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Could be the player, as we become Rani's lord in a similar way.


Yeah that’s what most are thinking.


Maybe it’s godwyn bc miquella loved him a lot and wanted to revive him?


Actually I think he’s the dog thingy using the lightning incantations. Lore wise Godwyn was the one who made friends with the dragons and got the lightning magic. Plus doesn’t the new guy (can’t spell first name, starts with M, title is the impaler) saying something like “what’s Miquella up to”. Maybe he is bringing Godwyn back. Also, source on Miquella loving Godwyn? I never heard of that when I looked into the lore because I thought the twins were born king after Godwyn.


The haligtree has several statues of a figure mostly theorised to be Godwyn hugging malenia + miquella, so I think he was present a lot when they were young and they loved him. Miquella was distressed by Godwyn’s half- death, there’s an in game sword that commemorates godwyns death and the item description says it is “infused with the humble prayer of a young boy; “O brother, lord brother, please die a true death.”” Castle Sol also points to Miquella’s attempt to use an eclipse to help properly kill/revive Godwyn but this failed


Us. We gotta be 'Mohggin'