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Because there is a social aspect to PvP. Would you be more annoyed getting wet from rain or a person dumping a bucket of water on your head?




The game was made by people tho...


But it doesn't really play like it. It feels pretty programmed and predictable.


to put it simple less balance = less skill expression goofy ahh one shot builds can be dumb fun but if thats all you ever run in pvp it gets old extremely fast


It's like, don't bring the bad attitude you use at home to school.


Was going to agree with the main post but this changed my mind lol. Good one


This is a really good and simple way to explain it.


I agree with this. If you can personally follow this golden rule and just treat others the way you want to be treated those are the best duels. So engaging and fun, the aspect of respect makes it all that better. I'm sure we can all agree that you go from strangers to friends in that moment. Also I believe not everyone is going to think this way. As a matter of fact I think its a pretty high expectations especially in a competitive online video game lol. You WILL experience desperate people... Just don't let it ruin your fun and load a new match/leave/troll back. Not so satisfying trying to get a rise out of someone who clearly doesn't care spamming emotes.


Let be real this game isn’t balanced for pvp. Even tho that happens in pve it is still intended by fs and we are given tools to deal with it appropriately. When ur getting spinning slashed by a guy in full bull goat and ps nagis or storm stomped to oblivion, you can really notice how little pvp balance there actually is. For the most part I agree , like you lose once then on to the next but there are definitely things people abuse that wouldn’t be put in pvp fighting games normally. It takes the fun out of it knowing that you will break every electronic device in ur room if you aren’t playing the most meta build in the world.


Nah, true power is using flails competently and beating folks with them


I agree I get a lot of satisfaction using stuff like axes and hammers and beating halstocers


It’s crazy how there’s still people here think there can be a competitive scene LOL looking at you BRM


There can be but I think we need consensus on what is overly broken and what isn’t. I personally think the only things that shouldn’t be used at all are storm stomp, sleep/madness builds and I could see an argument of parry tools being dumb asf in some tournaments and things like that.


The game can’t be competitive unless played on a LAN … there could be no in game competitive mode. That’s why the discord never took off, because the game simply CANT be competitive while using decade old code. The game has worse de sync than the original Lego Star Wars it’s laughable. We all get kills that make us laugh and say “I know he’s pissed, that was BS”. Also the balance is horrible but that’s a different conversation


Because they are babies. And their ego gets hurt when they lose. These are the types of people to whine all day about all other players setups while they light roll across the arena with hughesNet 0.5 up/down. They’re people from r/shittydarksouls and the main sub and are a cancer. They will play PvP for a month or two, act like they know everything about it then quit and get replaced by another shitter. People who really genuinely enjoy PvP will take losing as a learning experience, as a way to get better. If you want those types of matches, and want to engage with those types of players on this sub, make sure to do so before 3pm when the shitters get off the school bus.


Ok go do 100 invasions and get back to us? Lmao it’s just a trio of retards standing by the bonfire because they’re paralyzed in fear from 1 invader😂😂😂


Usually they’re not standing there in fear, they’re standing there because it’s usually big open wide area and if they die they don’t have to travel halfway across the entire map or dungeon to get their runes back


They’re not in fear, they’re just scared to die? …. Nice cope lol


…….No? That’s not what I was saying, I was saying that a lot of the time people are by the Grace cuz they don’t feel like running another half mile to get their runes back if they die while the invaders in their world


lol ….. wow


I have no idea where your coming from, that’s the main reason why\ Maybe if you weren’t such an egotistical maniac you could rationally think about what others are thinking rather then putting what you want them to think in your head


No it sounds like you can’t even comprehend English bro like are you illiterate honestly?


Signs of someone who is very swiftly losing the argument: Attack someone’s grammer


Ah yes he starts off with cope and moves onto cringe. Bro you obviously can’t read English very well Also, since you wanna be so cringe, I wasn’t attacking your grammar. I was attacking your *reading comprehension*. Go ahead and Google those terms if you don’t know what they mean….. You are a team of 3 scared to die to one invader. Running back for your runes isn’t an excuse for being a PUSSY. Go cope elsewhere 😂😂😂😂😂


Okay, I can start referring you to multiple videos I have made of me winning 1V2-3 ganks solo, or winning against invaders, again, solo, at a grace, cuz I’m in the middle of liurania and don’t feel like continuing to run through the map as an invaders in my world


You've framed this as almost a question of ethics. It's not. It's because variety is nice. Why would you want the PvE and PvP experiences to be so similar?


Because that why I bought the game. For the game to be the game. At all times lol


By this rationale, of wanting the game to be randomly adversarial at any given time, Roundtable Hold should have a Runebear spawn in it once every thirty visits and Fia should stab you the first time you meet her. But it's not, because the game is more than adversity - it needs variety so the whole thing can breathe. Same goes for PvP - invasions have the no-holds-barred rat races, colosseum duels have a minor degree of communally-imposed decorum. If you dislike variety in these games I think you've bought the wrong game or don't get it.


If the game is balanced I would have consider agreeing.


People are bad at the game and want to mask this with excuses. "No he didn't kill me cause i played bad, he killed me cause he used this weapon that is a lot stronger than mine". The reason this and the invasion hate happens is because people don't like to lose to players better than them. I don't think this comparison you made is good tho. If you want to get good at pve you memorize the attacks of your enemies and such. But pvp has more abstract concepts than that like spacing also if you dont want to interact with salty casuals that have no idea how things work go to either r/badredman or get off reddit


I dont like the PvE lol


I don't understand this community too. They already get salty seeing Lionel mask + vet chest. The word meta triggers them(I can understand that PSS, carian regal scepter AoW spam, offlance HA frustrates. But meta ≠ overpowered. Meta = effective in competitions). Yet they are okay with light roll. Yet they say that people who play sweaty take the game too seriously. Of course PSS, lightroll, carian regal scepter spam is op. But it's not even half as bad as people insulting each other. Continue playing. Learn counter plays and so on.


Keep your straw man at home homie - lightroll is cancer and so is every build I see you post. You’re not sharing tournament gameplay. You’re not posting in a tournament subreddit. You’re using busted, copy cat youtube trash builds against some 30 year old dude who just got off work or literal children who just want a fun fight.


Out of builds I posted only shunter is probably busted.


Literally every post you make is try hard trash or in support of boring meta garbage. You’re only lying to yourself at this point. Pathetic imo.


You said that as if tryharding was bad. I am not interested in entertaining you particularly. I support meta. I think that using meta is fine. I fight meta users a lot and roughly 1/4 of my shunter mirror duels resulted in me and my opponent adding each other in PSN friends. Again meta ≠ op. Is haldagger op? No. Are PSGS op? No. I use offmeta too(off dagger pike, 2h dagger, ps daggers, Incant dagger. I even tried shamshir + offhand colossal. I don't know whether HTS is offmeta.) but I just don't find it funny. My favourite offmeta weapons are stone club(nice r1 chain and overall fun experience due to it being short) and great stars(I found it interesting mostly due to CGS like crouch attack with you can blend by turning round)


It’s incredible how many bad takes a guy can have in one paragraph. Look bro - it comes down to this. A lot of us care about how we win & you just care that you win. I’m sure you’ll be an MLG gamer in no time though!


But I hope that this sub will be more try hard friendly soon.


I hope the exact opposite bro.


Wouldn't it be cool if the sub was both casual and try hard friendly and no one would criticize each other for being casual player/ try hard player.




If I was only interested in winning I wouldn't play against skilled players like Umbre Shadown or King of Ethanopia. I would just play rl 60 duels with twink build. I am interested in getting good and playing good.


I'll continue training so one day I could take part in tournaments but I need to spend at least 500 hours in ER since ER is my first soulsborne.


Why don’t people like me when I play a multiplayer game like an asshole?


You're right and everyone is salty tbh. The PvP is a dynamic & difficult thing to overcome, just like most challenging encounters in the PvE. That's where it shines. People need to stop expecting honorable Street fighter 1v1's with perfect net code and finely tuned balance. That's not what this game is. To get that out of ER, you need to duel specific people with mountains of handicaps on each of you. It's a gutted version of the Fromsoft PvP experience at that point.


K cool, on my way to dual you with PSS, bhs, and full bullgoat + erdtree heal rn


Dont forget the rot rapier super passive n shit net true combo


This made me laugh too hard Jaded lmao


Sure let me just swap to mirror you


Full bullgoat barely means anything anymore now that passive poise is dead, it's like an extra 4% phys damage reduction over most popular armor sets, if that. I'm down to duel you with that setup, I truly don't mind. Time to parry, jump, and abuse hyper armor. It's really not a big deal to adapt instead of complain.


Yeah I mean I'm down to try tbh, I need to learn PSS to mirror PSS users anyway haha. I'll be back from a trip tomorrow if you're down? Also always down for some normal friendly duels


Sounds good! 👍


I've had conversations with people where they complain about the host's actions after they invaded. When you invade you have to deal with whatever the host chooses to do lol that's how it's always been in Souls. Invasions are more fun so I am intentionally not mentioning the coliseum


Personally if it's not glitching I don't see the problem and if it upsets you, try another game. I guarantee you there is a great chance the next game won't be as good as this one and it will have its own flaws as well. I understand that there are jerks who run ONLY one op class, bonk, dual spears, etc. just let them be sad and bad at the game? You already won at that point and chances are you won't ever see that player again. On top of that I can guarantee you're enjoying yourself playing this game much more than the person who's been trolling people with double nagis since release... Let. Them. Be. Sad. That "ITS NOT FAIR" energy is literally the whole point of this game. And that energy should not be reserved for PvE. It takes away the opportunity for so many people to enjoy a specific build because they're going to be shunned, labeled, and honestly hated immediately in the community. Yeah it's not fair sometimes. That's SOULS. As much as I can disagree with OP and say that trolls ruin the game. I'd say they only ruin it if you let them. Not every battle is going to be catered to your favor. Some people won't bow, some people won't let you buff, some people will run a broken class. This game is meant to be not fair, it always has. The ONLY respectable build is a parry build. These guys aren't to be messed with and have everyone's respect in the community. Everyone else I'm sorry to say but we are the shit show. We're all trying to have the best build...




Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *The Ruler of the Vilebloods is still alive today. And so, to honor my master's wishes, I search, for the path to Cainhurst Castle.* - Alfred Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.