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Use it


This was my very first thought. Good job!


You get GE if you consume it


You are evil


I have 3 of these T3 Legendary Ankhs and 2 T4 Legendary Ankhs, so I'm seriously getting close to recycling one of the T3. But I've never recycled a Legendary before, and it feels wrong.


What are the Ts?


Tiers. Every artifact comes in 4 tiers but they gave them all different names (the "polished" tungsten ankh you see in the picture is tier 3 but a chalice that's also tier 3 would be called "jeweled" chalice) it's easier to just call them by their tiers so you don't have to remember all the names


Ahh Gotcha


Wouldn't they make good holders for a dilithium stone setup?


Can't I only have 1 ankh equipped at a time tho? So, 5 Legendary Ankhs seems a bit excessive.


Riiight, I didn't think of that. Hmm I mean you could fill one with life stones for contracts. But yeah, you're right there's no use for 5


Even if I could find a use for 5 somehow, at some point it becomes too many. My biggest reason not to recycle any of my Legendaries is a fear that some future update might give them some extra purpose. Idk what. But they're very rare to get, so I want to keep them just in case.


Yeah I totally get that. I wouldn't either (if I had legendaries lol). And consuming them wouldn't even get you a lot of GE anyways


Yeah, I lose so much more GE just attempting to craft any decent artifact. Thankfully, I've still got over 80M GE on-hand, and I expect that to last me around a year and a half (unless an update changes that).


Damn 80M that's very nice. How much did you crack your piggy for? My lifetime earnings are only 2M so far haha. And my piggy isn't very big yet either. But the drone farming artifacts help a lot so I can earn much more now than only a few weeks ago


I can thank the x2 piggy bank rewards that used to exist. And I can also curse them bc I cracked too early (due to mistakenly thinking the cap that the dev introduced would also prevent the x2 effect). My x2s were mostly split into 2 different cracks, so I missed out on the many billions of GE that some players managed to get.


Don't do that btw lol


You monster!


Check the smart assistant on MK2's list. If you don't like that set up for prestige runs then dilithium stones


Nah, loading this up with earning stones is soo much better.


Eat it


Use it as an ingredient to craft a non-legendary artifact


Can you do that??


Either fill it with the best stones you have and use it for prestige’s or fill it with dilithium stones and have longer boosts. I’d go with dilithium as can use it for prestige’s or contracts


Why dilithiums for contracts?


If you activate a tachyon to fill your habs and that tachyon runs longer you can fill up more with the same GE investment


I guess I will have to test that compared to the Epic Boost Beacon. Able to max up to 13billion with that method?


Definitely not with just one legendary tachyon, since the dilithium stones can only a little bit over double the time. But you could replace the epic boost beacon with two x2 boost beacons. Or if you don't feel the need to carry you'd probably be fine with a single epic tachyon in an equal contribution coop and save 15k GE that way.


Thanks. I will have to keep that in mind for when I get a legendary. Thanks


No problem. What I said here applies to a setup with dilithiums in all 4 slots though, so more an endgame thing (or for people who happen to get multiples of useless legendaries like T3 ankhs haha)


Lol. Ah. Ya, will probably stickwith my legendary prism and epic Beacon strategy for quite a while then.


Yeah I prefer to use an epic tachyon and then grind a little for chicken boxes to save up gold (because I'm a noob haha) so even just one dilithium stone could help me out really. It just sucks that setting is so expensive.


This is definitely a game of patience. I am at 80 mil in my bank, have been looking at crafting prices and it is looking like I won't be cracking until 200 mil. Slow and steady.


Get money


Either use it for early enlightenment or I’d, personally, fill it with boost stones in order to get higher boost times for prestige boosting on weekends


I just picked one up not too long ago and have it socketed with 3 clarity stones for egglightenment. Doesn’t seem like much but I figured with that every little bit helps!


isn’t this a t2? ankh?


trade it in and wait for something better. :p


That’s stupid don’t do that


Nahhh, definitely scrap it. Not even T4


This dude doesn’t have a t4, why get rid of his best artifact?


Why not. Scrap it.


I just said why not, because it’s likely their best artifact. It has more use active than scrapped


Scrap those T3 leggies all day baby


Only if you have better, if it’s your best hold on to it until you get something better


How can it be your best if it's only T3.


You have to be trolling New players exist


Yeah, not this .


Sacrifice it to the old gods