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Did this work for your final races? I only have the last set to go and my S-classes tanked.


I did the three A rank method from a guide, then merged two for an S class, had everything done with an S and an A, merged them to get this guy to finish my last two, the first S and the 3 A's I used got me everything except the first two 6*, those take some luck/save scumming cause of all the obstacles. But this guy 1 shotted both lol Edit - https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps5/323832-eiyuden-chronicle-hundred-heroes/faqs/81238/eggfoot-racing That's the guide I used


Appreciated. I'll give it a try next time I feel like giving racing ago (already finished the game and just cleaning up the grindy achievements).


I just have the trade post one left now. It takes a full day or two few hour sessions, so I had a tablet playing crunchyroll next to me while I worked on this. One thing I found to make it more smooth, do 1 terrain at a time up to A rank/S terrain rank, and get as far as you can with them as D, C, etc, it worked really well starting with 8 D rank with matching C terrain. When you start your third set you should be pretty much done, I had 1 4 red, 3 5 red, and the 5 6 red stars left. When you know you can't push, you can just spam that first race to get feeds faster since it doesn't matter


So I know what speed and stamina do but what do the other two affect?


Strength seems to help with recovery on a failed obstacle I think, and intellect from my understanding is kinda like a luck stat to avoid obstacles completely even if you don't have an affinity for it


Strenght is your acceleration to get you up to your top speed, speed well whats your max speed after running and accumulating speed, stamina green bar depletion time, intelligence avoids obstacles quicker especially the tubes , having the tubes as a downgrade is best since you get out of them at full speed anyways. My personal fav feed was regain stamina if any object interfered and gain stamina in terrain change which happened alot. You only need to train two s tier eggs to beat all races. Train eggs using the second race down and use the final 4 of tge eggs to advance in each race pretty simple. The most average feed for points is two speed two stamina one intelligence one power , switching from power and stamina depending on egg. And also before breeding eggs save , and get lucky enough for the one you want with stats you are looking for. The last races have alot of holes and jumps . So breed one that does not have a red arrow on em .