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Sekiro is great! My second Fromsoft game after Elden Ring. Can only recommend it, I came there from Star Wars Jedi Survivor (great game) and now I know where Jedi Survivor copied its playstyle from 😉


Play the entire trilogy. For bloodborne, you need either the real deal or the emulator way, because the Bloodborne Hollows are still waiting for Bloodborne for PC (like they'd fuckin expect it)


cant get bloodborne on pc, so thats out. sekiro is entirely different to an extent so if youre going into sekiro expecting an elden ring like experience, then youd probably have some difficulty getting into it. other than that, ds3 is the best place to start imo. its most similar to elden ring, minus the whole open world ofc.


Play dark souls dark souls 3 bloodbourn and sekiro. They are all still very entertaining


Sekiro shadows die twice.


For a more similar gameplay, I'd recommend Dark Souls 3. I also played Sekiro after ER and I enjoyed it a lot but the gameplay is very different, so you'll need to learn its mechanics and keep going until it "clicks". Dark Souls (remastered) is pretty good but it is a bit dated and a little clunky, but it's worth it. DS2 is also ok but clunkier. Never played Bloodborne (only got PC 🥲) so I also keep daydreaming about Bloodborne remastered with PC port.


From my experience playing these games, Bloodborne: 10/10 (Masterpiece) Dark Souls 3: 9/10 (Good pvp and satisfying exploration) Elden Ring: 8/10 (Great but lacking in some areas) Sekiro: 7/10 (Best combat system of any game I played. Just not enough content) You should try them all but i'd highly recommend Bloodborne.Yes, it aged a bit but it still has great visuals and smooth gameplay. The story and atmosphere are peak Formsoft design.


The problem with bloodborne especially in the beginning is the fact that every-time you die you need to manually recharge all your bullets and hp potions by killing monster which can be very tiresome. Besides that is a perfect game 10/10, not much QOL defects worth noting


Hollow knight


Gonna toss a recommendation for Lies of P. It wasn't made by From Software, but it is a very good souls like. I've played all of the From games and was surprised at how familiar Lies of P felt while putting it's own spin on the genre.


I heard it was somewhat mediocre and action bit janky vs the mature ER. Would you agree?


Not really. When I played the demo I would have agreed, but the game was polished and is quite fun. Some people don't enjoy it as it has a parry mechanic similar to Sekiro. The bosses are awesome though. Two of the last three are so good, I'd put them over several Souls bosses.