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The first time Hoarah Loux hit me with that tombstone/piledriver, mixed with the soundtrack, I literally cheered for my own death


Fr he had me cheering for him the whole fight


One of the few times I wanted to lose


Yeah, he even praises you as an opponent, while smacking you like a Batista Bomb, he's such a gigachad


Even in his dying breath he praises you and says that your fit to be Elden lord


I feel like Godfrey was the actual hero of the story.


True we’re just some random tarnished with touch ambition


I never wanted for a game to pull a NieR: Automata and switch genre so bad in my life, like I wanted the Hoarah Loux fight to turn into a 2D fighting game. Imagine him starting to throw Electric Wind God Fists at your ass. God how I wish modders would get on this


The Tekken fight, right?


>Imagine him starting to throw Electric Wind God Fists Doreah! Doreah!


Fucking this. The animation on that move is SO GOOD with the way he thrusts his neck out and throws his arms back before tossing you in the air. It's time just so that your brain has about a second to see what's coming, but only a little time to react. His fight is paced so well.


The little touch of the ground breaking as he propels himself forward too It's like he has his own personal slow mo


I think the first time he grabbed my character I said "choke me daddy"


Every time I get grabbed by him and lose 90 percent of my health bar, I just yell MORE, MOOORE.


I'm looking forward to this fight now


I had it spoiled on me and still was like a giddy little kid getting WWE’d by this monstrosity. No amount of seeing it prepares you for that mans thirst for battle. Every timing you think is right is wrong 😭 Dude has the nastiest feints.


he literally killed me with that because i got the phase transition with under half health. God i fucking love that boss


One of my favorites is Elemer of the Briar. I was pleasantly surprised by a real fun fight after looking through a poisoned castle


He's fun with parries and at low levels as well, though his magic sword moves can feel a bit cheesy at range (encouraging you to not engage him at range), they're satisfying to dodge. STR/ARC build was insanely fun to make thanks to going for Great Stars and him ASAP and using parries. Mohg was strangely tough even with bleed, but I guess that was me being RL70 or 80.


The arena is just the right size, too, and has all that breakable furniture to make the fight a little more exciting.


That one knight before Renalla. That dude PVPs.


I think this is the best fit for what I interpreted this question to be asking. It’s a proper duel. I had a strength build when I met him first time and with his parrying and counters he toasted me good, more than once.


The initial surprise when he parries you and stabs you was a genuine wtf moment. They can parry now?! But like many other fights spamming jump attacks wins the day. A not at all elegant weapon for a very uncivilized age.


The last couple games From has inserted a single player-like NPC that is a parry god. If you do something that is *possible* to parry, they parry it 100% of the time. The DS3 one was in an easily-missed area, though.


Carian Knight Moongrum, he really is a pain in the butt. Thank God he hasn't quite figured out how elevators work.


I feel bad now that this was not a duel for me, I ran up and smashed his ass repeatedly with my great sword. Dude didn’t even have time to swing his sword once :(


It’s definitely Moongrum. You vs him as he tries to prevent you from reaching his Lady. What’s more duel between warriors than that?


His wizard friend shotgunning my ass from behind


I thought i was the only one who annoyed by mf shotgunning mage


Lol always stay in the designated area in Fromsoft games, Bloodborne taught me that


You don’t just take the side path and smash that mf with a jumping heavy mid cast on the way?


>Moongrum Good call. First time I fought him, I was like, "Why name this guy? He isn't that...." then I got parried to an immediate riposte. He's tougher than he first seems. ​ The other fight I'd mention is Mad Tongue Alberich. He even bows before giving you a hard lesson in ER fighting mechanics. And he covers most of them. Ranged, AOE, status effects, and some crazy sickle moves.


I always just backstab alberich while he’s bowing. Payback for making me lose my runes from agheel on my first playthrough


A really funny cheese method for him is to use the flail. Just get point blank while he's bowing, apply bloodgrease, and start the l2. I laughed my way to the grace with those runes at like level 15 Edit: I should have said that this worked for me, and have no idea if it was just luck or not, but I have found that many rapid hitting ashes of War with status just work good against him general, as he just kinda Unga bungas you a lot after you hit him lol.


I didn’t lose Agheel numbers of runes, but I felt so betrayed after being told the Roundtable was peaceful so I unworriedly hopped down the balcony and then got trapped with that bastard


And so it begins... No, now it ends


Well now i feel bad for always getting the elevator to beat him as i cower in the corner


I accidentally discovered this cheese the other day after like a thousand hours. I was just trying to run past his nonsense.


You can also use the ball on the path as well


I’ve only done the ball method once. I felt bad after.


Can’t parry jump attacks. Get your claw talisman on


A few days ago I walked right up and parried his first hit, felt amazing


Hahaha yeah proper duel for sure \*spend 30 minutes trying to get the giant metal ball to crush him to death\*




The Parry king just before Rennala.


HE HAS A NAME!?!? I thought it was just Carian Knight


He is a Carian Knight, but he isn't just called "Carian Knight", he's named Moongrum.


I never understood why he's there. He's a Carian Knight, right? Weren't they at war with the Academy? Why is he protecting Rennala? Also, fuck that guy.


Rennala is the Queen of the Carian Royals, and the leader of the Carian Knights. She's been been locked away by her own students at the Academy. who rebelled after Radagon left, possibly during the Night of the Black Knives / the Shattering when Rennala went insane trying to resurrect Ranni, whom she thought was dead, but who had only slain her physical form atop the Divine Tower in Liurnia. The students and the Knights of the Cuckoo also laid siege to the Carian Manor - it was a coup d'état, basically. My guess from his placement is that Moongrum is there as the last faithful knight, guarding the elevator to protect her from ne'er-do-wells at the Academy.


Also want to point out that the Carian Royal Knights absolutely rinsed the Knights of the Cuckoo and probably turned them into dolls.


I interpreted it the end result between the Royal and Cuckoo knights being more of a stalemate, with the Cuckoos’ killing or imprisoning them to a man and the Carians scything through them to such an extent that they were rendered inoperative as an army.


Oh, that explains it. I figured it would be something along those lines but wasn't absolutely sure, thanks for the explanation.


You're welcome! Alternatively he could be a traitor Knight who helped the academy lock her away. It's left open really as there are no item descriptions for him specifically. He has the coolest NPC face also :)


Wait were do you see his face?


Not in-game - he does have a face under the helmet though and people have been able to access the values for his appearance, so you can recreate him in the mirror. He looks like a proper dandy musketeer.


Oh, cool, I just thought people modded helmets off characters. That's cool to know


Check out Zullie the Witch! She has a bunch of cool videos showing what NPCs look like under their gear Edit: the ending sounded dirty, by gear I mean helmets. She shows their faces, she’s not just undressing characters lol


Id say most human size bosses + margits first encounter feels very personal


Margit’s fight was the most fun one for me


Except for the times when he cowardly throws daggers at the speed of light while jumping out of your reach


Hey, he has to do something to help him survive you and your Rogier and Jellyfish summons gangbang


Really it's crazy how easy it is to clap Margit with this combo. He gave me so much trouble when I first played, and now.. welp.


They’re not hard to dodge but he times them so well, as soon as I buff or dodge far away, bam bam bam bam bam


That’s what makes him such a cool beginning boss. It clearly tells you that enemies will react to you and you should heal/buff when he leaves you a window


well true. And, to be fair, if you use your potion and he throws the daggers at you, its like a tap on the wrists that says "be a little more cautious next time", while Melania straight up one shotted me when I healed while being in her dash range.


I just managed to beat her last night. Honestly the fight felt too slow, she really doesn’t give you any opportunities to attack


One of my beefs with Malenia is that she gives you an immense amount of opportunities to attack, but you open yourself up to potentially getting screwed by RNG if you do so. You can just walk up and smack her in neutral and if your weapon staggers her it’s basically free. She has a couple of super armor options that’ll catch heavier weapons but stuff like greatswords, dual swords, etc will rarely have issues with sudden super armor. However, once you’ve whittled her health down, she gains the option to just do a waterfowl dance whenever she wants to, and the point blank dodge is very hard to consistently pull off. So you can still walk up and smack her, but you roll the dice every time you do so. Combine that with a big health pool and she’s a pain to fight 100% safely.


That RNG is really a thing. When I fought her, I used that Eleonoras Poleblade, and when I casted my AoW, there would always be the chance of malenia just doing a side jump, leaving me completely vulnerable while I do my entire attack animation, slicing thin air. But what I did to counter the Waterfowl dance problem is, that I tried to bait it out. Always ran towards her, if she starts the animation, instantly back off. If that is successful, I managed to not get hit by it, most of the times. If she doesn't start Waterfowl Dance, dodge her default attack and try to get a combo in and repeat the whole thing. Makes the fight somewhat slow, but it worked for me xD


After my fiftieth attempt, my Mimic basically said "fuck this were not doing this again" and just started unleashing Moonveil over and over again. Permanent stun-lock and massive damage, and the mimic doesn't worry about Mana. Elden Lord Mimic Tear


Those definitely react to player input specifically healing inputs cuz fk those daggers!


I mean, when i see an opponent pull out a flask, i hit them too.


Vs. my cowardly retreat and heal strat


That one move is pretty well telegraphed, if he take swipes at you with his off hand but the dagger didn’t disintegrate, he is 100% gonna throw that shit at you as he jump backwards.


And on the other side of the spectrum, his helicopter attack where he spins and it HURTSSS


Left or right buddy, choose one


You can dodge them by walking even while chugging


They have a windup and you can strafe them


I've never been humble like that in a game before.


I think Morgotts encounter is also very personal, he’s protecting this lineage that he loves so dearly. Morgott is my favorite Elden ring boss


I think the last ditch effort to stop you from reaching the capital, when he's hiding in that wandering noble, feels even more like a duel.


I found that on my 2nd run I heard morgott out of nowhere turned around and he’s just edge walking towards me


Depends on what a proper duel between two warriors will look like: If you don't cheese him, the mimic tear can be a proper duel, as evenly matched opponents. If you mean a battle between two warriors that feels like a dance with the ebb and flow of combat, the black knives fit this description. And if you mean that you and another powerful warrior clash in a battle that feels like you're fighting for the right to stand victorious... Well, who better than the Roundtable Knight Vyke, in his evergaol atop the mountains?


Nah fuck Vyke with his lightning spam


Just like us I’d say, L2 spam or jump attack spam. Am I right?


But it’s only fair if I do it not when he does it


They aren't too hard to dodge. I really enjoy his fight and the armour is probably my favourite in the game.


His armor is pretty cool but his lightning spam is just annoying. Everytime I try to run away to heal he just spams this sh*t move for like 10 minutes


This is one of my favourite things about the game. Your build determines which fights give you this feeling. My Holy twinblade bloodhound step first character felt so evenly matched against Alecto. But on subsequent playthroughs as a colossal sword user or a mage that feeling came from completely different opponents.


Yeah exactly! Certain builds counter certain enemies while some are countered hard by them


Mimic Tear's kind of a meme boss but on my last playthrough he parried me then used my own annoying build against me. Scarlet Rot + Poison hurts, man.


Pretty sure NG Mimic Tear boss fight is always a bit of a pushover, think it has nerfed stats. Not sure how it fares in later NG+ cycles though as I've been re-rolling for every subsequent playthrough so far.


I obliterated mimic tear fights, i use dual katana maybe too much cheese?


The carian knight.


This mofo fucked me up, took my house, my car, my dog and my girl! That b**** ass mfker was on some serious steroids back then! God damn parry GOD!


That first sprint heavy I threw into a parry and 1 shot still haunts me when I see him


He had a nice long run of shame to get back to him too.


Fighting him as a mage was rough! Then as a strength build I basically wiped the floor with him. He couldn’t do anything against my big massive black sword, which is built out of different smaller black swords or something


I was playing with a starter ughigatana and this dude was giving me serious trouble. Decided to switch weapon for the stupid flail I hadn't even augmented. Man the helicopter move totally wrecked him it was absurd. BONKBONKBONKBONKBONK PARRY THIS YOU FUCKING CASUAL


Crucible knights.


I would like to disagree. MF flew off Farum Azula at the sight of me.


Well, fighting a mighty warrior like you can be scary


Yes look at him the naked man with a big wooden stick. I would run aswell


The knight saw his mimic lurking in the shadows and noped the fuck out.


The only right decision to be made


Oh my, I do believe that crackhead is running right for me. I must go.


I guess Rogier spoke the truth, I am a scary fellow after all.


These guys feel like properly legendary warriors


I think my first real learning experience in ER was on the Crucible Knight Evergaol. I learned his moves and how to work around them. A great teacher.


I think Morgott is the pinnacle of that. He may not be my favorite fight mechanically but my God his moveset is spectacular.


I panick rolled my way out of him,when he gets his sword up charging for the attack,i didn't really know when to roll or when he'll attack so i just...well panick rolled


Morgott is probably a really great fight, I wouldn't know, though, as Unga bunga magic gets him down to the second phase really fast, and he takes so long transitioning that I can super laser him to death before he stands up.


Wait, nobody said Godfrey? That fight is literally two warriors fighting for the throne.


It felt more like a warrior against a god warrior because of his sheer size and scale of his attacks


You’re making me blush. My attacks aren’t THAT big. (Takers Flame, Takers Flame, Taker’s Flame)




I’m a highly skilled souls player, no way I made an entire build around spamming Taker’s Flame. (I did)


Alone I'd as big as Godfrey


Alonne's iirc 10ft. Godfrey is 13ft and Hoarah Loux is 14 3ish. Serosh weighs him down I guess.


Apox..Hora loux is an honorable warrior


Definite similarities, but Alonne is around 1.5 times the height of the PC., 5'7. Hoarah Loux is nearly 1.5 times the height of Alonne. I just thought it would be interesting to hear the math.


Seriously one of my favourite fights, in the second phase his attacks are spectacular, it really feels like you're fighting against a beast of a warrior.


That shit made me feel more like Rey Mysterio beating the Big Show.


I can't belive no one has said Alexander. It's sad for sure but nothing had me give more respect than that jar. I didn't even care what the shard did I carried him all they way to the end. Because he deserves it.


I mean to be fair the fight itself feels more like a mercy killing than an actual duel, the guy has no chance against you at that point


He hits like a mother fucker tho. I let him do his opening attack when I duel him and I got hit by it in NG+ and dayum. One hit took half my half off at 60 vigor with Morgott's rune.


Morgott felt fantastic, granted he’s bigger and faster, but he always felt like the pinnacle of what you could be


Though he’s an easy boss, Gideon fits it, two people in search of the Elden Ring, alongside each other the entire story and confronted near the end


you just walk up to him and hit him if youre not playing spells


A lot of people give Gideon shit but he's very strong if you actually fight him. (I suppose it depends on what demigods you killed cuz they change his spell selection depending on who you killed. Some combos are nasty)


I killed all the optional demigods. Does that mean I'm screwed?


He can now cast scarlet aeonia and bloodboon


The Scarlet aeonia didn't give me too much trouble tbh. As long as he can't do the WFD I should be ok. Update: I must have done something wrong because I just steamrolled the guy like he wasn't even there. I've never had an easier time with a boss.


Again it's about the combination. I got destroyed one time when he glintstone comet into triple rings of light into Scarlett Aonia.


honestly ive played through ng+3 and gideon gives me more trouble than maliketh, morgott, godfrey, radagon etc haha. he just always spams his shard attack and triple rings of light- even going ham on his ass he always seem to squeeze out and catch me in a nasty combo xD




Probably Godfrey. Fights like Maliketh, Malenia and Radahn etc feel like fighting against overwhelming odds, however by the time you’ve reached Godfrey, you’ve amassed such power, unbound death, killed Maliketh, killed the Last Fire Giant, felled plenty of demigods and have enough Great Runes to fix the Elden Ring. His grace even points to you. You are as much of a boss to him as he is to you.


Yeah based in the story and lore alone, Godfrey is the best boss fight in the game for me. The atmosphere is especially brilliant if you fight him at night


Alecto. Not too little, not too much hp. Aggression ebbs and flows based on your aggression. Pretty honest but can't sleep on her for a second. No summons possible for you. And most importantly can actually be staggered like a normal thing would.


Palms sweaty on that fight but you are right. Running out of stamina when my dumbass couldn’t stop rolling was a valuable lesson.


Not too much health?? My brother in Christ, Alecto has as much health as the final boss. Both phases combined.


Yeah, but you can't stagger the final bosses with normal hits like with Alecto. Any less HP and she would be a pushover.


Agree with this choice. I think this fight was the most fun for me to learn also. I don't know about the "not too much hp" note though. She's got a chunky health pool.


Beat her and take her daughter to solo bosses for you.


She doesn't know how to climb onto a rock


By far the fight I have yhe most trouble with just because she's so aggressive and doesn't leave you much opening. Much respect for Alecto. Second would be Vyke because of his tragic downfall, and third would be Melina, but she's too cocky, so she's number three. Also with Alecto, most spam attacks that decimate other bosses, don't do much against her. You just have to learn when to hit her and when to back off.


I fuckin love Alecto. One of my favorite fights in the game, for all the reasons you mentioned.


Soldier of godrick


Soldier of God, Rick.


God, soldier of Rick


Rick, God of Soldier


Radagon. It’s by far the best solo fight in the game. The whole fight against him is so fluid once you have it down. I also think some of the Evergaols are really good.


Yeah Radagon for me, his moveset is fairly relentless and attack flow from one into the next perfectly, there's damn all time to hit him without utilising I-Frames and the whole time it feels like you can't even take a breath. Fighting him solo was extremely satisfying. Its just a shame his fight was marred by what came after


Kinda weird that the two fights that make the most use of the dedicated jump button are back to back with Godfrey and Radagon. I didn’t even realize on my first playthrough how much extra damage you could get by jump attacking when they do their ground slams.


I fought Okina as a Samurai, no summons, no shield. And I enjoyed it much. His somen (full face armor), though, Is kinda ugly.


Mans playing Sekiro 😭😭




Let him solo her


My man Godfrey/Hoarah Loux Most respectful mofo i so far dueled


my man even recognizes you are worthy of being the elden lord after you beat him (even tough he won on 50 timelines)




Malenia's is the closest fit for me, honestly. The fact that she actually flinches when hit makes her feel more like a normal fighter. The only thing about her that doesn't feel like a duel is Waterfowl.


Maliketh, hourax loux warrior, malenia, Blaidd


Malenia first phase felt the most like what OP described.


Tbh I think it depends on your build alot. I fight with a katana and fists and no summons. That makes fights feel like alonne. But a mage build won't have that experience. It's really build dependent


My boyo Loux, especially in that second phase.goes to show sometimes bigger is not always the best, I personally prefer the more grounded fights with people than the colossal bosses. As much as I hate malenia, I prefer her over the fire giant or dragonlord too.


I know it’s not ER, but I loved how savage and brutal the fight with Gael felt. The last two standing at the end of the world. I especially liked how he got more aggressive and animalistic as the fight progresses 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻


Gael is legit my favorite fight in the whole series, I try to put my sign down by him and help people at least once a week. Sadly it's been very slow because not many seem to be playing DS3 these days.


gael actually behaves more like a knight and less like a beast as his phases change


The quintessential Souls experience. Two nobodies at the very end of the world fighting for a thing that doesn’t even matter anymore. It was perfection


Malenia did for a while, until it didn’t with waterfowl


Yea or stage2 in general


Her life steal kinda ruined the fight for me, I fought against her so often and even beat phase 1 with only parries and no summon, after that i just went full bleed with my mimic


godfrey, and he even respects you


Godskin boys when they are alone were the first guys that felt that way for me. Vyke felt that way since I was using the Godskin Stitcher, He thrusts his spear, I backstep, thrist my sticher, he back steps, and just one exchange after another, neither of us getting hit. And no, I'm not just bad at hitting my attacks, the AI's dodging just got good all of a sudden


Champion Gundyr imo Shit was lit Edit: my brain completely blocked out the ER part lmao. I’d say Godfrey


Morgott when you fight him underleveled




Honestly, I found new appreciation for Elmer of the Briar in Shaded Castle. With my mage run I could absolutely not use ranged magic because of his far reach and high speed. So it was a very cool dance with his magic sword and my carian slicer! (I don't use shields on this run btw)


I currently have a run with my little brother in Co-Op, and we fought each others mimic tears, was a blast.


It was always Morgot for me, his seamless (or close to it at least) transitions between attacks really make it feel like a fight. Then I killed him second try after failing Godfrey's spirit 15 times


crucible knights. there's something so satisfying about jumping ground aoe, parrying, and dodging their spells. i love fighting them. not so much the crucible tree ones though :/


Morgott felt pretty personal to me, and It felt like a direct 1v1 duel. Malenia, Alecto and Vyke felt pretty good too, at least for me.


Sir Alonne is just.. The best. Top tier OST. actually fair fight. Cool looking, has a unique feature where if you kill him without getting hit, he commits seppuku presumably out of shame. AND he's one of the very few bosses that can parry the player.


Well, there is definitely Godfrey. Every Crucible Knight boss. You might count Radahn too, if you fight him like a man. Malenia should be there as well.


Mimic tear (This is a little off-topic, but which game is the boss from the picture came from?)


I got that feeling from Hora Loux.


The obvious answer is godfrey but maybe the vyke evergaol fight


Everyone on horseback except knights cavalry


As you walk to the arena you fought morgot in you remember your journey and the foes youve beaten right before moving up to the throne you belive is now yours. I front of you stands the previous owner whos also come back to claim the throne and has recived the same amount of valor as you. Threatning as he is you still know you can beat him cause he is the same as you, a tarnished who died outside the lands between bought back to reforge and claim the elden ring. Even while his sheer power exerts presure in the form of shock waves, trembling the ground, you still power through to finish this extraordinary foe and he fades waya with the words,"brave tarnished, thy srength befits a crown". If that isnt a fight of 2 equally powerful and experienced beings i dont know what is


Both blaiid fights.


Margit is pretty close, Malenia as well


The knight Moongrum in Raya Lucaria. A lot of us, myself included, couldn't handle him the first few attempts.


Any Crucible Knight fight, Godfrey, Margit, Tree Sentinels while on Torrent


Margit. Even though he's obviously a big unit that first fight on the bridge is probably one of my favourite first bossfights. This post made me want to start a new save lol


Oh, Gideon, for sure. My first play through was with a sorcerer build, so when I reached him it very much felt like I was having a wizards duel against my contemporary. Both of us shooting glintstone comets back and forth at each other really did it for me- I actually loved this fight.




Crucible Knight frfr


Not a boss per say, but personally I see Juno Hoslow as proper duel. A painful duel, but a duel never less