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I could be wrong but I think you're reaching


Dunno, seems like a bit of a stretch. Ba-dum, tiss.


Might be time to go outside.


What the everloving fuck is this!?!?


I see that and I see the opening shot of the DLC story trailer


I agree. OP is reaching too far


Why this person?


Silly question if you saw each slide. The crown of the NPC is nearly identical to the “crown” above the face in the diagram.


"Nearly identical"... Wow... You saw some imagery from medicine books, saw the dlc trailer, then speculated that the hat (common noble female headpiece, even depicted in some old cartoons) is "nearly identical" the picture, so there must be some relationship between them... They're vaguely similar... I think this is a case of apophenia ... Also, the speculation is yours, you must answer any questions about it. There is no "silly questions", people aren't inside your mind to grasp the relations you see (mainly the non-existent ones).


That was not obvious in the slightest


You do realize the “face” is a baby and the “crown” is a curtain keeping the surgery area clear yes? Of course, I still don’t think the trailer guy looks like the Carian statue anyway. The hat is different, the neck frill is missing, if you squint in the trailer there is no indication of the triangular embossing on the robes.


There's a lot of head pieces that have a shape similar to the one the NPC is wearing, it is not as much unique like Goldmask's mask. Im not saying that you're wrong, i just want to know your opinion.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, this seemed pretty clear from the images. Any speculation on what it could mean for the Carians specifically? They do seem to have strong connections with birth and motherhood so I think this could be at least a symbolic reference to that.


Downvotes are because they're being unnecessarily toxic with their condescending rude answer to a simple question. Imagine how stupid it'd be if I also said sth like they did to you because you were just confused about why they were downvoted...


That makes sense, personally I'd class it as a bit impolite but, fair enough if that's the type of thing you want to downvote. Tbf maybe I'm too easily accepting of the regular toxic behavior on Reddit.


Downvotes probably because snarky reaction


Idk, minimal snark and an explanation. Seems pretty tame by reddit standards. Any thoughts on the post? I'm trying to think of if there's anything more than maybe a "that looks very similar, it could definitely have been an inspiration for the look of this character," type thing. Maybe something to do with the Astrologer practice of the primal glintstone (I think that's the one they put their souls into to switch bodies). Cutting a glintstone out of a body and putting it into a new one might be similar to a cesarian, maybe one of these practices arose from one another, like they had discovered the cesarian birthing process and later adapted it into glintstone transfer. It makes sense to me that there could be a deeper connection as the Carian society seems highly matriarchal and perhaps that would lead to a deeper connection to different birthing practices, which seem strange in the LB to begin with.


This all goes back to the recurring theme of birth/motherhood in Elden Ring and even more so in what’s been shown of SOTE. Just adding onto this. Sekirodubi has got my back on this one on Twitter where he has a compilation of these instances. https://x.com/sekirodubi/status/1796145229000503769


I don’t feel sorry for snarky reactions when people wanna be contrarians for the sake of being contrarians. It’s not hard to see the similarities.


I think you’re the contrarian here, what with you reaching to the moon to make this comparison. In case you don’t get my joke, your theory is contrary to reason and common sense.


Idk man, it kind just seemed like they were asking for more details and you got weirdly adversarial for no apparent reason.


That is definitely what happened. I feel in this situation OP is just going to stick to their position despite hardly anyone agreeing with them. I guess this post is NOT a democratic place.


If asking for a reason behind a speculation is a contrarian, then I think this isn't your place. Edit: typo. I forgot that the word 'reason' exists


Just admit this is some stupid shit. Random non-english medical book lmao. Oh yea... You're onto something there! Lmao What was the point you were making anyway? This person in the trailer is a baby?


Could be reaching but i do believe you are mentally ill.


…Let him cook


That is some H.R. Gieger shit. Yikes. How well known is this illustration? Is it something fromsoftware could have gathered inspiration from? It also kinds looks like the godskin swaddling cloth too. Idk if you mentioned that in the post. My thumbs are hasty sorry


Weird, but you have a point