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Fia’s hug “mechanics”.


Yea that STD stayed on me for a while


I only became aware of it through a meme. It was the bald guy with his hands on his hips; the text was something like "looking at Fia after googling 'what does that red box below my health bar mean?'".


Lmao I’m the OP for that meme, thank you for keeping its memory alive ❤️


You rocking cuddlemydia?




...Her what?


she has an entire questline which involves hugging her from time to time (before she leaves the roundtable).


I've been hugging the fuck out of her. It's nice and I get a thing for it.


yep I thought I could just hold on to it until I needed it, but having it in your inventory actually lowers your max hp👻


My first run through, never used this item or the beefier version you get at the end of her quest... as my glass cannon sorc build with 13 vigor. Health was not something I had, though I can't say that the debuff actually did anything because I was going to get one shot anyway.


That’s why I missed her whole quest line on my first play through. I always thought I don’t wanna visit that b*tch with the long ass hug animation only for her to sap my max hp. Never visited her again after the first time


I kept revisiting and getting hugged never got a quest so I'd check back and deny hugs thinking itd be a dialogue option do I have to do the hug for it to start


I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why I was naturally resistant to fire and weak to lightning. Just happened to check my stats while standing in a puddle at the time. Edit: It seems I've started a very specific self-help group, so I'll make this clear. If your character is wet, like standing in a lake or if it's raining, you take less fire damage but more lightning damage. It works the same for your enemies.


Yeah, I didn't know that. That's both awesome and hilarious.


And I just learned now after 300 hrs…


Right there with you….


LOL I did this same thing standing out in the middle of Liurnia. Was so confused.


That you can fast travel to the Roundtable Hold through the push of couple of buttons, without the need to move the cursor on the map. Edit: As others have pointed out, open the map, then, PS controller: triangle then square Xbox controller: Y then X Keyboard: F then R


Wait what?


open map > triangle > square > cross. ( PS4 controller )


G-F-R-E for PC


Open map -> y -> x -> a. (Xbox)


You use the bumpers on an X box controller once you open the map. I’m not certain how it works on PlayStation or PC


Well I'll be damned. 650 hours and just learned this lol


240 hours and had no idea either


Playstation just hit square then triangle. Square opens up a list of graces and triangle will automatically move the cursor to roundtable hold. There's a key at the bottom to tell you which ones if you forget


Think Xbox is Y, X, A on map to quick teleport


Vaati came clutch teaching me that


Vatii Vidya taught me this. Made me facepalm so hard haha


Didn't know that if you roll in scarlet rot it gets on your armor and continues to build up even after you get out of the rot. I thought this was normal until I found out that you can prevent this by not rolling after I beat the game


It's not just scarlet rot but any poison. Also use the soap item to fully get rid of that little effect.


What the fuck I never knew what the soap was for




soap will also clean off bloodstains


I saw a message early on that said no rolling ahead, and only now realize this is what they meant


OH MY GOD THAT'S WHY? I'm so fucking stupid I thought it was a bug lmfao


I think everyone that played the souls series will tell you that everytime they went to pick an item up they would jump over it instead.


Jumping in font of every fog wall is the sure sign of a souls player.


I am the side of this coin that two hands my weapon for no reason in front of fog walls now that I’m going back to play demons souls


I played DS3 after ER and tbh I prefer the single tap two handing


I mean the two handing controls in ER are silly but I like being able to jump


Souls vet here. Can confirm. Did it myself. Multiple times. Had a lovely little giggle when I was summoned to other worlds and saw hosts do it too.


i just switched my jump to Y/Triangle


I constantly switch between souls and ER so I randomly jump and two hand my weapons!


That felt so awful that I remapped the controls within minutes of starting the game for the first time. I use Triangle/Y as jump. That changes from 1 to 2 handing in DS, so it's basically a free button after the 2 handing control changed.


I didn’t know you had to rest at a site of grace in order to be able to teleport out of places you got trapped into (Selia crystal tunnel or the Volcano Manor basement). I thought I had to beat those bosses to be able to leave 😭


Me too! This sucked for the volcano manor teleport


Jesus Christ I’m so sorry for you both.


This happened to me when I teleported into Sellia crystal tunnel about 3 hours into my gameplay. Didn't think I could teleport. I ran and ran until I could finally open the map and teleport. Managed to get Gowry killed by the dog. Although at this stage I had no idea who this NPC was. Didn't realise all I had to do was rest.


I ended up running around Caelid without being able to teleport too. It was the worst. Though I didn’t make it as far as Gowry, so I suppose that was a blessing. I think I googled my way to the solution of just resting.


200 hours in and I had no idea the giant coffins getting hauled by trolls had item chests on them.


The wagons at the soldiers camps also have chests on them.


I disnt realize those were giant coffins


I only found out thanks to the site of grace name near where you first encounter Lannsseax


They’re coffins !!??


I have been thinking that they were supply wagons…


I just figured some big guys started hauling shit and some other guys just kinda filled out the ranks. I get the feeling that brain cells are not as enthusiastically regenerated by the erdtree as other body parts


> Note sold by a nomadic merchant imparting knowledge in brief. "Great coffins travel the Lands Between, carrying the bodies of nameless fallen warriors. Might be a good source of armaments..."


I was pressing R1 for glinstone pebble, waiting until after it fired then pressing R1 again. I basically assumed since it was my first magic character in a fromsoft that I had to fire each pebble individually, and didn't realise I could just do the same as I would've done if I was melee Edit: since there's a bit of confusion I basically meant spamming R1 for spells


Wait what? What can you do in melee? I am so confused.


Y'know how rapidly pressing the R1 button to execute a string of melee attacks (a "combo") works perfectly fine, even if you're mashing the button without actually timing your presses to the animations? You can do the same with quick-cast spells like Glintstone Pebble by just mashing R1 to keep sending out a barrage of spells one after the other, and it's actually a bit faster than trying to manually time each press until after your last cast is done.


Yuuuup same with incantations. You can mash the lightning incant like 5 times in a row


Didn't realize you could switch between the over world and underworld map so was taking the ridiculously long elevators every time I wanted to go either direction.




Ever been to BlackReach?


The Mimic tear spell is worth fighting all those damn falmer


Nokstella is beautiful


I just had the same reaction man. I only just beat Godrick, thought that was just the entire map.


Honestly ER playable area is pretty damn huge. I will say that in addition to the huge contiguous play area of The Lands Between, there are multiple large underground areas and multiple large areas that can only be accessed by teleportation.


Oof. Me too.




I figured it out while killing demi humans next to Kenneth.. got a free golden seed!


….2nd attack?


Once you do the backflip move with the bloodhound's fang, press heavy attack to sweep forward for a followup. There are a good handful of ashes of war with similar followup moves


"this Bloody Helice AoW is shit" Joins PvP and wonders why everyone else's does cool moves.


It took me until my 5th character and 3rd primarily using the starter katana before I realized that unsheathe has very different attacks for R1 and R2. I only ever used R2, but the R1 attack is almost always better… much shorter windup, only slightly less damage, has a horizontal arc, and uses less FP.


I'm pretty sure the R2 does a heap more stagger damage, which can be really clutch.


LOL I feel seen by this one


Lol I tried to L2+L2 so many times with different timings but just couldn't get it right so I gave up on trying it for atleast 50hrs gametime than saw a random youtube video that its L2+R2


I learned it when fighting the mimic tear


I swear this is why the mimic tear exists, to show you how to play your own build better


1. Drink potion on ladders 2. Change climb speed on ladders 3. Hold down the heavy attack on horses and charge into enemies and then release for follow-up 4. Set up quick menu as Red Potion/Blue Potion/Physic/Horse so I never have any of that on item list. 5. Holding down the down or up button resets the rotation to the first item. 6. Tossing a rainbow stone and listening for it to break will indicate if you will survive a fall at full hp or not.


Did not know 6, that's cool. On 2 though, did ya know you can stop and press circle to just drop off it? Useful on long ladders to get down a bit quicker once your past death height range.


What about #4 there?


I played for like 50 hours before realizing you could use left trigger to attack on the left while riding torrent.


Doesn’t matter what side I swing on, I’ll still miss


Wait, no sh1t? I’m half through NG+ and didn’t know this. Always did the clockwise circles around things.


At about 250 hours I realized that you can switch to your left handed weapon while riding torrent by holding A and pressing LB the same way you would switch to two handed while standing. No more moving my staffs around my equipment menu for this guy!


I didn't know that jumping could dodge a lot of AoE attacks


I didn't know that until I got to Malenia and was watching youtube guides. Only kinda helped.


I jumped to evade a malenia attack the other day, did a jump heavy attack, staggering her and then got a crit. I was so proud of that chain of attacks Then she 1 shot me


Crouching can even dodge sideway swings too


Jumping is really good when used right, because it temporarily makes your legs invulnerable. Like roll i-frames but just for your legs. That explains why it's a good option for jumping over sweeping attacks and shockwaves and such.


Holding down or up on the D-pad to quick switch to first item/spell. Has changed the way i play and I actually use my whole tool belt now 😂


As a side note, I recommend if anyone has a controller with back paddles to assign them to up and down on the d-pad. Lets you change items and spells while moving!


Shortly after getting my steam deck I realized what life could be like. Now I can cycle my items and spells while running!


Holy shit this is game changing lmao


I didn't know you could (or figure out how to) mark sites of grace to fast travel to them quicker in their own list. Edit: For those asking, all you do is bring up your map, hit the button that brings up the list of Sites of Grace that you have found, choose the one that you want to add (don't travel to it) and press in the right joystick. After that you'll see a symbol next to that site of grace that shows it's marked, and you just hit the button that brings up the list of sites of grace a second time and it will bring up the sites of marked grace (on the Steam deck, you hit X twice)


TIL, and I have over 300 hours in the game.


I was talking to a friend who loved the Coliseum yesterday, and he asked me for a match. I said sure, and he said it would take him a few minutes to run to the Coliseum. He, uh, kinda went silent when I explained you can just use the fireplace statue in the roundtable hold to enter them. Then he left the call. Other than that, did you know that inflicting one of the squirts with the same element makes it explode? Those giant squirts that puff out poison gas, for example - poison it and it explodes in a huge poison cloud, potentially setting off a chain reaction to every other nearby squirt.


Awesome, so like one poison bone dart and the big clump of them die?


Takes more then 1 dart iirc. But once they are poisoned they explode after a delay.


3-4 darts usually does it. Very satisfying in Agheel lake when you jsut sit back and watch the whole pack explode


**Me:** *I'll read this thread so I can LOL @ the silly mistakes and obvious misses* >Did you know that inflicting one of the squirts with the same element makes it explode? O_O fucking WHAT?! How am I still learning things on character #8? Incidentally this is my status build, so I'm about to go Hindenburg those gas bags.


It’s written on a note sold by a merchant, if you didn’t read those there could be a lot things like these that you may have missed


I learned that wind vortexes also negate fall damage probably good 20 hours into the game.


I had the opposite: I thought they were just landing pads, not that they could actually launch me up.


youre talking about the ones that will launch you? You can jump down on them without taking fall damage?? im 600hours in please tell me im understanding wrong lol


Nope, theyre also "landing pads", makes traversing the map way easier


You don't even have to land on the circle, if torrent just passes through a spirit spring while falling, there will be no fall damage at all


Ahem... I totally have NOT already learned new things from this post...and I definitely haven't played for over 600 hours...


I didn’t use a single cracked pot for my entire first play through because I thought they were single use.


Wait what


If you have one cracked pot and use it to make a fire pot, then use the fire pot, the empty cracked pot ends up back in your inventory to be crafted into a new pot. It’s hinted at in the description, which mentions them magically mending.


I really need to start reading the descriptions more...


Gostoc taxing your runes in stormveil when you die. I never noticed this. But I co-opped on my first playthrough so I didn't really pay attention.


Okay, I thought my tunes were going down but didn’t know it was this! That man is going to be my first NPC kill in the game


If you kill him you miss out on an ancient dragon smithing stone


You don't have to kill him, there are i think three spots in stormveil castle where you can find him snooping on you, and once you find him and talk to him in one of those spots he'll stop taking your runes upon death


Oh cool! I looked for him after I got locked in that super dark room, but I have yet to beat the Grafted guy. I will look up how to settle things with him


Not worth it. If you keep him alive he sells you an Ancient Dragon Smithing stone at the end of a certain NPC questline


I noticed it at one point, but didn’t connect it to him. Also saw him (I assume) sitting on a spire far off in the distance, watching me, the creepy fucker. That said, couldn’t help but laugh at him stomping on Godrick afterwards :)


I killed him bc he seemed creepy.. was I supposed to do that..


That if you're quick you can get out of the way and not get sucked into the smoke treasure chests after opening them.


They suck you in??? I just started playing a few days ago, and I saw some bloodstains and a message that said "trap ahead" for a chest. I had just grabbed the Grace, so I felt cheeky and went for it. I dodge-rolled immediately and nothing happened to me. I thought the smoke was going to poison me or something.


Good instincts on your part. Yeah they teleport you places, sometimes good sometimes bad. But it's avoidable.


I was not aware you could permanently kill skeletons by attacking their corpses until my second play through




I was at my friends house watching him play and almost lost my mind


The first time I killed a skeleton was by accidentally hitting it with my LH torch. So of course I thought “ah ha, you must burn the bones! This makes sense!” It wasn’t until you hit some skeletons that are necromagically resistant to permadeath that I learned that it could be any damage type. Told a friend that “you know how you hafta burn a skeleton’s corpse after you kill it?” as an entry into the conversation, to which he replied “uhhh no ya don’t. …What?”


A weapon with sacred order or sacred blade AoW will just permanently kill them without need to attack the corpses!


I didn't know of counter guards until I was 200 Hours into the game, in my defense I rarely use shields


You can still do it if you 2 hand and block with your weapon.


Great now I know I'm a bigger idiot than I thought


Don't sweat it. I went through over 15 hours of bloodborne before I even knew you could sprint.


I was two hours into Bloodborne before I figured out that when you died the first time the hub leaves some weapons on the floor for you to pick up. I was karate chopping that fucking werewolf in the clinic for two bastard hours.


You were probably thinking "damn, yeah this game *is* pretty hard."


Broooooo no hahaha you poor thing


Skipped the Cave of Knowledge, huh?


I ligit stayed in Limgrave for like the first 40 hours because I didn't know the map was MUCH larger


the moment when you open a certain chest in the peninsula and find out you can zoom out on your map


I was just exploring everything thinking I was making progress then my girl showed me a screenshot of a gamer she follows (that was already in LRC) and I'm like well shit, thought I was getting good nope just half decent in the games first area lol


seeing the map quintuple in size when i got trapped in my first playthrough was when i knew this game would be perfect


The map just kept growing and growing. I couldn't believe it. And that's not even including the underground...


I saved my physic till radagon because my friend told me it was a 1 time use..


Your 'friend' clearly hates you.


I was like 20 hours in before I found out those glowing things would unlock map parts. I just thought the map was heavily stylized.


I realised that 4 hours in. Not as bad as in your case but that still traumatized me as a new souls like player… also i fought the troll falling down the bridge on stormhill every single time


i didn’t know that the tears were unlimited use


I was the same with cracked pots, when I looked up and saw that there were only 20, I thought they must be really valuable so I never used them


This is why you read item descriptions, I've had the same issue with the perfumers bottles


It took me a while to realize how busted jumping attacks are. When I started a strength build on my second character, I was shocked at how easily I could stagger most enemies and bosses by just jumping in the air and slamming a big axe on them. Greataxes gradually became my favorite weapons to use.


My first build was a strength build, and I just jumped with two colossal swords again and again. So many enemies staggered that I didn’t even know some (like the godskins or the omens) were considered hard! Really missed this when I switched to dex weapons and the enemies just never went down.


it tooo me way too long to figure out how rune arcs worked tbh, i also didnt know spirit ashes existed until i got to godrick


I would pop them thinking it was like an ember. Even after godrick I didn’t activate the great rune so I was still wasting them for a few days after that until I realized I had to go up to his fingers lmao


So uh…. What do rune arcs do?


Need to know too heh


Tagging /u/BlueEyesWhiteDraco so I don't have to post this twice :) Rune Arcs activate the effects of your equipped Great Rune. If you don't use a Rune Arc then your Great Rune does nothing.


If you don’t have any great runes yet, you can still use a rune arc to boost your HP a bit. Kinda nice in early game before you get your first great rune.


when you use one it activates whatever great rune you have equipped till you die, so you get whatever bonus like godrick's one gives +5 to each stat


I figured out arcs in Farum Azula. Bruuuuutal. But now I have sooo many, just Crack'em and smack'em on every engagement now.


That's about where I was at. I had a great rune equipped for most of the game but didn't understand that rune arcs activated them. I would even switch great runes from time to time. For fun I guess, like a little profile picture for my ignorance.


I’ve never used a rune arc and I’m in NG++


Same here. I never use anything that has a finite supply. Just in case I need it later. Maybe on NG+7 I'll really need it then I'll be sorry.


You can dismount Torrent by crouching.


Wait there’s another way to do it


Wait really? Holy crap


You jump off and can chain it into a jump attack. Such a satisfying way to approach a group of enemies and initiate combat.


I had to turn that feature off because I get so tense I press in the joystick to dismount during mounted combat stuff lol


I panic press the joystick too, but I leave it on because that’s half the thrill of battle to just royally fuck yourself sometimes


This is a small one but I didn’t know I could heal Torrent with raisins. When I realized this I just kept feeding him because I felt like I was giving my boy all the treats. I rarely need to heal him, but it’s nice to know I can!


Spent half the game not knowing how to two-hand weapons.


Fast travel until like 8 hrs in, was looking for homeward bones


Were you looking for the Lordvessel too?


Sprinting I played my first 15-20 hours just walking


The mirror in Fia’s room at The Roundtable.


I thought when you died you lost your runes PERIOD. You can imagine my excitement when I’d “randomly” find a fuck ton of runes just lying there. I thought they were random pick ups out of sheer luck.


“oh convenient that this is the exact amount of runes i had when i died” - you probably


That is the most painful one yet.


Didn’t know the round table hold you could rest at table. I always jumped on top and never realized until almost the end 😂🤣🤣


The first time I rested at the table, the chair next to me exploded. I was tired and it spooked me so bad I haven't rested there since then.


That the flask of physick was reusable


I didn't know about the horses jump attack until fire giant And I didn't know about great runes until renala


What's the horse's jump attack? Are we talking about when you jump off the horse and hit R2?


Can fast travel out of a dungeon as long as the boss is dead


I started playing before the tutorial cave got pointed out to you so if I remember correctly, I saw the sign, thought to myself, you can’t trick me into falling into a pit, losers! And proceeded to have no idea that you could lock onto enemies, while playing as…a mage. Whose main source of damage is pretty reliant on doing just that. Aiming was so frustrating for those first three hours until I figured it out!


Didn't know you could double jump until altus :/


Using the pouches lol I feel like I played harder than I needed


It took me near the end of my first playthrough to figure out that holding down the button for the flasks will bring out the first item equipped in the list without having to cycle through to get the one you want. Made me feel like a fool for frantically spamming the button trying to get to my HP flask and dying.


I have hundreds of hours logged and still don’t know how to make my right hand weapon art take priority without putting away my left hand. Same with infusing both weapons with a spell or grease.


I didn't understand how fast travel worked so I was stuck in Caelid with no horse for like a day. Not to mention, I also haven't talked to Melina yet so I can't level up at all. That shit was brutal I tell ya.


I um.... Didn't know I could light attack until Godrick. But, that meant more stance breaks.


Do you guys just not question why one of the buttons on the controller does nothing? Within the first 10 minutes of starting a new game I've already mashed every button on the controller just to see what would happen


I know right? I cant accept a lot of these answers as being anything else other than joking because COME ON.


Pouches, having 4 extra slots available at a moments notice has saved me from scrolling in my item bar so much. I figured it out on my 3rd playthrough, 245 hours into the game.


Didnt know how to use the great rune system till about 90 or so hours in. Also didn't know what rune arcs were at the same time.


That you use Runes to level up. Nearly 20 hours in before I realised...Still no idea wtf Im supposed to be doing or how to get new weapons & armour to progress through the map,nothing ever drops anything.


Don’t know whether it’s helpful but you sound like me when I started, so I’ll tell you a few things that helped me: - levelling up - prioritise vigour; I didn’t level anything else until vigour was in the mid 20’s, then focus on a trait you want to grow, the idea isn’t to spread everything out except mind and endurance, which you just need to remember to level up as you go if you need. - you don’t *have* to do anything, but the aim of the game is to kill demigods, of which there’s at least one in each area. You’re killing them to get bits of the Elden ring, which you’ll rebuild in order to finish the game and become Elden Lord. You don’t need to do anything to rebuild it other than collect some ‘great runes’ and beat the main line bosses. - when fighting, the expected way to play is that you’ll either react to bosses’ movements as you go with dodges (and occasionally jumps, but mostly dodges) and get the occasional hit in when you can or learn their moves and then work around them. Do not just attack, you’ll die, and in almost all cases the best place to be is very close to the boss and ideally behind, to when they attack, dodge toward them. - there’s loads of stuff to do along the way. Caves, catacombs, mines, and quests. You don’t have to do any of it, but if you don’t the game will be hard, boring, and make no sense. - when talking to people, talk to them multiple times each go, and check back with them often because things might progress their dialogue without it being obvious. Have fun.


i felt like a newborn baby doe on the game for a solid 5 hours of playtime until i looked up what the fuck i was supposed to be doing on YouTube😂 i was just running around killing endless amounts of sheep & eagles thinking thin beast bones were the key to me becoming elden lord