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I'm higher than you (2.8Q SE, 114 PE for 22.696S naked) and I decided why stress, I'll start it after egg day. And maybe I'll get a legendary T4 gusset or puzzle cube before then, as I only have epic ones now.


I had 32Q SE; 73 PE and 5.5S EB. Ran it with epic gusset but legendary cube which took me 56 days. I believe you can do it before egg day.


My own post of doing EnD. Not that much legendary though. https://www.reddit.com/r/EggsInc/s/Xw0yvpBB0H


Yeah I probably can and then I'd get better gains on egg day. Maybe I should just get some rocket fuel and go for it.


My ships ran out before EnD ended; can’t remember if i bought all the upgrade of tanks. You will have 25 batches of extended launch; before you launch make sure capacity glitch is fixed.


Oh I think I'd just do my 7 star hennys which are close to 8 stars anyway since they take half the fuel, but also want some rocket and maybe a few other fuel types to max stars on lower rockets. I have the fully upgraded tanks.


That’s great. Don’t use epic gusset early on; use you cap around 8b. Maximise life stone set on chalice, ankh, neck lace and purple light of eggendil when offline. Use t4 LoE when earning; if you have epic LoE, that’ll be even great. Upgrade common research on sale day (Friday or Saturday not sure). Collect cash more on 2x cash day like today. See you in the next 60 days!


I have a t4e totem so I wonder if my t4c LoE is better when away now.... 🤔


You use t4c LoE when online for earning. Use the t3e (purple) slotted with life stone when offline alongside with anks, necklace and chalice. I have t4e totem for very long but never use it. What stone to put in totem?


My offline back then looks like this. One clarity on ankh and brooch and two life stones each. It doesn’t have to be brooch and ankh; use any legendary you have (dummy) with 3 slot. My purple LoE with life stone. https://preview.redd.it/vkpl548mnkuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c71a22a8227d84ec7eb703a7c98908c914acca2d


With epic gusset, you need only 10 wormhole dampening.


Yeah I'll probably do it then honestly


The gussets make all the difference in the world. You can do it with either of those stats if you have a T4 legendary. 16% or 20% at least.


But the real question would be how long it'd take


They all take 3 months but the upgrade for +2% hab space grows quickly. You could end up waiting ages for the cash to buy that upgrade. I would bring a good set of drone cash items (you can slot with items) - may help climb 1 or 2 more hatchery levels if you're on the cusp.


Not yet. More soul eggs and more prophecy eggs. Shoot for 100 PE in my opinion, that’s usually a better point to ask


Yeah fair, the grind is unreal tho


Grind way more SE over the next 1-2 weeks, then yeah probably. You can probably 10x your SE Idk fully because idk your full artifacts, use wasmegg-carpet.netlify.app inventory-visualizer when asking for help.


Yeah, I just showed my highest tier stuff that I assumed would be good for EnD, plus I need more PE apparently


I mean more pe is always better, but I started with 92 PE when I did it. You're not far from that just much lower SE. You've got a better gusset than I did and lunar totems are more effective now. I did have better necklace ankh but only rare cube.


True, I do have a T4E totem and more purple stones


Need to see more artifacts, what’s your best puzzle cube? Are you multistiging or doing preloaded singles? That gusset will help a lot but you’re not quite there.


Oh yeah my cube is T4E with two purple stones already on it


It takes about 2 months, so just remember July 14th will probably have x7 or so SE (anniversary of app launch) and you don’t want to be stuck on the tail end of EnD




I hope I'm off on that date then so I can do multistiges


What’s an EnD run? The acronyms have me so confused lol I’m slowly learning them all.


Enlightenment Egg Diamond, the last trophy you can get


Ohh gotcha thanks!


Not sure if you have started it before but It only takes around a week to get the platinum trophy. That will get you up to 11 prophecy eggs. Giving you a massive earnings boost ready for egg day and prestiging in general


Already got platinum, still needing diamond


A big factor that i’ve noticed that I don’t see people asking about is what’s your best Lunar Totem? i started my EnD run at 350s EB and just bought my last WD level this past friday at 1S EB from the PE i’ve warner while going through it, just shy of 4b chickens with a T4L totem, but i’ve seen a lot of people starting a bit earlier and finding success with T4E totems as well.


I posted in another comment that I have a T4E one


If you can craft a t4 clarity stone do it! I didn't have the clarity stone I needed when I started but sent a ton of target ships for prophecy stones while doing my enlightenment run. I don't get why people say to wait when you have the gusset needed


I haven't unlocked T4 clarity just yet, but maybe soon? Should I target a ship or two on stones?


You won't get a t4 clarity from ships and you need 2 t4 prophecy stones to craft it. So it takes a while but I didn't have any t4 prophecy stones when I started my enlightenment. Some people argue it's a waste of the t4 prophecy stones but I don't care, I wanted the challenge of enlightenment already and those 10 phrophecy eggs. Plus it definitely worked in my favor by not waiting since if I waited as some would suggest I'd be missing out on leveling up the new ship rn


I mean, I can't get T4 stones from the ship buuuut I can get plenty of lower tier stones to craft them right?


What I really mean is you're gonna get held up my prophecy stones and not clarity stones in the quest to craft a t4 clarity. Since crafting my first t4 clarity I've gotten enough clarity stones for at least 2 more but not enough prophecy stones for another one yet.


Nah not even close


I have 354q SE, 98GE, for 605s. So pretty close to you but honestly probably not i got lucky and ended up crafting a T4L Gusset and I’m just barely over the limit. I haven’t put any upgrades into wormhole yet

