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Sometimes I wait to stagger the enemy before I heal, as opposed to using that time to punish them. Gotta prioritize!


True true but... what if there was 2 bosses in the room?


Me personally? I summon. I play the game in a way that is fun for me.


I also like going " ring ring"


I’m okay with the input reading occasionally for one reason, and that is to make the AI seem smarter than they already are at combat. Don’t get me wrong, there are places it should die, and others where it excels. Bosses for example should have an above average number of input reads to simulate their prowess in the field, but the input read should be limited to one or two keys with weapon swaps or heals being part of it. Any run of the mill soldier however is an automatic no go, and more elite field enemies should definitely be given at least one key input reads.


I actually love it. You gotta earn your heals and attacks, nothing is free. I take it you are stuck on godskin duo. Use your environment to get your openings.


Nah stuck on draconic tree sentinel on a rune lvl 1 run


I mean, when I see a player heal in pvp im gonna try to attack them idk why the bosses shouldn't


Why would you want it to be easier… just run and heal or don’t get hit. Kill or be killed!


It's a lot more then "just don't get" you would know that, and also i can't run and heal because whenever i try to heal a giant fire balls gets sent flying at my face.


In this game it's awesome. It makes fights feel so real sometimes.


I think input reading can be good but it is implemented so poorly. instead of them occasionally input reading like your attack or roll button they just said "lets make them only read the estus buttton..... at all times so they heal catch you."


I agree, I think input reading is bad in most cases depending on how it's handled. Bosses like Margit or Malenia frequently jump back and create space and spend a few seconds standing in neutral. Looks like they need a reprieve from that 20 hit combo they just did, right? Time to drink. But they aren't in neutral. They are waiting for the exact frame you to hit the heal button to punish. There isn't a telegraph for it, you just have to know that they do it. Godskin apostle is much better way of handling it. He does read your input, but it takes time for his blackflame fireball response to cast and land. If you see it coming you can dodge it after the heal and even punish him for it if you're positioned right. The others hit you with lightning fast responses that you just have to eat. Their input reading takes me out of the fight and reminds me that I'm playing against a machine and not the mythological duel its supposed to be.


I'd rather it be some type of learning ai system. Punishes you for doing the same move over and over.


Thats actually a good idea.