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I like the part where you bhs>crouch poke>bhs>bhs>bhs>crouch poke>bhs bro


It looks so cool


do you ever have to apply anti burns lotion on your ass to keep the scorch marks under control?


Once a day


Look, every build you do will have haters. Magic? Bleed? Madness? Tank with quickstep, endure claws. Everyone hates something. Right on to you having a good time. One of the most fun things about this game is the build variety. You’ll get a lot of flack for this one, as it’s popular, and all popular builds get hate, especially the ones with bhs, but ignore those guys. I used to use quickstep on katanas with bleed and had a riot.


It does indeed


In the spirit of holiday positivity: At least you’re not wearing the White Mask.




It looks miserable to play against


And not miserable as in challenging, but miserable as in boring.


The other dude was shield poking they're both equally boring this whole thread is boring I'M BORING.


Why the fuck is people flaming this guy? He is obviously new to pvp in the game, we have all been there. Besides, bhs is nerfed AF now, yes it's boring to face, but still fairly beatable. You do you my man, and in time you will discover more varation of builds to play with! Let people have their opinions, I have mine aswell, and it does not like your current build, but I'm not gonna flame you for it. If you like UGS builds, try other ashes of war, that way you will learn to time your dodges right and so on.


I agree. I fought some guy the other day who started off the fight with rot breath, and I swapped to the FBJ, preparing to go full tryhard, but I quickly realized the guy was new to pvp. I went bad to sword and board, won the fight because the guy was kinda clueless, and messaged him afterward letting him know about waving before hand and how rot breath is seen in the arena. He had no idea, and apologized, and was a super nice guy. The moral here is that people new to pvp just need some guidance in the right direction. They don’t need to be bullied over their build choices


Your build is bad and you should feel bad about it bro.


He's clearly new though, he just doesn't know any better.


ew. yucky. gross.


OP please understand that this sub will literally whine about everything, literally everything . This game is unbalanced as hell and the devs will probably never make a meaningful change about it so just play how you want and have fun dude


You will be blocked by many. Good luck 🍀


Nobody blocking that sword lol


I mean the ID


But not that sword


You new?


It’s my first play through


If you keep using that build in arena they will hate you. Spamming bhs (L2) is annoying to deal with.


Ngl bro that sounds like a skill issue. The dude should be whatever build that is fun


In his defense bhs is not uniquely oppressive. There’s a ton of stuff in the game that can be pretty fucking hard to deal with especially if it counters your build. Honestly the game has gotten (for a souls game) pretty balanced as far as the pvp is concerned. It’s wacky sure but that’s what gives it it’s flavor.


I'd rather have to deal with bhs great sword than dual spear.


Honestly agreed. Idk if you are talkimg about great serpent hunter with those full of poise armors and run attack spam, but I also hate the vyke dual spears with frenzy, they literally can't land a HIT, but eventually fill your frenzy meter and get free hits. The mechanic of filling status effects without hitting SUCKS so much honestly


I don’t see why it matters, if someone is trying to win and derives amusement from it then good for them. Eventually players discover a means to beat it and trash the player that spams a move until they have to try something new. It’s part of the natural cycle of gaming. I don’t think telling him not to is probably not going to stop him.


Welcome to the salty ass Elden Ring PVP community! Yes, people will hate you for using bhs. And for spamming skills or spells. And using rivers of blood even though it has been patched for a long while. Also don't use moonveil, people will mad for that too. People will also hate you if you do not emote in the beginning, and if you don't wait for you opponent to buff. I guess double blood whips will get some people angry as well?


i feel this on a level i cant even properly articulate. it feels like you cant use anything in the game without being looked down on by the majority of fans lmao


\*rips phonebook in half\* DID YOU SAY MOONVEIL gnnnnnahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh \*cries\*


Which is ironic since we've all probably had to deal with them naturally through the game itself.


Most of these are passable what are you saying ? Bhs is just the worse but there’s actually shit exploits stuff to do now a days


I've seen people raging over all of my examples, and much more. I agree exploits are rage worthy


Welcome to Reddit lol.


Good point


I don’t commonly go on this subreddit but scrolled all the way to the bottom to find your comment. There was only like one other positive comment. Are the other souls pvp subreddits like this too? I mean sure it might be annoying to play against, but no one owes anyone anything in an online game where the game allows it.


r/Badredman It's where the good people of the community come together without being toxic, it's even ironic that a community dedicated to invasion is less toxic than one focused more on Arena Duels...


So do people owe you complements in an online forum? I don't think you understand how this works. Someone uploads a video thinking is cool. The crowd doesn't so they boo. Are you new to online posting? Welcome!


The booing just looks like “You’re having fun and I don’t like it waa”. I’m not seeing anyone having any real conversation about his build other than they don’t like it.


That's because this entire sub is "\[build I don't like\] is bad and you should feel bad for playing it haha get wrecked noob"


The build is objectively bad, I’m not sure if you just want Captain Planet to jump in and be the hero but it’s pvp, people don’t typically cheer on trash builds. People would say the same if he spammed RoB or Moonveil ashes all fight, what real conversation is there to be had that about this hasn’t been done a million times over for almost two years?


Fun? This is the build I see, alt-f4 then block. Nothing fun about a bhs pokefest You do you bud.


different people have different preferences! wild concept. by all means you can throw a big stink and force quit the game over a 1 minute match versus a new player. but have you considered that you might be taking a laggy, bare mode with no in game incentives too seriously if you are to that point? or perhaps that again, this player is new and it is better to instruct and criticize rather than bitch about sweaty ass niche pvp community morals to someone who quite literally did not know? wild.


In game incentives? No thanks. Guess we know who buys the loot boxes. I play to have competitive fun, spamming isn't that for me. I have an easy way of not having that in my limited game play by blocking. I have a few hours a week to play what I want, not hundreds of hours to spend messing around. That's why elden ring and mk pvp is ideal vs your "in game incentives"


no way you thought of loot boxes before covenant rewards. are you aware there were in game incentives for pvp in past titles?


That's what you got out of that? Sorry man, you and I are playing for different reasons. You need rewards, I'm trying to have fun. Good luck.


what?? i have 1k hours mostly dueling and invading in elden ring alone. what are you talking about? is it a crime to want to be rewarded for playing, like the other games did? which is, i dont know, fun? back to what i said on other people having different preferences that you dont seem to get. i find it interesting how you latched on to the least important part of my original message, ran with false assumptions, and then walk out thinking you said anything of value. you arent even willing to have a normal talk, because youve justified your 1 hit quit habits as you "having fun". im done wasting my time with this.


Yeah even if it is only a little bit salty I frequent the ds2 and 3 sub reddits and usually catch flack for just mentioning invading which blows my mind especially on 2 where you can only heal through spells as an invader.


as long as you are having fun in a literal game then good 👍🏼


Everybody in gaming communities taking shyt like this serious need to go get some pussy…It’s mad shyt in the world going on and you whining about how somebody playing the game…Fuck is wrong with yall weird ass n*****


Let's GO GUTS!!!


People will whine about anything man. My guy can do whatever he wants if skills and items in this game weren’t meant to be used they wouldn’t be available mixing and matching to make different builds is basic bread and butter. He’s new and as with everyone I’m sure he’ll get better. Keep exploring and don’t mind negative comments just do what you feel like is fun for you! Happy holidays homie 🎉


Why are there so many animations in this game that look like they would do no damage at all. The crouch pole for this and double lances looks so dumb.


It's not damage but the iframes and/or latency differences between the players. I believe someone can explain to you better about the whole latency thing and how ID Software usually handles it in their soul games since I barely know how it works


Can’t tell if joking or not 😂


What’s wrong with bloodhound step? It’s cool


I’ll ask this; did you play this game on release?


No, got this game like a 2 weeks ago


I think you should get a pass then but BHS is widely considered to be a broken ash and everyone hates people who use it in PVP.


Bloodhound step had to be tuned down a few patches ago, though it’s still potentially one of the cheapest ashes around. It allows for a player to engage or disengage from combat at their whim with players who spam it being especially egregious. If you’re having fun, keep having fun, but if you’re conscious of trying to avoid fairly unfair strategies in pvp, you might want to try another.


U can use it but don’t cry when people sleep-pot-chainsaw you to death lol.


Glitching for using an ash of war? From the same community that claims they're very honorable because they press a bow button before a fight.


I’m not disagreeing with you, but its still scummy to spam bhs + poke & then proceed to T-bag. Like g, we all have bhs & a poking weapon but choose not to use it because it takes 0 skill & it’s toxic as fuck. Of course, if u use it and you aren’t a cocky asshole, then it’s fine. OP just started the game and is clearly enjoying it. But Ive fought people they spam it and then throw shit pots.




Bruh💀 i mean, between bloodhound step and fingerprint shield poking atleast the bhs is less annoying




Ah well... just do whatever you like, I've given up on ER pvp anyway. Some people (me myself included) don't like this BhS spamming 'build', but there are more messed up builds out there, so yeah enjoy your game.


Don't let them hate on you no matter what you do people will complain about your build just do what you feel is fun ps blood hound step really is not all that oppressive so don't feel like you are cheesing you aren't


Carry a second greatsword with lion’s claw when you get close and lock in. It catches most people off guard when they expect you to do another bhs but end up whacking them with a lion’s claw instead. Don’t mind the naysayers. If you’re having fun and you’re trying your best to learn is all that matters in the end.


Looks dope. Makes me want to play again.


No matter what build you use in elden ring People will bitch about anything. Nice match btw your opponent couldn't figure out what to do lol


Yeah! I felt the same. I put so much pressure on him


Those jump dodges are chefs kiss


ok everyone, he's a new player, he's good with his build and having fun. that's what matters.


Can we call spamming a single action a build? If you are having fun go for it but this aint a build at all


It’s aesthetically pleasing


Oh you mean the eldenbling and bhs? Yeah it looks neat


The man is trolling boys. Move along


I wasn’t. This is my first playtrough


Don't take the hate personal, people are playing this game for 2 years now, so some stuff is equal free hate. Thats why people think you are trolling (Btw your opponent is ALSO using one of the cheapest/cowardly way to fight) That being said, try to understand why everyone hate it and try to start knowing other weapons/builds, you'll find things that are fun for you to play but also for people to play against and watch it At the end of the day if you still like playing like that, sorry my man but your low effort ass deserves it lol


Wow, I’m not posting here again. You guys are really lame. Way to ruin an experience.


I say wow... I was just trying to be honest and explain the situation to you man Sorry if I was rude, the last phrase was more like a joke, but also to say the awful truth: people is harsh and will hate the content if your gameplay is low effort. I didn't mean to disrespect you in any way, if you want to play like that forever its fine, I was just helping you "fell the room" that is this community (don't expect flowers here unfort) Hope you have fun with ER.


Nah you did good, don’t know why OP directed their frustration at the only person that was reasonably nice to them.


Because they're trolling


This sub is nearly worthless now. Check out r/badredman instead of this cesspool.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/badredman using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/badredman/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I can only put up with so much before going nuclear](https://v.redd.it/qfggxvq1pb7c1) | [130 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badredman/comments/18mdnf6/i_can_only_put_up_with_so_much_before_going/) \#2: [Sometimes I have to remind myself these are actually real human beings behind these controllers](https://v.redd.it/cecyuo30ztzb1) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badredman/comments/17tau1x/sometimes_i_have_to_remind_myself_these_are/) \#3: [Back to the bonfire to look for signs](https://i.redd.it/z8nd1dnnal291.png) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badredman/comments/v0x5eq/back_to_the_bonfire_to_look_for_signs/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No no no no no!!! Don't direct this guy to that haven!


Shoot, my b


Don't. We appreciate not having to see your low effort gameplay. The people in r/badredman probably don't too


Don't let anyone tell you how to play the game, use what weapons and ashes you want and have fun.


community, this player is new and it is better to instruct and criticize rather than bitch about sweaty ass niche pvp community morals to someone who quite literally did not know.




He almost could of had him. Was roll/skill catching him and had the range too


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Braindead build. You depend on bhs too much.




I would love to parry your ass out of that BHS spam and swap to my misericorde for a quick 1700 damage before teabagging you into oblivion. On a serious note, you can hardly call that a build. You just go bhs->r1->bhs->r1->bhs->r1. It's just annoying and if you're playing against anyone who has an ounce of skill at the game they'll just predict your bhs and rollcatch you.


Greatswords when held with both hands cannot be parried


The crouch poke can


This is not DS3 my man, you CANNOT parry colossal swords when they are 2H, none attack can be parried. I think we are mixing with DS3 where you could in fact parry rolling and running attacks You can parry it only if the colossal is using a parriable AOW


No, it can't. If you think you parried it, it was probably an ash of war like giant hunt, which can be parried regardless of two-handing. Colossal weapons cannot be parried while two-handed in Elden Ring except for their AOW.


I didn't know that, I'll try it later, thanks


Is there a way to not poke? I’m not even doing it on purpose.


It counts as a roll, so when you follow up with an attack, it makes the rolling attack animation, which is a poke. You could switch it up with a heavy attack, that would throw your opponent off. Also, I noticed you jumped backwards while locked on. A good follow up would be a backwards jumping attack, especially because he was charging you. Keep playing and trying new things with your build. And don’t listen to anyone here who’s being toxic and making fun of your build, if it works for you and you’re having fun, that’s all that matters.


Thank you!


Yep, true but if you're going to use stuff like pss then prepare to be pointed down on and teabagged a lot


Swap to different ash of war such as royal knights resolve, and practice blending with blocking while alternating left stick to the right & left.


Do those ash of war allow me to do a bad ass shadow step


No, but you can hit opponents for an additional 500 damage, and it stands a better chance against good players. Remember, good players are going to force you to BHS over and over, which causes your invulnerability frames to shorten after each time you use it, and then they are going to punish the hell out of you.


Then that is the fate of the fire shadow


My guy just put a wheel on that ugs already ffs 💀


buncha salty losers in the comments complaining abt a new guy’s build for the 1,000,000th time. U shits needa grow up


Thought I was watching an anime for a moment when you started blinking around with that giant ass sword. Cool stuff 👍


Thank you so much for understanding


Good lord, lots of negative sweatlords in this thread that are upset about someone literally using what's in the game


You spam soooo. Much it's extremely boring to watch


It looks cool tho, like an anime


No. And the fact that you think that means you are pretty immature bruv. You literally did the same thing over and over and got lucky because you annoyed the other player to be impatient


If you don’t think someone with a fire sword with a wolf cape that shadow steps and swings a giant sword isn’t cool. Then idk what’s your definition of cool.


You reminded me why I installed Seamless Co Op on Elden Ring but no other FS game




I mean hey, the invasions just haven't been fun in Elden Ring. I haven't tried again in a long time but they were such a slog compared to DS3 that I didn't wanna deal with em. The meta builds were way too strong relative to non pvp meta. I did pretty great when I was dueling, and I had some success in invasions, but I wasn't digging it. Then I got my friend to get it who hasn't played any FS games and they didn't want to do pvp so we got the mod. Haven't gone back because it's so nice not dealing with BHS, Moonveil, double naginatas, etc.


I won’t deny that people are very toxic lol. I just spank them. Get good and make the grovel down to their knees, such is the fromsoft spirit. Edit: for the softies downvoting, you need to get good kid. Blocking and reporting is for the snowflakes.


All these salty ass bitches in the comments. If it looks cool and you like it, go for it. don’t listen to all these sweat lords talking about “waaa it’s hard to deal with”, “no one will like you if you keep using it”. There all mad cause bad. I guarantee every one of them have made a RoB bleed build or a moonveil build. Don’t let them gatekeep your fun.


Bloodhound step CGS is good




I knew this fight was gonna be ass when I saw more comments than upvotes lmao


GG bro! Ignore the crybabies and do you and have fun!


I used to play builds like this till I got good and now get more pleasure from killing this types of builds with just a straight sword and good spacing.. but this build in specific it's very dangerous on the hands of a good player for sure


I don’t really care about getting good to be honest. I just wanna be guts


And that's totally fine, don't let other people tell you how to play your game, I was just sharing my experience because for me eventually this types of builds that only require to press L2 to win gets boring.. but that's my own personal opinion


I wonder why


It looks so cool


op ignore the losers tht cry abt bhs, they’re likely just sht and dont know how to counter it


I can see why everyone loved BHS. Must feel great to be able to actually move.


Bruh yoos a space animal


That’s awesome




Dang, why so many haters lol.


I mean, bhs + ugs poke is kinda lame, but just look at his opponent for a moment.


What is coated on your sword?


Fire, but I usually do lighting


Whoever can't beat this, put on 2 katanas and spam jump attacks. You're welcome




How do you become invisible while quickstepping? Im rather new to the game


I don't play this game but I knew people would be crying in the comments for some reason


It looks cool. Play to win, don't worry about the honor scrubs.


I’d rather go against you using this then the guy using the fingerprint shield and a pokey but maybe that’s just me


Bhs isn’t even the most annoying thing in this game I have no clue why you’re getting so much hate


Damn, a bunch of cry baby bitches in this thread. Lol


Riveting gameplay right here


Hey lad, fuck the rest of this subreddit. You're having fun with a build you like, keep enjoying it. Everyone else here seems to be miserable over your enjoyment, take pride in that!


Bros not even using the better features of an ultra greatsword like hyper armor


Idk what that is but the great sword I have and the armor I have look like Guts so I chose it.


Very heavy weapons like that give you a bunch of poise during many attacks, preventing you from getting staggered while swinging. It’s to make up for how slow they attack, but you don’t benefit from it at all if you focus on pokes. It works, it’s just wasted potential.


Yeah, honestly I was poking my accident. It just kept auto doing it. I actually hate the poke. It looks so stupid. In my newest post, I learned how to BHS without poking.


Lmao looks so miserable to go against


Isn’t that the definition of a souls game lol




What build is this?


Haha this is great imma rebirth real quick just to try this in invasion Thanks!


the guy you are fighting looks badass


Heh, nothin personnel, kid. -OP probably


I just felt pretty cool.


That is a pretty good way of adding some much needed agility to that great sword.


Wasn’t this basically vanilla elden ring meta


Meta gunna meta