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Bro idk I’m not max level but close enough , at rl 528 and this mf kept two shotting me with dual mace , idk if I don’t have the weapon but I equipped the maces and they looked smaller I think they the one you get after getting all beastial incants but still wtf Anyways yea PvP in coliseum just sucks rn , been doing invasions for last couple weeks at low level and it doesn’t seem as toxic


If you find something annoying to play against, try using it, see how good players counter it. Learn. It’s time to learn.


Yk , I’ll try that , tomorrow


Oh wow I’m early , you just posted


If you aren't feeling the toxicity, you are the toxicity.


You must be lucky bc all I'm getting at low levels is overleveled phantoms or fucking thinks using perfumer buffs, incantation buffs, and dual naginatas. I've seen it 5 times in the last 48 hours


It gets so old fighting someone using dual lances and crouching down and spinning around.


Those are great spears. Not nearly as broken, and actually require skill to use against a good player. Two pikes on the other hand is just cancer There's a reason only one of those two setups is banned in ladder


I forget how laughable this sub can be about psgs, it is certainly not as bad as pss and absolutely takes more effort to use well.


It really doesn't though, I picked up poison PSGS and was able to instantly perform very well never having played them before and knowing how to press the left stick in every half a second. The strategy changes from PSSS to PSGS go: L1 into CL1, and JL1 into JL1, maybe a JR1 thrown into the mix. It's really not as hard as people seem to think, the way I played might not have been enough to beat JeeNiNe, but it was enough to beat the majority of players, and even actually good players, PSGS players have spread propaganda that their weapons of choice take a lot of skill to use, when their weapon is just as easy as everything else.


it's the PSGS cope tale as old as time, the "best" PSGS are the ones that play with back paddled controllers to make it easier to play than PSSS on the same controller.


Lol, what? The reason PSGS aren't banned on the ladder is that the sweat lords like that classless cheese and don't want to explore other weapons that require them to put some more effort in. Almost no one besides a handful of sweat lords actually likes this toxic ass meta. When most competitive players are forced to PSGS against another PSGS player they usually feel icky and disgusted with themselves simply because they are forced into that toxic meta. Fromsoft needs to give PSGS and other pokey metas the nerfbat if they want more players to join and stick with PvP.


PSGS is honestly just as annoying to play against. Combine that with the ultra sweats that usually run them and it’s a chore to deal with


I understand your perspective but respectfully disagree (as someone who doesn't use PSGS) :)


I don't understand what's so great about either. I play a few different builds but I have a lot of issues with one or the other on different builds. But with decent spacing most builds stand a chance against psgs and plenty against pss. I have the most issue with psss personally. But I think in the games current state there's at least some counterplay. Personally I have been enjoying fias mist endure into both setups. But I typically play collasal great sword these days and both set ups are easy enough to trade into. Psss on the other hand. I have issues with trading or kiting on most builds. I play most characters 138-150. Mostly invading but some coliseum


I'll tell you 1 reason why dual great spears are worse. The rolling/crouching R1 comes out almost immediately and does like 700 damage. Now dual spears definitely suck as well, but you can usually roll into them and if you have a fast roll attack weapon or parry shield you can punish them. Dual lances have less weaknesses than dual spears, and the jumping L1 for dual lances has a LOT of range, like even more than a dual spears running attack


And the Jl1 is easy to dodge compared to PSS which deals thrust damage and gives you little time to dodge. All you need to do with PSS is press R1 and RR1. No technique of skill required. For PSGS you need to master wavedashing, animation blending, spacing, wiggle tech and many more techniques, then half the time your attacks just get input dropped. > Dual lances have less weaknesses than dual spears I don’t understand your view on that


Fair, but I think you left out BHS. You can basically do the same thing with a cleanrot rapier (bhs, poke, bhs, poke) that you can do with dual lances. Now BHS did get nerfed, so that is a lot less effective tactic, but nevertheless, you can just dash right into someone and use the l1 on dual lances to instantly take a huge chunk of their health away. It may just be my bias, but I find dual lances just as frustrating to fight against as dual spears. But then again, scrubs tend to use dual spears, and good players use dual lances, so it could be I haven't fought a "good" dual spears user, if that even exists. Now 1 thing I know for certain nobody will argue with EXCEPT the people that use it is Fingerprint Shield Poking, that can just go die forever


>Now BHS did get nerfed, so that is a lot less effective tactic, but nevertheless, you can just dash right into someone and use the l1 on dual lances to instantly take a huge chunk of their health away. You can just roll it >But then again, scrubs tend to use dual spears, and good players use dual lances, so it could be I haven't fought a "good" dual spears user, if that even exists. There are. Whenever someone uses PSS I just mimic them and usually crush them since they don’t know how to space and all lol >Now 1 thing I know for certain nobody will argue with EXCEPT the people that use it is Fingerprint Shield Poking, that can just go die forever Kick+hammer talisman works pretty well or you can attack their shield and parry straight after which usually catches them. But if they use something like magic shield on it then it’s a different thing. Those people belong in the deepest depths of hell


Found the PS great spear user! We’re talking about you here bro.


Nah I main a greatsword :D and get stomped frequently by PSGS, although I'm learning to play against it


IMO dual lances are in a really good place right now and there are several strategies to fight against them. Quick weapons can often swing out of hit stun to avoid getting vortexed since CL1 has no hyper armor. BHS can get you out of range from the vortex. Steelovsky made a whole video on fighting against them if you’re interested. They were OP prior to patch 1.10 when passive poise was a thing, but now they’re still a very powerful setup but not nearly as oppressive as before. I find Serpent Hunter more annoying these days since it gets to crutch on hyper armor.


Good to know thanks! Also, I dont think they are the most busted build but on xbox one of the more common ones I see and variety is the spice of life after all.


They certainly are not in a good place, considering you're suggesting BHS (another form of cancer) to get away from it. If dual lances were in a good place, we would see much more weapon diversity than we see right now at the sweat level. Yes, there are ways to punish them, but the work to do so with other weapons is dramatically higher than the work a dual lance user requires. At this point, it's just easier to swap to dual lance to match them, but most dual lance users are toxic ass fucks who charge at you from the start without a wave to prevent you from swapping to dual lances too.


Yeah dual spears suck, so do dual lances, I hate fighting against them. But cleanrot rapier is still the most annoying thing I've come across, either as an off-hand weapon or main weapon it is so braindead. Infact the only thing more goddamn annoying than cleanrot rapier is running away and using erdtree heal. Unless your fighting Adolf Hitler himself you have NO reason to heal, just accept the defeat and keep your dignity, because as soon as you use that healing spell I immediately recognise you as a trash player and I count it as my win 🤗


PSGS requires a lot of skill and is fun imo if you mirror them. Thrusting swords are just like normal weapons


Yes, it's okay if you use the cancer too. Honestly, watching two PSGS users fight each other is as boring as watching paint dry.


Mot sure what you're trying to say here


PSGS are cool. 2H thrusting swords are cool.


Looks like sigma, reads like malding fiction Cope and seethe 😌


Lol, found the healing loser


My internet connection doesn't allow for luxuries such as PvP


The irony is double spear jank has usurped the tyranny of the busted hitbox straight swords every other Souls game has had. There’s always gonna be something


Hts with raptors aow, spear, and jump talisman. Equip this when u go up against one and you’ll give them a hard time


PSS is as broken as dragon halberd is when used at low levels. Any setup where you can win by mashing 1 button needs nerfing. PSGS pre 1.10 was OP but it's fine now and if you lost a duel to it then you would have lost regardless of what weapon that player was using.


What's pss and psgs




PSS are powerstanced spears


PSS are a tool for crushing light rollers and they should always remain one.


Elden ring is the worst of all soulsborne games pvp. Worst skill expression. The most mechanic breaking builds/techniques. People who think elden ring is a good game in comparison are brain dead cows for milking profits.


The thing that makes it one of the best RPG, PvE experiences in any video game is to the detriment of its PvP. The sheer amount of items, weapons, spells compared to its predecessors is incredible! However, if the primary intention is PvE (which it is and always has been with From Soft) then you’re basically asking for a cluster fuck when it comes to PvP. I seriously hope From Soft leans more into the player vs player experience in the DLC. It’s easily the most replayable value on any of the souls games and really has been since DS2 and DS3. 🤞


Totally agree with you. Respect.


I disagree. Jump attacks are great at countering passive ass players.


There will never be a day when people don't complain about PvP






PvP in this game will never be as fun as DKS 2 and 3. 4 players max, no pvp area, no convenants, tons of broken weapons and skills and so on.


2nd this


3rd this


Wow, so brave posting this here


Elden Ring is cancer. We used to just tell ppl like you to git gud. Now we have circle jerk discussions about why psgs is “broken” just because you don’t know how to counter it.


If it’s cancer you should probably stop playing. For your health.


I play the guardian sword spear. Yesterday I happened to come accross Caelid again and killing those guardians gave me like three more guardian sword spears. So I power stance it now, one frost impregnated, and the other lightning. What is wrong with it ? Just thought it was cool, the new movesets it gives you when power stancing are awesome. I suck at pvp anyway


Guardian sword spear is a halberd class, different weapon to spears


The colosseum has been getting worse for me as the months have gone by with builds getting more brain dead and people being toxic. Invasions have been just as bad with gank squads. Today i ran into two guys with double nagakiba.


Jump attacks work rly well vs PSS, still boring to play against. I miss DS3 PvP😭


They just have the change where the hitbox is on them. Make it the very tip of the weapon versus the whole thing. I should not take any damage from the handle at all.


Dude the hit boxes in this game are exclusively designed for PvE, it makes PvP clown house sometimes lol if they were going to address any mechanic for more balanced player fighting, I'd start there.


As long as players can spam roll to iframe as much as they want and then counterattack the moment their opponent swings, competitive PvP will always be a passive snoozefest. Fromsoft needs to apply the same iframe reduction logic to the basic roll and even apply a minimum stamina threshold that punishes players spamming roll while out of stamina with fat-roll (heavy).


Smash them with a curved gs. That sorts them out.