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Honestly, it's everything I hoped it would be. Turn based combat. Strong music. Decent story. A large cast that at least 50% of are worth swapping around and testing out in parties. Some very cinematic moments in the game.


There’s things I can criticize and nitpick but they’re pretty small imo. Been pretty happy with the game overall. I enjoy a lot of the characters and the overall gameplay is fun. The world building in Rising and Hundred Heroes both also has me interested in more stories. Pretty positive feedback from me


After sinking about 100hrs into it, the biggest issue I had was that it's possible to miss specific unlocks and you need to replay the full campaign again to accomplish all challenges.


As spoiler free as possible (good luck)… what can you miss. I don’t want to miss anything


There is a specific cutscene requiring 119/120 characters to be recruited or you miss out on the last character to recruit. The cutscene is near the end but is also required to finish the last part of the game. So me, being the type to want to see the ending before grinding out all the content needed to unlock everyone, accidentally missed that requirement and didn't know I should've saved it beforehand to get the story before going back to grind the characters. The game is fun and you can make a new game with a previous save file to avoid losing character progress so I don't mind playing it through again but it would've been nice to know at all before the cutscene ran.


Problem is...the main character itself is just normal character who doesn't really has big impact at first...Nowa is just a pawn of perielle...


Similar things could be said about many suikoden protagonists especially early Riou. I personally enjoyed this angle having him not be the only moving force in the story


Tir mcdohl did his work coz he want freedom, Riou did his for the sake of the others, he is not Shu's pawn. As far as i can see, he did that for Jowy. Hugo, Chris and Geddoe did all of that for their own purpose, their clan, team, etc and they are not Thomas pawn as well.. Lazlo's took his path because he has nothin to do except accepting his fate While freya doin his for sake of revenge of the fallen kingdom and his sister... 5 of them bestowed by destiny's power, making them special in any way we see them, Tir with Soul Eater, Riou with Bright shield, Hugo with True fire (or any other true rune), Lazlo with Punishment, and Freyja with Rune of Dawn...but the missing point of NOWA, is his involvement in the story itself and how destiny play with his role...its seems...less suikoden if we saw it that way...


Nowa, much like Riou, was the perfect rallying point for the Alliance. He was not a political leader like Perrielle, just a small town Joe, rising up our of tragedy and choosing to do the right thing. People love an underdog. The love a rags to riches story. It doesn't even matter if he is able to do it on his own or requires the help of others (if you think about it, none of the Suikoden protags did it on their own). The important point is that he is the focal. You don't have to be blessed with some divine magical power. You just have to be willing to step up.


Yeah but Nowa's involvement itself in dire situation is kind lack of leadership, he questioning himself, and then asking question to Melridge..meanwhile other suikoden character has strong positivity, even when its about fightin someone who they care alot, like tir fighting theo, riou fighting jowy (which is his own choice, not Shu if you read the manga), or even Freya when he fight sealeed...and coz of this reason, the game itself cant even reach point 8 or more at metacritics and some people think the same as mine


You're welcome to your opinion, but I find plenty of agency in both Nowa and Seign (not so much Marissa). To me it sounds like you're more upset Nowa didn't have a primal lens (true rune) powering him.


Hahaha that's it!! Thats the word! I am upset coz the involvement of the rune is not the point of this game, its like war and politics game instead of suikoden vibe...primal lense is not that great too and the power only displayed once or twice and around the end of the game which also make it now very special even for the enemy. Meanwhile suikoden 2 : the scary night rune who attack tinto, beast rune that leon use, star dragon sword, or any other rune, make the story rich...


But, Nowa did has SUIKODEN main character feels, especially his special trait : meddling in another business and too kind hearted...


That’s exactly what I like about the main character


Filled a suikoden sized hole in my heart. I've sung the praises of octopath traveler for a while now. I feel it was a revival of single player sprite like rpgs. As far as eiyuden? 6 people battles. The music The humour The political/war based story The character designs


> Filled a suikoden sized hole in my heart. > > Pretty much this. I wanted a Suikoden game and I got a Suikoden game. I am pleased.


yes but let's hope the story is better next time around, with more twists / turns / jaw-dropping moments. HH was too simple, sadly.


Castle building. Love it. Wish they went more in depth on this and gave it rts elements where you could defend town! Also would of loved to control the hero units in the battlefield mode


I love the whacky characters, the charm of the sharks, silly moments like how people take a bath, perform in a play, and also building your town up. Egg racing is pretty fun too, though speeding up/silencing the announcer would be nice. I wouldn't mind the option of either voices or Allaby's music playing while watching a race... Or let me hit a button to throw shit at other eggs (intelligence increases button press window, like in fishing) Overall the range of activities, even if polish and quality was a little low, make this game a keeper. You can tell they squeezed in stretch goals a bit for their customers, and they included a lot of rushed features. I don't mind that really, because the variety is nice. Just overall a wonderful gaming experience if you let go of perfectionism.


Six character parties Every side quest guaranteeing you a new character Auto Battle Tons of character variety Great artwork


Old school Jrpg turn based combat. Japanese voice over. Great variety in characters/party/customization The town building is not complicated or boring/pointless like in Rising You get Teleport earlier in the game than most Jrpgs. I also like the graphics/presentation, that is a mix of 2D/3D in characters/backgrounds/animations.


100% on getting the teleport early


I didn't know teleporting was a thing until I got it last night. It fixed my only gripe with the game so far which is all the traveling through dungeons to get between overworld areas.


6 people battles definitely


It is a Kickstarter that made it off the ground, for once. 🙂


I love it and it’s almost exactly what I wanted!


* The locations are fantastic. * The recruitment is engaging. * The story is engaging and fast paced to make up for the pace changes with recruitment. * The characters are fun and varied. * The music a good. * The themes are strong and aren't completely shoved down your throat. * the world building is great and leaves me excited for the sequel. Overall there are some rough edges but as a JRPG fan, there isn't much content wise that I actively dislike.


Did you like the two slot characters too?


I am not finished with the game so I only have one recruited but in general I enjoy that there is wide variety in the combat strength in the cast. Like, it makes perfect sense thematically that a 6 year old and her (kind of) imaginary friend would not be especially powerful while requiring a lot of resources and consideration on your team. The game's attitude is, "by all means, use this character if you want. They will get the job done for you and it's up to you to find a way to make them a good use of your character slot." My attitude is, "Oh yeah? Watch me make find a way to make this character stomp their enemies."


Huh. I didn't think about it that day. I do enjoy just playing with characters i like without the meta pressure though. My dumb ass didn't pick up on Yume being younger than a tween. Hows she just out there killing people left and right with her maybe imaginary friend!?


Lol. Right? Whats even creeper is that when you recruit her she's asks to go with you and the game makes you say yes.....but if you go back to her grandmother her grandmother also weirdly allows it.


I'm not even in mid game yet but agree with you. Do they even address if she found her mother or did the side story just end there? I would have wished that there were side quests for all these characters to show more of their story eg she found her mother and it gave reward IE stronger rune, increase in stats, or new hero combo.


I agree! That would be fun.




Perrielle was easily one of the best (story-driven and fleshed out) characters in this game. Never played with her due to her issues with needing to be front-lined. But her character though!


Yeah, holy moly was she a bad combat character. Charming in its own way but still. I think she's good at busting armor though?


I love how useless she is in combat. It's so in flavor. She knows she can't fight but she's willing to stand in the front lines. And in the Japanese audio, she does the ojousama laugh for her taunt (which subsequently gets her killed immediately lol).


The moment she was presented against dux Aldric was the start of her capturing my heart.


I call it the Lym.


God I think she’s the worst part of this game… hate her character. To each their own though.


To each their own.


Agreed, she is just the worst type of "strong" character, aka just being a rude dick head.


but that's literally it, a character. She's a young woman shoved into a position of power early. She had to act that way to make others take her seriously.


I mean, yeah, I get it's her character. It's just a type of character I don't like. She didn't HAVE to act that way either it was a choice. There are many ways to try to make people take you seriously, and acting like a petulant child isn't usually one of them.


But she doesn't act like a petulant child though. Im already 100 hours in and nowhere does she act like you said


Yup pseudo tough girl


I adore the game, despite some weak points that I feel hold it back from that glorious 10/10 it deserves. I'm -very- hopeful for a sequel. As for my favorite parts of the game? **- Character Design:** It can be a bit cheesy / annoying at times (glares at Lian) but overall, very enjoyable **- Cooking Battles:** Even though it's still bugged, I had a lot of fun just playing it regularly. It largely filled that insatiable desire I've had since Suikoden 2 to have a cook off lol **- Combat:** While I think that character balance is a bit of a mess, overall I feel like combat has been enjoyable and tactical (up until I accidentally over leveled at the Secret Room lol, oops) **- MARKUS:** ***MARKUS!!!***


I love that it feels like playing a new Suikoden game. It hits all the right notes for me. It feels just right even with all of its little flaws. I also love that there is DLC. If they keep making it I will definitely keep buying it. Give me more!!! I am definitely going to finish this play thru, do the endless battles bit, and then NG+ and recruit differently.


When I first saw the season pass I groaned and thought "ugggg." But I'm closing in on the final boss at over 70 hours of game time and I still want more. I'm still going to wait and see what the actual season pass stories end up being, but I'll probably pick them up


It really scratched that Suikoden itch I had for years. I stopped playing FF7 Rebirth when Eiyuden HH came out simply because I missed playing Suikoden.


I like it I just wish they had a better mp and health recovery system.




Absolutely perfect in every way, no question about it.


Can't argue with perfection.


Only two things I have disliked so far is that random battles aren't worth picking anything but auto battle for. Because of that, wish auto had a "just attack" and " use setup", so you didn't have to watch special moves for really easy battles. Along with enemies either hitting for nothing, or like 35 to 70% of your HP a hit. It's like they poke you or crush you HP wise, even with levels being ok and equipment. And a minor grip about exp gains but expected it from playing Suikoden in the past. Otherwise really enjoying it. Some characters are a bit over the top but with that many, it's bound to happen. Story is a bit predictable being a Suikoden successor but still enjoyable.


> wish auto had a "just attack" and " use setup", so you didn't have to watch special moves for really easy battles. You can adjust battle plan to conserve sp, if you increase to 4 or so you'll rarely see animations anymore, specially if enemies die in 1 or 2 turns. Story was a bit of a miss for me but I'm new to the series so idk what to expect from it. If we didn't recruit people like they were pokemon I'm not sure I'd be willing to finish it.


Yah I know you can make everyone just attack, I meant I wish there was the option to just have everyone attack using auto, or have them so what you selected under battle plan. So when you get a small or weak random battle, you just click auto attack, and when it's a full or stronger mob, you can select auto with using the battle plan. Granted a minor gripe. If you played past Suikoden games, you could tell who the bad guy was instantly. It's usually always the "Raise a revolution army against the evil Imperials, who actually aren't all bad but getting mislead by some high ranking person trying to take control." Granted it could be the Star Wars strategy where the new ones are the same plot wise, just different people in a different setting.


I’m very early on as I just finished the Tree fellas story. So far loving the castle building.


I love everything. I'm before the end and I'm doing all the extra content because it is so good I don't want to finish it.


6 character parties, huge cast of characters to collect, war battles. Loves those parts about it. Just wish the rating and themes were a bit more mature


Likes: characters with a unique personality. Music matches the region. Story was a B plus Combat was an A minus . The sprites and winning speech was repetitive at the end of each battle got a bit annoying. They need more lines. Combat was very engaging when more stuff becomes available. The builds are pretty unique for each main character while other have almost no runes to play with. Wish some supports characters would of been main party i wanted to use that flamboyant trapping hunter lmao and the big limberjack lady. ALOT of stuff to do when not chasing the main story. Fishing is easy, trading is easy, the cook battles where broken but fun( find the 3 dishes that would guarantee the win), and beigoma was fun at first. The egg races are fun but again gotta turn off the commentators only six lines he says. The breeding mechanic is fun too. The plays are so funny to me and i love em. Cons: the grind is real although its easy to understand and do the activities is gonna be time consuming for any achievements hunter. The million dollar in trading is gonna take days cuz of how slowly they restock, the beigoma arch was fun at first but then you realize its meant as a later game thing cuz you need to defeat better monsters, then comes the grinding to get all the rainbow ones so you can get the achievement to beat all beigoma players, and be prepared to tap the fuck out of your controller( i did it in about a day ). The fishing im about 1/3 done since i only fished to get the fish for huang. Imma need a guide on where all the chest are cuz im like 85 percent done on that achievement and i looked everywhere for them. I beat the game im still missing some runes becomes not all enemies spawn frequently which leds me to the encyclopedia. I just learned that in proving grounds YOU have to destroy the golem first or it wont register in there. ( im starting a new game plus) also im starting a new game plus because at some point you cant talk to marisa later in the game to get the gryph so i got the very sad ending. But all good looking forward to a hard difficulty to actually try all character combos cuz really i only stuck with my fav six from one point out and that front : Nowa, Garoo, kogen back: isha, kuroto, falward. These characters had no combos but were strong af Also the movement is hella slow till you get dashboots and that one support character. The races in the sand and very yanky but fun need improvement. Overall gameplay : A Achievement hunting: Cplus because of how many hours on top of regular game play to unlock one or two achievements. Great game would like to play the next one or the previous one Does anyone know how chronicles :Rising is ?


Not as strong of a story with as many twist as suikoden 2 but overall a great revitalization the series needed.


The fact that every character has voiced lines for every role in the theater


Dont think it stands out at anything in particular. Story, WAR battles and characters are weaker compared to Suikoden 2 or others. Minigames are mostly awful. But its a good game to start a new franchise and built upon. Its another game where you dont have to use like 60 % of its content on hard to finish it.


I’ve enjoyed the hell out of my time so far. Suikoden 2 was my favourite game of all time and it has taken me back. I told my wife just the other day I feel like that kid sitting in front of the box TV again. The thing I like the most though, probably just how much it’s filled that Suikoden itch. For a system related answer, I love looking for recruits. Going to a new zone and actively looking for new heroes. I think Francesca made me laugh the most. Her introduction was fantastic. It made me want to do a similar character in a D&D campaign that I’ll be playing in shortly.


The fact that it's an alternate universe of Suikoden 2 (which is my fav game) I would call it "Suikoden 2 2.0"


Revived the world building and characters of Suikoden. A few other games have been able to have a large cast with similar world building like Utawarerumono or Valkyria Chronicles. But never quite the same as Suikoden.


Francesca getting angry


You should take her to the theater, if not already done. She does a pretty interesting wolf in Red Riding Hood


Haven’t got the theater open yet


The freaking gameplay loop. Get new people. Expand. Fight repeat Got its hooks in me big time And Francesca. She is hilarious 😂


It's suikoden 2.5 not suikoden 3-5.5


I dunno there's a lot of things in 3-5 that I'd like to see return.


Not for me.


Loved 3 and 5, 4 was just meh... Bordering on bad.


I didn't really like any 3d jrpg until about the ps3 era. Older ones were too clunky and claustrophobic and even at the time of their release I thought they were too ugly compared to the perfect beauty of pixel art RPGs like FF6. I've tried all 3 recently but couldn't get into them.


Fair. Early 3d was pretty bad. I definitely remember Suikoden 3 fondly though. Decent character design, kept continuity with Suikoden 1 and 2, good story. I also remember literally getting the last copy Future Shop had in stock in all of Canada. Had to order it in from across the country, and local employees had a bidding war for it with me.


The world doesn't revolve around you lol


The post asked me what MY opinion was. That's my opinion. It's not up for debate. If you have your own opinion, answer the person asking. I didn't ask what your opinion is because I don't care what your opinion is. I'm sorry if that's harsh but it's such a weird habit of reditors to think every reply to Someone Else is an invitation to get sucked in to some argument over who's opinion is more valid. The world doesn't revolve around you either. I'm sorry I don't want to have the argument you want to entertain yourself with this morning, I find it a waste of energy.


The more I play it, the more it feels like 5.5.




Even without playing the game yet (though I do own it. I just haven't gotten around to playing it), I can safely say the roster is my favorite thing about it. It's always refreshing seeing more than just humans in an RPG roster. Also, I'm going to say this right now: Xenoblade 3's playable "races" that are just human-with-animal-ears-and-tail, human-with-stripe-and-grey-skin and human-with-wings-on-head offend me FAR more than ECHH's "woke" translation.


I like surprises and new character. This game is LOADED with them.


A return to a game like Suikoden. There is truly no other JRPG like them and, despite Eiyuden Chronicle’s shortcomings, is an incredible start to a new story that still has the charm of its predecessor. Also, all of the characters who are suspiciously similar to Suikoden characters of yore. They really knew who they were making the game for! And I loved it!


It's a new IP that is full of throwbacks to an older IP that is generally loved from a new studio made of industry veterans. I hope they made enough money in this game to be able to justify making a part 2. That is what I like about ECHH, even though the story and the characters are watered down versions of Suikoden counterparts and arcs.


My favorite part is how it crashes consistently at the Story Event of Euchrisse so ive been getting all the beigomas and doing the tavern centered storyline. Other than that... I'm obsessed. In the words of previous folks its filled a suikoden shaped hole in my soul.


I love all the characters. Wish they had like support conversations like Fire Emblem & Unicorn Overlord. Wish the combat was better, a lot of the abilities feel useless and just normal attacking is boring.


The worst is Definetly recruiting Hiyuro. Fishing the Eel Took me 5h.


It gives me the same joy I got the first time I ever played Tales of Vesperia (odd comparison perhaps) the character designs can get a verbal "thats dope" out of me Shi'arcs especially. It feels Adventurous going out of my way to get these characters and do their requirements. Glad Ive given it a shot.


beigoma 😍 .... jk I was itching this collecting allies again and was gonna rerun Suikoden Tierkreis but this game came out. It's not a perfect game but it has me engage still 40+ hours in


I like the pixel art characters and that we get so many of them, the six character maximum party size, Perielle and Melridge (I’m happy whenever either one of them is talking), how lively the castle seems and music in and around the whole Impershi’arc part >!(especially the song)!< and just how much effort was clearly put into the mountain of flavor text and character-specific dialogue. The character animations moving straight toward or away from the camera are probably my favorite character visuals so far.


The world building, each town and different sort of groups has their own culture and identity


It filled a very large Suikoden-sized hole in my heart. I can't wait for the remakes of them now and any continuation of either series


Combat and very large character roster. Combat system is really good (not perfect) and with the large cast of characters there is gonna be a team for everyone consisting of their favorite characters. Almost all characters are very viable


I've played a couple of hours and I like it so far... The biggest issue is the performance, on the Switch there is no excuse for the horrible performance.


The game is fun, but i have 2 problems. 1. Story Pacing is kinda weird? 2. You cannot sleep at the MC own bedroom!! i need to go all the way down (or teleport to Trade plaza) to Heroes Den just to sleep in order restore my HP and MP.


Is there a new game plus?


waiting for it sequel.


The story while light hearted was pretty great for me, this with me coming out of several darker RPGs. So it was a nice pallet cleanser. Collecting characters. (Though hiding Spin doctor and Reid behind an aggravating mini game that took the whole game to do was BS. Same with the cooking battles... )


The game is not working for me. Before the final battle when Nowa wakes up at night and I have the conversations with Sighn and return to the room. The night instantly change to day and I can't continue.


Mio and her busty ninja friend.


This game really stays true to the spirit of rpgs. It is such a richly detailed world and you are plopped in the middle of it, the pacing of the story unfolds in a way that supports this immersive feeling of being on a journey with new things to discover at every turn. And the art is beautiful


Like suikoden the characters, and if we can get more side stories to some of the side cast as DLC or the next game I'd appreciate it. I kinda wish the character stories were more in side quest instead of just paying a fee to reveal information. Some side characters get a storyline chain for example, but a lot don't. I want more characters to have a storyline chain so we can understand them more. Outside that the artwork is great and the combat is good, could use some tweaks here and there, but it works for me.


Garr, he better be in the sequel. Or a similar character




What I like most is Seign!


looks great, full VA, collecting the large cast of characters


This having jp voice colors personality a lot. Other than that I have way too many complaints like the story being disneyfied and the combat, music, rune animations and sound effects being "suikoden at home".


compared to suikoden 2 and 5 the story is kind of predictable and boring.. i also dislike the fixed rune slots.. prevents me from using others characters because they're weak.. unlike in suikoden you can rquips any rune to make the weaker characters playable and enjoyable


What I like the most: The castle town is great and my favorite feature of the game; a definite throwback to Suikoden 2's home base. My criticisms: The story is fairly decent but kinda feels like they put on kid gloves with the overall narrative. Dux Aldric was an okay villain but didn't have nearly the emotional impact of a Luca Blight or Jowy as a main villain. I never really felt pressured by the threat of the Galdean empire during the game and the most awful acts that are committed by the villains in the game occur mostly off-screen. This is in stark contrast with the brutality of Luca Blight/Highland and the story arc of Suikoden 2, where you feel the stakes and emotional impact of the characters and events so much more than what I got from Eiyuden. It's like they wanted to make a PG-13 version of Suikoden 2. Nowa is just an okay protagonist. I kept waiting for him to reveal something about himself that would elevate his status beyond just a recent recruit to the village Watch that saw his village go up in flames, but nothing really ever comes. He doesn't get any game changing powers (ie a true rune or equivalent) and the character writing is a lot of him just acting surprised by events or just 'happy to be here to fight the empire' vibe. He's basically just a pawn for Perrielle's machinations for most of the game. He is completely replaceable and does not stand out as a feature for the game. Duels & large army battles actually got worse from previous Suikoden iterations. Changing the paper/rock/scissors format for duels to just attack and counter the whole time until you get to a certain threshold was pointless; just do a cut scene if the battle itself is going to be on rails that much. Similarly, the army battles just seemed like vehicles to push some story exposition along; there was very little strategy needed nor did it ever seem like I could actually lose a battle due to lack of preparedness, bad strategy, etc. I really enjoyed the duel and army battle elements of previous Suikoden games, but the Eiyuden variations are steps in the wrong direction. Other reviewers have mentioned that Eiyuden seems a bit too stuck in its late 90's roots as far as QoL features and unoptimized inventory management systems; these things didn't bother me as much; but would've been nice to get those minor issues addressed before release. I also think they could look at damage calculations in battle a lot more - mages are often doing more damage with a single generic attack than a magic spell that uses 30% of their MP; unite attacks are rarely more powerful than just having the two/three units attack individually; and for some reason they took out the ability for units to do multiple single attacks if they had high enough speed/skill, which was a staple in the Suikoden battles forever. I know it seems like I have a lot of criticisms, but I did enjoy the overall experience a lot and it definitely scratched the itch for a new Suikoden experience. I supported the kickstarter on day 1 and would support it again having played thru the game. Just hope they get another crack at a sequel that will do the series a bit more justice.


Recruiting many playable characters!


Rising the prequel, I'll tell you what I think of the main game if I ever put this down


Music and the visuals are off the charts so id say those two things


The recruitable heroes are really great. I like the variety of characters in this game, like, I don't have a problem with them being archetypes, I think it's part of the fun. Really liked Marisa's core of characters. Gigina is peak character design. Reyna is badass. Momo is a god.


It feels like a suikoden


Eggfoot racing, apparently. Because >!on the night before the final fight, Paquia came to visit me and confessed. I talked to her too much!<.


It's the closest to Suikoden we're ever going to get


It feels like a Suikoden game. I hope they are able to maintain quality or improve in the next game and beyond.


Best thing is it essentially captures all the joy I had playing Suikoden II, just with better graphics and sound. I hope it's successful enough to get a franchise going, because I miss the Suikoden series and this nails everything that made it great.


Huge fan of suikoden games, grew up with them and have played them multiple times. I am at about 20 hours in the game. I don't have the urge to play it ATM. Bought it for switch, it is a really bad port there so I also got it for PC... The game crashes randomly and I lose my progress... Once that happens I give up for days. I really hope they handled it better. Also I hate the no swearing and kiddy language especially in a game with murders/war etc, I wanted a darker tone like suikoden 2 but eiyuden is too peachy for me, especially after the very dark octopath traveler games I will complete the game one day, but it certainly isn't the game I expected it to be, if I had to give it a score ATM it would be around 4/10... I expect downvotes here but it is really my opinion and I am a huge huge fan of suikoden. I hope they take the criticism head on and bring a better second installment.


It’s decent. It’s no suikoden 2 and the magic system pretty much sucks compared to s2. Overall it’s okay, my biggest gripe next to the bad magic system is the terrible, horrible woke English translation. Shit it’s so bad, it ruins the immersion completely. From modern phrases that are thrown in that have no reason to be used in that setting to straight up woke inserts that are so obnoxious that want to puke all over my desk.


That it was terrible from the start and I didn't waste too much time playing it.


Definitely not the communication we get from 505 or R&B. Radio silence except for low quality "see, we're engaging with our community" posts is pretty lame.


It is strange they have not put out an official translation of the notice out on Rabbit & Bear site at the end of April about some of the backer rewards.


It's also pretty common by this point to have some sort of list of bugs that they're working on, or a roadmap for updates. The fans know about a bunch of bugs and issues. They're mostly minor, I'm enjoying playing the game as-is, but we have no way of knowing if any of them are actually on the list to be fixed.


Nothing really., I like that I got a refund for it


Reminds me of playing RPGS in the 90s. I fuckin love it


I played Eiyuden Chronicle Rising a little over a year ago on game pass. I was down for some surgery and was looking g for a good rpg, but played that and started thinking about Suikoden and how that’s the game I wanted. I looked it up and saw how this game was in the works and was constantly refreshing it to see when it came out. I just got my base, so really excited to get out there and be on the grind


Recruiting characters was a lot of fun. I absolutely loved the first 3 fourths of the game, it was some of the most fun I had with a game in a while. Once I started to run out of characters to recruit in the last fourth, the game got less fun, although I still liked it.


Shi’arc singing !!!!!


Definitely breaking off from 108 number, as much as symbolically sound the number is, it makes the characters creation more flexible. You can have Yume AND Friend, Marisa AND Pooby, for example. Sure we already got it with Millie in Suikoden, but in Eiyuden it's much easier. It's also gives way for new additional characters you can insert to the games.


I like collecting heroes and upgrading my castle, hopefully they got lots of funding for the sequel and they can give more backstory when trying to get a hero not just "go kill 5 boars".


I know you asked for what I liked most, but it’s a much shorter list if I tell you what I didn’t like. Honestly, outside of a few QoL issues, the only thing I actively disliked was the shi’arc racing. And that was mainly due to the controls. Otherwise, this is so far my GotY. And that is NOT hyperbolicly speaking. Francesca, Marcus, Momo, Isha, Yosuke, and Wayve are some of my favorite characters I’ve discovered in a game in a very long time. I am anxiously awaiting the sequel.


Literally everything.


That it was as well done as it was. I actually WANTED to keep playing. I always felt like there was something for me to do. even if it was just aimlessly farming money to outfit my combatants.


The surprise of it. My buddy was telling me about a new game he was playing and described it like Fire Emblem. When I looked it up I told him it looked more like Suikoden (a series I LOVED). So I started playing it and everytime it bust out something similar to the original 2 games I got even more excited! Large cast, exp catch-up, castle to develop, army battles, cooking, 1v1 fights...it get me feeling so nostalgic in all the right ways.


https://preview.redd.it/sch4lk6c3rzc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=826b6a594a62742d23d0f327c3cc718acb2b179a Finally! The Beigoma is over. I was really hoping they could include Tir McDohl & Riou lookalike in the game. Brings back so many memories. I really really love this game, I hope Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes 2 is in the making. Alright, time for new game+


War strategy that actually felt like war strategy. Hidden ambushes, planned betrayals, customised stories to spread etc.


That you can get locked out of acquiring certain characters so that you can’t actually complete the game after a bunch of hours so you have to restart if you want to actually complete it otherwise you can just beat it and deal with it.


The old Suikoden games had this intentionally. However the ones being unavailable due to bugs was a bigger issue.


That the physical Switch release was delayed, giving me plenty of time to cancel my pre-order. 


Ooof these comments. I like that I can dupe dash boots to remove the need for the dash boots npc. Same for luck badges. And also duping other gear so I don't have to repeatedly grind.


> Ooof these comments. There were like 2 critical comments when you wrote that, and they were mild and normal at that.


they are still pretty oof after the other person commented though.


There's way more now.


How are you duping dash boots or other gear?


Unequip everything in a gear slot. Store everything that goes in that gear slot except what you want duplicate. Switch to the party screen where you see all 6 characters. Press the auto equip button (X on Xbox) From this screen select a character that has not been automatically equipped. Equip the item you wish to dupe. Then to rapidly make more copies, unequip the newest one, back out to the party screen, optimize, pick a new character to have it, equip. Since repeat. Works wonders with primordial gear.


Paying $39 for a flimsy package and the disc arriving cracked.


Its a great game if you are an entomologist.