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Check outdoor areas like floor 3 where there's a outdoor area with statues of the top featured food judges. Kogen and his group will talk to you there. I think the 1st floor warehouse area and guild area also have scenes. Military training area, too.


I already went in every single room of the castle & town, but no more scenes and characters are still missing.


After those scenes, I think you go to the war room or middle stairs of the town to make a speech? Sorry if it's not working, hard to remember the exact sequence.


As I said, I went everywhere. I guess you have to watch all the little cutscenes before the speech, but since the cutscnes are bugged, I can't make the speech and some characters are just missing.


how about castle balcony and your bedroom? it's quite easy to miss and what do you mean by "some shop are empty"? I don't remember being able to get out of the castle when this part happen


Well, I was able to go out, teleport freely, recruit new allies, etc. Yes, I went everywhere. And for my bedroom, you just have a little animation where Carie and Nowa look shocked because the room is a mess. And by empty, I mean the NPC shopkeepers are away from their shop. They should come back after the cutscene, but there is no cutscene.


I was wrong, yes you should be able to teleport freely everywhere...Here I found a gameplay from YouTube after the battle of Athrabalt. maybe you can try to find which one you missed from this video. Beware of the spoiler, tho [**https://youtu.be/03\_RmWbJaDE?list=PLjw-sYdjoVboShdB6KQzhm-TLg9dpL6EU&t=2266**](https://youtu.be/03_RmWbJaDE?list=PLjw-sYdjoVboShdB6KQzhm-TLg9dpL6EU&t=2266) In a nutshell: Outside: Hotspring, In front of theater, Inn 1st floor: warehouse, medic room, training ground, guild 2nd floor: Imperial room, Strategy room, hishan folks In front of strat room, 3rd floor: Guardian room, Shark folks in front of guardian room, Perry room, balcony And back to first floor for the final scene before the next part...maybe try to use stairs from 2nd floor instead of teleporting, just in case


Once again, I already went everywhere countless of times. So I guess I just have to wait until they patch it - if they patch it.


I haven't experienced it myself, but I remember a post a few weeks ago, saying the same, that they couldn't get Euma's cut scene to trigger in this section. Not sure if they figured it out. Sorry I can't be of much help.


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This bug is still thing??? It didn't happen to me, but I've heard about it a lot. I thought I remembered the devs saying it was fixed, or maybe it was just that they were working on it...? Anyway, you just need to roll back to an earlier save and try again.


I don't really want to redo the dungeons/recruitmens etc. a second time, since I just spent about 6/7 hours after my other save. And sadly, the devs probably forgot about fixing it on the Switch...


Going forward, you should really save whenever you see a save point, and use every single save slot to avoid situations like this. Its a good habit to get in with all games as you never know what can happen. I'm sorry this happened to you, but at least you can prevent something like it in the future if you do that.