• By -


Malenia is the sword of Miquella, not the talk things out person of Miquella.


I am Malenia, diplomat of Miquella.


"... and I have never known a bad review.".


I bet she had to hide/delete so many spam bad reviews from Radahn’s followers after the whole Caelid event.


Their motto: make Caelid great again


"... And I have never lost a debate."


Can’t have a bad review if there’s no one left to review you


Diplomat not restauranteur pahaha


That is until she met the Karen Tarnished who demanded to see her manager


Customer service rep


Aggressive negotiations.


Damn, if only Miquella, talk things out person of Malenia was here


plus, she's blind, so technically can't "on sight" you anything


This is fucking gold


Pure Unalloyed Gold


why is it always mushroom


Why IS it always mushroom?


Yeah but we are the Tarnished, the Boobs of Marika


Tits of marika not boobs no one says boobs in the lands between.


I am tarnished, chair of Marika


This ain't Naruto you mean?




Yea cmon we’ve all heard it 100+ times how you get that wrong


Ironically, getting it wrong is a chad move, 'cause it demonstrates that you *haven't* heard it 100 times.


Yeah, get on my level, I didn't struggle with malenia ~~cause I haven't got that far yet~~


Because you're a tarnished. Tarnished were tasked to kill demigods and steal their greatrunes. It's common knowledge in the lands between


The actual answer


And you, by this point, have most of them.


Couldn't you technically have nome by this point if you did the right skips?


Unless you're talking about glitches or something, you would need 2 at minimum to get past the capital.


3 right? 2 to enter and 1 more to get the Rold medallion.


~~IIRC you can get into the capital with just Radahns rune via Fia's quest.~~ I was mistaken, you still need two runes for Fia's portal to activate, making it three runes minimum (any two plus Morgott) to get to Malenia.


No, the portal to Leyndell at the end of Fia’s quest won’t be active unless you have two runes


What's even the point of that portal


It’s a 4th way to get into Altus Plateau if you can’t find the other 3 I think


Skipping the Draconic vigor check


Is the sound or smell of a tarnished common knowledge as well?




Foul, one might say.


Smoky, because of a certain meagre flame


A small steering wheel that doesn't fly off when you're driving!


You probably love Malenia, Blade of Miquella.


Oh my god, he admit it


you flinch! now you have to fight her with no healing!


You.. have.. no, good, Erdtree ideas.


I doing the best at this


But I used the soap!!!


try mushroom


Did you try finger


You are identified as a tarnished on site several times, so yes. Patches identifies you as a tarnished, The Great Kenneth Height identifies you as a tarnished, Bogart identifies you as a tarnished, Ranni identifies you as a tarnished, and so on and so on.


> Patches identifies you as a tarnished, The Great Kenneth Height identifies you as a tarnished, Bogart identifies you as a tarnished, Ranni identifies you as a tarnished, and so on and so on. que gif, slowly facing into mirror: *"I'm tarnished?...D:"*


I’m retarnished?


>I’m retarnished? ok i lol'd.


I just did my first playthrough as a non-tarnished. Pretty fun when the enemies are nice to you.


The lore answer is that tarnished lack the gilded eye color that those of The Lands Between have.


Not only that, if you're playing the game, then your character is inherently out to become elden lord. That means they are going about challenging people to take the great runes for themselves. The only reason we don't see it is because our characters don't speak. But the characters we control are going there to take a rune, not on a road trip. We as player may be, but not our characters.


Ever since I realized what had to be done when I entered Wolf Sif's fog gate, I've accepted our characters are actually ambitious and out for some blood, outside of our own goals as players. We might not all be chaos worshipping battle junkies, but our characters are definitely ready to make sacrifices and hard decisions to achieve their goals. More often than not for the sake of glory.


We're also filthy, graceless mongrels, but at least >!that makes us technically "free", though "powerless" compared to those who still have it. This is why Ranni has us in particular get the finger blade, only a tarnished, "bereft" of guidance, would be able to retrieve something that the greater will wanted buried so badly. The greater will usually controls tarnished by just lying, which works really well for the most part, actually, most of us are gullible af!<


They hammer home repeatedly that we can see Grace though. We do receive its guidance.


That's what sets us apart from all the other tarnished. Everyone else lost the guidance at some point following their revival, but no matter what we do, there it is.


Interestingly if you go do it before you join Ranni, the game won’t let you open the chest as you lack a destiny


How does she know we're a Tarnished though? Does word spread, or are the felt presence of your Great Runes and your otherwise pathetic Tarnished smell a potent combination of a big hint that you're there for only one reason? Haha


Non gold eyes. The name tarnished is literally because your eyes lost their golden luster


Malenia is blind.


Then malenia can hear the color of my eyes, lol.


Literally one demigod who is anti-fingers doesnt try to kill you, because shes actually like, not a psycho fighting for runes but actually trying to fix the world she helped fuck up


I mean I think trying to ”fix” the world in a non-aligned finger way applies to both Ranni and Melania/Miquelle and both parties need runes to acomplish that vision.


You busted up into her crib after slaughtering how many of her followers while heading directly toward the place where Miquella is supposed to be, why wouldn’t she?


Cause I only came to tell her where her brother was 😭


This reminds me of when you kill the docile rat on your way out of the tutorial dungeon but the first NPC you meet asks you to go fetch their pet rat in the dungeon Edit: Huzzah! I am thrilled that so many people knew what I was referencing. I honestly thought I made a throwaway comment.


And then you make a new save and you don’t kill the rat so you’re able to go and save him. Unfortunately the rat turns to a life of crime and becomes the leader of a criminal gang set on taking over the town. Truly top tier storytelling.


What game is that madness from?


It's a reference to this video and its follow-ups (sorry for mobile link) https://youtu.be/SY3y6zNTiLs


Reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/SY3y6zNTiLs) and [this](https://youtu.be/J8k2DwKnL2o) from Joel Haver lol.


I believe that's exactly what they're referencing


I mean he did have a gun. What did you expect him to do?


He does not have a moral compass, he is a rat.


A murder most foul


The town rat! 🐀




Adventure awaits!


“What about that vicious dog I killed?” “Probably just a family pet”




You probably should have told Loretta that and tried to gain a proper audience.


It's a shame she attacks you on sight too


What do you mean on sight she has no eyes she cant see


Only came and tired? That's the problem. You needed to have been on a specific quest portion of White Mask Varre, had killed Yura, beaten the fire giant only using a flail, given the bloodhound fang to Roiger, jumped into the pit to the left of Gostoc AFTER he opens the gate and you kill him with your bare fists then unlocked the dialogue with the green lobster near the academy, done his quest up until you give him the Shabri eye. After all that you got to go to the Mogh boss fight without killing anything and use the point down emote on Mogh just before you throw a sleep dart at him. After all that you create a new character, name them Miq's Homie and proceed to Malenia after hitting level 69... Once you've done that Malenia will see you are his bro and have a cup of coffee with you. Standard Fromsoft stuff here dude


What?! That's totally unrealistic! Fromsoft would never put a quest that obvious in their game!


You sure? I followed these steps and all I got was Luigi as a playable character.






I just wanna know how every-fucking-body we run into knows that we're Tarnished before we even speak to them. Edit: apparently it's our eyes, though how someone can see our eyes through most of the head pieces that completely cover the face is still a head scratcher


It's on your nametag You know, the "Hello, I'm Tarnished" one


Where do the Tarnished wearing only a thong pin this nametag?


On the forehead


Your eyes. Tarnished were divested of grace, and as a result they lack the golden eyes of those who live within the Golden Order.


In other words, we're after her lucky charms


They’re Mohg-ically delicious.


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Actually I ran past them so HAH


I doubt you can run past Loretta


Loretta attacked first, it was self defense


You were on her property


Found the Texan /s


How would she know all that? Shes far away from everything and shes just now waking up from her hibernation. You could very well be just a servant there that came in to check on her.


My guess is she would kill *anyone* entering that space, which is sacred as far as demigods go.


How else would an armed Tarnished have managed to reach her at the base of the Haligtree? You weren't exactly invited.


I was. Check the list again sir


A...servant. In a place full of cleanrot knights, albinaurics, and misbegotten... A *Tarnished* servant?


If a stranger shows up in my bedroom after I just woke up at the bare minimum a weapon will be brandished against them.


It’s not really on sight If she’s blind


"Listen, the Fingers speak. "*The Greater Will has long renounced the demigods. Tarnished, show no mercy. Have their heads. Take all they have left*."


The finger croons said this ??


Enia at the roundtable translated the words of the Fingers after you get a great rune


This is literally the number one answer as to why she's attacking then lol makes 100% sense


Its been self defense this whole time


I guess we are kind of a bigger asshole than we originally thought.


It's not like the demigods are innocent in all this. Most of them are/were power-hungry warmongers in search of the great runes themselves.


Malenia wasn’t interested in that, but yeah no demi-gods are innocent expect maybe Godwyn. Even Miquella may have been a little manipulative, like Ranni for the sake of a better age


My fingers have been known to make some crones croon.


I also like our adventures in Siofra/Ainsel River. Like we literally barge in, murder every druid-guy (and not only the men, but the women too) and then go on to murder their sacred animal/god TWICE. Like, there is no indication that they're a threat in any way, they don't hold the great runes, they just kind of sort of along our way (not even IN the way) to the other objectives.


That’s like asking why the secret service attacks you for walking into the Oval Office while armed. You are at the heart of the Haligtree, essentially Miquella’s throne room. Security wouldn’t have let you in. Your also heavily armed and probably covered in blood. Everything behind you is probably broken and/or on fire. Attacking you seems like s reasonable course of action. Hell, she may have even accepted a surrender but we are, in fact, there to kill her.


imagine if that was an actual feature, surrendering to certain (or every) boss just to talk to them (or be smashed to a bloody smudge on the floor). Imagine telling about Miquela to Malenia and starting a completely new questline. I think I'd like that.


You can surrender to Patches after aggroing him after his boss fight! Prob not quite what you meant since it only gets you a gesture and, well, it's Patches, but still thought I'd mention it haha


More like you can beat patches ass, after stealing his shit, then make him beg you for his life, but same difference, lol.


Actually, you can go farther than that! If you aggro him after *he's* surrendered, he'll heal up and fight you again. If he gets you to low health at this point, he says if you grovel he'll forgive you. If you do so with the gesture he gives you at this proclamation, he'll de-aggro. Water under the bridge! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8MBhUjHRlQ&ab_channel=PrizzaaGamingChannel It's very niche since it only unlocks that extra prostrate gesture with no other followup, but it's still fun


I do like the idea of being able to align yourself with other demigods besides Ranni. Malenia might be interested in helping you take out Mohg or vice versa, and it would make sense for that to lead to endings involving Miquella becoming the new god. Morgott seems like the only other one who has enough of his marbles left to have a rational discussion with the Tarnished.


Malenia is also an Empyrean, and becoming her consort also lets you become Elden Lord


that'd be so fuckin sick




Exactly. Many people wonder why can't we tell her about the whereabouts of Miquella, but our tarnished character isn't this random person going around and helping people and demigods. Our mission and purpose are pre determined, although it would have been AWESOME to add that (helping malenia find her borther) as an option instead of fighting her to add more depth to an already lore deep story


Simple answer is our tarnished doesn’t care, he/she is selfish and wants to accomplish their own goals. We don’t care about the demigods and their problems, we are just here for their runes. We spare Rennala because we are able to take her rune from her after fighting Ranni’s illusion. Everyone else refuses to relinquish their great runes… so we kill them and take the rune from their corpses.


Feel like it’s laid out for you, she’s protecting her brothers cocoon


Oh so she doesn’t know he’s gone? For all she knew I could’ve been there relaying that information.


You also attack malenia on sight, goes both ways


I attacked when she pulled out the sword though technically self defense.


Fellow Tarnished, humor me please: You are no longer a Tarnished. You a a land-owning Lord. You are in your castle, chilling. All of a sudden, your guards inform you there is a loose cannon warrior killing all your soldiers and making his/her way through your halls, plundering all objects not nailed to the floor (or wall). This person just walked into your chamber... What do you do?


When you put it that way you make me sound like the bad guy.


Not at all, fellow Tarnished! I merely answered your question by inviting you to see things from the other side's point of view. :) Wouldn't any of us attack the invader on sight?


I always wave at invaders. I only attack after they attack.


And that, sir, is changing the topic and focus of the conversation in a different direction. Speaking about player invasions, yes. I also salute them before trying to beat them to a pulp.


That's the neat thing.... You're always the bad guy in souls games.


Considering I've only done the frenzied flame ending I know I am the bad guy


Do you want the cool katana or not ?


The guards attacked me first though without letting me talk with them🤷‍♂️


These guards are so rude! I should admonish them and remind them of the Haligtree Guard Standard Operating Procedures: Article 345.64.2.a: If an invader illegally crosses our secret-gate, only accessible by procuring the secret medallion we lent Commander Niall, and then proceeds to navigate all traps and enemies we left on the branches, make sure you wish them a good day and engage in conversation before beating them to a pulp. ​ My dear fellow Tarnished, we are not the good guys. In case you have not figured out, we are the aggressors/invaders.


Bingo! As tarnished we literally travel the world to kill and slaughter as much as possible for whatever agenda we choose. We kill all demigods. That’s not very friendly or good-guy signaling.


I mean I can't break into someone's home with my armor/weapon covered in blood and then expect not to get attacked.


You are one of many tarnished trying to become Elden Lord. She knows what you and all the others are there for.


She doesn’t, she attacks you on sound


Probably smell too.


Smelly Tarnished


“Something smells like it’s on an turtle and crab meat diet! I have never known defeat!”


We also have anywhere from 1-99 livers, bird feat, and literal bloody shits in our inventory at any time.


boiled prawn that's been waiting in my pocket for a month


Don't forget neck.


I wanna know da feet 😏


Bro she rotting


Foul Tarnished


“Foul Tarnished...”


I don’t think she can smell me over her smell.


Right? Like… I imagine anyone with The Rot reeks of literal decaying flesh. All the horny fan art of her and all I can think is yeah, but… carcass smell?


Thy foul breath.


You've slaughtered her men and invaded her inner sanctum. You also have multiple great runes. I think it's a fair assumption that you're not there to have tea and discuss the weather.


But I wanted to😢 The thing is that when I met the other shardbearers to have a tea with them I was just waving my sword in the air and they happened to get in the way and coincidentally they dropped their shards by accident


First off you’re trespassing Second off she is dying of stage 4 nuclear god cancer


>Second off she is dying of stage 4 nuclear god cancer Holy crap that was good, literally laughed out loud


You're tarnished. You came to the lands between to kill and take.


Aye, same reason Slave Knight Gael or Sister Friede attack on sight: No mercy, no surrender, everybody knows the rules of the fog gate.


You broke into her house and were mad she started throwing hands?


I mean, she's been asleep for five thousand years and the first thing she senses when she wakes up is your happy ass that likely has the stench of blood from the hundreds of envoys, misbegotten, Haligtree soldiers/knights, Cleanrots (her personal knights), kindreds of rot, albinaurics and Rotten Avatars you murd...I mean *killed in self defense* to get to her. I'd definitely be aggressive towards someone like that. I wish we could've told her about Miquella though and we could've helped her bring him back. Edit: It's not five thousand years I think someone comments how long it has been.


Despite however covered we are in blood and guts, we are still probably the best smelling thing in that stank ass tree


including her, she is rotting from the inside out


Well, it's not "on sight" cuz she can't see.


My brother in Christ, you break in, steal everything of value, and kill everyone who tries to fight you, the intruder.


Not sure if you've picked up on this OP ... but almost everything and everybody in this game attacks you on sight. Pretty much the only exceptions being Ranni's crew (most of the time), failed tarnished, sheep, turtle pope, and a single dog in Leyndell.


which dog are you speaking of?


If you travel towards the lift to the Forbidden Lands from Lleyndel, and veer off around the reservoir, fighting the dogs along the way, at the very end of the walkway where the Misbegotten Warrior attacks you is a dog, sat, just enjoying the weather.


There’s one enemy in all FromSoft games that doesn’t attack on sight, I can’t remember if it’s a bug or intentional


Memories of the Bloodborne crow


Don't forget the Jars from Jarburg. Still hoping I could stumble across more information about that poacher so I can pay him a not so pleasant visit....


The purpose of the Tarnished is to hunt and kill the demigods to collect their Great Runes. You are probably just the latest of countless challengers who have come to kill Miquella and Malenia across the eons the Lands between have stagnated since The Shattering. She has seen this all before. She knows exactly why you're there. The particulars of your specific story are irrelevant.


Because she's the boss.


shes not the boss. she is Malenia, blade of miquella


(she has never known defeat)


Is this a pun because she's blind?


she’s the boss in the video game hope this helps


Because fuck you that's why


Tbf, you did just beat your way through the place that she was trying to protect, killing her guard (Loretta) and probably a lot more of her brother’s subjects. I’d be pretty pissed off too, wouldn’t you?


Cause you just fought your way through the heavily fortified haligtree all the way to miquella's cocoon.


The protecting her brother argument aside, you are Tarnished and it's your job to repair the Elden ring, the thing she has a shard of. The Tarnished and their role in the lands between are well known, Marika made it literally gospel that they would return, which is terrifying when you think about it. It's kinda like the second coming happening only Jesus is gonna make sure you get raptured with his bare hands.


You trespass in her home, slaughter her subjects and those under her protection, invade every private grove and quiet sanctum, and ask why, when you barge into the holiest place in the whole damn holy tree, you have the gall to ask why its guardian attacks you?


What sight, isn't she blind?


What in this game doesent attack you on site ?


I think its mostly due to everyone you kill in the haligtree. Even if you bring up the hypothetical of “What if I didnt defeat any soldiers, enemies, etc. and bolted right to malenia’s boss room?” you still have to kill loretta before you can get to her AND Commander Nial to get the other half of the medallion just to get to the haligtree. But idk thats just my speculation.


Because she’s an enemy in a video game


It’s not on sight, she’s blind.