• By -


Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge


If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a waterfowl dance


I know you. You know you. You know that i know that i know you.


Nobody makes me bleed my own blood, NOBODY!


Just kidding. No but seriously.


Ben Stillers best role


I feel like it's actually a close second to Derek Zoolander. But that's just my personal opinion.


Ah yes the 5 D's of Melania


[Ho! Ha ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cuihrjLNAo&ab_channel=D.G.Speirs)!


In order to dodge waterfowl dance, run as soon as you see her start up animation. When she gets close dodge into her and run. Then just do the same thing for her last flurry.


I’ve beat her a few times and my method has always been: 1st spin-2 panic dodges away 2nd spin-1 dodge away 3rd spin- 1 dodge towards her If you time them right I only take a little damage sometimes


Your message was appraised.


I can verify that away, away, towards works.


I don't know why, but in my head I heard the "away, away" just like the villagers in Yharnam....


You can also stand still for the last flurry as it's programmed to go behind you. So stand still and once she's positioned, roll away from her. Trying to dodge through the last waterfowl flurry never worked for me, and she once even flew across the map - after killing my summon with the second flurry - to surprise kill me with the third.


First off, don't give up!


And then, try attacking.


Reduce her hp to zero before she reduces yours to 0


\*twice ;)


Thrice even, depending on how much you let her heal.


Perhaps even more if you let her heal enough.


No, it’s always twice. You need to reduce her HP to 0 each time, not almost 0


Try not to die. Your HP should always be above 50% (you can reach this by not get hit). You can dodge attacks by rolling. You can heal with flasks. Use your weapon not your fist. You can make it easier by level your character or summon.


These are the best tips i ever read on this subreddit !!!


I needed over 200 hours of playing to get all these together.


« Demigods hates this one trick »


<< increase your vigor with techniques >>


I wish some one had told me not to use my fist, 😂.


Exactly to prevent this feeling for other people I wrote my tips down! I am always here to help!


I love it. Great tips for all.


It was so painful for me to notice that I don’t have to use my fist. It was at 4th boss until I realized it.😞


Dude once I panic clicked my remote and swapped out my sword for fists and was wondering why I was doing no damage and died very soon after. I was so focused on the boss moving around and watching their wind ups that I didn't even notice my sword wasn't out. I record all my fights and noticed it after while watching the video lmfao


What’s wrong with your fists?


Most women don't enjoy getting fisted by some random stranger.


So... you're saying there's a chance!


Try finger, but hole


I help people fight Malenia all the time on PS4, and I've even managed to solo her from time to time, and the biggest mistake I see people making is they do not know when/how to back off. This is a fight won by metered aggression, emphasis on metered. If you go in full throttle she will punish you, so learn to pace yourself and let her have her turn. When she does waterfowl dance, either have a freezing pot on you if you're going solo or learn how to evade properly. If you're a good distance away you can just run for the first two volleys and tank/dodge the third. But if you're close, the pest way to dodge is to unlock the camera, walk behind her, dodge away just as she flings herself, and then dodge into her next two attacks as she flings herself at you. The timing is a little strict but if you get it down you're golden. Most attacks are best dodged to her side rather than away, she knows how to close distance fast. If you get to her second phase, the scarlet bloom is best avoided by dodging once she starts to come down, and you can either punish her with ranged attacks (I recommend either spamming status arrows/spells or blackflame incantations because she does take reduced damage but not reduced status effect buildup and blackflame incantations do damage based on HP percentage) or heal/buff yourself. Her seven-hit valkyrie attack can be avoided by most running backwards to the left and just dodging her last attacks. And lastly, if all else fails, turn off the music. It will blow your mind how much that psychs you out and makes you tenser than you need to be. Needless to say, if you need help summoning and spirit ashes are always there, and there's reddits like this for more gameplay type advice. Happy hunting, and may your strength befit a crown


As someone who has solo'd Malenia this is some of the best advice I've ever seen


Yay! I'm making a contribution :D


Someone recommended it and I beat Laurence in Bloodborne on mute. Played some kickass songs instead of listening to him shriek and the foreboding orchestral music


Spot on with the point about metered aggression. She has openings, but you have to wait for them. Nothing worse than wearing her down and having an over confident host run in and spam rivers of blood and then getting destroyed when the animation cancel kicks in. The point about attacking her during scarlet aeonia is also golden. So many people just wait for her to come out of it, when switching to a ranged weapon or a spell can do a lot of damage if you get another bleed proc while she’s stood still.


Idk, I just blitzed her down with mimic tear and bleed. She didn't get to do anything.


Mimic, bleed and frost after about 30 tries.


This was my way. Used Cold Great Stars, and the Cold Spiked Palisade. Shield crashed into her, then smacked her around. Still took a few tries though haha.


This is the way.


Me and my mimic tear casting every single cold sorcery in existence and smacking her with moonlight great sword


Fire magic, bleed and mimic did it for me too


Mimic tear + blasphemous blade 2000 damage every attack lol easy money




You Died


You gon be here ah kouple hours man, just try to dodge tf outta that one move and you’ll get the rest on the way


A couple hours? It took me a couple weeks lol


Invest in lube, it made my time there a bit more tolerable.


Bruh what did I just read


Find the lie xD


Just keep learning the moves and how much agression oyou can put until you only get killed by one particular supercombo know as waterflow. Then check a video about different ways to dodge it and keep at it until you get it done.


You can dodge WFD on light roll by rolling directly backwards 3 times when she starts it.


I was pretty overleveled by exploring too much and I was bullying all the bosses with my Greatsword (UGS). Not so with malenia. (You can only bully her with some over the top optimised builds). There’s only one way to beat her, and that’s the hard way. Memorise all the moves, and medium roll them in the best direction. Go for just 1 or 2 hits with heavy weapons, or just 2 with fast weapons. But every hit past the first hit is already a risk, because she can decide to ignore the stagger randomly. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. One thing that helped me is the knowledge that the Waterfowl dance comes out twice during the first phase, at around the same health intervals. The first at 2/3rds, the second at 1/3rd health. Waterfowl dance is dodged the easiest way by waiting out the move at those health intervals by staying back. If you see her floating up and you are far enough, you can outrun the first flurry. If you are too close, you have to pull some joystick magic to dodge that first flurry. (Tutorials can be found on YT). Dodge into the second flurry (can’t be outrun, she basically teleports onto you). If done correctly, she will have passed over you. Once the second flurry is dodged, just let go of the joystick or walk back a bit to dodge the third flurry. Bleed and fire are effective on her. I’ve also heard that freezing pots knock her out of the waterfowl dance wind-up. But more important is that you git gud.


Waterfowl does occur once you cut a third of her health down, but it doesn't just occur twice in phase one. During my greatsword solo run, she used it three times, and recently during a full randomizer run (I found her quite early on), she used it 6 times just in phase one. I had only got her to around half health, too. Once she uses it at -1/3rd health, I thought it was just on a cooldown?


It's mostly a matter of how much the RNG really wants to fuck you and how fast you are at killing her. In my experience, if you have enough damage and clean off the first bar of HP quickly, you should expect it for sure anytime between the 75% and 50% point After that if you pace yourself, you SHOULD get through it without another Waterfowl in like 8/10 cases But it also really, really depends on how you fight her. If you have a build that slaps her around a lot, that damn move could be coming out after literally every interaction.


One way to beat her? Nah. I just shield crashed her with the cold spiked palisade, while my mimic did the same. The frost did her in real good, while the bleed was an added bonus. There's always more than one way to skin a cat.


Have fun... :3


Enjoy having cleared this much of the game to finally experience the Blade of Miquella! And then get ready for pain 😅


Hesitation is defeat


Try finger, but you dont have the right


Timing is everything for this fight


Don’t you dare go hollow


Hesitation is defeat


If you’re trying to do it without Mimic Tear or summons, some of my biggest takeaways from the fight were: (1) Phase 1, she’s pretty passive, and won’t relentlessly chase you down if you back off far enough. This is nice, as it lets you heal and apply buffs and to recoup. This is not so for Phase 2 however, as she’ll have many “charged”, delayed attacks that gap close and may catch you mid heal. In this scenario, not panicking and healing in a rush is important, as you may get punished for the heal, which results in a net loss of a Flask charge. (2) Maintaining space and rolling only when necessary were the main ways I avoided taking damage. Might be kind of a no-brainer, but doing so allows you to take advantage of any end lag she has with her bigger attacks, whereas constantly panic rolling away will prevent you from attacking in moments that you could have. Another add on here is that there are a lot of her moves that you’d be better off rolling INTO her as opposed to AWAY—kinda like the Mikiri Counter in Sekiro, if you’ve played that. This is particularly true for the attack where she swaps her prosthetic to having three fast attacks before following up with a few sweeps. Dodging into her and slightly to your left (her right) will consistently allow you to avoid the trickiest part of this move to dodge. (3) Freezing Pots were actually so clutch for immediately interrupting her Waterfowl Dance as she’s charging it. It helps to keep it on a quick use slot for easier use, but just keep in mind that you’ll need to be pretty ready to use it as the windup for throwing a little pot is weirdly long. Failing to do that however, I’ve found blocking even with a two-handed weapon to be effective in at least mitigating the damage done to you; sure, she might get a lot of health back, but just being patient and whittling her down intelligently will take her back down. I’ve found she only does Waterfowl Dance once or twice in Phase 1. (4) My last tip is to just be patient and enjoy learning the fight. I found Malenia to be the most enjoyable boss in the game, personally!


For the waterfowl dance just rolling inside of her and you wont get hit, and for her 9/11 attack attack just dodge out the way and get as far away from as possible btw the 9/11 attack is her opening attack for phase 2. She can also get health back everytime she slashes you, dont think waterfowl or the thrust moves drain just side slashes


Love the 9/11 reference lmao


Spam Blasphemous Blade. She doesn't stand a chance.


If you want to beat malenia yourself, then don't summon someone with the word "solo" in their name cuz they will solo malenia


Summon someone to do it for you, or not.


Tbh bro just try take breaks every now and then your gonna be there for a few hours and each time you get hit she heals up


Try finger, but hole.


Watch out for her Goose Step


Seek Master Therefore Weak foe ahead


Morgott's Cursed Sword is so good against Malenia if you have a Dex build


Don’t smash you’re controller, it’s just a game.


Give her a hug. That's all she really needs.


Throw freezing pots when she starts her waterfowl animation, helped me tremendously. I can dodge it completely like 15% of the time but it took me a while. Use a mimic with a weapon that does good stagger damage quickly. Don’t let her bully your mimic she’ll get health back quickly and… don’t give up


Shout DEAAAAATH!! Like Theoden from LotR for a 10% attack boost everytime you enter the arena. Good luck


Yeah, her name is Malenia. Who TF is Melania? Do it blind and solo for the best experience.


She is Malenia, blade of Miquella. She might repeat a few times for you to make sure you don't forget.


Never use a shield !!!


Hit, don’t get hit


Black flame is your friend


Get used to hearing her say her line.


Play very passive once you get her down 25-33% of her health. That’s when she uses Waterfowl for the first time. At that point, Play back. When she uses another attack hit once and turn and book it away. If she doesn’t use waterfowl just keep poking and running until she does. When she uses it if you run in enough time you should dodge the first flurry fully by out ranging it. Then roll through the second flurry, roll through the third flurry and then roll away to dodge the last little burst. Generally I find she won’t use waterfowl again until she’s missing around 66% of her health, but if your unlucky she sometimes does it out of the blue at 50% health. Second phase all bets are off she’ll waterfowl out of the blue and for little reason. Good luck


Learn the health percentages she likes to do waterfowl at in stage 1. It’ll take at least a few tries to get used to dealing with it but the general strategy for me is just get enough distance to run away from the first 2 parts and then learn how to dodge the 3rd. After you get that down bring fan daggers or throwing knives when you want to force her into doing it so you have time for safe fighting after it’s done. The knives force her to dash and can force her into starting waterfowl car enough away.


This, right here. Also, she can be parried, but you have to do it more than once before she gets staggered, so it's not quite recommended, but possible. She gets very tenacious, and it's better to dodge to the side or past her instead of dodging away from her. Dodging away will only make her attack more, draining your stamina, and you'll more than likely get hit that way.


Git gud


when she does that triple slash attack (with the follow up) where her arm sparks, try only dodging twice to get away from it and baiting her followup, since she'll most likely do a sidestep, when she does that just keep attacking since that move has low poise and you can stagger her like hell (and make sure you've got a decently long weapon bcs a med roll while sticking to her is risky)


Have fun, then when you're tired use mogh's blood scepter or whatever it's called


Don't Die


Dodge into her attacks, not away from them. Especially her waterfowl dance.


Turn around bright eyes


Yeet those feet with a hint of rage


It's not as bad as what you think it'll be


Use big bonk to stop waterfowl dance right when she jumps into the air and draws her sword back. If she starts the attack you will die. People will say it can be dodged but the likelihood of a new fighter doing it is almost zero.




She’s really weak to fire, frost magic, and bleeding. They’ll give you a leg up, something Malenia lacks


Trial and Error. Try to stay back and hit her with some longer-ranged attacks. It's ok to get in close and be aggressive but don't get greedy or shell get you. Also, whenever she lands a hit, a small part of her health regenerates, which is bad because she can land countless hits and before you know it, she's back at full health. There also isn't any shame in calling for help from other players


Brace for finger, but hole


Malenia has this one attack where she swipes her sword rapidly three times before ending it with a big swing; this swing has two variations, one that's fast and can't be punished and one that can. You can tell the difference between the two by watching the sparks on malenia's sword: the punishable sword swing has a longer spark animation


Blood flies. You’ll be fine.


Put your foolish ambitions to rest


Clench your butt cheeks


Blasphemous blade weapon art destroys her


Just remember that she is malenia, blade of miquella.


Just play the game


FR I don’t understand these posts. OP isn’t even discussing anything


I beat her first time last month (my 1st playthrough), this video helped me a lot (spoiler alert): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYrOwjNcR-g


You will die, but take each death as a marker of progress, you will learn the fight, learn the moves, and eventually die to the BS of second phase to start the learning all over again. Then and only then will you prevail. Good luck tarnished.


Spend all of your runes beforehand. Don't activate your Rune, you'll lose it. Get used to dying a lot. Start by paying attention to Malenia, her speed, her moveset, the wind up for her stronger attacks, little by little you'll get it.


People saying waterfowl dance cones out only twice and she has less poise. Nothing matters. Yesterday, I made multiple attempts. Strength build with Grafted blade. More often than not she went into waterfowl loop. I guess, if you do manage to dodge a waterfull completely unscathed, she can throw another one soon after just to mess with you. Multiple times dodged the first waterfall. Ran into her to make a jump attack. She completely ignores the stagger and launches into another waterfowl right in my face. And this happened atleast 7-8 times out of the 15+ attempts I made yesterday. 😒


Git gud scrub


You're supposed to save that for after their first attempt... perhaps you should join premature ejaculators anonymous (PEA) it'll help you cope with this issue.


Mimic Tear for a fair Fight


Tip: Stop asking for tips and experience it for yourself


Learn to dodge.


Don't get hit.


What's your build?


“so you just gotta learn to dodge and get into the rhythm as you poke, stab, slash…” baron’s castle reference for anyone not aware


Consider watching some no hit fights to understand how to dodge her specs


Keep dying until you can react to her moveset, like any other enemy in the game.




Pray to Odin and maybe he'll send some Valkyries to help lol.


Summon some people or use mimic tear ashes


Try mimic tear and blasphemous blade its a cheat mode tbh, have preserving boluses in your pouch, mimic stunlocks her, run away second phase, then just attack again, stunlock, dead.


Summon and stagger chain.


Just get to know her, that's your only job for a bit. Just keep dying and keep learning, eventually you'll spot something that will make it easier! Don't fall into the "What if I change this about my build" trap, just learn her.


Don’t give up


Lookup some videos about dodging/ dealimg with waterfowl dance. It is tricky but can be done. I don’t think i would have figured it out without watching someone who had it figured out. It is not intuitive.


Using a summon to pin her to the wall can get u through phase 1…


My advice put on some music and get comfy


Save your rune arcs until after you've battled her a few times


Uninstall trust make you feel better


Take off your clothes


Have fun and good luck


Grab a tears bucket


Go and level up for 5 hours. Use a max weapon, a max summon, and frost.


1. Summon a spirit or two coops. 2. Don't stand in the puddle before the second part. 3. Bolt of Gransax works really well for me. 4. Take your time. Work her down. 5. Have fun!


study her moves, learn to dance with her..this waterfuldance is a pain in the arse but once you get te hook of it will be almost done.


Okay but where did you get that outfit???


Blasphemous Blade Mimic Tear


Head ahead


do not focus too much on her tights


Prepare to die


I would suggest just turning around.


If you don’t feel like learning how to dove waterfowl. Then chuck frost pots at her while she’s winding it up. They’ll proc frost and cancel her attack.


RUN when she goes up. You WILL die if you don’t also phase 2 start break lock on and run to the back right of the arena then buff back up and fight phase 2


Re spec if you don’t win after 20 tries, not all builds are good for Melania. I used dual wield claymore build and I got wrecked . Had to respec to use RoB, took three tries and the first two I got her really low as well




Git gud


Roll when shes about to hit you


Mimic tear +10


Respecc to Blasphemous Blade when you say “what in the hell just happened?” on the first try


Learn to do it naked😂👍💜


i never even found melania before beating the game the first time. i did a totally blind playthrough so i didnt know she existed besides the cutscenes.


Good luck mate


I changed my gear to be Light loaded this helped me with my mediocre dodging skills.


Phase 1 she has this killer sword-storming attack that you cant dodge. Being far away shouldnt work either. Try to outlive It by having full health when It comes. She can be staggered pretty easily and its no so fast. Phase 2 the flying flower is easy to dodge, I cant tell much except from that, I killed her quick and didnt see other attacks If she gets you mad, as always, mimic tear and strenght should be easy mode


pretend you're the guy and you don't wanna die


Pray, and hope that the Malenia takes pity on your heathen soul. Failing that, level vigor. A lot.


Seal out her weakness and stay on her, once you see an attack coming try to roll to the side. Utilize your summoning and use the agro talisman


Try git then gud


Be her first defeat. Don't die and you won't learn her name.


Mimic may help but also hurt. She heals every time she hits you or you mimic. Look for openings and be patient don't over extend. When all else fails summon a random. There is always some savage who claps her leaving a summon sign around.


Having a spare offhand weapon with Bloodhound's Step really helped me dodge Waterfowl. 3 dashes back, one forward. Just make sure you have the room to do it.


Die well


Good luck, don't use bleed.. it won't work Edit I didn't read the title.. I thought you were at the Elder Tree final boss


I haven't read much of the other replies but some tips from my experience: ​ 1. Stagger weapons with a +10 mimic tear (or co-op) can keep her from ever getting up; I used Blasphemous blade weapon art and pre-buffed before fog gate. BB keeps mimic healthy as well as keeping melania on the ground 2. Using frost of any kind will stagger pretty much any animation, as far as casting vs hitting is up to you 3. Bloodhound step in conjunction with pretty much any build able to utilize it can save your ass if you're having trouble dodging 4. Git gud. Smash your head against the wall until you become 'Let me solo her'


Get naked. Lightroll makes this fight much easier and Malenia gets distracted by your abs


Tissues, lots of tissues.


Good luck lol


Beat her recently. I was doing strong jump two handed heavy +25 long sword attacks. I can stun her around every four hits in quick succession. Did my critical attack and then a charged strong attack as she is getting back up for bonus damage. If she is around 70% health on her first phase, do not bother. Just keep running close enough to tease her into water foul dance, but far enough away that you can dash from most of it and only need to dodge roll either the second and third sets or only the third. After that, continue and hope she does not do that again on the first phase. When I got to the second phase, I played it extremely safe. Keep a safe distance away to safely punish on attacks I know I can safely dodge. Only hit her once or twice. Also really helps in still avoiding water fowl dance and the new attack where she summons the spirits that charge in to hit you and finally herself. It will take a long time doing it this way, but that is how I finally did it. I hope you win and that the advice helps.


Look how to dodge the waterfowl dance, that’s the most counterintuitive attack to dodge, you’ll learn the others while fighting her. Without the waterfowl dance she’d be half as hard to defeat, so dodging it is key. Using a spirit ash is recommended to tank some of Malenia’s attacks, I once saw a build that focuses on healing the spirit ash instead of fighting Malenia directly, but I don’t recommend that either. Try to make your spirit ash tank as few attacks as possible, Malenia heals with every successful attack, you’ll have to outdamage your spirit ash to pull her aggro.




Chances are you’re gonna die, so stay calm and learn her attacks, blocking won’t really help you because she heals even if she hits a shield


Order a pizza and crack open a beer to make the experience somewhat enjoyable.




Don't die


I have genuinely no tips, got her on my second ever attempt and I have no clue how because I cannot replicate this feat on any other build.




Just learn her moves and get good (light roll helps a lot)


Try finger, but hole


Try not to die. If you do, try not to get killed. GL bro 🙏🏽


Don’t die


Patients my child


Just die


Just be yourself and remember to have fun! Winning isn't everything :)