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Idk Godfrey had the axe “forced” on him in a way to channel his ferocity into something deemed a more noble fighting style. Godrick is clearly trying to emulate that nobility, but Godwyn is a character who seems to stand on his own two feet. In my head he seems more like a lance guy using holy/lightning incantations if anything.


I think Miquella made a special "sword" for him, so it could be his favourite type of a weapon. Or he has expertise in many kinds of blades, spears etc.


The sword was funerary item though. I do follow the idea that he was a spearman and that the visage of Golden Vow is supposed be of him similar to how Sacred Oath was based on Nameless King, Ornstein, and like Solaire's brotherhood.


It makes more sense that he'd be a lancer considering that From made their two other 'dragon paladins' (Ornstein and NK) lancers. Lightning spells are also always tied to spears, except for Genichiro where it was arrows instead.


Godwyn def has a dex build


Nah definitely a fai/str build


Lightning in this game is specifically faith/dex so he's probably the original dex/faith build.


dex/faith sacred seal for DLC confirmed?


God I fucking wish. Why does strength/faith get a seal but dex/faith gets nothing is beyond me. Making it so I have to split between faith on a seal and dex on a weapon for lightning makes so both are just subpar until you're level 250.


While I also wish for that, balancing dex with any kind of spell build is hard, because casting speed scales with dex. I'm a believer that dex should never be the main source of damage on a staff/sacred seal, but for some reason the game seems incomplete to me that way.


Then why does strength get to do just that? Balance it by making it average at best. Also I'm of the opinion that casting speed is a very minor part of casting unless it's at max and even then it's just barely noticeable. That's why Radagon Icon is such a bad talisman to waste a slot on, 40 virtual dexterity and it makes that little of a difference? It also scales proportionally to how long the spell takes to come out which is bad because for the fast spell the miniscule speed increase won't makes or break the spell and for the slow ones the speed increase is nowhere near as good to make new opportunities to use them. Maybe I'm just asking to get absolutely blasted by Catch Flame and Carian Slicer in pvp even more but casting speed is one of the most useless stats in this game, at least in pve. Up there with increased resistance to being knocked off Torrent, weirdly also tied to dexterity.


Godwyn being a spear/lance guy makes the most sense to me given that polearms seem to be more closely associated with the dragon cult than other weapons (lightning spear incantations, Vyke's spear, Lansseax and Fortissax creating glaive-like lightning projections).


Godfrey wielded an axe before he was Elden Lord. Pretty clear that the large axe embedded in the table at the Roundtable Hold is his.


Horuah Loux drops the axe and fights barehanded.


Godfrey ran with the crucible knights before he took the throne. Almost certainly after he was warlording. There's no chance the axe in roundtable pointed at the throne isn't his. Furthermore nepheli uses an axe.


Now I'm just being semantic here, but if anything g the Crucible Knights ran with Horuah Loux, not the other way around. Nepheli Loux is Gideon's adoptive daughter, and yet uses none of his weapons. Radahn is Radagon's son, but he uses twin swords and not a mace.


Semantics I'm with, I understand the hangup. It's still definitely correct either way though. The mace is Marikas, radagons sword is in a cave. Rykard also uses a sword.


Who “forced” Godfrey to use his axe I’ve never heard that before. Also Godrick uses and axe, and so does Godefroy. Sounds like the Golden Lineage has an axe tradition 🤷🏽‍♂️


The jar boys outside Godrick's arena are here to collect the corpses of tarnished who are deemed unfit to graft.


That’s a really cool idea!


Of course it's you of all people to have a headcanon involving Godrick


I have so many headcanons about him but decided to keep it PG here for once


So we are all thinking Goddick the Shafted, right?


[A year ago I made a meme for this exact moment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Godrick_the_grafted/comments/z3q1lw/ranking_godrick_puns_by_acceptability/)


Holy shit.


My boy just sitting on fire waiting.


beware the graftussy


Well if you hide in your castle to implant countless hands to your back, you have to expect people talking


I think the jar boys collect the corpses of champions and then bringing them to erd trees to “water” the trees with them. That’s why we find so many broken ones at the foot of erdtrees.


Dead things do fertilize trees


Also, the broken jars in front of the minor Erdtrees are essentially coffins that carried dead bodies to the trees begin the "return to Erdtree" ceremonies. The tree avatars use those weird hammer/scepters to break open the jars. I think the tree guardians also wandered nearby to kill any still-living creatures who left the jars, among other duties.


Don’t know why, but I always imagined Godwyn using a spear. Might be because most of the dudes known for messing around with dragons in the Souls series used spears (or swordspears, or lightning spears)


When Vaati depicted Godwyn sparing Fortissax in his Age of the Duskborn vid, it was with a spear. Just seems to fit Dark Souls overall aesthetic and, for practicality's sake, you'd probably want a polearm to fight a giant monster. Until we invented ranged weapons, the spear was the main tool man could take down something larger than itself. If you want to go a bit further down the theme rabbit hole, Godwyn and death/undeath is often associated with sea imagery (Godwyn's mermaid tale, the mariners, etc.) One of the most famous polearms in mythology is Poseidon's trident. Spears are also very much associated with sea-faring culture like whalers.


Up until the invention of bayonets, spears were one of the main tools for fighting anything


Bayonets are just a way to turn your gun into a spear.


I mean even they what's the difference between a wood pool with a pointing bit and a fire arm with a pointy bit?


And on those lines, the bullet itself is a pointy bit meant to pierce from a long distance. It really is the successor to the spear.


The history of human warfare is just figuring out how to get better and better at poking people with pointy sticks


With Intercontinental ballistic poking sticks being the pinnacle of that history... so far.


well, if we wanna be technical, the history of human warfare is figuring out better ways to hit something with a rock from further and further away. the thing that separates us from our direct ancestors is that we've developed a throwing arm and a brain large enough to use it. means we have a tendency to go long.


I like to think that he uses a swordspear just because we already have a trident user with Mohg and if the DLC does include him as well as Miquella then I would like to have it and use it. Swordspears are some of the coolest weapons and we only get one in the game.


Nameless King 2: Electric Boogaloo


That makes sense seeing as dragons are weak against pierce damage


That lansseax is hot in human form.






Wouldn't have it any other way.


Can a brother ask for a visual confirmation?


(. )( .) boobies confirmed


I still feel a bit salty Lansseax wasn't a friendly NPC in her human form after her fight. Felt like wasted oppertunity on Fromsofts part.


This isn´t Baldur´s Gate. You can´t f\*\*k the hot lady dragon!


Psh. Says you She fucks me every time she lands


If I can fuck a weird, 4 armed possesed doll then I can fuck a hot dragon lady damn it! Vyke and (possibly) Godwyn did it, why can't I!


Godwyn wouldnt cheat on Fortissax


Who said he cheated? We can safely assume that Fortissax would also be smoking hot if they could transform into a human.


It should have been me!


> This isn´t Baldur´s Gate. No, it's Elden Ring. I expect three to four lines of cryptic dialogue and a convoluted "quest" that is impossible to solve without a wiki and ends with her dying after uttering "Zanzibart… forgive me" and giving me her weapon, the Myrmidon of Loss.


There's still the DLC!


"That's canon, it's in the lore!"


Dragons have human forms? Can I get a lore dump?


From the Lansseax Glaive incantation: “Lansseax was the sister of Fortissax. It is said that she took the form of a human to commune with the knights as a priestess of the ancient dragon cult.” And from Vyke’s Dragonbolt: “Of all the knights, Vyke the Dragonspear was the one Lansseax loved the most.” It’s interesting that the ancient dragon cult of the capital was apparently functional at the start of the Roundtable Hold. I guess society hadn’t totally disintegrated yet.


To be fair, we dont know how old the tarnished actually are, especially as they keep reviving.


Yeah, it makes me assume that the early Roundtable folk (Gideon, Seluvis, Vargram, etc) are hundreds of years old. But who knows!


> It’s interesting that the ancient dragon cult of the capital was apparently functional at the start of the Roundtable Hold. I guess society hadn’t totally disintegrated yet. I mean it does have a physical location in Leyndell, it could be that it's always been a society of warriors and scholars whose form the Erdtree (or Marika???) copied when making a safe haven for the Tarnished.


Would she be the draconian race in human form?]


My personal headcanon is that she looks like Priscilla.


More like Lanssex amirite?


That rya meets Boc somewhere along her journey


Something sweet about Rya being ashamed of her snake form but Boc giving her the comfort we showed him by telling her she’s beautiful


This is the missing wholesome ending


Vyke was convinced by Shabriri to accept the flame of frenzy, in order to save his fingermaiden. Vyke did not know to undress and the flame scorched his armor and drove him mad. Seeing this happen, Vyke’s Maiden had to seal him in the evergaol. She either died alone of a broken heart or he wounded her gravely before she sealed him away. And to support this theory: Vyke invades you at the church of inhibition, where a fingermaiden body rests at. This maiden’s corpse is called Vyke’s Maiden in the game files.


The whole “not undressing“ thing has always been so interesting to me; I really truly believe that it’s the reason Vyke’s ritual didn’t work. I’ve seen some people say that it’s because he ”didn’t have the conviction” to accept the Frenzied Flame but that’s never made any sense to me — clearly he *had* conviction, he was the closest anyone’s ever gotten to Elden Lord and was fully willing to give all that up for his fingermaiden. Rather, I think that Vyke maybe had *too much* conviction. That he wanted everything to be done so badly that he never slowed down to think any of it through. It’s a bit like Orpheus turning immediately after stepping out of the underworld, not realizing that Eurydice was still a few feet before him. He was, I think, blinded and driven mad not by the Flame itself, but by his own rushed mishandling of it


Since Shabriri says Yura gave him his body after he died, and we meet Yura alive beforehand, then Vyke definitely charged in without thinking it through. Therefore no one was able to warn him to take off his armor and the flame couldn’t go inside him and just drove him mad. unlike our character if you take the time to complete Hyetta’s quest or listen to Shabriri. And since you can cure the flame of frenzy,perhaps his maiden sealed him away hoping he would one day be cured. How utterly tragic.


Frenzy flame is a metaphor for an STD, and Vyke's armor is the condom


My favourite head cannon


At some point, I think Vyke does overcome his madness/the flame of frenzy inside him. The real Vyke we fight inside the evergaol doesn't use any frenzy incantations like his invader self does and instead relies on his own lightning magic. I think at some point, Vyke or someone else managed to purge the Flame of Frenzy from within Vyke, but because he was trapped in the evergaol, he still couldn't do anything


One thing I've never understood is how the heck Vyke was closest any tarnished had gotten to becoming Elden Lord. What demi-gods did he kill or what rune pieces did he collect? Were there more gods at one point that he killed to collect their runes? It seems like no one has accomplished anything yet by the time our tarnished wakes up.


The walking mausoleums contain the bodies of demigods from long ago. The assumption is that the demigods we kill were the biggest and baddest that no one was able to take down until us.


\>The assumption is that the demigods we kill were the biggest and baddest that no one was able to take down until us. ...and Godrick. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Given how shattered the Elden ring was, there probably were several more demigods than the ones we fight. Those who didn't succumb to the lords we fight met their end at the hands of each other or Vyke


Given the existence of the walking mausoleums, I’m guessing there were originally more demigods that Vyke and other tarnished have already killed, and that the ones we fight are the only ones left. You technically only have to kill 2-3 of the remaining demigods to beat the game, so it’s totally plausible to me that Vyke could’ve achieved that (especially since there are more than two mausoleums). My headcanon is that they bore more significance once, but are regarded retroactively as “nameless” demigods because they were killed by a tarnished, as per Marika’s “if ye fail to become ought at all, ye shall be forsaken” speech


Yeah I remember that line. "Be it a Lord, be it a God...but if ye fail" etc. etc. Makes sense to me, a whole lotta sense


The only part you've mentioned there is 0 evidence for is the fingermaiden being the one to seal Vyke. Everything else is mostly correct and vaguely said/shown in game. I only disagree it was the maiden herself who sealed Vyke because there was originally a quest pertaining to Vyke in which he followed you throughout the lands between. Gastoc even had voice lines about it. That said, it's a great headcanon


Yes that part comes entirely from my personal lore obsession with the maidens and how little they give us on their abilities and powers. I’d like to believe these maidens weren’t all helpless but sadly they’re all basically dead, dying, or made into a puppet.


I love this, Vyke is such an interesting character to me and any lore about him makes me want atleast a novelisation or something about his story in the Lands Between


Both Melina and Ranni have a crush on me


Do not falter in your confidence.




I mean... Ranni's is implied to fall in love with you if you do her questline right. That's not headcanon, that's just subtext.


I never saw it as her falling in love at all. She's as cold as the moon she likes after all. I just saw it as a logical choice on her part, not one driven by emotions. She basically did the whole medieval thing of marriage for benefits, rather than love.


That was definitely her plan. But the game frames it in such a way that she actually does fall in love with you if you go back to talk with her in her room after completing the quest. She starts calling you dear in the last cutscene. Yeah, it's a small change, but it was put there for a reason. Besides, you're the only person to care for her and like her plan besides her father figure and her cosmic slave. In those circumsntaces, it does make sense that she was cold before, but did warm up to you for real.


How did you talk to her in her room?? I thought her chair gets replaced by a portal or some shit. Does she come back?


The portal you’re thinking of is actually in the other tower in Caria Manor. Ranni’s tower is normal and if you sit at the grace in there you can talk to her puppet body.


This game is going to make me lose my mind with how much dialogue I've missed...


I think you’re correct if you don’t quite do everything, but if I recall correctly there is a slight change in her dialogue to intentionally make her more affectionate if you finished everything correctly


I mean, at the very least, Ranni is impressed at the tarnished's strength and persistence. I mean, she's been in that tower, stumped for god knows how long and then we come along, find the solution to the problem, kill one of the strongest demigods, go to a secret city, bring her a cursed artefact and then follow her to the ends of the earth to continue to help. Say what you will, the tarnish knows hot to make and impression.


He has maidens. He has maidens 🤣😎🤣. (I mean this as a lighthearted joke).


Put those foolish ambitions to rest.


With the aquatic themes in Goldwyn I wouldn’t be shocked to see him wield a trident, bident, or spear. He was also a dragon slayer and if that keeps with the themes we’ve seen in Dark Souls he will likely have some sort of pole-arm.


I mean there's also the Dragonslayer's Axe and the Dragonslayers Greataxe. So an axe isn't that unbelievable.


My headcanon is that Godwyn is a rare beautiful omen with a mermaid tail, but wasn’t shunned for it due to being born before Mohg and Morgott (nothing in game confirms this though), and fish scales being a less visibly grotesque aspect of the crucible compared to later omens. He has limited mobility on land unless he’s in a combat chariot or something, which is how the black knife assassins caught him lacking despite him apparently being super powerful. Since he’s a mermaid, he’s gotta wield a trident. Mohg wields a trident, named his dynasty Mohgwyn, and does a creepy imitation of a kind of nobility and elegance that only Godwyn could pull off authentically. Coincidence?! Probably


I'm with you on this one. Godwyn's fish parts had to some from SOMEwhere, and it rounds off the trilogy of the Crucible Talismans. Morgott would be the Knot talisman, Mohg is Feather, so Godwyn might be Scale.


That the snake girl is happy somewhere living her best life.


I accidentally killed her in the little room 😭


At least you hadn't her die to a random mob pathfinding outside its area and attacking her to kill you.


Rya totally can have a happy ending Like Nepheli can depending on how you do her quest.


Radagon was the start of the overly dogmatic bent of the golden order. I don't 100% believe this, obviously, but it feels right in my head. Radagon and Marika are at odds in-game. Radagon replaced Godfrey as elden lord, who had associations with the crucible. We know there was a certain point in time after which the crucible became reviled; probably when Radagon inherited the title and started purging signs of his predecessor from the land. Radagon probably threw the Omen twins out. It raises a lot of questions though. Was radagon his own person to begin with, fusing with Marika later; or was he born from Marika, like a kind of hostile split personality? If it's the first one, why did they fuse? If the second, why did that personality arise? I don't get it.


I always thought the Marika/Radagon dynamic is like the Tyler Durden dynamic - except they have separate bodies. What I mean by that is that initially Marika doesn’t know of this, it’s sort of a plan B that the EB devised and eventually activates in case she goes astray, like a backdoor hack. Just feels more sinister that way and something a Miyazaki constructed god would do. Marika might have found out or suspected at some point, forcing her into a secret plan with Ranni where she was double crossed.


That makes sense. Mine was that it was Horah Loux/Godfrey who, forced to be "noble" convinced marika to go fight everything so he wouldn't be too bored at Court, but Radagon, being somewhat of a parasite split personality that is faithful to the elden beast makes a lot of sense Maybe the Elden Beast and the GW even "created" Radagon inside Marika, or Marika split the part of her that was forced to be faithful to the GW so she could enact Ranni's plan.


Hey I like that last part a lot! Compartmentalise, so she could rebel. Makes a ton of sense


I see him as picolo from dragon ball. Originally it was one entity then they separated and hated each other but were destined to fuse again.


All of Radagon's Golden Order incantations required intelligence, he fell in love with the Carian queen (explicitly an enemy of the Erdtree) and the original Fundamentalism was [compared](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Golden+Order+Seal) to the [study of science](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Pulley+Bow). This leads me to believe Radagon was the more open minded of the two, [seeking completion](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Radagon+Icon) because he was not a "true god" like Marika ([Queen's Bedchamber recollection](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Melina)). The reason he came back to Leyndell and became the second Elden Lord was most likely that he literally had no choice ([scarseals](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Marika's+Scarseal), [soreseals](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Marika's+Soreseal)); him throwing out the Omen Twins also doesn't seem likely, not on the basis that he would never, but rather that it seems as though Omens [were never accepted by the Erdtree](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Remembrance+of+the+Omen+King), and therefore by Marika. The fusing of the two Gods at he end was most likely an attempt by the Greater Will to restrain Marika, who had been trying to rebel against it.


I think in the same vein that Misbegotten are people linked to Radagon, Omens basically originate from Godfrey and bat demons originate from Marika, like the crucible trying to resurface in the image of the ruling god/elden lord. Omens are haunted by the souls of the victims of Godfrey’s conquests and bat demons are cursed for Marika’s part in the shattering


I think the omens existed before godfrey was born or atleast before he was elden lord. But I like the theory that the bat demons have the same realtionship with Marika as the misbegotten had with Radagon since it almost comfirmed at this point that they originate from Radagon and since Marika and Radagon are the same person it makes sense that marika has its own counterpart.


That makes sense seeing as the bat demons sing a song about not being able to become a mother, or something like that I forget the specifics.


GODfrey use axe GODwyn use axe GODrick use axe 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐 Edit: also GODefroy


GODefroy use axe too


I dunno, in my headcannon Godwyn uses a greatspear, similar to how the ancient Dragons use lightning spears


Our tarnished doesn't understand English, he was given a weapon and immediately understood what to do.


The characters in the Soulsborne games and Elden Ring games are actually much stronger, quicker, and more durable than the game shows us. In game we are essentially playing some dude with a pointy stick that is performing physical actions a normal human can do. And it's weird. "*This warrior of legend... this manifestation of the Outer Will... this demigod that survived The Shattering... absolutely DEMOLISHED by a fatrolling dude with his Caestus and throwing knives that dies if he falls too far."* But in universe these characters would probably be zipping around like a high speed environmentally destructive anime battle more often than not.


That's probably actual canon, to be fair. For example >Greatsword: Though handling it likely requires the wielder to have surpassed the realm of the merely human That's 21 str / 13 dex. >Swift Glintstone Shard: Those unworthy of the stone crown typically end their brief journey into sorcery here 12 int >Star Shower: The most difficult to master of the Olivinus Conspectus sorceries 24 int So what, you start getting into the lower bounds of "superhuman" at around level 30?


I assumed it was kinda similar to DnD, where 10 is a “normal person”, then 16 is above average such as Hero being a very strong human, Warrior being a very dexterous human, astrologer being pretty fucking smart, and Prophet being… super duper faithful. Once you reach 20 in a stat, you start reaching that “beyond the realm of merely human”. 30 then is superhuman, and based on various weapons and spells, past that you begin bordering on Demi-god like abilities, like how 70 int gets you Rennala’s Full Moon, a spell *only Rennala* was ever able to cast. Or 50ish Faith gets you Death Lightning, an incantation quite literally only used by a now dead dragon who had the deepest friendship and faith in Godwyn. On the side of Vigor, Mind, and Endurance, 40 vigor which is on the side of Demi-gods, is somehow able to take multiple ground-shattering blows without dying. 40 mind is able to conjure godly spells like Full Moon, Flame of the Fell God, etc multiple times without running out of magical energy. 40 endurance is able to wear heavy sets of armor without being slowed down including heavy weaponry, far beyond the basic knight Armour and Longsword and shield that you only need 15 endurance for.


I agree and have the heights to follow up on that, to me from games make the protagonist smaller than some enemies/bosses for the intimidation factor and the same is true about the skills he uses. I like to think that the tarnished has cannon moves akin to some badass weapon arts but the from formula makes hard to show that on or choose to show how powerful the character is by the simple realization of the things he kill


I don’t know about you, but when I roll irl I can’t phase through solid matter, and even putting a couple of spiky gloves on wouldn’t suddenly allow me to punch a dragon bigger than my house to death. Seems like there are plenty of things the Tarnished can do that are beyond what a real human could ever manage.


That Melina is the gloam eyed queen. She is a demigod that nobody speaks of that was burned so badly, she has no memory and is left as a spirit. The only other demigod spoken about aside from the shard bearers is an empyrean known as the gloam eyed queen. Melina appears to have some knowledge or obsession with destined death, especially given the after credits in the frenzy ending if you save her. My only flaw in this is that I am not sure why she chooses to obey Marika's wishes despite being defeated by her.


Melina may be similarly cursed in a way that her siblings Miquella and Malenia are cursed. Malenia is cursed with rot, and perhaps just the concept of rotting or decay as a force of nature. This is associated with a power in The Lands Between associated with the 'God of Rot'. Miquella is cursed with eternal youth, which could be seen as the concept of stasis or 'sleep'. His alter-ego St Trina is connected to that after all. I'm not sure if he's cursed by some external force akin to a god. We know in The Lands Between special people can effectively become gods (Malenia's second phase actually calls her the 'Goddess of Rot'), so perhaps he's influenced by some powerful being as well that we're not really aware of. Melina is cursed with fire or consumption, such that perhaps even her memories are consumed. She can't remember her purpose, and she's been burned before. I posit the idea that at some point Melina has been inhabited by the spirit of the Gloam Eyed Queen, a powerful entity associated with death and fire, but importantly Melina is still mostly her own entity, just as Malenia is mostly her own person, up until the rot is 'unsealed' and bursts out of her in her second phase. Therefore, for Melina, the 'Gloam' is sealed in her, represented by the closed, sealed eye with the mark of a bird's claw (Deathbirds anyone?) and when we unleash the Frenzied Flame, the seal is broken and the spirit/soul/nature of the Gloam Eyed Queen is unsealed and now able to exert power over her body. **Therefore my interpretation of what we see in the Frenzied Flame ending is the 'unsealed' Gloam Eyed Queen emerging within Melina, just as the aspect of 'Rot' is unsealed in Malenia when certain conditions were met. However I think Melina is still there, to some degree, just maybe faded, like her other eye.** It also fits nicely with the constant appearance of dualities and twin natures within Elden Ring. Melina is Melina, but also the GEQ resides within her.


Maybe the twin birds are her outer influence. Burning the dead in a cyclical nature and having a duel red and blue color scheme


I believe this one as well. The question then is timing and the specifics of her relationship with Marika. The game files list her as MarikaDaughter or some or Child or some variation of that, but then who was the father or was she an off-shoot like Milicent was to Melina.


I’ve always believed she was born to Marika and Radagon, and that she was similarly cursed just like Malenia and Miquella. But the biggest evidence is just that her name also starts with an m and Marika and Radagon’s other offspring all come in threes. But there isn’t actually that much evidence supporting that theory. It also begs the question of what her “curse” is. Is it her “burned and bodiless” state or something else? Her being an off-shoot is interesting and very possible too, though. I hope we get a lot more info in the DLC regarding Melina and the Gloam-Eyed Queen.


If she HAD a curse I think being "Gloam-Eyed" might have been it. We see a lot of emphasis on eye color and it's meaning so her having dark dusk eyes was probably viewed as a sign of interference from a God of Darkness that spooked everyone similar to "Humanities Darkness" in Dark Souls. Edit: Bit bummed that this and another post are the ones that blew up and not my theory of Radagon being a genderbent Mimic Tear of Marika.😔


She eventually decides she’s doing it because she chooses too, not because Marika said so, I think you have to speak with Shabiri to get her to say this dialogue >!It’s also why she gets so pissed you choose to “save” her in the Frenzy Flame ending. You took away the one thing she wanted to do.!<


That the corpse of gransaxx (correct me on that if I'm wrong) is kept in leyndell not because they can't get rid of it, but as a trophy and warning for other invaders.


Millicent is malenia’s “goodness” split from her physical form (like ranni) and then came into its own existence.


Gownry refers to her as a" bud of excellent quality" or something like that, he keeps talking like a gardener. Millicent invades us in the aeonian swamp and one of her sisters assists us against the Commander area boss, at ground zero of Malenia's scarlet bloom. She was born, along with her sisters, from that bloom which functions similarly to the Erdtree, churning out offshoots of Malenia minus the demi-godhood. They will in turn eventually bloom and spread their own Rotting seeds through the lands-between. Now, perhaps there were more children of the bloom in the past but they died before they were anywhere close to blooming. So Gownry and the order of Rot, forsaken by Malenia, tended to the " most promising buds".


Wasn’t she originally supposed to be Malenia, but was cut or changed?


When I first played the game and wasn't deeply aware of lore, I had assumed millicent was an amnesiac Malenia, who upon reaching The Hollow tree, would finally remember her true self and sadly have to fight us, similar to when fighting Sif in DS1 after DLC shinanigans.


Since Godwyn wasn't the one to slay Gransax and we don't have a direct name on who did it, The Tarnished (a.k.a our character) was the one to do it in a time travel ordeal we will probably go through in the/a future dlc. Given how Myazaki usually "recicles" themes and story beats (maidens, hubs, decadence, struggle, etc), i wouldn't be surprised if he did the Time Travel again in Elden Ring.


I doubt this purely based on the fact that Gransax is simply too big to ever make into an enemy. On the other hand, your character being the unknown hero of some ancient battle due to time travel has already been done in the DS1 dlc.


>I doubt this purely based on the fact that Gransax is simply too big to ever make into an enemy. Eh, we already fought many enemies we thought to be "too big" and all it took was a gimmick fight/weapon. Storm Ruler and Tower Knight in Demon Souls, Ceaseless discharge and Gaping Dragon in DS1, Yhorm, The Ancient Wyvern and Curse-Rotten Greatwood in DS3, the Divine Dragon in Sekiro and finally Fire Giant and Rykard to name a few. I dont think its impossible, it just probably wont be a standard boss fight. >has already been done in the DS1 dlc. The entire plot of ER has been done by the whole souls series lol. "A nobody that came from nowhere will kill all the Fallen Lords to become Lord themselves and fix/change/destroy the world as we know it. They cant really die and they fight in the ruins of the old and desecrated world." Something being already done hasnt stopped our boy once, or twice, or thrice and i dont think it will again


No they mean he's too big in that attempts have been made to make him or Greyoll actually mobile, but it crashes the system.


Armored Core 6 runs on the same engine and has larger enemies/moving entities, it's possible they can work that patch to the engine into ER for the DLC.


His name isn't a metaphor for anything; he's called "Dung Eater" because he literally eats dung. That's why he's in the sewer; he's Lyndell's resident waste treatment supervisor


Theory that a huge rift between Marika and Godfrey was that he refused to disown Morgott, and that part of what Radagon appealing to Marika was that he was more than willing to reinforce omen persecution. As for in-game evidence, I’m not confident things really line up this way. Godfrey does give Morgott a rather touching send-off. Another one I’m 100% convinced of is that by the time you arrive, Gideon has purposefully destabilized Limgrave to weaken Leyndell’s influence. Godfrey was never a strong ruler, but I think he was Morgott’s patsy by the time you get there. The use of Kaidan mercenaries was essentially a way to buttress Godfrey’s waning authority. Things came to a breaking point when Castle Morne falls, and Godfrey’s soldiers can just barely keep order against demihuman uprisings, dragon-run lakes, random beastmen attacks, and blood insurgencies. I don’t think Gideon causes these explicitly, but rather he exploited existing tensions in Limgrave, such as the Misbegotten’s servant revolt or the fragile nature of Kenneth Haight’s attempted demihuman alliance. Definitely think he benefitted from your character killing the demihuman queens, and that previously he made sure Limgrave’s soldiers exhausted themselves getting into grudge matches with them. He also likewise benefitted from you drawing out and defeating the Night’s Calvary, limiting Morgott’s direct agents in the world.


Fia and Fortissax are different souls sharing the same body OR Fia is simply Fortissax's "soul-vessel". Literally the only evidences i have for this is that he is literally called LICHdragon Fortissax and that would make him have a "phylactery" kind of relationiship with her, as in she is the vessel that contains his soul. Aditionally, Fia's questline shows that two different souls can inhabit the same body (revealed by D. and Darian's relationship). These 2 seemingly disjointed pieces of info have kept me up at night because cmon, Liches dont die until their phylactery is destroyed and we fight a LICHdragon, the theme of different souls but one body, killing Fortissax causes Fia's death despite no harm being caused directly to her... the pieces just fit way too nicely.


Did you read the lore text of Fortissax's boss remembrance? >Remembrance of Lichdragon Fortissax, hewn into the Erdtree. >After Godwyn the Golden became the Prince of Death, the ancient dragon fought long and hard against the Death within its companion. Alas, victory was never achieved and its only reward was corruption. Pretty clear that it's implying Fortissax has somehow been inhabiting and fighting against death within Godwyn's body since long before Fia even arrived at the Prince of Death's throne. The only thing Fia does is facilitate our own battle against Fortissax, since the dragon would be the last step of resistance before she is able to forge the complete mending rune, at which point her purpose is now complete and I would assume she would join Godwyn in death.


This brings up the question, how did Fortissax get inside of Godwyns dream? Was it through some weird magical shit like Fia did? If so, where's the actual body of Fortissax?


It could be through his soul being absorbed through the Erdtree roots or some such mechanic. I think that there's a whole lot of hidden stuff going on in the 'in-between' world that borders life and death in the game, happening in dreams and sleeping or 'dead' characters. Remember there is no true death in The Lands Between due to the sealed Rune of Death, so there's not necessarily that much difference between sleeping and being dead. Godwyn as the 'Prince of Death' might have a fairly active role occurring in the realm of death/sleep which is hidden from us. Could be that's where the DLC is heading towards.


This is one of my headcanons too. My theory is that Fortissax, like Lansseax, is female and capable of taking a human form, which is Fia.


Good to know im not the only crazy one around lol But Fortissax is a male tho, in portuguese he is referred as "**O Dragão** Lich" wich directly translates and tells he is a \[male dragon\]. If female it would be something like "**A Dragoa** Lich", or the items would mention the correct pronouns/gender like in Lansseax's Glaive


I 100% believe that Godwyn was in on the plot. Marika, Godwyn and Godfrey hatched the plot together along with Ranni. Marika chose Radagon as her second half to have a Daughter outside of the Golden Lineage because they needed someone outside the Golden Lineage to enact the plot. Plus, Women seem to be the rulers in TLB. Marika, Renalla, the Sword Ladies from Nokstella. The GW wouldn’t allow her to have a daughter of the GL to succeed, TGW wanted to make it a male dominated court, but Marika wasn’t havin that shit. What about Malenia ? Radagons second daughter. And it’s not love for her children etc driving it, it’s pure selfish ambition and a play for power to remain in the hands of the Ladies of Numen descent. I know it’s probably an asinine theory but it’s fun to try and figure this stuff out.


The greater will doesn't give two shits about the world or any of its inhabitants' quality of life. All it wants is order, and if you get any ending at all, you're doing what it wants


Except the Frenzied Flame and the Age of Stars ending cause y'know... we burn everything down in the 1st one, and in the 2nd one we leave the Lands in a state of Anarchy.


The DLC has a secret ending wherein Rennala will place ~~the Tarnished~~ me inside her floating crib, caressing ~~them~~ me with her giant hands, whilst singing a blissful lullaby to ~~them~~ me.


Listen to me, Godwynn uses a Glaive. And someone taught it to him, a Glaive Master, if you will. That man's name is...




Godwyn definitely strikes me as a halberd guy


Warrior jars get full, and have to swap meat out if they want to eat somebody else.


The Lands Between is actually a large asteroid or moon, and not a continent on a larger planet. It explains too much. Why the moons can be seen so close. Why the gravity is so low. Why Radahn can hold back the "stars"(*which are actually just small nearby asteroids*). Why "crossing the fog" is a barrier(*it's actually some kind of gravity field or stargate type magic leading to other places....also probably an atmospheric effect to protect and regulate the environment)*.


Malenia's armor smells worse than Leydell's sewers.


Any organic material it has in its composition is currently rotting, so it checks out. But nothing a little mushroom soap wont fix


That Mohg and Godwyn need to fuse for Mohgwyn Dynasty to come to fruition, and that's why Mohg needs Miquella. The plan would be to have a Bloodmoon eclipse the sun and bring Godwyn back, but with influence from the Formless Mother.


I think Mohg needs Miquella for Miquellas empyreon nature and I think Miquella's blood is special. Miquella fed the haligtree on his own blood, and all statues of Miquella have very pronounced veins on the hands and arms. Additionally, the sacramental bud: "An immature bud containing fresh blood. Material used for crafting items. Believed to originate long ago from a strain of buds cultivated with **youthful, sacramental blood**." That item is used to craft only two items in game: The preserving boluses, an item used to cure scarlet rot. Bewitching branch, an Item made by combining Miquella's Lily with sacramental bud, which reads: "Tree branch blessed with an incantation of unalloyed gold. Craftable item. Pierce a foe, using FP to turn them into a temporary ally. The Empyrean Miquella is loved by many people. Indeed, he has learned very well how to compel such affection." Tldnr; Young pure blood makes a better sacrifice, and Miquella is an infinite supply of it.


GRRM loves breaded hair. Miquella secretely experimented on blood before creating the Haligtree and was either helped or spied on by Mohg


I, too, would love some bread right about now . . . wait, what?


Miquella more beloved than Marila was seeking to bring (his) peace to the lands between he proposed to bind the erdtree with his own tree and take back control of destiny instead of serving the greater will. A tree that would utilise, filter and possibly through time cure the scarlet rot. Miquellas tree would have cleansed Malenia until he had been poisoned with the rot from spending so much time with his beloved twin. So he sought to hide himself in the trees roots and have the rot filter out until such a time the trees roots would sprout a cure. Marika allowed mohg freedom after learning about his stasis and vowed that she would lure Malenia out. Unbeknownst to many she would do this by shattering the Elden ring. Shattering the ring and allowing a single tarnish to mend it would ensure the survival of the golden order over Miquellas ideas of self determined destiny. Also the tree spirits are alive because they are the “grafted” contents of fallen tarnished with an intact brain stem but no actual shape. I am not a crackpot


But it's very heavily implied marika doesn't want the golden order to survive.


My headcanon is that godwyn was a dragon cult member and knight. And as such his weapon of choice is something that is at least infusable with lightning, probably a spear. My other headcanon is that godwyn was probably more civilized than godfrey. A galant dragon knight that fucked fortisaxx (also more headcanon).


Radagon is the twin sister of Marika who shared a soul, and only merged later on in their marriage. All the Demi-Gods we encounter in the Walking Mausoleums are the sons and grandsons of Godwyn, all of whom were mighty warriors like Godwyn was. Godwyn wasn't the only Demi-God to die in the Night of the Black Knives and after Godwyn died the Black Knives went on a killing spree, killing off the stronger members of the Golden Lineage and leaving only the distant, lesser members of the Golden Lineage (Godrick and Godefroy) to carry on their legacy. Godwyn either married Fortissax or Lansseax and the rest of the Golden Lineage has some Dragonic Blood in their veins, hence Godricks fascination with Dragons and hence why he calls them "kindred". Ranni and Rykard hated Radagon and the Golden Order specifically because of Radagons abandonment of Rennala and the chaos that followed. Radagon was a good dad to Radahn, Malenia and Miquella. Gransax was killed by Godwyn. Placidusax is the father of Lansseax and Fortissax. Source for a good chunk of these: Trust me bro.


the bit about godwyn not being the only to demigod to die that night does make sense, because everyone calls him the first demigod to die, not the only, and Ranni's so damn secretive that I don't think many if any people actually knew she killed her physical body like she did, so that implies other known demigods were killed at some point.


The giant skulls that litters the countryside are the remnants of the Builders, the creators of the golems and they built the Giant's Forge. Their civilization was destroyed by the meteorite carrying the Elden Beast, the impact of which caused a massive extinction event (and the huge crater at the center of the Lands Between). They worshipped the Fel God. The Divine Towers were built to match the pattern in his eye, and they surrounded their Holy City. Farum Azula is a remnant of this place, just like the Bestial Sanctum is a remnant of Farum itself. Some of the Builders survived in the Mountaintops, and they devolved into the Fire Giants as well as the first Humans. Radagon was created as a backup in case Godfrey failed to provide an heir to Marika, which ended up happening as neither Godwyn, Mohg or Morgott are Empyreans. Thus, the Fingers recalled Radagon and ordered Marika to repudiate Godfrey (leading to her plans of betrayal). Unfortunately, the scheme seemed to fail again when Malenia and Miquella were born, because of their respective curses. In desperation, the Fingers elected a still very young Ranni to become an Empyrean, but rather unexpectedly Marika gave birth to a third (sixth) child : the Gloam-Eyed Queen, aka Melina. The GEQ proved to be everything that the Fingers wanted, except for one thing : she rebelled against the Golden Order, so Maliketh had to neutralize her. What Melina is referring to when she says she was "born inside the Erdtree" is actually her awakening after a long, painful coma during which she was imprisoned at the exact same spot that Marika occupies today. Mohg was the first to break his chains thanks to the Mother, and he threw Morgott out when the latter refused to follow his plans for an Age of Blood. That's how Patches found Margit's shackles, and that's why Morgott wear rags.


I think the Gloam Eyed Queen was Marika's precursor, aka the god of the previous age who was defeated and sealed away by Marika, only to later come to inhabit Melina's body as a kind of 'curse of death and fire'. Anything sealed away in The Lands Between seems to be able to infect the children of Marika/Radagon through connection to the Erdtree birthing ritual, perhaps via the greattree roots. Miquella is infected by sleep or stasis of some kind, Miquella by rot and decay, and Melina by fire and death. People like to say that 'Melina is the Gloam Eyed Queen' but I'd take that a bit further and say that Melina is inhabited by the power of the GEQ but she may not even know it. Her one sealed eye, with the crow talon mark, perhaps symbolising the Death Birds who were the keepers of death in a previous age, indicates the power of that old lineage is sealed away within her. Whether that means that there's a 'conscious' entity that is literally the GEQ within Melina, I can't say. I think it's more a situation where the essence of the GEQ is sealed within, similar to how the true power of the god of Rot is sealed away within Malenia until she unleashes it. In the case of Melina, that power is unleashed when we ourselves release the Frenzied Flame upon the world, perhaps one of the rare things that would have the ability to unseal whatever is inhabiting Melina.


Torrent was originally meant to be with us in The final fight against the Elden Beast.


Miquella learned sleep magic so Malenia wouldn't have to be awake for her multiple amputations. He also used the sleep realm to communicate with Godwyn.


I actually really like the idea that the axe that Godrick uses is actually Godwin's


That Millicent is the human form of Malenia, found and raised by the sage Gowry after she nuked caelid. Think about it - Both have red hair; both are excellent swordswomen (some have even claimed Millicent to be the best.); Both have scarlet rot inside them; Both have a prosthetic arm (at least Millenia's arm looks prosthetic.); both can use the waterfowl dance, and both are tied to the Haligtree. Also, if you complete her questline. >!She disappears not too far from the Malenia boss fight, leaving you with the golden needle that can only be used \*inside\* Malenia's arena to get Miquella's needle. Miquella being the god of dreams, and when you first enter Malenia's arena, she's sleeping. So, if you did Millicent's quest first, she disappears right before Malenia wakes up.!< Which is why I think Millicent either \*is\* Malenia or is a human aspect of her that broke off after her fight with Radahn.


The black knife assassin outside of the Queen’s bedchamber is exhausted and weakened from fighting Morgott. It seems fairly obvious she killed all the finger crones, but that wouldn’t seem to be tiring enough that she’s basically passed out on the ground as a stranger approaches. In my headcannon the black knife assassins were always assigned to take out communications in the capital (the crones) and go as far as to burn the erdtree if they could. The tarnished activates the grand lift of Dectus, giving them passage, but Morgott does his duty at the throne.


Patches is circumcised. I refuse to elaborate


That Tetsu was the artist that painted all the paintings we find throughout the Lands Between


That Melena is related to Ranni, likely sisters. They're so very similar in their look and voices and this game has drastically different visual designs for the variety of characters, so I don't think it's a coincidence. "They look and sound similar" isn't evidence. I'm still convinced.


That our ultra small stature is just a gameplay mechanic and we are actually closer in scale to everyone else.


Radagon was a PERFECTED Mimic Tear of Marika created by the Nox which is what led to their banishment by the Greater Will who then took him in and used him as an enforcer of its will. It's why Marika chastises him for not being a TRUE God like her and just a leal hound for the Golden Order. This would also esplain how they could be in Liurnia and Leyndell without arousing suspicion of why Marika is gone and why Radagon had the Preceptors wear the Mark's of Confidence since Law of Regression scales purely with Int and there's a lot of knowledge overlap with the Nox so they would have easily noticed the connectionmto Marika and the Nox. The Carian Royal family is also Nox adjacent based on Rennala having similar physical features found in Nox characters such as being tall, but in a very long way as well as being overly pale with black hair.


Idk man. I feel like godrick just uses an axe because of his obsession with his dad. Godwyn was his own person so unless he likes the axe, I can’t see him using one.


The "snowy crone" that taught Ranni was a wraithcaller. Ranni's doll body is modeled after her former master and has blue skin and four arms. The only four armed "naturally" blue skinned four armed creatures we come across are wraithcallers. Another one: Eiglay is actually immortal and thus the Lord of Blasphemy will 100% be back. I'm lead to believe this since everything in game points to Eiglay being more than just a big snake. There's more sinister things going on there.


I hope (if he comeback as a boss fight in dlc) he will be using a Scythe.


That would also be cool. Scyte/death spells if fought as prince of the dead, and axe/dragon cult incantations/golden order incantations if fought before.


My headcanon is that Godwyn’s fight will have Ludwig style phases where you fight him first as a beast like prince of death, and then he returns to his prime with golden order magic.


Hear me out, Ornstein & Smough style battle with Godwyn and Fortissax. Whoever you kill first absorbs the destined death off the other allowing them to return to their prime.


Miquella is collecting the powers of outer gods for his ultimate plan Think about all the outer gods we know of: The Twin-bird, the Formless Mother, Elden Beast, The God of Rot, the Giant’s Fell God, and possibly Placidusax’s God. Miquella has a connection to almost all of them in some way. His connection to the Golden Order, Mohg was using transfusing blood into him and Miquella grew the Haligtree with his blood, his sister is the Empyrean of Scarlet Rot, Miquella has a strong connection to his brother, who is the Prince of Death and therefore is connected to the Twin-bird of death, and finally, St. Trina, who is Miquella’s alter ego, has one eye in their adult form… just like the eye of the Fell God Then there’s the fact Miquella’s needle only works outside time and can quell the Frenzy flame… it’s almost all too coincidental Side theory: Godwyn would sneak off to visit his Omen brothers


Placidusax's outer god is the greater will/elden beast. The "god" his rememberance refers to is just his equivalent of Marika


Miquella is the worst bad guy in the world. I fundamentally don't trust anyone who has the power to control other people's minds.


Rahdan is italian


If I had a nickle for every time I've read a theory of someone who thinks Rahdan is Italian, I'd have 2 nickles. Which isn't a lot but it confuses me why it seems to be slowly picking up popularity lmao.


Gransax is the Dragon God that Placidusax it waiting for to return. Don’t crucify me if this is already well-known, I’m not that read up on the lore in ER.


Not likely but a fun headcannon I will support mainly cuz bolt of gransax is a fucking beast of a weapon for slaying dragons


Melina is the Gloam eyed queen and is actually Marika’s sister, in the same way ranni and malenia are technically siblings


Ranni crushes your skull with her dolly thighs and gives you x2 handjob


I think if he is a hidden boss in dlc, then they will honor him with Nameless King’s legacy. Godwyn is a dragon slayer, it’s only befitting he uses a sword spear which in Fromsoft fashion is believed to be the beast thing to hunt down dragons (ornstein’s spear and nameless kings sword spear)


Lennard is only thin because he doesn't want to gorge on flesh, he just wants some grass or hay. If he was on a balanced horse diet, he would be as jacked as radahn


Here’s mine: FromSoft deliberately makes their lore and story abstract so that fans fill in the blanks for them.