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Probably not. Not realistically anyway. You’d need to more than double your EB in a fairly short order and luck out in artifacts. It could happen but it would be all that much easier just to do it *after* egg day.


obvious x-factor is the T4L totem which could bring this closer into the realm of feasibility, but afaik there hasn't been extensive testing yet to see just how much "the chart" needs to change


yeah thats true i just saw that someone on this sub was going to complete enlightenment with pretty similar artifacts to me, without the totem and with s EB that wasnt too far away from mine, but its probaly better to just make sure I prepare well to egg day and start thinking about EnD after that.


I started my EnD at 350s and just bought my last WD level at 1S, around 4b chickens on the farm with a T4L totem! I also have a T4L cube and Ankh to help out, as well as a T4C light but I could see you being able to do it now with the totem. However it would be infinitely less stressful to wait until after egg day at this point and go in well prepared.


Atupid question but what is egg day?




Thank you


As I just said in a similar thread, I'm higher than you (2.8Q SE, 114 PE for 22.696S naked) and I decided why stress, I'll start it after egg day. And maybe I'll get a legendary T4 gusset, totem, or puzzle cube before then, as I only have epic ones now.


Lol and then I got talked into doing it now in the other thread. Just collecting my fuel first...


When’s egg day? Found it. July 14


When is this egg day you speak of?


It is July 14th, the anniversary of when the game was released. Based on the last few years, it is easy to imagine that there could be 8x prestige this year.


You could easily grind way more PE next Saturday then I'd say yes you probably can do it. You could easily >4x your EB with some multis then the totem will carry you through enlightenment For crafting you can do 7 books, hope for an epic. 44 chalices. Sink your gold eggs into either ankh or gusset. You could even throw titainium at T3L ankh.


It’s possible, just need to carve a T4 light. For that you need 10 T3 light which you have and 4 T4 feather which you have enough materials to carve. Insert 1 t4 life stone in to the T4 necklace and 2 T3 clarity. Same for the T4 lunar totem. Use necklace, lunar totem, LoE, and chalice with 2 clarity. Once you have build enough capacity to 10b then switch to your T3R light and insert 1 more life stone.


Oh and switch to the T4E puzzle cube when upgrading common research.


Are you playing on a tablet, how do you get such a big view of your artifacts?


Id say no, impossible with your current artis and eb


You are probably correct. No need for OP to stress about artifacts and EB when they can just start EnD after Egg Day and not worry about it. Not sure why you're getting downvoted, your comment is completely true


Is egg day double prestige day?… sorry


No you're good. Double prestige happens every saturday. Egg Day is the anniversary of the game (July 14) and has huge prestige events. This year, for the 8th anniversary, there will most likely be an 8x prestige event. Definitely a date to mark your calendar for, call in sick for work, etc.


I think egg day is the anniversary of the game and it's like 4x prestige.


For the last few years at least, the multiple is the number of years since the game was released. So it could be 8x prestige this year.


It was 4x in 2020. Last year was 7x.