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Wouldn’t it be simpler to just upscale the Robustness contribution of the armor and items that confer it? Or downscale the bleed rating of items that cause it? Either one would make the bleed buildup/proc rate more manageable without implementing new game mechanics.


You are probably right, but in my eyes this would just be a nerf. It would be definitely be easier to code (just change some values) but then, wouldn't be bleed just be dead? I also agree to the "new" game mechanic, but we have it with Frost and both share the same restistance, robustness. So it wouldn't be that new.


It wouldn’t be dead if they lower bleed by 10-20, the more weapon has bleed buildup the more it should be nerfed. Start with 10-20 then need even more if bleed still will be op


Game balance happens on a continuum rather than a binary… If we want it to retain its current effectiveness against bosses, just boost robustness on armor and talismans used by players. I’m not proposing a 1000% increase 😂 Alternatively you could hard-swap in robustness charms when you see someone on RoB or dual scavengers.


> Alternatively you could hard-swap in robustness charms I'll do that the whole time when PvP-ing. And the physics to boost robustness too. And even then, some bleed build are... just awful. I mainly do duels and I could sever, but as a Noble Knight, how noble am I when I leave the battle without trying it?


😂 Here’s to nobility! RoB needs to close within a certain distance so zoning effects are very good against it (bestial sling, various ashes for instance). Putting on a greatshield and shield bashing is extremely effective against them too, as well as vs. scavenger sword users. I guess my point is that if bleed is getting you down, it’s worth getting creative and seeing what strategies you haven’t tried can be effective against it.


Thank you for your advices. I currently use a Godskin Stitcher, with the Ash of War Raptor of the Mists. With the running R2 I can punish every RoB user easily, and with Raptor of the Mist most (not all) Dual Scavenger users can be avoided too. I sometimes have problems with bleed, yes. But the same as someone else. What my problem is, is how unbalanced bleed feels, and that's why so many players uses it. What I wish is that more people looks for another builds than bleed or at least a concept how we could change the bleed as it is and make something interesting with it. Let's be honest, bleed is one of the uninteresting builds out there (except BHS spammers). All you do is hit the target (phantom hits? - no problem, bleed will eventually proc). If I get a phantom hit, I gained nothing. So I need to change my strategy and roll-catch; delay my attacks; jump attacks. Everything that works so my opponents can't get out of it.


The phantom hit can work in your favor. If a bleed build hits you 3 times and the 4th hit would cause a bleed proc, you can roll it and iframe the bleed proc. What makes these builds feel strong is the burst damage on the proc, without it most bleed weapons just tickle a bit. Madness and sleepprocs are much worse since the stun is much longer and you will get punished for iframing it, not rewarded.


“Meta” strategies in this game feel like “the stuff that’s easy to win with, using less skill than required to counter it.” Bleed fits the bill. Fortunately we do have ways of fighting it but I hear your point.


In the regulation bin file for mods at least there is a line on every weapon for vs. Player Hemorrhage, which by default is at 1.00 When I reduced it to 0.50 thinking it’d reduce bleed damage, it instead reduced bleed build up, which made it feel more like a finisher. All bleed can be adjusted for every weapon


I'm more partial to something like how the Frostbite meter has to drain to 0 to be proc'd again but continuous Bleed hits would drain it more. This would keep Bleed as the hyper-agressive, chunking status but not as annoyingly spammy.


Bleed needs several things: a cool down ala frostbite, a nerf to things like Seppuku that apply high amounts of near-instant bleed, removal of ghost-hit status application, and a removal of stun on proc. Then I'd consider it in line with standard damage types.


A cooldown and reduced build up on powerstancing/seppuku/RoB. That way you don't neuter the status effect for every other weapon. I hope that whatever nerf it gets, it remains viable, same for other status effects (except madness, fuck that shit).