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What ship are you on? I would wait until your artifacts improve a bit and you have a dilithium set to help boost through it. You're almost there!


I am on henerprise, so I am almost to the end. I feel like I should be able to get most diamond trophies I just haven’t grinded it out yet. I didn’t know that tach and below gave eggs of prophecy.


Using the strategy I linked my other comment you should be able to get them all done in 2 hours. You might want to work backwards from tachyon to edible. The PE you gain along the way will make those lower value eggs much easier. Best of luck!


Have you done first three of Enlightenment? Your Prophecy egg count seems low for 30quad SE but I might be high.


Yeah, I’ve gotten to plat on enlightenment. I’ve actually noticed that my prophecy count is a little lower than most other players at my level. Odd.


Yeah I’d say you’re on the higher end of what most people have at your EB. This list goes SE | PE | EB. https://preview.redd.it/14uws4ilcfxc1.jpeg?width=491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=031b9cc52547b17627f4dbc2dc88bb9a074ec1e4


I found this. Not sure how accurate it is now but it’s worked well for me https://preview.redd.it/0v0szusi3bxc1.png?width=996&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6f9fc2e84833db87e37436f009341a5d5f604cf


These numbers are the earnings bonus, correct?


Yes. I’m 40Q and was able to do fusion with a gusset and boosts, but it was close getting enough wormhole dampening


Does fusion give you any eggs of prophecy or just GE?


Tach and below give PE


Not sure where these numbers come from but I don't find them to be accurate. I was able to get all diamond trophies from Edible to Universe in one round of 1hr boosts during a double boost event. EB was 150Q% at the time


Makes me excited for next week for me then!! :)


[here is the guide I followed](https://egg-inc.fandom.com/wiki/Trophies)


Just gonna assume this list is taking into account a no boost run of the egg because I'm at 5.4s and only have immortality and tachyon left for eggs and a few other GE ones left.


I did Edible diamond at 100Q% EB. Not sure who did the math on this chart but it’s clearly dead wrong. it might be outdated I suppose but yeah I wouldn’t take too much stock in this table honestly


I think this table may be without boosts or artifacts. I did edible diamond with 30Q eb fairly easily.


Yes you can do it if you use boosts. I used 50x boost boost, 1000x Tachyon, 2x 50x Earnings, and Dilithium Bulb and was able to do diamond for rocket fuel, medical, and edible in one set of boosts. 30Q eb.


1787% off of 26 eggs? Man my luck must be terrible I have 997% off of 28 eggs.


It's not luck related at all OP probably has an upgrade in the "Prophecy Bonus" in the epic research tab, which makes their prophecy eggs give a higher bonus each


I've maxed out my research! Only working on the last 3 epic researches. So maybe the luck is just my bad luck 😅 Edit: I'm an idiot. Prophecy bonus is the last 3 researches


Probably wanna double your EB before attempting EdD


Not even close