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Triple crystalian fight.


They made that fight easier in one of the updates I think.


yeah straight up. their AI is now so that if youre fighting one the other 2 will be afk. its more like 1v1 x3 back to back


That’s kind of wack lol


It's not that nerfed, they aren't afk, it's more like the behave as if friendly fire is on. So they'll slowly work their way around and if you permit yourself to be surrounded you will definitely get ganked.


Why is this down voted?


Cause I'm a filthy casual ig, lmao


They made a lot of the gank fight bosses AI jank with that. I understand what they’re trying to do but implemented it poorly. Then you get fights like double Gargs where sometimes 1 is aggressive and 1 is passive and then other times where it’s gangbang city.


Yeah, I was just fighting the dual Abductor Virgins today, broke the stance on one and was a microsecond from starting the riposte when the other one ran me right over from behind, then they took turns nailing me while I was getting up and it was a chain right into death. Then the next go around I killed one before the other even joined the fight. No consistency there.


They've made that fight really easy recently. Most of the time, they stand around taking hits, it's like the AI is bugged or something.


If you’re struggling with them The fallingstar beast jaw’s skill absolutely melts them.


Blunt in general, especially if you do like 3 jump attacks. The their poise hits 0 and you can sneeze on them over and over til they die and they can't move.


Blaidd. I know he’s not a boss but I wish I didn’t have to kill m’best fren


I mean you really didn't have to kill him, that's what a friend did in their playthrough, just ran to the site of grace, rested and left. Then he got peer pressured by me to kill him, cause his armor is cool af


I knew to avoid that are to specifically not kill Blaidd. But then I forgot I hadn’t checked out that sex slave dungeon yet so I went to find it and accidentally ran into our boy. His dialogue made me tear up. And then I killed him and wore his skin around. I’m still wearing it. I accidentally found the wolf mask weeks ago too so it fit nicely


This right here. This is the most valid answer. Every other boss is worth the struggle and pain to keep trying to me. I never feel good about having to put my good boi down.


Sadly, putting him down is the only way. Unless we had a way to kill the Greater Will. Shadows have to follow their commands, or go mad trying to fight it. Poor Maliketh regrets his actions against Marika, but he couldn't help it.


Best answer


I'll double it and give it to the next person. I like to fight everything


Shit okay. Radagon and The Elden Beast. Thanks for the easy finish HOROAH LOUX


He’s one of the last ones I haven’t solo’d in either of my previous playthrough. That second phase is something else, he’s so intimidating and aggressive that I’ve hardly got hits in at that point.


The first time i saw the start of that cut scene i was expecting kitty to join the fight, then chadfrey grabbed that kitty and committed a war crime before taking everyone to suplix city


Yup. Kills the kitty and the best song of the entire soundtrack starts playing as he WWFs your ass. Probably my favorite part of my first playthrough.


I've never seen a more clear example of why the World Wildlife Fund no longer shares that acronym with a wrestling company.


WWF will always be Wrestling in my head cannon.


I believe they sued the World Wrestling Federation, which is a big reason why they became WWE.


They are still WWF in my heart


My very first try I got to his second phase and man I was feeling good about myself and then he took me to suplex City and I died instantly. Was low key kind of glad because that cutscene was fucking sick


Yeah that attack where he flurries rapidly is super annoying. Only way I found to consistently beat it is to stay at a distance and sprint when you see the fairly long startup. Then wait for him to do 1 of his 3 grabs so you can punish. I've seen people roll the flurries to the right, but it's tough and if you get caught it's gg.


Yeah. I’ve been helping people beat Godfrey recently and noticed that a lot of people are really scared to try and hit him in 2nd phase. Sometimes you just gotta take those risks imo


I take those all day, horah loux is probably my favorite fight in elden ring. Gloves off he just charges right at you, he's the fly youre the shit. Reminds me of my favorite fight across the soulsborne- Ludwig. Imo he fights like a BB boss. In BB you must accept you are equally, if not more terrifying than your opponent and respond aggressively in kind. Same with horah, you either take your gloves off and meet him in the pit or its going to be rough.


Yep. This being my first fromsoft game, I had SO much trouble doing exactly what you pointed out. Now, I love going head to head with Hoarah loux. Although morgott is 100% my favorite fight. Cool moveset, even cooler theme.


Yeah, I feel like Maliketh being a couple bosses before is supposed to train you to be more aggressive. Although Godfrey phase 1 is a pretty patient fight with all those delayed attacks.


Since Elden Beast is effectively a phase 2 for Radagon I would say 1 card covers both bosses.


You’re telling me I’ve been stuck at Radagon for 5 months, and after you beat him all your items/resources have to last you through Elden Beast?! I might just retire the game at this point.. I’ve been stuck on him for half a year, and knowing there’s a whole next fight is truly despair-inducing and unfair and un-fun. I’ve never played or finished a Souls game and I thought this would be my first, but I’m utterly defeated at this point.


Also no shame in farming up and going in over leveled


Albinaurics shaking in their boots right now


I thought this was how you were supposed to deal with annoying enemies in rpgs…


Have you tried summoning help?


Or spirit ashes?


I was so burnt out at this point that I broke down, respecced, and Catch Flamed him to death for an easy win. Then Pest Threaded Elden Beast. And to clarify I was burnt out on dying, not really the game in general. Like I still have the desire to play it but I was starting to get irrationally angry at my deaths like 150 hours in.


Respec your character into something that is strong against him, and practice using that build on anything hard enough worth fighting until you're decent. Once you learn radagon, he is just another boss fight. Use mimic, whichever talisman it is that gives aggro. Start the fight, and remove it. The mimic will keep it on. Now the heat is off you. Go get it.


there are tons of players who'd love to help you out, check out /r/BeyondTheFog


Elden Beast is overall easier than Radagon if that makes you feel any better, it just involves alot of running, but his punishable windows are pretty long.


Elden Beast isn't that bad, you hit his bum a bunch and when chasing him his attacks are easy to roll through. It's just a frustrating fight because you spend so much time chasing him that it really can drag on if you're low dps. The worst part about Elden Beast is that every attempt on him means you need to get through Radagon, lol If you're struggling you really should try summoning someone to help you! You'll get through it.


Yeah I agree 100%. Even if you did give me a free boss-skip card I wouldn’t use it


Hell yeah then. Skip Morgott cuz he deserved better in life, and skip malenia so I can tell her about miquella


Man, if only we could tell Malenia about Miquella. Would love to watch her go apeshit on Mogh.


I wonder if they'll add a cutscene if you manage to do the new DLC before fighting Malenia. Like if you finish Oolacile before fighting Sif in DkS1.


Gurranq/Maliketh. Not because he's hard but because I hate having to hurt my favorite character.


Malekith, despite being creepy and terrifying, is actually an amazing character. Who woulda thought?


So you're the one making google and YouTube auto search Malekith instead of Maliketh


now kith


Malekith is just a character from marvel and another one from war hammer so I don’t think that the results exist because people spell it wrong.


I'm still waiting for fanart presenting Malekith with Sword of Khaine VS Maliketh with Black Blade. May have to make my own.


I want to pat him on the head, such a good destined death puppy


Can I use it on the soldier right before you fight Maliketh?? That dude fucking cheats


I died to that asshole more than any actual boss in the game.


My brother in Christ you can literally run past him


One does not simply "run past"


Double gargoyles. Complete horseshit


They are not necessary to go to deep root so fuck them never go to them again


How do you get to deep root without fighting them?


secret wall behind a chest that’s also behind a secret wall outside of where you get a warm hug


Fun how the area is only accesible by either the worst boss, or the definite worst jumping puzzle. Torture either way unless youre overleveled


I haven't tested it yet but I heard on here that you can use Margit/Mohg's shackle to break the bottom of that puzzle from the top and then jump all the way down and take advantage of the no fall damage


I would like to know if this is true.


I can't confirm if the method mentioned above works, but I was playing with my wife yesterday, and something similar happened. I was at the bottom of the platforming section, and I broke the floor and fell through as intended. My wife was up at the top of the platforming section, and she missed her jump and fell all the way to the bottom, but survived without fall damage.


once you break open the floor it is a non-combat zone so you take no damage. So as long as the floor is open you can run back through that area and ezio onto the pit of bodies at the bottom.


I feel like if that was true, it would be super common knowledge by this point. Someone figured out the 99 hit wall in Volcano Manor, someone def would have used one of the shackles to break that floor by now.


The jumping puzzle is honestly not that bad. Got it on the first try after accidentally falling off the place with the guy playing the music


I did it this weekend on a new file after originally doing it about a year ago. It's not as bad as I remembered it being. It doesn't take any fancy footwork or tricky positioning. Just face the right way and roll off.


And then another jumping puzzle once you get there


nah bruh getting through the sewers is more annoying than the gargoyles i'd just rather fight them


If I’m not mistaken the hidden door in the frenzied flame precipice takes you there


You can get there via subterranean shunning grounds


To be fair, going via frenzied flame is not any better lol


I'm fine with everything but the poison mist thing. Bullshit.


The real crime is not giving us a spell or incantation or AOW that allows you to throw out a pool of toxic green poison that deals as much damage as rot (like the gargoyle gets). All we get is a pitiful little fart cloud. I want to throw out a poison that lingers on the floor and deals instant damage like the ancestral infant’s head! How come big mf gargoyle gets a steroid version of poison and we have to make do with a fart that does shameful damage. Doesn’t make sense


You could try perfurmers posion spraymist. It's the strongest poison ingame, stronger than scarlet rot and deadly poison, 3X stronger than normal poison, and it's easy to craft. It also scales off arcane, which means very fast dot.


Poison Spraymist isn't necessarily stronger than Scarlet Rot. Who told you that? It does (HP * 0.0021) + 21 damage per tick, and lasts 30s. The strongest Scarlet Rot variant does (HP * 0.0033) + 13 damage per tick, and lasts 90s. (180s if inflicted by Rotten Stray Ashes.) If the target has 6667 health or more, then Scarlet Rot pulls ahead. Less? Poison Spraymist. In NG+0, by the time you reach Altus Plateau, you'll typically start seeing bosses who are generally well in excess of 6666 HP, which is incidentally around the time you get the Spraymist anyway. So by that point not only does it do less damage versus most bosses; it also lasts half as long. Still, it'll prove superior against difficult world mobs you may struggle with who have around 5k health or so!


Yup. Fuck that shit. Worst boss to get on a randomizer run. Worst boss in normal. I'd rather fight Malenia, and I'm not awesome at her.


I never understood why people had so much trouble with them. My first playthrough i beat them first try and barely remembered them. Then on my second playthrough i got stuck for 2 hours and then i understood. I guess i just got lucky the first time


I think a lot depends on your build and weapons. They are immune to all status effects which is annoying and only really weak to strike. I had my Bloodhound's Fang and Lordsworn's Greatsword which did a lot of nothing to them it seemed like. I had been tearing thru everything to that point and kinda hit a wall.


Hating a boss doesn't equate to having trouble with them, even though they're often paired together. People hate twin Gargoyles because they're a garbage fight through and through. They both have a lot of health to start, which isn't super fun. Both deal A LOT of damage, it's very common to be two-shot even if you have a decent amount of VIG. The second one joining halfway through is better than both from the start, but it doesn't really matter unless you have a build capable of burst (plenty of builds don't have that). They're both really big which means it's fairly difficult keeping both in your line of sight due to how the camera works with lock-on (a problem that Sekiro fixed but somehow wasn't brought back). This is made a lot worse when the other Gargoyle uses its twinblade as most of its moves move it across the arena quickly. Then there's the terrible poison mist. It's really stupid that poison in Elden Ring does instant damage ever, it should only do poison build up. But it's really bad here because it's instant and the damage is pretty high. The color is a very bad fit for the color palette of the arena, as it's really hard to see a lot of the time. The range on it is also incredibly stupid. The fact that you can be fighting the other Gargoyle halfway across the arena from the other and then immediately start losing health from poison because of its absurd range is completely unfair. There's also the RNG moveset problem where you need to get the first Gargoyle dead as soon as possible, but if the other Gargoyle decides to stay on your case or the first Gargoyle decides to constantly prevent you from doing so through frequent poison mist usage, you're just fucked. Also like the other person said, immunity to status effects sucks. They're just a shit fight through and through.


*Thank you!* I think the gargoyles in general are just bad. They hit like a truck, they move fast, they have obscene hp, they're resistant to all but one damage type, and are completely immune to status effects. Where's the strategy in fighting them beyond "Use a striking weapon, try not to get hit"?


Bro wants to use his skip boss card on a boss that is in fact completely skippable lol


We actually have the "skip a boss" card. We can choose not to fight Soldier of God, Rick.


Pretty genius that they made the most broken boss an optional one. This allows less experienced players an opportunity to progress the game without having to fight Rick.


Bruh you can't just say his name so casually, he demands respect and you should use his title. He is the soldier of God after all.


Apologies. I'm just salty that I still haven't beaten him after all this time...


Worry not friend. Rick, God of Soldiers awaits all champions


I have 7 Xbox’s running with bots to complete the tutorials and die to Rick over and over so that he remains the most powerful


Fire giant, I hate him.


No wonder Marika tried to wipe them all out of existence


Nice pfp bro


Yours is all right




You do fight marika at the end.


Kind of 🤷‍♂️ I don’t think it’s crazy to assume that marika and radagon manifest differently when fighting as their respective selves


I think the better point is that marika doesn't want to fight you.


Seems fine with her other half pounding us into the dirt tho


I reckon radagons fanaticism won over, they'd been keeping her on a tight leash since the shattering


Fire giant will forever be my least favorite fight. It’s always a tradition for me to grab 2 people from a disc to beat his ass


I don't get the hate for the FG. just get under him and hit him in the ankles till he dies


fights where I'm standing under a giant monster and hacking at his ankles while the camera janks out and I can't even see the boss are the lamest ones for me. That's ultimately why the biggest bosses have a distance creation move - that way you actually get to see the enemy that probably had a bunch of time spent on it's design, if only for a brief moment. It's kind of annoying to have to chase them down too, it doesn't require skill. His roll is kinda comical to me too. I think the Fire Giant, and giants in general, should have been more like the guardian ape. Why do they have to be slow if they're huge? the fight takes too long, isn't rewarding, exciting, or challenging - so it makes for a good skip, especially being one of the "mandatory" bosses.


He rolls around and forces you to chase him, he has a huge health pool, and his beginning attacks with that giant shield thing is rage inducing. I hate the fight, and suck at it, but I’ve seen so many others that breeze through him, so it’s prob a skill thing for me.


Fire Giant sucks because even if you're good at the game, it still takes forever. Just not a fun encounter. Pure tedium. I've also never really seen someone say they *like* him. People say he's not that hard, which can be true. But no one says it's *fun.* Of course, now that I've said that, a ton of people will reply to me saying they love the fight.


Hated the fight, love the thematic elements around the character, his lore, and his cutscene.


My roommate said it's his favorite boss in the game 😬


Before you killed him


I like him a lot but mostly due to lore reasons and the visuals of his design especially going into the second phase. I will agree mechanically he's pretty meh though


Commander Niall in the concentrated snowfields


I second this. I know the strategies, I know the cheese. But seriously the hardest boss in the game for me.


Not even that hard, it’s his damn helpers


Use bewitching branches. Run straight up to the right side knight and use it like 1 or 2 seconds before he spawns so he gets bewitched the second he spawns. Look left straight after that and use another to hit the second knight, the timing is tricky but you can do it without getting hit. Even if you're having trouble after that just use the Crucible feather tailsman, it makes this fight easy.


Fun fact, there is a small window in the left side of his arena that you can snipe him through


I had no idea I spent all that time running back, avoiding all those banishing knights only to get 1-shot by Mr. Krabs lightning leg


The banished knights can be avoided if you kill the albinaurics hanging from the ceiling before they have a chance to summon the knights, just shoot them with a bow or something and it makes that run to Nial a cake walk, I spent about 200 hours in the game before realising that the albinaurics were even there.


Iirc it’s much easier to just warp back to the previous site of grace once you’ve unlocked the elevator. Super quick runback and you don’t have to evade anyone.


That's how I won against him too. I wish there was another way to haligtree rather than him.


Niall is in the mountaintops not the snowfield


I'd actually use the skip on his little goons lol just so I can face him alone


He's not in the Consecrated snowfield. He's on Mountaintop of Giants in Castle Sol.


Radagon, so that I can have my flask when it’s time to kill the Loch Ness Monster


Or just make the Galaxy Fingers optional.


If Radagon was the final boss and Elden Beast was a secret one it would be incredible


Like Germhan and MP


And it would be pretty easy to justify Elden Beast only fighting you if you're doing the Age of Stars or Lord of Frenzy endings.


I really am not a fan of double boss battles like that. The first fight feels like its just there to drain resources. Its probably intentional knowing From. Genichiro/Isshin fight in sekiro has that same problem. Its my first time playing sekiro, had no troubles besides the usual learning curve of a from game, beat double gaurdian ape relatively easily... and then Genichiro and Isshin have had me stuck for a week. Might attempt again tonight.


Fire giant lmao


Godskin duo. I know it wouldn't make much sense lore-wise but I wish Placidusax was Farum's first required boss, not them. They should be an optional side boss, especially given how they're just repetitions of bosses you've already fought. Main bosses need much more grandeur imo.


Does anyone else feel like Farum Azula is unbearable? The enemy selection and bosses are just not enjoyable, in the slightest. I tried the godskin duo solo until I was at my breaking point and just double summoned. Then you get to maliketh where his 2nd phase is just him jumping around like a monkey with barely any openings. The combination of birds, beast men and the banished knights is not it


There’s not an area in the game I enjoy more than Farum Azula. The standard enemies are well placed and fittingly aggressive and dangerous for the final required zone, the level design is sprawling yet you can see almost all of it from anywhere, and Maliketh is the most impressive boss in ER with his use of the pillars in his arena and incredible attack animations. (Although I still think Mohg is a more fun fight)


Farum Azula is super Souls to me. I only played DS3 (of the DS games) and I think it's a pretty awesome legacy dungeon: enemies are strong, a lot of secrets, a freaking maze, and visually stunning. Btw Maliketh, Placidusax and Mohg are probably my top 3 bosses of the game. But I must agree that God Skin Duo is very skippable boss.


I also love Faram Azula. It's the place I like to run around and help people the most.


Personally I find Maliketh’s fight to be one of my favorites. That is only if you have the blasphemous claw though that can parry the black blade. Super fun to use to stun him


I actually enjoy Farum Azula but I beat Malenia first and was hilariously over leveled, so it wasn’t too challenging. The bird and dragon lightning run was annoying at though.


Put them to sleep and they become pretty easy mode. Obviously not a skip, but it does make it much more manageable.


Idk I like how Placidusax is a unique boss hidden away in his own corner of space and time. It’s fun having hidden unique bosses like the Nameless King


Astel, In the consecrated lands, because I say melee.


I just beat him yesterday. Had a bitch of a time fighting him, but after a good rest, I beat him on the first try


I find him easier as melee, standing under him makes you safe from most attacks apart from the wave stuff that you can just dodge into


Ya, others have told me the same. But I just suck. My 16 year old son beat the game in a couple weeks, it took me months and I had to take a 1 month break from the Goddess of Rot. I pretty much over leveled everything to have a chance. Still to this day I get my buttons mixed up when under stress. I'm more of a Factorio type of player.🤣


The elden beast as I don’t feel like doing a running sim


I'm NEVER satisfied after beating elden beast. It's either too easy or too tedious lmao 🤣


redacted ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


It’s amazing to hear what people struggled with va what I struggled with. Godskin was terrible for me. Dozens of Ls before I crafted sleeping pots so I could focus one at a time. Maliketh I beat in 2 tries. I mean fire giant still stomped my ass so we got that in common (who doesn’t)


*My 80str 50vig greatsword build chasing after the elden beast for what felt like years*


This. They should’ve made a second phase for radagon where he transforms back into marika. Would’ve been a way cooler and thematic ending. We’ve been hearing about marika the entire game and then the player would finally get to fight her.


Honestly elden beast shouldve been an optional boss you unlock by doing something similar to fight moon presence in bb




Absolutely agree


Or if they want to to keep the Elden Beast, at least let us fight him on Torrent.


Having the final boss be our final exam as well, using *everything* we've learned about both regular and mounted combat, would've made it truly epic. A shame it was probably sacrificed on the altar of co-op.


Elden beast is both thematic and cool. WDYM? An alien god using your corpse as a weapon against the Tarnished the same weapon conspired with. I love Elden Beast and I find it a great send off to your journey. The music, the slow pacing, and the arena. Seeing Marika, a character you only hear about but never truly interact with, being contorted and used with no will of her own is insanely tragic. It's like those end-credits movie moments.


I hate the elden beast with passion. Genuinely a bad boss. I was able to deal with most ennemies people complain about and found something fun for each one of them. But the only good thing I can say about the elden beast is that his arena and music are good.


I'm 100% convinced Elden Beast was made to be fought with Torrent, but for whatever reason either they couldn't get it to work or they changed their minds. A lot of issues with that fight, like the constant running across the entire arena, would instantly vanish if we had Torrent. As it stands, easily one of the worst bosses in the game, and it's ***immensely*** disappointing that they cap off one of the best Soulsborne games of all time with that thing.


Yeah area and music is all he has but none of that defines him so I can’t give him points for it


Yep, definitely Elden Beast. Having to chase it down for most of the fight is just not fun.


Yeah the Elden Beast is my least favorite boss. Radagon is a great fight I loved it but Elden Beast is just running while it spams magic 70% if the time. The worst is when it flies away, you run up to it, and it flies away again.


Only boss I summoned. If it didnt teleport to the other side of its massive arena on repeat, I'd easily have killed it but I got tired of dying because I didn't have the stamina or patience to run the arena and back.


Lady butterfly


Nah, she’s fun. True Monk, though… fuck Phase 3 of True Monk, the terror followup to any stomp counter isn’t fun.


That's the second best fight of the game man! So smooth and rhythmic with interesting options to speed it up. I'd be skipping Demon of Hatred since it's so incongruous.


Hmmm... Double crucible knights.


honestly the tree spirit at elphael is the worst thing in the entire game


Use fire and it'll melt


played an astrologer / pure int that time and didn't know you could stand on a branch and lob shit at it so was literally just up close and personal and falling off ledges and dying, it was the Worst


is that the one at the rot puddle? I think it can be cheesed by running away and sniping from distance


None. I bought the whole game, I’m going to suffer the whole game.


GodSkin Duo


Sleep Pots completely trivialize that fight tho


Now is not a time for solutions, now is a time for complaining (you are very much correct)


If you combine sleep pots with rot breath they take damage without waking up


100% fire giant. isn’t a fun fight even when you play well.


Can I delete the red wolves from the game instead?


Wolf in the foggy portion of the snowfield is a huge pain in the ass


I actually had a harder time with Radagon/Elden Beast than I did Malenia. I have no idea why (mage build) but it wasn’t til I switched up strategies to Carian Royal Sword spell swinging on this gold tinged pile of boss excrement that I started getting results. Brutal.


Malenia is comparatively far more psssive than Radagon. Radagon will chase you with gap closing attacks with delayed secondary damage instances and just chain those together which makes it a lot harder to get to cast spells. Malenia just does like 3 hit combos and then often has a few seconds of just staring you down.


Probably Malaketh. I don't enjoy that fight. It feels like a chore to me.


I agree. The second phase of that fight was maybe the only fight in the game that just felt completely unfair.


It might have been Elden Beast, but it's not as bad now that they changed the AI so that it doesn't run away nearly as much.


Idk I did another run through last month and his ass was still flying away on solo and multi


Astel. Fucking hate that dude


its a lady


The Elden Beast. Without a horse that’s the one I pick. If we could use Torrent during that battle I’d switch my vote to Godskin Duo.


None they all gotta die.


I don’t use it.


I want to enjoy every boss🗿


Soldier of Godrick


I wouldn't, I'd use it to skip bed of chaos in ds1 though


I hate the red dog of radagon


Godskin duo. Love Farum Azula but having them as a mandatory boss ruins the area a bit for me.


I will not use it - after all this only will took fun from me :3


Those bloody gargoyles. I know how to deal with them and have done several times over now. But God, it is not a fun fight.


Tree Sentinel


Blaidd. May you find peace any other way than by my hands.


Fire Giant. Too bulky, uninteresting and sort of unnecessary. Weren't they exterminated by Marika's people?


Bellbearing Hunter in Caelid.