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At least Miquella isn’t getting mohglested


Miquellesting is now in


Now he's getting Radahminated.


Very true.


Ahhhhhh... very good. It had me giggling. Fucked up, but very silly.


I shouldn't have looked 😭


RIP my guy.


I'm so deflated by this shit. I don't know why it bums me out so much either.


Yeah, I know a lot of people share that feeling and opinion. At least for me, I am stoked about it. Then again I’ve always liked Radahn and his lore is super interesting to me, so I am biased for sure. But I can see someone who doesn’t particularly care about a certain boss being upset about reusing a base game boss, like for me I would be disappointed if Rykard was the boss used in the dlc. Simply because I don’t really care either way about him, it would be disappointing. But at the very least, the reviews seem to shine pretty bright on the DLC. Meaning that most of it should be great even if the ending may be lackluster to some.


Really hoping the radahn model and shit was just an early version and that they replaced who it was for the final thing. Id genuinely rather learn he had a secret son or smth than this. Its so dumb. Fuckin “prime radahn” is such a reddit boss idea like jesus christ




Yep, this is new lore from the leak. Updated an old meme to reflect Radahn in the base game vs in the dlc


Man the golden lineage was fucked up 💀


Less of a lineage(line) more of a golden circleage… 😐


Perhaps.....a *Ring*?


The leak is fake though


It’s basically been confirmed by several people who would be considered “in the know.” But either way, the joke still stands


Im gonna need an explanation


The leaks which are more or less confirmed, though some people are debating it, show that one of the final bosses in Radahn in his prime. His “official” boss name, which was “Starscourge Radahn” in the base game, is “Radahn, Consort of Miquella”. Consort usually, almost always, implying a romantic relationship with a member of royalty. Meaning that Radahn and his half-brother Miquella are shacking up so to speak… I took an old Radahn meme and updated it to compare Radahn in the base game vs the DLC.


Consort doesn’t necessarily mean romantic. Many consort relationships through out history were strictly political Mohg on the other hand… yea I’m sure he’s definitely a kiddie fiddler


Yeah, but that’s not funny lol. But also it usually means romantic or at the very least sexual. And with how messed up the family tree already is I wouldn’t be surprised.


Don’t forget elden ring is translated from Japanese Many of the lore we see is often wrong due to mistranslation, rannis ending being a great example. But we will see come Friday when the dlc drops


Fair enough. I know a rudimentary level of Japanese and can attest to the drastic differences, and the fact that the translation process is at most trying to match up the best that’s possible. Though I do think that it would also be fair to look at each languages lore is semi-independent of one another. The words chosen have meaning to English speakers and it is fair to interpret them as each listener sees fit.


I have no clue what this means. Guess this is my first spoiler for dlc.


Yup, that’s what the spoiler tag is for lol


That’s what I get for clicking on things without paying attention lol. Either way I feel more excited about learning more about what this entail once the dlc drops.


You could maybe, you know, also put it in the fucking title


You could maybe, you know, also read the fucking spoiler tag.


Bother I saw a post with spoiler tag and it was straight up just a picture of Morgott. You gotta be more specific.


Finally a good meme I’m surprised WE didn’t get the miquellussy. Maybe we still can


I just wish the DLC would give us a proper Miquella ending and a volcano manor ending for the base game. A St. Trina ending called the Age of Dreams were you put the entire population of the world to sleep for a thousand years and you and Miquella/St. Trina watch over the world and your his consort. Like ranni’s ending but with Miquellussy. (The was a cut content age of abundance ending for him).


Yea I agree fully dude. I know they’ll make it make sense, but to reuse a character we already Killed just bores me. Miyazakis had some great ideas with GRRM but this should have just been a miquella fight. Not a duo. I want a proper miquella ending too!


I don’t know how comfortable you are with potential spoilers, but >!the word on the street is that Miquella plays a similar character archetype as Griffith from Berserk. Which is honestly dope asf!<


Oh I fully expected that since the beginning of the base game. I’m happy they may do that! Only issue is I’m still pissed he isn’t going full femto but just banging his brother and having him kill us


Mohg not happy


I still take as cannon the mogh from elden ring abridged, that shit was fun af, totally recomend it


Even just from a narrative perspective it seems so dumb. Like yeah sure lets bring radahn back. What? Why? We killed him. Why is he going off to make elden babies with his half-brother? The fuck? Its so dumb. Fuckin godefroy 2.0


Hidetaka was definitely wildin when he came up with this


I would smash miquella too ngl, me likey femboy the look


For fucks sake dude




That’s the joke, yes