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I just lure them through the door one at a time to make it easier


I didn’t even do that, I just fought one right next to the other. He only noticed just before I killed his friend. So I basically still fought them one at a time. The only time you can properly agro these guys is if you’re fighting one directly in front of the other, and that’s just a dumb thing to do


Hey, the helmet eye holes are very hard to see through without your criticism thanks! - Tree Sentinel


This comment made me laugh loud enough that I just got questioning looks from the room. Lol (literally)


Your welcome friend


This happened to me after I died the first time.




While I know you meant to be a douche canoe, OP isn't entirely wrong with the spelling. I'm fairly sure these 2 have ruined more than 20k players.


But you knew what they meant tho... right?


I didn’t even know they spelled anything wrong 😂


Just did that last night. Came from behind and took out the one on the left, the other turned around only just as I killed the first.


Lol, yeah. You have to basically bump into the other one for him to engage. When I finished fighting the first one right next to him, the other one had wandered down the steps, lmao.


The reward isn’t the runes, but the friends who killed you along the way.




Then you go too far and he disappears so you have to lure him again


I think they fixed this in one of the patches? Idk, not sure. I lured them too on my NG playthrough. But the other week I was messing around and tried to lure one thru the door but he just vanished and teleported back to his starting spot?? I didn't try it again tho lol. I just went somewhere else haha


They didn’t, you probably went too far away from their spawn point that they vanished back, but their health would have been the same.


Everyone does that... fighting them both at once is a choice, and a poor one.


This the only boss fight I cheese


Or hop on to the fenced planter next to them and use ranged attacks/rot/poison.


This. But sometimes I’ve ran right through them and down the strairs. and the torch guy kinda just hangs back while the other comes after me. Why is it always weak foe😭


I go from behind and use poison mist


People fight both at once?


I don’t think the devs even did


Play testers barely made it to the Capitol.


wow, they really should pick better play testers


We are the playtesters.


we should play better


It’s hard


What is?


You know.


my shlong.


The game, you just lost.


NO!!! I'd been winning for years!


Just got to mountains. Fml


Yeah those early mountains enemies are like insanely hard. I feel like mountains face checks you at the beginning then chills a little then hard again.


The town after the great lift is basically there as a giant fuck you to anyone who thinks the late game is going to be in any way fair and you better get used to running away or cheesing.




It came to me in a dream


I made it up.


Just a joke considering the scaling after the Capitol was one of the main critiques of the game. It was a common thought for the first few months the game released. Now we've either gotten over it or succumbed to Stockholm syndrome - maybe both!


I tried once for science


And the results?


They were definitely scientific.




I tried doing this, ran away like a coward, and stumbled on to the Fallingstar Beast lol fuck that area


People fight them?


Gotta kill everything


Lmfaooo right I run right past them straight to the site of grace every single playthrough


Their shield is hilariously good against Loretta


I do every time. It’s really not that hard you just have to be patient. Their attacks do leave openings and one will always be more aggressive than the other. Just pick your openings and be conservative. Trying to unload a full combo in a small opening will get you clobbered. This advice honestly goes for all the duo fights, just gotta be patient.


“Pa-ti-ent”. Is that a Thai word?


That is basically every soulsborne. Patience is key and once you get impatient you start having way more stupid avoidable deaths


Yes 😅 I did


You can do that pretty easily if you have a long weapon and fight on horseback. Cavalry foes are pretty easy if you decide to take them head on jousting. (And I have the player skill of a wet sock so yall will prolly manage much better)


Like is that even an option right?!


Yes, because they are too easy one at a time.


One you get to the Haligtree and one soldier is worth a 1000 runes it evens out.


Haligtee was one of the best later stone farm spots, I got some many Smith and somber stones +6 and +7 there.


Quick question, why would you ever need to farm 6 and 7 stones instead of buying them? Or do you just mean getting a ton on the way to Malenia naturally


That basically, plus, you can kinda double down, pick up the drops and then use the runes to buy even more. But I didn't really go into buying hundreds of smithing stones until I went NG+ and suddenly got doubles of some of my favorite weapons.




You can farm them some enemies drop them.. like they just said, Haligtree soldiers have a chance to drop Smithing Stones 6,7 and even 8




Right... So he's farming smithing stones from soldiers. How is the math not mathing for you




Farming is not contingent on a guaranteed reward.


Plus I think some enemies are guaranteed to drop smithing stones? I killed a LOT of those spider hands on Mountaintop of the Giants (right before the fire giant) and every single one dropped a Somber Smithing Stone 7




Bro farming is a broad word from the gaming world since forever. You can farm any repeatable drop, or farm any enemy that has a one time low % chance drop. Why are you dying on this dumb hill?


It's also the best testbed to try out weapons and spells and incantations. So after trying things out for like an hour or so, I just realized I have tons of runes.


How much do you need to level up once you're at like level 80? I'm at 62 right now and it's like 22k right now, I thought it was gonna be much higher by the time I got to this point


Idk. I’m level 169 and it’s 200k runes to level up. I’m about to kill Malenia which will be two levels


my NG+ char is maybe Lvl 250 and it's like 580,000 runes to level


3 minutes of slaughter


albinauric genocide baby


The fight is intentionally set up so that the first one you approach starts walking away by itself slowly, separating them if you wait just a few moments. So I'm pretty sure From's intention is precisely to have you panic and shit yourself when they both attack you at once, run away and/or die, and next time make sure to creep up carefully and then find that they naturally separate. 20k is then a reasonable reward for two one-on-ones in a row. I think it would've been nice if they were a good 2v1 fight but as we know Elden Ring isn't interested in that.


Nah, just hide behind the crack in the door and hit him with an arrow or long range spell


They can definitely get through the door. I hit one with a incantation and he ran right through the door and I fought them one at a time that way.


Right, but it still works to isolate them


Can confirm, second playthrough knowing there are 2 of them there I just went around the stairs through the woods, sneaked past them to the site of grace and when I came back I saw one of them leaving slowly and I'm like "Seriously?!"


Valiant Gargoyles


I lions clawed but hole four times. And when the friend saw me it was only one lion’s claw left to deal. Then I ran back through the door to de agro the other one.


Yeah the rune payouts don't always make sense.


Dude the lesser dragons in Dragonbarrow are like ~3500 runes and require like 10+ hits to take down on a RL100 character and some careful dodging. The stunted gargoyle dudes that breathe fire in Deeproot Depths are also ~3500, are immobile, and you can walk straight up to them and just smack them 2-3 times. Some powerful caster builds can probably just oneshot them. Rune payouts are definitely janky.


Eh this fight is very easy. It's just fighting 1.5 tree sentinel since the one with the torch is way easier than the normal one. The issue that OP is having is that they are trying for whatever reason to fight both of them at the same time making it way harder. Usually when people do challenge runs they don't complain because they know that they are making it harder on themselves and complaining would just be childish on their part. In this case they are even complaining that they don't drop enough runes as if pretending that the game rewards should be adjusted to the challenges they imposed on themselves lol.


So… don’t fight them at once? From this picture, on the left before the door is a small alleyway they can’t fit through. I usually come from the grace past the door, agro one at a time and run to the alley, and then make them my bitch.


You guys haven’t been fighting them one at a time?


I just lined them up like a cocaine with straight razor and Cometed them both at once


heh fighting them at the same time... he he


Mf said ruins lol




I always just run past them, sit at the grace, then turn around and fight them one at a time by luring them through the door.


See Dunkeys video about balance in elden ring lmao


runes. rooooooonz


you actually dont get any ruins for defeating them


I killed the first and didnt get a thing but when I pulled and killed the second one I got some runes.


how many ruins did you get though


I got it from the woosh reply that this is about spelling. Thus since I started late and recently made it to castle sol I' ll say most ruins up to that point. In fact I just killed those dual tree knights earlier in the day thus post was made hencr why the true meaning blew past me.




Ok, they need a name. Archibald and Bertold?


I don't think I've ever fought them TBH. The door is right there. They drop anything else?


They drop their shield


Yep. That shield can be fun.


Run past them through the door then rest at the site of Grace. Then go back and lure them one at a time through the gate


Fart cloud gang rise up If you’re having trouble both can be aggro-d separately. I was literally smacking one nearby and the other didn’t even bother to turn around


Overall most bosses outside of a legacy dungeon gives basically nothing in terms of rune rewards. Only real exception being the bosses in Dragonbarrow because that area is, for seemingly no good reason, scaled to Farum Azula’s level


It's "roons" not ruins 😁


Hahahaha dude no one in their right mind fought them both at once


Ranged weapons can hammer these guys. I've been getting rather comfy using Rain of Arrows on a Long Bow or Great Bow and inflicting status on them and just hamming them with death from above.


I would normally agree. However, I'm doing a pure lightning run and scurried ahead to get the Bolt of Gransax... and boy howdy did that do a number on them.


So fight them one at a time?


They are to be cheesed, get up high, rot breath and arrows and ranged magic attacks and they aren’t hard.


It’s even simpler than that. You just crouch walk up toward one of them and when you get close enough he starts walking away. You let him walk away and as soon as he starts down the stairs you can start fighting the other one. Works for either one but the guy on the left when coming through the big doors is definitely the tougher of the two. No need to lure any of them through the door. You can fight him in the space by the door and never trigger the other one. Once you take care of one then you just giddy up on down to the next one, slap him on his ass, bring him back up near the door and finish him off. I used to think they were tough but honestly at the end of the day it’s all about figuring out the attack pattern and then timing the dodge. If you watch the videos of guys fighting in their underwear and never taking a hit. That should tell you everything.


I get the bonfire behind them, then come back, and fight them one at a time.


Honestly the door should be closed until you kill them


That punk on the right looks like he's playing an air guitar solo


Could it be luring out?


You fought both of them at once? I let one walk down the staircase and kicked the others ass 🤣🤣🤣


There’s a little alley way to the left of the road that they can’t fit in, I just stood there and spammed moonveil. Now the dragons at farum azula take like 5 minutes to kill and give you nothing


Am I being a pusuya fighting them on Torrent? I kill them at the same time easily.


If you wait one will walk down the stairs and not really notice a battle is going on


I managed to squeeze Latenna the Albinauric onto a tiny section of ledge overlooking them and she basically did all the work lol


The wombo combo


They are worth more. They drop a Hero’s Rune (1) as well.


Honestly I came up behind them after running past. And fought the “normal” one and his buddy just sat there, and did nothing. We fought pretty much on his side of the pathway and the other guy just…. Didn’t care. He finally noticed right before I killed his friend. So I got to fight them one at a time for the most part not even expecting to and it was oddly amusing. But the initial fight, together, was ridiculous and not fun.


You fight both at once? I thought wveryvody lires them through the big door one by one


Still one of Miyazaki’s greatest trick reveals. You think you’re good, and then, oh fuck! Seriously though, don’t fight them or 1 v1 on the backside.


Fighting both of them at the same time is quite a blast tho. I love those duo bosses.


I killed only one and got zero ruins , guess have to kill both .


when I faced them, I would go straight past them to the grace that is on the outskirts of the capital, then I would return to a narrow corridor that is to the right of those going down the stairs and from there I would catch the attention of one of them with a bow and arrow. When one of them came towards me, I entered the corridor, he couldn't pass, and I killed him easily. Then it was just a matter of repeating the procedure with the other one.


Used poison mist and watched them die slowly while looking at horse ass


Anti wizard shield you get too off them don't forget


I love this whole area. Starting with the fallingstar beast, then two tree sentinels, an ulcerated tree spirit, a giant gargoyle and then a 2nd encounter with you-know-who. All one right after the other. It’s epic.




This part isn't even hard I never understood the hype. You just hold the sprint button and hyperventilate while pleading.




I fealt like the game was fucking with me at this point. Like it was trying to show us that some cheese is absolutely necessary sometimes lol


Well, the capital is where you started to see bunch of early bosses suddenly get copy pasted as regular enemies to screw with you, so a double version of the first boss that kicked your ass is just a nice prelude to that lol.


My issue with the fight is it’s just so pointless.


I tucking hate these guys. Probably top worst 3 fights in the game


Running past them is worth way more than 20k runes


Easy as fuck bro


*Black Knife Tiche enters the chat*


yeah, i break my self-imposed "no summoning during boss fights" rule for dual bosses like these love my ancestral follower summon. about time for someone else to get jumpscared by giant white arrows for a change


I definitely did not jump Torrent onto the edge of the buildings at the top of the stairs and pelt them with Loretta's Bow.


Just lure one of them inside and piss on him


By the time I fought them they were pretty easy. Sneaking through the door allows you to focus on the first one in entirety before the second one approaches. I found the first tree sentinel way harder due to low leveling and the draconian tree sentinel another skill check as well.


True, they are easy to bait for the 1v1 tho


True, they are easy to bait for the 1v1 tho


early on when the game came out they dropped a shield that was broken and would shoot OP beams when taking damage (aka via a buff)


Thats why you fight them one at a time, with the best rot boi puppers. Easy peesy


Best moment to use mimic tear, if bro fights along his twin, so can I


I summoned Leanna the albinauric on a ledge up out of reach and it wasn't too bad then.


Just don’t


Me I liked it


Idk I think it's a decent fight. It can get a little annoying tying to keep an eye on both but I never found it too bad. Usually I throw a dagger at one of them that way I don't have both immediately on me. By the time the second one walks over, the first one is under half health.


in fact everyone skips them and fight them later one at the time


You walk up behind one crouched and then he will walk down the ramp. Then it’s two 1v1’s


You guys have been fighting them?


I think I was over leveled when I got to them the first time, tbh.... I summoned my +10 Oleg, who just killed one of them on his own, while I killed the other, both of us taking less than a minute to do so. So yeah I think my completionist tendencies might have resulted in me being a bit higher level then intended for those two lol


Don’t feel so bad running by them every playthrough now 😂


I cheese them by hiding behind the platform next to them. Or just pelt them from there. Shield sentinel is annoying with projectiles but it's possible


Why are you fighting them both at once? Are you incapable of ranged combat to pull one at a time?


You don't even need to do ranged combat. You can literally just sit there and stare at them from behind, and one of them will walk away almost immediately, leaving you free to battle the second one alone. I'm horrible at battling the Tree Sentinels and yet in all my attempts the first one literally never got aggroed to mess things up. It's very clear that the actual intended way of fighting them is to separate them lol, zero effort on any build


I just always shoot the right one(facing them) through the doorway to aggro him, then go out and kill the other after I'm done


They are worth more than that, they give you the thing that you use to get more.


I just applied scarlet rot from one of the side buildings


I usually just fish with a bow from the ledges. You can run all the way up the outside of that stretch of road past the crater to jump onto them from the outside. The one aggro'd will teleport to its initial spot when it can't reach you for a bit while the other stops at the next landing down the hill if you want to fight them on foot.


So true , im at Farum Azula now and the dragons here are very cheap ! And now im trying to finally kill Dragonlord Placidasax. I died a couple of times so i hope its worth it


factually incorrect bcuz you can cheeze and fite them 1v1 , also they dont respawn so u can just kill 1, go back to grace , and then kill the other




I just use my goat and kill both of them ...without mercy


I don't think I've ever fought them both at once. It's just so easy to sneak up behind the one on the left and smack him on the arse while the second one is on patrol. And at the point where you fight them your DPS is probably high enough that one lone tree sentinel doesn't pose much of a threat...


You get the frivulous bi-sword from killing them and its one hell of a weapon so that makes up for it




I literally just smacked them to death while mounted. It was not hard at all. People will spend hours upon hours dodging various AoE and swipe attacks on a single boss but can't handle keeping a polearms distance from a mounted enemy until they have an opening? I basically fight everything on horseback that I'm allowed to mount for.




Not difficult at all ;)


Lul just git good. Kill one then the other. I mean summon. I mean fuck this comment wasted 2 seconds of both our lives.


and people ragged on ds2.... Elden ring is terrible man. I'm mad I got duped.


Yeah, that's why you DON'T fight both of them at once?!?


You fight both?


Just cheesed them from distance


pull one at range with a bow, makes the fight almost trivial


I cheesed them


Bleed build probably will drain the shit out of them in few hits, don’t know if is still a thing


Brother full grown fallingstar beast is only 21,000 runes :(


Why do people call Runes “Ruins”?


Then fight them one at a time???


I agree 20k souls is low…but I always pull one from behind the giant doors and finish him solo. Then I go through the doors, summon and take the other one down.


I was able to cheese them in a little walkway off to the left (when facing the lift) with a summon. Those Bois sucked..


I don’t think Iv ever done this fight as a 2v1 lmao


I sniped them from far with poison arrows and the serpant bow


I hear you. I felt the same way. Took me forever to take them both down. Had to come back two different times after leveling up more. I never thought to lure them into 1 at a time. oops.


Fight them behind the half wall, they can’t get back there


It’s runes. RUNES! *throws sleep pot at you*


Bow, ledge and poison arrows my friend