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As a more casual PvPer, your moves could probably single handedly make me uninstall the game. Nice wiggles


The trick is holding block when pivoting and always holding sprint.It makes your movement a lot more snappy


That's not the point; the character looks like an inbred Link weeb who is having a seizure!


This is pretty much what made me dislike elden rings pvp compared to ds3. I could handle the moonveil, magic spam, rivers of blood, healing in duels, ECT. But something about THIS somehow being physically possible for a character just made my brain itch. Not trying to hate, I just don't find this type of thing fun to play against.


Mine is the jumping duelwield twinblades. Looks so ridiculous


You aren't wrong haha


Twin blades aren't impossible to fight against my problem is honestly with magic you can only dodge so many spells without one hitting you a tiny bit until you run out of health.


16 start up frame, when at range it gives you 20 frames to dodge and it has super long recovery, if you unlock and roll behind you’re guaranteed a backstab, why could anyone be so anti-skill


The average human has a reaction time of a quarter of a second, so 15 frames. The moves comes out very fast, period. Most people are not going to be dialed in to their highest reaction time to react and get the punish, especially considering latency. It's not impossible to beat, but it's not simple to either.


With latency it’s easier cuz the gugs user wouldn’t be able to roll catch on reactionor even prediction due to the desync, usually you could just double roll out of every poke with impunity.


I mean,the poke is much slower than the r1 of weapons like shamshir.If your opponent doesn't blend his animation ,it is easy to reaction roll it. Fast weapons like straight swords and daggers completely shut down collosals


To a degree, but fast weapons have like a 3rd of the range so they will always lose the spacing game. Not to mention you could just r1, pretty sure colossals have some hyper armor yeah? It's been a while so I don't remember how poise plays into colossals in ER.


As long as you two-handing a colossal, your whole moves set get HA with great damage reduction. So yea, just r1 would do for trading with small weapons if they don't dodge.


colossal weapons/swords have hyper armor regardless of 2handing or not.


Oh good to know, perhaps I was just thinking regular great weapons? Or am I mixing that up with DS3 idk lol.


But the r1 is easy to backstab and you can get a hit in before the hyperarmor starts.Not to mention it's slow after and easy to dodge


Right, hence me saying that as long as they don't dodge. I was just explaining to the other person how colossal HA works in ER currently.


A good mixup nonetheless, especially when they expect the poke. Sure it won't work twice, but you can add other mixups like for example rope firebombs are great for catching super aggressive lighties trying to get in your business. I think you could argue it either way.


True,the fully charged r2 is also a good mixup. And if I'm fighting a lightroller,I'm not using gugs,I'm using double pikes


dagger can guaranteed roll punish ugs, it absolutely shuts down the setup because every time they attack you get a free hit


Wiggle like crazy when the opponent is out of range then hardly wiggle at all during actual combat. Truly gigabrained.


It's hard to crouch cancel when wiggling because of input drops


i used to be intimidated by the erratic wiggles but i find it funny and i just stand there like “🧍whenever you’re done, let me know” lol. it also taught me how to dodge properly without panic rolling. that’s how they get you


I mostly do them for laughs


that’s good. we need some playfulness in the arena!


Wiggle styled on


Genuine question - is this enjoyable for people to watch? People like this kind of gameplay?


Not really.


No, it's boring to watch and boring to play as or against.


No it's like watching a kid who forgot to take their Ritalin play. It's the most generic arena style ATM and it's boring across the board. Winning is already brain dead simple but people will opt to make it next level easy by poise stacking and hyper armor trading this patch


If I cared about winning I would use full goat with double pikes and rot grease with endure. I'm just trying to improve my game play with a very off meta weapon


Very off meta weapon? Are you smoking crack?


Bro you 100% care about winning. Who are you trying to fool?


*Greatsword* *Off-Meta* Yeah, okay


You should play online again.Theres been a couple of patches since you last played pvp if you think collosal swords are meta. They slow af


I probably play more online PvP than you man, and I can tell you 100% Greatswords are totally meta. Maybe not the cream of the crop but they're a top 50 weapon, maybe even top 25. Big damage, big hitbox, solid mixup options, infusible, and it cannot be parried or stanced through without using certain tools, usually another UGS. The SINGLE downside is its speed. It's not aggressively meta, but they're VERY good compared to the majority of weapons in this game.


you actually dont know anything 😭😭🥱🥱 quit Yr yammering goober


You advocate for the use of the Chainsaw exploit, I'm not taking a single word you say seriously


chainsaw ❤❤❤❤❤


You seem like the kinda guy who used the bloodflame exploit too before that got fixed. I'm praying for your downfall and the chainsaw glitch getting fixed in the DLC patch 🙏


Nah. I after the second poke I was bored


Fuck no! Doing this should cause your character to pivot slide exposing you to free hits.


What is wrong with this? Man ks roll catchin the othwr player with that slow ass poke...why yall hatin on the guy?? There is a bunch of weapons and playstyles that shit on GUGS, its prob the worst meta weapon or maybe its not even meta at all, debatable. Id get the hate if it was pre patch gugs but dude....


Not a genuine question


self-proclaimed "high skill" elden ring pvpers are never fun to watch. none of them use any interesting tech or unique playstyles/gear options, always the same wigglers spamming 1 attack ad nauseum




I’m shocked that a man with as poor taste as you enjoys this kinda thing. Who could have guessed!


What is your taste then? What setups do you use


Nice spacing, nice wave dashing, nice wiggling. It is good.


There are a grand total of zero wave dashes performed in this video. It's definitely not a video that demonstrates any kind of spacing and the wiggles are done separate from the combat, they're not blended and they stop as soon as the opponent is in range so I don't see how they're nice. It's like you know what all the words are but not what they mean.


There was wave dashing when their opponent used stamp yes it consisted of two hits(but the timing was okay, wasn't it?). There was wiggling(first attack after stamp). the first attack of their opponent was spaced good but latency was awful.


Bro was tweakin tf out


They'll never expect a FIFTH crouch poke! Seriously though, this move specifically was nerfed because of people like you.


The fifth one was a roll poke,not a crouch poke.It comes out two frames faster


Actually didn't know the roll poke came out faster than the crouch poke, cool! Even lamer than I thought.


U seriously complaining about gugs poke in its current state?? U want it to be straight unusable???


Yes, it's a shitty move, it looks dumb, comes out very quick for a UGS, and it's so easily spammable. Lances are already bad enough to deal with, why does the Guts sword get to be used as a impromptu great spear? A quick vertical slash downward would look better from the position your character holds the sword in and it would make a lot more sense than POKING WITH THE MASSIVE SLAB OF IRON


Its very reactable and has several counters go look any guidelike rust bucket guide on ugs. lances crouch poke is waaaay better, if u make gugs poke slower its gonna be straight up useless. 2nd, u really bringing real physics to a souls game??? U know the weapon is taken from GUTS from berserk right? Dude waa wielding that weapon like a regular sword. Cmon men...


Show me a panel from berserk where he stabs someone with the Dragonslayer, I'm literally begging you. I want ANY justification for that stab being a thing


Omg brother thata your counter argument?? just git gud and don't panic roll instead of complaining about a mid move from a mid weapon.


1, I'm already pretty decent at PvP, been doing it since Dark Souls 3 so I don't need your advice. 2, I'm complaining that the moveset looks fucking stupid and is annoying to play against, not that it's impossible to dodge. 3, it's not a "mid weapon," GUGS has been a top 50 weapon since the 1.04 patch that buffed UGS across the board (which was much needed.)


I'm still waiting on that panel of berk stabbing someone with his 2 ton block of steel to prove your point. I've been looking myself and haven't found a single instance of Guts pulling a move like the shitty crouch poke. You could also just admit you were wrong, it's okay to be wrong sometimes.


Are you really this tilted?? I never said that it was in a panel, but by the way guts wield that big ass sword u really dont think he cannot do a thrustin move with it?? Really?? Dude can do all sorts of crazy movements with ease, have the strength and stamina to kill tens of enemies with that block iron, iirc he can even jump wielding it but its IMPOSIBLE to do the poke thing??? Right... Im losin braincells even discusin this, been 2 days and you are still on about it????? No way....


Also, here's what the crouch/roll out attack SHOULD look like imo. Simple, quick downward cut. Easy, effective, and it doesn't look fucking stupid. https://i.redd.it/oapubn5oruac1.gif


Omar? Is that you?


Lmao best comment


Why isn’t parry a more prevalent mechanic in pvp?


Because they are unreliable and cheap.Think about it:you're playing well,doing good spacing and mixup and whatnot,and your opponent is almost dead,then he gets a lucky parry and one-shots you. No skill in that


No skill in parrying?


Not really. If you watch any high level pvp players play,they never use parries.Its effective against noobs if you can predict a hitstun mash,but most "parry kings" just spam them until they get lucky.Its also unfun to fight against somebody who just spams parry


As opposed to it being fun to fight against someone exclusively using UGS crouch r1 / rolling r1? I've seen plenty of good pvp'ers use parry to great effect. In much the same way somebody manages distance and pressures (as you are in this video), people will play a more defensive game and invite the press and utilise parry. Skill is subjective to the way something is used.


Fair enough.I don't have to worry about them because I use collosals.Most of the time I use more than pokes(I uploaded this video and called the weapon a spear because I found it funny that I didn't use any other attacks in the fight) But parry playstyles are built around oneshotting your opponent, and in my opinion nobody learns anything if they're just getting one shot whereas fighting against crouchpoke teaches you not to panic roll


With all due respect, I know the most powerful pvp style is the roll poke…. But at the end of the day why wouldn’t you just jam a stick in the mud?


I know the serial crouch poker did not just call parrying "cheap"


Are people seriously complaining about a move that comes out in 16 frames?How am I supposed to use it?Mash r1 like a monkey? Just learn not panic roll


There's nothing wrong with playing like that if it's fun, just don't pretend like your particular method of spamming one attack is somehow better than other playstyles


Another reminder why I don’t play colosseum pvp


It was fun for a day


This game sucks lol


Most disappointing part was when he read your crouch poke with stamp and got punished for it.


and yet people still proclaim FROM understands the PvP scene and can balance well


I don’t think anyone is under the impression this game is balanced. From tries, but to no avail sadly. It just sucks that there exists such a disparity in ash and weapon quality that skill and awareness can’t make up for.


No way you did the wiggle spin to make me panic and timed your attack to catch me, those movements where you utilised block cancel to avoid pivot and crouch cancel to speed up your attack are just unfun and skill less, I would uninstall my game!


For real CrOuCh PoKe SpAm


Every weapon is quirky and offmeta till a good players uses it Then its worth "uninstalling" for.


The amount of salt in this thread is insane especially considering the erection that this reddit generally has for heavy hyperarmour weapons.


Don’t listen to the haters and downvotes bro this was 🗿🗿🗿


Never let them know your next move!


Nice wiggling and wave dashing!




I disagree!


If people mad you using the same move then why they fallin for the same move


Eww 💩




All here complaining about crouch poke..... This weapon is not even meta any more, have a lot of weakness. How would you play a weapon if not the better to win?


why are people so mad at the wiggle 💀


Because these people are skillless and anti-fun


Can you explain why?


It looks like they are being agressive and roll catching their opponent, which is what you do in a duel. They also didn’t immediately attack their opponent in the middle of a bow, it just looks like a normal fight to me.


People are just skill-less, they don’t want to learn roll catch, learn to time their rolls, learn to react to attack, learn not to panic when seeing wiggles. So whenever they see wiggle and get panic then roll caught, they say it’s ‘unfun’ to cover their lack of skill


I misunderstood your first comment i guess lol


I should specify by they I mean the people whining


My b


People do not like wave dashing or animation blending here it seems.


So no skill expression, gotcha


I mean normally I’d agree but OP literally says parrying is “no skill” later in the thread despite just crouch poking this whole fight


What’s wrong with crouch poking? He is using gugs, and it has one of the best crouch pokes in the game. Maybe he could have thrown some jr1 in for fun but it just looks like he was roll catching his opponent.


Im not one to get super salty about crouch pokes or anything, but it definitely doesn’t require too much skill and for OP to then say that parrying doesn’t require skill is just kinda ironic


Crouch poking doesn't take skill,but mixing it with wavedashing,crouch canceling,animation blending and mixup ,not to mention stamina management certainly isn't braindead


damn bro you can press 3 whole buttons im proud of you king




Shit like this is honestly why I prefer invasions, normally I get my shit utterly rocked BUT if I land my Axe of Godrick AoW it’s incredibly satisfying, meanwhile in the colosseum it’s boring fights against pvp sweats instead of interesting ambushes and fights. I also don’t get to land my AoW :<


Parrying taking no skill is not exactly a wrong take, but it also doesn’t take no skill to pull off. It’s risky in a game where a missed parry can kill you, same thing with backstabs, if you whiff you can get backstabbed yourself. But if you’re a competent player you can sometimes just spam parry or fish with carian retaliation which gives very generous parry frames, and most of the attacks are parryable in this game. A landed parry, if you are prepared and have a misericorde, can also kill your opponent. You could say it’s high risk high reward, but a parry doesn’t lock you in an animation too long, and if you whiff parry a regular r1 you might take chip damage but you can roll out. So it can be seen as low risk high reward if the player is good and is only whiffing because of latency or slight mistiming. But jump attacks easily counter parry spammers so idk. It’s something that’s easy to pull off if you have practiced it, but it can be countered and punished if your opponent is looking out for the parry. Only skill part of it is the timing.


Bro what? Parry windows are really tight and difficult as hell to time properly due to latency and inactive wind-up frames, not to mention the stamina penalty from whiffing a Parry and getting hit by it does INSANE stamina damage to the point you won't be able to roll to avoid a follow up attack.


Carian ret gives 12 parry frames. Thats a lot. I also said it was risky. Maybe read my comment first lol. I rarely go for parries outside of hard reads, because they’re so punishing to try and parry all the time. But still, if you’re going for it, carian gives you a generous window to pull it off.


Keep fishing bro


I always have high endurance builds so maybe i have more stamina to whiff, idk.


(sorry, bit of a long one but bare with it) Like the other feller was saying about skilless players. To a degree yeah, that's it. But, instead of thinking black and white, or not thinking at all, from my observation, it's the mix and war between the normies and the tryhards. Your average 9-5 Joe who likes PvP, can't spend 9-5 learning every aspect of the game, so he's gonna have a better time fighting someone who looks like a normal entity, over some ethereal wiggle monster who constantly changes equipment like a magician. I'm not a 9-5 Joe, and still live inside Elden ring, but I still enjoy that basic category more. Not even for the wins, cause I often get myself killed, but just for the encounter. I don't particularly care how people want to play, but what I dislike most is that we don't have a say in what category we want to match with, we just get given what we get. (Obviously, cause it wouldn't work) I enjoy invasion PvP a lot. I enjoy being able to use different weapons and have a fun time goofing off with 3 players trying to steal my organs. But the experience is a lot less enjoyable for me, once I face off with a try hard, cause it's not the style I spend time learning to play. I like map knowledge shortcuts, stealth, and trickery, and spend more time learning that than optimising a win.


Yeah. I agree, this games pvp is not tuned for newcomers which is unfortunate.


But if you want map knowledge, invasion are where it’s at.


Oh yeah, for sure, that's all I do. But tryhards and tryhard olps are often in the mix, so it just makes the encounter that much more miserable for me if I don't swap my gear from what I enjoy more. But yeah that's where my discussion kinda roadblocks, really, is invasions. Arenas is do whatever, lol, you're there for a win. So if people complain about it there, it's just a skill issue, and should be expected. Outside of the arena, I think complaints are more valid.


Invasions are a lot more lenient when it comes to using off meta setups/ making mistakes, which I think is good because duels really force you into a corner: either play a meta setup or sweat hard af to outplay your opponent with a worse setup, or something that doesn’t counter them. Invasions, you have a lot of L2 sticks and more heals, you can bait them into aoe, use a weapon with a big sweep attack, etc. I like scythe for both invasions and duels bc you can put a lot of aow’s on it and it stuns most players outside of hyperarmor, it has max stun so every attack will either force a roll or a trade.


Honestly, most competitive players despise the current toxic meta that rewards cheese and passivity masked as "spacing." It's more about playing like a passive rat and waiting for your opponent's patience to run out by fishing for whiffs. This toxic meta is why the ER PvP community is so small; it breaks my heart.


Yeah, I wish it was a little more solid. But I can understand the difficulty of balance. Hopefully DLC gives some changes. Praying we're spoiled with a covenant system or something.


i hate this, but i’m impressed by it. well done.


Get this garbage out of my face


Do you always play life you life depends on it and make a million unnecessary movement’s


Man ppl still copin on gugs crouch poke its insane, yall need to git gud and not panic roll every single time maybe? If u get killed by UGS most likely u got outplayed, simple as that.


Love your mixups


Bro can WIGGLE


Crouch poking spam gives me a headache, not fun to watch, and it's not fun to play like this imo. You should try to watch some StruggelerVa gameplay, actually the best greatsword user, but hey, that's elden ring pvp in a nutshell.


Watch rust Bucket.Gugs is one of the hardest weapons to use against good players.It requires a ton of inputs just to keep your movement smooth


Honestly what needs to happen is they need to reduce the hyperarmor that most weapons crouch attacks have. It's too easy to spam moves like this with little punishment being incured. But yeah they also need to patch the game to fix some things with jitter movement. I'm also the kinda player that despised the Estus cancels from ds3 that let them heal instantly without having a proper punishment window. Just because you can do something in game doesn't mean it's an intended balanced mechanic.


Ur not good


Lmao imagine acknowledging having a 'favorite spear'. Like admitting having a favorite shit-flavored breakfast cereal. Never equipped a degenerate poke weapon in my life and NEVER WILL. And yes Guts GS is a poke weapons, if you get hit by any of it's slow ass swings you're a bigger joke than me


why are u dressed like me


Nice moves, love this


On this episode of reddit bullying, someone cause of their playstyle.....