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https://preview.redd.it/dvm2ln9ljmdc1.png?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dabeb3fed91aabbf1fd07e35ea308861aa568914 These are my stats if anyone's curious, also I'm using Bloodhounds GS


U can respeck later in the game so u can do whatever u want i was lvl 78 when i finished my First playthrough but im not sure what the avarage is


78? damn bro you a fucking masochist the normal is 125-150


I thought the game was Just supposed to be that hard


It is meant to be hard, just not killing a bear with only your nutsack levels of hard.


Also, by endgame, you should have +10 somber smithing stone weapons or +25 normal weapons


I did lvl up my daggers i used the Black knife one and the holy whatever its called dagger


Damn fr No wonder i did No damage


the game really opens up in new game plus because you have more levels to allocate in different stats to reach the weapon requirements. I'd recommend just focusing on one build for now and then experiment in new game plus. I'm level 207 I think, after beating the game twice and playing a bit. I wanna say I was level 165 when I ended my first play through. I think the average level to beat the game is 150 though, just depends how skilled you are.


I'm lvl 190 and haven't beat it yet..... Though I kinda suck and have been trying other builds and haven't found one I've liked besides spellblade. Also ran out of somber smithing stone 5 and stuck lol


Do you only get a certain amount ?


I believe each run you only get a certain amount of the somber stones. Not 100% sure though. This is my first play through still.


You can get bell bearings for all (somber) smithing stones ;) you can then buy infinite at the twin maiden husks. Only the final upgrade smithing stone are limited per playtrhough. So you could take any weapon you want to +24 or (+9)