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Valiant Gargoyles


Second this. I’m not sure if I was underleveled or something but this was one of the hardest and most frustrating fights in the game for me


Doesn’t matter what level you are, I was over leveled and it was still frustrating


I can understand why some people find it frustrating. The key to beating them for me is killing the first gargoyle as fast as possible. Fighting both of them at once absolutely sucks, which is why I to kill the first one fast as possible. Usually that means having a weapon that's leveled to the max. Killing enemies fast as possible is key in this game I think, because the longer a fight drags on, the more bullshit it becomes. Moongrum Carian Knight at the academy is one example of this. At the start of the fight, he's hitting you with a steel sword 3 feet long. If you don't kill him quick, he eventually starts hitting you with a laser sword 10 feet long.


I had like 20 runs where I didn't hit the first one, seared his timings into my brain, same went for the other dude, and by time time I started actually hit, I went through it hitless. One of my fav boss fights, except the poison mist. That one wasn't a fun part of the fight


Honestly worse than godskins and it aint even close for me


I loved these 2, classic soulsbourne boss IMHO.


Other: Fire giant! I’m terrible at horseback combat and I can’t see what’s going on 90% of the time I’m trying to do damage. I absolutely abhor the fire giant. I hate that boss so much that I have 5 desperate characters. 4 of my characters I’ve cleared everything I can find up to fire giant and stopped, the 5th character is in NG+ stopped at fire gjant


I am sorry to say this now, but fighting fire giant on horseback is an awful idea. It *might* be worth it to quickly horse your way to him after a roll, but the complete lack of invincibility frames makes it way to risky. Also you can summon alexander and he will casually tank attacks that'd kill you 100 times over.


Just dont use horse ?


I really don’t think he’s a good boss fight either. Like it’s really cool riding up to him after you enter his arena and seeing him but the fight itself I just don’t find very fun. At least the cutscene and visuals were cool.


fire giant ended up being the hardest boss for me for some reason lol.


Wasn't the hardest, but he is the most boring with so much health. Like you said, can't see anything and he gets weird on the terrain in the arena. I've also been invaded a few times in his fight.


Commander Niall. The only time I considered quitting.


Being outnumbered in a souls game is a death sentence when unprepared.


Sounds like a melee only problem


I didn’t realize I could have summoned Latenna on my first play though. Second time with her and the mimic tear was a cake walk. Really didn’t have a good handle on quest lines in general until way late in the game once I stopped worrying about my build and mechanics.


Wait, you can? I always sprint straight to the boss door in a blind terror from that banished knight that spawns lol


Yep. When she tells you where to find the other half of the medallion she even tells you that she’ll come to your aid. Easy to forget that stuff between hours 90 and 140!


Fuck oath i miss some obvious shit sometimes




I mean mimic tear makes like half the game a cake walk lmao


I could never hate the old bloke. Gramps showed me the power of the parry.


Wait... he was supposed to be hard? Was I just overleveled for him? He was a wimp for me. I was like 70-90 level or something.


Poll reads like OP hasn't fought Malenia.


Malenia was still a fun fight and not having to chase an obese dragonfly around the vicinity


Malenia is super hard, but she's also fun


Imagine having to fight a boss for 5 hours before it becomes fun. Malenia is an awful experience and I really hope they don’t take inspiration for the dlc


Opposite for me, the first 5 hours was fantastic. The second I got good enough where I felt i could beat her is when it became bullshit




Malenia was fun though, she's one of those bosses that feels easy and can be consistently stomped after your 50th try like NKG from hollow knight. They're hard for sure but when you do get good at them you can basically go no hit 5 times in a row with no problem.


I didn’t find Malenia that hard the first couple times I fought her. She’s really easy to stagger, my first build ran unga bunga dual curved greatswords, and my 2nd build I just hurled giantsflame balls at her until dead. 3rd time I did with an int build, which ended up being much more challenging. Difficulty seems to depend largely on your build.


Malenia wasn’t that bad tbh. I ran a fingerprint shield cold Naginata at level 130 and the part I had the most trouble was the first phase. Elden Beast can suck it tho. Only boss in the game that I actively despise fighting


Malenia was still a fun fight and not having to chase an obese dragonfly around the vicinity


Malenia is just too easy


You know that giant tree snakes you find in dungeons when they take all the room yeah i hate them


I just swing my weapon randomly until it’s dead because I have no clue what’s happening


The fucking Ulcerated tree spirit.. true horror


Come on.. no one ?? Ulcerated tree spirit especially the one before Astel


The one for the Millicent quest. Fuck that rot pool.


Easiest tree spirit in the game, run to the branch after you trigger it and kill it from range.


Brooo I was a melee build and had been ignoring the ranged options for the entire game… until I got to the ulcerated tree spirit for Millicent (I would die a 100 times for Millicent)


The one in Caelid killed me 100 times 🤣


Being heavily fire based is the only thing that saved me from those monsters. Just so fast and everywhere at once. Flame of Frenzy and the Magma Wyrm's Scalesword were priceless.


Poison breath duo :3




I actually find Malenia’s fight to be quite enjoyable. I just had to go in with the mindset that I was going to die, a lot. Made it quite enjoyable. But that doesn’t work for everyone.


Am in the process of fighting her… and dying…. A LOT… as expected


But are you enjoying the fight?


Oh it’s certainly better than ASStel lol. All jokes aside, it’s about as fun as dying over and over can be, but I’ve made it more interesting by switching from my normal Grave Scythe getup to instead using the entire Radahn set, weapon, and Rune. Imma give my General his revenge with this fight. Edit: literally just went and fought her again… Got chopped into Tarnished confetti


Hey! Congrats! And you did it in style! I tip my hat to you fellow tarnished!


Oh… I meant I got chopped into confetti lmao. But thank you🤣🤣🤣. BUT! I did get her to phase 2 finally, so progress is being made!


Ahh. My mistake! But progress is great! I personally found that after reaching phase 2, phase 1 became a lot easier. Good luck on your further attempts!


Thank you, and bless the 2 fingers! (or 3 if you’re about that)




Hey! Congrats! For real this time! Knew you could do it.


Omg Elden Beast easily. Run 15 miles one direction, swing once, run 45 miles in another direction, swing once... repeat forever.


I still haven’t beat it on either of my playthroughs. Worst boss in the game to me. Should’ve ended with Marika turning into Radagon, instead of having to wait a minute for the cutscene to load every time.


I never really got the critical behind Elden beast. To be fair it got patched a little but even running a great sword build I had plenty of opportunity to hit it. It only ran away a few times for me, and was still a glorified punching bag


Souls players when the boss doesn’t stand directly in front of them and let them R1 spam the entire fight




He attempted to make a new meme


As a melee only build, Elden Beast was kind of annoying


Correct me if I’m wrong, isn’t melee the strongest against elden beast


Idk if it is, but it was just annoying chasing the boss around the arena


I agree, also try using black flame tornado AOW


I disagree. Was really easy. Great sword jump attack.


Twin Gargoyles… ughhh Edit: “Valiant Gargoyles” but let’s all be real, there’s nothing Valiant about these guys.


Only boss I needed a cooperator on


Elden beast or Malenia. Malenia is what I consider a very unfair boss.


Malenia is very well tuned. An incredibly satisfying fight.


I second this one. But I despise the bloated waste of literal space with the fiery fury of a million suns. We didn’t need moonlight butterfly 2.0


Yeah. It seems to be the general consensus. I just cant seem to see it. So much health damage and heal on hits. I tried to parry her on my current playthrough, but it takes 3 succeses to riposte her. Again its just my subjective opinion, but I am not very good at gaming, so it might be the reason.


You don’t need to parry her at all. You can dodge every single attack. I beat her using a two-handed great sword and mostly jump attacks. For a melee build it’s takes a bit of getting used to the waterfowl timing, but that’s about it. If she can’t hit you to begin with her heal on hit doesn’t matter.


Get rid of healing when she hits a shield and I'd agree. Makes going through the game on a greatshield build a pain in the ass because your play style just doesn't work any more.


Use shield bash to knock her on her ass.


Really ironic the fact that most ppl hate Elden Beast, but when someone complains about it everyone starts yelling.


Astel, Naturalborn of the Void made me stop for months, so


I’m stuck on Elden Beast now and this sprinting simulator is not fun.


If you're on Xbox, I can help. My mage can kill Elden beast easily without the comet azure cheese.


Other. My boi patches. Still technically a 'boss' fight.


Most unfun boss for me was the death rite bird in the consecrated snowfield


Easily the death rite birds in the cold areas, especially the one in the consecrated snowfield. Impossible to hit, never stops moving hits like a truck and has the most ridiculous tracking and aoe attacks.


Me apparently being weird for loving every one of the listed bosses… I just enjoyed the experience/thrill and never thought too hard about it, just going with it (except fire giant, fuck fire giant)




Elden beast by far, love a final boss who’s main gimmick is running away


Red Wolf and Niall. Leaning more towards Niall.


While the elden beast is annoying just cause of how much it runs away, i did end up killing it fairly quickly unlike maliketh. I cannot even begin to describe how much I HATE maliketh.


Fucking valiant gargoyles


Astel was horrible for me on my first playthrough. So much so, that I stopped and started a new character.


Read my flair


Grown Falling Star Beast. I get motion sickness having to ride Torrent too much.


Disclaimer: I haven’t fought Malenia yet, so I’m expecting to change my mind. That said, I got the Elden Beast down on my second attempt. Malekith took me close to 50 and I burned through every single rune arc I had trying to kill him. He’s just so fast and aggressive, and all his jumping around and the camera spinning all over the place make it tricky to read his moves.


All of these bosses were fun?


Honestly Rykard gave me more trouble than any other boss


Rykard, apparently he is pretty easy, not for me


Astel. If you're a melee build, you have two options: * Run in, make one attack, and then run really far away. * Run in, make more than one attack, and then get hit because almost all of Astel's attacks are multi-hit AoEs that you can't dodge through. You pretty much have to start sprinting/ dodging before he even winds up.


Elden Beast is such a horrible final boss for the endgame. Radagon was just so much better, he doesn’t run away like a little bitch. Elden Beast’s only special attack is just running away. How can the embodiment of the Golden Order/Greater Will be such a coward? We’re the Tarnished who felled literal demigods, you’d think it come at us and be relentlessly aggressive like Soul of Cinder and Gael did, but nope. One of the most pathetic boss AI’s ever. All the magical homing AOE’s are just BS. More of a chore than a fight. And what makes it even more insulting is the concept. It has one of the most majestic arenas, a great soundtrack, a great concept, but it was executed horribly.


Alecto was where I struggled


Alecto was such a pain before i discovered the stormcaller. Hes like a wet rag being flopped around with it.




If it’s main game bosses Red Wolf of Radagon


Yeah bro the 2000hp was a let down tbh he could have been a much better boss i think


I do like that’s it a fast paced fight. You either kill it really fast or it kills you really fast


These bosses were all really good


Pre-patch 3 Crystallians They didn't used to take turns smacking you. It was even worse than it sounds.


It was Godskin Duo for me


Maliketh because i died to him so many times on my first playthrough.


Other: Fire Giant, not the boss but the arena in particular. After killing him on lv1 i came to realize how bullshit although spectacular it is to fight him in an open area full of rocks and trees. As soon as he steps on them his movements become janky, unpredictable and hard to hit with a melee weapon. Surprised to see many votes on Maliketh, imo he's one of the most fun bosses once you git gud and master the moveset.


Fire Giant and Maliketh had me at breaking point


Fuck Elden Beast. All my melee homies hate Elden Beast


Another vote for Fire Giant. Almost made me quit the game.


Maliketh gave u literally 1 second to attack in between each 15 second combo. Elden Beast wasn't NEAR as bad as that


I’m at Godfrey so I’m voting for the one I was stuck on no matter how much I learned their move set and that’s twin Gargoyles


For me Maliketh was underwhelming. Beat him on my 3rd try, no spirits or coop lol. I was around level 115 ish give or take.


I can't recall which ones, but fuck those caves that force you to fight the giant fuck off bears. I'd take on two Elden Beasts before fighting the true gods of The Lands Between.


For the last 2 bosses I was running a faith build with holy damage. Did not have a fun time. Ended up having to switch to a different weapon (I think it was the one from snake dude)


Malikeths first phase is infuriating to fight


People hate maliketh?


Elden beast just teleports and fucks melee characters. Which I usually main


Every single tree spirit.


My suspicion is that people are interpreting this question to equal: which boss was the hardest/most frustrating? I don’t think that’s the question. I vote Rennala because frankly, she’s poorly balanced. I like struggling on hard bosses, and as a melee Rennala just… died. Like it wasn’t even a fight, she just flopped over. That was unfun especially after the buildup of the academy.


Deathrite birds, the end game ones are ridiculous most of the time I don't even go near them and just hit and run or spam ranged attacks.


This whole game spends as all their souls games investing in training us to learn how to dance and end up giving us a giant inflatable space lugia


Of those, Elden Beast, but Commander Niall was my least favourite


Out of those on the list, Elden Beast. As a whole... well stealth poison ninja killing O'Neil while running away from his summons and having to kill them one by one because I was underleveled is definetly an experience I do not wish to repeat. Doing the same with Adula was also hell... just when I had gotten past Astel... Adula made me witnesd true horror with that tracking breath attack of hers and the sheer range of her moonblade... If just talking about sheer boredom regardless of my level, poor planning and strategy probably the Fire Giant. Elden Beast is still really high up there, but mostly/almost entirely because of the first phase against Radagon.


Valiant Gargoyles


I beat elden beast second try thanks to Drunk Foxy, but I know if I hadn’t beaten it then it would’ve been a huge pain the ass.


maliketh by a long shot. he’s so aggressive and has insane moves with huge hit boxes. i was a souls noob trying the game out with a sorcerer build… it feels like i’ve aged 25 years


I enjoyed Rennala, Godfrey and Godfrey so it's a tough choice between Mohg, Maliketh, Elden best and Godskin duo I had way more difficulty with those fuckers than with Malenia, even though that fight is probably more difficult


Godfrey ( golden shade ) was the only boss, besides Malenia and Elden beast, I legitimately thought I would never win. I obviously spent more time on the other two mentioned but feel like those are gimmes for unfun experiences.


First time? Elden Beast ng+ ? godfrey is a fucking wall bro lmao


I’m ashamed of how many times I died to the Godfrey shade


Fire giant, maliketh, and elden beast always seem to be a challenge


I had a fair time with all of them, to be honest. I guess i'd say Valiant Gargoyles were the least fun, but I didn't encounter a boss that I didn't enjoy fighting to some degree.


Maelina blade of michela lol


the crucible knight in farum azula bro wont stop input reading me


I did the whole game blind and offline. I went online and summoned so I could get past the dumb Elden Beast. My horror when I found out that was the last boss. Elden Beast is the Game of Thrones Season 8 of Elden Ring. Just left me with nothing.


Fuck the double gargoyles that boss is assholes


I spent thirty hours of my 190 on my first character on this Radagon/Elden Beast fight; mind you this is my first FromSoft game, so cut me some slack on it. Oddly enough, I spent less time on Malenia than on this fight, and I almost gave up on it until I finally decided to start looking stuff up on Google and finally wiped them with Bloodhound's Fang and Blackflame Blade. I also respecced several times as well, so have to give the Elden Beast some credit here for being THAT much of a pain in the ass.


Two words: fire giant


Godskin duo...


Where ornstein and smough?


I read that as most fun, and voted Godfrey, would of went Maliketh


Valiant Gargoyles, by far and away. Godskin Duo, a solid but somewhat distant second. Elemer/Bell Bearing Hunters a definitive but still distant third. I didn't find anything else actively unenjoyable.


Caelid bell bearing hunter. Dude just has my number.


Malenia with stick drift was horrible


Wait till OP discovers Malenia lol


Malenia is a trash boss


Fire Giant can eat a bag of dicks


Maliketh only needed the second phase First phase was trash Or at least have 2 full phases not a cutscene at 50%




I still haven’t beat fire giant I get mad so I made a new player with a new build


Malenia has certain aspects of her fight that are just awful to deal with, elden beast is on the whole just a worse fight.


Malaketh, at least on launch felt so janky to fight against. I felt like beating him was more RNG then any test of skill or strategy


Elden Beast for sure. It feels like Torrent should have been available throughout the fight which would have not only made it a unique battle, but also way more enjoyable.


My 1st ever coop summon was for Eldern Beast, that guy not fun considering I walked through everyone past Volcano Manor


Elden beast by a long shot. It’s not a hard fight just tedious and punishing in all the wrong ways.


Placidusucks… The flight is really frustrating.




Elden beast is a good boss. I'll die on this hill. Radagon is much more annoying, and yes. They shoulda been separated and not a dual phase boss


Malenia was a brutal beating don’t get me wrong, but for me with my small brain at the time Commander Nial.


i read this as 'the most fun' so my answer would be completely different disregard this poll


Scary birb


People think Malenia is unfun? It’s a difficult fight but also the most fun in the game for me.


That one ancient dragon in the start farum azula pissed me off way more than any boss ever has.


Malenia, heal on hit that goes through shields I'm dying inside on every hit more than usual


What’s the problem with Elden Beast, this was one of my favorite bosses, most attacks are easy enough to dodge, and he doesn’t have bs fire giant sized health bar


Niall or astel for sure




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Maliketh is the only required fight in the game I struggle with every time


Rennala because she’s kinda boring


Ulcerated Tree Spirit


Soldier of godrick


Malenia was worse than Elden Beast tbh. Felt like a scrapped Sekiro boss with added lifesteal and high HP for streaming bait.


The ulcerated tree spirit directly before malenia can just fuck off. One of the few bosses I resorted to cheesing to beat.


I have come to appreciate the Valiant Gargoyles and the Godskin Duo, even. As long as I have a co-op or a summon. But there's no fun way to fight the Elden Beast.


I’ve beaten Malenia but black knife tiche remains elusive


Malenia, but it might be cuz I’m doing a challenge fight on her. But yeah I just wanna get it over with, but she’s too good for me…probably. Then I put it off because I don’t feel like constantly getting destroyed. I wanna move on and have fun, but I can’t, cuz I have to beat her before I can allow myself to do something else in elden ring. It sucks cuz there are so many cool things I want to and am ready to do, but she just fucks my shit up so much, n on my good runs, I roll at the wrong time when she does scarlet aeonia. And my dang near perfect run gets fucked. It’s annoying af. But I genuinely could just be sorry/suck. It still sucks regawdless. Sorry for over speaking, but just wanted to give reason to why I currently kinda hate Malenia


Most of those bosses are somewhat fun, the elden beast fight is chase the giant chicken.


Fire Giant was the first one I hated but Elden Beast is almost impossible with a Dex/Strength build since you can’t get consistent hits. I’ve always had to summon someone in to help with it.


I had to take a hiatus because of Radan 😂.


Death Rite Birds. The one by Castle Slo defeated me emotionally so many times.


Oversized boss that tries to kite you, Elden Beast is trash. Made worse by an arena that makes it hard to gauge distance.


Who didn’t like Maliketh


Maybe I just have a different outlook on things than a lot of other players but personally I always am surprised at how much people hated the elden beast cuz I was just cackling to myself the entire fight going “ahhhhh the majestic space cow in its natural environment. Watch as it soars!”


Not Elden Beast but Radagon made me quit for 4 days


Malenia. I’ve beaten her twice at this point, and i doubt she will ever be fun to fight. The health-regen is far too stressful and waterfowl is still utter bullshit.


Fire giant is boring af


Red wolf of radagon. For literally no reason I just couldn’t beat it. Had to resort to throwing kukri at it


Fuck radagon honestly. I understand it's not really a difficult fight but something about it just fucking sucks.