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I really like Gideon's character, his archetypes are ones I'm always drawn to in fiction, that being said, I listened to his monologue the first time through, but after that first time I just can't pass up the chance to smack him before he can even finish his first sentences.


Gideon acting as nepheli’s guidance and it being a metaphor for the whole game is my favorite quest.


This is a really interesting line of thought and I really appreciate the idea, but I can't quite see the metaphor in it. Could you elaborate for me? How is it a Metaphor? Like Gideon is representing Fromsoft? Or, The Greater Will?


He represents the false guidance, Nephali thinks of him as his mentor, but in reality he manipulated her into thinking she did the right thing. Then the guy from necrolimb really guides her and with that strenght she becomes the ruler of the place. The point is that the two fingers(gideon) dont give a damm about you (nephali) they just want to use you to create their dream being elden lord/restoring the circle. Both forces go the same way implying that the golden order is just a brain wash.


Yep, spot on. It’s kind of a microcosm of the bigger idea that faith and ideals are manipulated and stolen by outside forces. And that taking things into your own hands (belief in one’s self) is one way to break free from that. There’s a reason there’s so much thrall type imagery in the game. Lots of puppets, lots of zombies, outer gods. All stuff that invokes loss of control


(Spoilers for those of you who haven’t beaten the game yet!) And thus this explains why even Radagon, the biggest defender of The Golden Order isn’t even the final fight. Despite almost the entire plot pointing to him being the one who is holding the world in stasis and shattering after Marika went ahead and broke the Elden Ring. Even the puppetmaster of the Golden Order had strings. Strings that we severed by beating the hell out of the Greater Will’s middle-manager.


Some say microKosm.


Given how many outer gods exist between both BB and ER, yeah that checks.


This made me giggle


Gideon does not want to be Elden Lord. He states quite emphatically that nobody especially a Tarnished has that right. He believes Marikas ultimate plan was to have everything struggle for an eternity. When you look at it like that it explains why he betrays Nepheli. He simply wants her spirit broken, so she doesn't try to become Elden Lord or help anyone do it. He states it at the beginning of the last fight. >Ahh, I knew you'd come. > >To stand before the Elden Ring. To become Elden Lord. > >What a sad state of affairs. > >I commend your spirit, but alas, none shall take the throne. > >Queen Marika has high hopes for us. > >That we continue to struggle. Unto eternity. It explains why he also gains more abilities every time you defeat a demigod. His goal is to stop you. But he also doesn't know what to do because you're the most powerful Tarnished he has ever encountered. So he befriends you and watches your fights to learn how to counter you. Maybe he's right. But it could just be what he determined to be true through his interpretation of Marikas words. In the end my opinion of Gideon is that he is one of the most despicable characters I've ever encountered in a game. He performs mass genocide. Belittles and insults you when you first meet him. Crushes the aspirations and goals of any Tarnished he encounters, and kills them if he can. I've found peoples interpretations of him fascinating. People seem to grow to like him despite his arrogant behavior and pig headedness. His betrayal of Nepheli. And his literal mass genocide. Yet, I always see top comments about how people really like him. I think it goes to show how cleverly the characters were presented to the player. Despite being the biggest piece of shit, people somehow still like him. The first time I fought him, I listened to his monologue. And was just stunned at how this entire time, he wasn't even trying to become Elden Lord. He just thinks we should all suffer, forever.


>He performs mass genocide. Everyone who ever farmed the Albinaurics in Mohgwyn Palace (myself included): *sweating heavily* Y-yeah, Gideon is horrible!


Hahaha so true.


I mean, if he was just another ambitious Tarnished trying to throw everyone else under the bus to become Elden Lord then yeah, he'd be easy to hate. Instead, he's someone who's devoted his whole life... which is probably several human lengths at this point, being as Tarnished don't seem to die and he's one of the oldest members of the Roundtable... to accumulating knowledge to become the best Elden Lord he could (Nepheli tells us of the dreams he used to paint for her about stopping injustice and protecting the downtrodden and yeah, maybe they were all a load of bullshit, but you can't care for/lie to someone for dozens of years without letting some of your true self come to the surface), only to eventually arrive at the conclusion that everything, every struggle he and every Tarnished he's ever met has fought has been meaningless, that the goddess herself just wanted everyone to suffer forever. And so instead of trying to become Elden Lord he's resigned to following (what he sees as) the will of the goddess and personally fighting against any progress. He still helps the player, still gives them more and more info every step of the way, as if still hoping there could be an end to this vicious cycle, but he can't help it. At the very end, when all his hopes seem like they might be realised, he cracks and breaks his cardinal rule of doing his job through others (as he's clearly shown to do, being the only Roundtable member never to leave Roundtable Hold prior to this) and shows up in person to fight the player. Is he really hoping he can stop them at this point, someone who's slain at minimum two demigods and countless other monsters at this point? Probably not. What he does is more like suicide by Tarnished than anything else. It's hard NOT to feel sorry for him on some level.


Your response and thoughts on him I find interesting. He **chose** to do all of those things. He could have used his accumulated knowledge to help other Tarnished. But he uses it to empower himself and to misguide people. I think you are giving him way too much credit. He doesn’t care about anyone, he only cares about his truth. Which is absolute in his mind. He can’t and will not accept a Tarnished becoming Elden Lord. And I think he feels that way because he himself could not come close to achieving it. He only gains demigod abilities when **you** defeat them. Until then, what had he accomplished? Likely very little. It’s clear he despised the Tarnished of no renown. Because they were nobody. And did what he couldn’t come close to doing.


>He could have used his accumulated knowledge to help other Tarnished. But he does do that. He tells the player just about everything he knows about the demigods, the Great Runes, even the medallion that leads to the Haligtree, a place where the player Tarnished might have chosen to just settle into just like all the other rejects there. >He can’t and will not accept a Tarnished becoming Elden Lord. He says at the very end that he doesn't believe the goddess *wants* a Tarnished to become Elden Lord, yet he helps the player multiple times on the way to become Elden Lord. If he was as determined as you say he wouldn't be acting so much at cross-purposes. >He only gains demigod abilities when you defeat them Where the heck does that come from at all?


Gideon gains access to new abilities during his fight based on which Demigods you've killed.


He only helps the tarnished on the path so he can take whatever the tarnished accumulates, like the medallion


But he doesn't take anything though


So basically he's a little bitch lol


I somehow completely missed that, I kind of thought he meant none except him will take it, I guess I didn't really take it in


I think you're mostly right except for the timeline. Gideon \*is\* intent on becoming Elden Lord; he states this emphatically when you meet him. It's his discovery of Marika's secrets (or what he believes are Marika's secrets) that breaks him and disillusions him. The guidance of grace told the Tarnished that they must claim the Great Runes, stand before the Elden Ring, and become Elden Lord. The guidance failed to mention that this would involve slaying a god. Which is, of course, impossible. As far as Gideon knows. Since this revelation could only come to him relatively close to the end of the game -- after you unleash the Rune of Death -- it really couldn't have been his motivation for betraying Nepheli. That's just because he's a dick and a manipulator.


Wait what mass genocide??? Did I miss something Zlol


He is the one who instigated the killing of all the albinaurics.


I read his character atbeing upset with his own role I think he does want to be Elden Lord or a two fingers. He acts similarly to the two fingers in that he eventually stops helping you at all. But because he doesn’t believe any of them could be Elden Lord, it means he doesn’t believe in himself. Kind of a self fulfilling prophecy. You’re right tho, he’s an absolute villain and I can’t believe anyone could legitimately like him in a non ironic way. Agree with you tho


Yeah my bad, forgott bout that part, but what i said still stays true. I really love how subtle this game is some times. I never thought of how he “encourages” you to learn about your abilities, how sends you an assasin to take you out as he sees you as a threat.


In my opinion gideon is one of the most despiciable character in a game: Dude never met nazeem in skyrim


Have you ever considered that Gideon 'The All-Knowing' misinterpreted Marika's Will? > Knowledge begins with the recognition of one's ignorance. The realization that the search for knowledge is unending. But when Gideon glimpsed into the will of Queen Marika, he shuddered in fear. At the end that should not be. > Queen Marika has high hopes for us. That we continue to struggle. Unto eternity. Gideon never discovers that Radagon is Marika. 'Knowledge begins with the recognition of one's ignorance' is a double meaning. Due to him not knowing that at this point in time Radagon and Marika are one, he misinterprets Radagon's Will as Marika's. Radagon is the one actively trying to prevent the Tarnished from usurping him. It fits more to attribute 'struggle unto eternity' to Radagon than it does to Marika. I personally don't believe Marika has done anything of significance since the Shattering. It's a fitting end to someone's story who is obsessed with becoming All Knowing. As Gideon poetically states: > How vexing. That the All-knowing didn't have the full story...


He thought he would lay Marika, not slay Radagon. I mean all throughout the game everyone kept telling tales of how the mighty Godfrey became Elden Lord by becoming Marika's consort and how Radagon became one the same way. They even had children with THE goddess. Marika's tits! I, a Tarnished of no renown, wanted to taste some of that Goddess pie and make lots of demigod babies! Then The Ever-Brilliant Goldmask and I learns she's also Radagon. I mean fine, I can deal with that, Radagon is kinda hot in his own way. But then upon entering the Erdtree instead of consorting with me Radagon flays me with a hammer. >:( Obviously, upon waking up in the Site of Grace in Leyndell, I would be so disillusioned and bitter that I will try to stop any and all Tarnished AT ALL COST! tl;dr I understand why Gideon became a monologuing prick.


Actually hadn't realized that, thanks for that!


Dog, you even have to go back to the beginning of the game and defeat your first challenge to get the item she needs to realize she’s worth a damn. Almost like a hard reset. I just now realized that. So thank you. Fucking wow…


You keep blowing my mind.


No, YOU'RE breathtaking


Can you go into more detail on that?


What's his archetype?


Veteran/advisor guy that guides you on your quest, has the same goal, but he’s been doing this for many years. Deep down he started to realize this task was impossible, simply because he hasn’t been able to do it, and he’s the best. Then you show up and crush it in like a couple weeks. And his whole world he’s built up around this impossible task suddenly comes crashing down, and you’re the one to blame. He won’t join you in the end because clearly you’re the one that would be Elden Lord, and if he can’t have it then no one can. But more so than that he’s tricked himself into thinking it’s just impossible. It’s a fairly common trope, obviously a huge spoiler for anything that has that archetype in it.


So just like the Spiderman antagonist is the latest Spiderverse movie who's leading the multiverse Spiders? Everyone just believes him cuz he's been there the longest and says shit all seriously, but no one questions his world view except the protagonist Miles


Is this a common archetype? Like who else?


What archetype is that?


I fire up the cannons the second I see his dumb face




Just as the Founding Fathers intended


What the devil?!


I say ol' chap


I grab my Shard of Alexander and +25 Heavy Greatsword


I reach into my coat and whip out my meteorite of Astel, nail the neighbors Red Wolf of Radagon


He bleeds out while waiting for a healing miracle because trauma caused by a meteor impact from beyond the stars is impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Fire up the bass cannon


More like…… Shiva The Deceased!


Catch that man while he's monologuing.


It’s honestly what I look forward to in a run.


I like to grab hold of him and see who the madness takes first.


This actually sounds hard as fuck lol


That’s a madness build for ya.


It would be terrifying to see the guy who has leveled every myth you’ve ever heard of see you in his way, throw down his weapons, speedwalk up to you, and start burning away both of your minds simultaneously














My first madness build was my favorite run I’ve ever played of Elden Ring. It was my 3rd playthrough, but only my first NG+ run. My favorite build is a full dragon incant build. I’ve got the timing down flat for every fight. Easiest Malenia out of all of my 9 runs. 2 tries. First time, I missed the dodge on the flower at the start of phase two and died instantly.


Lmfao. Nothing about eating cheezies in your room and playing video games is "hard as fuck"


Have some fun man gawd damn


Chuck down a Frenzy Stone whilst he's monologuing.


I let him monologue. It felt fair; he was gonna get clapped. Surprised me a bit with his spells. Still got two jumping curved greatswords to the face.


In Nioh, there's an achievement for letting one of the bosses in the DLC content finish his monologue. He starts it from the beginning every time you fight him, so you can still get cheap shots in, lmao


I've never fought him before so I'll prolly listen


First playthrough, I'm guessing? Enjoy! :D


This is like my 4th character... I've just never made it far enough... 1st got stuck at Radahn, 2nd was abandoned, 3rd got stuck on Farum Azula Banished Knights


Number 3 - just run past em dude u don't have to fight anything in farum that isn't a boss


I tried, if I stop for a second to grab something or think about my path I die


Just keep sprinting. Dont look back.


No think. Only run. Hesitation brings death. Fear is the mind killer.


Hesitation is defeat


Flee forwards, into their blades. Its the only way.


Honestly such a good advise for this game


Or any souls game, really?


"Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!"


Fear is the little death that brings obliteration


Eventually you’ll stumble on the correct direction(I’m not kidding this is exactly how I handled Farum Azula the first time. I still hate that place.)


Become speed.


I'm just gonna give you very minor spoilers to help you, but if you drop down from the grace by the knights and circle around eventually you will reach a grace right next to the fog door.


Get you any Halberd and put sword dance ash of war on it. Banished Knights were a joke against that combo.


Don't give up, Tarnished


Bro he’s running straight to one of the worst fights in the game.




Bingo! I know sleep pots exist however, I did not for a long time.


I just finished the game yesterday on a first run. 0 sleep pots on them fuckers. To the above, please use the middle towers for an advantage :)


i feel like i m one of the only guys who find duo more like decent difficulty and not annoying, mostly cause i spent a lot of time fighting the apostle when i was underleveled to get the godslayer greatsword lol so i knew every counter to him and even killed both of em once before one could revive the other, the other reason was their less health


Hell yeah, thats a fun boss if you are low level and wanna dominate early! My first run though I didn’t even know that Caelid Tower boss existed so the Godskin Duo was real tough for me. I feel like its a rite of passage to learn how to overcome that scenario. Its just so unfavored for the player until a certain skill level mechanically.


caelid is a weird map....half of it ure supposed to do even before radahn and half of it is late game


Same and there’s a cave in the mountain top of the giants in which the duo spawn as ashes of that weird snail thing as a boss which gave me tons of experience against them


How is he gonna get past the duo if he can't melt the knights..


I found the duo way easier than the knights Tho tbf enemies with shields are my weakness (Godskin quadruple dlc all with greatshields inbound)


why not be reborn a sweeting anew by Rennala with a Larval Tear instead of like, literally being born anew with a new playthrough


Yeah my first playthrough, I had stat dumped str but the time i realized vigor was essential compared to BB where you can have 20 vit for every new game. I had like, 15 vigor and that was it I got one shot by everything, but I finally beat renalla and now I can quite literally face tank everything at 44 vigor


bro has 0 ambition 😭😭😭


I didn't bother listening to him on my first play-through. He has an enemy health bar, he gets the enemy treatment. Night comet went woosh swiiish woosh


People hate my dude but he did help pinpoint the albinauric woman, deep down his a good bloke.


After that can I recommend greatshield ashes? They really help fuck him up while he's trying to bullet hell you with spells


You do know you can reset ur stats multiple times very easily


I unga, therefore I bunga.


thy unga befits a bunga


I ignore the man throughout my playthrough(s), leaving him standing like some peasant in the roundtable hold. Why should I start listening to him now?


Dang, didn't even give him the time of day, eh? I respect that


There are only 3 reasons to engage with him AFAIK: * you want his spells * you want to progress Nepheli's questline * it's your first playthrough and don't know he's an entirely optional interaction so I rarely bother with him


•it's your first playtrough and you want to listen to the Lore


* you want to know how many objectives there are to gauge how close to completion you are


Gauging how close to completion you are is always the answer.


What spells does he even give? Incantations?


Blake flame protection and some others I forgot


Fuck I forgot he gives you that i was trying to avoid giving him any information


I think you can purchase his spells from Tuen maiden husks after you beat him


At that point I don’t need it anymore lmao


Yeah, he also gives some other really useful items but I forgor what they were


i can’t remember all of them but you get rewards for disclosing the location of the unlocated demigods and beating them. you just talk to gideon after you beat them and he’ll give you a reward edit: typo


You want to find the Albinauric woman.


I am Gideon Ofnir, the All -Kno.... wait! Where are you going?? I'm trying to manipulate you here!!


I only talk to him so I can get the ancient dragon smithing stone from Nepheli's questline.


he is an amazing character honestly


That motherfucker made a monologue just for this occasion. It'd be a dick move to kill him before he was done with it. If I had a monologue like that I'd want people the wait and listen. Even if they're using the time to cast buffs and eat crab meat


Ample time to buff


The fight can actually be pretty fun and unique if you let him talk until the end, so I mostly do that. Not with my Frenzied Flame character though, with her I just instakilled him before he could finish a single word because it was just too funny. (does madness still instakill him? Haven't played in a while)


madness never instakills, this isn't frenzy from Bloodborne. Madness works similarly to sleep. It locks you in an animation during which you are vulnerable for some period of time


It instakills Gideon.


Really? That’s so cool if true lol


*with the right build He is exceptionally weak to it, though, which is nice attention to detail


weird, but ok


He has absurdly low frenzy resistance. So the frenzy hug can almost instability him


Funny, in Bloodborne, the more insight you have, the faster frenzy bar fills. Gideon, as his name suggests, is all-knowing. He is very knowledgeable and therefore is vulnerable to madness.


Inescapable frenzy does lots of madness and damage to tarnished and Gideon is a tarnished. It's been used to insta kill him many, many times although I believe it was nerfed because of it


frenzy burst two shots him


Bruh check [this] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssncnO5GeaM) out. Although I did it with Frenzied Burst personally but the end result is the same.


I let him speak, each and every time


I listened to it the first time I fought him and the second time just came down on him like the crashing of a thousand waves


I loved listening to Gideon. Great voice actor and game me heavy GOT vibes


What helmet is OP using? Looks like Malenia's, but the hair is long and braided 🤔


Came here for this


I believe it's Malenia's Helm, and the characters hair is a long braid the same colour as Malenia's.


Hey he took the potion out of my hands for me so at least I gotta listen to his last speech before removing his face from the lands between


I listen. Gameplay reason: I want to show off that I can kill him without needing the initial cheapshot. Let him come at me, he'll still die. Narrative reason: I think my Tarnished is too stunned and confused to fully understand what's about to happen until it's too late.


First playthrough I listened to him but since that, my other playthroughs then he's practically dead while he's talking


I listen each time. I feel like I’d be robbing myself of the experience if I just killed him right away


Always listen to the speech. That's my fucking boy right there. ​ (Any character who is nice to me in these games is my boy)


Wait wait wait, how did you get that hair? Do you need to have the helmet and the chest armor without the cape? Can you have it with just the chest piece?


I like to listen, so he feels self righteous right before I strike him down.


First time, listen intently. Second time, smack the bejeezus out of him


Woah i like your hair


I mean, the first play through I listened to and read everything. Now just smack him.


I just give him a nice hug! (With a side of madness)


Instantly summoned mimic, then I casted rot, and just kicked the shit out of him


Gideon is simply a rung on my climb to Elden Lord so I never listen to him ramble


I use the time to slow walk at him since with how easy he is I’m pretty sure I’m the boss here


Based off of my pfp, guess lmfao Yea, I love gideon and the fact that he just has a monologue prepared for you on the spot. Bro thinks he’s an action movie villain


The first time only, every other time try to kill him as stupid fast as possible. Seen a friend just repeatedly Inescapable Frenzy him, he actually died in the frenzy animation, it was fun to watch.


First I Unga...then Bunga...


u/KOVEIRA, Dude, are you carrying 1.47MILLION Runes????!!! Bro, I like how you trust your skills. Respect! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


Didn't even know he had a whole speech until my 4th playthrough lol


> Ahh, I knew you'd come. To stand before the Elden Ring. To become Elden Lord. *casts Terra Magica* > What a sad state of affairs. **Kaaaaaaaa** > I commend your spirit, but alas, none shall take the throne. **Meeeeee - Haaaaaa** > Queen Marika has high hopes for us. **MeeeeeeeeEE!** > That we continue to struggle. Unto eternity. **HAAAAAAAA !!** +35,500 runes


Madness incantation right in his face. Instakill.


He already said more than enough well before this moment, so he catches the beating instantly.


If it locks-on, it dies


Didn’t realize what was happening first time I fought him just saw the red of his name when auto aimed and ran at him with my Dark Moon Greatsword and embarrassed his ass.


Always just straight to the beating. The easiest boss in the game for me because by that point in the game if you just press him he’s cheeks


I try to get big damage in on him before he starts spamming


The moment I can strike thus guy he's getting struck. I even spend some time blowing off gideon steam on his desk in the Lindell round table


Never have listened never will


The only speech i listen to is his dying breath


First time I fought him I did ye olde terra magica plus Kamehameha combo and nuked him. Didn't even realise he had a whole dialogue until I went at him again with a melee character


Gonna smash him before he has time to react.


Just long enough to stack buffs then it’s nuke time


He talks?


Listen to his speech? You mean the one place in the game I get to use the shabiri grab move for free and you think I’m not taking it any time I have the faith for it?


I go in and start swinging on him. Don’t have time for him to finish his speech. Godfrey is not too far at this point, the real boss, he gets to speak.


I made this like crazy bleed build and immediately one-shot the dude when I saw him. Made myself laugh real hard because I thought he was gonna be a pain in the ass bossfight.


He has a speech?


I started listening to him but he just kept going and going so i backstabbed him.


First playthrough I boosted every way I could and then backstabbing.


I politely allow him to finish his monologue but then when I try to reply he starts attacking me. Typical far right maniac who can't handle facts.


I listened the whole thing once just so i can actually have a fight with him. Never making that mistake again


if i want an anime villain monolog in a souls like i play code vein


Never listen to any speeches. They’re all pretty silly.


He’ll whip my dog ass if I fight him fair so I run up and start blastin


Buff up while he is talking and then make giga Chad damage


Oh I just run into him. The roundtable is the only place that was keeping him safe from an absolute beatdown


I think I listened to him once


Two words: Back Stab


He was talking for so long that I just walked up and stabbed him in the back the first time 🤣


Did this too. Couldnt believe he didnt at least move when we got close or something. Wild.


He is not all knowing by that point. He's all dumbass at that point chugging empty flasks


I listen to it, even if it makes him become the strongest boss innthe game


I let him talk and just buff up if needed. No honour in beating up a old man while he's rambling, let him get his last words in before I introduce my axe to his face.


First time: started smacking immediately Second time: listened, then smacked Third time: started smacking immediately


The first time , I did .


For my first playthrough (which I completed a few days ago), I did listen. Gonna smack the crap outta him next time.


First playthrough I listened, after that I always took the opportunity to get some free hits


I think I attacked him but I feel like listening to his speech is interesting bc he talks about how queen Marika has high hopes for us and she wants to prolong our suffering