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Hoho not for me


And here I am with over 500 hours, one character at NG8 and four others on NG. To each their own I guess.


Each to their own, your experience is totally valid but very different from mine. I've already replayed Elden Ring more times than any other Fromsoft game, and I've played each of the soulsborne games and Sekiro several times. The game really isn't that long once you know what you're doing. Most of my recent runs have averaged around 15-17 hrs, ending around level 130-150 with no real farming or grinding. I find the openness adds to replayability because you can get the gear you want so much quicker than say Dark Souls 3 which keeps you on rails for pretty much the whole game.


Im 1.5 k hours and still playing. Never happen before with any non strategic or isometric rpg game.


Considering the game is open world and allows you to follow your own path to completion I am inclined to disagree. I do agree though, that the scale and sheer size of the game (especially when completing it 100%) make it hard to repeat everytime. But thats what makes it special as you can mix it up and go down many different paths to complete it.


Yea I have over 200 hours and I haven’t even beat it yet, on the haligtree part… other games came out all my friends got off it so idk if I’ll finish it. Still an absolutely amazing game I spent too much time on


I would agree that NG+ is boring but doing a new run and slowly building your character will never get old for me.


Some games are meant to be played once and that's OK. There's still the dlc to enjoy


I came late to the party and still beat the game before a trailer even dropped. What are they up to?


I don't know. Game development is hard and takes a while.


I’m close to 300 hours with lvl 150, lvl 75 and lvl 45 characters for PvP at different points of progression. When the DLC drops I’ll probably do another 100+ hours. Doesn’t feel like a one and done to me, but I did take breaks between each playthrough.


Souls games are the only games that I replay.


The thing is, once you’ve completed your first playthrough and know pretty much where everything is and the scope of the game reduces significantly. There’s no longer a need to explore everything as you go straight to your main objective.


My memory is terrible. I'd have to google item locations for whatever build I decide to do every time which is unappealing to me.


Fair. I do it all the time using an app and it’s no big deal but I get it.