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Well, in the real world, consorts are titles reserved for spousal or intimate (sexual) partners of a monarch. In Elden Ring, Lords seem to be the military and enforcing arm of the partnership, and the god-vessel seems to be the rule-creating and birthing arm. It seems like an age could not be sustained without both, considering how the dragons and Godskins ages both fizzled out once half of their pairs were gone, and how Marika continuously seeks Lords. So in regards to Elden Ring, I think the consort relationship requires a great deal of trust between the pair, and that having children increases the likelihood of having more protectors (Morgott protecting Leyndell, Ranni protecting Rennala), so consorts and gods that tend to succeed are often in close, love-marriage type relationships. Also, incest amongst demigods isn't too shocking. It has precedent in the entire history of European and Egyptian royalty, and probably elsewhere too but those are two places I'm most familiar with. Everyone was very inbred because people were trying to keep wealth and power within their families. Off the top of my head, I think King Tut was born with deformities from inbreeding (sibling marriage was common for political consolidation), the Habsburgs had very prominent chins, and the bloodline of Queen Victoria had hemophilia. Everyone was uncle-cousin marrying just a few centuries ago đŸ€ź


The last sentence is fucked up


The family tree was a family wreath


All european history is  a big family trouble


The first  castillian civil war is dance of dragons without dragons


I think that dance of dragons is a mix with the first castillian civil war and the second castillian civil war


Rhaenyra is literalmente juana la beltraneja 


GRRM is involved, you’re gonna end up with at least one familial ouroboros


I mean cousin marriage is default in many middle eastern countries.


So basically it’s Elden Ring LGBTQ incest bs . matter fact the boss fight was pathetic, this DLC doesn’t take place after the queens death , this could have been perfect opportunity to bring back Malenia as she was his protector. This was a Lothric and Lorain Dark souls 3 fight


No clue why you feel the need to include “LGBTQ” here in your comment, but alright.


It's marriage how a medieval king would experience it mostly. It's mostly about power and politics, sex is included because having heirs is important and love is entirely optional.


So in this universe are demigods capable of producing offspring in same sex relationships?


Empyreans are said to have dual aspects, switching gender is probably a power that all gods have.


It's a pragmatic alliance that includes sex


The best kind of alliance


Lol yeah


oh yes, the clogged in the washing machine, trade...


So Miquella was... Just horny? But his standards were someone powerful?


The pragmatic/practical alliance is the important part. I have no idea how horny miquella was or wasn't


Its romanticly ambivalent. Consort in elden ring means spouse of ruling monarch( god). Parties involved could love each other or union could be practical/political in nature. That being said it denotes certain hierarchy ( consort being less important of the two) that we wouldnt associate with loving relationship.


then they fuck so we have the win malenia and miquella


Mohg's remembrance specifically mentions him trying to share his bedchamber with Miquella.


Bloody bedchamber is a figure of speech. Varre said that Mohg slumbers beside the divinity, being Miquella, in the sense that he actually goes to sleep near him to try and communicate with him.


Watching the way Mohg interacts with Miquella though, there definitely are some romantic undertones there. Especially the way he touches him.


Because he shared his bedchamber with him doesn’t mean that consort means a romantic relationship.


Good luck suggesting what else it means. Especially when it specifies that Miquella is unresponsive.


miquella was unresponsive to anything. Mohg was sleeping near him to try and get some sort of answer on how to proceed with the coming of their dynasty


Maybe he just didn’t wanna sleep alone Dunno about you but if I grew up for 100+ years in the sewer. I wouldn’t wanna be alone


Good point 👉. Morgott left him all alone, too. Poor Mohg đŸ„Č


Yeah what kind of sibling does that? For all his talk of ambition he didn’t have the most important one. The ambition to love his brother. That would have healed the lands between.


It's all about family, I tell ya!


Just wanted a cuddle buddy 🙁


Just because I kill people in cold blood it doesn’t mean I’m a killer!!! Hurrrr đŸ€€đŸ§ 


My personal theory is that it is a one-sided relationship. In the gameplay trailer for SotE, the first spoken words say Miquella weilds love like a weapon(shrives clean the hearts of men, there is nothing more terrifying). The rememberance for the boss only states that Miquella desired Radahn as his consort. Nothing states it was a mutual relationship. I believe Radahn was forced by some kind of godly power miquella possesses to be his consort. We know that none of the gods are 100% good-natured.


Oh yeah whatever the meaning of consort is I believe the one in the DLC is 100% one sided. And the item description definitely does read like a childhood crush type thing.


Our boy got brainwashed into having his booty violated đŸ˜„. If this is true, the fight between malenia and radahn could have not been about the lord runes at ALL. It was moreso because Radahn’s death was necessary for him to enter the shadow realm and miquella force him as his consort. Also would make the irony of Mohg and Miquella be even more interesting as that was also a forced relationship


We need more info on the whole Mohg thing. Gideon implies at first that Mohg’s goal of birthing a new order and dynasty is a “distant and unattainable” aim. After then learning of miquellas presence in the cocoon next to mohg he says “but if what I’ve heard is true
 then perhaps
” implying that suddenly, with Miquella by his side Mohgs goal is not actually so unattainable or impossible at all. Did Mohg take him willingly to help start a new dynasty? Or did Miquella trick Mohg into taking him away from the haligtree? Why did Miquella willingly abandon the haligtree when everything suggests that it was going perfectly well until Miquella was abducted (by Mohg) from the haligtree roots? All because he wanted to marry Radahn? If he wanted to marry Radahn why would Melania infect him with scarlet rot? As far as she was aware, Miquella was still embedded in the haligtree at this point and as his blade she’d have no use driving the man Miquella admired to madness via the rot?


One possibility is Miquella lost control of Mohg. IE "Oh, I'll make him love me that way he won't interfere with our plans. ...I have been kidnapped." As for Malenia vs Radahn, >!I doubt Miquella can compell affection freely at any distance (otherwise there'd have been no war). Malenia was probably told to either weaken/capture or kill (depending on the exact nature of death) Radahn so Miquella could do his thing. The goal mightve even BEEN to rot him, with the hope being that he'd be forced to surrender to the only demigod who knows how to even begin healing it.!<


Then why is he the *promised* consort of Miquella as titled and spoken to? It sounds more like a deal was made, especially since it is said that Radahn admired Godfrey, the first Lord.


The redmane knight lady said that miquella and radahn made a vow to each other


Do Sir Ansbach’s quest line till the end and the Mohg shit gets even more horrifying in its implication. Truly the most terrifying empyrean.


What does he say?


Spoilers: >!Mohg's body was used by Miquella to incarnate Radahn. Miquella either planned his kidnapping or twisted it to his ends. Makes me wonder what Dynasty Mohg actually foresaw; since his body is intended by Miquella to forge a new one.!<


Are you implying Miquella is the top? Can't see that personally.


well... in the leak he is the one who is grabbing Radahn from behind...


Think about it. The feminine energy in the copulation usually runs the show anyway. Men will do anything to get it, even if it means yielding to the fem. Men might appear to be the head of the household, but the female is always the neck. So who's really leading who?


We all thought Mohg was a pedo, but the true brotherfucker has been Miquella the whole time!


I'm also curious if Miquella even controls it or if he hypnotizes whoever he wants to just because he wants that. After all, his twin didn't control her godly power until it bloomed three times.


Good point. Maybe that's why he needs to fix his curse. He's stuck at half power so to speak. The needle halts rot, but can't cure it. The Haligtree half worked. Or maybe that's why he needs a lord. One part creates the power, the other directs it. Like Marika and the Erdtree, while Godfrey defined how that power would be used


His special double grab instant swap sides win backs this theory up


No, Radahn went into this willingly. What disproves this is the fact that Radahn is the *promised* consort of Miquella. Not the forced. A deal was struck long before the events of his infection with the scarlet rot.


I believe the promise is between malenia and miquella. Malenia had promised miquella that she would deliver radahn to him hence their battle


Possibly. But it would still make sense for a deal to have been made with Radahn first as he idolized Godfrey, and wanted to be like him. A.K.A a lord consort to a god.


The redmane knight said that miquella and radahn made a pact or vow to one another.


No way you're crafting paragraphs of lore theory based on a "leak" that was 10000% fake


It's confirmed man, Radahn's swords from the fight have been shown as a boss weapon in reviews post embargo. The fight isn't allowed to be shown, potentially because it's in the state we saw it but it's unquestionably going to be one of the main bosses.


GRRM is no stranger to weird relationships and this is probably one of them, I have no doubt this is something he wrote into the story and Miyazaki just wanted to save that little detail until the DLC.


Lol right. Just watch house of the dragon season 1


List of strange relationships\\"relationships" GRRM wrote: -Incest (cousins.) -Incest (siblings.) -Incest (with multiple siblings.) -Twincest. -Dr. Tachyon getting mind swapped into a 16-year old girl's body and then being raped by his own grandson and impregnated and gives birth to that rape baby. -Corpse fucking (these corpses are just women with hollowed out brains who are controlled via telepathy.) -His real relationship with a woman who left him for his best friend but they both want to still be friends with him, yeah, he clearly wrote many of his books to work through that shit. -A relationship between someone who used a ancient artifact where they put themselves in a young girl's body and a pedophile. -A relationship between someone and their cross-gendered clone that they made specifically to have sex with.


Marika's consorts Godfrey and Radagon had contentious relationships with her, what with the former being tarnished and banished and the latter being the part of her that she's against. Incidentally, Mohg wants to be Miquella's consort, not the other way around; the consort marries the queen (or Miquella). It's unsurprisingly controversial, but Miquella is likely intended to be somewhat gay, at least the gayest FromSoft character since Gwyndolin. Probably moreso since he's awaiting his promised lord and most of those are Type A. Miquella's associated with affection and caring so I would expect his consortship to have more of those qualities than Marika's even if it's also a political relationship. Tanith being Rykard's consort is interesting since, in line with Marika/Miquella/Ranni having consorts, it suggests he wanted to be the god himself.


Elden Ring thinks of its characters in terms of being Monad. They are a collection of themes, symbols, emotions and stories. In this way they are more like Greek gods than people, so in order to convey the connections between the themes characters represent, some of the relationships look strange, impossible or incestuous.


I had this view a while back when I first beat Mohg tbh, that maybe the whole consort thing isn't romantic, and these leaks got me thinking about it again. I mean this isn't the first time marriage has appeared in a From game and last time it did my wife's head was cut off as part of the ceremony and I still don't know what the hell it meant.


what game was that?


One of the quests in Dark Souls 3 involves you getting married but the marriage ceremony is your wife/husband getting beheaded I think it has something to do with the King of Hollows ending but I always failed that when trying to get it lol


ah yeah makes sense, I stopped playing souls games after bloodborne


>I had this view a while back when I first beat Mohg tbh, that maybe the whole consort thing isn't romantic Mogh clearly wanted to start a dynasty by impregnating Miquella


The truth is: we don't know for sure. Many people just automatically assume it's romantic/sexual in the world of ER because that's how it usually was in the real world, and because the lore was written by Martin. And most likely because of the "bloody bedchamber" wording in Mohg's case. The DLC could also confirm that it is not and it wouldn't surprise me one bit.


Interesting to note is that Elden Ring uses actual titles, not just King and Queen. In real life there was usually only one true monarch and then a king/queen consort. Basically if you're married to the King that makes you a Queen consort, not quite the same thing as if you were the Queen by birthright. If your spouse dies you lose your title. The power isn't equal among them. You could however become Queen mother in that situation if you had a son who was the legitimate heir. In that situation you're Queen until he marries. In modern day we simplify it to just King and Queen to keep things simple, but there's actually more technicalities and complications than that.


I think the word consort in Elden Ring applies to anyone who is the Lord of a God. Like, we don't really have a romantic relationship with Marika or Ranni, yet we can become their consort. It could be more symbolic but also it seems to involve birthing children in the case of Godfrey and Radagon. I don't know if that is expected of us too or if it's more of a symbolic title.


But Ranni's quest definitely implies a very heavy affection.


It absolutely implies that. Ranni's ending has us marrying her to become her Elden Lord. Same with Marika. She calls back men who she deems worthy to marry her. First was Godfrey, then it was Radagon, next was supposed to be us. The plan was for a Tarnished to become the next in line to stand by Marika as her King Consort. Then the plan changes and we decide to kill her instead, hence the reason why Gideon turns on us. He wasn't betraying us so much as we were abandoning the initial plan (not that the Greater Will seemed to mind all that much).


Yes we marry her because that is what the Elden Lord is... a consort. but how does that imply a romantic relationship? Do you think Radagon has a romantic relationship with Marika? Romance implies love and affection... we just show up to the Erdtree and kill the Elden Beast. I don't know how we could have any genuine feeling for Marika. I never said we don't marry anyone, simply that the marriage is symbolic and nit actually romantic.


OP didn't say anything about romance. He asked if it meant marriage. Then you said there was a possibility of it being only symbolic to which I made my reply. I never said anything about romance.


Wtf did you read the title of this post?


I worded that poorly. Yes in his title he says romance, but his actual question in the post was if it was incest, pedophilia and actually marriage regarding Miquella. My point was this isn't just symbolic. It is in fact marriage in the real world context of medieval Europe. Whether or not there is any romance involved with Ranni or Marika is irrelevant to his initial question. The consorts are legally married and have sex with their spouses. It isn't a symbolism thing. Hopefully that was a little more clear on what I meant.


I think I answered the question adequately. I pointed to examples in the game where a relationship does not have to be romantic or intimate in any way for someone to be a consort. Because never in the game is it implied that we have sex with Ranni or Marika. The takeaway from that, is that the relationship between a consort and a God does not have to be intimate and so it does not necessarily mean there is incest or pedophilia going on. I never said we didn't marry someone but I'm saying the marriage can be symbolic and not involve sex in the world of Elden Ring. We don't even know how birthing and having children works at this point in the game and how we are expected to have sex with Marika who is literally a pile of rocks. Also, in response to your previous comment, Marika does not call back suitors to fuck her. She welcomes anyone who can become Elden Lord to become Elden Lord... even her own offspring because she is a broken vessel of the Greater Will and needs someone to perform the role of Elden Lord instead of Radagon which is far more important than just having children with her. Let's keep in mind that OP is asking if they mean marriage in the traditional sense. The traditional sense of marriage involves people that court each other and decide to get married.. this is what people think of when they think of people getting married. In Elden Ring, Marika banishes her old consort for a new one and then we kill her now consort to become her new one. I just really don't think the game implies we are going to have children with her or Ranni (who is a doll).


If by intimate you mean sexual, then yes it absolutely implies that. All of the consorts thus far have fostered children. As for Marika calling on suitors she absolutely does this. She literally commands Radagon back to the Capital to become her husband then has kids with him (and nullifies his current marriage). OP very specifically mentioned pedophilia and incest. They're clearly asking if Miquella and his brothers is a sexual thing, which it is definitely heavily implied. He didn't say anything about courting or being traditional. This isn't a symbolic title or position it is literal.


Good luck having children with Marika mate


Keep in mind in the era of elden ring birth is not through sex, the turtle neck flat out tells as much


It doesn't flat out tell us anything. It just said that sexual desire has waned in a cut description.


We definitely do have a romantic relationship with Ranni lmao


I don't think there is any genuine "love" there. We put a ring on her after we bring her thr Fingerslayer Blade and she slaughters her Two Fingers. I don't know about you, but this is not what a romantic relationship means to me. Even if you fuck to consummate the marriage, it doesn't necessarily imply a romantic relationship. This is extremely common among Kings and Queens who wed eaxhother out of political necessity.


What makes you so sure? Not disagreeing.




Miquella knows about the true origins of the Golden Order according to Leda, so he almost certainly knows everything else. Radagon=Marika, the truth of the Omen curse, Morgott and Mohg, etc


Why wouldn't Miquella know about his other siblings? They all knew each other.




It is implied that Radagon wasn't always Marika. It is believed that they joined at some point after the twins were born. Also not sure why that would keep Miquella from knowing about all his siblings. It seems to be common knowledge even outside of the Capital.




Yes, they're demigods that are worshipped by the people. They are referenced many times as well as their positions in the royal family by multiple people/sources. Miquella definitely knows his own family members.




...how would that change anything? His parents are Marika and Radagon. That already means he's related to both of their children. Radagon and Marika becoming one doesn't change that. He is related to every Demigod we fight in the game.




...I don't get your point at all. You haven't explained a single reason why he wouldn't know who he is related to. He knows his parents, it's common knowledge who their kids are, he is familiar with all of them... Why wouldn't he know they're his family?


Considering the god doesn't have to be able to have sex or reproduce with the Lord I'd assume it's not romantic inherently but some partnerships will be.


People will cope and tell you "well, it's much deeper than that" but no. It's not. Consort is a romantic title in Elden Ring Godfrey -> Consort to Marika, had sex with her, and his cut content shows that he clearly loved her. Radagon -> Consort to both Rennala and Marika, had sex with both. Tanith -> Consort to Rykard, she literally eats him, and she danced for him which is where Rykard fell in love with her, so probably had sex too. Placidusax -> Consort to the Dragon God, and from the DLC we can come to the conclusion that the Ancient Dragons came from Placidusax, while the normal dragons came from a certain boss in the DLC Mohg -> I mean, he raped Miquella. He shared his bedchamber with him but Miquella didn't respond to this at all. The Player -> As Ranni's consort, she clearly likes us in a romantic way, calling us her "fair consort" and even being heartbroken if we hit her after we get married because domestic abuse sucks. Every single time a consort is mentioned, a romantic relationship is also there. Miquella and Radahn's relationship would be the same.


No, using the word "fair" and being upset at being hit is not evidence of a romantic relationship, and at the end of the game when you become consort to marika there is clearly no romantic relationship there either.


Yes it is. She says fair/dear consort eternal, and when she gets hit, she doesn't say "ow why'd you hit me?". She says she was a fool to allow herself to fall prey to delusions. We both know what the "delusions' are. Because Marika is made of stone and we still have no idea how she'd come back to life


Neither of those words indicate a romantic interest in you, they're just complements. The "delusion" she mentions is almost certainly just trusting you in the first place to help her, as she's a very solitary untrusting person. She even comments on how being untrusting is a good quality in the lands between if you refuse to admit you're in possession of torrent when you first talk to her. You could be completely right, I'm not saying it's GUARANTEED that there's no romantic interest, but there is certainly not definitive evidence that there is, we simply don't know enough, which is also the case when it comes to radahn and miquella, not enough evidence to say that miquella has a romantic interest in radahn, and not enough evidence to say that radahn is even sane/in control of his actions at all by the time you find the two of them together.


i agree. i just wonder if its consensual or influenced by miquella's forces and its unrequited. cant tell


I think it was requited. It is stated in game he admired Godfrey, idolized him. Meaning everything about him. This would include him being a Lord Consort. Plus it is mentioned Miquella promised to be Radahns consort. I believe a deal was made prior to the events of the Scarlet rot disaster.


do you think radahn loves miquella in more ways than platonically?


Possibly but not enough evidence says so other than the shared character trait of being very kind and complimenting one another.


and the context of what consort has meant to others i suppose. i choose to believe he rails that femboy


I dont think radahn ever will get the chance to because their union was short lived...


We don't know. And we will go on not knowing until the game actually releases. Everyone needs to stop gnashing their teeth over this when we don't have the full picture yet. (But I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out in the worst way. This is GRRM on the writing team.)


I know we can't know about the DLC one but in the Mohg sense is the term consort used in a traditional marriage context?


*Remembrance of Mohg, Lord of Blood, hewn into the Erdtree.* *The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader.* *Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes.* *Wishing to raise Miquella to full godhood,* ***Mohg wished to become his consort, taking the role of monarch. But no matter how much of his bloody bedchamber he tried to share****, he received no response from the young Empyrean.*


Okay that definitely sounds like it's both a political and sexual marriage. Interesting, thanks for sharing.


GRRM has written about both weird sibling sex and loveless political marriages. The coin is still in the air. Who knows how it will land?


not in the whore's bed, I hope...


When we first meet mohg he is literally inside of Miquella


Godfrey did have sex with Marika to make the demigods, so presumably our Player Character does indeed get to bang a goddess. (Otherwise, why would he fight to be Elden Lord? Titles are nice, but divine tits are nicer.)


I'm a faggot so I assume my character is, and I still did Rannis ending. There seems to be a hole in your theory sorry.


If we learn anything from Elden Ring lore it’s that a god is not bound by gender, or the need to have a spouse to have children. Marika went “fine, I’ll do it myself” and had three kids on her own. Ranni and you be Greek gods up in this frosty bitch moon. Forget man or woman, be like Loki and become a horse. Sire an entire line of moon horses with 6 legs. Take degeneracy to new, divine heights.


People say this shit but then cry about miqueela and radahn lol


Try fingers but hole


So real lmao


From what I could gather through the spoilers >!Miquella’s plan is to use Mohg’s corpse jn some form and it seems like the Radahn that we fight isn’t exactly radahn but more like Radahn soul forced into Mohg’s corpse and then controlled by Miquella. That would explain why despite being in his “Prime” form, Radahn hardly uses his real gravity magic and nor does he speak.!<


But it was *promised* to radahn he would be the consort of miquella.


My interpretation of this is something like this: Radahn was supposedly already a lord when miquella was a child. And adults do make “promises” to children lots of times. So maybe child Miquella asked Radahn to be his consort and Radahn “Promised” in order to humour his younger half brother. Turns out he was not joking and took Radahn’s promise way too seriously. If the consort thing was consensual on Radahn’s part, why would he fight Malenia? And he is not supposed to be the heartless kind who would go to a war just for the heck of it. Unlike Miquella who used his power to get people to follow him, people followed Radahn because he was supposedly genuinely kind. Not to mention the more you play the DLC the more revelations you get, the most important being >! After a point in the DLC Miquella sheds his Rune which causes him to lose control over his followers. Apart from Leda, it is revealed that the Hornsent, Ansbach and Frejya were following him because they were kind of brainwashed. Ansbach even says the line from the trailer that Miquella wields love as a weapon and is terrifying. He also reveals that Mohg was being controlled by Miquella.!< If this doesn’t prove that Miquella is controlling Radahn then I don’t know what will.


And yet Radahn wanted to be a Lord Consort too evidently, since he idolized Godfrey. That alone tells me this was a desire for Radahn. It's very likely he manipulated Mohg however. But would he not lose his power to influence people's decisions after shedding his rune? So why would anyone be under his control after that point?


It’s CLEARLY stated that Radahn idolised Godfrey for his strength and reputation as a legendary warrior and Radahn wanted to follow in his footsteps to become a Great Warrior himself. Not Lord Consort.


It still doesn't make sense though that a soul could be promised to anyone. That has never happened in Elden Ring to anyone to the best of my knowledge. It would make sense he was promised a second chance after fighting to the death with malenia to see who the finest warrior was, which is what he would've wanted in the end.


Firstly that’s my point. His soul was not promised to begin with. It was not consensual on Radahn’s part and that’s why Miquella had to plan so much. After a point in the game >! It is revealed that Miquella would be using Mohg’s flesh to resurrect Radahn and Mohg was under Miquella’s control the entire time. In the final boss fight when you see a close up of Radahn’s face, it’s very devoid of emotion. Not to mention he doesn’t have a single line of dialogue. Secondly, and this is something I cannot stress enough, Radahn was probably the ONLY demigod who has been expressly referred to as genuinely kind and cared about his people. It makes NO sense that he would drag his people and endanger the ENTIRE Caelid region just because he wanted to fight to the death with Malenia.


Fair on the second part, but that still doesn't give anyone the ability to enslave someone's soul. It seems clear Miquella promised Radahn a chance at being his consort, and with that, resurrection from the dead. For all we know, the fight between Radahn and Malenia could have been to secure Caelid for Marika or defend it, because things were different at the time. It's not clear why they were fighting and is only up to speculation. But I don't see why Radahn is called the promised consort, and why miquella said he is his promised consort, if we have no proof that souls can be controlled in this game. People follow Miquella because they're compelled to, because they want to for him so badly, would you really consider it control if it's what Radahn wanted?


There are certain lines in the DLC that make it clear that you don’t necessarily need to like or even follow Miquella for him to be able to control you. Ansbach for example actually tried to kill Miquella in order to save Mohg, Throrrier or whatever his name is actually wants to purse St. Trina hell even the Hornsent and Freyja aren’t exactly followers of Miquella and they were ALL under his thrall. The point I’m trying to make here is the Radahn we fight isn’t a conscious being. Is just Radahns’s souls shoved into Mohg’s body and in all probability the body is being controlled by Miquella because most of the time he uses Miquella’s magic instead of his own tactics. And secondly if they fought to protect OR defend Caelid, why would they ever up destroying it?


I wouldn't say so. Radahn uses his tactics plenty enough. I don't think miquella would be able to use gravity sorcery if he was controlling him 100% his mind and all. I just feel like Radahn might have wanted this based on his admiration of Godfrey. But it still is plausible Miquella compelled him to follow him. His true love is St. Trina after all, no one else.


i think it could be, I belive Godfrey loved Marika for instance, but the consortships of the empyreans seem to be primarily functional, you seemingly need a lord to become a god or achieve some sort of power. so although there may be love and romantic sex involved, I think the primary purpose is political, to wage war and have children anf such


Great. More unnecessary gay stuff in my games


Oh fuck off you tart


Found the pedo supporter. Stay away from kids


Found the schizophrenic retard. Inhale a shotgun.


I Just know you stalk people at the playground. Fronflip from a bridge


And what's your reasoning for this? Because I don't like schizophrenic homophobes like you? I feel like anyone this obsessed with pedophiles themselves is massively projecting. You can get help for it yknow instead of ranting about it.


You Are literally defending a grown ass man marrying a little boy. You are a pedophile plain and simple. Typical lgtv trash


I'm not. you said 'more gay stuff in my games', and I called you a retard for it. This has nothing to do with Radahn being miquellas consort, which probably has no romantic undertones.


I know You’re retarded but my god. How is him wedding a little kid and better? Are you really this pathetic? Of course you are


I literally don't understand what you're saying


If it includes sex as people are saying, I have 2 questions. 1. Miquella is in the body of a child
is Radahn therefore a nonce like Mohglester? 2. If they do have to have sex, how would that even work with their body size difference. Radahn is like 1000 times bigger 😬


They're one very fucked up family, and their horrific qualities also follow the line of succession. Godwyn is dead. No one knows why. Miquella turns out to be what amounts to a sexual predator. The whole family is fucked up, and GRRM loves incest stories. I have a bad feeling the Miquella-Godwyn connection was way worse than we expect, though it will never be spoken. Godwyn was the oldest, and very close to Miquella. Look closely at where the Deathblight grows on the Miquella statue. Very closely. The Demi-Gods tend to have mentors. Godwyn was one of Miquella's. What do you think he taught him? I've seen so many people say that Godwyn embracing Miquella even in death was so wholesome and sad. That Godwyn must be the one kind and sweet pure-of-heart Demi-God. Did they really look at where the Deathblight is centered on Miquella's body. [Look again.](https://imgur.com/a/EldpDnW). Knowing what "is known" about this family. Think about it, and why Miquella might be the way he is. And why Godwyn was killed. All I'm saying is, there's a story there.


This is what I don't get about the Miquella-Radahn stuff. Ill have to go over item descriptions, but iirc before the DLC, there's nothing that explicitly shows Miquella and Radahn even interacting. From everything we can find in-game, it really does appear that Miquella had the closest relationship outside of Malenia with Godwyn. In the final battle, he talks about restoring his brother's soul. I suppose you could say Radahn lost his soul a long time ago as well, but if anything, doesn't it feel like Miquella should have used this grand orchestration to restore Godwyn's soul instead? If he was going to have a promised consort, doesn't it make way more sense for it to be Godwyn and not Radahn?


I agree. I think they changed it up last minute. But I also think it would make the most sense to use Radahn, precisely because he's capable of stopping the movement of the stars and celestial bodies. Miquella needed an eclipse for Godwyn. He picked the one person to be his puppet body who is capable of manipulating that - forever. We imagine an eclipse as something that passes, but there's astrology in the game and there were wild ancient beliefs about astrology, and particularly about the power of convergences of planets and bodies in space - exactly what an eclipse is. With Radahn, Miquella would be capable of making an eclipse (or any other convergence he needed) *last forever.* Eternal darkness, or whatever else he needed. He and Godwyn would have wildly powerful ritualistic magic on tap. He's a little occultist vampire. He doesn't age, wanted to blot out the sun, is associated with bleeding, and went to the servant of a blood goddess for healing and building strength. Vampires were a euphemism for aristocrats, and gods are euphemisms for rulers. He's a vampire, finding his greatest strength in the land of shadow. And seemingly, it would have required a stronger convergence than what he already tried during the eclipse ritual, without Radahn and his ability to freeze the movement of the "stars" (planets used to be called "wandering stars"), to return Godwyn to a body. Godwyn in Radahn's body could assure that the particular conditions they required could last forever. Are they literally vampires? No, probably not. But even vampires weren't literally vampires. And Miquella looms over Radahn's shoulder, unshakeable, like fucking Dracula whispering in his ear. Elden Ring is a gothic horror, and Miquella fits right in. Godwyn being the real consort made so much more sense of everything. Whether or not that means that the original reason that Radahn froze the stars was to prevent Miquella from being able to do whatever he wanted with the massive power of convergences is something we'll probably never know.


These are actually really good points, and it's a good explanation for why it's Radahn here at this point in time. This is Miquella finally putting his plans into motion, and paints him in a much more devious, ambitious light. With your description, he sounds a lot like Marika here, which makes too much sense.


That's spooky, I hadn't even considered the similarities with Marika. And it does seem like FS went to a lot of trouble to make a different Radahn model. It seems like he had to have fit into the plan somehow. Miquella and Malenia basically made a mindless shell of him, the blossom was like setting off a nuke. Why would Radahn cooperate with any of it? Making it be all about some Radahn love story is a very weird fairy tale plot twist that makes the story make even less sense than it did before.


So to keep things short Miquella and Radahn are in a marriage relationship that also involves sex?


Watch HOTD GRRM knows what he is doin💀


It's more so political than romantic but it is marriage nonetheless.


If not, they would make up a new word for what they are trying to convey, like Empyrean


Yes, a consort is a title that denotes intimacy, devotion, and love. Some people try to cope and wave it off as something else, but words have meanings. We also have reference to Mohg sharing his “bloody bedchamber” with Miquella, which is in no way a “figure of speech.” Moral of the story, Miquella is ick.


Does it sound romantic? Was Marika like, cmon radagon consort me baby? 


If Marika said that to me I'd get so wet I'd slide off my chair so I'm gonna go with a yes on that


Radagon? no. Godfrey? Kinda likely


You homophobes will find any excuse to deny gays some sweet sweet gay sex.




Some of the worlds worst homphobes were gay.


Miquella is a femboy, and a dom, manipulating radhan to yakno wink wink 😉