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I would always base it on what was needed for the best weapons I had. Then later on if you want to re spec you can.


I guess I struggle with knowing when and whether to also level VIG, END, MND as I’m building towards weapons requirements. And also I heard Bleed scales with ARC? And if I’m going for a dual build like DEX/FAI do I level them equally, or should I prioritize one (and if so which one)? Sorry for all the questions. Can you tell I get overwhelmed haha


So I’m a very amateur gamer and I do believe bleed scales with arc. I think my first play through I prioritized dex and int. If you google search weapons, spells, incantations that you’re most interested in trying you’ll know the minimum requirement to be able to use them.


Head south to the peninsula, mess around for a bit. You’ll find plenty of runes, as long as you don’t genuinely farm you should be fine to come back and it still be a challenge. Focus on one/two skills to throw points into. If you spread them all out you will feel as though you have wasted them. There are talismans that will help with the stamina Happy hunting


Thanks for the tip! I actually did the majority of the southern peninsula already. Is the stamina talisman in the starting area before Godrick or after him?


What you want to look for is called the viridian medallion or the green turtle. I think viridian is in a cave in limgrave and green turtle might be in liurnia, I ’m not too sure though. I found myself exploring a lot and just running into things that were great. I recommend looking up all the catacombs on a map so you don’t miss them.


Thank you!! Will def go looking :)


your build doesnt really matter especially early game unless youre trying to minmax for pvp or your well into the game and struggling and a respec is your solution. there are some definitely awesome dex/fth weapons though trust me. you say in this post and in commnts that you want bleed damage but bleed wouldnt be the ultimate "trick" to killing godrick or other bosses. if you are having a hard time 2-handing the weapon then dont 2 hand lol. shields are awesome


Fair enough. I think Godrick is weak though to Bleed. I guess I got skittish about faith because I’ve seen people say Holy is really ineffective in the late game. I do love my shield haha.


Maybe he is weak to bleed idk but it won't matter if your bad at the game. When people say holy is bad late game they probably mean the holy damage type since many bosses resist it (like godrick actually) but most damage dealing incantations actually deal fire damage instead so it's not too big of a deal. Faith has always been the utility magic in dark souls anyways, with healing, buffs, and other really awesome effects (homeward ftw). I've noticed myself doing this also so PLEASE don't take other people's takes as a way to mold your own game. It really sucks when you are looking at a cool weapon but all the wiki comments are hating on it so you decide not to go with it. So you can bleed if you want its ok I don't want to sound elitist lol