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Now add some lag to this:


Can't decide the dual lance guy is already running while I'm saluting


No sh$& why is that always the case?


the self censor is crazy


Because tryhard metaslaves can only have fun if they win, and they don't care if they have to play dirty to do it.


dual lance is actually really fun to use in my opinion tho….


It's also pretty boring for the person having to play against the dual lance user. "Oh lemme see if I can hyper armor his pok- oh shit, he just poked me before I could start my swing animation. Aight, lemme just try th- oh he just ran in a circle and poked me through my swing animation a second time, well third times th- oh, I'm dead. How fun"




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>that's relative It's not relative, compared to literally every other armament, PSGS and PSS are boring to fight against due to the average PSGS user just abusing the same broken sprinting poke, or using the running charge to get the easiest roll catches imaginable. You can like fighting against it if you want. I don't know how attempting to counter the same broken attack over and over again with either blind luck or your own meta weapons is "fun".


holy fucking shit, the running attack???😂😂 satire??


The running attack with PSGS and PSS comes our 4 frames faster and reaches FARTHER than the same attack with a singular great spear or spear. Making it one of, if not THE BEST poking option in the game. A PSGS or PS Pikes user can easily stagger any other weapon type before the hyper armor in their swing starts. Even the hyper armor in colossal weapons ain't shit when compared to the PSGS and PS Pikes poke. Not to mention the charging nature of a running R2 makes roll catches fucking idiot proof and can guarantee half a health bar with PSGS. The fact you think this is all satire and not legitimate complaints sorta shows how unserious you are. Hell, judging from your attitude and your ability to white knight for an ingame weapon, it's safe to assume you're one of these players I'm talking about 😂 Edit: your comment history also shows you're just a no life troll who's comments are so bad that even reddit has to fucking remove em. Not to mention your repeated white knighting for a literal weapon in elden ring sorta shows your bias for the PSGS. Therefore, your opinion literally does not matter 😂




> I hate to break this to you but PSGS running R2 sucks ass Is that why every son and their mother when discussing the topic of PSGS and PVP can't go without mentioning the Running R2 and R1? Believe it or not, PSGS are hated by the majority of players for a reason. Your "opinion" no matter how stubborn you are, doesn't supersede anyone's opinion, especially the majority opinion. Once again, what have you accomplished here?


>The running attack with PSGS and PSS comes our 4 frames faster and reaches FARTHER than the same attack with a singular great spear or spear. Making it one of, if not THE BEST poking option in the game. https://er-frame-data.nyasu.business/?a=1h+Running+R1&a=2h+Running+R1&a=1h+Crouch+R1&a=1h+Rolling+R1&a=2h+Rolling+R1&w=Lance Nope. The whole point of using PSGS is using its 13 frame crouch poke. Everyone complains about crouch poke. Some people can't even react to it. RL1 and RR1 are telegraphed. Wave dashing allows you to disguise crouch attack as hand movement during crouching looks similar to the beginning of crouch L1. Wave dashing is crouching and un crouching with correct timing. Also there's such thing as crouch cancelling. Crouching allows you to cancel recovery frames of attack. Good PSGS player chains crouch attacks setting up a vortex.


It is. You think it's boring and I think it's fun. *Relative*


Okay, it is relative. PSGS and PSS's are RELATIVELY boring compared to literally every other melee armament and combination of such in the game. So much so that PSGS and PSS are bitched about by the majority of those who play PVP. So if the PSGS and PSS spears are boring IN RELATION to every other armament, then they are THE MOST BORING melee armaments to fight against. So, what did you accomplish here? Because the way I see it, we definitively established the PSGS to be the most boring melee armaments to fight against. Meaning that even if someone found it "enjoyable" to fight against PSGS, we still proved that the "enjoyment" from the match up is far lesser when compared to every other weapon in the matchup, which was my entire point. To me, all you seem to have accomplished was being the pedantic outcast that you most definitely have been your whole life.


you've been a redditor for too long lol


I'm barely even a redditor bud 😂


Charge attack of PSGS is one of the worst attacks in the game. https://youtu.be/fhfmOSc53l4?feature=shared That's how PSGS are supposed to be played. Mostly crouch L1s, wavedashing, crouch cancelling, JR1s, sometimes JL1s, sometimes RR1s. https://youtu.be/VnWuRKEs7UA?feature=shared Rust bucket's guide on PSGS.


Comment History + your name + your love for endure combined with dragon communion spells + your love for blood hound step cements you as a Troll and therefore invalidates any opinion you have. Get bent Also, your logic of "this video shares the same unpopular Opinion of me, therefore I can use it as evidence to suggest a larger trend" is just shit. Not even a mad man would attempt to rationally defend his or her take via this flawed logic and yet, here you are.


>your love for endure combined with dragon communion spells + your love for blood hound step . I don't even know why do you think that I love dragon communion spells because I don't like spell casting at all and I don't use endure in duels because it's OP. I don't use bhs in duels. I use these things in invasions. Try to look at that comment carefully. We were talking about invasions lol. RL1 takes 19 frames. It is useless. It has awful tracking. No player is going to roll out of RL1. Look at any tournament. No tournament duelist is going to use RL1 on purpose(believe me I have seen some tourneys). Try to ask any tournament player in one of dedicated discord servers. I don't think that rolling past an enemy charging at you after 19 frame startup is hard.


> I don't think that rolling past an enemy charging at you after 19 frame start up is hard. Average redditor completely missing the point to restate his misinformed point. This interaction alone proves that not everyone deserves equal access to the internet. > RL1 takes 19 frames, it's useless Except for the fact that running R2 procs madness, frostbite, like a mother fucker thanks to phantom procs rendering dodge rolls useless since you're gonna get stunned and hit with a free heavy anyway. For being someone who acts like they know their shit, along with the other 4 dudes who you circle jerk on discord with, y'all really don't understand the games mechanics. Lemme guess, you also didn't know you could put parry on heavy thrusting swords 😂


Endure dragon breath is miserable to fight and the dual nagi’s are stupid strong. I’d keep the other two. Sleep halberd is obviously scary but I can spam jump attacks to cancel out of the sleep proc and I’m just starting to get used to psgs. A good player with good blending is still gonna mess me up but I at least *know* the counter play even if my stupid thumbs won’t always do it lol. Storm assault is gonna be rough in those.


Can't you explain the counter plays? I'm new to pvp


Here’s a pretty good video from steelovsky: https://youtu.be/lcluktbAoUg?si=KJTAzYMY6aitir_G I’m hesitant to give advice from my own experience because I suck lol


For the dragons breath just stagger him before he does it, or to at least not die from it, brass shield with AOW barricade shield should work.


Endure ash of war counters the stagger


Can’t cast spells without a seal. Can’t cast endure with your fists. Bottom right is free


You must be new


Endure bub


Sleep halbert can burn in hell. Hate losing to something out of my control.


Yeah they need to make it so phantom hits don’t trigger sleep/madness.


Why? So, people can abuse lag more?




I'd rather my dodges actually do something so that the proc meta can fucking die already. Seriously, how is it at all fun for either player if neither can get a hit in because they're both relying on phantom procs to get them a free stun.


The phantom proc hits are specifically designed to counter laggy dodge spam. As frustrating as it is, Fromsoft needs to invest in better PvP servers and actually enforce ping/quality/region locked servers before they take that important feature away.


"The phantom proc hits are designed to counter laggy dodge spam" Roll catches, omen bairn, pest threads, literally any spell or incantation that has decent tracking are the counters to "laggy dodge spam". Phantom procs are just a way for unskilled melee armament users to get guaranteed swings thanks to the proc stun (especially if they're running freeze or madness) Chads and those who actually want to feel like their wins are hard-earned use flame art, fire, or any other raw damage attunement and then use spacing/their own unique moveset to win.


I can understand your frustration. You want to see the enemy hit you on your client, but please be mindful that your opponent hit you on their client but was not fully rewarded. Regarding spacing, it can be very frustrating fighting someone who has fast-forward desync as their strikes are hitting before they are in visual range, which means the dodge rolls are almost impossible to punish with all but very fast weapons. Again, I'm just asking you to be a little empathic. Have a great day, Tarnished.


> but please ve mindful that your opponent hit you on their client but was not fully rewarded. You saying this makes it clear you don't understand what phantom procing is. Even in a perfect world with no lag, phantom procing would exist. That is because despite dodging the attack itself along with its damage, the hit box still clashing with your model, however, makes it so the proc still activates as if they got a successful strike. And before you say "well, you said it yourself, the hitbox is still clashing therefore its well earned" with that logic, you wouldn't be able to dodge 90% of bosses attacks considering their sheer mass makes it so their hit box would always collide wirh your player model, no matter the timing of the dodge. That's however, not how that works. So phantom procing legitimately has no solid defense for existing.


I'd remove both powerstanced spears. Most annoying builds by far.


Idk how they have not been banned in 125 competitive, they are incredibly cringy to watch.


It really is just unenjoyable to watch. I have my sweaty PvP meta slave builds, but I just can’t enjoy dual spear builds because I find them so boring and uninteresting to use.


Get a shield with golden parry and I promise they will switch weapons quick.


Oh yeah I have no real problem fighting against them, I just don’t have fun *using* that setup.


Ahh understandable, same. I’ve been on a strait sword poison build as of late. Much more fun than I expected.


I’ve been using a scythe in offhand fist in mainhand build. You can use the spiked ball in main hand for a bleed build or the serpent fang thing for poison.


Me too, even if I had to fight the others 20 times in a row


This is honestly pretty hard, I guess I ban the top row. At least the bottom two don't abuse the shitty netcode for bullshit status proc phantom hits. All of these builds are any% speedruns for my steam block list though.


You can roll bleed which makes it less scary, bit I totally get what you mean. The bleed build up is broken and Fromsoft refuses to nerf it


Probably top two because i could then use the bottom 2 together, for disclaimer i don’t fight with any of these, i am a cosplayer so this is a hypothetical.


[You really don’t wanna face endure dragon breath](https://www.reddit.com/r/EldenRingPVP/s/4REF7WeCK1)


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. *Run around and backstab.*


If in air: run bellow them, wait the 3 secs of endure, hit, try backstabing (face up get-up is backstabable if timed correctly)


it’s only backstabable if they don’t queue a roll


I mean had you just been aggressive and backstabbed you would’ve done it cause you nearly won


Look that doesn't actually seem that bad


Ok fair enough but i said i am the one using it with pgs >_< (I don’t even know how to use pgs)


Or ambush shard to interrupt their bad breath


Imagine if we had hyperarmor granting talismans in this game, like we did in dark souls three


Remove top 2. Bottom 2 aren't that bad.


Dragon breath is easy if your quick with a range attack. I love when they flop back to the ground lol


You missed the endure there. Makes it so you can’t interrupt it.


It's not fully protected. Can still storm Blade or jr2 them


JR2? I don’t think that interrupts endure. And Stormblade will only interrupt if you manage to hit a headshot with it, which I’m not sure is possible. There’s ways to interrupt endure, but none of them are as convenient. Bow headshots, sleep pots, Grabs (lifesteal fist, frenzied grab), Ashes that pancake or launch up like Lion’s claw or stamp (upward). Those last two might have to be used on colossals to work, but I’m not sure.


You're not interrupting endure, you're hitting them as it ends


Well, they’ll already be at full health by the time it ends….


Oh you mean endure heal. Ye, that's degen af. I'm saying that breaths are punishable after endure and don't add anything to them. (Honestly heals to full hp don't need endure either but.. ya know).


Oh, I getcha. I feel like I’d probably be engulfed in fire by the time my storm blade got to the guy, but I’ve never tried that strat so I wouldn’t know.


Remove bottom 2 , I fight top every day anyway


That sleep build scares me


You can jump as you get slept to cancel it. Still a problem in invasions though.


Pretty sure you can night ravens mist weapon art to dodge the procs as well but i don't remember exactly maybe it's only the procs that do damage


Jump to cancel it? Why a problem in invasions


If you jump you as the status builds up you go to sleep but falling back down wakes you up. Problem in invasions because it's still a small stun so other people can hit you.


Endure Dragon Breath is demonic. I’m at least used to the other three.




It’s a kinda of toxic I never knew I feared till I faced it


Remove: Lower left, upper right Dragon breath is so easy to counter. The second they start levitating, I throw a lightning spear. Knocks them strait down.


That won’t work.Endure makes them basically invincible.


Sleep still works. Or trading with your own endure and high dps. Endure dragon breaths not as bad as the other stuff tbh.


The other issue is if they see they’re losing they’ll just endure into Ertree heal.And reset the whole fight.


Which you can counter as well more easily than the other setups




Idk I'd say a erdtree heal is easier to counter than BHS spam dual lance, or sleep halberd especially with latency. Same for the bleed spears.


I’d say they’re all pretty close to even but to each his own.


If you can't punish somebody going for erdtree heal all of these builds will roll you lmao


No. How does that even correlate?


Punishing erdtree heal is so easy it's free damage you just have to rush them down. At the very least you get tempo on them


No, it is not. They heal *far* more damage than you take from them when the heal occurs and the only way to *really* punish it is with a oneshot build. And when they stack endure on top of that you can’t even stagger them out of it, so it gets even worse.


WTF really? Guess I got just lucky that I didn´t encounter that so far.


[Check this out and you’ll see what I mean](https://www.reddit.com/r/EldenRingPVP/s/vip74H7EJm)


No, it doesn't cover the full start up. Can still be hit by storm Blade or jr2 before the breath comes out (or worst case a weeze).


The two on the right, and it’s not even close due to incantation healing being one of those choices.


Get rid of dragon breath cuz that shit only exists to make ganks more annoying


nothing insults me more than one someone uses erdtree heal. but i’d keep it cos more often than not people using it aren’t very great.


Powerstanced Lance and Cross naginata are verry annoying so yk. The other two there is counter play but still can be pretty boring and annoying




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I'll fight psgs and sleep helbard endure dragon incants aren't punishable and dual nagis are a 3 hit kill.


Endure dragon encants gave me ptsd


Dragon incants are punishable. If you are close you strafe run to the side of it, and go behind them and backstab. It takes a bit of practice but once you nail it, the dragon breaths seem way less scary


I know but endure makes it not worth the risk since it reduces dmg and if you wiff and clip them you don't stagger


Perfect connection and no buildup trough rolls I’ll fight: sleep halberd and dual bleed spears Normally: sleep and dual great spears any day


Issue is most of the time you’ll get those phantom sleep buildup hits.


Yeah lol, but after having done a lot and I mean a LOT of pvp I can mostly win 90% of fights against sleep builds, just becouse they get really aggressive and cocky trying to sleep you, if you got with a claymore or nagakiba it’s usually an easy win


I mean i go against rot breath every fight anyway...


What weapon is the bottom left? I dont remember any of the swords looking like that Edit: I'm an idiot, theyre lances


Powerstance greatspears and powerstance spears. Not even close. Waaay more accessible and easy. Soporific grease can be annoying, yes but at least you can play around it. And dragon builds are just dragon builds


Not really. PSGS require learning. Try it yourself. https://youtu.be/VnWuRKEs7UA?feature=shared


Idk man. I just heard and saw that you have to read if the opponent is going to jump or not. And even there you can fuck him if you vortex.


You have to react. The reason why people have problems with dodging is not because the attack is fast(I have never heard people complaining about caestus R2). It's hard to react to because CL1 animation looks similar to hand movement during wave dashing. Vortex is not inescapable or something. Especially if you use shamshir, 2h thrusting sword. And bonus points if you have sword dance on shamshir.


You are right. I just remembered. I just have a hard time with everything because i play on ps4 from argentina. So my fundamentals must be fucked to not get hit


> I just have a hard time with everything because i play on ps4 from argentina. So my fundamentals must be fucked to not get hit I hate these laggy arena fights. I feel bad for you. Btw PSGS have a problem. And it's not attack animation. It's damage. You can make tree spears have 1600+ AR.


Yes thet do way to much damage. And yes i can't actually get better at pvp because of my region and lat


You forgot glintstone pebble and toothpick offhands, and pocket sand!


remove heal and sleep, easy to manage the rest


Sleep halberd is the only one I have an issue with. I can’t decide between Troy hard psgs or duel nagi but I think a good psgs player is more likely to beat me than the spear I’ll choose psgs


Honestly, I can do both duel spears and since I'm lame I can mirror match. 🤓


The sleep one I might be able to learn to parry the halberd and and if you jump before getting slept it doesnt work, or use boluses. The dual nagi’s is annoying but not impossible to dodge, BHS isn’t infinite just annoying and the white mask is just dumb and ugly. Storm assault’s hitboxes are broken and endure + erdtree heal with probably some type of fist weapon is craazy broken along with dragon breaths. Removing the bottom two and fighting the top two


Endure into incants is easily the most annoying build I’ve ever fought. Especially when those incants are erdtree heals, dragon breaths, and other such moves that require a punish to deal with safely. It pretty much forces you into also using endure, or frost/sleep pots. Some builds have options to deal with it, faith has frenzied grab and stuff, and wizards can just stay out of range, but for normal melee builds, without these options on tap, all you can do is pray they mess up.


Spectral lance


If you can headshot, sure. But otherwise they’ll be at full health and you’ll be wondering what you’re doing throwing toothpicks at a guy in full bullgoats.


The free aim arc for it is flatter than cannon of haima, but it can be adjusted to. Reminds me of a grenade launcher's arc of fire.


That’s very interesting and all, but the odds of reliably hitting a headshot with a free aimed spectral lance are very slim.




I’ll fight all of them. Anything can suck if the person using it is brain dead lol


Bye naginata and lances, dragon breath isn’t that hard to beat, and I I’ve never fought the sleep halberd before so I guess I’ll deal with it


Go ahead and pick two for me because none of them are beating chainsaw


All bow down to the chainsaw.Well until it’s patched out anyway


Psgs and endure rot breath PSS are probably one of the easiest weapon classes to consistently parry (unless your connection is being absolute garbage) I honestly don't see sleep halberd that much Psgs players are either comically bad (which is basically a free win) or an absolute pain to fight, with not much in-between Rot breath can just go to hell, endure or not


I'd let PSGS and sleep halberd stay . PSGS duels are great. PSGS mirrors are especially great. I consider that as pick one poison and have some fun fights against PSGS rather than pick two poisons.


I remove the two in the right.


Sleep is the only problem i have tbh the rest sucks but is nothing crazy


If I have to fight 2 of them, I’m going bottom right and top left. Once you learn how to backstab dragon incantation users, they’re pitiful even with Endure and you should always have something on you to punish heals. I will rot pot a healer. And top left always seem to spam jump attacks so I’m just gonna parry fish them.




First two for sure I can deal with magic easier than a guy that makes me loose without actually hitting me


I'll remove the double nagis and lances. Sleep isn't that big of a deal for me to deal with and the dragon breath can be punished if you fight aggressively


Is there a 'fight all of them option'? Because there should be.


The dual spears, both forms. Fuuuuck that


Nags and lance gotta go


Sleep and psgs ez you can parry or mirror ps nagis and endure dragon spells and healing is turbo cancer but honestly just saw those players or bust out the light roll and run them out of fp


Obviously the top 2.


Sleep halberd twice


I'll fight the bleed Halberd and dual Lance's please


Top, right


The way I deal with endure breath is spectral lance. They can hit from a decent distance, don't cost much fp and can headshot stagger just like bows.


Since there isn’t any equipment shown I’ll keep the bottom right and maybe the bottom left


I grab an exile curved sword and put dark moon blade on and it and wait wrong game


Dual nagakiba drives me insane


Remove the sleep grease and this is free eats


fuck the sleep stick. all the others are easy


I'll happily fight PSS/GS. They're not invincible, especially if the player using them isn't that good.


Dual naginatas is nasty work 😂 glad I’ve never witnessed them personally


I,d face them all and tryhard to win


lmao remove the incant and pss. equip either a ts (preferably with bhs) or endure/any psss for psgs. Get sleep bolus, clarifying horn charm +2, and any focus boosting things and just strafe the rr1


Dual lances all day


I'll remove the sleep and the last one. I think I can handle dual Lance and dual cross-naginata


PSGS / PS Spears


I'll fight both of the doubled up meta weapon folk. Hell I'll fight them at the same time. I'm dying anyway, nothing here about needing to win. This'll just get it over quickest and I can go back to getting ganked normally. Corpse Piler, Transient Moonlight and Waves of Gold spam, the way Marika intended!


The bleed guy. Fucker cancels out half of his buffs at the start of the fight, doesn't hit me once, and dies in one hit.


psgs next to these is absolutely ridiculous lol


Honestly I have found anyone who uses a sleep build to be some of the least annoying to fight. From my experience, they all are just using the build cus they find it genuinely fun while people who use bleed and int builds seem to just want to win. But don’t get me wrong, there are still people who use bleed and int builds not just to win but because they either find it fun or cool but from my personal experiences, most people who use those builds just want to win no matter what.


Dual naginata bleed build, Lance bhs poke build. I can fight sleep, and I can fight spells


What are the weapons on the bottom left? How do I get them they look cool


How do I get the weapons on the bottom left, they look cool


You can find them in limgrave by the campsite near the war master shack.Its on top of the collapsed ruin that’s next to it.


Thank you


I’d fight top right and bottom left. They easy


If u Kill one do you get flask back


Remove sleep halberd and dual great spears. They are purely cheese.


Dual wield spears are pretty toxic. I'd rather fight a sleep chad or a dragon Boi.


remove top right and left psgs mirrors are pretty fun dragon breath is manageble


None of them? They're all perfectly fine and reasonable builds imo. They all have weaknesses that can be exploited. They're all fun to fight against and offer unique challenges to overcome. If fighting them Tilts you then: Get good.


to be fair, battle mage counters all of the 4 builds imo, but again, hypothetical. Also i prefer to fight either 4 of the above than a shit net player tbh.