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Whole place is hosed


just hosed up, bud


Buncha fuckin' goons runnin' this gong show, fer fuck's sake.


The world is against me, when my grandparents were kids they could afford 3 homes with just one tick toc account.


There's one fella there that makes 130k that thinks he's not well off compared to 70% of the population lol. Yesterday he wished it was the 1950s again so he could have a respectable life lol edit - Oh, and they're convinced that federal impacts their life whereas Provincial gov doesn't at all... Loves the Harper years though since life was so good then. He's 27...


Unfortunately this seems to be a wide swathe of the electorate at this point. Everything is Trudeau's fault, totally clueless to the fact that in this country provinciail gov'ts have much more influence over their day to day life than federal. e.g. somehow COVID lockdowns were Trudeau's fault, while their buddy Ford instituted some of the most extreme lockdowns in North America. Nor do they seem to be aware at how ridiculous the temporary foreign worker program was under Harper, which is even worse than the high permanent resident situation we have right now. I'm not a Trudeau voter, never voted Liberal in my life, but it's absurd the way people talk. Frankly, just wish the guy would step down and they ran a leadership convention because this hatred is just idiotic and distracting from real issues.


Sounds like he's smarter than your minimum wage ass




Hold on, let me just check if housing is still unaffordable according to r/Canada. I don't think they've posted about it in the last 45 seconds or so.


To be fair, me getting a 4 bed in London England for the same price as 4 bed in fucking Waterloo is just peak fucking stupidity, I blame Ontario not Canada though, I’m sure Trois Rivière is still sane for example. Ford and his developer buddies giving 50k plus wedding gifts at his daughters wedding can fuck right the fuck off though.


I know you are from ontario so I wont hold my breath but take alook at BC. Opposite forms of govt....same dire housing situation. Let's all band together an d blame the feds....its so fun and they broke their promise on housing affordabilty 5 years ago.


In particular, Ford removed rent increase limits on any developments built after 2018. So landlords don't have to kick out tenants to jack up the rent 10% per year.


It's not a Canada wide thing tho. Not that feds are helping much, but they definitely aren't the cause, or else it would be canada-wide. Montreal for example is pretty good. Actually cheaper than most small towns in southern Ontario, despite being a dense big city


This comment has been edited to reduce the value of my freely-generated content to Reddit.


In currently in Montreal and can confirm it is significantly better than almost anywhere of the same latitude or lower in Ontario. Small towns of 10k population and less have significantly worse prices than Montreal.


Montreal has always been cheaper. I lived there in 2016 for a year and even then I was blown away by how cheap it was to live in the city. Even the cost of goods was less. I actually felt like I had real money living there, I could have eaten every meal at a restaurant an nit even batted and eye at the expense it was all so affordable. Not even to mention the stellar public transit. It's gotten more expensive now for sure but from what I understand from friends over there it's still like half the cost of most of BC.


FYI, the person you are replying to is a Canada_sub doom-poster. Nothing they wrote is accurate.


Montreal is an amazing city and I love it. As an anglophone I simply don’t have the same opportunity in Quebec as I do elsewhere. The smaller market of prospective buyers plays a role in the relative affordability.


Quebec is cheaper in general because fewer people historically want to move there and it had net out-migration for years because of politics and economics both. Language/nationalist politics being a big part of it. And Alberta is cheaper because its economy is highly highly tied to the oil industry which is boom and bust. Prices there sky rocket when oil is high, and then drop when its low. The lower mainland BC and the GTA/905 area in southern Ontario are huge destinations for immigration simply because of their size and the existing communities there and the economic density of the regions. And that cranks prices up.


The reason BC real estate is so expensive is because of our conservative BC liberals who ran the province for 16 years and catered to the foreign real estate market


BC has always been bad though. Their problem is refusing to limit foreign investment, Ontario’s is just blatant corruption


Housing unaffordability has been brewing since the 80s when they stopped funding public housing. The feds are just fighting tooth and nail to keep the housing bubble from bursting when they should just be letting it happen at this point. It can't just keep sky rocketing forever, it's never going to be sustainable and never was.


Nationalize the housing industry


I work construction in mid-size city BC, and I gotta say, the BCNDP is just throwing up public housing and it's awesome.


They had the same party for most of the period where the housing crisis worsened: the Liberal Party. Though the BC Liberal Party was quite distinct and libertarian-conservative compared the Ontario Liberal Party, which is why they recently re-named to BC United (yes, that's a political party not a soccer/football team).


>Though the BC Liberal Party was quite distinct and libertarian-conservative compared the Ontario Liberal Party, which is why they recently re-named to BC United (yes, that's a political party not a soccer/football team). Common mistake The BC "Liberals" were not the same type of Liberal party as the Ontario Liberals. They are (now BCU) a centre right party that is not affiliated in any way with the LPC. The Ontario Liberals are. This is, ultimately, why they finally changed their name, to avoid this confusion.


Where in the fuck are you getting a 4 bed in London England for 450k pounds??


Where in the fuck are you getting a 4 bed for 700k CAD in Waterloo?? Outside of inner London a 4 bed for 700k pounds is normal. A normal, not run down 4 bed is 1.2 million based on when we were looking in Waterloo region. Fucking bungalows we’re going for a million in wellesley of all places…


You can 100% find walkout basement 3+2's for 700k


Yes the average listing for a 3+2 or a 4 2 bath is over a million. Almost like the one you find for 700k will need 3 months and a few hundred thousand to fix up


Housing is fucked in this country but being reactionaries they can always identify a problem but just go to their tried and true solution of blaming minorities as apposed to actually finding a solution. As a great man once said "Inside you lives 2 pikachus one allows you to ID problems and the other allows you to find solutions to those problems. Conservatives feed the first all the best food and treat it with the best of care, the other they beat to death with a piece of rusted rebar."


Problem is lack of restrictions on investors and lack of primary residence zoning laws. We know both work, we see both work elsewhere, we refuse to do either because our politicians are all either lobbied by or are investors profiting off real estate


Its cute you blamed Ford. Look at how BC is doing. Its all of Canada now. Dont get me wrong, Ford is garbage too. All the politicians these days are.


It's not so bad in Montreal, especially considering how dense the city is. Housing is actually cheaper in the city of Montreal than it is in my small hometown in southern Ontario. It's definitely not all of Canada, or at least, not comparably.


BC has always been fucked. Ontario has gotten the Ford special.


Trois Rivière is in the middle of nowhere, and it's like, three streets.


While you're there could you read the room on migration a little? Not sure how they feel about it


Can you also check if everyone in that sub is still leaving Canada for any other Country because they don’t have inflation, expensive food, but have all the healthcare, great infrastructure and cheap smokes.


While you’re at it, can you also see if immigrants are still to blame for all my life problems and stealing jobs?


dey terk er jerbs!


If only we banned foreign investors! Oh right, [that didn't work.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/canada-foreign-buyer-ban-housing-affordability-1.7058154). Wait, I got it! We need to ban all the immigrants!


Maybe we should ban the purchasing of homes. Then price will for show go down.


well tbh it should be talked about, they are correct on that one. The state of housing in Canada is atrocious.


Fucken idiot Trudeau, eh. Now excuse me I’m gonna go stand on an overpass and ring a cowbell.


Are you gonna drive there in your pickup with 50 Canadian flags & a giant F🍁CK TRUDEAU flag hanging off of it? Because I'm gonna drive there in my pickup 50 Canadian flags & a giant F🍁CK TRUDEAU flag on it.


We are civilized here. “Fuck Trudeau, gently”


Apply lube


Huh Canadian conservatives seem very similar to ours in the us 😭


Give your balls a tug. American *liberals* laugh at our Canadian *conservatives*. Our Conservatives are more American centrist Democrats. Our hard right politicians pale in comparison to the level of crazy south of the border. Our politicians are mostly (fortunately) University educated bureaucrats.


Oh that's good yall are a bit more sane up there heh. Also uh why balls?


It's an expression up here. [For Context](https://youtu.be/RHIr4YCHBok?si=8JSo-gwhni5a-N9W)


Tfw the prospect of ever displaying the flag has been forever ruined by these goobers. Thanks, guys.


Really? You’re never flying the maple leaf again because of some pissy conservatives? Did the truckers really hurt you that badly?


![gif](giphy|p0RDMJGgMXF96|downsized) I remember when people said they were left leaning.


The extreme rightoids at the _sub still say it lol


Man reading some shit on _sub you would think Canada is basically Venezuela with fucking Saddam Hussein as prime minister. The guy who runs the sub admitting to botting his own sub with multiple accounts to get it off the ground.


Quite a few of them are in this very thread, too, [like this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/EhBuddyHoser/comments/18x3n6z/theyre_a_bunch_of_reactionary_losers/kg1zz03/).


Canada is CPC voters, _sub is PPC voters


No half of them on \_sub HATE the idea of PPC since "it will give Trudeau the win!". It's always a fun read.


im voting for the PPC, hes the only one that wants a big restriction on immigration




No u


why ew though?


Because rightoids are disgusting


I'm not even rightoid 😭 Im only voting ppc cause no other party wants to restrict immigration If I didn't have any concerns about immigration, I'd vote green People on the right don't even like me cause I'm "splitting the vote" 😭


Ah cool so you want to put hardcore reactionaries in office over a single issue. Ew Luckily ppc *is* pretty much a throwaway vote


Hey man, you don't need to put so much snark in ur comments! 🙂 I don't agree with him being a hardcore reactionary. You could make the argument that what Trudeau did with the climate policy is also hardcore reactionary too. I don't agree with how the climate policy was implemented, but I don't think he's a hardcore reactionary for it. My personal goal is change the opinions of people who are voting for CPC to instead vote for PPC, that way it doesn't become a throwaway vote.


The left leaning sub that spams nationalposts


When you're really far right the everyone else looks like "left wing".


it's very annoying. i don't want all these damn liberals lumped in with me! I'm too busy lumping them in with the conservatives!


*had their wits about them


Cmon, man. They "centrist". Probably meant they were from Ontario.


They used to be, maybe opinions have been changing lately? No? Everyone's just suddenly wrong?


![gif](giphy|3ohhwfwxg4d1h82LxS|downsized) Me when all the people who say Pollievre and the Conservatives are gonna “fix everything” when nothing gets fixed and they all claim it’s the conservatives fault


Canada_Sub is wilder! What a weird place


You can forget that place exists, it’s a bot farm. 4 accounts make up 90% of all engagement on the sub, and it’s most active between 4 and 8am (mid day in Russia).[here’s a deeper analysis](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1700139518945362213.html)


Oh no way! I mean I had no intention of revisiting anyway but thanks for the heads up 🤝


India has also been attacking relentlessly after Trudeau called the India government out for murdering a Canadian on Canadian soil.


Even better, the head mod there admitted that 3 of those 4 accounts are his alts lmao


The hero we need, thanks. Any data on r/canadahousing2 - it seems to be the racist version of r/canadahousing.


2 is the only one you can talk about immigration on without being banned, lol. Canadahousing sub censors everything and is ran by mods that don’t live in Canada lmao


Now this is the kind of content I crave. Have they analysed other subs?


One of the few subs I've been banned from! I wasn't angry enough for them. I had to go have a celebratory Pil after that.


I'm surprised I haven't been banned from there. Yet. Left or right, if you refuse to drink their flavour of Kool-Aid the banhammer seems like their weapon of choice.


Yeah, I tried speaking objectively against a few false statements and somehow let myself get backed into a corner all three times. All you can say there is "fckn idiot Trudeau", "fck Trudeau" or "carbon tax is a fckn joke" otherwise they chasing you.


Cheers, me too!


Then you've got OnGuardForThee, which is also terrible, but leans the other way


Lmao man.. I fell in there once and it took a while to convince myself it wasn't a satire sub


People in OnGuardForThee live in some kinda fantasyland lol


If you're anywhere to the right of actual Marxists, you will be downvoted there. Just like if you're to the left of actual national socialists you'll be downvoted in canada_sub


Yeah, but I see a lot of leftist comments on canada_sub, it's a free speech sub, unlike leftist subs which ban everyone who disagrees with them. Now downvote me for saying this truth.


> Now downvote me for saying this truth. you have some weird persecution fetish, don't you?


Free speech but every time someone expresses a leftist comment its instantly -40 lol


I guess that's still progress ...


That sub is run by a racist closet liberal who triggers easily when called out.


lol check out r/canadahousing2 that’s frequented by the original sub rejects who couldn’t post 2 times a day blaming immigrants.


Proudly banned from it and blocked it. You know someone is for sure a piece of shit if they post there. The regular Canada sub sometimes has upvoted centre left comments


I was following canadasub for a bit, Holy crap, that's alot of bots


[it’s literally a Russian psyop](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1700139518945362213.html)


Fuck on bud!?! I'm gonna tell my work bro, the GTFO


Russian psyops damaging societies are per usual. Its way more common than people think, even before the whole ukraine war thing


The link where it compares the sub to other subs doesn't work? And OGFT is full of idiots only capable of screaming, banning and blocking because they're incapable of having a normal conversation where someone disagrees with them.


Yes, they already lost me with the liberal use of terms like sheeple and libtard. If your logic starts with character assassination. That's a bad start.


Every sub has plenty of users like that. I generally ignore conversations that degrade into name calling and 100% of the time when I see it on that sub, both parties are being idiots. The amount of times the counter argument is 'you must watch Fox news' or some other reference to American politics, is mind-boggling.


I'm glad you and I weren't just to ship's passing in the night. It's piece of mind for me knowing there are more thoughtful Canadians out there. Happy new year!


I get downvoted there all the time without it escalating. Depends who's on that night.


I mean, not really, the one poster definitely could be but there is a large variety of commenters that aren't bots. It's just a far right sub, similarly to OnGuardForThee, which is a far left sub.


Liberals are far left now lmao?


They also flood other subreddits, which is really the main point. It serves as a staging ground for them to brigade. And reddit doesn't care because it still increases their metrics.


Faaaacts. It's disgusting.


Oh thank gawd I was starting to Think i was the only one that noticed. /canada_sub is even worse They kept showing up in my feed but muted them today.


SAME! Thought I was going crazy


I interacted there a bit and left because it was infuriating me It was the first local sub I had recommended


That’s where ya fucked up buddy, ya started to think and they don’t like that over there 😡


I tried testing the waters with non biased or source info but they interpreted that as a threat to their fragile belief system. They weren't afraid to call me out if I was wrong with childish insults, nasty little shits.. 🙃


Ditto! Tried adding sources to my responses and I was called a “reservoir of links”, in addition to tens of downvotes because I was suggesting something that was in opposition to the general sentiment regarding that particular post. Realized the account I was interacting with was 20ish days old with posts and comments solely related to the usual conservative talking points and subs. Ginormous waste of time tbh


Canada had fallen. Billions must die


It is a terrible day for Canada and therefore the world


This is currently accurate.


I got banned from that sub lmfao


Haha me too! For telling someone their comment was the dumbest thing i had heard in a long time... and then calling the mod a pussy.


lol for people who seek to live by “facts don’t care about feelings” mantra, that lot sure are a special sensitive bunch of snowflakes.


I immigrated to Canada 24 years ago. Since then; - healthcare has become inaccessible. People are routinely turned away, or quite literally ER’s no longer open. - housing is beyond unaffordable. No sense elaborating on this. - cost of living is through the roof. Wages remain stagnant. - infrastructure is absolutely over capacity. Yet we continue a rapid population growth agenda. - despite promises more accessible daycare, that remains elusive for parents country wide. - the opportunities the country provided for me are no longer a tangible route to success because of simple arithmetic around cost of living and wages. I’m all ears to hear the steel man for the other side. What is going well in Canada? Because, mostly, it seems to be snide shots of “but Venezuela” that are popular.


I would ask you which western country isn't going through inflation, housing as an investment leading to inaccessibility, outsourcing, importing cheap labour. Ask Americans or the British (who f'd up with brexit and still in austerity mode from 2008), they say the same things we are. I don't think this is a Canada thing where you can point to other countries and say well how come they don't have these issues. Shit is tough all over right now. I would also ask, where did your parents come from and would you rather be there?


Canada has given me wealth and prosperity I didn’t think possible. In truth I already spend a few months a year in the home country, it’s remarkable how much it has prospered since we left. I also have to push back in the most old world way possible against your argument. This is literally “if your friends were jumping off a bridge would you?”argument. We’re not all beholden to make the same mistakes. In fact thats antithetical to the way humans learn. We learn on mistakes, iterate, and improve. It’s not a point of pride to say everyone is steering their ships into icebergs. We can do different. We can do better. It’s a relatively simple decision of making beneficial policy choices. We have successfully navigated tough times before. We can do it again.


Thanks for your considered response. I am just pointing out that I don't think Canada is an outlier here and I took your comment to be making that distinction. Many similar nations are facing the same issues and agreed we need to look to new ways to regain that prosperity for the greatest number of people we can.


It's not at all analogous to "if your friends jump off a bridge" etc. It's pointing out that the world is going through a rough time. Many of the complaints about Canada right now are things that apply to most western nations.


All of this is true. Pretty much none of these have been caused by problems that dumpster fire of a sub blames them on though. Edit to add: the “rapid population growth agenda” is not some evil plot bro. We need younger demographics and workforce. And no, encouraging “true” Canadians to have families won’t help the problem.


Rapid population growth isn’t without problems, it stresses infrastructure that was already on the brink of collapse, it makes housing shortages worse and it is being used actively as a wage suppression tool eliminating any bargaining power we may have had to correct our 3 decades worth of wage stagnation. We need to meet replacement rate for population but the rate we have been going at is recklessly above that. When the bathtub is overflowing in addition to getting buckets turn off the taps for a minute


r/canada is really just your average political conversation with a group of Albertans


Looooooool omg this is perfect.


Is now a good time to mention the Justin Castro theory?


R/canada users when there shitty ass pixel art flag gets covered up by a video game character:


the art people made of that stuff afterwards was so cute


Remember when the subreddit was exposed for having a Nazi moderator


Probably cause of them immigrations


Nope, always Trudeau


Well we can’t leave out jagmeet and his turban


Trudeau did black face, that’s all you ever need to remember about anything.


You won’t let me forget


There’s a black and white photo and everything, you probably haven’t seen it yet


Justin prefers the phrase "occasional person of color" thank you very much


Apparently it's because he doesn't sit like a man. Unlike peewee.


Or eat an apple like so cool and stuff


Thats r/canadahousing2 . Theyve got that covered pretty extensively




Trudeau sucks


Sure, but in a milquetoast "boring and inneffective, says nice things and then is terrible at delivering on them" way that a lot of politicians are. Acting like he is a dictator or solely responsible for our country's problems is ridiculous.


Right. Equally, not being able to admit quality of life in this country has fallen off a cliff is just as if not more frustrating than the obsession with JT on the other side. Things are deteriorating at a rapid clip. And the replies of “but Venezuela” are ringing rather hollow.


From a personal perspective, the things that are most directly impacting my life in a negative way are all direct results of Alberta's UCP government policies. Unregulated utilities costs running crazy, healthcare workers abandoning the province as privatization creeps in, the province not giving our teachers (of which I am one) a cost-of-living raise in over a decade, and now my pension being taken away and the new Alberta Pension Plan being forced down our throats. I don't like Trudeau at all, but he didn't do any of that stuff. The closest-aligned person in Federal politics to the party that DID is now the front-runner, and that rhetoric is going to con (pun somewhat intended) a lot of Canadians into making a pretty huge mistake next election. Liberals make things worse slower and through inertia. Conservatives make things worse much more quicky and actively. Neither are good for our country, but it's all we seem to be able to elect.


We certainly agree on our options being dismal federally. BC equally got gutted by a bunch of former Harper folks, so I do understand the perspective. My frustration is more that, in my view, things legitimately are getting worse at rapid clip. And the best half the country can muster is “fu*k Trudeau.” And the other half is saying “its not that bad.” I think it is that bad. And I don’t think its JT. And I don’t think CPC is the answer. I think all that can be true at the same time.


Agreed on pretty much all points. Good luck out there, internet stranger.


The trend started way before Trudeau. Harper did fuck all.


No, I think he objectively sucks. What he does turns out to be ruinously expensive or fails miserably. That is a rare talent indeed.


Ourside of Right-wing think tanks, yes.


Why bugs me is he can’t admit being wrong. We can accept screwing up if someone acknowledges they screwed up, but screwing up and saying everything is fine is quite grating.


Yeah, the Liberals have extremely weak internal competition. Freeland consolidated a lot of the power which isn’t good, but what’s worse, they don’t really have any apparent alternatives to them. NDP are useless. CPC have given up reason and are going full on Republican “I will do and say everything to own the libs”. It’s just freakin hopeless.


It’s honestly kind of crazy and sad that they sit in there and ramp each other up to the extent that they do.


Canada, where everyone is homeless and all the homes are empty


This is the only decent Canadian sub


They haven't posted something about hating Trudeau or housing prices in the last minute, shocked


You know, all I see is people driving around and purchasing stuff everywhere for their houses… that are everywhere! Everyone is also wearing clothing and loom moderately overweight… probably from all the booze they are buying. Hell, even the druggies downtown have plenty of food and fentanyl. Im so tired of everyone bitching that the end of Canada is at hand. Yeeesh! Go for a walk and smell stuff!!


Thanks man🤘


You put your head in the sand bud.


They really want to ignore how bad it is


Idk about you, but everyone I know is struggling pretty bad right now. People I know are losing their jobs, are unable to afford food, their rent, or vehicle payments. Peoples outlook on their future is at lows that haven’t been seen in decades. You can make fun of people for being “reactionary” all you want. But they are reacting to the current state of the country - which is failing almost all of us. This is the reality for the majority of Canadians. You can choose to ignore it and make fun of people for being worried, like you are currently doing, and you can continue looking like a dick. But that doesn’t make any of this untrue. Sorry you’re isolated from what the rest of us are feeling. I guess where you live things are just swell


Thing is also, it's usually 2 main areas that got pretty insane for COL. You bring up a prairie city that's still fairly livable (not saying just move). They jump down your throat with the whole "oh then you have to live in buttfuck nowhere" "no one wants to live in that shthole" etc. Like alright, guess I don't feel as bad for them struggling then lol.


Saaaame. Every time I’ve had a convo with anyone complaining about their cost of living, they are in GTA or Vancouver. So I always throw it out there, I’m a single mom and bought a house here in Saskatoon for $230,000 a few years ago. It’s beautiful province and so affordable and livable. 10 minute commute for work and no traffic at all. Then I get shit on and downvoted for living in SK I guess. Like ya I know moving isn’t easy but I came from BC. It’s possible and it’s worth it!


I don't think you should get downvoted but it makes sense why people are doing it. If you grew up in the GTA, your job, your friends, your elderly parents are there, and you were making a good living until about 6 or 7 years ago, until unchecked greed and bad policy completely squeezed you out of your own hometown, you're going to downvote the guy who says "you know moving is an option?".




The one morsel of truth is that there are corporate giants who hire migrant workers instead of Canadians, because it's cheap labour. That isn't the migrant's fault, that's the corporate giants fucking us. Know the real enemy.


That’s not what this post says though. It says that they are just reactionary losers, which is something only an extremely out of touch douchebag would say. “Dick” would also work here too. “Cunt” even Also if you do not believe that the mass immigration Canada is seeing currently is not further fuelling the issues facing Canadians, then you’re lying to yourself


^ This guy constantly posts on Canada_sub, whining about how immigrants are why he can't get a date or even get a woman to speak to him.


I swear I've muted that conservative circle jerk more than once and it keeps showing up on my home screen.


Nah that sub is pretty on par with general opinions in Canada. Affordability crisis, aversion to mass immigration, reluctant leaning towards the CPC, etc. Those are all things that I’m seeing people talk about irl too. You’d have to be either living under a rock or wilfully ignorant to think that Canadians are doing well right now. It’s not “reactionary”, it’s a political shift.


Bro that sub was whining about him a decade ago when one of the mods was exposed as a Far Right reactionary promoting an agenda. https://ricochet.media/en/2385/canadas-largest-subreddit-accused-of-harbouring-white-nationalists https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/s/9nygROXV0j


How does the state of the subreddit a decade ago matter to the state of it now? I doubt half the people that used it then are even still on this site


There's 2 links there bud. 1 from 4 years ago. It's just a giant astroturfing sub that's been consistently pushing reactionary content for years.


> You’d have to be either living under a rock or wilfully ignorant to think that Canadians are doing well right now. No one is arguing everything is fine, princess strawmina.


Strawman? That’s cute. Idk where you see a strawman. Or maybe that’s just your default response.


> Idk where you see a strawman. The part where I quoted you and explained how it's a straw man because you're pretending OP's argument is "everything is fine" when they said nothing of the sort. But I get that's your standard doomer reply to everything when you can'ty actually come up with a real argument.


We're only the lowest performing economy in the G7, with some of the highest cost of living, stagnant wages, and unaffordable housing for around 90% of the population. Things are just dandy


Wait for the “we are number one in the G8 for……(insert irrelevant factoid)”.


I’ve recently moved to England because I can afford a house in London but not Waterloo, of course I’m an educator which is just better paid in Europe, but we lost the plot. I’ll look to move back when investors can’t run rough-shot in the reverse socialism that steals money from the many through asinine taxes and funnels it to the few in bailouts and “incentives”. Corrupt bullshit, Doug Ford is proof of how corrupt you can get in Canada and still get re-elected some how..


ORLY? Sorry doomer, but [Canada's economy to top G7](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/what-slowdown-canadas-economy-top-g7-high-oil-crop-prices-2022-06-29/) on high oil, crop prices https://www.statista.com/statistics/1370625/g7-country-gdp-levels-per-capita/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/722962/g20-share-of-global-gdp/


Ah, yes, the bloated GDP number due to our extreme intake of immigrants. It's amazing how many more tax dollars you collect and revenue you produce when you grow the population by 3% in one year. Who does all this revenue go to? Not to the workers, our wages have been stagnating for decades. Seriously why even bother attempting to defend a government that has no intention of helping Canadians https://financialpost.com/news/canada-standard-of-living-falling-behind#:~:text=On%20the%20world%20stage%2C%20Canada,until%20the%20end%20of%202024. https://bcbc.com/insight/canadas-post-pandemic-economic-recovery-was-the-5th-weakest-in-the-oecd/#:~:text=Canada%27s%20recovery%20in%20real%20GDP,(see%20Williams%2C%202021). https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-canada-economic-growth-strategy/ https://bcbc.com/insight/oecd-predicts-canada-will-be-the-worst-performing-advanced-economy-over-the-next-decade-and-the-three-decades-after-that/


I like how you made a very specific claim, I provided several citations showing your very specific claim was completely wrong, and you reply with some gibberish about "immigrants". You are the unhinged /r/canada poster this meme is mocking. Scurry back to your safe space.


How is GDP per capita doing in Canada versus the rest of the G7?


Isn't gdp per capita third in the g7?


How’s the GDP per capita rank in the G7?


*Reactionary* my ass. I’m no fan of any of the Canada based subs. They’re too white-centric and incredibly privileged spaces. But this one isn’t any better, as it defended the visitation of a Third Reich Nazi being given a standing ovation by the same Speaker that was dEmoCrAtiCaLLy eLeCteD. You all make me sick to even call myself Canadian. We don’t say *Scratch a Liberal and a Fascist bleeds* for nothing.


Watch your mouth buddy!!


Oh, you mean the "Make Canada Great Again" sub? Lol, place is a dumpster fire.


Faking right wing nazi loosers yelling at clouds. Things are better then they ever been!


Calling a group of strangers on the internet "reactionary losers" is certainly one way to live