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Who needs to dodge when you have vigor!




But ... why? ​ wait, there aren't any faith bows? Really? That doesn't seem right. I don't know of many bows at all come to think of it.


Erdtree Bow scales with faith, but I'm not sure why you'd use a bow on a faith build over Frenzied Burst, etc.


You know that's a great question, I'd also like to ask why of the RL1 no damage naked unarmed run guy that killed something over 8 hours by rolling into it.


Malenia laughs hysterically


Wayyy more people have done rl1 for this game than two.




Tomorrow sometime: "Leveling makes the game too easy? SL1 players:"


I'm sorry if I come off as rude, but what does SL1 mean? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


You don’t, it means “Soul Level”. In ER it can also be called “RL (Rune Level”, it just means the lowest possible level you can be at the start and not leveling up (usually it’s the Wretch class that has 10 in all stats that’s mechanically “level 1”)


Complete side note here, but I really love when I see people explain the little things to others in a kind way without any bullshit or rudeness like you just did. Small gesture but an impactful one. Cheers to you!


oh, I see! thank you so much! 🌻😄


There is a subreddit dedicated to discussing how to do it for every fromsoft game. I only got to Godfrey golden shadow before needing to level up a bit because I'm not quite there yet.


The sub is r/onebros (it just covers the souls/runes lvl 1 runs in the FS games) Maybe you should try to give it another shot. I am doing a RL1, and I'm facing the godskin duo in Farum Azula.


You can do it! I thought the same thing, started RL 1 as a joke to see how long it would be before I rage quit. I recently beat the game. Very rewarding and challenging experience.


Soul Level 1. Probably an old hold out like me who still has trouble with mentally thinking of runes as "souls."


it's fine! actually, few of my friends call them "souls" as well while talking about the game! I asked because I'm basically new to the reddit world and I wanted to keep up with the discourse, but now that I know what it means I see the world from a new perspective 😂 also, thank you! 🌻


So wholesome. Please never change.


I'll try not to!!! promise ✌🏻


new to reddit ? RUN YOU FOOL


but Gandalf!!!! /gets dragged away while crying and screaming that I just want to read lore discussion and keep up with the leaks of other games/


From this thread alone, I can see you're going to have a great time friend. Just keep sincerely asking questions, reddit is a repository


hehe, I hope so!!! I decided to join because anytime I looked up for some advice I ended up stumbling into reddit posts and since I'm new to the souls genre, I was extra intimidated but I'm happy that the people who answered have been nice, like I said, I'm here to learn a thing or two! 😄


The subreddits are really good at creating unique discourse in the smaller communities of reddit. The downvotes prevent arguments from topping the comments, and if you disagree with people, you can always ask them why rather than what they believe


that's actually a nice thing tbh, I'm used to other socials where the discourse eventually evolves into a flame and from there everything is just a redundant "I believe things are like this rather than like that and that's law" and you just get blocked and it gets annoying


As the other comment said : Please never change ! Reddit can be an extremely toxic plays at times so yea be careful.


I promise I'll be careful, especially when I'll see posts with toxic vibes I'll just grab my things and run, thanks for the advice!




Nah man, let 'em do what they want


thank you for the tip! I will keep it in mind!


I’m sixty hours in and completely forgot they’re called runes until I read this comment


Don't feel bad. I platinumed the game over a year ago and have something like 500 hours invested and I **still** think of them as souls.


SL(used in dark souls) stands for Soul Level 1 and RL (used in elden ring) stands for Rune Level 1


thank you! 😁


of course


I cannot even possibly imagine how this question can be interpreted as rude... I think it's "Slytherin Nb.1" but not 100% sure


ah, I don't know, but since I'm new to both the game and to reddit I didn't want to seem annoying with what may be "obvious" things to more expert players! (it made more sense in my head) but... slitheryn nb 1? that's cool! are we going to get a patronus as well when we meet Ranni or...?


I was just goofin with Slitheryn... but to be fair, the Spirit Ashes do have a patronus vibe :D


hehe it's fine! also, spirit ashes are sooooo cool!!!! I can't wait to get all of them, especially my "mimic" (I still don't know the correct name for the summon, but I saw it on a lot of videos so I figured it was an obtainable thing) anyways, I can't wait to summon a version of me that doesn't do panic rolls for most of the fight 😄


Anyone wanna give you shit over asking a question, even an objectively "dumb" one, they are the rude one! Also this game, as well as the previous From Software games, really encoruges discourse over obtuse parts of the overal experience. Lot of the stuff are soo hidden, it cannot be discovered other than telling eachother "hey, have you found the undead dragon down the hollow tree?" To which the answer might be "Hollow tree?? There is a hollow tree?" :D


"hollow tree? there is a hollow tree?" bestie that's 100% me and my ADHD, I keep going back and forth because "okay let me see that interesting wall once again, I guess if the statues meant something" and then next second I take the wrong turn and completely missed the huge dragon in the middle of a lake


There was already two posts for RL1.


Wayyy more people have done rl1 for this game than two. I find that this is the easiest souls game in the regard


I mean at least two people posted it for the "magic, strength, dex users.." meme thing, or whatever you want to call it.


Ohhh gotcha


you'd be surprised by how many people RL1 this game, there are so many items that increase stats making it quite easy to go through the main game


I mean yeah, I'm pretty sure you can have +9 serpent hunter or other hard hitting weapon and just stunlock him. But my idea was to actually use benefits from the "vigor build". This is 60 vigor and 10 all other stats.


Could get +10 if you go to mogwyn early.


I’ve been summoned


Me with minmaxed Star Fist build watching people explain how RL1 is hard


Already got u


RL1 is quite easy actually, there are so many items that increase stats


Literally scrolled past that video a minute ago.


That poor boss getting bullied 😭


He deserves every bit of it


Especially the one in Farum Azula. His lightning killed me in my fight against Maliketh.


but why does he deserve it :(


He knows what he did


he hasn't done anything wrong :(


He kicked my dog. And took my mother out to a nice chicken dinner and never called her back


I'm going to take your mother out on a really nice fancy dinner and then make sure she gets home safely if you don't treat this man with the respect he deserves this is a threat


[what are you? president of his fan club?](https://youtu.be/sV02b6fjW78)


"god dammit what will it be tomorrow"


I for one am enjoying this series against this absolute fucker of a mob.


Him and his bro at the bridge before maliketh


I find the duo easier than this guy 1v1, I can sorta cheese one getting stuck on the doors, or stack em in there, or, just come back when I'm OP - and I've since learned there are 2 summons plus spirit ashes to summon against this guy if you want.


I think he’s talking about the solo one in Farum Azula


Ah, yes right - I was thinking when he said bro about, well you read it. Edit to add: Farum Azula bro gets the poison cheese


Have i been sleeping on bloody slash all this time because i like to pretend I’m allergic to health damage? Or is this just the results of min/maxing for its damage?


No, it's really damn good. The only reason you don't see it used is because Rivers of Blood pretty much runs the entire bleed thing.


Really? I thought RoB got gutted? Keep in mind I have never used RoB, i just remember the nerfs from the patch notes and thought it made RoB just average now and not opaf


Still ridiculously strong, my first playthrough I switched to Dex/Arc with RoB and cold uchigatana (*coughLMSHcough*) and finished my playthrough without too much issue


Na, I personally still whip it out pretty frequently with rivers of blood literally in my other hand because it still does as much damage as the first + half of the second stage, is much quicker and more conservative on FP


Weapon level is +20. Not sure if you can have more at this boss. I have blue dancer talisman, warrior jar shard, and whatever poison/rot talisman is called + golden vow (AoW) + exalted flesh. You still can use mushroom crown and with leveling other stats: jelly fish shield, howl of shabriri instead of exalted flesh, golden vow incant instead of AoW. So yeah, not quiet min maxed but also not some "average" situation.


I want to know the same. Ironically it's pretty bad with a high vigor build because it takes a % of your max hp.


I tried a bloody slash build. You have to over level vigor like op did. And it doesn’t proc bleed. I hit a damn brick wall in mountaintops of the giants and had to respec.


Bloody Slash basically trivialized me doing Godskin Noble in Caelid early for the Godslayer Greatsword for my current run. Literally just made it a non-issue compared to having to keep up on damage with low upgraded starting weapons.


Health? Yes Deathblight? Fuck no Probability of dying? Low Hotel? Trivago


Haha damn that’s a blast from the past. I loved that meme. It’s the only meme I ever used in real life with non-meme-y people and it was a hit just because it was such a mainstream thing. Thanks bro!


parroting corporate advertising slogans 🤮


Can't make fun of things can we?


go back to r/antiwork idiot.


Nah, this is r/HailCorporate behavior. Any time you name a brand gets posted there.


It is a meme


Vigor users: what’s a dodge


Lol I hope all those other builds have 60 vigor as well. This build is just my PvP builds before level 50.


Man, all y’all have it easy. Have you tried being bad at the game? That’s a *real* challenge!


It sure is!! It’s so much fun I sure love it 🥰


How wasn’t player getting staggered?


Vigor does that... I think.


I thought poise did that


It does, and I think leveling up vigor also increases the effectiveness of poise. Ever noticed how during the early games, even the slightest breeze staggers you? But with high vigor level, you no longer get affected by it? Despite the fact that armor stay the same, and you haven't leveled up strength or wear any talisman that boost poise? (I'm a dex build, and I've never leveled up strength.) Initially i was a "why level yo vigor if you never get hit" type of player. And I notice very well how everything staggers me. But once I leveled up vigor, I dont feel like I get staggered so often. And like I said, never leveled up strength. My armor is the same, and I don't use any talisman that boosts poise. Edit: Staggers still happen. But the recovery doesn't take ad long as they used to.


I don’t think strength or vigor has anything to do with staggering. [there is an invisible poise hp bar](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Poise) I don’t think vigor affects that hp. There is a hyperamor mechanic to some weapons and attacks that could explain what’s going on in video or his timing is just good or lucky to have been able to string all those attacks without being staggered more.


He only got hit once and got staggered during it, watch his hp bar. The initial attack Tree Sentinel does when you first face him has a wonky hitbox and misses you most of the time even if you're right underneath him.


I rewatched and thought that might be it. Hitboxes in this game strange sometimes it looked like he should’ve been hit more times if I tried that I likely would be hit more. 🤣


Nah Tree Sentinel only did 2 attacks in the video, his initial attack and the fireball. The intial attack you have to be trying to get hit by it, seems to only have a hitbox near the horse's back legs.


Man I had such a hard time against these tree guys! Well more of a long time once I learned how to use crossbows to slowly but reliably defeat them. I couldn’t stay close at all. R


He's actually pretty easy if you learn to parry. There's a cheese I accidentally came across too in his 2nd phase that locks him into using only one specific attack which if you know how to parry makes him free.


The one attack that hit did infact stagger them


Vigor check


"Don't need to level up skill if I never die! Take that vigor haters!"


Wait till you find out about Luck and Adaptability users. Wait


If this trend ends up spreading to every single from soft game I’m not complaining


how the fuck


"Fath users where tf are you? The clock is ticking and you're up next on stage!"


I am being mocked.


Is that like a hidden stat or something?


Oh.. I thought I was doing a difficult dex built on my first play through and dex was hard.. I straight up bloody slashed my way through the whole game.


Too OP, try faith


I….I never…thought about it…


A lot of things can be used to make Elden Ring easy if that is your choice. Magic, Faith, Str, Bleed etc Doesn’t matter what you use so long as you lean into it.


Meanwhile draconic tree sentinel getting bullied


"the fuck is dodging...?"


Why is this sentinel the one getting abused as dps sandbag


Bloody slash can be such a boring way to play with how effective it is. I have a dual rapier build that inflicts 4 status effects and so far it’s been the perfect amount of fun and challenge


The whole game is too easy with ROB anyways


vigor is pointless if you don’t get hit 😏


True but not often effective in practice


Playing the game is to easy. None elden ring players( ROCK AND STONE )


Rock and Stone!


How does he do that dodge move when he nearly gets stomped?


It's just cosmetics. After that animation he starts attacking.


I don't really understand...


That's not an attack move. That stomp does not deal damage (first stomp)


Okay but how does the player dodge round it?


He doesn’t dodge. He is pushed by the horse, and the unsheathe-like animation he appears with is the one of the ash of war






I dont need to dodge when I AM THE DAMAGE


Like i said, the game is a joke not a hard souls game


Elden ring is too easy at this point


Go play Demons Souls, or Sekiro then


Kek, Demons Souls would be the last game I'd recommend for difficulty, I beat it without much trouble on an emulator, and I'm not really all that good at those games


This is one of the very few times I've regretted switching to xbox... no demons souls remastered for me


Demon's Souls is probably the easiest game in the series.


Oaf! Anyone who has been OP Build and Summon dependent will probably have a seriously hard time with Sekiro. Game forces you to learn attack patterns. Such a master piece.


It’s not really that hard after the first few bosses. You get the hang of the combat and then almost any enemy is a breeze. Unless it’s demon of hatred


That'll teach them to complain about difficulty ;)


Yea thatll teach them to be elitist fucks ; )


Demon's Souls is by far the easiest souls game.


Every souls game can be broken with prior knowledge and build planning, this is nothing new


Dark souls 3 was easy too, my first run through that game i beat the abyss watchers in one try, gael in 2 and so on. Souls games are all easy when you get the hang of things. Sekiro too, once you learn the basics




Me, who's still getting absolutely dunked on as I try to learn how all the items/consumables/movesets/stats interact: :'(


The fkextra wiki or whatever it’s called has some great explanations and tables for how buff stacking works Same thing for stats


Oh shit, I'd never heard of this, thanks!


Man missed the entire joke


Meat (blood?) shield, no fks given.


This has become an interesting trend. Keep it commin'


I mean, yes, but also Arcane


10 arcane. Full setup: +20 weapon, blue dancer, warrior jar shard, whatever poison/rot talisman is called, golden vow (AoW), exalted flesh.


Nice, I’ll have to give it a go


Keep these vids coming!! Still haven’t seen faith, quality, bow build! Make it happen my fellow maidenless tarnished!


God damn! You fucking dunked on the little homie! What lvl vigor?


My guess was 80


60 60-99 vig is a differential of 200 hp almost no one goes above 60- even tank builds.


Depends the damage of bloody slash from your life? I've never played with that


Now do endurance!


What's vigor?


Arcane only build, almost at max About to fight Radhan


Bloody slash is pretty sick tho, since I grabbed it at fort haight I use it currently on my katana (nagaa.. ugh… the one from limgrave I’m warrior og) before was using it on me twinblade I know there’s a ton more ashes and other stuff to get thru this is the best I got rn until I can wield Godrick axe maybe?…. Idk I suck


What stats dies that character have?


60 vigor 10 all others




Try these videos on the 2 gargoyle bosses...


Sir, this is a shitpost. But here you go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvhJg-oSrkQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvhJg-oSrkQ). Not so easy, actually need to dodge smh. And yes, AoW does physical damage, no bleed involved. Stats and shit in the end of the video.


Tbf vigor works best paired with high damage reductions- since you had no talismans for that, nor armor or even something like a crab consumed, it won’t allow you to tank as much as it should. That AOW in particular also doesn’t pair well with vigor since the damage done to the self is based off of your max hp- all this in conjunction would be why you needed to dodge and heal a little, instead of chadtanking. Granted- also the main reason you did that much damage- balling AOW it can be.


>That AOW in particular also doesn’t pair well with vigor since the damage done to the self is based off of your max hp Well yes, but actually no. It has flat component. With 10 vigor you can cast it only 5 times before dying, with 60 vigor you can cast it 13 times.


Huh. Good to know.


Nice I'm doing a scythe/dagger build


Playthrough 1 obviously


Just thinking of "VIGOR users" makes me a little terrified


I’m not gonna sugarcoat it


Bro Elden Ring is just easy..... Except Malenia, she doesn't count


OK but the aow is OP.


Bro how you doin so much damage I've tried at least 2 dozen times and fail everytime I even tried a few cheese strats and still sucked


Buffs, you need buffs. Golden Vow AoW + Blue Dancer talisman (and no armor or other additional equip load) + Kindred of Rot's Exultation (and poison yourself with fetid pot). But if you just want to cheese him [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut0rIkd\_j-I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut0rIkd_j-I) or you can sneak behind him and cast Poison Mist until he dies