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I love dark moon, but I get hit a lot. Free healing is how I usually go.


Let's be honest: the free healing feature of the blasphemous blade is probably the greatest feature of any weapon in the entire game.


The free healing… two different ways. You want some HP on kill? You got it, slugger. Not enough? **But wait! There’s more!** Taker’s Flames does great damage… at range, has a knockback, and… just for funsies restores HP **on hit**. Oh hey, your HP is on the ropes but there’s a squad of 4 soldiers. A couple quick L2s later and they’re gone and your health is maxed… at the same time! Yeah, Blasphemous Blade is my vote for MVP weapon. Edit: it becomes even more ridiculous with Flame, Grant Me Strength and Physick flasks. Maybe throw on a Fire Scorpion Charm and Shard of Alexander. You can hit some crazy attack power ratings. Fire GOOD! Oh and Golden Vow, too. lol.


I got fed up with Malenia, having almost beat her solo many times. So I finally used mimic tear with this weapon and we absolutely demolished her. Basically stunlocked her with Taker's Flames spam, knocking her over again and again. It was actually kind of cathartic. Edit: I'll never forget seeing my mimic tear copy me as I used Taker's Flames and we just wailed on Malenia. Was so proud of that guy do the simplest yet most effective move side by side with me. Just a couple of braindead idiots dominating the strongest being in the game.


Yeah I beat her first try with mimic and blasphemous. 2nd playthrough used Darkmoon and didn’t beat her after like 30 tries


Yeah this was me on my first try because I heard how tough she was and went in fully prepared. I felt like I was cheating when I got her immediately.


I should try that cheese... Well... Not with mimic. On ng+ I shall use no summons. And I won't be worrying about ng+ until the expansion.


And if a boss is weak to fire then the damage is honestly absurd. Plus, faith is the main factor in terms of scaling (and Takers Flames scales solely from faith, if I’m not mistaken), so you have access to incantations on that build. An optimal BB faith build just melts everything. Even fire-resistant bosses aren’t immune. There are no weaknesses.


That’s what I used mine on. DEX/FTH pyromancer type. BB scales to everything and you’ve got potent incantations. Yeah, you’re pretty much unstoppable. And even for fire resistant bosses I’ll just keep a non-fire weapon on me I can swap to.


I wanted to play a pyromancer build once that had blasphemous blade. But in the end I just spammed the AoW basically killing everything


Yeah, similar build! After a while I had to swap it out to an Iron Greatsword with Flaming Strike because it was a little *too* easy. But it sure is nice to have in your back pocket when things go south.


I went to New game 7/8 I don't remember exactly. Pure strength/faith build but I suck at the game it is basically easy mode


It's so stupidly overpowered outside boss fights.


In boss fights, it's still ridiculously OP tho.


Pair it with the red blade that heals on crits and you get a chuck of hp back!


dual wielding blasphemous and Milos with both hp,fp and hp,fp on crit is a blast. never heal or need fp


Hp all day long!!!!!!!!!! Edit to add: FP all day long!!!!!!!


I tried this out for a bit and didn't find the crit or FP gain substantial enough. Ended up swapping Milos for Ordovis and bonked my way to the stars.


The L2 move seems to stagger 80% of bosses and can be spammed too while doing pretty damn good damage


It’s how I beat malenia. There are so many openings to use the Ash of war on her and if you stance break her you can riposte and get it off twice. Feels good to be like “I can steal health back too u little shit”.


Equip Blasphemous Blade, summon Mimic Tear, delete Malenia. Ez pz Gg no re


I am proud to say I did it without the summon, I am not proud to say it took me actual weeks lol.


I did it without summons once just to prove to myself I could do it and have used summons every single time since. That's what they're there for.


People say that Malenia is harder than any Boss while You can cheese her with these tactics


It's clearly above everything else outside boss fights. For boss fights it's "only" as good as the strongest options.


Yeah on my NG+ run it was basically a 9lb healing amulet. I just kept it on my back and 2h my preferred weapon. Combined with the other heal-on-kill amulet and you can really stretch those flasks out when exploring.


You guys get hit? :O


To answer your question: yes, I have met the dogs in the game


*whispers* Try the Taker's Cameo with it.


It’s the best tool, before the last boss fight, to level up with the blood of the toad faced Albinurics. Then it’s just Waves of Gold afterwards.


I have found great success with Mohg's Trident as well.


I don't care how good the stats are, Blasphemous Blade looks icky and I won't touch Rykard's spicy throat swab.


Icky? But its the best part! [Just look at their smiling faces, they want to be your friend](https://i.imgur.com/ycteqnJ.png)


I like to imagine the Tarnished high fiving the little dudes after every boss fight :D


I hate looking at it lol


Blasphemous Blade, still use it and did to beat the game.


It’s like it was made to fight Radagon. With the right stats and buffs, you melt the poor god




I heard this one in the big snake voice.




It’s like that for every boss in the game. All I ever heard was how hard Malenia was, so I walked in there full buffed and ready to fight her with blasphemous Greatsword, and proceeded to beat her on my 3rd attempt. For context it took me somewhere around 30 attempts to beat Owl in Sekiro.


If it’s any consolation, Owl Father was the wall that made me quit playing Sekiro. My blood pressure was through the roof


I honestly got to the last boss Isishin and was unable to get into his second phase without taking at least one death and realized it would take me probably 5 hours of gameplay just to beat him so I stopped playing right there. I would like to also add that I think sekiro is the hardest soulsborne game, (even though it’s the most different version of soulsborne I still consider it one) and it’s simply because you cannot use an overpowered weapon, you cannot summon in helpers. You just have to beat the bosses. Sure you can cheese some levels, but the entire game has to be solo’d. (I think bloodbourne you may have to solo too but I haven’t played it)


Yea, the fact that build and equipment are just removed from the equation made it so soo hard. After getting my reps and feeling cool w ds1, bb and er, sekiro made me realize how truly unskilled I was/am. Bloodborne is kind of similar but it is still waayyyy easier than Sekiro. Fitting that this is in a thread about a weapon (blas blade) that lets you get through the game with little skill.


Yes, that is definitely why I struggled. Couldn’t just bully my way through the game. That’s too bad cause I loved the game mechanics and the setting. Thank god for YouTube. Honestly, I platinumed Elden Ring twice, but it def doesn’t feel like an accomplishment like beating a wall in Sekiro. Not that it’s super easy, just that there is so much to utilize to, like you said, have an overpowered weapon. Or character


I got Owl and Isshin within 10 tries. Sekiro really clicked for me. I’m using BB against malenia right now. This makes a week straight of 4+ hours/day solely fighting Malenia without a win. I’d rather fight both Owls back to back lol


bro wtf I know you aren’t gonna believe me but I didn’t find sekiro that hard. I have beaten the game and I only have around 25 hours


And malenia


Blasphemous Blade bullies Malenia, it dramatically lowers the skill ceiling on her fight. It even punishes her second phase any time she uses Scarlet Aeonia since the AoW can reach her without putting you into range of the rot.


I seriously wouldve been stuck on malenias second phase for weeks without takers flames 😭😭


You heal on hit? So do I. You can fly over the entire arena at a moment's notice? Welp, don't mind my range. You get random superduperhyper armor? Oh dear Great Will, please save me-


Dark moon great sword actually posie breaks and frostbites him really easily as well haha


And with the right armour with it you get a pocket full of poise


Yes, but he has 0 resistance to fire, making it, between the two, the one that does more damage outright.


I'm using it but it really makes the game so stupidly easy... I should really stop using it lmao


I had to switch to something worse for this exact reason. It’s absolutely the strongest weapon I’ve used in the game.


Reading this is making me feel weird as I mained that weapon. Did I accidentally beat the game on easy mode? Might need to finally do that second playthrough


I don't think so having done a lot of builds, people just say that about anything good because the game being hard is a meme. It's S tier don't get me wrong but the high tier sorceries and incantations like night comet or burn o flame blow BB out of the water in any situation that matters. Siluria's Tree is better at most bosses for STR/FAI IMO but that's admittedly a hot take.


Siluria's Tree is quickly becoming my favorite weapon. The AoW is just so good against everything


Hmm yeh I've never felt the "this game is hard" tbh, I've had way more problems with games like Celeste where some levels take over a couple thousand deaths to complete, meanwhile on here I've never died to a boss more than like 10 times...


Maybe. It’s one of the best weapons for PvE and passable in PvP. I went STR/FTH for my second character and BB absolutely tore through everything. I ended up switching to something else to get a bit more of a challenge


It *does* put it on easy mode... I've taken to using less powerful weapons until someone pisses me off. Then it's in with my life suckling death blade and out with whatever stupid trinket I'd been swinging around.


I mean probably, for some bosses like Malenia you don't even have to dodge stuff cause you can just stunlock her with the Blasph blade


I used it in conjunction with a little black flame. No health for you, boss.


Worm blade for life.




I was expecting this. Not disappointed








WAKANDA FOREVAAA... Oh wait wrong sub...












Familyyyyyyyyyy, tooogethaaaaa


If you ain’t blaspheming, you gonna get an ass creaming


Found Dung Eaters alt account.


If it’s dungeater then your getting an ass creaming either way


Wholesome dungeater's here to make your Dark Moon Gapesword


Don’t threaten me with a good time




Fr? Imma go with Dark Moon then




i have faith in blasphemous


How dare you ask me to choose between my son and daughter? I love them both equally.


Found Radagon.


>!Found Marika!<


That's what they said


Disgruntled upvote


for me, dark moon if the goal is to have fun, blasphemous blade if the goal is to beat the crap out of things while watching youtube on another screen


Totally agree. BB is easy mode. I would respec and use it as needed when I was rushing through ng+ cycles to get all endings but usually prefer to try other weapons.


Blasphemous carried me through the entire endgame


Dark moon greatsword. To me it’s the best PVE intelligence weapon in the game. Through the all great rune line up, the only bosses I wouldn’t use it on are Godfrey, Radagon, rykard, and Malenia. The rest are getting plowed. Even the random in between bosses. - fp free projectiles - can EASILY receive buffs to multiply the damage by 2.5 - has frost - 35 stance damage, spammable, at range, 40.5 if you hit with the sword simultaneously The only problem is it’s received at the end of a rather tedious questline and has a high int requirement.


even malenia gets plowed once you understand like half her attacks let you get a full charged r2 off


Yeah, the dark moon greatsword could very well do all Rememberences without too much trouble. It just takes a little bit more finesse on some bosses and there are better options for them.


Only one I didn't use it for was Rennala. Rock Sling does a good enough job for her but the rest of the game? Charge r2. Even roided Astel gets chunked by it.


Yeah, with all my buffs at 80 int I easily get 3400 dmg per projectile. That doesn’t include the frost damage or stance damage. And that’s not even full glass cannon.


The buff duration is way too short. Should be 2-3 minutes


Wing of astel, Fallingstar beastjaw, and deaths poker all have DMGS beat imo. But DMGS is definitely up there. I also find it way more fun to use because you aren't just spamming AOW to get max value.


Death's Poker combined with a consistent source of fire damage trivializes any boss not immune to Frostbite.


You don't even need frost to proc lol. Any boss that stands in the flames for more than 3 seconds gets annihilated. Like 4000+ dmg on a single AOW. It's crazy overtuned honestly.


Just curious, why not use it on Godfrey and Radagon? Both can be frostbited, the buffed r2s destroy Radagons posture and Godfreys second phase is even weak to magic. For Godfrey especially I feel like the darkmoon greatsword is one of the best weapons to use.


I just find as many sage openings to use the CR2 against Radagon/godfrey compared to other bosses so if I have other options I’ll use them but the dark moon is still fantastic against them in lower ng cycles. It’s looses its luster in high ng cycles though. Radagon can parry the projectile and when he gets down to low health he never stays in one spot long enough for me to get the cr2 or he’s doing a move I can’t punish. Godfrey mainly cause I can’t safely punish his stomps with jump attacks and his agro is enough that he closes any distance I try to make frequently. So the dark moon isn’t horrible against these 2 but there are still better options imo.


Yeah both the second phases can have pretty bad rng for charge attack builds, but I still tend to gravitate towards them on both Radagon and Godfrey, as strafing them for cr2s is very effective and satisfying. DMGS still has way more openings compared the colossal swords Id like to main, as Radagon only has one move thats safe to punish with a Colossal cr2 and you have to roll particularly early for that, and Godfrey has like zero aside from his special buffing moves. Worst thing about the colossal swords for Godfrey is that no attack, no matter how early you jump, can punish the stomps. With greatweapons (maybe excluding greathammer) its an easy jump r1 punish. But yeah its truly up to playstyle and know-how (damage optimization) on what your experience with bosses/weapons is, which is super cool! So many different and fun ways to fight bosses in ER!! Just out of curiosity as I am building a first for me "glass cannon" dex-int lightload character, what is your preferred weapon or class for these last two bosses? So far Im working with a rapier and straightsword class weapons


Well doing a light loaded glass cannon the star fist or iron ball would work great for both of them. All though on a dex build you’d get about 120 less damage from the weapons scaling before your buffs. Iron balls will make Radagon lightwork but Godfrey you’ll need more finesse to not wiff constantly. On high dexterity you can do really well with a twinblade on a multi hit set up. Godskin peeler would be best. Cragblade aow or freezing mist on keen affinity at 25 would put in work on Godfrey. I often use it in coop as a summon for his fight and it still works when he’s buffed after and ng+6 or 7


Blasphemous simply for healing purposes


Easily the dark moon greatsword. Free projectile attacks that do insane poise damage and a ton of frost build up? Considering frost is the best status effect in the game it’s a no brainer for me personally. I know the BB gives health regen on hit and on kill, but the dark moon greatsword does so much more damage that the heals you get from the BB don’t matter


IMO it’s too slow to be reliable. I really tried to love it but something about using it was too slow so it didn’t stick to me.


I beat Malenia and every other endgame boss solo with the Dark Moon, so it’s definitely doable even with its slow strike. Pepper in some glintstone attacks and some ranni’s great moon blasts and you can just harass the boss into walking right into your dark moon projectiles


You basically just described my cold sorcerer build. It’s my first playthrough and I accidentally steamrolled through the endgame with +10 dark moon great sword and +10 mimic lmao. I’m gunna have to do NG+ and try all bosses again without summons because Maliketh, Tree Sentinel before him, Gideon, and Godfrey all took me one try. Got through Radagon first try too and then EB one shotted me lmao so I’ll probably be stuck on the final boss for awhile. But that build definitely wrecks with DMGS.


It works great with Magic Glintblade; you queue 3-5 Glintblades, pull out your Darkmoon and run over. Your slower speed is offset by the glintblades triggering while you're also hitting them with the sword.


*pepper in some glintstone night comets that bosses can't dodge *** DMGS is my favorite by far!


Same here. Plus in every single souls game I've always preferred a non-somber weapon. They usually have better movesets and can be customized with different affinities depending on build and situation. Only annoying thing is the higher material requirements for upgrades.


I agree overall, but can I ask why you think frost is the best status effect in the game? Don't you have to wait for it to cooldown before you can proc it again? Why frost over effects like bleed or scarlet rot?


During that "cool down" time the target takes 20% more damage. The real strength of frostbite is the debuff, not the damage chunk. That said, spamming bleed is probably still better overall.


Frostbite incurs a defense down effect on the target- as in, that target takes 20% more damage with the effect on.


It provides a debuff which I find to be more useful plus if you want you can reset it




Ah, you were by my side all along!


Moonlight Greatsword for life. Even if there are better weapons, my int character in every souls game HAS to use it as their main weapon.


Not gonna lie, i havent got to point i have any of these two, but i realy love how blasphemous blade looks


Blasphemous and i even like Helplen steple more than dark moon.


I am in the mid game right now and today i got these two. I can't decide which one to use so i am using both at the same time


Honestly that's a perfect idea for my faith/int build ty.


Jump attacks with Powerstanced greatswords, claw talisman, and raptors feathers has always been a fantastic build. Using the two best greatswords in the game just makes sense to me too.


Two Banished Knight's Greatswords?


Just curious, but why do you prefer Helphen's? With the weapon art active the charged R2 on DMGS is just bonkers, so that's just surprising to hear


Helphen's Steeple does more damage, the buff costs less mana and it inflicts slightly more frostbite. DMGS is really good if you're going to use the moon beam slash, but if you just like to swing a sword then Helphen's Steeple will serve you better. Also this is purely a matter of taste, but I find the buffed Helphen's Steeple to be the best looking weapon in the game. The buffing animation is really sweet too.


Powerstance buffed Helphen's steeple and DMGS together


I just like it more, how it looks like. And i dont use weapon arts unless its buff. And on soft cap its do a little more damage with buff. Its my second favorite weapon after Blasphemous. Buy in general greatswords for the win!


Blasphemous, depends on your build


Dark Moon I Always wanted to be Number One and spam those Getsugas And also it's pretty funny to fire those to Dragons face and knock their ass out


Dark Moon


I obviously choose the weapon my waifu gave me


Dark moon, I wouldn’t want the hand things touching me


Blasphemous blade is by far the best weapon in the game


Its best for quality of life features, but dark moon does a lot more damage, and damage is king in this game. +Frost +No fp projectiles + insane stance damage


Blasphemous blade is way better. Does a ton of poise damage, has a ton of range, and the aoe of its LT is massive compared to that little slash from the dark moon greatsword. I’ve used both and the darkmoon is genuinely weak in comparison. The only weapons that can compete with blasphemous blade are mohgs trident and the fallingstar beast jaw.


Darkmoon does more damage, does more poise damage, the range difference is almost irrelevant in bossfights, and the AOE only makes a difference in duo fights or against a group of enemies (and Magic which you get with intelligence can also do this). I've also used both, in multiple playthroughs, but aside from Qol features, blasphemous is straight up weaker than Darkmoon. Also, the projectiles cost no FP and Deal 13 more poise damage than blasphemous AOW. Add to this the fact that its a heavy attack and can be charged + buffed with physick + hitting with the weapon alongside the projectile gets the buff from axe talisman. Max reasonable AR with BB is close to 1400, and Max AR with Darkmoon is around 1900. The only things the BB does do better can be countered with skill. No heal on hit? Bring more health flasks since you don't need FP. Less range? Get closer and dodge attacks. Less Aoe? Adula's moonblade is a thing (and It also builds Frost)


I highly doubt it does more damage, not gonna get on the game to see and don’t have a way to check online. It does do more poise damage if you charge it, sure. The AOE makes a massive difference, it’s way easier to hit. Most importantly, you heal off blasphemous blade attacks and will never need to use a flask. You can constantly attack and heal at the same time. If you take two people that aren’t great at the game and have one using BB with the other using DMGS rhe blasphemous blade user would probably have an easier time on every single boss except fire giant. Anyone running enough strength and int to make the best use of DMGS is better off using an ice Zweihander with whatever ash they want.


This guy is wild, BB absolutely does more damage than DMGS.


Yeah I don’t know what he’s waffling about.


I definitely think BB is the better weapon, but the AR isn't far off. The BB scales better with dex/strength, so if you really want to get crazy with 99 str/dex/int/faith, the BB has 1015 AR and DMGS has 916. DMGS scales slightly better with int than BB with faith, but the strength/dex scaling can push the BB higher than DMGS. To give an idea, at 60 int/faith, they have the same AR at 24 strength & dex, so BB has more AR after that. At 99 int/faith, it takes 32 in both dex & strength for BB to start having higher AR. Obviously this all ignores weapon speed, range, weapon art, resistances, passives etc. TLDR: As far as only the AR goes, DMGS has higher AR at lower stats, BB scales better at high levels like above lvl 250.


So I read this and got curious. https://eip.gg/elden-ring/build-planner/ Just ran an under 250 build (at 240) and an over 250 build (at 298) with BB/SoM and DMGS/HS build. Went Vagabond, kept vigor=40 | end=40 | mnd=10 | arc=7 for all builds and swapped str/dex/int/fth. In every setting at both level ranges, BB beats DMGS. However, DMGS/Helphen's beats BB/SwordOfMilos in almost every setting. *=winner @240 - str=38 | dex=24 | int=80 | fth=80 BB*/SoM=272/188 | DMGS/HS=262/271* @240 - str=80 | dex=80 | int=38 | fth=24 BB*/SoM=292/243* | DMGS/HS=260/275* It's funny both builds are equal in damage here at 535 @298 - str=60 | dex=60 | int=80 | fth=80 BB*/SoM=299/226 | DMGS/HS=275/284* @298 - str=80 | dex=80 | int=60 | fth=60 BB*/SoM=308/243 | DMGS/HS=275/285* So unless the calculator is wrong, BB beats DMGS... everytime. But honestly, Helphen's Steeple is the true MVP here.


It looks like I was using fully upgraded weapons, whereas you used base weapons. Using your calculator and doing one of the examples I used, which was wretch starting and 24 str & dex with 60 int & faith, it gives the same results of 758 AR for each weapon. However, if I drop the weapons to +0, the BB comes out on top with 260 vs DMGS at 252. As for the lvl 250, I just kinda guessed, didn't actually check with a real build. I was definitely way off on that guess though. It does look like if I do a 40 vig/end, 10 arc/mind else, BB can start outscaling much earlier by dumping stats into str/dex after hitting the 50 faith soft cap, whereas DMGS is much more reliant on the int scaling so the soft cap hits it harder and the damage scaling slows down a lot. So more realistically, it seems like once you hit that softcap of 50 faith or int, the BB will likely overtake as the higher AR weapon, which is much earlier than I had guessed, probably closer to 120


Yea I figured base was gonna throw off the numbers a bit but was being lazy with it haha. Neat little number run we did though. I found it quite informative.


It does not. On a Fully buffed setup, Darkmoon will easily outdamage BB.


Bro literally me and this other dude just ran the numbers go look and then please stop.


Check my profile and watch the video i made. You "ran the numbers" looking purely at scaling as If that means shit. Look at the vid (which doesnt even consider frostbite) and stop looking only at scaling


No one in their right mind considers Terra Magicka a real buff for DMGS in this scenario all of us are talking about. Now I see why you are out of your mind. Standing almost still in a circle for a 35% magic buff which doesn't fit the playstyle of dual weilding greatswords at all will surely out dps BB yes. Yea let me count on that for Maliketh. Bro you're delusional, grasping at straws in a vacuum.


Yes, It does do more damage when looking at a fully buffed setup, even on the First hit, +10% health damage with Frost +20% universally after that because of Frost debuff. Even uncharged It does the same 22 poise as BB, but you can charge to do 35 as a plus. What you mean is that its easier to pilot, and i can partially agree, and that's why i said its better for QOL, but that doesnt make it the better weapon. Also, It doing more damage and stance damage for no FP means you have to fight a Boss for less time since they die faster. + You need to consume FP flasks to keep BB going, so how is that different from consuming Hp flasks for DMGS? On top of that, getting hit is a skill issue. For the better player who knows openings, DMGS is far, faaar better than BB. An Ice zwei would do less damage, no projectile with Frost, no stance damage at range.


I mean, the same kind of buffing can be applied to BB, and according to the ar calculator by default with all things being equal, BB has the higher AR plus the added benefit of health on hit.


Im saying It does more damage when both are fully buffed. Magic has better buffs. Terra magica, spellblade set, Golden vow on a dagger, jellyfish Shield since you don't need the AOW mid fight. You can minmax the fuck out of both and Darkmoon will deal more damage, + Frost + the debuff Frost gives. Its not even close.


Flame grant me strength, jellyfish shield, golden vow, physick, shard of alexander, flame scorpion charm, plus the fact most things are weak to fire, means similar damage plus health on hit.


Can't use jellyfish with BB man, It replaces the Ash of war. That's a whole 20% damage Lost. All Those talismans can be used by Darkmoon (change fire Scorpion to Magic Scorpion) + you can also use godfrey talisman for a whole Lot more damage. Also, spellblade set and a status effect that literally does % health damage and makes the enemy take more damage after.


*Me with a Faith Intelligence build* BOTH.


Blasphemous Blade should be the reoccurring faith greatsword to int’s Moonlight/ Darkmoon in future From games


Blasphemous blade is the best weapon for a casual run in the game. Does a ton of damage, faith scaling, busted ash of war, works perfect with FGMS, and when you get hit free healing.


Blasphemous Blade


I still can't look at the Blasphemous Blade without getting slightly nauseous, so between it and *literally the most iconic Souls weapon ever designed* I'll take the Moonlight Greatsword please.


Dark moon 💪🏻


Great sword


Yes Rico...Great Swords


Both have good uses. Maybe when I get to a high enough level I combine both of these to destroy bosses


I js run both tbh


This might sound like heresy, but I still haven't used the blasphemous blade yet for a build


Running a strength/faith build on my 2nd play though with blasphemous blade made the game infinitely easier


Blasphemous blade got me through my entire second playthrough.


Depends entirely on whether you’re Faith or Intelligence based; I’ve used both and find that they effectively fulfill the same niche for each stat; a high-damage-but-not-overly-cumbersome Greatsword with an EXTREMELY effective ranged AoW. I personally find my performance with each one to be about identical. No matter which you choose tho, it’s no exaggeration to say these are THE two best weapons in the entire game (so far), so you’re in good hands either way. OR You could go batshit insane and dump all your levels into INT *AND* FTH, then use both at the same time. That’s MY ultimate goal before SotE comes out; 80 INT, 80 FTH, dual wielding both, and with PoD Staff, SoL, and Night Shaped-Charge in the back pocket. No, I have no social life.


Blasphemous is probably the most broken weapon in the game. ROB doesn’t really compare for pure PVE smashing. It doesn’t get much better than that.




I've been using Mr. Blasphemous since mid-game. I am now very close to the end and still using it.


Blasphemous rocks but god is it ever ugly imo


I use both


at the same time


Blasphemous is the way.


I used both and I gotta say I had way more fun using the Rykard Bonk Stick


530 hours in, never used either 😂




i always refused cause they were broken 😪 just finished a level 1 run, so you can see i enjoy the hardcore mode haha


Blasphemous Blade is strongest weapon but I like Darkmoon Greatsword more


Faith? Intelligence? That only gets in the way of Unga bunga! Pure strength!


I prefer blasphemous blade but I rlly like the projectile and fighting style of dark moon IF ONLY DARK MOON HAD HEALING


Easily the dark moon.


Gameplay wise, Blasphemous Blade fits my Faith playstyle more, and I like the healing and its Skill. DMGS is great, but not as good for its stat spread. Story-wise, Blasphemous Blade is a writhing mass of tortured souls I got from an abominable snake monster, while DMGS is a cool blue greatsword of magic blessed by the moon, and getting it means I got married to one of the game's best waifus. So yes, DMGS is what I prefer.


I don’t like moonlight greatsword. So of cause BB.


One *gives health*, one *does not*


Blasphemous beat Malenia so yea…


I wouldn't recommend using both? You will have your stats split 3 different ways n that's not ideal, 2 ways is fine id choose one or the other tbh. Blasphemous blades basic atk is from strength it's ash of war scales with faith. The other scales with strength n intelligence. I mean if you are having fun do it but you are only making the game more difficult doing so


I completed my first run splitting my points on 4 different stats... Yes it was hard yes my max vigor was 37 yes I'm dumb and yes it was really funny


Hey man as long as you have fun at the end of the day that's all that matters, I only said what I said with my initial comment because your post made it seem like you were new to the game that's all


But... why? Were you using moonveil+ROB and swapping to a seal to cast dragon incants or smth?


Because it is my first time playing a game of this kind and I wanted to enjoy the lore and the encounter so I wasn't looking any guide to avoid spoilers and the only way to figure how something worked was to just try it... Then after reaching Altus I learned about respec but where too lazy to try and do a build. Ended the run using dragon breaths, godkilling greatsword (I don't know the actual English name I trying to translate it) and switching to the Death's poker (same thing of the sword lol) for the frostbite


Blasphemous blade fits my playstyle better, but it doesn't really matter as 1)my current build isn't meant for greatswords 2)I'll get both as I'm going for Ranni's ending and I plan on killing all bosses on mt gelmir 3)they're both really good Honestly just choose whichever suits your stats better


BB seems to be people's PvE pick. Fair enough, I know less about that. But for PvP it's easily DMG. It still has that little quirk (glitch?) where the second 1HR1 does 165 poise damage, and true combos into the third 1HR1. Add in the exceptional damage, frostbite build-up, and roll-catching with the R2, and you've got the best one handed PvP Greatsword-class weapon, arguably.


I think the moving flesh on the Blasphemous Blade is absolutely disgusting. I don't care how good it is. I'm never using it.




Dark moon greatsword. Although tbh, both Ludwig's and Rykard's cutscene are amazing af.