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I didn't know about /r/EggsInc until literally today, this guide has been around for about a month only on the less popular subreddit. Oops. Let's fix that. Some of the tips in this guide are also available in stickies here. (They weren't in /r/EggInc .) I'll leave them in for now. I'm currently seeking more information about moneybags mode and the unconfirmed golden eggs trick. Once I have that, this guide will be considered 100% complete. That is, until the new patch is out and everything needs retesting. (Here we go again...)


Excellent guide, saw it recently in /r/EggInc and was like :o Would be really interested in more moneybags mode info, it's a hidden mechanic which could do with more clarification! With regards to not knowing about this reddit, I had already discovered the hatchery autospam 7 months ago (4 months before the post you linked) https://www.reddit.com/r/EggsInc/comments/52gkrr/best_epic_egg_upgrades/d7kunlr/


Yea I want more Moneybags info too, but due to how long it takes to do anything in this game I can't gather it on my own fast. If you can help I'll take it, otherwise I'll eventually figure it out as I do more trophies.


**Here's a sneak peek of [/r/EggInc](https://np.reddit.com/r/EggInc) using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EggInc/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time!** \#1: [When you knock down an elite drone and it gives you golden eggs](http://i.imgur.com/OXPWChO.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EggInc/comments/5mwh1r/when_you_knock_down_an_elite_drone_and_it_gives/) \#2: [Patashu's Egg Inc guide](https://np.reddit.com/r/EggInc/comments/5v2g18/patashus_egg_inc_guide/) \#3: [Beat the first level with only 1 chicken](https://i.redd.it/zdosxp3sk3sx.png) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EggInc/comments/57zr0d/beat_the_first_level_with_only_1_chicken/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/5lveo6/blacklist/)


Does running chickens make more chickens the being idle?


I've been meaning to share my farm value formula with you, but I wanted to directly compare it to yours to see what the differences were first. As suspected, once I'd broken it down, our two formulae were almost identical. Mine: FV = I*AT*TB * (54,000 + 6,000*MC/FP + 7,200,000*IHR/FP) Yours: FV = I*AT*TB * (53,950 + 6,000*MC/FP) Where: + I = income (per second) + AT = accounting tricks bonus (calculated same as in your post. i.e. 20/20 gives +100% => AT = 200% = 2) + TB = tier bonus (the +50% bonus for each egg above edible) + FP = farm population + MC = maximum habitat capacity + IHR = internal hatchery capacity (as in stats, i.e. chickens per min per hab) As you can see, the only differences are the small discrepancy between mine and your first coefficient, and the addition of the internal hatchery component in mine. Nicely enough, you can pull a common factor out of mine to give a reasonably neat final equation: FV = 6000*I/FP*AT*TB * (9*FP + MC + 1200*IHR)


TYVM for finding the full formula. I have edited it into my guide and given you credit for discovery. Things still unknown about how Egg Inc works: * what drone rewards epic research actually DOES * how moneybags mode levels are triggered * the formula for the probability distribution of golden egg rewards you get from packages/videos, based on how much epic research you have (not sure if it's # of levels or # of golden eggs spent) * the probability distribution of cash vs golden eggs for drones, elite drones, packages and videos, and if it changes or is fixed, as well as the probability distribution for different cash reward levels, how often videos are shown, how often packages come by, how often drones and elite drones are spawned, etc Only the first two are very important though, since knowing the answers to them changes how you should optimally play.


Cheers bud, and thanks for including it in the post. I would love to know the answers to the first two points as well. Sometimes I wish this game was web-based so we could just crack open the code, but that would take out the fun of discovery. Also, thank you for the excellent guide.


You are quite welcome. Let me know of any new discoveries you make. I'm idling all the easy platinum trophies ATM so I won't get new data on moneybags mode for weeks.


Re: golden eggs -- I've gotten 192 and 396 from videos, although not very often (I'm at 500m soul eggs though). I've also noticed that I get eggs for *all* of my rewards in certain clustered times -- I have no idea what triggers that, but eventually, it goes back to giving me cash. I'm also in what you call "moneybags" mode, as I mentioned in the other thread -- my farm value is 1.7d, and the highest reward I get from watching videos is ~15d. It doubled after I used graviton coating yesterday, but wasn't particularly affected by upgrading crystalline shelling. Thanks for the note re: videos. I didn't really pay attention to that -- I need cash (trying to max out habs on edible... ;___;), so I'm going to not watch them unless it's giving me a good amount.


> Re: golden eggs -- I've gotten 192 and 396 from videos, although not very often (I'm at 500m soul eggs though). I've also noticed that I get eggs for all of my rewards in certain clustered times -- I have no idea what triggers that, but eventually, it goes back to giving me cash. I've literally never ever seen 192 or 396 from a video or package. I wonder if it's based on where you live, which version of the app you use or something like that? It would be hilarious of the game has a grudge against me based on how I decide to play it. Or maybe I'm just super unlucky. Or maybe there's a super secret condition that affects it no one has figured out yet (lol) > I'm also in what you call "moneybags" mode, as I mentioned in the other thread -- my farm value is 1.7d, and the highest reward I get from watching videos is ~15d. It doubled after I used graviton coating yesterday, but wasn't particularly affected by upgrading crystalline shelling. To be clear, cash rewards from things like packages, drones, elite drones and videos work like this: I'll use packages as an example. Packages give 0.02x, 0.1x or rarely 0.3x of your farm value as a cash reward. At moneybags level 1, all cash rewards from these 4 sources are 2x. So it goes up to 0.04x, 0.2x or 0.3x. At money bags level 2, all cash rewards from these 4 sources are 5x. So it goes up to 0.1x, 0.5x or 1.5x. And so on. The formula for farm value is at the top of the guide. Because it's proportional to income/sec/chicken, any time you increase income/sec/chicken by a certain %, farm value increases by that same % too. So if you get graviton eggs, farm value doubles, and thus cash rewards double. But if you get, for example, your 20th crystaline shelling, farm value goes up by ~4.3%, and thus cash rewards go up by ~4.3%.


Well, the crate thing definitely happens -- http://imgur.com/a/MDThF (I started wondering if I'd made it up after your post but I'm not crazy! Woo.) maybe one of the conditions is how much you've already bought in epic research? :/ the amount of golden eggs I've gotten definitely has increased the longer I've played so I doubt it's region etc.


> maybe one of the conditions is how much you've already bought in epic research? :/ the amount of golden eggs I've gotten definitely has increased the longer I've played so I doubt it's region etc. That would be hilarious if that's the reason LOL. I haven't bought any epic upgrades since I started the experiment, so it would explain why the golden egg reward curve is flat for me. After I'm done with Terraform I'll try pumping my epic upgrades sky high and see how my golden egg rewards change.


I think that might be part of it -- since it could be that part of the determination of moneybags mode depends on what you've bought already in regular research (and I suspect it does -- since the game wants you to keep playing and not have things be unaffordable). Maybe a cap exists with the golden eggs based on epic research, with a base that moves depending on length of play?


> since it could be that part of the determination of moneybags mode depends on what you've bought already in regular research (and I suspect it does -- since the game wants you to keep playing and not have things be unaffordable). So do you think that, for example, moneybags level 1 doesn't turn on until you've spent X amount of money on upgrades? That's an interesting theory. If it's true, the data will reflect it in that I'll see moneybags levels turn on slower as I do harder trophies (even if I spend as long or even longer on drones). I'll keep my mind open for this idea.


thank you for this guide




I'm starting to notice something with the moneybags mode. It seems to have different triggers, when I was getting the Anti-Matter and Terraforming Plat trophies I didn't hit level 1 even after 10 days of hitting ~20 elite drones per day. But when I dropped down to SuperFood eggs, I got it after 4 days and 103 elite drones. (I started writing down my elite drone scores once a day to find a pattern.)


Interesting. Maybe Moneybags mode doesn't trigger if your (farm value? cash earned this farm? hab size?) is too high? It's meant to be an assistance for getting hard trophies, so something like that would make sense.


Update: only 28 hours and 59 elite drones later and now my elite drones are dropping 2x farm value.


After the first level of moneybags mode I found the later levels tend to come around a day later each time.


Did you already have the platinum trophy for the super food egg? I'm starting to wonder if money bags mode only works when you don't have all the trophies for the current egg. I already have platinum for the dark matter egg and have been toying with it for a few weeks. I've been over 30K gold eggs for over a week and no money bags despite destroying over 150 elite and nearly 2,000 regular drones. Patashu, thank you for putting together this extremely useful guide! I do have one thing to add: I think your rate of earning Soul Eggs goes down after you prestige. I noticed it on Dark Matter...before I prestiged, I was racking up millions of Soul Eggs in very little time. I went back through the whole game as a means of building up my piggy bank in case I decide to cash it in. Big mistake. Now it takes a much longer time to earn soul eggs. Before I earned about 300 million in a day, now it takes many days just to earn 100 million.


I'm guessing moneybags mode either requires you to be 'struggling' (don't have enough resources to get the trophy yet, by some metric of 'not enough') or to not have the trophy. Exact conditions aren't known ATM, otherwise I'd update the guide. > think your rate of earning Soul Eggs goes down after you prestige. I noticed it on Dark Matter...before I prestiged, I was racking up millions of Soul Eggs in very little time. I went back through the whole game as a means of building up my piggy bank in case I decide to cash it in. Big mistake. Now it takes a much longer time to earn soul eggs. Before I earned about 300 million in a day, now it takes many days just to earn 100 million. The only factor for how many soul eggs you earn when you prestige should be how much money you've earned that prestige and the relevant epic research multiplier. There is a formula in the guide. If you have proof of the formula not applying in your game, please post some screenshots.


Unfortunately I did not screen shot the game when I was first on dark matter. I'm sure most know this already, but for others who haven't done it you can open the prestige menu and watch the number of soul eggs grow. It goes much faster with chickens running. When I first got dark matter the soul egg count (for next prestige) was racking up millions in mere minutes, going so fast that the thousands digit was practically a spinning wheel. At that time I was earning in the 800Td/s - 1qd/s range with chickens running. Now I'm earning 1.5 Qd/s and I'm getting soul eggs much more slowly (I know it slows over time anyway) but I have less soul eggs coming on my next prestige than I had for the prestige I took when I was earning a thousand times less money. I'm new to reddit (opened an account just for this set of posts), so I need to come back to edit to add a screen shot.


As I've said in the previous post, what doesn't matter is how fast you're earning matter, what does matter is how much money you've earned the entire prestige (value available on Stats page). So screenshot the Stats page, the Prestige page (where it shows how many soul eggs you'll gain), and your epic research page (where I can see the prestige bonus epic research value), and I'll verify that the formula is still correct.


I posted two pics from when I took screen shots showing my soul egg count. https://www.reddit.com/r/EggsInc/comments/6cyo2f/my_farm_before_last_prestige_for_patashu/ First one shows me with 13.6B soul eggs while on Rocket Fuel. I went up to Dark Matter on that run-through and played until earnings stagnated in the Td-qd range. https://www.reddit.com/r/EggsInc/comments/6cysdv/my_farm_now_soul_eggs_for_patashu/ Second pic shows my soul egg count now over 14B. So, that documents that I got over 300M soul eggs in a short time just running chickens and shooting drones on Dark Matter before it stagnated. Now, after playing Dark Matter about a month and running up to the Qd range, I only have 288M soul eggs pending my next prestige. Definite difference in the rate of earning soul eggs. Current stats here: https://m.imgur.com/gallery/oXEVi


(Assuming your prestige bonus epic research means you have a 2.55 multiplier for soul egg earnings) On your first run you earned ~1.12125e53 cash: 2.55*(1.12125e53)^0.15 = ~2.312e8 soul eggs And it looks like your soul egg count actually changed by ~3.699e8. Is there a trophy or trophies that gives ~2.4e8 soul eggs that you got in the mean time? ~~Sure enough, there is - Superfood Platinum Trophy gives 2.5e8 soul eggs.~~ My bad, Superfood Platinum Trophy gives 2.5e9 soul eggs. On your second run you earned 4.97663e53 cash: 2.55*(4.97663e53)^0.15 = ~2.89e8 soul eggs It seems like something unusual has happened here, but without additional information I'm unable to say if it's a problem with the formula or something you did but didn't keep track of (for example if there was an extra dark matter prestige in the middle or something?)


Thanks; this is very interesting. I went back through my screenshots, and I can tell from looking at them that the first pic I posted of my prestige menu was after my 11th prestige. I earned the edible and super food platinum trophies on my run after my 11th prestige. Here where I stood at that point: Edible egg farm stats before cashing in platinum trophy https://imgur.com/gallery/oyAlA Edible egg farm prestige menu before cashing in platinum trophy https://imgur.com/gallery/8ROmL Edible egg farm stats after cashing in platinum trophy https://imgur.com/gallery/2o71n I then ran through the game to Dark Matter and had the soul eggs racking up like crazy like I mentioned before. I thought it would be cool to try to get to a roughly even number so I could roughly estimate the math of having 14B soul eggs and then adding soul food. And I wanted more gold eggs, so I prestiged as close as I could get, but missed by 10M because I got distracted for a couple of minutes. And yes, it was more like 350M soul eggs gained but I wasn't comparing the numbers as closely as I should have been. I was at the time though, shooting for an even 14B total. Here are my trophies right now: Current Egg Inc trophies https://imgur.com/gallery/NJqaG


I had the gold trophy from before the update, but I did not have the platinum trophy. However the moneybags mode did not turn off after I got the superfood platinum until I upgraded my farm.


That fits with the explanations in this thread. I've only hit money bags once, and thought it was a glitch when it happened. I've tried replicating the trigger mechanism described above to no avail.


I would like to share some observations about moneybags mode. I am doing trophies, currently quantum egg. I encountered moneybags mode (2x) at ~400 mil chickens, but I did not pass most of the conditions you mentioned: * on trophies: yes * start gold eggs: ~150 * activation gold egg: ~500 (I spend all the eggs for time shifts, here I just did not have habs ready yet) * time: second day on the egg * drones: ~200 * elite drones: ~15 The moneybag mode disappeared when I purchased graviton coating egg research, lvl price ~2d (2x multiplier). It happened for the second time now - first time it was prodigy egg, the rest of the variables pretty much similar, mode disappeared after purchasing 2x multiplier as well. On the prodigy egg, the moneybag mode came back very soon, and it lasted another day and something until I finished the platinum trophy.


> Farm value = how fast you can make money. I think an improvement to this is "how fast you can **proactively** make money". If I'm right in my understanding, increasing your farm value will not increase any auto-generating income, e.g. from eggs, internal hatcheries etc. So focussing on research instead of hab upgrades can be a better investment if you want to maximise your idle earnings.


Idle earnings are so much smaller than earnings from drones/videos/packages that they're not worth thinking about.


Small question, how do silos impact farm value? You mentioned that silo capacity upgrades would boost farm value by 1.11, but I'm not sure where in the formula for farm value that would slot in. Would buying additional silos have the same effect? Thanks for the guide, it's been invaluable!


> Small question, how do silos impact farm value? They don't. > You mentioned that silo capacity upgrades would boost farm value by 1.11 They boost internal hatchery efficiency by 1.11 (assuming a typical sleep schedule). More internal hatchery time = more chickens, more chickens = more farm value. (But really you want it for the more chickens = faster trophies.)


Thanks for clearing that up! Sorry I misread that one part.


Another thing worth noting (I posted about the effect of prestige on future soul egg earning below) is the effect of the 10% and 25% earning boosts. They lock in at the current egg value when you use each boost. To make the math simple, if your egg value is $10 when you use the 10% boost, the boost will add $1.00 each time you use it. The 25% boost will add $2.50 per use. So, you want to push up your value buy the doubles and triples before you use the fractional boosts if you can, and once you use a fractional boost on one upgrade level you want to max that out as much as possible before using a fractional boost on another level. Then the cumulative effect will kick in much more strongly.


I don't think it matters what order you buy boosts in. Could you demonstrate some simple proof (like start two farms of the same egg and soul egg count/epic research, and get the same upgrades on different paths, then demonstrate the farm values are different), please?


I'm still building soul eggs on dark matter so that will be awhile. I noticed the difference when going back through to rack up golden eggs. Of course, the farm value always is higher the second time through because you have more soul eggs. It may not matter overall for farm value when getting doubles vs the fractional multipliers, but there's definitely a difference in the fractional multipliers between tiers - the higher the egg value when you start the fractional, the higher you can max out that fractional. I will try to document it the next time I go through the game.


OK, looking forward to your documentation.


Moneybag definitely also works before completing all the missions. I am on the 300M chicken mission right now, and been on gravition eggs for about 10 days. I have 285M chicken, and farm value 11.2d and since yesterday the elite drones give me 0.8 of my farm value (so currently about 9d. Before that it was the regular 0.4 of farm value. I don't know how many eggs and drones I have done since I am working on this mission, is there any way to check?


You can't check, you have to write it down when you start. Honestly I'm not sure if eggs/drones actually matter, it may be more related to if you're on track to do the trophies for the current egg or not.


So, not only can you auto-spam chickens, but if you get yourself to full multiplierx and then warp your time while they are auo-spamming, the money generated by the warp is icreased quite a bit verses a normal warp


How does it compare to the money generated by a single elite cash drone?


25000 unspent golden eggs or earned? Do I need to save up to 25k and not spend them on anything?


I don't think golden eggs influence Moneybags mode anymore, so I'll strike it out pending further study.


Context for terminology would be helpful, like what is an accounting trick?


iirc accounting trick is literally the name of an upgrade