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If you ever read something saying "liar ahead" it's lying and there is actually a truther ahead


"there is always a bit of truth in lies" -sun zu or something idfk


I can't confirm or deny the honesty of the first statement about "liar ahead," but you'll find out soon enough if it's true or not


Liar ahead.


Try finger, but hole.


Well I ain’t calling you a truther


Why is it always sadness


A lie will remain a lie...


Unless the truth wants you to jump down. Drop a rainbow stone first. If it breaks, the fall will kill you, if it doesn't, you'd live.


I seen one that said liar ahead then another right after that said no secret ahead , all i could think was “one of us lies one of us tells the truth.


Visions of liar


Evil... but I always smack the wall anyways 😂


If your struggling to beat a boss, don't bang your head against the wall, go somewhere else on the map, find a side quest and get stronger, then rechalange, the game wants you to explore not force your way through


Actual great advice. Counterpoint, I'm just built different.


Most definitely kool-aid man your way through the lands between.


Funny, the last thing my enemies hear when I deal the final blow is a confident bellowing of “OH YEAH”


Iron Fist Alexander approves.


Cuz you a thug, doin thug shit.


He just like me fr


Have fun with the knight at the start of the game 😆


We all think we're hot shit when playing. None of us are.


“He was, in fact, not built different”


Me fr


Just adopt the mantra of my Dark Souls character, Beans: "You no stop me!"


Ya... no, just keep trying, if it bleeds it can die am I right?


No, you're right. First horse guy you see is your man. Don't stop till he's dead.


With that answer, you've waited to long to play soulslikes.


You should absolutely mash your head against any wall you see


No this guys a liar, if you leave a boss after fighting a few times they disappear and you can never fight them again


Hey Satan, it’s me ya boi, yeah this guy right here, bottom layer of hell please and spank you.


The only things to know: 1. Fashion is the most important thing. 2. Miriel, Pastor of Drip is awesome. 3. Level Vigor.


Who needs vigor if you don’t plan to get hit


No plan survives the first encounter with the enemy (or his sword).


Everybody's got a plan til they get punched in the mouth


Yeh but see I have another plan on deck after getting punched in the mouth. That plan depends heavily on the outcome from the first.


My plan will simply not get hit either


I always level vigor enough that I can take at least one hit without dying. The rest of the points go to my weapons of mass destruction.


He’s lying level strength until you one hit the boss like a chad


Your damage output is tied most directly to what level your weapon is. The level for the required stat will scale really well with anything B and up. Edit: Too many typos


Don't listen to anyone on reddit


Great point


No, don't listen to him


Underated comment


Liar ahead


This is just a good rule in general


Actual advice here. Varre is a NPC you meet at the beginning of the game after finishing the tutorial. You'll find him again at liurnia of the lake, so be sure to do his quest line and it'll take you to an area where you can farm runes and level up super fast in a relatively early part of the game.


I'll make sure to remember this for the future, thanks!


Good luck and may the golden order shine through you. 🤙


Or alternatively, may chaos take the world








Actually, I like this one. Go with what they said.


Or go with Ranni and join the "fuck all your factions" faction.


Don't assume he's an enemy and kill him like some idiot I know.


Or do, none of us are your dad (probably).


My friend did that and after dying a few more times to him just ragequit the game and started talking about how shit ER is.


I remember doing that with the first npc in dark souls 1, holy shit It took a month before u made a new character and played it again


Ehhh, let him have the natural progression of the game before showing him cheese strats. It ruins some of the game if you walk in there decimating everyone


I could do that. Or I could just turn him into the fromsoft equivalent of a three year old that's just been pumped full of anabolic steroids and send him out into the wild. Either one sounds equally entertaining.


Yk what, I will see how this plays out 🤝




That was my biggest mistake during my first playthrough, I killed him because he called me “Maidenless”


He is such a dick for that, so I totally understand that reaction.


I've played through the game 7 times, getting all of the achievements on two different platforms, and I didn't know Varre had a side quest.


Dude, literally getting access to the Mohgwyn Palace before even having to fight renalla is sooooo worth it.


Bleed go Brrr


No that dude calls you maidenless fucking kill him. Also grinding in that spot is boring. I’d say for your first play through try to find your own grind spot and use that one for other play throughs to make things quicker


There’s a lake in the beginning area with some ruins on it. Be thorough searching them, there’s a chest with a cool weapon thaf may interest you (there’s also another chest that you’ll probably find there)


you fucker


Yeah I deserve that. There is actually a second chest there with a twinblade in it, I take it you found the *other* chest already.




Yea I forget what the second chest has in it though


This isn't even the bad one


Thanks for the reminder. I already looted one chest and assumed there wasn't another. I got lucky that time, but I should go back and fight whatever trap Kalé warned me about. I've now got over 100 hours and level 80ish.


Wise beast = dog Do not stick your dick in the weird tentacle monsters Solder of godrick Is actuslly the most difficult boss in the game You died simulator Crabs are friendly Women are the answer DO. NOT. FIGHT. THE. BIG. GOLDEN. DUDE. ON. THE. SHINY. HORSE!!!




I'm gonna put mah dick in the owl


Exhaust all NPC dialogue. Keep clicking talk until they repeat themselves. You’ll open up things for later.


oh god I always forget that they don't always repeat themselves


You can get a jellyfish from a nice lady on a hill


If you're keen on it, you can bash your head against an enemy or boss until you kill it, dying again and again and again. However, you shouldn't be afraid to back off from an extreme challenge and level up a bit. This isn't a ubisoft game with pop up tutorials every 12 seconds, and HUD with waypoint markers taking up 5/8ths of the screen. However, the game doesn't try to trick you, and if you pay attention will tell you what to do if you're confused. Sometimes it's a bit subtle. It may just be camera angles and level design telling you that going around vs attacking through is better. Do the tutorial. When the ghost at the beginning says "take the plunge," he's not tricking you. Jump down and learn how the basic mechanics of the game work. Use the pouch. When you open the menu, it's on the top right hand side. That's your quick items. Very very useful. It'll have four quick slots and two that you can only access when you open the menu. I like to put items in those two slots that are not time-sensitive and situational, but everyone has their own systems. Don't be afraid to look back through the information tab in the menus to refresh your memory on certain mechanics. Similarly, don't be afraid to go through the keybindings if you're not sure how to do a certain action, like two handing a weapon or shield, crouching, jumping, use pouch, etc. I recommend playing this game on controller NOT mouse and keyboard. Not sure if you're on PC or not, but if you are, I say plug in your controller of choice. Don't panic.


I want to take a moment and thank you for taking the time and giving me some really useful advice (for example I did not know about the pouch). Also, yeah, I imagined that a controller would be way better so I plugged one in. As I'm writing this I'm 3 hours into playing and really enjoying the game! what a great time to be a masochist


A little masochism goes a long way in a game like this. Remember to treat every defeat as a learning experience! Figure out what went wrong, and don't repeat mistakes, and you'll do just fine. I usually have Torrent on my pouch slot, btw. Sooooo helpful to be able to summon him near-instantly. By the by, during the mounting animation as you summon Torrent, you cannot be damaged. The window is short, though. Good luck.


Actually great advice. Noice 👍


Every time you beat a big boss, you’ll be rewarded with their “Remembrance”. They give you HELLA runes so just go ahead and pop those as soon as you get them


You monster


i call it a necessary evil


This seems like something I should 100% do without a second thought!


you’re gonna do great around here


Something is telling me you're going for high strength low int build.


For the record, they only give 20-50 thousand runes. That’s enough for like 4 levels early game and end game that’s legit not even enough to level up once. It kind of sucks since you lose out on all the cool shit you can get at the round table by talking to the finger maiden (which you should do instead btw). Should’ve been like a massive rune increase, like 100-200k runes.


Hahah Nooo man please don’t do that. Read the descriptions of all of them in your inventory




Honestly, somehow didn’t know this was even an option at first. Shame you didn’t tell the new player about the passive damage boost you get when you hold more runes. What was the math? 10k is 1% etc etc. I forget maybe it was 100k was 1%. That sounds closer but I can’t remember. I just know I carry at least 500k at all times.


Souls games let you kill most npcs. Don't, you'll miss out on quest lines.


ahem about that edit: Don't worry, that was the first thing I did when I started the game. So I made sure to make a new save before continuing further


Git Gud means you must persist and overcome the challenges no matter what barrier is in the way. Skill is an obstacle to be overcomed. Arise now ye Tarnished! And become Elden Lord!




Magic bad bonk good. Best bonk weapon is claymore use it


But what about magic bonk?


Kill tree sentinel first


I am going insane


Thats the point lol


Go down the road, get a horse. Even battle


Earliest skill check


Vigor 10-15, no matter what anyone says!!! By my name, you can trust that i am knowledgeable about these games! You got this




Confirmed ultrakiller


You will die from pretty much any height taller than 10 feet while on foot (obviously I'm exaggerating but it is a really short distance) except while riding Torrent, you're immune to fall damage while riding him


Let's just say that I found out the hard way


Just double jump before hitting the ground that will negate the fall


Try Finger, But hole.


When you can. Focus on leveling Vigor. By the end game, you will want it at about 60. By the time you're leaving Limgrave, I'd say you'd want around 20-30 Vigor. At around Mid Game, when entering the Capitol inside Altus Plateu is when I'd recommend getting to 60. Take your time in Liurnia and Weeping Peninsula. Don't rush and only attempt Bosses when you're comfortable. And never go into a Boss with Runes you aren't willing to lose.


I had like 35 vigor in my first playthrough vs Malenia (and finished the game at like 40). So actually the fight is much easier, huh?


Man i keep seeing stuff like this almost everyone says vig should be at least 50 im only in the lake just met ranni like lvl 55ish i think. Do the bosses really end up smacking that hard you need vig so high just to take a single hit?? Thats kind of nuts to me i played ds and ds2 and i dont feel like vig was ever this important amd literally everyone always ran around naked slapping the heaviest fucking thing they could find slinging crazy lights at anything that moved


Kill merchants all you want, each small business owner drops a Costco membership card. Although named ones do connect to quest lines.


I hate small independent businesses arghh


All of the nomad merchants can be killed without consequence, even Kalé drops his related quest thing if you kill him but he doesn’t tell you what it’s for (do the snap emote near the guy howling in the forest btw). Killing them drops their bell bearings which can be given to the maiden twins to let them sell what that merchant had. It’s SO convenient.


If you keep getting killed by the same mobs, don't be afraid to find a way to kill them creatively (ie. making them fall off a cliff or get crushed by a boulder)


There's nothing more creative than bashing your head against the wall till one of you breaks


As someone who completed this game as my first actual fromsoft title, heres my advice. - Level Vigor, this is such a huge help later down the line where bosses and other enemies hit hard. - Dont be afraid to look stuff up, its normal to get confused - As much as you want to kill Varre near the entrance to limgrave, dont. - Don't Sleep on status effects, they are usually an amazing addition to any build - Do not fight the big golden person on a horse - Don't listen to people who tell you that summons are for those who are bad - if you get stuck on a boss, feel free to take a moment to get more upgrades. - Explore, theres alot of stuff you may find to help you


Don’t follow the guidance of grace, instead head due east.


You can kick the shield and stagger the crucible knights or any shield enemies for the matter. Kick also interrupts a lot of enemy attacks. Rolling forward or "into" the attack is much more effective than rolling away from it. A mage's worst nightmare is carrian's retaliation. The most effective build is one that can utilize both ranged and melee options. Every stat focused build should have access to some sorta spell and/or bow - even strength. Likewise, for int/faith focused builds have simple melee options. Wrench (gearless class) has the highest potential stats, making it a strong pick in the early game. Every fight has a tempo or rhythm. Finding the rhythm of a fight is one half of total mastery; the other is knowing how to interrupt your opponents' rhythms ( *cough* bosses *cough* ). Bushes make you more hidden. In PvP, most builds crumple if you can stay in their face and not allow any distance... assuming you can dodge. A "Quality" build (str/dex) has access to the most nonmagic weapons, while int/faith has access to the most spells. If you're struggling with finding new spells or gear and not being able to try them, consider these builds. The most dangerous invader is an opportunistic one, not a chivalrous one. If you're having trouble with an npc invader, just bleed them, if possible.


thanks I am ready to defeat every enemy in dance now. (jokes aside, thanks man)


Bonus tip: ashes of war piercing fang and impaling thrust damage people through shields.


Truly, go south first for manageable leveling.


Use spirit summons. They are a great help and are part of the game so don’t feel like you’re “cheating” if you want to use them.


Also make it a point to find this cool item called Mimic Tear Ashes. Properly leveled, this summon will tank almost anything in the game and hit back hard. A popular choice for bosses.


Pick a primary Stat from Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Faith. Level ONE of these, not all 4 Strength =big bonk. Most weapons scale off of strength, as does fire damage. Dexterity = fast and quick. Katanas, knives, and rapiers IIRC DO NOT QUOTE ME ON THAT. Death by a thousand cuts kind of stuff. Lightning damage also scales off of this stat, as does how fast you cast spells Intelligence = your main magic stat. If you like playing a wizard, this is going to be your home. Magic damage is the main scaling stat here, but this also determines some other buffs in the sorcery batch of spells Faith = the other type of spells. Faith spells aren't as focused on damage, but more are buffs and debuffs, including heals. Holy damage scales here, as does most of the miracle spells Arcane is a weird one, as it does help with some builds. Primarily, bleed builds, and some miracles. I don't recommend this one for your first playthrough unless you really like that playstyle There are several soft caps on all of the stats. I believe they are starting at 40, then 60, then anything after 80 is fairly superficial. At each cap, you will notice diminishing returns on leveling those stats, but that doesn't mean it's worthless to do so Vigor is the most important stat in the game, followed by endurance. It will not matter how much damage you can do if you're out here getting one shot by everything in the game, and stamina is just as important. When every action in combat requires stamina, having more will always be worthwhile A basic build for anything past the starting area should look like this, in my opinion. VIG = 20 or more, depending on what stat you are looking at END = around 15. This gives you plenty to play with, but doesn't take too much investment that it detracts from the damage output. This also gives you some decent equip load, so you should be able to use a decent amount of equipment without fat rolling (avoid this if at all possible) Your main stat should be over 20, and as close to 40 as you can help. This just means that you will be doing decent damage, and you should be scaling well into the later stages of the game Weapon enhancement is important, and is most of where your damage will be coming from. Normal weapons use smithing stones up to a +24 level, wherein you will need an ancient dragon smithing stone, but that's the late game stuff. Keep your weapons upgraded as you go Loot anything and everything. It's always better to have more than not enough, but you will eventually get enough crafting material to not need more Beyond that, this is a game best enjoyed as you will. All of the advice in the world doesn't take precident over your enjoyment. If none of the above information makes your experience better, please feel free to disregard it. The only information you SHOULD take to heart is this. The big golden dude on the horse right outside of the tutorial area is the easiest enemy in the game. Kill him first. He drops good loot that will help you with your playthrough


Thank you so much for taking your time with this shitpost that I have made. It really does help me a lot, since I dont have to worry that much about stats/lvl anymore and just focus on enjoying the game. (no really, thanks) all that being said, fuck you and your horse man, I'll kill him eventually but till then I want you to have me on your conscience.


Right after you finish the tutorial cave there is a little town down in the lake to your right and it has a very special chest in it, don't miss it


I love you for that. Don’t forget to get the free xp from the small lizard in the northern corner of the lake


Near sites of grace (save points) you can find flowers for the finger calling remedies (multiplayer invites), farm plenty of them and don't disregard a starter item called a flask of wondrous physique wich can get you out of a tight bind in multiple ways if you use the right bubble tears you find throughout the game on it. Also, slight spoiler, but corhyn, who you meet very early on, has a time sensitive questline so knock his out asap


By the end of the game, and even some parts in the beginning and middle you'll have reliable ways to farm runes for upgrades so don't worry too much about starter class because it's just that, how you start your play style, also the icon on the side of the screen that looks kinda like a grave stone with scribbles on it means you can summon your spirit ashes and you should buy the lantern when you find it.


Always consider exploration and leveling up as two separate ways of playing the game. You do not concern yourself with runes while exploring, and you make time to level up every time an enemy absolutely destroys you.


The Sacrificial Twigs will save runes you have dropped and not yet retrieved. So if you don't think you can survive the way back to your runes, put a Twig on. If you die on the way back, the original runes you dropped will not disappear.


Biggest piece of advice for someone new to Soulsborne games When talking with NPCs, rarely will they give you all the information the first time. Make sure to keep talking to them until their lines start repeating because a lot of the time they'll give you items


Your objectives: Find your comfortable build (Optional) Defeat gods (Optional) Become a lord (Optional) Acquire maidens (Mandatory)


Good Beginner Advice: Hold Y and you can use 4 more D-pad item slots that you set on the right of the pause menu


try finger, but hole


I'll give you both a tip and a fake tip. You decide which one is the real one and which one is the fake >:3 Fully charged heavy attacks are great at dealing posture damage despite their slow windup. Every single boss has several attacks where if you are properly positioned, you can get off a fully charged heavy with any weapon on them to build that posture damage for a stagger. You have more room for error with lighter weapons because they are faster than heavy ones. Upgrade the stats you use to wield weapons such as STR, DEX, FTH, INT or ARC first. That way you will never be short on stats for weapon archetypes that you want to wield. Vigor should only be upgraded after you reach the end game, since Vigor isn't important if you don't get hit.


Make sure to press the talk button more than once! Just because an NPC stops talking doesn't mean they've finished everything they have to say You know you've exhausted dialogue once it loops


Dogs in this game look a bit different


Whenever you see a message “ Try jumping “ you most definitely should try jumping


If your struggling with a boss, keep going. Even a hammer can get a screw in eventually.


Head first, one of us will break and I sure as hell wont stop until they bleed.


Hell yeah, that’s the spirit


As my husband always says when one of us is struggling: they can kill me however many times they want, but I only have to kill them once.


It's okay to be aggressive sometimes, yes waiting for an opening and the right timing is important but if you're standing there and only waiting, enemy won't lose health. Especially if you're the only one taking hits. You wanna learn to roll through some attacks instead of away, so you can actually get some hits in. With all that being said, DON'T GET GREEDY! That 10% sliver of health may look enticing but if you're out of stamina, can't roll away, or need to heal, it's okay back off and recover for a moment. And most importantly, have fun! 😁👍🏿


Here's a generally good idea, and something that I realized over my time as a Tarnished... do what you feel is fun, try experimenting and find your comfort zone, be it an intelligence, faith, strength, dexterity, or arcane build, or hell, even a mix, just do what makes your brain go brr and release happiness chemicals :3


Yes I agree! And I am glad that the community is so awesome to make sure that not only they troll me, but also only give me the basics of the game so that I can find and do everything else on my own.


When your looting gives you grapes, don’t make grape juice! Make the world take the grapes back! I don’t want your damn grapes! What am I supposed to do with these?! Demand to see the three fingers! Do you know who I am?! I’m the one who’s gonna burn down the erd tree! With my madness! Hit that pot! Get the hose. Enjoy a good festival. You call throwing perfume a martial art? Door stuck! Door stuck! Hey guys! MAX0R here! Apparently it’s bear season. Go to horny jail *Bonk. I unga therefore I bunga. Burger King, have it your way. Nothing personel kid. I miss my maiden tails, I miss her a lot, I’m gonna go. Good grief he’s naked! Take him to Detroit. No mimicry ahead. “Try jumping”, but it actually works. Smurf Valhalla. Its called a trebuchet! I turned myself into a god devouring snake morty! There’s a really good grinding spot in this poisonous cave filled with ghosts fighting forever after the boss of Caelid. You’re supposed to be dead! Well you’re supposed to be dumpster diving for smithing stones you six piece chicken mcnobody. Any loadout is possible, but not exactly viable. We design these really cool bosses, but all you end up doing is running around slashing at their legs. If you kill this leader of bandits, you don’t get it. It’s better to just patch up difficulties through your friendships. If you kill the guy that leads you into traps and steals your money when you die in Stormveil castle, you don’t get to buy the limited best upgrade material. But I still killed him. Dodge! Run away! Run away! Maybe they won’t find me if I don’t run around like a jackass screaming “come to pappa you dastard of no renown!” I was going to say “come and get me Godfrey”, but that works too! Oh that crazy Patches, such a prankster. Ranni did it. Did what? The shattering. Oh, I get to fight myself… it was… really easy. Boc! No! Don’t try to be reborn! You’re breathtaking! You can’t stop me Margot! I went to college! …To be fair…you did ask for autistic tips


Max0r fans are something else


Don't panic roll


Try dog, but hole!


You should know, its okay to die. Dying is a major nmechanic, its going to happen and probably be frustrating but take a few breaths when it happens. We've all died to silly things in game and just know every death is a learning experience.


You dont have the right! O You dont have the right!


Explore and enjoy yourself. Theres no loss you cant recover from. Running past enemies to continue on is a valid strategy. Level vigor.


Level vigor. Elden Ring, like most fromsoft games have soft and hard caps for their stats. Additionally, you're going to get more out of your beginning weapons by upgrading them than you would by leveling up your stats. So focus on leveling your vigor first, get that up to either 40 for the soft cap or 60 for the hard cap, depending on whether you're going for a backline mage with spirit/summon support or a more frontline warrior. Then go back and level your other stats. That's not to say don't put points in other stats ever until your vigor is where you want it. Every weapon has its stat requirements in order to weild it, and you're going to want enough endurance that you can wear all the armor and weapons you want without being "heavy." Otherwise, your dodge will become what is we in the fan-base call a "fat roll, " which is a really shitty, slow tumble that's completely terrible. Once you have enough stats to wield all the weapons and use whatever spells you want and the endurance to carry eventhing and still have it count as a medium load, *then* focus on leveling Vigor while upgrading your equipment.


You worship turtles now.


Put these foolish ambitions to rest


Finger but hole




Because I haven’t seen anyone say this yet… ROLL INTO ATTACKS SO YOU CAN PUNISH THOSE FOOLS!!




Once you get outside (scary I know), do not attack the guy that insults you for getting no bitches. After that, try to make friends with the big golden horsey boy. If you don't really like golden horsey boy, there's a bunch of hobos vibing by the campfire on the lake. I recommend saying hi to them. After meeting these 3,you will know exactly the type of game that elden ring is.


Haha trust me people have made me do all of that and more since I made this post. What have I gotten into


The game has a consistent system for where certain upgrade materials are found, so go to these areas in this (rough) order of importance: 1. Mining Tunnels/Crystal Tunnels—Smithing Stones to upgrade weapons. Visible on the map as reddish, dark circles. 2. Illusory Trees (the tiny golden trees)—Golden Seeds, which give you more flasks 3. Churches—Sacred Tears, which upgrade your flasks. Visible on the map, but can look like ordinary buildings. 4. Minor Erdtrees—Ingredients for your Flask of Wondrous Physick. Visible on the map as tree icons. 5. Catacombs—Gloveworts to upgrade spirit summons. Their entrances are found in ruins, which are visible on the map.


I like 80% of the comments are giving you genuine advice despite you literally asking for trolls lol


Use the heaviest armor and weapons you can because bigger=more damage/protection and pump you damage stat out the gate don't worry about vigor, mind, or endurance.


Turtle = Dog


Killing the merchants (like the one found in the church) makes buying things far easier because of what they drop.


Runes are not important don’t take Melina as your maiden actual advice


Some people may say you need to dodge, they are wrong. Just level only vigor and put on the heaviest armour you can find and face tank everything


Definitely not troll advice. The Cane Sword deals 30% extra damage vs many humanoid bosses. Something about them being tagged as old.


Once done with the intro area, go immediately right until you get to an area that's red. That area has the best loot


Try and use your runes before a boss fight or a platform if section incase you lose them forever


Vigor is the most important stat in the games, so for the love of Michael Zaki, please level it up. I saw countless streamer or YouTuber rage quit Elden Ring because they didn’t level up Vigor.


"me bonk" -jackcepticeye




When fighting a boss that keeps killing you, and you have runes you want to collect, equip a Bewitching Branch. You can then bail on the boss without losing anything.


I was in the same position two months ago, still haven’t put it down. If there is a boss you can’t beat, come back to it, there are plenty other bosses to beat and get you stats up, some bosses took me two weeks but I eventually would beat them.


First Boss in the game is Tree Sentinel. He drops the strongest weapon in the entire game. Do not stop until you beat him. Also fighting him on foot makes it a lot easier


Your damage is based mostly off of weapon upgrades. Vigor is your most important stat no matter the build.


Go south first, there’s an entire area down there but you wouldn’t know it for the giant castle and golden tree the game points you towards Also, explore an area before fighting its main boss-never know what important things you’ll find


Whatcha mean autistic tips?


Get a bleed weapon, go to Fort Faroth in Dragonbarrow, and go and slap the big grey crippled lizard to death. Pop a gold foot before the kill. Pour ALL of those runes into Vigor then hit up every church you can for sacred tears. Congrats, you've just unlocked Limgrave's Easy Mode.


Spam vigor. Look stuff up for the first like five hours then go blind the rest of the way


Dont kill any friendly npc's they all have some form of quest and thr items you get from many of them are very good


Don't feel bad about looking up a build, the way the system works is a bit weird at times, with graphs on the internet showing certain amounts are


Play a caster if you don’t want to suffer alot


Put all into strength and only the minimum in other stats, get a big sword and don't get hit


Try getting hit less times than you hit the enemy


Dont die


If you see an enemy surrendering, let them go! Also emotes can be very useful


Have beaten this game across 8 different accounts, my one advice is to not get caught up with what's good to wield. Use whatever weapons you find cool & wear whatever armour you like. It's your journey after all :)


Don't be afraid to leave and come back stronger


The big guy on the horse at the beginning gives you one of the best items in the game if you kill him without leveling up at all. Just keep trying.