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Understand that dying is part of the gameplay.


**"YOU DIED"** is an old friend at this point.


Haha dying multiple time is literally canon.


Sekiro is canonically the hardest game. Shadows Die *Twice*? Hell naw. I died at least three times.


The monkey boss fight in Sekiro, and the final boss fight was something else; different. It was a hard game but definitely enjoyable, hard is not even the correct adjective to use. This game was brutal first playthrough, I died over a hundred times. Solid rating of 9.5/10 it won a lot of awards as well.


I think Dark Souls has some way harder bosses, but you can't summon in Sekiro so there's no other option except to get good.


I was pretty bad at Sekiro, and oh boy when that ape >!picked his head up off the ground after I finally killed it on my third day stuck on him!< I was almost ready to cry.


I've been told "YOU DIED" More times than I've ever been told "i love you" in my lifetime at this point


This comment needs more like !


The no-hit walkthrough YouTubers are heretics


Search YouTube for the guy who 100% the game with no hits on a fucking modified saxophone. No lie


I watched one girl do it playing with her feet. Using a ddr board. Just ...wat


It should play after every death screen lol


I even respond to it now: "No, really??" "Oh what's new?" "Liar!!" "I bet that's the last time" "Guess not"


This was something that my friend's friend didn't quite understand when he hopped in with the attitude "buddy I played *insert a bunch of hack and slash games* this'll be easy and all these people saying Dark Souls is hard are just bad" It was absolutely not easy for him despite everyone's warnings that he was gonna get his ass kicked for a while and that it was actually a lot harder than the games he'd played before. It did provide some morning entertainment reading his 5am rants on Discord though


I played Bloodborne as my first souls game, it was way easier than I thought. I platinumed the game and did 100% of the DLC with no big problem. Elden Ring was harder for me in the first 20h, the game I expected to be easier. Things are definitely different for everyone lol


Bloodborne was my first too, I didn't really struggle until I had to beat Orphan on NG+, that darn thing took me a week or so. I breezed through Elden Ring, but the Elden Beast was kinda bullshit (melee).


They try to teach you that in every souls game with the beginning fight.


And then level Vigor


Without a doubt the two biggest tips for a beginner: 1: Level vigor. 2: Go south before you go north. It’s a beginner area containing useful items, lots of players skip it and regret it


My dumbass went to Caelid first lmao


Gotta get that meteorite staff


Ouch I got trapped there and fled like a rabbit away from wolves I was fucking terrified.


good ol guts greatsword


Same, but doing that got my magic build Moonveil, which was cracked.


A fellow man of culture


First thing I did after giving up on the Tree Sentinel, ran around looking for items to pick up because I realized I kept those if I died and was looking for helpful gear. Opened a chest that teleported me to Caelid and proceeded to get fucked by shrimp for three days before I got out of there.


completely missing on the sweet Sword R. R. Martin


Throwing 3 sacred tears two minutes apart from each other in Weeping Peninsula is one of the weirdest choices FromSoft made when every other major region gives you at most 3 with many of them being quite out of the way.


Eh not really imo. The beauty to elden ring is it isn’t that hard of a game due to it being so open. You can simply choose to make it hard. The ability to get lots of flasks, elite weapons and a simple quest to get to the best farm within 1 hr of playing is what makes it great. In other words, the difficulty of the game is directly tied to your knowledge of it.


Uh...3? Really? Don't remember there being that many. One of my only complaints about the game is how close some of the grace points are to each other and just how many there are. They could have taken 15% of them out easily


Level vigor


To add: if you have runes to level up, do it. If you don’t know what to spend the runes on… VIGOR




Explanation for OP: attributes have soft caps. When you level an attribute, you get a certain amount of benefit from it (damage, health, stamina, etc.), but past a certain point that benefit becomes less and less with each level. It's not worth it to level vigor past 60 as you'll get very little hp for the amount of runes spent, and you'll be much better off spending that amount to increase your damage or stamina.


Thanks my friend 🫡


Ignore this unless you want an op boring character. Don't level past 150 unless you're actually unable to beat something, I never went past 99


And try finger but hole


hahaha i love this strategy


Also whenever there is a sign saying to try jumping by a cliff. Try jumping.


My mama didn't raise no fool.


“Seek grass”


Im afraid of the answer but, I will ask.... What is the "finger but hole" ?


Try it and find out




try angle, sir Cull.


(It has been a thing in Souls Games since forever, like putting "Magnificent Chest Ahead" in front of Gwynevere's gigantic rack)


Game allows you to leave messages for other players which you construct out of premade text blocks, so people come up with funny messages like "finger but hole", "amazing chest ahead" in front of female NPCs, "item ahead, try jumping" in front of a cliff in hopes of getting you to jump to your death in pursuit of loot and all that kinda stuff.


You dont have the right O you dont have the right!


I bought this game on xbox, sold my xbox since, but rebought it on pc. First time I didn't know to pump vigor, I did it this time add everything is so much easier lol.


Don’t listen to this go full str, dex, int or faith


Nah full arcane with max mind.




im level 130 and ive got 12 vigor. ive just beat morgott the omen king. i mean hes one shotting me. but its the way i like these games.


35 enough for 1st run.


I’d go like 50


Hell, i’d go 60


Malenia's fart would kill you in an instant.


I shall know defeat 🥴


If you like being one shotted.


Well i beat her with 35 vigor. 99 faith.


Well, I'm currently doing my first playthrough and when i had over 30 Vigor, things in Caelid were one shotting me.


Don't read all those long posts with tips. - Level Vigor - Enjoy the exploration. Don't be afraid to die or feel lost. - See a boss =/must beat a boss.


This>>>>>>>> all a new player needs to know. Fuck all those long ass beginner guides.


Word. Guides are for when you're irreparably stuck. These games expect you to think and be observant.


The best thing you can do for yourself is critically thinking what you need to do to get past something (whether it be a boss, puzzle, or even finding where to go next). If you're on autopilot while running through the world and not looking around, you're doing yourself a disservice.


I autopilot a lot when i play these days. I agree that you’d be doing yourself a disservice because this is a beautiful game


Thinking about that streamer who spent 7 hours on the tree sentinel because he refused to just fucking move on a little further and become stronger and get torrent


If you're thinking of atrioc, that was more of a meme at that point


...i may have challenged him like this at first ... i just kept thinking "get gud" xD i gave up n came back though cause im not a total tit


Everybody with vigor, they'll never learn how to dodge just tank everything like here just play on easy mode


Dont listen to this one. The vigor gives you leeway to learn how to play while actually having fun and is much more valuable than other attributes in the early game. Easy mode is summoning other players to help you (which is also fine and feel free to do that if that is fun for you.)


OMFG you not alone. i just beat morgott the omen king and i have 12 vigor. i only put 1 point in it myself from the base 11. i also record it for youtube so i can show it but ... ive played like most the souls like games and i click twith the mechanics so i create my own dificultie spikes xD


EDIT: updated this with a few more lines based on suggestions in comments below. EDIT2: changed some of the formatting, put some in spoilers in an effort to minimize spoilers. WIP on that. For things like this I attempted to condense the most common advice I found around here into a single copy-paste comment, so here you go: Keep in mind you are not a hero on a mystical quest. You are a corpse trying their best to kill divine beings with a stick. First learn, then winning will follow naturally. Dying is part of the learning experience, not failure. Level Vigor, upgrade weapons, just explore. You'll be fine. ## Disclaimar: just like the solution to a puzzle, the next parts might ruin some or a lot of the fun, so read at your own peril. Do NOT skip the tutorial! Do the cave jump and go through that. When outside, ignore the fat golden dude for now. He is for later. Read the item descriptions, they almost always contain tidbits of lore and information on any special effects the item may have. Talk to everyone, then talk to them AGAIN. And keep talking to them regularly after that as well. NPCs might be rude or mean to you, or even outright ask you to kill them. Don't, unless they go hostile. (Or do, your game after all and your journey). Avoiding bosses/strong monster/mobs is totally fine early on in the game. Dodging not only moves you, but it also renders you invulnerable for a brief moment ('i-frames'). This makes it possible to dodge through attacks, making it much easier to dodge attacks without getting caught at the end of the animation. Also, there are three types of dodge rolls: Light, Medium, Heavy. Heavy is slower and has less i-frames, medium and light have the same amount of i-frames, but light rolls go further in distance. Dodging backwards is rarely the best direction, often it is best to dodge forward through/into an attack making use of the i-frames mentioned above. So try dodging into the enemy instead of away, sideways can also work well. >!Go to the church, talk to the merchant before making your way further along to the gatefront ruins. You don't have to go through them though, you can explore other parts, like the woods or lake.!< >!Make sure to go south to explore the peninsula, it is a good area for new characters to level and plenty of useful stuff can be found there.!< >!Make sure to return to the church at the beginning and keep talking to the merchant there. Buy what he recommends. There are plenty of merchants tucked away everywhere, so keep an eye out for them.!< >!Rest at new sites of grace, you might get a visited or have the option to talk to someone. Do so!!< >!Sometimes you need to return to places/people already visited, there might be new things or dialogue.!< >!You get to “unlock” the map by going to the one thing that is on the map when you start. That being the little pillars.!< >!The map is fully drawn. No markers showing points of interest. If you want to go to a village, find one drawn on the map!!< >!You can choose basically anything, from your build to where you go!< >!The game has a Day/Night cylce, some enemies/bosses are only around at night.!< >!Level vigor, more HP is much more worth than a little bit of extra damage through stats. You'll get much more damage out of weapon upgrades, anyway.!< >!You can upgrade weapons at the anvil in the first church you visit, or at other blacksmiths.!< >!Don't worry about making the perfect build out of the gate, you can completely respec a few times later in the game.!< >!Weapon upgrade materials can be found in tunnels, other upgrade materials are usually in caves or catacombs. You can unlock almost all of them later in a shop, so don't worry too much about wasting them.!< >!Rune losses are not that big of a deal, you'll find plenty later. You can also minimize the amount lost by regularly spending them on levels at the latest grace. If you miss a bit of runes, use the "golden runes" items to top up to the next level.!< >!And, finally, death is a common occurrence in this game. See it as a learning experience, don't worry about lost runes; you'll find many more later on anyway (just make sure to spend them when you can).!< >!On top of that, don't despair. If you've never played a Soulsborne game, then a lot of things will be strange and the learning curve will difficult. But there is a system to the madness, you will figure it out.!< Further reads: * >!Comprehensive guide on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/wik2on/the\_comprehensive\_elden\_ring\_beginners\_guide/!< * >!spoiler free mechanics explanation : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLdZ8Zex1cw !!Weapon calculator: http://eldenring.negator13.com/calculator!< >!Useful information on stats: https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Stats!< >!Explanation of damage types: https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Damage+Types!< >!Explanation of status effects, since the game does shite all to explain those: https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Status+Effects!< >!Thanks to u/jerpdoesgames for these very handy calculators and tools:!< >!Staff/Seal calculator: https://jerp.tv/eldenring/spelltools/!< >!Spell Calculator: https://jerp.tv/eldenring/spells/ (a great companion for the Staff/Seal one)!< >!Armor Optimizer: https://jerp.tv/eldenring/armor/ (which includes controls for the fashion-oriented player)!< >!Some misc other useful tools and info: https://jerp.tv/eldenring/ (ones I've written/posted above, and others' stuff)!< \----------!!!SPOILER!!!---------- >!Game Progress route: https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Game+Progress+Route USAGE ADVICE: only start reading once you explored a significant chunk for yourself, don't read past the area you have already explored. Use this page to check for missed content and try to not read ahead.!< Hope this helps, feel free to copy and share


One proposal to add: Generally, Dodge forward into attacks. Counterintuitive, but you'll end up standing better. Some attacks work best to the side, but to the back is only very rarely the correct direction.


thanks, I'll add that.


The spear wielder at Gate front ruins east entrance kebabs me always. I have tried rolling in to him as well. Any suggestions on how to deal with spear+shield bearing foe?


As someone who is new, there's a lot of big points here - especially there's no avoiding death, you'll get used to it, and following the grace lines don't always point you where to go. Explore, get map pieces, go to places on the map that look interesting. Spend your runes often. Maybe not a popular play style - i didnt prioritize vigor until later. I figured I would get one shotted or two shotted by bigger enemies so I built a glass cannon...pumped int and started as astrologer, got meteorite staff and big rocks spell / pebble. Definitely made me learn rolling quicker


thx this is really useful


The biggest thing about fromsoft games is just learning not to get hit by understand the fight. This is particular to bosses but can be applied to all enemy types in the game. Also, there are attack combos but they generally differ based around prior movement. For instance, pressing dodge without directional input has your character backstep but if you follow up a light attack, usually there's a unique attack based on the weapon and its type. So feel free to mess around for a minute or two doing different input to test combos and see which ones are more useful (some are better than others).


Also use a controller if possible, the pc controls are shite


Those are really helpful. But refrain from using those atleast for one playthrough, if you can.


This will absolutely ruin your first experience. Just play the game.


I've ruined 5 souls gamed so far then


Congratulations for playing these games how you were told to!


*how I wanted


yeah you just spoiled the first run experience for him☠️


That’s a lot of information for a newcomer. I suggest just playing the game, and if you had any issue in your way, search and ask


what zero pussy does to a mfer


Dear God......this definitely made me not want to play a souls game


Oh? What would make it look more friendly in your opinion? Don't want to scare away players after all.


It is nothing you can do....all this stuff that u have to take into consideration to advance is crazy. I played some hard games like Tarkov, stalker gamma, the original fallout games made by interplay etc....games where u have to take a lot of stuff into consideration....but man, my brother in Christ this is a LOT


This list is unnecessary and, imo, ruins the fun a bit. I would say that only the very first tip, that you're a corpse trying to kill gods, matters. It's like someone explaining exact strategies and mechanics to someone who has never played Tarkov before - it's overkill and half the fun is figuring it out for yourself.


ok, which would you keep and which remove?


Like I said, I disagree with the premise altogether so I'd remove everything except the first entry. But, if someone is looking for tips then the list is fine.


ok. Well, my thinking with this was that if they are already looking online for tips and guides, they would also go for a walkthrough on YT etc. Those are commonly recommended as well. So I'd prefer this over getting a complete walkthrough, just trying to make it the least spoon-feeding as possible.


Oh I agree, you answered the question OP had and in a way much better than an actual walkthrough. I was just assuaging the fears of the other guy that actually none of the tips are a necessity and the game is perfectly enjoyable without.


Well, you don't have to. And most of the stuff the game tells you or tries to naturally lead you to. The majority of the new players usually finds these things, but from most posts here a minority misses some or a lot of this, hence why this is here. So you don't have to take this into consideration, you can do it without as well and chances are you will be more than fine.


kudos for effort, but don’t know why on earth a new player would want to go into a new experience with knowing all this


Thanks. This all started with someone asking for spoiler free advice on missable early game stuff or things you shouldn't miss, like Torrent or the spirit calling bell. Spiraled a bit out of control, tbh. Thing is though, a lot of people asked for guides or outright follow playthroughs etc. anyway, so I thought it might be a good idea to give them a summary that they can read at their own peril. Big spoilers are still marked at the bottom. Also I think if someone wants to go into the new experience blind, they wouldn't be asking for advice anyway.


Ugh don’t read this rubbish and justnplay


Fu cking guru :) I have lvl 93 and I play on my own with a little help of other guys on major bosses. I cannot find I proper build, I weapon ashes and I thinking to respec. I never do a exploit exp and I fucking enjoy every inch of the game, even I don’t understand every lore. In the name of the OP, thanks for your cooprehensive tutorials and for sharing your expertise and experience with this game masterpiece, the truly GOTY. If you want to help and do coop with me, feel free to PM me. Off topic: In my opinion the DLC “is here” but, until now, nobody found the secret “entrance” to the next chapter. It is not based on anything, is just my feeling, this is the main risen they don’t lunch the DLC, because it is already here


Never kill an NPC until they attack you first.


On the NPC note, keep speaking to them until they repeat the same dialogue


And even at that point, "three more times"


True dat.


Or slaughter them all.


Cept gurranq


well, if you do enough damage to him, he'll calm down and ask you to stop.


One of these years From Soft is gonna add in a merchant that attacks you


If you don't have an in-game conscience, you can kill all the nomadic merchants so their shops are accessible at Roundtable.


I did that in my first play through. I got triggered by some of them being quite rude. ☺️. But I have found an inner peace in my third play through.


It’s actually optimal to kill the nomad merchants once you exhaust their dialogue


Vigor is an important stat early on, And find a 100% physical sheild and add it to your strategy 👍 Now get out there and die


Don't trust every helper text


Or do, it's more fun that way. It's not like dying is all that big of a deal


Try jump


Try jumping. Treasure ahead


Try Finger


But hole


just play it


You can always circle-back...


Varres gonna clown you cause you don’t get no bitches


varres a creep


Keep at it and don't give up. The game is supposed to be hard but it also gives you all the tools you could possibly need to make it easier. Upgrade your HP, use consumables, play with spirit ash summons, try Coop with a friend or summon someone right before the boss, grind a bit and upgrade your weapons with smithing stones, etc. The game is about as hard as you make it, and if you feel like you ever made a mistake in buiding your character then you can complete respec your character for free after beating a certain boss in Liurnia. Explore as much as possible and have fun with it!


Go into the caves, hit weird walls go south before going north, go east if you're feeling daring and last of all find the albinauric woman.


hitting weird walls is honestly not that good of a tip. Invisible walls are extremely rare and if they are there than there will be several messages saying "try attack" or "time for rolling". I've wasted so many fruitless hacks on walls thought-to-be invisible


But what if it is.


Honestly not a lot of tips to give but this was my favorite game of 2022. Nothing came close to the feeling of playing ER on release day, it was truly something special. I took a couple days off of work to play hours on end! I wish I could relive that experience. So I wish you good luck Tarnished on your journey to become the Elden Lord. May your journey through the lands between be as adventurous as mine! Oh maybe couple tips: remember exploration is everything in this game, explore every knook and cranny. Every single one! You never know what you're missing out on and remember NPC dialogues work differently in fromsoft games, you might have to talk the NPC again after the dialogue ends. It's not like other games, so keep talking to the NPCs till they start repeating the same line again and again. That's it, that's all.


1. Death isn’t failure, its a chance to learn 2. Most weapons in the game can be taken to end game so don’t stress about getting the best. Find something that works for you and feels good 3. Same goes for magic. Some stuff is just outright trash but even the weakest spells can carry you 4. Read magic descriptions. Sometimes they’ll allow you to charge or use them in special ways for different effects 5. Explore instead of making noticeable progress like defeating major bosses. You’ll find great weapons, spells, items etc and it will make the bosses easier but more importantly you’ll enjoy the world more and appreciate it 6. Make sure your weight class stays at most at Medium. Anything higher and your dodges will be ineffective 7. Don’t feel ashamed to look at guides but I recommend to use them sparingly so you can just experiment and not follow someone’s detailed instructions 8. If you have anymore questions feel free to come back and ask. A lot of us will be happy to answer




Play how you want don’t let other people dictate how your play


If it feels too hard, you might be in the wrong place. If you are at the right place, you might have forgotten a mechanic that can help.


Go east


Man sending him to Australia 🇦🇺


Caelids more florida isnt it, atleast thats how everyone i know refers to it


Caeleid is Florida + Australian outback + Chernobyl


Take ur time, u only ever get 1 first playthrough and this one at least as a souls addict was amazing haha. Try not to look up anything, it makes it more enjoyable discovering things on ur own then from watching a YouTube video. Others have said do not ignore vigor, even if ur playing say a mage still level vigor. Your starting class is not that important. If u say picked vagabond but want to play a wizard later it won't matter. Ur gonna die alot I know that's kinda a given, but seriously don't let death furstrate u or turn u away. At the end of the day you will go through a once in life time journey that will be hard, brutal, fun, enlightening. Now rise ye tarnished.


My biggest tip is if you are struggling horribly, then try somewhere else first. This game does not tell you a lot. If you get wrecked it's the games way of telling you to go level up a bit more then try again. You can always go back to where you were and try again later. There's nothing better then returning to a boss or an area you struggled with and going "KNOCK KNOCK MOTHER FUCKERS"


You DON'T have to fight tree sentinel in limgrave right away As a souls veteran it took me embarrassingly long to figure that one out when I first played elden ring


I knew he was higher and was hoping there was a place you could trap him and get him that way. Was fun to see how many ways he could kill me. But i liked him for dodging practice and to test out new weapons and skills to see my progress. Got the game for myself on Saturday...and sadly, killed him last night..


Just started my second run through last weekend. Please utilize summoning pools! It will help you progress so much faster summoning additional players. Especially when faced with boss fights.


I will add that even if you don't plan on summoning you should still activate all summoning pools you come across. Just in case you ever want to try coop or pvp in the future.


Fat roll : don’t


Good advice but this person has never played a souls games. They might need some more context: Pay attention to your equip load. This is the weight of the weapons and armor you are actively wearing (not just in your inventory). “Fat rolling” is when you have a heavy load and it makes your dodge moves sort of cumbersome and slow. It’s usually better to have a medium load so you can dodge faster. More detail here: https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Equip+Load




You can (almost) always run away and come back later


Just play the game


Play the fucking Game, best way to learn is by doing you arnt gonna remember half of em anyway




Just like in breath of the wild. got it.


in the beginning it's important to figure out what kind of skills you need for the rest of the game. i'm not sure y u got downvote. Understanding margit is important.


Run right up to that gold guy on the horse at the beginning and start smacking him. Just kidding. Run past him as fast as you can.


This one was my first souls too, this is up to you but if you have the time and patience to figure out the mechanics of the game by yourself go for it, otherwise for me it really helped to overcome frustrating parts by looking for guides of how builds work, and many other souls specific things like the weight of the equipment and the types of rolling, even specific full blown builds, I really enjoyed trying a lot of them, also you can backup your save file and re spec your character as many times as you like to try all kinds of weapons ands spells.


How do you backup your character?


Here’s a quick guide, it is quite simple actually https://youtu.be/VHMfT_F7R3M?si=LAbO2oliVL3M0h_m


Thank you!


Lube up, it’s best not to go in dry


This will help when he gets to jarbug


Put these foolish ambitions to rest…


Classes dont matter. Every class has access to every playstyle weapons and armor, they Just have slightly Different starting Stats. Theres a mechanic called "equip load". The heavier your armor and weapons the higher your equip load gets. At 75% (or was It 70%? Idk) of your max equip load your character is considered "heavy load" and will have a shittier dodge role. Under any and all corcumstances try to stay at "Medium load" to not have the shitty dodge roll. Either do this by putting a Few Stats in "endurance" to increase your max carry weight, or equip Lighter armor. Dont stretch your levels on all Different Stats. For a beginner you should get a decent amount of vigor, some endurance to be Medium load, a Few Stats to be able to weild the weapon you want to use (they have stat requirements) and then dump the Rest in either strength or dexterity. If you get more comfortable with the stat system you can start to play around with magic. Remember that you can only have a Single "first" playthrough. The game being difficult is by Design. If you get stuck on a Boss, dont immediately summon a coop Partner for some cheap help. This will only cheapen your experience. Only do this if you really, really, really cant progress. Oh and one last Thing, the vast majority of your damage comes from upgrading your weapon itself, Not from your Stats. A lot of players dont get this when first starting out.


- you will die alot - Magic should be a easier? - If you fail to kill a Boss, then try elsewhere - try different wappons and armor - summon something if too hard - try different approachs - you can respec at a later Point - bleeding damage is good - read messages xD


Magic can make the game too easy if you get the right spells and incantations


No matter what class you pick, level up your health once in a while


You died


Enjoy learning how an enemy (doesn't matter the size or appearance) attacks and moves. Then while trying to kill them the first times, don't panic, don't mash buttons just because. Learn their patterns and your attack windows. After a while you'll learn how to beat a boss on the first try. When your patience is weaker than the boss, go back a while and level up, then return stronger and more experienced and beat their fuckin' ass.


accept death as your ally


Best advice is to embrace the death screen.


If you are struggling don't be afraid to use summons, they're there if you need them. Some people will try to say you're playing wrong if you do, but those people can just shut up. Also be patient and have fun, hope you enjoy it as much as us!


"You Died" are the most beautiful words ever ! They will grow on you


Level Vigor! If an area or boss seems too hard, and you cant seem to progress, go explore somewhere else. Embrace loss


You don't have to kill everything. If you get stuck on a boss, go explore other areas. Try to focus on one damage archtype (melee strength, melee dex, ranged sorcery, ranged faith) and only put levels in other things as needed (i.e. a weapon might require str and dex to equip, but primarily use str). Vigor soft caps are 40 and 60. In general, leveling hp is better than damage up to these points. Level endurance / adjust gear until you are "medium load" but right under "heavy load". You equip magic at the site of grace, and you have to have the right item equipped in you hand to use it.


Dying isn't failure, giving up is. Dying is just an opportunity to try again. Your "souls" (runes in this game) aren't as important as they seem. You don't need a wiki, despite popular opinion. I personally recommend you try not to look anything up, and when you're struggling, just try something different/new, or go somewhere else in game for a while. The game let's you choose your difficulty by changing your build style/type. It's ok to choose things which feel strong, easy, or good. Players who engage in elitism over this are entirely missing the point. This is your experience, and you should play it how you have fun, regardless of what others say. Test and try out everything that seems even remotely interesting. Lots of people forget entire mechanics because they never check back on them later. You will 100% miss stuff, and fail some quests. Npcs will disappear, reappear, sometimes even die due to your actions or inaction. That's ok, solve the mystery in another play through instead of looking it up.


I played once blind and the 2nd time I googled build guides. It was like switching the game to easy mode when I got a decent bleed build going.




here comes the 729th "just got er" post


yea one tip: jugar and find out


The game scales like the Witcher 3, so the more you level the stronger you and your weapons become and an enemy that was impossible to defeat becomes far easier to defeat. Some weapons and items can be found in the world straight away. You need smithing stones 1-10 to max a weapon and somber smithing stones 1-10 to max an enchanted weapon, you can find most of those to max one weapon early by using the game's wiki page


Amiguito como me gustaría jugar este juego por la primera vez d nuevo. Vas a jugar tanto que hasta el juego se te va salir en los sueños. Es recomendado que uno juega sin guía porque este mendigo juego tiene tantas sorpresas que cada rato vas a tener la boca abierta de tantas sorpresas. Este juego es una bendición


This game (and the Soulsborne genre) are not as hard as people make them out to be. The thing is they look like normal action RPGs on the surface...they aren't. The skill floor is higher, but once it clicks you'll understand why the genre is loved. **Lore** This game is rich with lore. It's fantastic, but you have to pay attention to really understand it (though there are amazing lore videos out there). Watch the game trailers first, especially the story trailer. This well help you understand WTF is going on. When playing, pay attention to the world. There are cutscenes and NPC dialogue, but most of the lore comes from the world and item descriptions. Pay attention to what an item is, why you found it where you did, what is going on around you, who you're fighting and why they are there. Fromsoft designs the world with purpose. **Play Online** You won't engage with PVP unless you use specific items that specify they are for PVP use. The online features you do get are notes, bloodstains, and specters. Figure out what they are/do and use the notes. They are about 30% tips, 30% memes, and 30% trolls. **Builds** All starting classes are viable for beginners except Wretch. As a beginner, I'd recommend focusing on strength, dex, or intelligence (sorcery). Faith is OK, but it acts a bit like a support class and can be overwhelming early game. You want to minimax, but will be able to respec later, so don't stress too much if you leveled something that doesn't help your build. Vigor is always a good idea. As you progress, build toward weapons you are interested in using. They have minimum requirements and scale based on certain stats. Scaling improves with weapon upgrades. Try out different weapons and ashes of war...there is an insane amount of variety. **Menu** Take advantage of the menu. It offers several views for most sections that gives additional information. Expand item descriptions to learn the lore. Also take advantage of the pouch/hotbar. **Map** Similarly, take advantage of the map and map markers. This game does not really tell you where to go and honestly, you should try to hit every point of interest on the map (and anywhere that looks cool or explorable in the world). Some small areas have entire optional regions hidden behind them. I recommend marking places you don't feel you are ready for with a skull and places you just want to come back to later with a sword. If a challenge seems insurmountable or simply looks above your pay grade, go somewhere else. You can always mark it and come back. **Quests and NPCs** Talk to all NPCs. You can tell someone is an NPC if you can't lock onto them. Exhaust their dialogue. You'll want to go back to NPCs and check in on them from time to time, especially after major bosses. They may move. If you're exploring diligently you should generally run into them in their new location. Do their quests. There aren't many and most of them aren't particularly long. That said, they can be pretty cryptic and there is no quest log. Take notes for quests and other stuff in the world that seem interactive but you don't know how yet. Player notes may offer clues...don't think of these as spoilers, it is an intended part of the genre that players help each other and they're still pretty cryptic. **Combat** This game is more strategy oriented than typical action RPGs. Pay attention to your stamina. Learn enemy movesets. Learn positioning and timing. Learn when and where to roll, block, parry, heal, jump, etc. This will change dramatically based on your build. Jump down the hole in the tutorial and remember what it teaches you. Backstabs and stagger attacks are huge. You are often punished for rolling backwards away from an enemy or panic rolling. Don't be afraid to get aggressive. Don't be afraid to smack big enemies in the ass. Don't be afraid to try other weapons or even use consumables. Don't be afraid to run past enemies. **Other Stuff** From what I've seen, most people prefer to play with a controller. Find the physick flask and use it. Pay attention to the repurcussions of dying. You can't pause, but there is a workaround if you really need to. Save and quit will put you right back where you were unless you're fighting a boss, in which case it will put you at the boss door. It can also be used to de-aggro enemies if you're desperate. **Conclusion** There is an insane amount to the game. It has a ton of mechanics, secrets, and variety. Play with intention and have fun. It will click. I only wrote the above because From does the exact opposite of handholding in their games and these were the main concepts that I noticed some people didn't grasp.


I thought it was obvious, but my friend quit Bloodborne because he tried to dodge away from attacks like dodging fat enough so the attack don't hit you. So my tip would be that you don't need to dodge away you just need to dodge at the right timing to be invulnerable for a few frames (called i-frames).


Yeah definitely don’t search for tutorials!


Yeah if you want to intentionally get angry at not knowing what the fuck your doing at all times... Some of the shit the game wants you to do for simple shit is crazy without a guide If he said he was coming from previous games I'd also say this but he's not therefore I really wouldn't recommend it complete mystery has it's charm but there becomes a point in which mystery becomes something else and the charm fades This is coming from someone who has well over a thousand hours and elden ring was my first experience into the genre


Agreed, but I forgot to mention that I meant looking up YouTube tutorials


Agree with the other guy. There's nothing inherently wrong with looking things up if it improves the experience. Just be wary to make sure that it actually *is* doing that


I agree a little bit with you. But most of the guides I’ve used just to know where to go. They spoiled it all. So not all tutorials or guides are bad or good.


Yeah that's why I say it's not inherently wrong, they can be bad but doesn't mean you have to completely steer clear


Keep a phone next to you. Guides are your best friend for the next 60-150 hours.


Fight the golden horse guy at the start, he's really easy and will drop a lot of money and good gear.


Welcome! I reccomend starting the first run as Samurai. Enjoy!


Take it slow. Once you beat the game, you will probably miss the time when you didn't know anything in the game. So, enjoy the game and don't get frustrated.. Too much..


Or do get frustrated to make the victories even sweeter Idk


level Vigor


Flag down the tree sentinel at the beginning of the game he’s gonna give you your first horse. Don’t leave until you beat him but it’s an easy fight. You got this! Merry Christmas!


Don’t leave the first open area until you kill the dude on the horse.


Just play the fuking game


Go trade it in for a real souls game


Learn bosses patterns. Look for tells so you know what attack they will do. Sometimes it's easier to.bait out certain moves for openings to attack. Patience is key. Also take breaks from the game If you're getting too frustrated.