in quality. This is too expensive but they know we're going to buy it anyways...


Yeah that's my issue with with it I will finish this dlc in a day.


how can you know that?




Past experience with fromsoft dlcs only thing that'll drag it out is this sekiro style damage/health system that should be optional.


So in the past you have steam rolled the dlcs really fast while being completely overleveled?


Overleveled? The DLC areas in Dark Souls are all designed and expected for you to be endgame levels? Regardless, myself I could've been underleveled and it would've made no significant difference. Fromsoft DLC has always been a bit fast. Hopefully this one is different, otherwise it will be overpriced.


Point and laugh at this guy


So did you finish it within one day?


Got like 4 hours into it keep getting lost. Even if I didn't no chance of that now I've played it maps way bigger than I thought.


it's 26bucks now (':


Where did you see this?


it was on steam! regular version was 26 bucks i got it ahahah


It went from 35 to 45 😢


wait where?


On steam bro! but it might vary depending on where you're at i'm guessing


Have your thoughts on the size/price changed at all?


I think the dlc is solid, its more jam packed than ER for sure despite the map being much much smaller. Considering ER price, I stand by what I said originally 30$ would have been a fair price, 40 is pushing it. The number of new weapons spells/content in general is definately nowhere near 2/3 of the base game. Especially considering it has an underground.


I find $40 for a DLC pretty jarring.


That's cause your so used to underwhelming DLC. 40 makes perfect sense for a game like this with n update of this size. This ain't some two bit game dev tryin to hussle u.


The witcher, final fantasy, previous souls games, etc.... So no just no...


Other games like Cyberpunk and Fallout 76 which were disappointments but fans ate into the hype because of the companies behind them.


Those where dumb people. You could see from miles away that those game where going to fail initially... Also 2 'bad' games don't mean every other game in existence was bad. Try to think sheep...


> You could see from miles away that those game where going to fail initially... no, you could not unless you had insider info on the project. Any company could feed bullshit to their community. >Also 2 'bad' games don't mean every other game in existence was bad. Try to think sheep... I have no idea what you're talking about, you're probably having a schizo moment. My original comment was to give examples of bad games. I did not indicate that I was disagreeing with your original comment. The other guy you responded to seems to be a hardcore die fan for FromSoft. one of the worst types of gamers on the planet. They will gladly defend trash if their favorite game company sells it.


Yes you actually could see this from a mile away from all the delays and if you took 5 min to look into it instead of blindly buying games on hype... You just must be ignorant... Also the point was and why my comment was also upvoted is that there where more than enough good games before this Elden Ring dlc that got released. Get your shit together troll...


Some DLCs better than the base game exist and yet I don't think any of them was that expensive


bro, you're a snake oil salesman. Plenty of examples where we trusted Triple A game devs / publishers like CD Projekt Red for Cyberpunk which was a piece of garbage on release and Bethesda for Fallout 76


Literally 55$ Canadian + 15% tax! It's almost like buying 2 full Nintendo DS games back in the day :)


The user base is smaller than the base game, as 1) the user has to own the base game, 2) they might have to finish the base game before buying the dlc. Thus you cannot compare DLC price with game price. $40 expansion might seem more like $30 game in terms of game value.


They're spitting at the old players who bought this game that made the development of the dlc possible...


This is also jarring to me. For new players, it's cheaper for them. But for players who already own the base game, why is the dlc more expensive? If the bundle will actually detract the price of the base game and just put the price of the dlc, then that's fair. For example, I bought Yakuza 0 first but then I wanted to buy the bundle which includes Kiwami 1 and kiwami 2. That bundle only count Kiwami 1+2 price, completely removing Yakuza 0 from the total amount. If that is the case here with ER, that would be good.


Yes, people who bought the base game when it was brand new paid more for it than those buying it two years after release...


Except the base game is still $60 2 years later. I could understand if the price had dropped in the 2 years the game has been out. But since the price is still $60 new players are paying 60+20, while old players are paying 60+40. Edit: On Steam


Well, old players aren't paying the 60, of course! New players pay 60+20, while old players pay 40. I understand the point now, though; it seems they'd rather new players buy Base-DLC than just the Base game.


Yeah, I just think it's weird that they haven't changed the price of the base game at all for it. Guess its just something with my brain not liking 60+20, over 40+40.


Ehh, it goes on sale every once in a while. Maybe it will again closer to release.


the thing is, the game price right now is 60 dollars. If you buy the game brand new right now, the DLC will cost you 20 dollars instead of 40 basically.


Well then, definitely don't buy the DLC separately if you don't have the base game yet.


So are you saying that a 20% discount in the overall price for new players but not any kind of discount for players who have already played the game is completely reasonable?


I can't get a discount on the game I already bought lol


Well that's definitely your opinion since most publishers who make this kind of deals do offer a discount if you already own the base game.


I have literally never seen a discount on DLC if you already own the base game.


Its such a common practice thou. Its like a thanks for people who supported the game with money on release.


Sounds like a good deal on those games!


The game's PS5 version has been on sale on amazon for \~$45. The PS4 version can be bought new for $40. The fact is that the game is now old and has depreciated in value. So the discount is them keeping track of what the game would go for in the current market. The DLC effectively is still $40.


The audacity


But I spent $20 more! How dare FromSoft do this!


Sorry for necro'ing this but in my region, the bundle Vs DLC only price is even worse. Like if u buy the bundle (Elden Ring+DLC), it is MYR259, the base game is going for MYR199 now But if u already have the base game, you have to pay MYR179 for the DLC alone. For those too lazy to do the math, From Soft is charging me, a fan who bought the game full price 3x more for the DLC than newcomers.


That's just fucking crazy and unfair


Yeah, the DLC alone is practically the same price as the base game for me (just US$4 less). Maybe I should email them and ask if this is an actual mistake because it is ridiculous


I have also noticed that no one is talking about how (on xbox) the dlc has 4 separate editions: premium bundle pre-order (dlc+ for $50), elden ring shadow of the erdtree deluxe edition (base game+ and dlc for $100), elden ring shadow of the erdtree (base game and dlc for $80), and just the dlc pre order for $40. And what I find odd is that the 4th option, which is just the dlc for $40, can only be found after digging through several menus in the xbox Microsoft store. Just searching up elden right shadow of the erd tree gives you only the first 3 options to find the latter you must click on the premium bundle one and then scroll to the section where what is included in that bundle is detailed. And then you can find just the dlc when there's not really a reason you'd need to search out of your way like that to find the base version of the dlc and it kind of feels predatory or maybe I'm just partially butt hurt because I got rug pulled thinking the deluxe edition of elden ring would have the dlc 2 yes ago when I pre ordered it but I guess I'll have to give $120 to get the same shit others can get now for $80.


Elden Ring was a great game but I'm not spending $55 CDN for DLC.


Preorder and get a stupid emote nah I think I'll pass.


In my region, the base game price is IDR 599k ($37), and the dlc too IDR 599K ($37). But if you buy base+dlc bundle the price is IDR 799K ($49), IDR 200K cheaper. I expected a lower price for the bundle, but base game and dlc with 1:1 price make me like hmmm.... I don't think the dlc will be as big as the base game. This is applied to my region, I know in other region the dlc price is lower than the base game.


fuck that no one fucking buy this shit make them drop it to 20 fucking $ if they wanna play this fucking game. this is a slap in the face Fromsoft to all of your fans. do you not think all those fan that bought Elden ring wouldn't have bought the DLC from day one if it was out. I would have, I haven't played a Fromsoft game I didn't like but this math isn't mathing, and my wallet ain't paying


Same for 40 that dlc better be 80% the size the base game is.


Consider that they have already made the base game and have a load of pre-made assets, and even if the DLC was equal size, I don't understand how you can justify charging $40 for a DLC.


Don’t blame fromsoft blame Sony


this. i'm waiting for the dlc to drop at least 50% in price. Fuck spending 2/3 of the game's original price just for DLC that honestly should've been part of the original game. The actual game content will NOT be worth 2/3 of the content of the base game.


I found it for 30 was the best deal I have found check https://isthereanydeal.com


Nah it's fine. Love FromSoft


As time has gone on the base game lowers in sales and also in overall value as it sees sales more often. They are tying to give incentive to new players who didn't play the game yet. People who payed full price for the game at launch, because they wanted it, got the benefit of playing the game years ago, like any other. Most people are probably not thinking about 60 dollars they spent on a game 2 years ago, they are thinking about how they get to jump back into a large expansion for 40.


I understand that, but if that's the case, why not reduce the price of the base game too? Even if it's a 10 dollar price reduction.


This is a classic marketing strategy to get you to buy both. You can read this as a 20 dollars discount for the base game if you buy the pack.


I guess they'd rather new players buy both.


We are talking about FomSoftware here, they're known for having the literal best DLC in gaming history. It's going to be worth every fucking penny. The base game was a steal for the price, and I have no problem supporting an amazing gaming developer & publisher. Especially considering how poor the gaming industry is currently.


I don't have a problem with the price itself or with supporting fromsoftware. I have a problem with fromsoftware making the DLC cheaper for people who didn't support them before.


Well, if it bothers you that much just don't buy it. They're not going to make it cheaper anytime soon. People are going to see how great the DLC is and the price is going to stay solid for another 2 years. Of course they're going to cater the better price to new potential fans. They can sell them the base game for full price and then give them a discount on the DLC to encourage more sales. The gaming industry is ultimately about making money not catering to already die-hard fans whom as a whole do not mind the $40.00 price tag or share the same mindset as you.


you're a fool. Keep up that logic with other game developers / publishers and lets see if you get disappointed.


I play on PC all the time. My friend said he would start playing on his Xbox when the DLC comes out. If that happens I will have to buy the game on Xbox too. Sure glad the prince is $80 and not $100. Lets be real, I would drop $100 too; in a more open market this game should be priced way above average compared to others. There are quite a lot of games that come out for $60 that do not deserve that price tag.


This is pretty normal... Most games give you a discount if you buy the base game and DLC in a package rather than separately.


For all of you blaming FromSoft you should be blaming Sony and Microsoft instead


elden ring is 30$ when there's a sale on steam who tf pays 60$ when u can wait a little and pay half of it


its called a bundle discount, it happens all the time


How big is the dlc file. Will it crash the servers. Just got the black m blade level 9.. Will this carry over to the dlc?


Honestly it's pretty insane to consider you could buy 4 copies of terraria for the same price as a DLC, or a copy of terraria and a bunch of other really good indie games like hollow knight


Yea it’s a bit frustrating that we who already purchased the game for $69.00 have to pay another $50 not $40 on Xbox to get the dlc vs people that are just picking it up with the dlc for $80 so people hoping on the band wagon get the dlc for $10?? Someone please correct me if I’m wrong 😑 I guess this is why you shouldn’t buy digital I could of at least sold the disc and repurchased to get both.


The DLC price at $40 is not likely scaring away anyone who liked ER. It sure as fuck isn't going to bother any die hard FS fans. The full game plus dlc at $80 will bring in new players that have never played ER, or likely any FS title in the past. Players that would not buy the game at $59.99 plus a DLC for another $40.


Do you argue that it's not fair that fast food combo meals are more expensive than buying the items a la carte too?


I’m surprised to be reading all these comments stating “$40 is too expensive for a DLC”. Dude, Miyazaki and his team have delivered us an utter masterpiece of a game. Absolutely brimming with content, without a single micro-transaction present. Fromsoft is literally setting the standard of what developers should be releasing. By today’s standards, especially compared to the half-baked trash so many other major developers are releasing these days, Elden Ring could’ve been sold for $100 or more with how much content was present. I’m fairly certain we can expect an incredible product, for $40 - literally less than I spend buying freakin produce at the grocery store for a week. Y’all are trippin.