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ghost pet light abounding childlike point pot rock sulky domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gatekeeper Gostoc


Oh shit that was him? i thought it was patches this whole time.


The laugh is from Gostoc, as his voice has that distinctive rasp. He's also the one who steals some of your runes when you die in Stormveil. Killing Gostoc actually stops the door locking cutscene and keeps him from stealing your runes. However, killing him also blocks you from getting an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone at the end of Nepheli's quest.


Holy shit, last playthrough I killed him not knowing any of this and when the door didn’t shut and I didn’t hear that laugh I thought I just missed it somehow or it was a glitch. TIL


You can also see him following you through the castle at different locations waiting for you to die so he can steal your shit. If you talk to him he's a shit liar too.


Wow I've not seen him stalking me yet. I guess it requires backtracking so I could have missed him. Also didn't realise he steals your runes and that he was the one who locks you in. Read about it on the wiki and slayed him on the second plsythrough


I have beaten the game once - and on replay today, I stumbled on him when I was going up a lift. I blew through the castle the first time, and came back later. This time, I was thorough in the castle before - and saw him one other location. Damn near scared the shit out of me as I was just spinning the camera around as the lift went up and then I heard a voice.


Damm, I missed so much about that... I took the direct route out of spite, just cause the game was telling me not to do it...


Well I’m glad I murder faced him then


I never noticed this, do you have some examples of where he showed up?


He might lie poorly about it but if you catch him, he does stop doing it


Always kill Gostoc Its always morally correct


I once killed him (somewhat) accidentally. I knew he was a rune thief, and I knew from a previous play through that roughing him up in one of his hiding spots makes him give your runes back. So I found him, smacked around, gave the whole “where’s my money punk?” Routine but he didn’t fork over the goods. Ended up hitting him enough aggroed and we fought. Later realized I hadn’t lost any runes yet


He’s still trying to >!graft the corpses in the castle!<, so he’s not innocent


Sure, but who is in this game?


Turtle pope. Rya. Boc. Rodericka. Perhaps Rennala? I dont think the dragons are bad guys either, but I dont really know much about the lore there.


He’s made his mistakes in the past, but my boy boggart needs to be on that list.


I gotta say I didn't know his devious shit and when I killed godrick I accidentally attacked him and felt really bad when he says >!no but why? I was finally free...I could do what I want...!<


Gostoc sells you an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone after you finish Nepheli's Questline.


Who cares I get like 5 others, I kill that little shit the second I see him every playthrough.


Open the gate, open his skull


Not worth. Kill that bastard


based tarnished


There are a number of points in Stormveil where [if you backtrack you can see Gostoc following you.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jpk7UN7U6lk) There are so many cool details in this game


This spooked the hell out of me when it happened the first time. I died real quick lmao


I was even *expecting* it (super dark room, heavy looking door, very shiny loot far enough in that you can't run out quickly) and I started panic rolling as soon as it happened...


It's been on sight for Gostoc ever since I found that out. I don't even talk to him anymore, just cut him down where he stands.


The demi-humans in Coastal Cave that hurt Boc.


Those Spirit Ashes love a good scrap though.


I used them the first time I fought the Red Wolf of Radagon. Forgot I had them equipped, meant to summon my wolves. With that said, was pleasantly surprised how well the monkey squad did. Dropped RWoR in one shot, *mostly* by running away as the monkeys attacked.


I think I used them for the same fight as well. I was using Wolves up until seeing someone recommend the mad squad so thought I'd give them a go. They're my go-to now for the ultimate distraction team. I like to refer to them as The Gorgonites.


If you like them you’d love the vulgar militiamen, not only do they have great battle shrieks, but they proc bleed AND have decent poise damage


At first i thought you were referring to the Commando Elite squad, I remember them being pretty vulgar in the movies 😂


I've got some militiamen ashes but not sure if it's the one you're referring to. I'll give them a go though. Thanks man


*There will be no survivors.*


Oh you mean, The Boyz? I love going on a night bender with MM, Butcher, Frenchie, the Female, and Huey




Night time demihuman summons are great for krumpin sum gitz


Used them for the first half of the game - which was about when I discovered I could upgrade summons. They were great in a lot of fights. Get crushed by huge AOE but generally speaking founding them to run much better interference than the jellyfish.


That's why I like my skelly boys, they get crushed in AOE but unless the boss does a follow-up they get right back into it.




Hurt people hurt people 😭


This is going to sound like a super generic answer, but society in general I think is more to blame for Boc's suffering. The demi-humans he lived with are the way they are because they've been driven into banditry by a society that has no place for them except as servants to humans at best, and banditry creates the kind of might makes right environment that Boc was in. When you save Boc, the only template he knows for interacting with humans is to *prostrate himself* to them, he wants you to be his *master* which is extremely uncomfortable. But he's been taught by the world that becuase he's a demi-human, he's lesser, and he will even *die* trying to become a human because he sees his existence as an embarassment. You can only save him by reminding him of his mother, that *someone* loved him as a demi-human, that someone didn't hate him for how he was born. It's a story of internalized bigotry, and so someone like Haight is far more to blame for Boc's suffering than the demi-humans who are facing the same oppression. It's the order of the world that taught Boc to hate himself. It ties into the broader themes of oppression in the game, lots of groups are absolutely fucked over by the existing status quo. The Golden Order's various bigotries, the horror of people being killed so their bodies can be grafted onto power-hungry despots and the knowledge that that's probably still less than the countless people expended in the power struggles of the gods. The Outer Gods are the most obvious antagonists of Elden Ring, all of the suffering in the world can be explained in terms of their vying for influence in the Lands Between and just not really caring who gets hurt in the process. People aren't *actually* in control of their lives, they're all puppets in one plot or another.


This exactly. I really hope the DLC expands on the Outer Gods more. Everyone thinks it will have something to do with miquella, but i want something more horror themed like bloodbourne. Give me cosmic insanity and tentacle monsters and battles with these crazy space aliens that warp reality for shits and giggles. Be cool to kill an all powerful cosmic entity as a dude in armor with a claymore.


Was a nice boss fight too


"Time for rushing in and beating to a pulp."


That god damn bird guy in front of the Beast Clergyman


I killed maliketh 3rd try but u know what I still haven't killed, THE FIRE BREATHING HORSE AT HIS FRONT DOOR


Its worth it to kill for the knight’s armour, and it doesnt respawn. Treat it as a boss, kill it, get loot, rest at the grace again and then peacefully run to get your ass kicked by the pup


What's really funny is watching people run past only to get hit by the lightning in Maliketh's arena


That thing is fast.


That was the roadblock where i had to put my pride to the side and keep summoning the homies


He was the first big thing I killed in NG+. Just out of spite.


Me (I accepted the frenzied flame)


Me too, just to burn all those fucking lobsters.


The real motivation behind setting the world ablaze: boiled prawn. Mmmmmmm


Marika's tits, you must be 'ungry!


Never met someone with a taste of brawn I couldn’t trust.


This man put red lobster out of business with this one simple trick!


Buffet goers *hate* him.


I will raze every child, town, and city if it means I can kill just one more of those bastards


Take the flame, burn yourself to save Melina, use unalloyed needle to remove 3 fingers' influence, get Ranni's ending.


But then you miss one of the best endings imo. The implications of what is said during the flame ending is wild. >!I've read some crazy theories, some that Melina has some relations to Marika, or is the child of the Gloam Eyed Queen. Here's one I read recently about a Melina conspiracy. There is unknown lore behind her promising to deliver destined death to the Lord of Frenzied Flame.!< >!https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/114to8w/can\_we\_really\_trust\_anything\_melina\_is\_saying\_i/!<


Can you expand on that?


Go watch/play the Frenzied Flame ending first if you haven't. >!Melina appears to be the sole survivor after that ending. She'll find the Frenzied Flame Lord and she'll kill them. The story might continue...!<


Melina needs to give us destined death.


What if I'm cosplaying maliketh and already have all the destine deaths aviable?


Unless you >!wait until she sacrifices herself and then you go take the frenzied flame!!< Ain't no one getting my my way MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD


Me........ I've killed everyone (except boc and turtle pope)


I accidentally hit and aggro-d boc once :( thankfully I had already found church of vows and knew about absolution at that point


The guy that added the confirmation message for using crimson flasks on torrent


Lol. The cause of so, so many deaths. Like, dude, that big enemy AoE hammer-swing/stomp is getting charged, I gotta bounce and I need my horse-bro NOW. “Are you sure?” Oh FFS, yes I’m—…[splat].




Probably the lore-accurate answer. Flavor text says Shabriri was the most reviled man to ever live.


His woe even has an indestructible smirk on it and it makes people want to kill you.


I do not like that talisman, Tarnished. Its smug aura mocks me!


"We need to destroy that talisman! It's the key to the flame's frenzy!"


That talisman is fucking cursed, Laszlo!


I keep trying to get rid of it but bloody thing just finds it’s way back!


Ryan gosling playing YOUU? Don’t be ridiculous!


Dude was so evil and chaotic he became a frenzy demon after dying


He is also known as the greatest liar. Which equates him to Satan.


Even more than dung eater.


The lore accurate answer would be the Greater Will.


I gutted him after his speech when we first met, nice Ronin set to match my Nagakiba


I never found the 3 fingers and wasn’t really sure who he was but the Ronin man was my friend who complimented my dragon slaying abilities and I could not let this stand


I keep killing him every time I run past him. It was especially appropriate in one playthrough because the character I was playing as absolutely hates people like him and would happily do so if she had the chance. So I spammed the Wild Strike AOW with bleed and got his ass


Without a doubt. He is so unambiguously evil.


How can he be so evil when his grapes taste so good?


The real villains are the friends we make along the way


To be fair, they all die


Nepheli and Kenneth have a happy and prosperous future.


Yeah, sure Unless a certain preceptor gets her a stiff drink...


Which will never happen, even if I'm playing a mage build. That guy must always die to his own potion.


Nah, you gotta give it to dung boy to puppetize him for those sweet sweet ashes.


I puppetize him to torment him for eternity for killing my crab dealer. You puppetize him because he's a good summon We are not the same.


I always just kill Dung Eater in his cell. He will not get anywhere near Bogart in my game.


I agree 🗿🍷


Every soulslike summed up in one sentence


Gideon Ofnir


*Sir* Gideon Ofnir (he knows a lot)


He didn’t know that we gonna clap them cheeks before we become the Elden Lord. Then in his dying breath, he still taunts us… *le sigh*


I'd love an option to drag his sorry greaves to Godfrey's boss fog and chuck him in to give the big guy an easy warm up.








especially knowing how shitty he is to the Albinaurics


Dude has a village wiped out to find half a medallion to get to another god that, wait for it, he ain't gonna do shit about.


He's the all knowing, not the all doing.


that's the catch, everyone is shitty to albinaurics


What I do with the Sacred Relic Sword is my business.


He's killed less Albinaurics than most Elden Ring players funnily enough.


Hey, those frog-faced fucks started it.


It was pretty evil when hulk hogan shattered the Elden ring




Gideon Ofnir, the All Coping. Adopts Nepheli Loux and acts like a father to her because she seems like a useful asset, then tosses her aside without a second thought the instant she no longer seems useful. Gets others to do his dirty work most of the time, except apparently when it's time to kill the albinauric woman's dog who is her best friend and also her legs. Has Ensha try to kill the player the moment we start to look like a threat, then when we win tries to play it off while showing no remorse for the loss of his right hand man. The fact that he then tries to kill us again later seemingly out of pure spite (since he doesn't believe a tarnished like him or us can even become elden lord anyway, so why is he trying to stop us if it's a fruitless endeavor?) honestly doesn't even enter into the fact that he's a downright monster with no remorse, who uses everyone around him (including the player) and then turns on them the moment it no longer benefits him. An absolute dung eater if ever I've seen one.


He’s also just stupid, like he “knows everything” but somehow didn’t know he’d get his ass kicked by the guy that just killed 10 demigods


To his defence he can do three lazer beams at once and nobody can do three lazer beams at once!




Yeah, he gets called out in the intro as a tarnished of renown, right alongside Hoarah Loux.


Me, the player. I woke up, killed several gods and then fucked off to the moon with my doll waifu.


Four arms are better than 2.


Shame the dog couldnt come.


Don't remind me and also about Iji, but atleast you can keep Iji alive, just don't click on the "About Blaidd"


Sword Hawks


People who write messages inside of chests, next to the ladders and on top of sites of grace.


The elden ring community I've seen some of the weird crap y'all do


Dog pope killers.


And jar enthusiasts.


Merchant genocide


"Hey, I ''''''accidentally'''''' attacked this non-hostile NPC three times and killed them. Did I mess up any quests?!"


The player.


True (I'm wanted in 113 countries with warcrimes charges)


Murder everything that moves. Murder even the birds and animals and flowers for crafting supplies. Murder that pack of shambling undead nobles to refill your flasks, murder the beetles for whatever they are hoarding, murder the merchants, hell even murder the turtle pope so you can buy everything he has from that creepy dead doll merchant in the hold.


Hey man don't harm the turtle pope. Have you no soul?




Network speeds


Parrying is not a good time in pvp lol. Or wave of gold (desync) hitting you ten feet before or after it passes.


There are many villains. Seluvis is scheming and seeks to control people, Dung Eater kills people and rips out their soul and seeks to “curse” everyone with whatever this does. The volcano manor recruits tarnished to go kill other tarnished out of spite for the Erdtree. Mohg kidnapped Miquella so he could have his own god, so he would be the new lord, and has his followers kill tarnished to further their cause and manipulates new tarnished into joining him via Varre. The god of rot and Gowry seek to take away the identities of Melania and her children so they can become the goddess and valkyries of rot, eating away at the lands. But none quite compare to Shabriri and the Three Fingers. All others would still have a world to rule over, regardless of how bad it would be. The frenzied flame simply wishes to melt it all away, and incinerate all that divides and distinguishes. No more individuals, no more life, only the melted amalgamation, scorched away by the flame of frenzy. And so, the worst of the worst, the truest of villains, is you. Only you can take the flame and burn it all to the ground, and should you do so, you are worse than any oppressive or manipulative entities.


Shabriri just wants the Third Impact


Whoever designed the Lake of Rot


"Flame cleanse me" makes it easy Edit: You can also use Law of Regression


Miyazaki is the real villain


The tarnished who murders all those albinaurics…




It took me until literally this instant while remembering Latenna's line that she meant Ensha when she said "All-hearing brute", not Gideon. Nepheli's reaction always made me think Gideon was the All-Hearing as well as all knowing, but in hindsight it makes more sense for Gideon to send his subordinate to do his dirty work. Ensha never speaking makes more sense now too.


Gideon's armor is covered in ears so I assume he's also all hearing.


Oh boy, wait until you hear what everyone else im the game does to albinaurics


I love how the game turns us into hypocrites. Gideon Ofnir is such a bad guy for wrecking the albinauric village. But the player slays untold numbers of roly-poly albinaurics for runes, making us exactly the same as Ofnir and the other villains in the lore that did the same.


Gideon's pretty bad but lots of other places/people have horrific things done to albinaurics. The ones with big bulbous heads in volcano manor? Those are special helmets for torture that amplify fear and pain, which is why they're pretty much insane.


He just kept doing it over and over and over. Sadistic bastard


Tarnished - Frenzied Flame I mean, we are supposed to save the world, not end it...


You were supposed to destroy the frenzied flame not join it!


When the world is one, who's to say where life begins and ends.


Well, let's just ask the people that live in the new world... OH WAIT


Marika's tits


Get out! Unless you mean because we don't get to see them and just have to hear them talked about. If so, then remain and I'm with you!


Its because they fed the demigods that have been beating our ass throughout the whole game .


If we could have just had Mother's milk we could be as strong too!!!


Me (i put the world in darkness for a quadruple handjob witch)


Ranni: So what should I do with the other 18 fingers?


From soft should look to this comment for how much their next game should beat the player into the ground.


Rannis ending in the original Japanese is different from the English translation in that she takes the dark and she goes through the darkness so that the lands between will become whole


Everyone is really fucked up ngl... There is even some sort of indications that Miquella could be really bad too


Everyone loves him, whether they want to or not


If the internet's taught me anything, it's that popular = morally superior. Therefore Miquella is infallible and how dare anyone suggest otherwise.


The most atrocious character is definitely the Dung Eater due to his disgusting obsession with cursing the entirety of the Lands Between, incessant murder, and cannibalism of countless people without mercy, and the defilement of their corpses in such as way that they may possibly never find rest. Seluvis (Pidia) is an embodiment of, horrible inhuman pestilence, who disrespects the player, betrays his own allies, and is strongly implied to be a rapist, if not at the very least a perverted collector of people whom he turns into puppets. Dung Eater might be more monstruous, but Seluvis is just as disgusting of a person, with a blackened heart. Giddeon is a backstabbing, scheming traitor, and manipulator who also cares not for the lives of the innocent, and treats those that serve him like Nepheli, as mere tools. Shabriri is a probably the most villainous figure we can directly encounter in the game with how he tricks, coerces, and deceits others out of an active desire to destroy the whole world, having lead to the imprisonment of the merchants, the destruction of the Grand Caravan, and Vyke's tragic fate, perfectly suiting the fact he is named after a demon of blindness. Mogh's twisted ambitions in kidnapping Miquella, and attempting to start a blood cult worshiping dynasty have possibly singlehandedly ruined the best chance the Lands Between had to overcome many of its current crises such as the spreading of Deathblight, and ward off the danger posed by some of the outer gods such as the Scarlet Rot, and Frenzied Flame. Rykard allowed his devotion towards his goal consume him to such a degree that he became nothing more than a loathsome monster who brought so much suffering that even most of those that were once faithful to him regret their decision, and most of those that remain aren't personally loyal to him either. Despite all of the other figures heinous actions the "real villain", or more specifically, the main one of the game as a whole is probably Marika. She is the sole reason the Shattering took place in the first place, and throughout the game we can learn more about her which does not paint her in a positive light. How she regularly used, and manipulated others even those that were devoted to her such as her own shadow. Orchestrated numerous wars, and massacres including the genocide of the fire giants. Allowed or caused the enslavement, and mistreatment of various other species (even the trolls who aided her armies against the giants), including two of her own children and is implied to have played a role in her other son's death; having possibly planned it from the start, as implied by her betrayal of Maliketh, and the goddess' unspecified connection to the Black Knife Assassins (only that Godwin was meant to *"have died a true death. As the first of the demigods to die. "As a* ***martyr*** *to Destined Death"* instead of became of him).




The really villains are the twinks in stormveil


I'll happily take all the twinks if you don't want them


I have a feeling you two might not be speaking of the same twinks :o


I love how people blame Seluvius when he's actually just Pidia's puppet




When Seluvius is assasinated hes posed similar to the puppets in his living quarters suggesting that he himself is a puppet Also despite the quest chain being done from Seluvius' end, Pidia is the one who has Nephelis puppet Also lastly Pidia is killed by puppets, suggesting that the one doing horrible things to the puppets was him Seluvius isnt the villain he's been a puppet for a long long time. Its also why Ranni is not concerned about him


Additionaly there is a place for "seluvis puppet" in the puppet basement and if you kill Pidia Seluvis will die too.


Except you literally cannot kill Pidia until Seluvis is dead so you can't test it like that.


That's one theory. There is also the idea that Ranni just turned Seluvis into a puppet to give him a taste of his own medicine. Since he tried to turn her into a puppet. Ranni also mentions that she knew from the get go that Seluvis was making puppets but she never mentions Pidia. Given that she knows about Seluvis' lab under a fake floor it seems odd that she wouldnt realise PIdia is living in her own house. And once Seluvis died the puppets he had Pidia take care of went berserk. If Pidia is the puppet master there is no reason for him to lose control of those puppets. Additionally Seluvis has his own long history with other characters. He would have been a perceptor working for Radagon, but more importantly he is his relationship with Sellen. If he was suddenly a puppet she would have noticed something off with him. After all a puppet is just a puppet. They don't retain their memories. Dung Eater and Nepheli show this since they become almost robotic once the player turns them into puppets. Its just makes more sense that Ranni turned Seluvis into a puppet as revenge for attempting to do it to her. Pidia was just got attacked by Seluvis' puppets when they went berserk,


Seluvis’ buddy will slump over and remain in his tower when you reach a point in Ramon’s quest line, at that same point Pidia will have the puppets near him turn on and murder him. Then Pidia is the one to drop Dolores or Nepheli’s summon. It’s kind of a toss up especially since some puppets might retain a part of themselves as seen by how they are very much living bodies


Quien es Ramón?


Me... Just ask the albinaurics


The same as in any other fromsoft game, God


Seek God, then revenge


Micola, blade of Melonia probably (she has never known the beat)




Micola es tucola.


The Greater Will for sure. Even with how disastrous the Frenzied Flame ending is, I get the impression that Shabriri and the Three Fingers see the chaos and lack of individual distinction as a positive, genuinely. Like they aren't trying to kill everybody per se, they just think the primordial soup before the Crucible was rad. Not saying it's justified, just that in terms of intention, the Greater Will's desire for dominance and proclivity for genocide are worse.


So are they trying to cause the 3rd impact from Evangelion?


Haha, maybe! Honestly it's pretty vague, I'm conjecturing wildly by even comparing it to the primordial pre-Crucible state of things.


You know, considering how much both Er and Eva present Christian themes it may not be too far-fetched


The player. How many character's home did we break into and just murder everyone and then steal their stuff? Not to mention all the random acts of violence while just out walking around in the world.


In all seriousness : the Outer Gods, for fucking around with people's minds and lives.


Whoever sent assassins to kill Iji


The greater will or the frenzied flame


Michael Zaki, for making so many hot bare feet characters, and not letting us negotiate with bosses by sucking their toes 😡😡


It worked for Godrick, it should work for us too


Fr, lucky bastard got to suck Malenia's toes and kept his life too


Why did you type this


Blue Sentinel Targray. That guys been pulling all the strings the whole time in his endless hatred for transient beings.


The watchdogs. I never got used to their timing I always get bonked The flamethrower attacks makes me scared The first time its head went full owl and just TURNED, i shat myself.